In Ephesians 6:17, it tells us to take up the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. The Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God. You see, we are in the spiritual battle. And without the Sword you can‘t fight or be successful. There‘s this word called “rhema”, and it means the spoken Word of God. It also means guidance. Another name for rhema is the Sword of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit will guide you.

John 14:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit is the advocate who will remind us of everything that Jesus said. The Holy Spirit will help us with the spiritual battle we are in. Let the Holy Spirit guide your thoughts, plans, desires, and your whole life.  Let the Holy Spirit guide you so you can follow. We can grieve the Holy Spirit when we do the opposite. If we are truly reborn as a Christian, then when we do something wrong, we should feel guilty. Or we could just live in sin. 

We are taking the Spirit for granted. 

Only the Holy Spirit knows God’s thoughts. The Holy Spirit has a job of revealing the truth to us. Let me tell you something important: Live through the Holy Spirit. If we want to win this battle and defeat the devil, we need logos and rhemas. The logos help you to understand the truth and the rhemas help even better. The difference between my soul and my spirit is that the Spirit cuts between my soul in it. And if you put them together, your Spirit will be overwhelmed. When you receive Jesus we feel stronger. 

This is why the Sword and the other pieces of the Armor are different. The other pieces are only there for protection but the Sword is there to go on offensive. Yes, the Sword does give protection, but also in an offensive. The Sword gives us freedom, power, truth, and spiritual life. God speaks to us through the Holy Spirit. We need to remember that you’re never alone. God in the Holy Spirit are with us, and they won’t forsake us. In fact, when do you think God has forsaken you you probably are being tested by God. When we need help, we can call on God. 

Prayer is crucial too, so don’t forget it either. 

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Phoebe    |    Dec. 29, 2024     | 185 Views    |   

Faithfulness and the Fear of the Lord

The stories of Abraham , Job and Jesus for instance teaches us the importance of fearing the Lord and how God abundently bless them whereas the story about Ananania (Acts 5),Saul, Adam and Eve, Lucifer, the Israelites , children of Eli (1 Samuel 2:12) teaches us the consequences of dishonoring the Lord and pay a great price even death 

  • As my mom used to tell me Live your life knowing God is watching everything we do and we will be held responsible for every action we take
  • The fear of the Lord is often misunderstood, but it is foundational to a healthy relationship with God.
  • If you Got scared every time someone mentioned the name of God that is not the correct way of fearing God
  • Many confuse fear with terror, but biblical fear of the Lord is more about reverence, awe, and respect.
  • You hate what he hates and you love he loves
  • You don’t want God to leave you and therefore you make every effort to obey him and respect him
  • Like David say don’t take away your spirit from me
  • The fear of the Lord does not mean we cower in His presence, but that we approach Him with respect. It helps us to see our dependence on God, knowing that apart from Him, we can do nothing.


Proverbs 9:10 tells us,

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom,"


Psalms 89:7

God needs to be greatly feared


Matthew 10:28 (NIV):

Jesus once said, “I will show you whom shall you fear.  Fear not those who at most can only kill and destroy your life, but the One who can kill and burn your soul forever.” 


Isaiah 11:2 

Jesus the fear of the lord will be with him

How do we Honor God

  • which means true understanding starts with recognizing God’s greatness.
  • To love God with all your might , your soul, your thoughts, your strength
  • Having respect for his word
  • Dedicating your life for him
  • Lean not your understanding - get your first opinion from him
  • Forging others so since God has forgiving your sin
  • By acknowledging Him in everything you do —-Giving him the creditfor your accomplishments
  • He is the judge of all, both in this life and the next.
  • To fear God is to recognize that His ways are higher than ours.
  • By loving and serving others


Isaiah 55:8-9 (NIV):

For my thoughts are not your thoughts,

neither are your ways my ways,”

declares the Lord.

“As the heavens are higher than the earth,

so are my ways higher than your ways

and my thoughts than your thoughts.”


The benefits of Honoring God

  • Detronomy 28 lists out all the blessings we get when we fear the Lord and walk with him in righteousness 
  • The fear of the Lord is tied to wisdom, meaning that when we revere God, we make wiser choices.
  • It also guides us to avoid evil, for fearing God means we respect His commands and strive to live according to them.
  • This fear doesn’t drive us away from God but draws us closer, as it builds a sense of trust in His power and righteousness.
  • Psalm 34:9 encourages us, "Fear the Lord, you His saints, for those who fear Him lack nothing."
  • This verse shows that the fear of the Lord is not about losing out, but about gaining everything we truly need.
  • It is to see His holiness and recognize that He is beyond compare. Fear of the Lord helps us to live with a sense of purpose, aligning our lives with His will.
  • It prevents pride from taking root in our hearts because we understand that we are nothing without God.
  • Proverbs 14:26. In the fear of the Lord, there is strong confidence,says Fear may seem like it would weaken us, but fearing the Lord strengthens us by giving us firm trust in His power.  ?
  • When we fear the Lord, we see sin for what it truly is – rebellion against the One who is sovereign. This fear leads to repentance, as we become more aware of how our actions affect our relationship with God.
  • Proverbs 8:13 teaches,
  • "To fear the Lord is to hate evil and violence. Let God take the revenge for you
  • The story of David and Uriah’s wife (Abigail)
  • If we fear the Lord, we should be moved to reject all that is contrary to His nature. In doing so, we also grow in love for what is good and righteous.
  • Jesus said I am the vine you are the branches..
  • Fearing the Lord gives us a sense of awe and wonder at His works, His creation, and His involvement in our lives.
  • When we fear God, we know that He is our refuge and our protector.
  • Fearing the Lord brings freedom, because we no longer need to live in fear of man or circumstances.
  • This fear brings joy because we know that we are under the care of a mighty and loving Father.
  • Ecclesiastes 12:13 sums up the duty of humanity: "Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of man."
  • When we fear the Lord, we keep His commandments, not out of obligation but out of love.
  • The fear of the Lord is linked with love because, as we fear Him, we grow in affection for His goodness. It’s a fear that deepens our relationship with God.
  • Psalm 147:11 assures us, "The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him." God delights in those who revere Him because it shows our trust and faith in His authority.
  • Fearing God brings blessings upon our lives, as
  • Psalm 115:13 says, "He will bless those who fear the Lord, both small and great."
  • It frees us from the pressures of this world, knowing that we live to honor Him.
  • Psalm 103:17 promises, "The mercy of the Lord is from everlasting to everlasting on those who fear Him."
  • Fear of the Lord opens us to God’s grace and mercy in every area of life. It brings healing to our souls and restoration to our hearts.
  • This fear leads us to experience God’s abundant love. The fear of the Lord purifies us, making us holy as He is holy. It transforms us from the inside out, leading us to live in a way that honors God. Those who fear the Lord seek justice and mercy, just as God does. They care for the poor and the oppressed, walking in love toward others.
  • The fear of the Lord turns us away from selfishness and toward generosity.
  • It prompts us to live for something greater than ourselves.
  • When we fear God, we align our will with His, seeking to do what pleases Him.
  • This fear helps us avoid the pitfalls of sin, as we know the consequences of disobeying God.
  • Fearing the Lord keeps us spiritually alert, knowing that we are accountable to Him. It fosters a deep desire for purity and holiness in our lives. The fear of the Lord draws us into a deeper prayer life, as we seek His guidance and wisdom. It leads us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Fearing the Lord sets us apart from the world, as we live according to His ways.
  • It gives us a sense of belonging, knowing that we are His children. The fear of the Lord helps us to see others through His eyes, with love and compassion. It stirs within us a longing to see His kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. This fear drives us to share the gospel, knowing that all will stand before God one day.
  • Fearing the Lord brings us peace, as we trust in His sovereignty over our lives. It comforts us in knowing that God is in control, no matter the circumstances. The fear of the Lord inspires us to worship, for He alone is worthy of all honor and glory. It leads us to live with integrity, knowing that we are always in God’s presence. When we fear the Lord, we walk in the light of His truth.
  • The fear of the Lord is our safeguard against temptation and sin
... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Oct. 2, 2024     | 266 Views    |   

Holy Spirit

  • The third person in the trinity of God, God the father, the son (Jesus Christ) and The spirit of God
  • Jesus said, It is better I go to my father because the father will send his spirit to live in you to comfort you, lead you the way in the will of God
  • Wherever there is the presence of the Holy Spirit, that is our safest place in terms of living a life up to the standard of the word of God.

Holy Spirit is wonderful counselor

Isaiah 11:2: “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him,

the Spirit of wisdom and understanding,

the Spirit of counsel and might,

the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.”

• No matter where you are and no matter what you are doing, you can just reach out to him and feel blessed.

• Holy Spirit will never leave you nor forsake you.

• He will strengthen you when you feel weak and helpless.

• When you lay down in pain and agony, he will make you bear your pain.

  • Paul and Silas were severely beaten

• No one on earth will understand what you are going through in life more than him.

• Not even your family, not even your closest friend.

• He is your closest friend.

• He understands everything.

• He is on your side.

• Most of the time, we will fall in trouble when we depend on what is called ‘human counselor’.

• Whether it is a close friend or not, no one can give us the comfort and condolences as the Lord himself can give.

• In fact, they can be trouble when they turn their back on us one day and start gossiping about us.

• On the contrary, the Holy Spirit is a wonderful counselor.

• He will never turn his back on you. He will never let you down under any circumstances. Where shall I find him? Where do I seek him? We will find him when we incline our heart to him. I don’t know how many times we have done that every day.

• The Holy Spirit just speaks to our soul every day in various ways, but we couldn’t listen to his voice.

• We spend most of our time on something that is of no value compared to the life he can give us.

• We never have time to stop for a moment and talk to him in a manner that we can talk and listen to a person.

• But when we do, we know he is so kind, knowing every deep secret of our heart.

Holy Spirit Convicts of Our Sins

Proverbs 3:11-12: "My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline, and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves, as a father the son he delights in."

• But many who have already chosen the road to death wouldn’t want to do that because he will convict them of their sins and they don’t want to confess their sins to him and become forgiven.

• However, his convictions are not like anger full of judgment.

• His convictions bring life rather than death.

• When the devil convicts you of your sins, he condemns you and you will regret it to death.

• But when the Spirit of God convicts your sin, he does that so that you may come out of your miserable life and follow his voice in the light, the everlasting life of peace and love.

• That’s how we know who is convicting us of sin.

• If it is the Holy Spirit, he will lead us into peace.

• More confession to him, we feel more relief and more peace inside.

• Less confession means we are depriving ourselves of this wonderful healer’s peace.

• When the sinner lady cried out her innermost pain and trouble of her life at Jesus’ feet, she was forgiven. Luke 7:36

• But how do we know if we are forgiven?

• It all depends on how much we ask for forgiveness.

• It all depends on how much we forgive ourselves in the first place.

• It all depends on how sincerely we cry out to him with truth and hate for sin.

• God is so much more generous than we can possibly imagine in forgiving our sins.

• So don’t say that your sin is bigger than God’s mercy and forgiveness.

• There is no sin that the blood of Jesus cannot cleanse if we come to him knowing that he is the complete healer.

• He is a healer of a nation and the whole world.

• How come the almighty cannot forgive your sin?

• We have to come to him by faith and by faith we will receive our healing of sin.

• We have to take him as our only option, not as an option.

• I just wonder how the Holy Spirit is represented by a dove when he descended from heaven and testified that Jesus is the Son of God.

• What a good representation of the Spirit of God to us.

• He is peace.

• At some point in his ministry, the Bible teaches us that Jesus felt this wonderful joy inside of him that was not related to any source from outside.

• I wonder if we could experience such a joy in our lives every day, how things could be different.

Holy Spirit is a Living Water

John 4:14 Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst

Galatians 5:22-23 (NIV): “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

• The way we talk and love and see things would be completely different.

• That is why we need him so badly.

• We need his voice daily.

• We need him more than anything in life.

• No devil can come between us and the Holy Spirit.

• He may tempt you to go away from him.

• He may tempt you to sin against him.

• But he is just jealous when we establish a covenant relationship with the Spirit of God.

• He just doesn’t know what we are talking about.

• He is really confused when we talk to God in secret through his spirit like a son talks to his father.

• A Christian living without day-to-day experience of this peace and joy from the Holy Spirit is like a fish living without water.

• We are just empty, dry, and a very clear target for the enemy.

• This shall dictate to us how it is really important to live in the presence of the Holy Ghost day by day to avoid temptations,    sin, and the troubles of the world and be led into our eternal blessing and joy to our father through our Lord Christ Jesus. Amen!

Holy Spirit Guarantee of our inheritance

“The Spirit is the guarantee [the first installment, the pledge, a foretaste] of our inheritance until the redemption of God’s own [purchased] possession [His believers], to the praise of His glory.”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭14‬

“ And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God [but seek to please Him], by whom you were sealed and marked [branded as God’s own] for the day of redemption [the final deliverance from the consequences of sin].”

‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭4‬:‭30‬ ‭AMP‬‬


  1. What is the Holy Spirit often symbolized as during the baptism of Jesus?
  2. Who sent the Holy Spirit to be with us?
  3. Can you name one of the fruits of the Holy Spirit?
  4. How does the Holy Spirit help us in our daily lives?
  5. Can you think of a story from the Bible where the Holy Spirit played a significant role?
  6. What are some ways we can connect with the Holy Spirit?
  7. How does the Holy Spirit guide us?
  8. Can you name one gift of the Holy Spirit?
  9. Why is it important to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit?
  10. How can we honor and respect the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
  11. How do we know if we are forgiven?



“O the spirit of peace, please come to our heart and give me rest from all my difficulties.

• I will make my heart straight with you.

• I will sanctify my soul and flesh with the blood of Jesus.

• Come heal my broken heart.

• Come fill me with simple joy that is not related to anything in life.

• Because you are the source of joy that will never run out in Jesus Name Amen!!.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Phoebe    |    Jul. 4, 2024     | 448 Views    |   

Fixing our eyes on Jesus

Why it is important?

  • Because Without faith it is impossible to please God
  • Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.
  • Faith is to believe God can do extra ordinary things far much better than we can possibly do.
  • Believing in God promises more than our doubts and fears

Examples of faith

  • We believe God made the heavens and earth
  • We believe that our sins are forgiven when we pray
  • When you come face to face with very difficult situation (exam or )and you have no idea what to do about, faith comes to rescue
  • When you meet some difficult person like a Bully person in school and try to make you feel bad
  • When someone you love is sick and we pray for their healing
  • Most importantly we believe that we have everlasting life because Jesus died for us
  • In all of these and many more we stick our selves to Gods

Lessons from Hebrews 11

  • In the journey of faith, the metaphor of running a race is a powerful image.
  • The New Testament frequently uses this analogy to encourage believers to persevere in their spiritual journey (1 Corinthians 9:24-27, 2 Timothy 4:7-8).
  • Hebrews 11, often referred to as the "Faith Hall of Fame," provides profound insights and examples of enduring faith.
  • Jesus also taught us a crucial lesson about priorities.
  • In John 6:27, He said, "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you."
  • This reminds us to focus on eternal values rather than temporary, perishable things.

The Heroes of Faith

  • Hebrews 11 recounts the stories of numerous individuals who demonstrated extraordinary faith.
  • These "heroes" faced diverse challenges, yet they remained steadfast in their trust in God
  • Abel: Demonstrated the importance of offering our best to God, even if it means standing alone
  • Enoch: Walked faithfully with God, showing us the value of a close relationship with the Divine
  • Noah: Built an ark in obedience to God's command, illustrating the importance of trusting God's plan even when it seems improbable (Hebrews 11:7).
  • Abraham: Left his home for an unknown land, embodying the call to step out in faith without knowing the full picture (Hebrews 11:8-10).
  • Sarah: Believed in God's promise of a child despite her old age, teaching us to trust in God's timing and promises (Hebrews 11:11-12).

Faith in Action

  • These stories emphasize that faith is not passive but active.
  • It requires movement, decisions, and sometimes even risks
  • This assurance and conviction drive believers to act in accordance with God's will, even when circumstances are challenging (James 2:22).

Overcoming Obstacles

  • The heroes of faith faced significant obstacles.
  • Abraham was called to sacrifice his promised son Isaac (Genesis 22:1-19, Hebrews 11:17-19).
  • Moses led the Israelites out of Egypt despite immense opposition (Exodus 3:1-10, Hebrews 11:24-29).
  • These stories remind us that enduring faith often involves overcoming trials and tribulations.
  • James 1:2-4 reinforces this idea, encouraging believers to consider trials as opportunities for growth, resulting in maturity and completeness.

The Ultimate Example: Jesus

  • Hebrews 12:1-2 shifts our focus to the ultimate example of enduring faith: Jesus Christ.
  • He is described as "the pioneer and perfecter of faith."
  • Jesus endured the cross, scorning its shame, and is now seated at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:2).
  • His journey exemplifies ultimate endurance and faithfulness, providing us with the perfect model to follow (Philippians 2:5-11).

Practical Steps for Running with Endurance

  • Lay Aside Every Weight: Hebrews 12:1 urges us to "throw off everything that hinders from running and the sin that so easily entangles."
  • Identify and let go of anything that slows your spiritual progress
  • Fix Your Eyes on Jesus: Keep your focus on Christ, drawing strength from His example and presence (Philippians 3:13-14).
  • Run with Perseverance: Understand that the race is a marathon, not a sprint. Stay committed, even when the path is tough
  • Draw Strength from Community: The "great cloud of witnesses" mentioned in Hebrews 12:1 includes those who have gone before us. Draw inspiration from their stories and lean on your faith community for support (Hebrews 10:24-25).


Faith has three components that should not be separated,

  • Righteousness
  • Relationship
  • Responsibilities


Romans 4:7

Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered;

  1. In this scripture we also learn that when God forgives us we are considered blessed by default
  2. No work of once own is needed to reach that level
  3. We are just the byproduct of what Jesus has completed on the cross
  4. As result we are considered now saints where the fact is we were vagabond and sinners who all rebelled against the word of God
  5. The package of our salvation comes first before every other thing before we even think how to please God with our actions


Romans‬ ‭5‬:‭1‬

By faith we have been made acceptable to God.

And now, thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ, we have peace with God.

Christ has also introduced us to God's gift of undeserved grace on which we now take our stand. So we are happy, as we look forward to sharing in the glory of God.


James 2:14

Faith without work is dead

  1. We are required to live up to the expectation by God that is away from wickedness and in love
  2. For every wrong doing or an act of faith, there is a consequence of our action that we must reap
  3. God faithfully bless those who faithfully obey him and rebuke who rebeled against his teaching
  4. The righteousness of man is faith accompanied by work and not work accompanied by faith
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        Phoebe    |    Jul. 4, 2024     | 533 Views    |   

Greetings, friends! I will be talking about another piece of the Armor,  The Shield of Faith. Faith comes from you. Not your mom, aunt, granny, friend or dad. You. You need to believe in God. You need to believe in Jesus. You need to believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins. Faith is on you. Although we have victory through Jesus, we already have victory from God.


The difference between believers and unbelievers is that believers have faith and unbelievers don’t. Since they don’t have faith, they worry, and stress.  But as Christians we rely on God, so we have peace in our hearts. It drives away all the worries in our hearts and minds.


Do you know what Faith is? Faith is everything we know about God and that we believe Jesus died on the cross in our place. He is our Founder and Perfector. James 2:19 says that faith by itself is meaningless. We need to do good deeds as well. We all go to Jesus so that we can receive Salvation. But meanwhile, we are on the road to Sanctification. We stay in this process until we die. Sanctification is how we grow spiritually. While we are on this road, Jesus will help us. But our faith must be tested. James 1:2-8 tells us that we should not be unhappy with the trouble we are facing. It will help us build endurance, and when it is complete, we will be perfect.


Although you need wisdom, God will give it to you without rebuking you. But you must trust him completely or else you shouldn’t receive anything from the Lord. I love the Lord, so I feel that no one can drive my faith away. Or, I have unshakable faith. Although I know that I’m still on the road to sanctification, I still believe Jesus will help me through it. I do believe it. I have some good news: Our faith can grow. People who don’t believe too much are those with little faith like in Matthew 8:23-27. It talks about the boat ride with Jesus and his disciples. so Jesus went into the boat with his disciples, but a violent storm struck while sleeping. The disciples woke him up, saying, “Save us Lord! We’re going to drown!” But Jesus replied, “Why are you so afraid? You with little Faith! “This is an example that our faith is still so little that it still does not know everything, but as your faith grows, we will know little by little.


Proverbs 3:5-8 means that we should not be prideful with our wisdom. Like I mentioned, we still don’t know everything. But if we fear the Lord, then our faith will build up until we are perfect. It is like building up a tower until it is complete. We take Jesus for granted because we hear him all the time. Just like if you live on Hawaii, you’ll see beaches all the time. But if you saw a beach for the first time, then it would be like a big deal. You would be like “Oh my gosh, that is so cool” and stuff like that. That is what we do. We take Jesus for granted, but newcomers are amazed. People who have been Christian for a long time take him for granted because we hear him over and over again. We have forgotten that we have been given the best of all gifts. 1 Corinthians 13:13 tells us three things that will last forever – Love, Faith, and Hope.


