Finding Gods Purpose for our LivesEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 16, 2014  Hits: 8,276   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


We are not going to spend the rest of our lives with out accomplishing the will of God. Most of us think if God would like to help us, then we want to do his will and stay fruitful to him. But now all we are seeing and smelling is not nice and sweet at all.We know how many times we tried to quit our own ways and start to please God.

Although we failed and raised many times in the past, we still have hope in God. One day will come for us to understand that we are above our enemies.Our strugle is against the spiritual principalities and the power of the wicked. It shall be broken forever even if it is going to be with bloodshed. Without blood and sacrifices, freedom is unthinkable. Without freedom life is not worthy of living.

Sometimes trouble times and adversaries are God s ways of getting our attention back in to his plan and his purpose for our lives. His purpose for us gives us a huge amount of energy to move on. All the allies and the Angels are ready to help if we are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing/purpose.

Job 36:15- Hard times and trouble are God's way of getting our attention!

Isaiah 38:17-It was for my own good that I had such hard times.

How are we going to understand the Bible if we are not in our place/purpose?The Bible is all about men and women of God living to wait upon and fulfill God s purpose for their life. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob all waited upon the Lord to fulfill God's will (promise) in their lives.

Life without purpose can also bring psychological disease. It is depression as it is without passion that leads to defeat. We all want to live a victorious life. We want to be a winner and not a loser. That is why we need to go get our lives back and get our identity and purpose in Christ.

Only those who act without the nature of God try and live literally anything under the guidance of the love of money. God's children must hear from God and hear the truth according to the word of God and live and finish their lives accordingly.

It is almost impossible to find a companion in life and a purpose here but to GOD there is no word called impossible or unimaginable. He brought forth the unthinkable to existence. And our situation is not different. His job is to make sure justice is done.

What are going to do with all these issues of pleasing our selves? Life is sometimes boring without some form of pleasure that is according to the word of God. This kind of pleasure doesn't come before we find our purpose in life. Pleasure without purpose is pain because it is selfish by its nature.

Woman can easily identify their mate who already found their purpose. So do men.We can study the lives of Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David. They all find their callings from the Lord and they were fulfilled.

Basically if we cannot find our purpose then we won't find our selves. We are living another's persons dream. So we will not find the direction that God wants to lead us and we cannot lead another person. That is why marriages are broken; children are forced to live a destitute and desperate life.&nbs


l of these happen because we don't find our purpose in life. No money can do the job for us. No one else will lead them for us. Many years of misery and passionless life is a life with out purpose. We cannot even talk in front of no body let alone a group or a seminar because of pain inside of us. Only crying day and night, and sinning against God sometimes seems inevitable. We shall choose what we should persue the rest of our lives. We shall choose whom we should spent the rest of our lives. No one can do it for us.

It is much better to delegate other choices in life than the issue of purpose. This doesn't mean also our friends and soul-mates do not play an important role in finding and accomplishing our purpose. But purpose need to come before pleasure. What are the different forms of pleasure? Finding purpose by it self gives happiness and by finding true relationship with others.

O Lord, please help us chose wisely our friends and our marriage partner. "Give me my mountain", Kaleb asked Joshua. It is something we should pray to you, dear God. Our mind and strength is still good. We can study well. We have a good understanding. 

You have anointed us with huge grace of understanding, wisdom and love. If you don't help us in getting our purpose, we are going to waste it all bit by bit, drip by drip, day by day. Our personality has changed because of your insight. Our attitude has changed because of your word. Our spirit has changed because of your spirit.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us to teach us not to give up on our dreams for the sake of our temporary feelings and those around us and may God give us hope for finding it, love and passion for pursuing it and faith for fulfilling it in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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