Feelings are deceptive but Faith is for RealEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 28, 2014  Hits: 9,147   Category:  Emotions, Feelings and Faith   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-


By all means faith guides us well in times of trouble. But our feelings sometimes will eventually drive us crazy if we don't control them. Do you know how many times we are tempted to do something or to think about something that will eventually cause damage to our relationship with God?


Feelings, thoughts, sensation and beauty are all the expression of our physical body and mind. And we know better than to rely on something like physical because it will change. The world and all its burnning sensations will pass. The Spirit is something everlasting. In this short life I have lived, I have been through a lot of issues but something is always true that everything doesn't stay the same.


Whether it is our relationship with other human body or our job or our society in general they all will eventually change needless to say they all will turn their back on us just to show us that everythig will change and there is nothing faithful to us except God.


Our greatest enemy is so to speak ourselves in terms of our selfish desires and the sensation we have to the world.If our friends bring a problem to us, we will close the door on them. But there is no way we lock ourselves outside and stay in peace with our selves.


We have intimate close uninturepted, unconditional, untimely, continuous relationship with ourselves. That is dangerous in a way that might bring huge distraction if something is gone wrong within us. For example if we are addicted to unusual habit or if we let ourselves go wrong in uncontrollable manner, how dangeroius we that be to us. It will bring a lot of distruction and we will hurt ourselves so bad in the end.


Faith on the other hand is something beyond the current existing problem we face. It is to believe something beyound our ability to believe. It takes courage and a lot of spiritual energy to have faith.


All we need is a little bit of love and hope as much as we get. Faith is to believe that something in the spiritual would come to reality in the physical. Faith is to believe God that he can do better than all we can in our strength using our physical ability. It shouldn t be when bad things happen to us or when something happens beyond our abilities but we could literally use anything to trust God that he will do it better for us.

The sensation that comes above is not the one like that of the world. Sensation of this world is from the flesh and it is mortal and it comes with the promise of getting false pleasure. Spiritual sensibility brings wisdom and increases our faith on the Lord. It is also the gateway to Gods way and teachings. Women tend to have more of this physical and spiritual sensibility.

Women tend to have in many ways more sensual and spiritual feelings than a man. It is good to be a sensible individual because it brings wisdom than to neglect education and be foolish. These senses are like candles waiting to be lighted. Some say these candles are infinite for woman because there have plenty of them.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us to teach us not to follow our temporary feelings for they are deceptive and help us establish a permanent faithful relationship with God, in Jesus Name, AMEN!



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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Tan Yeowhwa
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Indeed, let the faith of God and faith in God be our guiding force of our lives, never allowing feelings and circumstances to change our course Thanks for sharing, Brother Tedy

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