Peace is what makes us feel peace in our hearts. When we encounter hardships, we are not encountering the same hardships as a person who doesn’t know Jesus. And when we encounter hardships, we don’t focus on them. We focus on Jesus and fix our eyes on Him.


The moral of the story, like the title, is The Shield of Faith.

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        Phoebe    |    May. 30, 2024     | 610 Views    |   

እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት ወደ ሕይወት ይመራል፤ የሚፈራውም ጠግቦ ይኖራል፥ ክፉ ነገርም አያገኘውም።

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        Tewodros    |    Mar. 16, 2024     | 1,008 Views    |   

Hi friends, I’m here to remind you about the Love of God. The Love of God is unique. No person has that kind of love. God’s love is unfailing, undeserving, (I mean that we don’t deserve it because Jesus died for our sins. He had to die for our sins, not His own.) unending, merciful, etc… kind of love. In fact, the whole Bible is about the Love of God. But the highest peak of God’s love is Jesus Christ. What I’m saying is, that because God loved us SO much, God sent His ONLY and begotten Son (Jesus Christ) so that whoever believes in Him, will have eternal (forever) life.


Whenever you feel down, God is looking down at you and He loves you no matter what. In fact, God is never mad at anyone, He only looks down on us and feels very sorry for us. Like in the story of Noah in the Bible, the whole world was doing bad things. Or committing sins. God did not get very angry. Instead, he felt very sorry and decided to flood the earth because of all the bad things that we did. And he saw that only one man was following His Word called Noah. You see, at the end of the story of Noah, God made a rainbow to show that he will never flood the entire earth again. That is an example of God's Love for us.


If you read the Bible often, you will see many examples in the Bible when God showed mercy and that's also a type of God's love. He also shows it to us in our world, but we don't thank him or praise him for it. God is trying to prove to us that He loves us. And He does. Believe me. Why do you think God would send His only Son if He didn’t love us? God loves us SO much He actually loves us more than any human being. And we, should love Him more than any human being. Or else we are breaking one of His commands. Just like He loves us SO MUCH we should love each other. That is called loving your neighbor. For God, neighbor doesn’t mean the person who lives right next to you, but the person who loves you and takes care of you. That would be following His laws. But also love your enemies. They may hate you, but pray for them to become better. This is also one of the main principles of God and Jesus Christ.

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        Phoebe    |    Jan. 1, 2024     | 1,118 Views    |   

Hi friends, I’m here to talk about the Armor of God. If you go to battle, you need to be armed with the Armor. Without it, the devil sees you as an easy target. So I will talk about one of the pieces; The Shoes of Peace.

We need to remind ourselves about the shoes of peace. Because that protects us from walking in the path of death. If we walk in the path of death, we will stumble many times. If we walk in the path of life, we will have a smooth path with no trouble! 

The shoes of peace are part of the gospel of peace. After you have received the shoes of peace, share it with others instead of keeping it just for yourself. That's what Jesus’s sheep do. To have the shoes, you need to have the readiness.  And when I say to share it, I am saying to preach it also. Preach it for others. 2 Timothy 4:2 is related to this. It says that we should preach the word of God, anytime or anywhere.

As God's children, we have the responsibility to listen to the Holy Spirit. If you are talking to a friend, a teacher, a person you know, and  you feel like the Holy Spirit is talking to you, do it. Listen to it. The Holy Spirit is guiding you at that very moment. We also need to speak the truth in love. We need to preach God's word in kindness. Or else no one would want to know about God. If we don't speak in truth, our chains will not be broken. But when we do speak in truth, we will be set free. Only truth can set you free. 

We are living in a world that doesn't have time to share the gospel. Even in Matthew 6:31-32 gives examples about questions we use as excuses during the day. One of the many excuses we use are, “What will we eat?” The only people who ask those questions are unbelievers, only unbelievers stress like that. As Christians, we rely on God. We need to depend on him. We do that not just because we are Christians, but also because our God is the same yesterday, today and always. Whenever we trust in God, we feel peace because he’s very proud of us. When we don’t trust in him, the devil takes this advantage to distract you. He uses your personal life; close family, people, or even your own hobbies. Even when we go through really tough times, don’t lose heart. Or in another way, stand firm. John 16:33, Jesus said we had to suffer in this world. But Jesus also said that he defeated this world. So no worries! Jesus had told all this, so that we could have peace in our hearts.

 In my life, I do ground tennis, exercise, and many other activities. But I feel deep down that I am playing with my life. What I mean is not taking time to read the Bible very often, but one thing I’m glad about is that I pray every single day before school so that God could bless my day. 1 John 2:17 tells us this world, and everything with it will disappear. But if we listen and obey God‘s commands, we will live forever (spiritually.)

 I think I am doing the will of God, because I do the best I can of what God expects. I think that all Christians should do the same. We should not wear the shoes just to share the gospel, but to stand for not our righteousness, but Jesus’s righteousness. We need to stand against the devil and his evil schemes. 1 Corinthians 16:13 gives strong advice. Don’t lose your faith. Stay strong and prepared. Galatians 5:1 tells us that Christ gives us freedom. I know I walk spiritually and physically. And I am sure most Christians do as well. If we love God, then you must love your neighbor. Don’t keep the gospel just for yourself, instead, share it with love and truth.



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        Phoebe    |    Dec. 18, 2023     | 1,007 Views    |   

Hi friends, I am here to talk about sin. First, do you understand what sin is? Sin is the separation from God. When we lose the relationship with God, we have sin. No one can say that they don‘t have sin. We were born with it. 

Sometimes it gets worse that sin controls us. One example in the the Bible who couldn’t control his sin was Cain. His jealousy rose so high that he killed his younger brother. That’s why we should control ourselves. Hold the temper. 

Sometimes we have high temper because we don’t think someone cares for us. Don’t think that way. God loves you. He cares about you. He sent his only Son to the cross to save your soul from eternal punishment. 

Imagine, since we’re all sinners, we would have to go to hell if we made one sin. That would have happened if it weren’t for Jesus. That one man saved us all. On the cross, God had left Jesus because Jesus was carrying all of our sin. 

God is like the exact opposite of sin. Without God in your life, you go hell. When Jesus went hell, Jesus took the keys of hell and mad a rule in John 3:16 written in the Bible, “God gave His one and only Son so that whoever believes in Jesus Christ will not perish but have everlasting life”(everlasting spiritual life)


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        Tewodros    |    Dec. 18, 2023     | 1,744 Views    |   

We know God intends to reward those who are faithful to Him in heaven.

Yes, the New Testament mentions several crowns that believers can receive as rewards in heaven.

These crowns are symbolic, representing various aspects of the Christian's faithfulness and commitment to Christ during their earthly lives.

The Imperishable Crown

  1 Corinthians 9:24-25

    - "Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who Wants competes in the games goes into strict training to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever."

This crown is for those who have exercised self-control and discipline in their Christian life,

Athletes who hold several world records in long distance running has to go through a lot of training.

They do it to bring honor to the people they represent.

How much more we should follow the footsteps of Paul and Peter to look more like Jesus and bring glory to God.

All this runners has something in common : running the race with perseverance.


The people of this world race is all about how to defeat others but the spiritual race is how to serve others and win souls.

Matthew 6:19-20

Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moths and vermin destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."


Let's briefly look at each:

1. The Crown of Righteousness

Timothy 4:7-8

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing."

This crown is for those who have lived righteous lives and eagerly await Christ's return.

To get this crown there are three criterion’s

Fought the Good Fight: Paul speaks of his life in terms of a battle, representing the spiritual warfare and challenges he faced in spreading the Gospel and establishing churches.

Finished the Race: The race metaphor refers to the Christian life. It is not necessarily about being the first to finish but finishing the course God has set for each believer. It is knowing the will of God specifically for our lives and fulfilling it as our Lord did

Kept the Faith: Paul remained true to the Gospel message and his call despite facing numerous trials, persecutions, and hardships.

2. The Crown for Soul winning

    1 Thessalonians 2:19

    - "For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you?"

Often referred to as the "soul winner's crown",

this crown is given to those who have played a role in leading others to Christ.

The Bible says   He/She who wins souls is wise

After we have been saved from eternal fire we should also return the favor by doing the same thing for the unbelievers that God wants them to be saved too

As the scriptures said in John 3 16. For God so loved the world ….

3. The Crown for shepherding Gods people

1 Peter 5:4

"And when the Chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away."

This crown is especially mentioned for the faithful shepherds or elders who have cared for and guided God's flock, but it's also applicable to believers who have faithfully shepherded others in any capacity.

4. The Crown of Life / self sacrificing


Revelation 2:10

 "Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you life as your victor’s crown."

this crown is for those who have endured suffering, trials, and even martyrdom for the sake

It is believed that all the apostles of Christ and many more early Christian’s were martyrs for the sake of the gospel of Christ.

James‬ ‭1‬:‭2‬-‭4‬ ‭

My friends, be glad, even if you have a lot of trouble. You know you learn to endure by having your faith tested. But you must learn to endure everything, so you will be completely mature and not lacking in anything.”


It's worth noting that while these crowns are mentioned in a manner that implies reward, the overall New Testament message emphasizes that salvation is a gift through faith in Christ, not based on works.

Work vs Grace

These crowns represent commendations for a life lived in faith and service,

It is a way of God responding to us WELL DONE YOU FAITHFUL SERVANT

but they don't determine salvation itself.

Many believe that they serve as a way for believers to honor Christ in eternity,

But the greatest reward every believer will receive is the honor of seeing God face-to-face.

Because of our sin, we can’t see God’s face (see Ex. 33:20). But in heaven, we will be made perfect.

We will share in Jesus’s inheritance as sons and daughters of God (see Rom. 8:17).


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        Phoebe    |    Nov. 5, 2023     | 934 Views    |   

Two Travelers story

Luke 24:13-35


"Road to Emmaus" or "The Walk to Emmaus."

two of Jesus' disciples encounter Him on the road to the village of Emmaus shortly after His crucifixion and resurrection.

Two disciples, not part of the twelve apostles, were walking from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a village about seven miles away.

As they walked, they were discussing the recent crucifixion of Jesus and the reports of His resurrection.

They were sad and confused about these events.

As they walked and talked, a stranger (who was actually the resurrected Jesus, though they did not recognize Him) joined them and asked them what they were discussing.

They explained the events surrounding Jesus' crucifixion and the hope that He would be the Redeemer of Israel.

The stranger (Jesus) began to explain the Scriptures and the prophecies about the Messiah to them, starting with Moses and all the Prophets.

He helped them understand that the suffering of the Messiah was part of God's plan.

When they reached Emmaus, the two disciples invited the stranger (Jesus) to stay with them for the evening because it was getting late.

They sat down to eat, and when Jesus took bread, blessed it, and broke it, their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him.

However, at that moment, He vanished from their sight.

Overjoyed and realizing they had been walking with the risen Christ, they immediately returned to Jerusalem to tell the other disciples what had happened.

Faith is more than knowledge.

It’s a deep trust and belief in something even without physical proof.

It moves us from unbelief to belief.

The Doubt of Thomas: A Lesson in Faith and Skepticism

John 20 20

The doubt of Thomas, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus, is a well-known episode in the New Testament.

This story, found in the Gospel of John, is often cited as an example of skepticism and the struggle for faith.

It serves as a reminder that doubt can be a natural and even necessary part of one's spiritual journey.

In this article, we will explore the biblical account of Thomas's doubt, the lessons it teaches us about faith and skepticism, and how it can be applied to our lives today.


1. Doubt is a Natural Part of Faith:

The story of Thomas reminds us that doubt is not something to be ashamed of.

Doubt can be a natural and healthy part of one's faith journey.

It's human to question and seek evidence or reassurance.

Thomas's doubt did not make him a weaker disciple; rather, it was a stepping stone towards a deeper, more personal faith.

2. Faith and  doubt Coexist:

we grow in our faith to be 100% dependent

Thomas's doubt did not exclude him from the community of believers.

In fact, his doubt was met with understanding and compassion by the other disciples.

We can be both believers and questioners, as long as we are open to seeking answers and growth.

We all have some honest and genuine questions about God

God is faithful to answer our doubts and question

3. Jesus's Grace and Patience:

The response of Jesus to Thomas is a testament to His grace and patience.

Jesus did not scold Thomas for his doubt but lovingly met him where he was.

This shows that our doubts and questions can lead to a deeper encounter with God if we are open to His guidance.


What do we learn  Thomas's Lesson Today

The story of Thomas's doubt continues to resonate with people today.

In an age where skepticism and questioning are valued in many aspects of life, it is important to recognize that these traits can also coexist with faith.

Here are some ways to apply the lessons from Thomas's doubt to our lives:

1. It is ok to have  Doubts:

we should not pretend we don’t have doubts

Don't be afraid to acknowledge your doubts and questions.

They will open doors for deeper spiritual growth and understanding.

2. Seek Answers:

Use your doubts as a launching   point for seeking answers and understanding.

Explore the Scriptures, engage in conversations with fellow believers, and seek guidance from trusted mentors or spiritual leaders.

3. Be Open to Revelation:

Just as Thomas eventually had a personal encounter with Jesus, remain open to moments of revelation and encounters with God that can transform your doubts into deeper faith.

4. Show Grace and Compassion:

If you encounter others who express doubt, approach them with grace and compassion.

Encourage open dialogue and offer support as they navigate their faith journey

It takes faith to claim Jesus as Lord and God.

Without the transforming power of faith, we are just speaking meaningless words.

Psalm 103:2-5 (NIV):

"Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—

who forgives all your sins and

heals all your diseases,

who redeems your life from the pit and

crowns you with love and compassion,

who satisfies your desires with good things

so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s."



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        Phoebe    |    Nov. 5, 2023     | 869 Views    |   

God‘s love for Abraham was expanding. God wanted to test Abraham love for him so he told Abraham to sacrifice his son on the altar. Abraham was feeling great pain. He didn’t want to kill his son. That is fear . Fear stops us from following God. Fear is a liar. 

That is why we should believe God more. We should love him more than fear.  Even through these things, Abraham passed the test. He was willing to sacrifice his son to God. That’s why we should be prepared for testing. 


God can test our faith when he needs us so we should be faithful to him. God prepares us for trials and struggles, and soon we will die for him. During Abrahams days, you have to kill an ox and walk through the blood of the ox to show an agreement and that was the blood of the ox. God made a promise that he will bless Abraham for he would make his descendants as numerous as a stars.


We need to trust in God‘s promises. When Isaac knew he would be sacrificed, he respected Abrahams decision. He didn’t complain or argue with him, Isaac submission and Abrahams faith caused God not to sacrifice Isaac. God knows that Abraham loves him, so he blessed him with many generations as numerous as the stars.


 We should always be prepared for anything. God tests us to prepare us, and to see if we love our idols more than him. Don’t love anyone more than you love God.

 God is more important than anything or anyone that you know. Idols aren’t good for you. The only thing that idols would do for you is destroy your relationship with God or destroy your spiritual life with him. Don’t you want to stay in touch with the one who created you? Abraham called the place that Isaac could have been sacrificed, “The Lord will provide.” God did provide the sacrifice. 

In this day, and time, Jesus is our sacrifice that was slain for our sins. Praise God!

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        Phoebe    |    Nov. 5, 2023     | 1,152 Views    |   

Managing relationships between family and friends can be complex, but here are some tips to help:


1. Communication: Open and honest communication is key. Share your thoughts, feelings, and concerns with both family and friends. Be a good listener as well.

2. Boundaries: Establish boundaries to maintain a healthy balance between your family and friends. Ensure you have time for both and that one group doesn’t overwhelm the other.

3. Prioritize: Understand that different relationships hold different levels of importance. Family might take precedence in certain situations, while friends play a more significant role in others.

4. Quality Time: Dedicate quality time to both family and friends. Make an effort to spend time together and create memorable experiences.

5. Respect Differences: Recognize that your family and friends may have different values, opinions, and backgrounds. Respect these differences to avoid conflicts.

6. Mediation: If conflicts arise between family and friends, try to mediate and find common ground. Encourage open dialogue and compromise.

7. Be Flexible: Life can be unpredictable. Be flexible in your commitments to accommodate the needs of both family and friends.

8. Trust Your Judgment: Ultimately, trust your instincts when it comes to managing these relationships. You know your family and friends best, so make decisions that feel right for you.

9. Self-Care: Don’t forget to take care of yourself. Balancing family and friends can be emotionally draining, so ensure you prioritize self-care and maintain your well-being.

10. Seek Advice: If you’re struggling, consider seeking advice from a therapist or counselor who can provide guidance on managing relationships effectively.


Remember that relationships are unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It’s essential to adapt these tips to your specific situation and prioritize what matters most to you.

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        Phoebe    |    Oct. 8, 2023     | 816 Views    |   


The succinct yet profound command found in 1 Thessalonians 5:16,

 "Rejoice always," 

serves as a beacon of light guiding believers towards a life marked by joy and gratitude. This article delves into the depth of this verse, exploring its implications, the challenges it presents, and the transformative power it holds in shaping one’s life and perspective.



1 Thessalonians 5:16 is nestled within a series of exhortations by the Apostle Paul to the Thessalonian church. These instructions are not isolated moral teachings but are interconnected, each one building upon the other, creating a holistic framework for Christian living. The surrounding verses emphasize continual prayer, gratitude in all circumstances, and the pursuit of goodness, painting a picture of a life deeply rooted in God’s love and grace.


The Essence of Rejoicing:

Rejoicing is not merely a fleeting emotion or a reaction to favorable circumstances. It is a profound state of being, a choice to embrace joy and contentment regardless of external situations. It is an acknowledgment of God’s sovereignty and goodness, a steadfast trust in His purposes, and a celebration of His presence. Rejoicing always is a transformative practice that shapes our perspective, enriches our relationships, and fortifies our faith.


Challenges to Rejoicing:

The command to "Rejoice always" is not without its challenges. Life is replete with trials, sufferings, and uncertainties. Pain and sorrow are inevitable companions on our earthly journey. The loss of loved ones, financial hardships, health crises, and relational conflicts can cast shadows over our hearts, making rejoicing seem distant and unattainable.


However, the essence of Christian rejoicing is not contingent on the absence of suffering but is deeply intertwined with it. It is in the crucible of affliction that the depth of our joy is tested and refined. Rejoicing in the midst of trials is a testament to the resilience of our hope and the authenticity of our faith.


The Source of Joy:

The ability to rejoice always is not mustered from our own strength or resolve. It is a fruit of the Spirit, a divine gift bestowed upon believers. The source of our joy is not the transient pleasures of the world but the eternal presence of God. It is the assurance of His love, the richness of His grace, and the promise of eternal life that anchor our souls in unshakeable joy.


The joy derived from our relationship with God transcends the fluctuations of our emotions and the instability of our circumstances. It is a constant wellspring, nourishing our souls and refreshing our spirits, enabling us to radiate the light of Christ in a world shrouded in darkness.


The Impact of Rejoicing:

The practice of rejoicing always has far-reaching implications. It fosters a heart of gratitude, prompting us to count our blessings and acknowledge God’s hand in every aspect of our lives. It strengthens our resolve, enabling us to face challenges with courage and confidence, knowing that our joy is not dependent on our circumstances but is anchored in our relationship with God.


Rejoicing always also influences our interactions with others. It cultivates a spirit of generosity and kindness, inspiring us to share our joy with those around us. It builds bridges of understanding and compassion, allowing us to empathize with others in their struggles and to be bearers of hope and light.

"Rejoice always" is not a simplistic or naive command. It is a profound invitation to a life marked by deep joy, unwavering hope, and resilient faith. It challenges us to look beyond our circumstances, to anchor our hearts in the eternal goodness of God, and to embrace a perspective marked by gratitude and trust.


The journey of rejoicing always is not a solitary one. It is intertwined with the communal experience of the body of Christ, where mutual encouragement, support, and love are vital. It is in the shared joys and sorrows of our Christian journey that we experience the fullness of the joy that is in Christ.


Rejoicing always is not a destination but a continual journey, a daily choice to live in the light of God’s presence, to drink deeply from the well of eternal joy, and to reflect the radiance of His love to a world in need of hope.


This article has briefly touched upon the multifaceted nature of rejoicing, its challenges, and its transformative power. The pursuit of rejoicing always is a lifelong endeavor, one that shapes our character, enriches our relationships, and draws us closer to the heart of God. It is a journey marked by grace, sustained by hope, and fueled by the unending joy found in the presence of our Savior.

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        Tewodros    |    Oct. 1, 2023     | 708 Views    |   


Hebrews 10:26 (NIV):

"For if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left."


This verse is part of a larger passage in the book of Hebrews that addresses the superiority of Christ's sacrifice and the importance of faith and perseverance in the Christian life. To understand Hebrews 10:26 fully, it's essential to consider its context and the key themes of the book of Hebrews.

Context of Hebrews 10:26:

The book of Hebrews was written to a predominantly Jewish Christian audience who were familiar with the Old Testament sacrificial system. The author of Hebrews (Paul) seeks to show that Jesus Christ's sacrifice is superior to the animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant and that faith in Christ is essential for salvation.

In the preceding verses of Hebrews 10, the author emphasizes the once-for-all sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice for sins. He contrasts Christ's sacrifice with the repeated animal sacrifices of the Old Covenant, highlighting that Jesus offered Himself as a perfect and eternal sacrifice to atone for sin.


