Emotions, Thoughts and Spirit Part 2Edit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 9, 2014  Hits: 5,826   Category:  Emotions, Feelings and Faith   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Our emotions are our guiding checking points of our lives. Whenever we feel angry we will soon understand that there is something going on that needs the interference of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We see that with out dealing with our emotions according to the word of God and the conviction of the Holy Ghost, we will not head in to the right direction.

If we are not reading the Bible daily, we will not have enough knowledge that will lead us to the right direction. When we were under the slavery of sin, we will do everything that the devil has demanded from us. We will not have enough power but to take everything that our temporarily feelings has caused us to feel.

We are easily angered and we don’t have enough power to resist the devil temptations or that of the flesh’s desire. Once we are saved by the grace of God and baptized with Holy Ghost, it is completely opposite of what we used to feel. We no longer feel the urge of committing the sin we used to do. We are completely healed from it.

We are emotional beings and that doesn’t necessary mean it is bad. There is a time where our emotions like a sixth sense tell us to completely get away from a disaster about to come . Yes, when the Spirit of the Lord touches our spirit and indicate there is harm in our way; we tend to feel what is to come in our emotions. We fear a little bit we trouble and get angry in other words they are giving a sign of something is about to begin that is unusual to us.

The other side of this is when we tend to be carried away to listen and stick to our emotions when it could be a false alert. There is a little evidence that our emotions don’t lie to us. The truth is we are not sure what others are thinking and we are also clue less whether or not they could harm us.

So our emotions are our guidelines but not our final remarks to make decisions. Sometimes we become too much embittered and we don’t know what to do after we got some sense of negative feelings. Well I know for sure that if we follow that then that will be the end of everything.

When the moment is filled with bitter emotions and we are victims of our feelings. When things do not look right or we don’t feel it in more pleasant way. There is still plenty of time and energy in us that will make us flee from our emotions and get on track.

Instead of our deepest fears and emotional imbalances, if we focus on the grace and love that the Lord is pouring in to our spirit, we will have a humble experience and can lead to the right direction.

What has our reasoning to do with our feelings?
Our thoughts is our way of reasoning and is the ability to make a sound decision. It is the ability to communicate well and in a positive manner. It is to be a well-educated person who can understand nature very well. It is something you can work on daily basis.

Something you can learn and exercise like you exercise your muscles. This is all about your mind. All about logic, moral issues, science. It has nothing to do with your feelings. Is it good to reason, which is to think logically and reasonably, without incorporating your feelings? Is it good to be a sensible person in the first place? Are there these kinds of people or both?

A person who uses his feelings to reach to a decision is called an artist. An artist gives great value to his feelings rather than his reasoning ability. What is the value of art and what is the value of science. How can one relate to the other? How much one can effect on the other. Can they exist together for example on a single phenomenon?

Can one like one and have no clue on another? Science is in the details. Art is on the presentation. Science makes the inside and art make the outside. The science of an ocean is how the molecules are made. What combination of elements makes what we know as water. In what percentage do molecules occur in a singl

op? What is its reaction to the outside world? The art of an ocean is in its presentation. How we can persevere its blue nature. How it goes with the blue sky and the living creatures in it. The beuty of the beach and the waves and many more. We can feel the beauty of the ocean but can’t describe it as a science.

It is there in our heart to explain its true nature but cannot find any word except to say it is beautiful. We all have the potential to be an artist or a scientist. God is our creator and he made as like him in his image that is the image of personality, creativity, reasoning, learning, admiration, judgment. 


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