Fighting our Battles with ObedienceEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Jan. 5, 2014  Hits: 7,322   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


In our lives we have come face to face with many problems and none of them were too easy to be underestimated. Life was meant to be enjoyable regardless of money, friendship, family and commitment to any of these.

The idea of happiness only comes from the source of life. From the same point of reference we all have created. Only there we can find true happiness. Only there we have all we need to exist.

We have left our homes which is our safe zone and stranded all over the places. We have seen problems hit us and make our lives miserable.

This is all just because we couldnt see what God has prepared for us from the beginning. We couldnt realize what kind of peace and joy that can be found with him.

"Our love and our dear, whom we despise his consolidation"

What would we do with out him any more? We have seen his protection and mercy once more again. His love surrounds us where ever we go and what ever we do.

Only he knows how much he loves us. We shall discover and know the truth about his love the rest of our lives. Then, we shall sing of his love forever.

Out of a broken heart and full of sorrow, our praise goes on everyday. Even if sin always asks us to withdraw from our love, we shall keep on going on the path he has prepared for us long before we were born.

Yes of course we work to live, we lie to live, but still we cannot find our heart in to it. our heart has left us long time ago. Our soul only trusts day and night only one thing, which is to see the glory of God.

Purely and with great love we worshiped him. Honestly we praise and magnify his name. But yet our heart always causes us many griefs. Our lives are not be able to clean as you wanted to.

All we want is to finish all with obedience - To win every battle with love.We have no enemies of this world. The enemy of flesh and blood is incomparable to the spirit of evil.

The tactics and devilish thought we come to understand is almost inconceivable. Our enemy has grown large everyday - grown fat and big.

The size of the container of the Lords spirit in us is small compared to the number of our enemies even if God wants to fill us with his spirit in fullness. Though the armor of war God has given us is able to destroy every wickedness from the devil, we havent still finished using it efficiently.Our obedience is not finished yet to destroy every spirit of disobedience. Lord, please help us becoming your best worriers of all time. You got to train us and train us hard.

You got to hit us so that we become strong. You got to teach us and talk to us to give us understanding. Only then we will say we bear fruit in your kingdom. Only then we will be fully redeemed by the blood of Jesus and wakefully wait for evil. We guard your kingdom and protect the rest of the flock.

Glory and honor belongs to God and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with faithful love, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

How to get forgiveness for life? Some is for life time but not eternal. This is like God will feed you, bless you and LOVE you but until you die. After you die, there is no remembrance to your name. This is cool teaching about why LOVE is more than anything in life.

Think of for your self, would you marry what you don't LOVE?
If you do, you never heard of the kind of LOVE that is in the scriptures that is Gods Love - a true love and faithful one. That is why God doesnt welcome anyone to his kingdom that has no love for him and his son. That is because they never believed what God has done for them through Christ Jesus.

We hate addiction in general. It is like some external force governing our

ives. It was the one who created me should control me and no one else. Addiction is like a hook in the mouth. Like a fish is captured in bait or a bird in a cage. What so ever thing we do, we are just circling around that same orbit. We are addicted to sin because we relentlessly depend on the grace of God.

Now we have come in to a position we cannot control that. We cant control our selves any more. What needs to be controlled first and most importantly is not your clothing habit or your eating habit and your talking habit.
You need to control those habit you and God know that you know it is not good. Devil may even try to convince you that it is ok to do it.

I know the poor who cannot afford to eat good, quality food will make it to heaven. But I don't know some immoral people would. So fight immorality in general. Praise God


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