Hebrews 10:26 is a warning against willful and deliberate sinning by those who have received knowledge of the truth, which refers to the gospel message and the redemptive work of Christ. The key points in this verse are as follows:


1. Deliberate Sinning: The verse specifically addresses the act of "deliberate sinning." It suggests an ongoing, intentional pattern of sin rather than occasional or unintentional transgressions. The author is concerned with those who, after professing faith and receiving the knowledge of the truth, continue to live in unrepentant sin.


2. Knowledge of the Truth: Those addressed in this verse are individuals who have been exposed to the truth of the gospel. They have heard the message of salvation through Christ, acknowledging Him as the Messiah and Savior.


3. No Sacrifice for Sins Left: The verse issues a solemn warning by stating that for those who persist in deliberate sin after receiving knowledge of the truth, "no sacrifice for sins is left." This implies that the efficacy of Christ's sacrifice is forfeited or rendered ineffective for those who reject it through persistent rebellion.


Interpretation and Theological Implications:

Hebrews 10:26 has generated significant theological discussion and debate. Here are some key points and interpretations:


1. A Warning Against Apostasy: Many theologians interpret this verse as a warning against apostasy, which is the willful abandonment of one's faith in Christ after initially professing belief. The warning underscores the seriousness of apostasy and its consequences.


2. Maintaining Faith and Perseverance: The verse emphasizes the importance of genuine faith and perseverance in the Christian life. It suggests that mere intellectual knowledge of the gospel is insufficient; one must respond in faith and continue to live a life characterized by repentance and obedience.


3. The Perseverance of the Saints: Different Christian traditions have varying perspectives on the interpretation of this verse in relation to the doctrine of the perseverance of the saints. Some believe that genuine believers will never ultimately fall away from the faith, while others emphasize the need for ongoing faithfulness.


4. Restoration and Repentance: It's important to note that while Hebrews 10:26 issues a stern warning, the broader context of the book of Hebrews also offers hope and encouragement for those who may have struggled with sin. The author encourages believers to draw near to God with a sincere heart and to hold fast to their confession of faith in Christ.


In conclusion, Hebrews 10:26 serves as a reminder of the importance of genuine faith, repentance, and perseverance in the Christian life. It warns against the danger of deliberate, ongoing sin for those who have received the knowledge of the truth. However, the broader message of the book of Hebrews also emphasizes the sufficiency of Christ's sacrifice and the possibility of restoration and repentance for those who turn back to Him. The verse is part of a larger theological discussion on the nature of faith, salvation, and the consequences of rejecting Christ.

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        Tewodros    |    Sep. 27, 2023     | 737 Views    |   


The story of Nebuchadnezzar begins with his pride and arrogance. He had a dream that greatly troubled him but could not remember the dream itself. He summoned his magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and astrologers to not only interpret the dream but also to tell him the dream itself. When they failed, Nebuchadnezzar decreed:


"Tell me the dream, and I will know that you can interpret it for me." (Daniel 2:9, ESV)


However, none of his wise men could meet his demand.

Through divine revelation, Daniel was able to interpret the dream and reveal both its content and its meaning. He explained the dream to Nebuchadnezzar, telling him about a great tree that would be cut down but with a stump left intact. Daniel said:


"The tree you saw, which grew large and strong, with its top touching the sky, visible to the whole earth, with beautiful leaves and abundant fruit, providing food for all, giving shelter to the wild animals, and having nesting places in its branches for the birds—Your Majesty, you are that tree!" (Daniel 4:20-22, NIV)


Nebuchadnezzar's Punishment:

Despite Daniel's interpretation, Nebuchadnezzar did not heed the warning to humble himself. He continued to boast about his achievements, saying:


"Is not this the great Babylon I have built as the royal residence, by my mighty power and for the glory of my majesty?" (Daniel 4:30, NIV)


As a result of his pride and arrogance, Nebuchadnezzar faced divine judgment:


"The command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots means that your kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules." (Daniel 4:26, NIV)


Nebuchadnezzar's Humbled State:

Following divine intervention, Nebuchadnezzar was struck with madness and lived like a wild animal, experiencing a dramatic transformation:


"He was driven away from people and ate grass like the ox. His body was drenched with the dew of heaven until his hair grew like the feathers of an eagle and his nails like the claws of a bird." (Daniel 4:33, NIV)


Nebuchadnezzar's Acknowledgment of God:

After a period of time, Nebuchadnezzar's sanity was restored. He acknowledged the greatness and sovereignty of God:


"Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble." (Daniel 4:37, NIV)


This story serves as a powerful lesson about the consequences of pride and the importance of recognizing God's authority. Nebuchadnezzar's journey from arrogance to humility demonstrates God's sovereignty over human affairs and the transformative power of acknowledging His greatness.

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        Tewodros    |    Sep. 27, 2023     | 765 Views    |   


During the reign of King Hezekiah of Judah in the late 8th century BCE, the Assyrian Empire, under the leadership of King Sennacherib, sought to expand its dominion through military conquest. The city of Jerusalem, the capital of Judah, became a target of the Assyrian forces.


As the Assyrian army besieged Jerusalem, King Sennacherib sent a menacing message to King Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem. In this message, Sennacherib boasted of his previous victories over other nations and challenged the faith of the Israelites by questioning the ability of their God to save Jerusalem. He blasphemed and undermined their trust in their God:


"Now do not let Hezekiah deceive you and mislead you like this. Do not believe him, for no god of any nation or kingdom has been able to deliver his people from my hand or the hand of my predecessors. How much less will your god deliver you from my hand!" (2 Kings 18:29-30, NIV)


Upon receiving Sennacherib's threatening message, King Hezekiah was deeply troubled but did not lose faith. He went to the temple, spread the letter before the Lord, and prayed earnestly. In his prayer, Hezekiah acknowledged the greatness and sovereignty of God and beseeched Him for deliverance:


"Lord, the God of Israel, enthroned between the cherubim, you alone are God over all the kingdoms of the earth. You have made heaven and earth. Give ear, Lord, and hear; open your eyes, Lord, and see; listen to the words Sennacherib has sent to ridicule the living God." (2 Kings 19:15-16, NIV)


In response to Hezekiah's prayer and faith, God sent a message through the prophet Isaiah. In this message, God reassured Hezekiah that Sennacherib's blasphemy and threats would not be realized. God promised to protect Jerusalem and deliver it from the Assyrian king:


"This is what the Lord, the God of Israel, says: I have heard your prayer concerning Sennacherib king of Assyria. This is the word that the Lord has spoken against him: 'Virgin Daughter Zion despises you and mocks you...'" (2 Kings 19:20-21, NIV)


The message through Isaiah continued to foretell Sennacherib's downfall and the miraculous intervention of God, leading to the defeat of the Assyrian army.


In accordance with God's promise, that very night, an angel of the Lord went out and struck down 185,000 Assyrian soldiers camped around Jerusalem. Sennacherib retreated, and Jerusalem was saved from destruction.


The story of Hezekiah and the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem demonstrates the importance of faith, prayer, and trust in God's sovereignty in times of adversity. It underscores that God can intervene miraculously to protect His people and fulfill His promises. It also highlights the contrast between the arrogant words of the Assyrian king and the humble response of King Hezekiah, who turned to God in prayer and found deliverance and protection.

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        Tewodros    |    Sep. 27, 2023     | 749 Views    |   

The story of King Ahab is found in the Old Testament of the Bible, primarily in the books of 1 Kings and 2 Kings. Ahab was the seventh king of Israel, reigning in the 9th century BCE. His story contains several important lessons and moral teachings, which can be summarized as follows:


1. Idolatry and Spiritual Weakness: One of the most significant aspects of Ahab's reign is his marriage to Jezebel, a Phoenician princess who introduced the worship of the god Baal in Israel. Ahab not only allowed the worship of foreign gods but also participated in it himself. This story illustrates the danger of turning away from the one true God and the spiritual weakness that can result from idolatry.


2. Consequences of Sin: Ahab's wickedness led to divine judgment. The prophet Elijah confronted Ahab and proclaimed a drought as a punishment for his sins. This drought brought hardship and suffering to the land. It serves as a reminder that there are consequences to our actions, and sin can have far-reaching effects.


3. Repentance and God's Mercy: Despite his many sins, Ahab did show a brief moment of humility and repentance when confronted by Elijah. God took note of this and delayed the judgment on Ahab's house during his lifetime. This demonstrates God's willingness to show mercy to those who genuinely turn from their sinful ways.


4. Influence of Bad Company: Ahab's alliance with Jezebel and her influence over him had a corrupting effect on his leadership and spiritual life. This serves as a warning about the influence of bad company and the importance of surrounding oneself with people who uphold moral and ethical values.

Let's delve deeper into the theme of bad company as exemplified in the story of King Ahab in the Bible:


4.1. Moral Corruption: Ahab's marriage to Jezebel, a foreign princess who promoted the worship of the god Baal, exposed him to a morally corrupting influence. Jezebel was determined to eradicate the worship of Yahweh, the God of Israel, and replace it with the worship of Baal and other false gods. Ahab's willingness to accept and even participate in these practices can be seen as a direct result of his association with Jezebel. This illustrates how bad company can lead individuals away from their moral and ethical principles and entice them into wrongdoing.


4.2. Compromise of Values: Ahab's relationship with Jezebel led to the compromise of his values and principles. He not only tolerated the worship of Baal but also supported it. This compromised his faith in the one true God of Israel. Bad company can pressure individuals to abandon their core beliefs and values, often in exchange for social acceptance or personal gain. Ahab's willingness to compromise his faith and values is a stark warning about the consequences of such compromises.


4.3. Influence on Leadership: Ahab's association with Jezebel had a detrimental impact on his leadership as the king of Israel. He allowed her to wield significant power and influence in the kingdom, which led to policies that were contrary to the laws and traditions of Israel. Bad company can lead leaders to make poor decisions that harm their nation or community. In Ahab's case, it ultimately led to divine judgment and suffering for the people of Israel.


4.4 Personal Consequences: Ahab's bad company not only affected his leadership but also had personal consequences. For example, his coveting of Naboth's vineyard and his involvement in Naboth's unjust execution were directly influenced by Jezebel's counsel. These actions resulted in divine judgment upon Ahab and his house. Bad company can lead individuals into situations where they engage in unethical or illegal behavior, which can have severe personal consequences, including guilt, remorse, and punishment.


In essence, the story of Ahab and Jezebel serves as a powerful cautionary tale about the dangers of bad company. It highlights how associating with individuals who promote immoral or unethical behavior can lead to moral corruption, a compromise of values, poor leadership, and personal consequences. It emphasizes the importance of choosing one's companions wisely and staying true to one's moral and ethical principles, even in the face of external pressure or influence.

5. Prophetic Ministry: The story of Ahab highlights the role of prophets in Israel. Prophets like Elijah and Micaiah were instrumental in confronting Ahab's wrongdoing and delivering God's messages. It underscores the importance of listening to and heeding the word of God through His appointed messengers.


6. Covenant Faithfulness: Ahab's disregard for the covenant between God and Israel led to the downfall of his dynasty. This emphasizes the importance of remaining faithful to God's covenant and the consequences of forsaking it.


7. Justice and Accountability: Ahab's coveting of Naboth's vineyard and his complicity in Naboth's unjust execution illustrate the importance of justice and accountability. God holds rulers and individuals accountable for their actions, especially when they abuse their power for personal gain.


In summary, the story of King Ahab in the Bible serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of idolatry, the consequences of sin, the importance of repentance and divine mercy, the influence of bad company, the role of prophets, the significance of covenant faithfulness, and the principles of justice and accountability. It highlights the timeless moral and spiritual lessons that continue to resonate with readers and believers today.

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        Tewodros    |    Sep. 27, 2023     | 762 Views    |   


The conversion of Saul of Tarsus, who later became known as the Apostle Paul, is a remarkable and transformative event in the New Testament. It stands as a testament to the power of God's grace and the profound impact of encountering the risen Christ.


Saul was a devout Pharisee and a zealous persecutor of early Christians. He played a significant role in the persecution of the early Church, overseeing the imprisonment and even the martyrdom of Christians. His zeal for Judaism led him to view the emerging Christian movement as a threat to the Jewish faith.


The pivotal moment in Saul's life occurred on the road to Damascus. He was on a mission to arrest Christians and bring them to Jerusalem for trial when suddenly a blinding light from heaven surrounded him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" In humility and trembling, Saul responded, "Who are you, Lord?"


The voice replied, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. But rise and enter the city, and you will be told what you are to do." Saul's companions saw the light but did not hear the voice.


Saul arose from the ground, blinded by the encounter. His companions led him into Damascus, where he remained without sight for three days. During this time, he neither ate nor drank, wrestling with the profound experience of encountering the risen Christ.


Meanwhile, in Damascus, the Lord appeared to a disciple named Ananias in a vision, instructing him to go to the house of Judas on Straight Street and lay hands on Saul to restore his sight. Ananias, initially apprehensive due to Saul's notorious reputation, obeyed the Lord's command.


Ananias entered the house where Saul was staying and greeted him as "Brother Saul." He then laid hands on him, and something like scales fell from Saul's eyes, restoring his sight. Saul was filled with the Holy Spirit and immediately began proclaiming Jesus as the Son of God, an astonishing reversal of his previous mission to persecute Christians.


Saul's conversion had a profound impact on the early Church. His transformation from a persecutor to a proclaimer of the Gospel served as evidence of the power of Christ to change lives. He became one of the most influential figures in Christian history, penning a significant portion of the New Testament and undertaking missionary journeys that spread Christianity throughout the Roman Empire.


Saul's name was changed to Paul, and he became a tireless advocate for the Gospel. He preached to both Jews and Gentiles, establishing churches and mentoring leaders. His writings, including letters or epistles to various churches, provide theological depth and guidance for the Christian faith.


The conversion of Saul exemplifies God's grace and His ability to transform even the most hardened hearts. It underscores the principle that no one is beyond the reach of God's love and redemption.


In the broader context of the New Testament, Paul's conversion marked a turning point in the expansion of the early Church. His ministry and writings continue to shape Christian theology and practice to this day.


The story of Saul's conversion is a reminder that God's ways are beyond human understanding, and His grace can break through even the most entrenched opposition. It inspires believers to recognize the transformative power of encountering Christ and to boldly proclaim the Gospel message.



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        Tewodros    |    Sep. 27, 2023     | 705 Views    |   

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the central and most profound event in Christian faith and theology. It marks the pinnacle of the Gospel narrative and represents the victory of life over death, sin, and the powers of darkness. The resurrection is the foundation upon which the Christian faith is built.


The story of Jesus's resurrection is primarily found in the four Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John—each providing unique perspectives and details. The accounts harmoniously affirm the core events: Jesus's crucifixion, His burial in a tomb, and His glorious resurrection on the third day.


The crucifixion of Jesus took place on a Roman cross, where He endured unimaginable suffering and died as the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of humanity. His lifeless body was placed in a tomb donated by Joseph of Arimathea, a member of the Sanhedrin who had become a secret follower of Jesus.


The tomb was sealed with a large stone, and guards were placed to ensure its security, as the religious authorities were concerned about the possibility of Jesus's disciples stealing the body and claiming His resurrection.


However, on the third day, a remarkable event unfolded. An angel of the Lord descended, rolled away the stone, and sat upon it. The guards, trembling with fear, became like dead men. When the women who had come to the tomb early in the morning discovered it empty, they were greeted by the angel, who proclaimed, "He is not here, for he has risen, as he said."


The news of Jesus's resurrection spread rapidly, and the disciples encountered the risen Christ in various appearances. Mary Magdalene was the first to see Jesus at the tomb, and later, He appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, revealing Himself through the breaking of bread.


One of the most significant post-resurrection appearances occurred when Jesus appeared to His disciples in a locked room, offering them His peace and showing them the wounds in His hands and side as proof of His identity. Thomas, who had doubted the news of the resurrection, famously declared, "My Lord and my God!"


The resurrection of Jesus validated His claims to be the Son of God and the Messiah. It affirmed the reality of His victory over sin and death and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. The Apostle Paul later referred to Jesus as the "firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep" (1 Corinthians 15:20), emphasizing the resurrection's significance for all believers.


The resurrection of Jesus holds profound theological implications. It is the cornerstone of Christian faith, validating the message of salvation through Christ. It affirms the hope of eternal life and the promise of resurrection for all who believe in Him.


The resurrection also demonstrates God's power over death and His triumph over evil. It marks the ultimate defeat of Satan and the redemption of humanity.


In the broader context of the Bible, the resurrection is the climactic event of the New Testament, concluding the redemptive work of Christ. It initiates the mission of the early Church, as seen in the Book of Acts, and continues to be a central theme in Christian theology and worship.


Throughout history, the resurrection of Jesus has been celebrated as the heart of the Christian faith. It has inspired countless believers to embrace the hope of eternal life, to live in the power of the risen Christ, and to proclaim the Good News of salvation to the world.


The message of the resurrection is one of joy, triumph, and the assurance of God's love. It continues to resonate with believers as they affirm, "He is risen indeed!"


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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 27, 2023     | 777 Views    |   


The Parable of the Prodigal Son, found in the New Testament Gospel of Luke (Luke 15:11-32), is a timeless story of forgiveness, redemption, and the boundless love of God. It resonates deeply with individuals who have experienced waywardness, repentance, and the hope of reconciliation.


The parable begins with a father who had two sons. The younger son approached his father, requesting his share of the inheritance. In this culture, such a request was essentially telling his father that he wished he were dead. Despite the painful request, the father divided his property between his two sons, giving the younger son his share.


The younger son then embarked on a journey to a distant country, where he squandered his inheritance in prodigal living—wasting his wealth on reckless living and worldly pleasures. However, a severe famine arose in that country, leaving him in desperate circumstances. He found himself feeding pigs and longing to eat the food they were given.


In his moment of desperation, the younger son came to his senses. He realized that even the hired servants in his father's house had more than enough to eat, while he was starving. With humility and repentance, he decided to return to his father, acknowledging his unworthiness and seeking a position as a hired servant.


As the prodigal son returned home, his father saw him from a distance and ran to him with open arms. He embraced his wayward son, kissed him, and ordered a celebration, declaring, "For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found."


The older son, who had remained obedient and faithful, became resentful when he heard about the extravagant celebration for his younger brother's return. He questioned his father's actions, feeling that he had not been similarly honored despite his faithful service.


The father responded to the older son, emphasizing that his love and compassion for the younger son were due to the son's return from a life of sin and recklessness. He reassured the older son of his love and reminded him that everything the father had was his.


The Parable of the Prodigal Son illustrates several profound truths. Firstly, it exemplifies the boundless love and forgiveness of God. The father in the parable represents God, who eagerly welcomes repentant sinners back into His presence, celebrating their return with joy.


Secondly, it emphasizes the transformative power of repentance and humility. The prodigal son's recognition of his sinful condition and decision to return to his father serve as a model for true repentance.


Thirdly, the parable addresses the danger of self-righteousness and pride. The older son's attitude highlights the need for humility and a right understanding of God's grace.


In the broader context of Jesus's teachings, the parable illustrates the central theme of redemption and the Kingdom of God. It conveys the message that God's mercy extends to all who turn to Him in repentance, regardless of their past.


Throughout history, the Parable of the Prodigal Son has touched the hearts of countless individuals, reminding them of God's unconditional love and the possibility of forgiveness and reconciliation. It continues to inspire believers to turn to God with contrite hearts and to extend grace and forgiveness to others.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 682 Views    |   


The parting of the Red Sea is a miraculous and iconic event in the Bible, recounted in the Book of Exodus (Exodus 14). This extraordinary narrative marks a pivotal moment in the history of the Israelites and serves as a testament to God's power, deliverance, and faithfulness.


The story begins with the Israelites' escape from slavery in Egypt. Led by Moses, they had been guided by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night. But as they journeyed, they found themselves trapped between the Red Sea and the approaching Egyptian army. Pharaoh had regretted letting them go and was pursuing them with a mighty army.


The Israelites were gripped by fear and despair, as they believed they had no escape. They cried out to Moses, questioning whether it would have been better to remain in Egypt as slaves than to die in the wilderness. Their faith wavered in the face of this seemingly insurmountable obstacle.


Moses, however, responded with unwavering faith. He assured the people, saying, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord, which he will work for you today." He believed in God's deliverance, even when the situation appeared dire.


God instructed Moses to stretch out his staff over the Red Sea, and a strong east wind began to blow. As the wind blew all night, it divided the waters of the Red Sea, creating a dry path through the midst of the sea. The Israelites, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, crossed the sea on dry ground, with walls of water standing on either side of them.


When the Egyptian army pursued the Israelites into the sea, the waters returned to their place, engulfing the Egyptian chariots and soldiers. Not one of them survived.


This miraculous event showcased God's power over nature and His commitment to deliver His people from bondage. It was a demonstration of His faithfulness to His promises, as He had promised to lead the Israelites to the Promised Land.


The crossing of the Red Sea also symbolized a rebirth or new beginning for the Israelites. It marked their liberation from slavery and their journey toward a new life of freedom and covenant with God.


The song of Moses and Miriam, recorded in Exodus 15, celebrates this remarkable deliverance. It praises God for His victory over the Egyptian army and His guidance throughout their journey.


In the broader context of the Bible, the parting of the Red Sea is a foundational event in Israel's history. It serves as a reminder of God's power to overcome obstacles and deliver His people from oppression.


This story is often cited as an example of the importance of faith and trust in God's providence. Even when circumstances seem impossible, faith can open up unexpected paths and bring about miraculous outcomes.


The parting of the Red Sea continues to inspire believers to trust in God's ability to make a way where there seems to be no way. It is a powerful testament to the God who can turn the impossible into reality and lead His people to freedom and salvation.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 779 Views    |   


The story of David and Goliath, found in the First Book of Samuel (1 Samuel 17), is one of the most iconic and inspiring narratives in the Bible. It centers around a young shepherd named David and a formidable giant warrior named Goliath, and it is a tale of courage, faith, and God's unexpected choices.


The backdrop of this story is the ongoing conflict between the Israelites and the Philistines. The Philistines had gathered their armies to face the Israelites in battle. Among the Philistine forces was Goliath, a giant of immense stature and strength, who challenged the Israelites to send a champion to fight him in single combat. The outcome of this duel would determine the fate of the entire battle.


Goliath's intimidating appearance and challenge struck fear into the hearts of the Israelite soldiers. They were paralyzed by fear and unable to find a suitable champion to face him.


Enter David, the youngest son of Jesse, who had been sent by his father to bring provisions to his older brothers serving in the Israelite army. Upon arriving at the camp and hearing Goliath's taunts, David was appalled by the Israelites' fear and lack of action. He asked about the reward for defeating Goliath and expressed his readiness to face the giant.


King Saul, hearing of David's willingness to fight Goliath, was initially skeptical due to David's youth and lack of military experience. However, David recounted his experiences as a shepherd defending his sheep against lions and bears and his faith in God's protection. Saul agreed to let David face Goliath and provided him with armor and weapons.


However, David chose to face Goliath in a way that defied conventional wisdom. He refused Saul's armor, picked up his shepherd's staff, and chose five smooth stones from a nearby brook, placing them in his shepherd's bag. With faith in God alone, he approached Goliath.


Goliath, towering over David, mocked him and cursed him by his gods. In response, David declared his trust in the living God of Israel and proclaimed that he would defeat Goliath. With a single stone from his sling, David struck Goliath in the forehead, causing the giant to fall to the ground, dead.


David's victory over Goliath astounded the Israelite army and solidified his reputation as a hero. It marked a turning point in the battle, leading to the defeat of the Philistine forces. David's rise to prominence began with this extraordinary act of faith and courage.


This story is rich in themes. First and foremost, it illustrates the power of faith and trust in God to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. David's unwavering belief in God's protection and his courage in the face of overwhelming odds serve as a timeless example for believers.


Secondly, it highlights the concept of God choosing the unlikely and the unassuming to accomplish great deeds. David, a shepherd boy, was chosen by God to become a king and a central figure in Israel's history.


Additionally, it emphasizes that outward appearances can be deceiving. While Goliath appeared invincible due to his size and weaponry, David, armed with faith and conviction, proved to be the true champion.


In the broader context of the Bible, David's victory over Goliath is a precursor to his anointing as king and his role in the lineage of Jesus Christ. It also foreshadows the theme of God raising up unlikely leaders throughout biblical history.


The story of David and Goliath continues to inspire believers to face their own giants—challenges, obstacles, and adversaries—with faith, courage, and trust in God. It serves as a reminder that God empowers His chosen ones to achieve extraordinary feats, and that His ways are often different from human expectations.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 723 Views    |   


The story of the fiery furnace, found in the Book of Daniel (Daniel 3), is a testament to unwavering faith, divine deliverance, and the willingness to stand firm in the face of extreme adversity. It centers around three Jewish young men—Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego—living in Babylon during the time of King Nebuchadnezzar.


In Nebuchadnezzar's empire, idol worship and the worship of the king were enforced by law. The king erected a massive golden image and commanded that all the people of his kingdom, regardless of their nationality, bow down and worship it. Refusing to bow to any other god, the three Jewish men stood in defiance of this decree.


Their unwavering commitment to the God of Israel and their refusal to worship a false idol caught the attention of the king's officials. They reported the disobedience to King Nebuchadnezzar, who summoned Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to appear before him.


Nebuchadnezzar gave the three young men a chance to comply with his decree, warning them that failure to do so would result in being thrown into a blazing furnace. His question rang out, "And who is the god who will deliver you out of my hands?"


The response of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is a testament to their faith and resolve. They acknowledged the king's authority but declared that they would not bow to the golden image. Their unwavering faith in God was unshaken, regardless of the consequences.


Nebuchadnezzar, enraged by their refusal to obey, ordered the furnace to be heated to an extreme temperature, beyond its usual intensity. The three young men were bound and cast into the fiery furnace by mighty men of the king's army. The heat was so intense that it killed the soldiers who carried out the king's orders.


But something extraordinary happened within the furnace. Nebuchadnezzar looked and was astonished to see not three, but four figures walking around inside the fiery furnace, unharmed and unbound. The fourth figure, in the king's words, "has the appearance of a god."


Filled with awe and amazement, Nebuchadnezzar approached the furnace and called for Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to come out. They emerged unscathed, without even the smell of fire on their clothing.


Nebuchadnezzar, humbled by this miraculous intervention, praised the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, acknowledging His supreme authority and the futility of opposing Him. He issued a decree that no one should speak against the God of Israel, and he promoted the three young men within the kingdom.


This story highlights several significant themes. First and foremost, it underscores the importance of unwavering faith and the willingness to stand for one's beliefs, even in the face of persecution and threats to one's life.


Secondly, it serves as a powerful illustration of divine deliverance and the presence of God in times of trial. The fourth figure in the furnace is often interpreted as a pre-incarnate appearance of Christ, emphasizing His role as the Savior and protector of His people.


Furthermore, the story highlights the transformative impact of faith on those who witness it. Nebuchadnezzar's recognition of the God of Israel's power and authority illustrates the potential influence of authentic faith on those in positions of authority and influence.


In the broader context of the book of Daniel, this account reflects a recurring theme of faithfulness in the midst of adversity and God's sovereignty over the affairs of nations and rulers.


The story of the fiery furnace continues to inspire believers to remain steadfast in their faith, even in the most challenging circumstances. It serves as a reminder that God is a deliverer and a protector who honors those who trust in Him.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 679 Views    |   

In the midst of the conquest of Canaan, an unlikely character emerges as a key player in the biblical narrative: Rahab, a Canaanite woman living within the walls of Jericho. Her story is found in the Old Testament, particularly in the Book of Joshua (Joshua 2) and (Joshua 6).


As the Israelites, led by Joshua, prepared to enter the Promised Land and conquer its cities, Jericho stood as a formidable obstacle. Its walls were tall and impregnable, and its inhabitants were aware of the Israelite advance. Within this city, Rahab resided, occupying a space on the city walls.


Rahab, however, possessed a unique quality that set her apart from her fellow Jericho residents: faith. She had heard of the God of Israel and the miracles He had performed, particularly in delivering the Israelites from Egypt. Her faith led her to make a decision that would change the course of her life and the destiny of her family.


When two Israelite spies arrived in Jericho, Rahab offered them refuge and hid them from the king's men who sought to capture them. In doing so, she defied her own people and aligned herself with the God of Israel. She recognized the imminent fall of Jericho and sought mercy and protection for herself and her family.


Rahab's act of hospitality and her plea for salvation reveal her profound faith in the God of Israel. She declared to the spies, "The Lord your God, He is God in the heavens above and on the earth beneath." Her confession of faith and her plea for kindness and salvation were met with an agreement from the spies.


In return for her assistance, the spies promised Rahab and her family protection when the Israelites conquered Jericho. They instructed her to tie a scarlet cord in the window through which she had let them down from the city wall. This cord would serve as a sign to spare her house during the impending destruction of the city.


As the Israelites marched around Jericho, following the divine instructions, the city walls indeed crumbled, and Jericho fell. However, Rahab's house, marked by the scarlet cord, remained standing, and she and her family were spared.


Rahab's story is a testament to the power of faith and the transformative grace of God. Despite her background as a Canaanite and a resident of Jericho, her faith led her to align herself with the God of Israel and to act on behalf of His people.


Her inclusion in the lineage of Jesus Christ, as mentioned in the New Testament (Matthew 1:5), underscores her significance in the biblical narrative. It demonstrates that God's grace extends to all who turn to Him in faith, regardless of their past.


Rahab's story also emphasizes the role of hospitality in the biblical narrative. Her willingness to offer refuge to the spies and her act of kindness played a pivotal role in God's plan for the conquest of Canaan.


Furthermore, her scarlet cord, symbolizing both her faith and her redemption, serves as a precursor to the symbolism of the blood of Christ in the New Testament—a means of salvation and protection.


In the broader context of the conquest of Canaan, Rahab's story serves as a reminder that God's mercy is not confined by cultural or ethnic boundaries. It foreshadows the inclusion of Gentiles in God's redemptive plan, as seen in the New Testament.


Rahab's faith, hospitality, and redemption continue to inspire believers to trust in God's grace and to recognize that He can transform lives, even in the most unlikely circumstances. Her story stands as a testament to the universality of God's love and the power of faith to overcome the most challenging obstacles.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 660 Views    |   


In the northern region of Israel, nestled in the town of Shunem, we encounter the story of a woman whose faith and hospitality left an indelible mark on the pages of the Bible. The Shunammite woman's narrative is found in the Old Testament, in the Second Book of Kings (2 Kings 4:8-37).


Elisha, the prophet of God, frequently passed through Shunem during his travels. Touched by the kindness and generosity of the Shunammite woman and her husband, he often accepted their hospitality. Recognizing his holy calling, they provided a room for Elisha to rest and refresh himself on his journeys.


As Elisha's frequent guest, the Shunammite woman and her husband came to realize that Elisha was a prophet of God, "a holy man of God." Impressed by Elisha's character and prophetic ministry, the Shunammite woman expressed her desire to honor him even more. She suggested to her husband that they build a small, furnished upper room for Elisha to use, complete with a bed, a table, a chair, and a lamp.


Elisha, deeply moved by the Shunammite woman's hospitality, sought to bless her in return. He prophesied that she would bear a son, even though she and her husband were advanced in age and had been childless. The promise of a son was a significant blessing in that cultural context, representing both joy and security.


As Elisha foretold, the Shunammite woman gave birth to a son, and the promise of God was fulfilled. The child grew, but tragically, one day he fell ill and died suddenly in his mother's arms. Devastated by this loss, the Shunammite woman laid her son on the bed in the room prepared for Elisha and set out to find the prophet.


Her journey to find Elisha is a testament to her unwavering faith. She did not reveal her son's death to anyone, including her husband. When she approached Elisha and fell at his feet, her words were marked by faith: "Did I ask my lord for a son? Did I not say, 'Do not deceive me?'" She believed that Elisha, the holy man of God, held the power to intervene and bring her son back to life.


Elisha responded to her plea by sending his servant, Gehazi, with instructions to place his staff on the child's face. However, this attempt to revive the child was unsuccessful. Undeterred, Elisha himself went to the room, prayed fervently to God, and lay down upon the child, causing the boy's body to grow warm. He repeated this process, and the child sneezed seven times, coming back to life.


The Shunammite woman's faith and persistence, coupled with Elisha's intercession, resulted in the miraculous restoration of her son's life. Overjoyed and grateful, she fell at Elisha's feet and declared, "Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth."


This story highlights several key themes. Firstly, it emphasizes the significance of hospitality and kindness, as the Shunammite woman's generosity toward Elisha led to the blessing of a son and later to the resurrection of that son. Her actions reflect the biblical principle that those who extend hospitality to God's servants may receive blessings in return.


Secondly, the story underscores the power of faith and belief in the face of seemingly insurmountable circumstances. The Shunammite woman's unwavering faith in Elisha and her belief in God's promises played a central role in the miraculous events that unfolded.


Additionally, this narrative reveals the prophetic ministry of Elisha and the intimate connection between a prophet and the people they serve. Elisha's prayers and actions demonstrate his role as a conduit of God's power and compassion.


In a broader context, the story serves as a testament to the faithfulness of God in fulfilling His promises. The birth of the Shunammite woman's son and his subsequent resurrection exemplify God's faithfulness to His people even in times of loss and despair.


The story of the Shunammite woman continues to inspire believers to show kindness and hospitality to others, to maintain unwavering faith in God's promises, and to trust in the transformative power of prayer and intercession.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 749 Views    |   


In the bustling court of the temple in Jerusalem, where wealthy individuals made grand donations, a simple act of sacrificial giving by a humble widow became a powerful demonstration of devotion and selflessness. The story of the Widow's Offering is recounted in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospels of Mark (Mark 12:41-44) and Luke (Luke 21:1-4).


As Jesus observed the people putting their gifts into the temple treasury, He noticed a widow who approached with two small copper coins, worth only a fraction of a penny. These were her last possessions, all she had to live on.


The widow's offering was meager compared to the large sums contributed by the wealthy. Yet, in Jesus's eyes, her gift held incomparable value. He gathered His disciples and declared, "Truly, I tell you, this poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury."


The essence of Jesus's teaching in this moment lies in the widow's heart and her willingness to give everything she had. Her offering, though small in monetary terms, was an act of profound faith and sacrifice, embodying the principle of giving out of one's need rather than abundance.


The contrast between the widow's offering and the contributions of the wealthy serves as a poignant lesson on true generosity. The wealthy gave out of their surplus, without experiencing any significant impact on their lives. The widow, on the other hand, gave sacrificially, trusting God to provide for her needs.


Jesus's words underscore the importance of giving with a sincere and generous heart. He teaches that it is not the quantity of one's gift that matters most, but the spirit in which it is given. The widow's offering becomes a model of wholehearted devotion and selfless giving.


This story is a reminder that God values the condition of our hearts more than the size of our gifts. It challenges us to examine our motives when giving and encourages us to cultivate a spirit of generosity that extends beyond monetary wealth.


Furthermore, the story of the Widow's Offering is a reflection of Jesus's concern for the marginalized and vulnerable in society. Widows, in that cultural context, often faced financial hardship and dependency. Jesus's recognition of the widow's faith and sacrifice emphasizes His compassion for those who are economically disadvantaged.


The widow's offering also draws parallels with the concept of stewardship. She entrusted her last resources to God, acknowledging Him as the ultimate provider. Her act of faith echoes the biblical principle of faithful stewardship, recognizing that all we have ultimately belongs to God.


In the broader context of Jesus's teachings, this account serves as a counterpoint to the religious hypocrisy and self-righteousness exhibited by some of the religious leaders. It challenges believers to embrace a humble and authentic faith, marked by genuine devotion and compassion for others.


The story of the Widow's Offering continues to inspire believers to examine their attitudes towards giving and to prioritize a heart of sacrificial generosity. It serves as a timeless reminder that God values the authenticity of our devotion and the condition of our hearts above all else.


In a world driven by materialism and excess, the widow's act of sacrificial giving resonates as a powerful testimony to the transformative power of faith, selflessness, and the recognition of God's providence.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 661 Views    |   


The story of Daniel in the lions' den is a gripping tale of unwavering faith, divine deliverance, and the triumph of righteousness in the face of adversity. It is found in the Old Testament book of Daniel, specifically in Daniel 6, and it continues to captivate readers with its powerful message of faithfulness to God.


Daniel, a Jewish exile living in Babylon, rose to prominence in the court of King Darius. His exceptional wisdom and integrity earned him the favor of the king and the envy of his fellow officials. The king recognized Daniel's exceptional qualities and intended to appoint him as one of three administrators over the kingdom.


However, Daniel's rapid ascent to power aroused the jealousy and resentment of the other officials. Desperate to find fault with him, they sought to exploit his unwavering commitment to God. They devised a cunning plan to trap Daniel by convincing King Darius to issue a decree forbidding anyone from making petitions to any god or man for thirty days, except to the king himself.


Daniel, faithful to his God, continued to pray three times a day with his windows open, as was his custom. When the officials caught him in the act of praying to God and informed the king of Daniel's defiance of the decree, King Darius was deeply distressed. He admired Daniel and recognized the trap he had fallen into but was powerless to reverse the decree.


As a result, Daniel was thrown into a den of hungry lions as punishment for his disobedience to the decree. The king, troubled and anxious, spent a sleepless night fasting and mourning for Daniel's fate. His attachment to Daniel was a testament to Daniel's character and integrity.


In the morning, the king rushed to the lions' den, fearing the worst. To his astonishment and relief, he found Daniel alive and unharmed. God had sent an angel to shut the mouths of the lions, sparing Daniel's life. Overjoyed by this miracle, King Darius ordered Daniel's release from the den.


Daniel's faith and commitment to God had not wavered, even in the face of a life-threatening situation. His story is a testimony to his unyielding trust in God and his refusal to compromise his faith for the sake of convenience or safety.


The tale of Daniel in the lions' den serves as a powerful reminder of God's faithfulness to those who remain faithful to Him. It illustrates that when we stand firm in our convictions, even in the face of adversity, God can deliver us from the most daunting challenges.


Furthermore, the story highlights the importance of prayer as an integral part of Daniel's life. His commitment to regular prayer, despite the decree, showcases the significance of maintaining a consistent and unwavering connection with God.


The king's reaction to Daniel's deliverance was to issue a decree that all people within his kingdom should fear and reverence the God of Daniel, acknowledging His sovereign power and dominion. This declaration reflects the transformative impact of Daniel's faithfulness on those around him.


In the broader context of the book of Daniel, this story is one of several accounts that demonstrate God's sovereignty over the affairs of nations and individuals. It reinforces the theme that God's purposes will ultimately prevail, even in the face of opposition.


The story of Daniel in the lions' den continues to inspire believers to remain steadfast in their faith, no matter the circumstances. It serves as a testament to the enduring power of faith and the faithfulness of God to His people.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 644 Views    |   


Amidst the multitude of stories in the Bible, there are moments when the spotlight shines on individuals whose faith transcends boundaries and astonishes those around them. The story of the Canaanite woman is one such powerful narrative that showcases unwavering faith and determination.


This remarkable encounter occurs in the New Testament, specifically in the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 15:21-28). Jesus, during His earthly ministry, embarked on a journey to the region of Tyre and Sidon, an area primarily inhabited by Gentiles, outside the territory of Israel.


In this foreign land, a Canaanite woman approached Jesus, crying out, "Have mercy on me, O Lord, Son of David; my daughter is severely oppressed by a demon." Her plea reveals a deep understanding of Jesus as the Messiah, addressing Him as "Son of David."


What makes this story particularly striking is Jesus's initial response. He did not immediately grant the woman's request but remained silent. The disciples, perhaps uncomfortable with her persistent pleas, urged Jesus to send her away. Yet, the Canaanite woman was undeterred.


She continued to plead, falling at Jesus's feet and imploring Him, "Lord, help me." Her faith was unshakable, her determination unyielding. She recognized Jesus's divine authority and the potential for deliverance for her afflicted daughter.


Jesus's response, though seemingly stern, was part of a test of her faith. He said, "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs." In this metaphorical language, "children" referred to the Jewish people, and "dogs" to Gentiles.


Remarkably, the Canaanite woman's response was filled with humility and profound faith. She replied, "Yes, Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." Her words conveyed a deep understanding of God's abundant grace and mercy, even for those outside the covenant.


Jesus was moved by her faith and persistence. He declared, "O woman, great is your faith! Be it done for you as you desire." At that very moment, her daughter was healed, and the demon was cast out.


The Canaanite woman's faith serves as a powerful example of how faith can transcend cultural and societal barriers. Her story challenges the notion of exclusivity and emphasizes that God's grace is available to all who approach Him in faith.


Moreover, this story highlights the importance of persistence in prayer. The Canaanite woman's unwavering determination to seek Jesus's help for her daughter is a model for believers to persistently bring their concerns before the Lord.


In the broader context of the Gospels, this encounter foreshadows the inclusion of Gentiles in the salvation plan. It is a precursor to Jesus's commission to His disciples to go and make disciples of all nations.


The faith of the Canaanite woman serves as an enduring reminder that God's grace knows no bounds. Her story continues to inspire believers to approach God with unwavering faith, even in the face of challenges and cultural barriers.


In a world often divided by differences, the story of the Canaanite woman encourages us to recognize the universal nature of God's love and the transformative power of faith.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 666 Views    |   

The story of Noah and the Ark is one of the most iconic and universally recognized narratives in the Bible. It is a tale of divine warning, human obedience, and God's promise to preserve life amidst impending judgment.


The world in Noah's time had become increasingly wicked and corrupt, with violence and immorality prevalent. In response to this pervasive evil, God decided to bring a cataclysmic flood upon the earth to cleanse it of sin and wickedness.


God's choice for the instrument of salvation was Noah, a righteous man in his generation. God appeared to Noah and revealed His plan to destroy all living creatures with a flood. He instructed Noah to build an enormous ark to save his family and pairs of every kind of land-dwelling animal.


Noah's obedience to this divine command is a testament to his faith and trust in God. Without question, he devoted himself to the monumental task of constructing the ark, following God's precise instructions. The ark itself was an enormous vessel, designed to accommodate not only Noah's family but also representatives of all animal species.


The flood, when it finally came, was cataclysmic in its scope. Rain poured down, and "the fountains of the great deep burst forth," causing the waters to rise and cover the earth's surface. All life outside the ark was swept away, and the floodwaters prevailed for 40 days and 40 nights.


Inside the ark, Noah, his family, and the animals were safe from the devastation outside. The ark became a symbol of refuge and salvation in the midst of judgment, foreshadowing the salvation offered through Christ in the New Testament.


After the floodwaters receded and the ark came to rest on the mountains of Ararat, Noah sent out a series of birds to determine if the earth was once again habitable. The dove returned with an olive leaf, signaling the beginning of new life and hope.


Upon leaving the ark, Noah built an altar and offered sacrifices to God, signifying his gratitude and devotion. God responded by making a covenant with Noah, promising never to destroy the earth again by flood. As a sign of this covenant, God set the rainbow in the sky.


The story of Noah and the Ark is not merely a historical account but a profound lesson about God's justice, mercy, and faithfulness. It illustrates God's willingness to spare the righteous and provide a means of salvation amidst judgment.


Noah's unwavering faith and obedience are hallmarks of his character. His story inspires believers to trust in God's guidance, even when His plans may seem incomprehensible.


Moreover, the rainbow, which God established as a sign of His covenant, serves as a reminder of God's faithfulness to His promises. It is a symbol of hope and assurance that God's mercy endures forever.


In the narrative of Noah and the Ark, we find themes of divine judgment, redemption, and the preservation of life. It is a timeless story that continues to touch hearts and inspire faith in the providence and grace of God.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 590 Views    |   

Abraham, whose name was originally Abram, is a central figure in the Bible and the father of three great monotheistic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. His story begins with a divine call that would set the course for his life's remarkable journey.


In the book of Genesis, we are introduced to Abraham, a man living in Ur of the Chaldeans. It is here that God appears to him, commanding him to leave his homeland and travel to a land that God would show him. This divine call is the foundation of Abraham's story and the start of his faith journey.


Abraham's response to God's call is an exemplary demonstration of faith and obedience. Without hesitation, he gathers his wife, Sarah, and nephew, Lot, and sets out on a journey into the unknown. He becomes a nomadic pilgrim, following God's promise of a land and descendants.


One of the most pivotal moments in Abraham's life is God's promise to make him a father of nations. However, as years pass, Abraham and Sarah remain childless, which leads to doubt and despair. Despite their old age, God reaffirms His promise of offspring, foretelling the birth of a son.


In a moment that encapsulates both the absurdity and the miraculous nature of God's promises, Sarah laughs at the prospect of bearing a child in her old age. Yet, God's promise comes to fruition, and Isaac is born, bringing joy and fulfillment to Abraham and Sarah.


Isaac's birth is a testament to the faithfulness of God and serves as a reminder that God's promises are not limited by human limitations. It is a profound moment of hope and blessing in Abraham's life.


However, God's test of Abraham's faith and obedience is yet to come. In a remarkable and heart-wrenching story, God commands Abraham to offer his beloved son Isaac as a burnt offering on a mountain in the land of Moriah. This is a test of unparalleled magnitude, as Isaac is not only Abraham's son but also the fulfillment of God's promise of descendants.


The gravity of God's command cannot be overstated. Sacrificing Isaac would not only bring immense personal grief to Abraham but would also seemingly contradict God's promise of making him a father of nations through Isaac.


Nevertheless, Abraham's response to God's command is one of unwavering faith and obedience. Early in the morning, he takes Isaac, along with wood and fire, and sets out for the designated mountain. The journey to Moriah is a period of silence and profound reflection.


Upon reaching the mountain, Abraham and Isaac begin to prepare for the sacrifice. Isaac, unaware of the true purpose of the journey, questions his father about the absence of a sacrificial lamb. Abraham's response is laden with faith: "God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son."


As Abraham raises the knife to offer his son as a sacrifice, an angel of the Lord intervenes, calling out to him. "Abraham, Abraham! Do not lay your hand on the boy or do anything to him, for now I know that you fear God, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from me."


This divine intervention demonstrates not only Abraham's obedience but also God's immense grace and provision. A ram caught in a thicket nearby becomes the substitute sacrifice, sparing Isaac's life.


Abraham's willingness to offer Isaac, coupled with God's provision and intervention, underscores the importance of unwavering faith and trust in God's divine plan.


The significance of this story extends beyond Abraham's personal journey. It foreshadows God's ultimate act of sacrifice through Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who would provide redemption for humanity.


In the end, Abraham's call and the sacrifice of Isaac are a testament to faith, obedience, and the profound relationship between humanity and God. It is a story that continues to touch the hearts of believers, reminding them of the depths of faith and the boundless grace of God.



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        Phoebe    |    Sep. 26, 2023     | 713 Views    |   

As Christians, we are called to live a life that is guided by faith and love. Emotions play a significant role in our daily lives, shaping our thoughts, actions, and interactions with others. However, if left unchecked, emotions can become overwhelming and detrimental. In this blog, we will explore how we can harness our emotions in alignment with biblical principles to experience emotional well-being and spiritual growth.


1. Acknowledge and Understand Emotions:

The first step in harnessing emotions is to acknowledge and understand them. God has created us with a range of emotions, and each emotion serves a purpose. Take time to reflect on what you are feeling and why you might be feeling that way. Through self-awareness and introspection, you can gain insight into the underlying causes and triggers of your emotions.


2. Surrender to God:

As Christians, we believe that our lives are surrendered to God. This includes surrendering our emotions to Him. Invite God into your emotional experiences and seek His guidance and wisdom. Through prayer, ask God to help you understand and navigate your emotions in ways that honor Him and promote spiritual growth.


3. Seek God's Word for Guidance:

The Bible is a rich source of wisdom and guidance for all areas of life, including emotions. Search the Scriptures for passages that address emotions, such as Psalms, Proverbs, and the teachings of Jesus. Meditate on these verses and allow them to shape your understanding and response to your emotions. God's Word provides a solid foundation for managing emotions in a healthy and godly manner.


4. Practice Self-Control:

The Bible teaches the importance of self-control in various areas of our lives, including our emotions. Proverbs 25:28 states, "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls." Ask the Holy Spirit to help you develop self-control over your emotions. This involves pausing before reacting impulsively, choosing words and actions that reflect godly character, and seeking wise counsel when needed.


5. Seek Emotional Healing:

Emotional wounds and past hurts can significantly impact our ability to harness our emotions. It is crucial to seek emotional healing through prayer, counseling, or support groups. Allow God to bring healing and restoration to areas of brokenness, so that your emotions can be guided by His love, grace, and truth.


6. Cultivate Gratitude and Joy:

Gratitude and joy are powerful emotions that can positively influence our overall emotional well-being. Cultivate an attitude of gratitude by regularly expressing thankfulness to God and others. Choose joy by focusing on the blessings in your life and finding contentment in God's presence. These emotions will help you navigate challenges with a hopeful and optimistic perspective.


7. Community and Accountability:

Surround yourself with a supportive community of fellow believers who can provide encouragement, prayer, and accountability. Share your emotional struggles and victories with trusted individuals who can offer biblical guidance and support. Together, you can grow in emotional maturity and harness your emotions in a way that honors God.

Harnessing our emotions is an ongoing process that requires self-reflection, surrender to God, and intentional alignment with biblical principles. As we acknowledge, understand, and surrender our emotions to God, we can experience emotional well-being and spiritual growth. Through prayer, self-control, seeking God's Word, pursuing emotional healing, cultivating gratitude and joy, and engaging in community, we can harness our emotions in a way that brings glory to God and enriches our lives and relationships.


Proverbs 29:11: "A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back."


James 1:19-20: "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God."


Proverbs 16:32: "Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit than he who takes a city."


Ephesians 4:31-32: "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."


Colossians 3:8: "But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth."


Proverbs 14:29: "Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly."


Galatians 5:22-23: "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law."


Psalm 37:8: "Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath! Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil."


Proverbs 15:18: "A hot-tempered man stirs up strife, but he who is slow to anger quiets contention."


Romans 12:17-21: "Repay no one evil for evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, 'Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.' To the contrary, 'if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.' Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."


These verses highlight the importance of self-control, forgiveness, humility, and seeking peace in managing our emotions according to biblical principles. They encourage us to rely on the Holy Spirit's guidance and to respond to our emotions in a way that honors God and promotes love and righteousness.

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        Tewodros    |    May. 14, 2023     | 820 Views    |   

Hey guys! Today I just want to point out that we should be confident a some point when you are scared or something. Like maybe you’re in a big performance and you need to count on God so you can have at least a little extra of confidence. I even went to a ballet performance  myself after months of practice and at the performance I counted on God so that I wouldn’t be nervous. This is what you should do in your life: obey God and his laws and when your scared and you need confidence, say, “ God I have obeyed you all this time, now  its your turn to encourage me.” 

Believe and trust in God and you will have confidence and you will have his spirit.

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        Phoebe    |    Apr. 3, 2023     | 762 Views    |   

  • Hello fellow christians. I will be teaching you how to pray properly and where to pray and why. First, I will be teaching you how to pray properly. It goes like this,

Dear Father in heaven,

May Your name be honored,

May Your kingdom come,

May your will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us our daily bread,

and forgive our sins,

just as we forgive others.

Do not lead us into temptation,

Protect us from all evil.

For yours is the kingdom and the 

power and the glory forever.


Now I will be teaching you where to pray. You should pray in a room then lock the door because God will reward you if you do that. If you pray where everybody can see you, then God know that you won’t need a reward from God because aren't you happy enough with the people?

Finally, I will be teaching you why you should pray. You should pray because you and me all have sins and we repent by praying. Jesus died on the cross for everybody you see. Because of him, we don't have to be punished if we pray.

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        Phoebe    |    Jan. 14, 2023     | 848 Views    |   

Love of God

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        Tewodros    |    Jan. 13, 2023     | 1,408 Views    |   

 Hi friends! Today I want to share something awesome. Did you know that a single mistake can make a complete disaster? In fact, when Adam and Eve made the first sin, sin enters in to the world. That's why the bible says, "Everyone is a sinner".

We know that everybody sins but some of us really try not to sin and that's great. No matter how many mistakes you make and believe in Jesus, you will inherit the kingdom of God. But if you on purposely lie or sin just because of fear, it's bad. But don't worry. I make the same mistakes too!

Just like one sin caused disaster to the whole world, one man who was pure and righteous saved the world so that we could be forgiven and have eternal life. However, we need to obey His laws so that we can be righteous. Although how hard we try, we cannot be saved by our works. We still need to believe in Jesus Christ. 

In conclusion, the Almighty God saved us from our sin since we couldn't save our selves.

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        Phoebe    |    Oct. 2, 2022     | 1,040 Views    |   

Are we worthy of God's kingdom?

The short answer is no. We are not worthy if not by the grace and mercy of God.

We will enter in to the house of God with confidence because of the cross of Jesus and what he did for us on that cross, he becomes our righteousness.

But unfortunately, most of us become worthy of the world because we level ourselves to the foolish desires of this world. 

The Bible says in Hebrew 11:38 regarding our faithful children of God,

The world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, living in caves and in holes in the ground. 

Surely, if the world is worthy of us, then surely, we are not worthy of God's kingdom.

Let me explain what worthy of the world mean exactly.

We are worthy of this world if we talk like them, we love and hate like them, if we live our lives like them. If we watched the same movie like them. If we treat others like the people of the world and specially if we are loved by the world and get their attention. 

Jesus said that when the people of this world love and adore you then watch out as you are in the wrong track.

But when they hate you and prosecute you for doing the right thing, then rejoice because they also did the same thing to Jesus. 

Beloved children of God, love for the things of the world will cost us our relationship with God.

Love and adoration for the world is enmity with God.

We cannot be citizens of devil as well as God's kingdom. 

The world belongs to the devil. He is the ruler of the darkness in the world.

But while we live in it, he cannot overpower us and defeat us since he who is in us (HOLY SPIRIT) is stronger is he who is in the world, devil.

Faith is confidence in God that he is going to finish what he started in our lives.

In other words, faith is assurance of the things that we don't see.

Our faith father defied the devil and its foolish desires of the world by one simple but mighty weapon. FAITH!!!



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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 3, 2022     | 1,108 Views    |   

Friends and listeners, with God, nothing is impossible. All the circumstances will be hard and we may not do anything about it. But of course, God was here before human world was created. (That does not mean devil was here without a purpose.) This means no harm will come to us.

Not to mention, I almost forgot! Faith in God is also part of making him happy. So if God can do anything which is always true, faith can as well! And so can you with faith. 

You can move mountains with faith and turn water to wine.If you love God deeply you can do anything! So have faith in God so things can go easy on Earth, and God will let you do nothing but praise Him in heaven.

Something important about faith, is that it is a strong weapon that helps you overcome the devil when he lurks upon you with many  temptations which might create chaos in your head!(No offense though,).

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        Phoebe    |    Jun. 19, 2022     | 1,197 Views    |   

Friends and listeners of the Lord,

Let's celebrate that we have been welcomed by the Holy One and that when we are put in The "New Jerusalem" , we are and we will, live there forever more.

The God, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and The God of Jacob, is going to make the old Jerusalem a new and better place for us when we, the disciples of Jesus, are there. He will leave the gates there open and never let it become closed for the People Of God are welcomed. He will protect His People although there is nothing to be scared of. This is how He will turn old things to new things. Like our world.

Here is the moral of the whole lesson. Like the title, I may repeat it. "Be Happy And Rejoice For The Kingdom Of God Is Near."

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        Phoebe    |    May. 8, 2022     | 1,148 Views    |   


God is fair. So we need to share fairness like Him. God is kind. So we need to share kindness like Him. Lastly and mostly, God is Holy.  We want to all be equal and fair with all the things we have and we can share our Spirit with all the people who really have a hard time understanding God's Word.

We are God's adapted children. I know how you are confused and are saying, "Why? We are God's children. Not adapt!" And yes you are God's children, but God himself and His son Jesus want to be an adapting Father.

The Lord's unfailing love wants to help the poor, bless the humble, and do other miracles for us forever but there is two problems. Sin, which comes by the devil, separates  us from God to fully bless us. The second problem is, usually, God and Jesus are working together to fight the devil and we ourselves are busy. I don't want to be mean but, sometimes, we don't really deserve a blessing all the time. That's why we want to let God do what He decides to do.

Yeah. Sometimes that can happen. 

I know sometimes its hard to understand but even now, before and after, I know that people in this world; States, and countries alike, may have tragedy too, sometimes. That's why giving could help ourselves, other people, and our very hearts. God is already caring and all He needs to do is watch us. (Well, the devil is patrolling the earth too. But no harm will come to us.)

This is the moral of the whole lesson. Like the title, I can repeat it. "Kindness: If God Is Kind To You, Please show The Same Act Of Kindness To Others."



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        Phoebe    |    Apr. 10, 2022     | 174 Views    |   

Friends, listen to my sayings. Before our savior died on the cross, he knew this was going to happen so he blessed us and wanted to be generous to us as a sign that this will be the end of being on earth for quite a while. And he willingly died for us on the cross because he wanted to reunite our relationship with Him.

Let's say you pushed your very own best friend in your house or in a random place and the following day your friend chose you in her team at school. This is precisely like God. Even though the people of Israel plot to kill our Savior, and turned their back away from Him, He still loves us no matter we do. But there is always a consequence in disobedience.

What would you ask God ? Would you ask The Lord to forgive the people like Jesus and Stephen or would you ask Him to punish them? Well, it's your opinion to forgive or not. Making the Lord happy is all he needs from you. Not turning to idols and disobey him, just listen to his commands and just sit tight.

I hope you all understand me but, I know how we all face difficulties and stuff like that but others don't. That's how I feel too. However, when we think about how Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, we can feel better again. (Or if that can't help take 3 deep breaths.)

Here is the moral of this story. Like the title, I can repeat it. Jesus' purpose on earth was to bless and be generous for every human generation.



 But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  --Romans 5:8




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        Phoebe    |    Mar. 30, 2022     | 1,121 Views    |   

There is salvation for everyone today, friends. For we do not know what will happen tomorrow. God only knows our future not us. He had all the answers of philosophy in life in the beginning, and even now! If you ignore his words, you will keep procrastinating  the good news. 

Speculate that you had everything you need and a 100 percent what will happen the next day and, Boom! It did not come as planned, and God will not appreciate that work you did. Today is a special day where you can do as planned and do as your desire can leap to but not understanding the future will not make it as that special as you think it is.

Make your free time today praising the Lord. God needs his glory on Sunday because the rest of the 6 days are for you.

Indeed, making God pleased is the key of understanding him and making him happy. Knowing that he is all powerful and has unfailing love, we can understand his love too!

This is the moral of the whole lesson. Like the title, I'll repeat it. "Love and Cherish for today". 




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        Phoebe    |    Mar. 27, 2022     | 1,078 Views    |   

Love, the fulfilment of law, is like a stream that flows from a pure heart and good conciousness. 

The faith in faithful people will lead it to the rightful path through every person.

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        Tewodros    |    Oct. 12, 2021     | 1,573 Views    |   

Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. But sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness must not even be named among you, as is proper among saints. Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. For you may be sure of this, that everyone who is sexually immoral or impure, or who is covetous ( that is, an idolater), has no inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.

‭‭ወደ ኤፌሶን 5

1፤ እንግዲህ እንደ ተወደዱ ልጆች እግዚአብሔርን የምትከተሉ ሁኑ፥

2፤ ክርስቶስም ደግሞ እንደ ወደዳችሁ ለእግዚአብሔርም የመዓዛ ሽታ የሚሆንን መባንና መሥዋዕትን አድርጎ ስለ እናንተ ራሱን አሳልፎ እንደ ሰጠ በፍቅር ተመላለሱ።

3፤ ለቅዱሳን እንደሚገባ ግን ዝሙትና ርኵሰት ሁሉ ወይም መመኘት በእናንተ ዘንድ ከቶ አይሰማ፤

4፤ የሚያሳፍር ነገርም የስንፍና ንግግርም ወይም ዋዛ የማይገቡ ናቸውና አይሁኑ፥ ይልቁን ምስጋና እንጂ።

5፤ ይህን እወቁ፤ አመንዝራም ቢሆን ወይም ርኵስ ወይም የሚመኝ እርሱም ጣዖትን የሚያመልክ በክርስቶስና በእግዚአብሔር መንግሥት ርስት የለውም።

6፤ ከዚህ የተነሣ በማይታዘዙት ልጆች ላይ የእግዚአብሔር ቁጣ ይመጣልና ማንም በከንቱ ንግግር አያታልላችሁ።

7፤ እንግዲህ ከእነርሱ ጋር ተካፋዮች አትሁኑ፤



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        Tewodros    |    Oct. 9, 2021     | 1,388 Views    |   

ወደ ገላትያ 1

15-16፤ ነገር ግን በእናቴ ማኅፀን ሳለሁ የለየኝ በጸጋውም የጠራኝ እግዚአብሔር በአሕዛብ መካከል ስለ እርሱ ወንጌልን እሰብክ ዘንድ ልጁን በእኔ ሁኔታ ሊገልጥ በወደደ ጊዜ፥ ወዲያው ከሥጋና ከደም ጋር አልተማከርሁም፥


ወደ ገላትያ 2

20፤ ከክርስቶስ ጋር ተሰቅዬአለሁ፤ እኔም አሁን ሕያው ሆኜ አልኖርም ክርስቶስ ግን በእኔ ይኖራል፤ አሁንም በሥጋ የምኖርበት ኑሮ በወደደኝና ስለ እኔ ራሱን በሰጠው በእግዚአብሔር ልጅ ላይ ባለ እምነት የምኖረው ነው።



ወደ ገላትያ 5

15፤ ነገር ግን እርስ በርሳችሁ ብትነካከሱ ብትበላሉ እርስ በርሳችሁ እንዳትጠፋፉ ተጠንቀቁ።


ወደ ገላትያ 6

14፤ ነገር ግን ዓለም ለእኔ የተሰቀለበት እኔም ለዓለም የተሰቀልሁበት ከጌታችን ከኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ መስቀል በቀር ሌላ ትምክህት ከእኔ ይራቅ።


ወደ ገላትያ 6

1፤ ወንድሞች ሆይ፥ ሰው በማናቸውም በደል ስንኳ ቢገኝ፥ መንፈሳውያን የሆናችሁ እናንተ እንደዚህ ያለውን ሰው በየውሃት መንፈስ አቅኑት፤ አንተ ደግሞ እንዳትፈተን ራስህን ጠብቅ።



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        Tewodros    |    Oct. 8, 2021     | 1,780 Views    |   

Friends, today I would like to share with you some of the important instructions that apostle Paul passed to Timothy concerning how he should live his life and guide others around him. I believe these are very monumental and very practical that we should also apply to our lives in a daily manner. The order in which I listed these points are not the same order in the books of 1st and 2nd Timothy, rather in the order I think is very important.

Paul instructions to Timothy.

1. Pray for all people including leaders

We must pray daily consistently about all things and for all people.

We should pray about leaders and governments so that we can have peace and freedom to worship the Lord. 

2. Believe God with all your heart

Paul emphasized that we should have good faith in the Lord since we cannot please God without one. Everything we do in the spiritual world is one way or another due to faith as we cannot see it with our eyes. Faith is assurance of something we hopped for and proof to our imagination that we cannot see or feel in the physical realm. 

3. Live with Modesty and Simplicity

Paul mentioned that as Christians whose home is not in this world, we should not put to much attention to the glittering things of this world. Moreover, we should be very thoughtful about other people around us who are not fortunate enough to have material things like we have. We should not boast our selves more than what is necessary and become a burden to other people.

4. Respect the elders

Elders who have enough knowledge and experience in the house of the Lord may not need to be instructed or corrected as they know better.

5. Provide for the families and relatives

Paul put the issue of helping our families very crucial as this is mandatory for any Christian to do. He even compared a person who is not willing to help family while he can to a person who has abandoned his faith or even worse than this. That is how important this is. 

Our parents raised us since we were 6 pounds. They changed our diapers, went through a lot of psychological, mental, physical, emotional pain just to raise us. It will be very cruel to abandon them when they need us most which is in their old age or due to illness,

6. Love others with good conscience

Good conscience is something we barely find now a days. It is nothing but positive mindset with no ill intentions. Good conscience is when we have a good intention towards others to be able to nurture, captivate and enrich other people lives no matter what the other person thinks or does. A person with good conscience never retaliates or conceive evil plans. He always forgives and forget and move on when bad things happen. 

7. Be a good soldier for Christ

This is so important as we are all need to be loyal and good faithful servant and soldier for our Lord.

It always amazes me how a soldier is dedicated his own life for the sake of the country he or she serves. 

Soldiers don’t have extra ambitions and purpose other than to defend their country. They lay down their life just to keep everyone safe and make them proud. We should act similarly as we too are soldiers of God’s army and kingdom. 

8. Do not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ

Under no circumstance should we be ashamed of the gospel.

It is the way of salvation for human beings and escape the wrath of God. It is also foolishness to those who will perish. 

If we speak about the gospel in front of other people, Jesus will testify that to the father in judgment day. Otherwise, he won’t do it.

9. Be content with what you have

This is the key to a happy life. Making more money doesn’t make you happy. Only when you understand this principle that you will be happy. Paul said many tried to get rich, but they were pulled down and hurt themselves. Faith is not a way to get rich by craving for more but by making you fulfilled and satisfied with what you have. That does mean if we are rich then we are are sinners until we don’t know how to share for the poor. Which takes us to our next point. 

10. Share with the poor

Sharing shows that you care and love others. Keeping money for yourself doesn’t say good things about you. We came into this world empty handed and we will go the same way we came here – empty handed. Not even one penny will be taken with us to heaven. Being rich is not a sin but being greedy is. Rich people should store their treasure in a place where thieves cannot steal it and moth cannot destroy it. And that my friend is when you give your money to the poor. That sounds foolish but is true. You cannot save your money in bank somewhere in this physical world and expect it to see it in the spiritual world. The spiritual world has principles as the physical world that we have to follow in order to operate on it and that is what Paul is teaching us here with the wisdom that comes from the Holy Spirit.

11. Pay your tithe

It is very necessary that we should contribute to our church using our gifts and talents. Paying our tithe and offering is one way of showing love for the servants of the Lord who are serving the church day and night diligently. Those people deserve to get paid even two folds as they have dedicated themselves for the sake of preaching the gospel. Young minsters sacrificed their youth and energy into something that is eternal and therefore they should be encouraged and supported both financially and emotionally when they need our help.

12. Use your time and money wisely

Time is one of the most precious gifts we have on this earth. We must be vigilant and use it wisely. Most resources can be acquired anytime but once you run out of time, it is impossible to get it back.

We all live only a limited amount of time on this earth, and we should plan it accordingly. We should prioritize what we need to accomplish each day, week, month, and year and so on. 

The Bible gives us full of examples of individuals who have wasted their time on earth and regret it later. 

The Bible says there is time for everything. Time for laugh and time for crying. Time for work and time for rest. Time for giving and time for receiving. Don’t waste your time with anything that is ungodly and may degrade your faith in Christ.

13. Use your money wisely

Money is also another important resource that is bestowed to you to manage and utilize is wisely. 

In this aspect Paul advised to not waste our money on someone who can work but being simply dependent due to laziness.

Paul doesn’t encourage people who can work but are simply lazy to get help from church. These people are burden for the church. They are taking resource that should be given to other people who really need it. For example, Paul mentioned young widows should not be included as we must take care of old widow above the age of 60.


14. Use and guard your gifts wisely

We have participated in the glorious plan of God according to his love through Christ Jesus.  The grace of our Lord was poured out on us abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus.

We partake from this heavenly gift, and we must use it for the benefit of humankind and for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

15. Expose false teaching including prosperity gospel

In this last days there are so many false teachers that are anointed by the devil to confuse God’s people from the way, the truth and the life, Jesus Christ. 

On the other side the church is now filled with so many non-believers who call themselves “Christian” that are the breeding ground for false teachers as they encourage them to preach their non-sense. Paul mentioned that in the last days people doesn’t want to hear the true gospel but only that itches their ears which is filled with greediness, malice, distorted scriptures, pride, false prosperity, and so on. 

16. Tell the truth with love

Because false teachers that always tries to capture people attention with deceitfulness and cunning mind, people are now tired of hearing the truth from the word of God that admonished and correct them and guide them to do good things. Therefore, as teachers of the word of God we have to be loving and caring when it comes to correcting others and cultivating them to be fruitful. Which leads us to the last but not least lesson we learn from this article

17. Be humble

Humility is the basis for a Christian living. God listens and speaks to a humble heart. God disgraces and breaks a proud person, nation, mankind... David was called “a man after God’s heart” because he always humbles himself in the eyes of God and lay dawn himself when it comes to serving other people or the King of kings.

People also listen to anyone who is humble. As teachers of the Word of God, we must humble ourselves under the power of the Almighty God and serve other as if we do all things to please Him. 

May the love and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all the time

May he bless you with peace of mind and joy of the holy spirit.


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        Tewodros    |    Sep. 15, 2021     | 1,454 Views    |   

Friends, have you ever wondered what is the benefit of providing assistance for the needy, whether it is financial or emotional support? Whether it is genuine empathy or an actual help, whether it is a small gift or a hefty one. All these matter so much. It does not matter whether it is small or big. 

Many people pass through difficult times in their lives and we need to offer help as much as we can to help them elevate from their unfortunate circumstances. We may think when we help someone, we only are helping them, and we may not know that the benefit is mutual. There is a lot of joy in giving to the needy. we cannot feel it until we take the steps to do it in the first place.

In fact, there is a lot more joy in giving than there is in saving money and accumulate treasures to use it later for yourself. The joy comes from watching closely to the response of the person whom we have helped. Their facial expression, thankfulness and happiness are the factories of your happiness. It is not near to what you may feel when your saving account grows.

It also comes from the fact that when we give, we are lending money to our God who is the creator of all things.

Why, because the Bible says so. 

Proverbs 19:17 Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD

You see when you give instead of saving it for later, you are saying to the Lord that you trust his provision for bad days than your preparedness.

You are putting your confidence on him rather than your brain.

In other words, God is saying to you, you give them now and think as if you lend me a money.

I do not know about you, but I think this is serious business. When God is their collateral, there is no way you are going to lose you money. He is giving you a lifetime warranty that nothing is going to destroy you financially the rest of your life as he is going to pay back the goodness that you have showed to the needy.

It is interesting when we look giving from this angle that God borrows money from a peasant like you and me where the truth is we are in great debt of his mercy and kindness.

I never looked my kindness to others will make God in gratitude towards me as I always believe that I have never paid what he has done for me in Christ. Neither should you, BTW.

Jesus has laid his life to save us from hell and we will never pay that loan off.

But as a sign of gratitude, we should visit the poor and reach them at their pains and miseries and support them. This is considered as proper form of worship the Lord according to Jacob

Jacob 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

There is no way we say we love the Lord if do not even care about those who suffer in life. We should contribute to their lives and show them that we care, and we are here to help. We are all God children, brothers, and sisters in Chris, that God has born us in Christ. Let us not turn our backs to those who need our help while we can help.

Let us feel their pain and try to walk in their shoes and be compassionate as our father is compassionate and never fails to provide us with what ever it is to sustain us and have a productive life.

Therefore, in conclusion, giving to the needy has a lot more benefits that we may have believed so far. It is a certificate of warranty that the Lord will be with us when we are the one in need. It shows God is in full control of our lives and we trust in him. Giving creates joy and happiness that no money can provide.

So, let us do something good today by thinking about giving something to someone in need and go ahead and do it. God bless you!











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        Tewodros    |    Dec. 31, 2020     | 1,730 Views    |   

ስለ ሕይወት ቃል ከመጀመሪያው የነበረውንና የሰማነውን በዓይኖቻችንም ያየነውን የተመለከትነውንም እጆቻችንም የዳሰሱትን እናወራለን፤,

ሕይወትም ተገለጠ አይተንማል እንመሰክርማለን፥ ከአብ ዘንድ የነበረውንም ለእኛም የተገለጠውን የዘላለምን ሕይወት እናወራላችኋለን፤

እናንተ ደግሞ ከእኛ ጋር ኅብረት እንዲኖራችሁ ያየነውንና የሰማነውን ለእናንተ ደግሞ እናወራላችኋለን። ኅብረታችንም ከአባት ጋር ከልጁም ከኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ጋር ነው።

ደስታችሁም እንዲፈጸም ይህን እንጽፍላችኋለን።

ከእርሱም የሰማናት ለእናንተም የምናወራላችሁ መልእክት። እግዚአብሔር ብርሃን ነው ጨለማም በእርሱ ዘንድ ከቶ የለም የምትል ይህች ናት።

ከእርሱ ጋር ኅብረት አለን ብንል በጨለማም ብንመላለስ እንዋሻለን እውነትንም አናደርግም፤

ነገር ግን እርሱ በብርሃን እንዳለ በብርሃን ብንመላለስ ለእያንዳንዳችን ኅብረት አለን፥ የልጁም የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ደም ከኃጢአት ሁሉ ያነጻናል።

ኃጢአት የለብንም ብንል ራሳችንን እናስታለን፥ እውነትም በእኛ ውስጥ የለም።

በኃጢአታችን ብንናዘዝ ኃጢአታችንን ይቅር ሊለን ከዓመፃም ሁሉ ሊያነጻን የታመነና ጻድቅ ነው።

ኃጢአትን አላደረግንም ብንል ሐሰተኛ እናደርገዋለን ቃሉም በእኛ ውስጥ የለም።


That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked at and our hands have touched—this we proclaim concerning the Word of life. The life appeared; we have seen it and testify to it, and we proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and has appeared to us. We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.  

We write this to make our joy complete.

This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin.

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.



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        Tewodros    |    Aug. 11, 2020     | 2,809 Views    |   

Hello Friends,

Today I would like to discuss the issue of mental health as we are now passing through one of the longest pandemics in history. I would like to share my two cents about this issue. I am not by any means a mental health expert or physician. I am just sharing my knowledge I have gained through the past years from reading the bible and some of the articles on the net. 

From time to time we keep forgetting to give a good care to our mental health. We may be more sensitive and careful about the things that are in front of our eyes like studying or working or cleaning or eating.

But we may forget to invest into the sanity of brain. Although our mood and behavior change intermittently during a time like this one, we need to focus more on stabilizing our feelings and try to overcome some of those mood changes. 

One of the great concerns during the COVID-19 outbreak is we tend to stay inside a house more.

We don’t get the chance to cool off from a bad argument with someone by going outside as often as before.

People are fragile by nature. No exceptions. We all are. The problem is not only we are fragile, but most of us we don’t even know we are fragile.

The most important part of our body is our brain. We take care of our selves and others when we have a good healthy brain that can function well even during abnormal condition like the COVID-19 outbreak.

The more good thing we do to our brain, the bigger is the return of investment. In return we will lead a healthy lifestyle.

We don’t take a good care of our brain means we end up making bad decisions including doing more bad things that is hostile for our brain and become a stumbling block to others.

Knowing how to manage our feelings is never more important than the time we are now.

Feelings or in other words, neural impulses produced by our brain, CAN ULTIMATELY DRIVE US CRAZY if we don’t know how to be the boss of them.

We have more will power than what we think we can do to our brain. 

We can say SHHHH! to our feelings to shut them down like how a baby is calmed down by his mother.

Psalm 131:2
But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.

Otherwise, if we entertain them too much, they might get out of control and we may lose it all.

Although not all feelings are dangerous by  nature, there are many circumstances during the day that we found ourselves in a tricky situation that the only way to be safe is by only de-escalating the situation by backing up a little bit and let the other person have his way. 

We are living in a fallen world. We don’t want to be fools and hurt our selves and our loved ones.

We must be vigilant in detecting what is about to happen in our lives and act very wisely.

The times are bad.

Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. - Ephesians 5:16

Never get out of your bed without saying your prayers. I believe God has the power to destroy all the plans of the wicked when you kneel down and pray consistently. 

It doesn’t mean He will not protect you if you don’t do that but when we pray we become aware of the situations that are about to happen that can be so tense and brutal if we were not prepared for it ahead of time in prayer. God reveals a secret of what is about to happen in our lives when we are intimate with him.

Abraham was so intimate with God that God said, 

The LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” Genesis 18:17


Here are 10 suggestions on how to take a good care of our mental health


Eat healthy. 

This means eat only as much as you need and only when you need it. It is also important to eat healthy food. Our brain needs it and it is a good investment.

Take at least 2 hours walk 

outside with the whole family (if we are living with a family) as your schedule allows it. This one will definitely help your brain to relax a little bit from the stress

Get a good night sleep every day. 

This is very important as the brain regenerate and remove the dead nerve cells as we rest well.

Drink a lot of water during the day. 

Nighttime less water to avoid sleep interruptions. Water increases blood circulation in the brain, and it helps clear some of the fogginess

Exercise daily

That may release hormones that can stabilize the bad hormones.

Focus on your relationships

There are a lot of things that distract us from one of the most valuable things in life, family. Work hard to love and serve your family. Spend quality time.

Positive thinking

Surround yourself with books and people who are positive and love other people. Proverbs 13:20: Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Daily dosage of Bible

The bible has a way challenging our thinking and changing our heart. It shapes our desires and makes it in align with God’s will. You will never regret the time you spend reading the bible.

Pray consistently

Never stop praying even for a day. Have a daily prayer time that you will have fellowship with God privately and with your family. Tell everything you want to say to God, and he will listen to you. He will not just listen, but he will change your sorrows to joy. He will carry your burdens and heal your brokenness. The joy that comes from the Holy Spirit is nothing like what you feel and experience from any where else.


Worship has this amazing power to lift your spirit from this world and have a taste of heaven since that is what we all do in heaven, worshiping God forever. I have heard the testimonies of many that worship has helped them deal with temptations of self-harm, suicide and depression.


Let us be safe and take a good care of our mental health during this Pandemic



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        Tewodros    |    Jun. 20, 2020     | 2,292 Views    |   

How to Offer Spiritual Support for the Broken 

From time to time we may come across with people who are beaten severely by the enemy and are in the brink of loosing passion and joy of life. These people are passing through the worst time of their lives and they are in need of all the help they can get from their loved ones. 

Meditating about our past tribulations and how God carried us through it is a great start to offer help to those who really need it in times of trouble and confusion. We were once living a low form of life filled with anxiety, depression, and self-doubt. Only Jesus has transformed our lives into a magnificent piece of work. We are the works of his omnipotent hands. 

Sometimes we felt so proud and self-righteous and we tend to forget what we have passed through. We may think we are in good shape for now, but the truth of the matter is we are so brittle. 

The Bible teaches us that we must be very careful about what we think of our selves. We may think we are safe, but we are not.



Therefore, let the one who thinks he stands firm [immune to temptation, being overconfident and self-righteous], take care that he does not fall [into sin and condemnation].


No one is immune to sin, lose and condemnation. We all are sinners by nature and it only takes a matter of few unfortunate circumstances to stumble and fall.

The great lesson in life to learn is not only to stand temptation of sinning but also to have a compassionate and kind heart towards those who really are going through tough times.

In other words, it is very important to feel the pain and weakness of our friends and families when they are too confused to lead their life in the right directions.

It takes a good heart to put our serves in their shoes and walk the walk and talk the talk with them.

We need to do this even if we are going to pay a huge sacrifice to make them feel comfortable about themselves. We may pass through tough times when they navigate through their lives and go through the healing process.

We may be escape-goat to their actions with or without intention. We may a victim of their personal attack on our hard work and support, but we need to still pray and support them as much they need.

The tough part is to keep them with you as they may not feel they need you.

The most important part is not how we feel about ourselves but how much care and love we can offer to them. The center of our thoughts should be them and not us.

When God gave us relief from the attacks of our enemies like Solomon, He expects us to do the same for others in great deal of trouble.

He wants us to offer help as much as we could. He wants us to be like the good Samaritan who stopped to help the person who was left between life and death. However, He does not want us to be like the hypocrites who avoided helping the poor man that really needed their help. 


But a Samaritan, as he traveled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper. ‘Look after him,’ he said, ‘and when I return, I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have.’

Read Luke 10:25 for the whole story.

The most important thing we can do after doing all we do to help is to pray for them privately for God to heal their broken spirits. 

I believe prayer has great power to reach the depth where we cannot reach if we attempt to help them physically. Holy Spirit intercedes in their lives and offers the best help that no human can offer. 

We need to activate their faith by praying for all of us that are involved. When we look in to the past, we all had someone who constantly prayed for us even when we are weak in our faith.

The people who were strong in their faith may become weak and the weak might get stronger as the Bible says in 1 Samuel 2:5:

“She who was barren has borne seven children, but she who has had many sons’ pines away.”

“It is not by strength that one prevails;”

If we think we are in spiritual race by competing with our fellow brothers and sisters, we completely misunderstood our faith in Christ.

We don’t get praise from our father by beating our brothers. Instead, we will get punishment for doing that. 

God rewards us for humbly serving our brothers and sisters specially those who are about to stumble and fall.

God doesn’t take delight in seeing the sinner die in their sins nor He is happy when we ridicule them with insults and gossip. 

He calls us his children when we pray for them and love them by covering their weakness even up to the point that no one knows about it.

Again, don’t we feel deeply sadden if someone broadcast our sins on national TV? We all do. However, we don’t care if we do the same to our brothers.

It doesn’t mean I am part of the sin he is committing but I care much about the soul that is committing the sin - The soul that looks like the same soul (my soul) that was going down the hill before Christ intervened and rescued from the crowds of the dead. 

When the wrath of God is revealed and consume everything that is evil, we don’t want our brothers and sisters go down with it. At that time, there is nothing that can be compared to what is about to come to the perishing world. There is nothing that can prepare us to comprehend the wrath of God.

However, there is only one thing that can save us from it. That is the blood of Jesus and the mark or stamp that is sealed on our heart by the Holy Spirit. The stamp authenticates that we are in deed the children of God.

On that day, we don’t have any more chance or time to correct our mistakes.

We don’t have any second left to forgive those who do us wrong.

We don’t have any second left to pray for those whom we love most.

We don’t have time to intercede for the world that is going to be destroyed.

We don’t have any more excuses and procrastination to do what is left for us to do.

My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, now is the time to love deeper than we ever love before. It is time to witness the gospel of Christ boldly to the unbelievers and save them from what is to come to the world. Now is the time to hold our loved ones tight and tell them we do care when they are feeling down. Now is the time to offer hope of the coming of the King.

Love without sacrifice is selfish love and is fake. If we say we love our brothers and sisters, we need to feel the pain of reject, blame and sometimes total denial from them when they are in temporal denial of the truth. It is what comes with the package. No one loves his children and hate to change dippers. Similarly, when we say we love our family in Christ, we need to take gracefully what comes with it as the result of this new family made of multi-hormonal, multi-cultural, and multi-behavioral individuals. 

Therefore, in conclusion, let us take pride in living a life according to the scriptures. We need to love the lost to the point we may need to sacrifice our time, money, energy, youth and resources just to serve them and put them in a better spiritual position than what they were before.

I leave you with one of the most important commandments of God. Sacrificial Love. 

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. -1 John 3:16




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        Tewodros    |    May. 24, 2020     | 1,814 Views    |   

Honor God.

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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 29, 2020     | 2,367 Views    |    2 Comments

 Trust in God

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        Fasika tekola    |    Apr. 29, 2020     | 2,302 Views    |   

2 Peter 2:1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction. And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;

And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly; And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) 

The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished: But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. 

Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. 

Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; 

But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet. These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. 

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. 

For it had been better for them not to have known the way of rightosness than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire.


As there were false prophets and teachers in the old days, there are false prophets and teachers in the present day church. These false prophets and teachers are once saved by the grace of God but now they have abandoned the truth and destroyed by their own selfish desires. The fact that they defile and disregard the salvation they received through Christ means they are heading to great destruction. Not only did they brought eternal condemnation on them, but they also relay that to the body of Christ.

Many will follow their evil desires and sensual sins. Because of these false teachers and prophets, the name of the Lord will be ridiculed among the unbelieving nations. Their main agenda is exploiting the resources of the people of God. Many have spent enormous amount of money, time and energy on the so called “prophets”. Their destiny is already decided by the Lord and their destruction will be very soon. 

If God didn’t have any pity for sinful angels whom he has placed in hell so that they can be kept until final judgment; And if God doesn’t have any mercy for those people who rebelled against him in the time of Noah saving only Noah and his family and a pair from each kind of animals and destroyed any other creature on earth; And if he turns the city of Sodom in to ashes, and if he saved only two people from over half a million people of Israel, and the rest had died in the wilderness before they see the land of hope and prosperity, then surely God will condemn and judge those people who have no respect for the Lord and are only led by their filthy desires. God knows how to save His very own and very best from the destruction that is about to come on the false prophets and the world in general. 

These false teachers have no due respect for higher authorities in the Spirit which are God’s Angels. When you look at them, they look like very confident in what they are doing which is insult and blasphemy against God and the servants of the Lord.

Their pride has gone way over the limit.  Even if God’s Angels are higher in authority than these people, they did not dare to despise them. They insult and disregard to the things of God will cost them their eternal life. Their ignorance on this matter is what makes them to speak of things that are unwholesome. 

Their characteristics are like animals who are destined for destruction. With out confession, their destruction is sure to come. Their life is filled with sinful dance and arrogance. They encourage others to do sin which is they always fix their eyes on.

They always snare up on those who are week in the Spirit and are double minded. Since these people are not satisfied with the truth of the gospel, they dread to hear what only their evil hearts want to hear. And the false prophets are the right choice for them to satisfy this desire. 


"You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient. The time is coming when people won’t listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear. They will turn from the truth and eagerly listen to senseless stories. But you must stay calm and be willing to suffer. You must work hard to tell the good news and to do your job well." -2 Timothy 4:2

The false prophets and their followers have this unsatisfied desire which they crave to seek and find outside the Word of God. If the Son of God doesn’t satisfy them, no other thing in the world will do. Due to their nature they are like the cursed seeds that never grow up to bear spiritual fruits.  They once were following the truth with good consciousness and positive mind, but now they have neglected their true callings and got astray in the direction of covetousness and adulatory. 

It takes a donkey to speak and advice the false prophet, Balaam, whose way was evil and corrupt. If he listened and turned from his madness, why don’t the false prophets of this generation come back from their evil schemes and confess all their sins to the Lord. 

Otherwise, the judgment of God is very near and eternal darkness and punishment are awaiting them. Their ways are like wells with out water, clouds with out rain and their words are useless for anyone who cares to listen. With those superficial and empty words which look like the truth from outside, they led many to the pit that ought to be saved from the devil.

One of the promises they make is they say their words will deliver many from their affliction. With a positive mind, that may see the right thing to communicate to the people but yet with out the truth in it, it is useless. They should have waited for positive affirmation of the Spirit of God before they prophesied the words of so called “Comforting words” to God’s people.

The old testament also indicates that false prophets doing such things have died after speaking their message since they used God’s name to speak a lie to His people. 

Jeremiah 28:10

Hananiah grabbed the wooden yoke from my neck and smashed it. 11 Then he said, “The Lord says this is the way he will smash the power Nebuchadnezzar has over the nations, and it will happen in less than two years.”  I left the temple, and a little while later, the Lord told me to go back and say to Hananiah: I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You smashed a wooden yoke, but I will replace it with one made of iron. I will put iron yokes on all the nations, and they will have to do what King Nebuchadnezzar commands. I will even let him rule the wild animals.

Hananiah, I have never sent you to speak for me. And yet you have talked my people into believing your lies and rebelling against me. So now I will send you—I’ll send you right off the face of the earth! You will die before this year is over. Two months later, Hananiah died. 

If using the name of God in vain and lying could cost one’s life in the old testament, home much more it will be sinful to deceive and grieve the Spirit of God, in which we are sealed for our redemption.

Ephesians 4:30

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. 


They them selves are living the life of a slave in the Spirit since they too are under the condemnation of sin. Then how can they preach freedom if they are under slavery of sin. If anyone is under any consistent sin, he or she is slave to the thing that has power over him/her. 

If any one falls under the sin of adulatory, and says he can deliver people from any sin, then that person is fooling himself. These people know the truth which is Christ. But then they are entangled by the evil desires of the world and cannot get out of it since they love the world more than they love the Lord, whom He loves them till death. 

Because of this, their former life (the life before they know the truth) is much better than their current life. It is much better for anyone to not know Christ in the first place than to deny Him after knowing that He is the savior of their soul. As the saying goes “Dogs go back to their own vomit”, these people go back to their filthiness over and over again.

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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 25, 2020     | 2,362 Views    |   


Where shall we begin? Where shall we start? What is the most effective verse(s) in the Bible for one’s salvation? Well, a good starting point is knowing that God loved the world so much that he gave his only son for the sake of the world as a sacrifice for their sins. 

In order to get saved we must believe that God sent his only Son to die on the cross so that we shall have faith in him and get saved from eternal destruction.

"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. - John 3:16

There is no other way to heaven to God other than through our Lord Jesus Christ. No amount of good work can sanctify us and no human or angels or another creature can save us from eternal condemnations and wrath of God.

Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. - John 14:6

Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” -Acts 4:12

Jesus said, unless we are born again from the Spirit by confessing our sins and believe in him to be the sacrificial lamb for the sin of the world that God prepared for our sanctification, we will not enter the Kingdom of God.

Jesus answered,, “Truly, truly, I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born of water and the Spirit. - John 3:5 

Bible tells us if we confess our sins and declare that Jesus is our Lord and believe with all our heart, we are saved. As simple as that. God is faithful and we will never regret the day we got saved from the kingdom of darkness and migrate to an extraordinary Kingdom of God.

If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.  As Scripture says, “Anyone who believes in him will never be put to shame.” - Romans 10:9

Whoever believes in the Son of God accepts this testimony. Whoever does not believe God has made him out to be a liar, because they have not believed the testimony God has given about his Son. 11 And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 12 Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. - 1 John 5:10

 We also need to believe that the blood of Jesus has the power to cleanse us from any sin when we confess our sins to him.

 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. -1 John 1:9

As for the time to get saved, the Bible says, now is the best time to get saved. It is not later and never say tomorrow. You don’t know tomorrow. You have today and use it wisely. The best decision of your life is the day you invited Jesus into your life.

I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation. - 2 Corinthians 6

The Issue of Grace

Grace is the most important concept of Salvation. It is very important to understand that our salvation is simply undeserved gift from Father God to all who believe in Jesus Christ.

The gift is fully paid off by Jesus when he died on the Cross. It is like somebody paid of your mortgage and the house you are enjoying now is free. Somebody sacrificed his life for you to enter the kingdom of God. That is Jesus and the only requirement to get saved today is knowing the truth and the truth shall set you free from the bondage of sin. 

As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following its desires and thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. - Ephesians 2:1

The Issue of Worship

Whom shall we worship? Who deserves to be adored and get all the glory? 

When the three wise men encountered baby Jesus, Mary and Joseph, they worshiped only Jesus and presented their precious gift to him. It doesn’t indicate they worshiped Mary or Joseph or presented their gift to them. Jesus is the King of kings and we should only worship him.

When they saw the star, they were overjoyed. On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. And having been warned in a dream not to go back to Herod, they returned to their country by another route. - Matthew 2:12

The Bible specifically instructs us to worship only God and should not have any other gods before Him.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;  - Exodus 20:3

When Barnabas and Paul heard of the people are trying to worship them as gods, they humble themselves before God by reaping off their clothes and telling the truth to the people.  

And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people. 

Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out, And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein: Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our heart with food and gladness. And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them. - Acts 14:11

When John fell in front of an Angel of God to worship him, the Angel told him not to do it as only the God head (Father God, the Son and Holy Spirit) deserve to be worshiped by their creations. 

And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. - Revelation. 19 10

Jesus is worthy of our worship since he died for the sin of the world. He was slain like a sheep and he didn’t complain. 

And they sang a new song, saying:

“You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain,    and with your blood you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.

 You have made them to be a kingdom and priests to serve our God, and they will reign on the earth.”

Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders.  In a loud voice they were saying:

“Worthy is the Lamb, who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!”

Then I heard every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea, and all that is in them, saying:

“To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power, for ever and ever!”

The four living creatures said, “Amen,” and the elders fell down and worshiped. - Revelation 5:9

They holy men of God in the Bible disgraced themselves when it comes to the issue of Worship and they specifically said, “Worship only God”.  The Angel of God said, “I don’t deserve any of the Worship. Worship only God.” Since they didn’t die for the world and took the shame and guild that was upon u. 

Jesus took the image of a slave and disgraced himself just to save us. Although He sit in the image of God in the heaven as no one can see God, He didn’t even think for a second that he could stripped Himself of all privileges and rightful dignity when He took that flesh. What a powerful love we see in Jesus. It is unprecedented and never will there be the same kind of Love forever more. 

“Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance, he humbled himself, becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

Only Jesus can show who God is really look like. Jesus is the closest we can get to God the father. Holy Spirit explains the Will and Purpose of God for our lives. God is a living fire, and no one can see him and shall live. We all will be consumed in a second if it were not by his Mercy and kindness.  


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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 3, 2020     | 2,721 Views    |   

The Issue of Intercession

Whom shall we go to when we are in big trouble, someone who can intercede for us to get back to normal with our heavenly father?

Well the Bible tells us Jesus intercede for us.

For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all people. - 1 Timothy 2:5

Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers.” -Luke 22:31

When Peter was in big trouble in terms of his relationship with God, Jesus prayed for Peter and God listened to Jesus’s prayer about Peter and help Peter to get back to track. Interesting!

God himself made a promise when this priest was appointed. But he did not make a promise like this when the other priests were appointed. The promise he made is, “I, the Lord, promise that you will be a priest forever! And I will never change my mind!”

This means that Jesus guarantees us a better agreement with God. There have been a lot of other priests, and all of them have died. But Jesus will never die, and so he will be a priest forever! He is forever able to save the people he leads to God, because he always lives to speak to God for them.

Jesus is the high priest we need. He is holy and innocent and faultless, and not at all like us sinners. Jesus is honored above all beings in heaven, and he is better than any other high priest. Jesus doesn’t need to offer sacrifices each day for his own sins and then for the sins of the people. He offered a sacrifice once for all, when he gave himself. The Law appoints priests who have weaknesses. But God’s promise, which came later than the Law, appoints his Son. And he is the perfect high priest forever. -Hebrews 7: 21

There were so many candidates for the position of eternal intercession between man and God. But none qualified for the job because none raised from the dead to continue the job they have started on earth in heaven.

Only Jesus qualifies since death cannot hold him in the grave. Therefore, he continues what he was doing on earth in heaven. He used to intercede for our faith when he lived on earth and now, he intercedes for the entire world by siting on the right hand of his father. If anyone comes to him by faith, believing that Jesus died the death of a sinner, he can save them from eternal death through the blood he shed on that cross.

The other qualification for the job of intercession is purity before God. No one is pure since all have sinned against God. Only Jesus is holy and innocent before God. He is the only one on earth and heaven who can come between the sinner and the wrath of God, which is like fire predestined to do justice for God is holy. Jesus’s blood is an eternal atonement and a beautiful fragrance that cools off the wrath of God when God smells it ever day for eternity. 

Others cannot even save themselves let alone become an eternal atonement for whoever believe in Jesus. They too need the blood of Jesus to get right with God.

There is no difference between Jew and Gentile, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement,[i] through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith.

We praise God for sending his son to die on the cross for the sake of the sinner and design a way to establish eternal friendship with him through Christ Jesus who is our high priest. He always intercedes for us when we got in trouble and prepares a way out.

What I mean is that we have a high priest who sits at the right side of God’s great throne in heaven. He also serves as the priest in the most holy place inside the real tent there in heaven. This tent of worship was set up by the Lord, not by humans. - Hebrew 8: 1

The priesthood of Jesus Christ is eternal. Jesus Christ is the same today, tomorrow and forever. He doesn’t change. The only thing that is needed from us is to believe in him who is faithful to bring peace to our lost soul.

That God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. -  2 Corinthians 5:19

God reconciliation is from him, by him and to him. Salvation is designed, prepared and executed by God.

Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. - 1 John 5:12 

There is no other option to be saved and escape from the eternal death. There is no alternative other than Jesus that God has prepared for humans to be saved. No Jesus, No life. Period.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. - Matthew 16

The best thing you can do to save your life from the danger of eternal fire is lay it on the hand of Jesus Christ. Any other option we take to save it is a guarantee for death. Jesus will never let you down. Once you put your trust on him, he is faithful to keep it safe and be able to present it to the father. 

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” - Romans 10:13

Just calling his name when you are in great trouble will bring safety and salvation for your soul. God listens to us when we truthfully cry out to him by faith.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. - John 3:17

Therefore, there is no one below or above the earth except Jesus that is given to human beings to carry their sin and burn on the cross. There is no one for us except Jesus to care for us and bring our case before the most fearsome God and be able to win the case.

There is no one except Jesus who can face God for the sins of human beings since the wrath of God on the sinner is great. Jesus Christ intercedes for us when we are short of the glory of God due to our rebellious nature.

Others may feel pity for us but nothing more. But he can give us grace that will help us triumph over our enemies. He set a practical example for us to learn how we can defeat the devil by obeying God till death. He has already sent us his Spirit to live in us who always intercedes for us even when we don’t know how to pray.

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

Holy Spirit also intercedes for us. The Spirit of God which is living in us always intercedes for us according to the will of God.

Since it is God’s Spirit, he knows (in 100% match) the will of God for our lives. Since he is also God, he knows exactly what is in our heart. Therefore, he prays for us even if we don’t know what to pray and what exactly Holy Spirit is praying for us. Interesting! Jesus is praying for us in Heaven sitting on the right-hand side of his father. Holy Spirit is also praying for us on earth living inside of us if we know Jesus as our Lord and Savior. 

In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God. - Romans 8:26

John put in a very understandable language also. He said we should keep all the commandments of God but as a human being, if we messed up now and then, he said, we have an advocate with our father.

What it means is that Jesus is asking the father for forgiveness as don’t know nothing – not even the right from the left. We saw that Jesus intercedes for Peter. We also read in the Bible Jesus Interceding for the men who crucified while he was still in pain (He said, “Father, please forgive them as they don’t know what they are doing”).

Now, as you read this article, Jesus is praying for you and me to make it to heaven. Interesting! 


My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.  He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world. - 1 John 2:1

Thank you Lord!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Apr. 2, 2020     | 2,770 Views    |   


Can We Lose Our Salvation??

The answer is simply “YES!”

I don’t want to trick you by saying empty words. I am not here to keep your spirit up in the air by telling a lie. Yes, we will lose our salvation if we consider it worthless. If we don’t guard it as something that is the most precious thing, we ever received from someone, even better than life itself, we will end up selling it to the devil with the cheep price. That is what Esau did with his birth right, the right to be the first born. He sold it for a bowl of soup. That is how much his birth right worth to him.

In a similar story, the Spirit of God abandoned Saul since Saul consistently disobeyed God's instruction and leadership. It comes to the point that God regretted to make Saul a king of Israel. Saul was later tormented  by evil spirits as a result of his sins, disobedience and unfaithfulness to the Lord. 

Moreover, we have another similar story with Samson. Samson got to the point he was deceived by the prostitute women whom he failed in love with and give up his secret to his supernatural source of power and strength. 

He was then taken captive as a slave by his enemies and was tortured brutally till the point his eyes was taken out while he is still alive. He was hamulated in front of his enemies to the point he later committed suicide. What brings all of these things to him? Because he didn't take his greatest God given gift seriously and he traded it with pleasure of this world just like Esau. 


The Bible teaches us, there is a sin that deserves eternal death.

 If you see any brother or sister commit a sin that does not lead to death, you should pray and God will give them life. I refer to those whose sin does not lead to death. There is a sin that leads to death. I am not saying that you should pray about that. All wrongdoing is sin, and there is sin that does not lead to death. - 1 John 5:16


It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.” Hebrew 6:4

The above scripture shows one can possibly lose his/her salvation. Salvation comes through believing Jesus, but it is not a one-time act. It governs and defines how we should behave and act the rest of our lives. One can argue it is possible that a person might not be saved in the first place instead of saying he lost his salvation. In other words, it is easier to conclude that one salvation cannot be lost. It is easy to put the issue at the beginning of the foundation of one's Christianity that is one’s salvation rather than the type of lifestyle one leads.

I do believe that the day of our salvation has nothing to do with what kind of life we may lead after that. I think the lifestyle we follow every day is based on our choice to love or to hate. To listen to the word of God or not. Just like the day of our salvation we choose to obey God and give our lives to him.

There is always a time we will be tempted to revolt against God and to disobey his commandments. Even if Holy Spirit is always with us to comfort us in times of failures and moment of disbelief, the choice is still ours to follow the path of righteousness or not.

As Paul mentioned in this place, it is always difficult to correct someone who knows all these facts but chooses to deny Christ. I don't know why someone would want to do that, but the end is worse than the person didn’t know the truth in the first place. 

In addition to this passage, we have several similar warnings and advices about such issues in the Bible.

See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said:

“Today, if you hear his voice,  do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.” - Hebrew 7-12

Here it shows that, we should fight sin and the deceitfulness of sin every day to be confident and blameless. Jesus Christ has finished all the work that needs to be done for you and me to be saved. There is nothing left that we must do to finish the work. This means if we believe in him and die right away, we will inherit the kingdom of God.

But as long as we live in this flesh, we need to keep the good work that our Lord has started in us and be faithful to him all the time. In times of trouble and sin, we should always come
to him by faith with true repentance.

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?

Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” - Matthew 7:19-23

Here Jesus warns anyone who thinks he can get into the kingdom of God without first experiencing the kind of relationship God wants through his Son, Jesus Christ.

It is possible that one can prophesize or cast out demons but not know Jesus Christ personally or do it with the wrong motive. Now a days, this is not far from the truth. We see many do all manner of bad things in the name of Jesus, but it is far from what Jesus would want or do if He were in their place. It is seriously advised here that anyone who thinks is standing should watch his steps since falling can happen any time.

These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. - 1 Corinthians 10:11

“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  - Matthew 24:9-13 

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ and again, ‘The Lord will judge his people.’ It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” - Hebrews 10:26-31

Here it touches the main point of abusing the grace of God by living sinful life repeatedly and not willing to surrender the sinfulness of the heart to the Lord.

It is understandable that one can go through an addictive way of life that is sinful and brings disgrace to the Lord. This behavior is like a bird in cage or a fish inside a fishing net which always enslaves one to the same sinful behavior again and again.

One may also ask that there is no way a believer can be addicted to sin. I would say that this is not true. As long as we are living in this flesh, we are tempted and often time defeated by the will of the flesh. 

We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.

Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is in living in me that does it. So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin. -Romans 7:14

Paul mentioned in this place that the spirit and the flesh are always at war. The flesh wants to do what it pleases without thinking about the consequences since it is pleasing to it. The Spirit wants to please God and to do what is good and honorable and stay away from all forms of immorality.

There is always this battle between the spirit and the flesh and occasionally one defeats the other and this is all because we are human beings. Moreover, there is nothing we can do to overcome this issue except throw ourselves under the mercy of God with humility and broken heart.

One may ask if we are always under the umbrella of sin and grace, how can one lose his salvation?

I will leave the answer to this question to God as He knows the hearts of men. I don't even know about me. Only he knows the beginning and the end. I just want to present the truth about the characteristics of our salvation according to the Bible. It is not my intention to judge anyone here. We all are going under different circumstances and it is very clear to me that flesh always wants contrary to what the Lord wants for our lives

Moreover, I want to emphasize that our salvation doesn't come freely so we shouldn't take it for granted. Jesus Christ paid his life for us so we should never abuse the blood that redeemed us the wrath of God.

In conclusion, the concept of losing one’s salvation is directly related to the nature of relationship with our father in heaven through the fellowship of Holy Spirit. This relationship must be worked out the way we establish and maintain a good relationship with our family and friends. It must be taken very seriously. It must be nourished. 

It is also important to rely on the grace of God without abusing it. Those who intentionally abuse the blood of Jesus and displease the Spirit of God in whom we are destined for eternity, there is no forgiveness of sin! It is all lost! Salvation is Lost!

For such a person, it is much better that s/he were never born if s/he intentionally abused the grace of God repeatedly since the grace of God doesn't give any license to sin.


See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. - Hebrews 3:12

But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God’s holy people. Nor should there be obscenity, foolish talk or coarse joking, which are out of place, but rather thanksgiving. For of this you can be sure: No immoral, impure or greedy person—such a person is an idolater—has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God. Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of such things God’s wrath comes on those who are disobedient. Therefore, do not be partners with them. - Ephesians 5:3

Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God - Galatians 5:19-21

Paul’s warning to Timothy make it evident that unless we watch our steps closely, we may slip and fall away from grace.

Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.  1 Timothy 4:16


But if a righteous person turns from their righteousness and commits sin and does the same detestable things the wicked person does, will they live? None of the righteous things that person has done will be remembered. Because of the unfaithfulness they are guilty of and because of the sins they have committed, they will die.  Ezekiel 18:24


Keep away from worthless and useless talk. It only leads people farther away from God. That sort of talk is like a sore that won't heal. And Hymenaeus and Philetus have been talking this way by teaching that the dead have already been raised to life. This is far from the truth, and it is destroying the faith of some people. 2 Timothy 2:16


But my righteous one shall live by faith: And if he shrink back, my soul hath no pleasure in him. Hebrews 10:38


And those on the rock are they who, when they have heard, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, who for a while believe, and in time of temptation fall away. Luke 8:13


Jesus: “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved." Math 24:13


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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 1, 2020     | 2,676 Views    |   

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Mar. 12, 2020     | 2,098 Views    |   

  1. Have at least one hour bible study per week with your spouse
  2. Always pray with your spouse no matter how
  3. Husbands submit to your wives as you submit to Christ
  4. Wives submit to your husband as you submit to Christ
  5. At the time of conflict always find the common ground and build on that
  6. Acknowledge Holy Ghost as the leader and rule maker of your house
  7. Don’t blame your spouse for criticizing you because that could be your weakness. No one is perfect. Accept criticism.
  8. Humble yourself before your God and spouse
  9. Take time to enjoy life together.
  10. Worship and Serve God together
  11. Take charge of your finances together
  12. Grow together as a family
  13. Appreciate your spouse in front of others (specially your side of family, like your mom and dad).
  14. Trust your spouse even if things don't make sense sometimes. Trust is the key to relationship
  15. Know what makes your spouse very angry and stay away from it
  16. Make your family first before anything except your faith in Christ
  17. Know how to please your spouse. It could be as simple as bringing flower or buy a small gift
  18. Take responsibility to help your soul mate in everything s/he needs help.
  19. Spend as much as time with your spouse
  20. Separate time with your spouse from time with your children
  21. Make love as often as possible. Make it a habit unless you want present yourself before God in prayer together.
  22. Fast together so that the devil cannot attack by divide and conquer
  23. Lead by example not by force
  24. Accept one another even if things look silly
  25. Accept criticism and strong feedback
  26. Be honest. Share what you feel honestly with your spouse. Don’t take grudge.
  27. Don’t forget to say I love you before you leave your spouse
  28. Pray for your spouse even if s/he doesn't know that
  29. Don’t share your marriage secretes to no one
  30. Holy Spirit is your true counselor. Don’t trust human beings with your marriage.
  31. Know that your marriage is the most important thing next to your faith in Christ
  32. Protect your marriage with all you have got when it is in danger
  33. Don’t involve your parents with your conflicts unless it is absolutely necessary. Your conflicts will go away soon but they won’t.
  34. Be always hopeful about the future.
  35. Create a sense of security; specially husbands
  36. Be positive. Don’t interpret the words of your spouse in the wrong way. Always ask for more clarification.
  37. Love gently. Life is short. Huge gently. Talk gently. Show your love and don’t hide it.
  38. Honor others more than yourself to serve them with humility
  39. Never hesitate to ask forgiveness
  40. Become the source of laughter and joy
  41. Be helpful
  42. Be inspirational.
  43. Always thankful
  44. Always forgiving
  45. Always cherish
  46. Don’t be too jealous with your spouse. Jealousy opens the door to marital infidelity. True love is not jealous and doesn't envy.
  47. Always ask for help if you need help. Sometimes husbands need to be told what to do specifically for their wives.
  48. Be Thoughtful and Passionate
  49. Be Merciful and Loving
  50. Be Caring and Protecting
  51. Be Peaceful and Joyful
  52. Be Compassionate and Decent
  53. Be Graceful and Praiseful
  54. Be Truthful and Honest
  55. Be Patient and Thankful
  56. Be Servant and Helpful
  57. Be Gentle and Full of empathy
  58. Be Disciplined and Respectful
  59. Be Sincere and Full of integrity
  60. Be Generous and Cheerful
  61. Be Content with your spouse.
  62. Be Knowledgeable and Wise
  63. Always intercede for the sins of your spouse to God
  64. Be Thankful
  65. Be Obedient and self-sacrificing
  66. Never count or recall one’s wrong doings
  67. Be Hopeful for the future
  68. Love like crazy
  69. Forgive like everything a person does harm to you is like a scratch.
  70. Humble yourself like you are the dumbest and lowest of all, but you know that you are not that at all.
  71. Share out of Love; not because you want something in return
  72. Be Holy. Purity from immorality
  73. Don’t grumble and complain on your spouse
  74. Watch what you do with your time. Actions speak more than words.
  75. Watch out the words that come of your mouth. Words can heal or break your relationship.
  76. Don't make empty promises. Be a man/woman of your words
  77. Prophesize good things on your marriage
  78. Never mention the word divorce in any of your arguments
  79. Fulfill your family needs
  80. Come up with a common working plan to discipline and raise your children
  81. Always resolve conflicts before it is too late. The sooner the better.
  82. Take a short walk when you are too angry to speak.
  83. Never argue with your spouse in a difficult situation. Find the right time and place to do it.
  84. Don’t fight in front of your children. But also let them know that healthy arguments are also part of life.
  85. Deal with your personal, spiritual and professional issues without hurting your relationship
  86. Don’t keep secrets that can potentially hurt your relationship.
  87. Allow time to solve some of your critical marital issues.
  88. Remember that we are constantly changing every day. Tomorrow is another day.
  89. Know that you are the protector of your family next to Christ. God has trusted you with a precious gift.
  90. Be Faithful and Loyal
  91. Be Gentle and Kind
  92. Keep your promises and never make empty ones
  93. Keep the secret of your marriage and your spouse. Very important.
  94. Be faithful to God and to your marriage
  95. Fear God. Before doing anything ask your self the question of fearing and obeying him no matter how smart you think you are
  96. Please God. Always find a way and a reason to please him.
  97. Tell your spouse that s/he has an important role in your life every time
  98. Treating your spouse with respect in front of friends and family
  99. Establish and pursue your marital visions and dreams. This can be both physical and spiritual goal you want to achieve as a family
  100. May God bless you and protect your marriage from any form attack from the evil and bless it till he comes back! Amen!!!
... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Mar. 12, 2020     | 2,106 Views    |   

Jesus and the Samaritan Woman When Jesus realized that the Pharisees were aware that Hea was gaining and baptizing more disciples than John (although it was not Jesus who baptized, but His disciples), He left Judea and returned to Galilee.

Now He had to pass through Samaria. So He came to a town of Samaria called Sychar, near the plot of ground that Jacob had given to his son Joseph. Since Jacob’s well was there, Jesus, weary from His journey, sat down by the well.

It was about the sixth hour.b When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Give Me a drink.” (His disciples had gone into the town to buy food.) “You are a Jew,” said the woman. “How can You ask for a drink from me, a Samaritan woman?” (For Jews do not associate with Samaritans.)

Jesus answered, “If you knew the gift of God and who is asking you for a drink, you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” “Sir,” the woman replied, “You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where then will You get this living water? Are You greater than our father Jacob, who gave us this well and drank from it himself, as did his sons and his livestock?”

Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again. But whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life.” The woman said to Him, “Sir, give me this water so that I will not get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.”


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        Fasika    |    Mar. 8, 2020     | 1,730 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Mar. 5, 2020     | 2,003 Views    |   

Hebr. 4 12 For the Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

We need to understand that the word of the living God is the place where we get best comfort and encouragements. We start to trust the Lord more as we uncover more truth in the Bible about the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Have you ever wondered where do we get faith that can move mountains? Do you even wonder how to start to lean on the Lord and not to your own understanding?

Well the bible says:

2nd Corinthians 5:17 faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God

There is no hope without exploring the truth about hope in the bible. When we start to read the bible, we will discover mainly on 4 areas. Hope, Faith, Love and Wisdom/Direction.

I would never become what I am now (simply the child of God) if it weren’t for the encouragements and hope I have found deep inside the mighty Word of God who carve out every uncertainties and doubts I had in my life.

There is no way I would develop faith in God through Christ if I didn’t see for my self how deep and how vast is the love of God in Christ Jesus. There is no other book that has the depth of truth, hope and guidance for living our lives according to the principles of God.

Jesus said, “Know the truth and the truth will set you free.” How do we know the truth? It is from reading the bible. There is no shortcut. The Word of God is the wisdom of God. It makes little children wise and renews the strength of elders. It has tremendous power to lift you up from your depression or whatever pain you are passing through.

It has practical stories. How can you not get up and keep going when you see God has already done it in other people lives thousands of times as it is written in the bible. Without the bible, all your love letters from your father is gone.

Without reading the bible regularly and keep in in you heart for good and bad times, we are easy target for the enemy. You are like a king with no guards.

When the enemy comes, you are vulnerable to attacks and the enemy can easily exploit your vulnerability. With the truth from the Bible, you have armed your self not only with defensive strategies but also with an attacking spirit.

Ephesians 6:17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

No soldier goes to the battle with out wearing arms and appropriate defensive wearables.

Therefore, we need to also arm ourselves with the bullets of the words that come out from the living God. Jesus Christ defended himself from the attack from the devil at least three times just by utilizing the Word of God that is already written in the Bible. He is God and he may have used new strategy, but he used what is already in the bible.

Why? Because, he wants us to show us how mighty is the Word of God. He wants to set an example for us to live our lives by and defend ourselves from the darts of the devil.

In conclusion, we need to treasure the Word of God like we never treasure any thing else. It is all we have got to turn to when we need courage, hope and comforter in times of trouble and discouragement. It is road map to righteousness and life full of joy. It teaches us how to use defense strategy against all attacks (I mean all of them), it documents all the lessons we need to take to learn how to love and fear God, it is all about real life stories on how to deal with anger, emotions, fear, sexual immorality, and so on.

Matthew 4:4But he answered and said, it is written, Man shall not live by b

ead alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God.

Isaiah 55:11 So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Job 23:12 I have not departed from the commands of his lips; I have treasured the words of his mouth more than my daily bread.

John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

James 1:21-23 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror

2 Timothy 3:15-17 and how from infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. 

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

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        Fasika    |    Feb. 27, 2020     | 1,662 Views    |   

Psalm 73 And earth has nothing I desire besides you. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Those who are far from you will perish; you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.

Your love fulfills all the desires of my heart. There is nothing I need more than what you already gave me through Christ. You gave me everything till the point you died for me on the cross. Who will love me like you do? Who has the power to rescue me from eternal death?

You loved me the most and you have the power to rescue me from eternal fire. There is no greater love than what you have already done for us. You are my best friend, my savior and my father. Lover of my soul. I love you so much! Thank you for rescuing me from me.

I was my own venom to my soul. When you came to my life, you took away my selfish sinful desires and put your humble Spirit inside my Spirt. I have crucified my old nature and received a new life from you. A new beginning and a new start so that your purpose will be fulfilled in my life. I gave you my life because I trust you. I trust because I tested and found out that you are the lover of my soul.

Thank you for your kindness. Glory be to your name forever and ever. Even now you cover me with grace every day so that I don’t get sidetracked and drop out from the race. Your grace is the manifestation of your deep love and compassion for me. I enjoyed your companionship everyday since you make it very enjoyable for me. I love the way you examine my life. There are no burdens that I need to carry to fulfil the relationship, but I have a father who wanted to carry the load for me everywhere I go.

There is no over expectation I should meet to keep the blessings I already have, but I have a generous father who continually do everything according to the reaches and abundance of his grace. Clearly, I have greately benefited since I have known you and invited you in to my heart.

1 Ti. 1 14 And the grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.

Roma. 5 5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

Roma. 5 8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Roma. 8 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

Roma. 8 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Roma. 8 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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        Fasika    |    Feb. 27, 2020     | 1,909 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Jan. 27, 2020     | 1,909 Views    |   

For those who have stubborn kids at home, there will be a time that we will be tempted to pull hair out of our heads when we are angry. There will be time we will be angry and mad so much so that we may be tempted to discipline them in the wrong way.

Discipline is wrong if physical, emotional and psychological abuses are involved. There is big difference between physical and mental abuse and discipline. Discipline is guidance, like the GPS. It shows the right directions to reach to the ultimate goal.

When you read Bible to your child, you are installing a GPS system in your child’s life. When you pray the prayer with your children you are disciplining your child. When you walk the walk and talk the talk with them on certain issue on life, you are showing them ultimately Christ who is the good Shepard of our lives.

Discipline is not screaming, shouting, squeezing, pushing, pulling, shaking, throwing, and destroying your child with negative talk. These things are more destructive than most probably the issue we are mad at. These bad responses are most destructive to your child in the long run. They are the cause of bad attitude, negative life perspective, low self-esteem when the child reaches adolescence.

It destroys child-parent relationship, degrades self-confidence, kills creativity and learning abilities. Discipline is not punishment as God never wants you to punish your kids rather it is showing love, nourishment and protection. It is not aggressive behavior towards your kids.

This is all the shouting, screaming, yelling staff. You need to be filled with kindness and not anger as the Bible say don’t grieve the Holy Spirit. Nevertheless, discipline is self-control to cool down quickly when things escalate.


Ephesians 4:30 And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Discipline is never being revengeful by attacking your child and make him pay penny for penny for the wrong decision he make. Rather it is coming out of forgiving heart full of compassion and love. 

“Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you…”

If we know that we are always responding in bad ways when tested by our kids, why do we even do that? I think the fact that we grew up in similar type of environment where our parents did the same thing to us unknowingly negatively influence our character to do the same thing to our kids.

The bad thing is we end up doing the same thing to our children since that is what we were being fed since birth. We didn’t know better than to follow our parent’s footsteps. We didn’t know we are programming their mind to be vindictive and malicious when they grow up like we were programmed in a negative way.

Psalm 23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

In order to discipline our kids properly we need to lead them according to Psalm 23. It is the same way our Lord is being our competent shepherd that we are called to be guardian to our kids. 

Jesus leads our soul to the green pastures to feed her from the pure word of God so that it becomes strong in faith. He also leads us beside the still waters. The water here is the fellowship with the Holy Spirit through prayer and worship. Otherwise with out food or water, our soul will wither and die.

Then when these two things are fulfilled, our soul will be restored. This means we will find the joy and peace because of the Holy Spirit begins leaving in us that we were looking for in the wrong places by doing all manner of things in the world. 

Moreover, God will simply lead our soul in the path of righteousness. You see, without following these three steps, it is impossible to find peace within our selves and to lead our lives in the path of righteousness. 

Discipline has to do with discipleship and not with inflicting pain on your kids. Rather, discipline as in discipleship is to train baby Christians to be strong worriers of faith. 

Our kids are like baby Christians feeding from the bottle of milk. Our job is to help them start to eat from the meat part of the Word of God. 

As a soldier is trained to be a mighty worrier in the training camp, we need to train our kids to adopt and learn when they face the real world out there. 

All the negativity, bad influence, the resistance, bullying, bad friendship that corrupts the good behavior, insult, rejection, intimidation, disrespect they will face from the world might break them emotionally and spiritually if we don’t do our job as parents to make them as strong as steal before the impact and damage have already been done. 

It is no use to say we should’ve done this before once the damage has already been done. 

These impacts are very dangerous and can make their lives miserable if not properly handled with enough training. As parents, this is our job. We may not be paid for it, but it is a wise investment for the good of our kids and the peace we will get when we see everything is good. 

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        Fasika    |    Oct. 15, 2019     | 2,353 Views    |   


How to Climb the Unclimbable? Sometimes we are not sure which way to go when we come face to face with hardship in life. Life is so difficult for those who want to follow the truth. It is difficult to those who have the courage to say no to ignorance and sin. It is difficult to those who wants to live a life which is not contrary to the truth.

Whether it is living a righteous and healthy life or leading others in to the same, everything is kind of easy and normal when you flow with the current but the whole hell shake loose when you start to swim against the current. Many gave up their dreams and passions in life due to the struggles that they face.

Don’t get me wrong, we all face challenge if we are on the right way. We face almost no challenges if we surrender to destruction, violence, sin and hatred. The world is corrupted, and we need to make faithful decision for us and for our beloved ones everyday of our lives. Our decisions determine our destiny and that is why we need to be very careful in making one. Whether it is bad or good, everyday one way or the other we are making constant decisions. The question is how many good decisions we make every day.

As human beings, sometimes we will make the wrong decision. But if the good ones out way the bad ones, we are just going to be fine. Nonetheless, we don’t have to give up in trying to make things work for our good as God the father is by our side to help us achieve the goals. Don’t shy away from your dreams or too much burdened by life.

When it seems there is no clear way going forward, when it looks like there is no road map to follow, when we feel there is no way out from the cycles and when we are not sure whether we continue or quit, know that God is able to carry the load that is too big for us to carry. He will renew our strength and take us to the destination He prepared for us even if we are weak on our own. 

We should be grateful since we have eternal father who will never give up on us. His promises are true, and they will never run out or expire. We are loved and we are forever protected. Our fate is sealed, and our destiny is clear. No matter how hard the storm slams the ship, we will reach the harbor safe. And no matter how bad the devil tries to devour our righteousness and peace, we should resist him even more and throw him out of our lives.

In conclusion, life is hard, but God is even stronger. We are weak as a vessel made of clay but he who is in us is stronger than gold. We may feel worthless but he who lives in us is precious more than diamond and rubies.

When we are weak, God releases his grace so that we can bear the unbearable and climb the unclimbable. God is stronger than all of our weaknesses. He is able to do more that all we can do by ourselves. In fact, if we follow our feelings, they may lead us to destruction. Therefore, don’t give up and don’t lose hope for He is faithful to renew our strength and fight our fight by our side. Victory belongs to Jesus! 



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        Fasika    |    Oct. 5, 2019     | 1,861 Views    |   

Unless the LORD Builds the HouseUnless the LORD builds the house,those who build it labor in vain.Unless the LORD watches over the city,the watchman stays awake in vain.It is in vain that you rise up earlyand go late to rest,eating the bread of anxious toil; for he gives to his beloved sleep.Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.Like arrows in the hand of a warriorare the children[a] of one's youth.Blessed is the manwho fills his quiver with them!He shall not be put to shamewhen he speaks with his enemies in the gate. (Psalm 127)

Children are indeed a blessing from God. No one can truly appreciate the value of family and children if we don’t understand that they indeed come from the Lord to make our lives happy. We all agree that they install in us purpose and the desire to live for a purpose. Once we have children our lives will never be the same. It is forever changed for the good.

They are exemplified as powerful arrows in you hands to destroy the enemy. If properly trained and cultivated to be respectful, they are powerful to revenge the works of the devil.On the other hand, if not properly trained, they can also be misused. That is why the Bible also says,

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

Imagine all the failures and painful moments and sorrows of your life that you wish it never happened to you or you could have done it in a different way to avoid the bad consequences, but you cannot.

Now you can revenge that by training a child in godly manner. Their success and accomplishment are counter attack on the evil who attacked viscously.Imagine your children preaching the good news to the unsaved world and bring glory to God.

Imagine them feeding the poor, helping the helpless, encouraging the depressed filled with the Spirit of God and just live life compassionately.All these bring multiple fold glory and honor to God and a great damage to the kingdom of the darkness.

That what the Bible teaches us about our children. They are a ball of fire where you can revenge your enemies.God has placed a precious and powerful thing in your hands. Use it wisely for the glory and kingdom of God.

How do you raise your children to be a good citizen of heaven?

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.Titus 2:7

You teach your children the percepts and rules of the kingdom.You showed them how compassionate and loving is the Lord.But more than that you become the model of good works.You shape their behavior by becoming one of the virtues you want to teach them.

Do you want them to be patient and kind to each other? Then you should become patient and kind when they are disobedient.You positively influence them by your attention to details and by giving themundivided attentionto their day to day activities. Nothing should be left unaddressed.

You see a problem, you address it immediately in calm spirit. Do not over heat and argue with a child as they might not follow you in the way you wanted.Argument never solves anything in household.You also need to know that you cannot solve the issues by yourself.

As the Bible indicates, unless the Lord interferes, your hard work is for nothing.Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain.

You must make yourself in 100% submission to the Holy Spirit to allow him to work on your child.At

he end of the day, the only Hope you have is that may Holy Spirit completely take over the situation and make your child be a responsible and God-Fearing person s/he needs to be in every circumstance.

Is physical punishment necessary to discipline a child?

In my opinion you cannot teach your children anything by introducing them in to violent nature of discipline. I also believe that the Bible never intends to tell us to do that. There is always the risk of causing physical harm to a child up to the point the child could severely hurt. 

There is no way you can always physically punish a child and not one day end up putting him in great physical harm. It is like drinking every day and you say you are sober. We know that never works.

My argument is even if the bible gives us the permission to physically punish our children, we need to know that it doesn’t mean we end up hurting our children. Aggression towards anyone is sin including your children. It also destroys the parent-child relationship one has with his children.

Fathers, do not provoke your children to anger, but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. Ephesians 6:4 

We are told to discipline but not even to make them angry. Physical harm and aggression towards your children do make them angry. With a broken heart and wounded body, they will develop fear and hate towards other and mostly their parents. You cannot make a point my hurting someone, and your child knows that well. As a child I was beaten up so bad by my parents that I developed so much hate and bitterness towards others. 

My parents didn’t know better and they thought they were doing a great favor to me.  Little do they know that they were making me to be one of the most hostile and violent kid in the vicinity of my home - Very aggressive and very demanding and very revengeful since that is what I learn from them at that time – revenge instead of discipline. 

Discipline is never revenge. Revenge is judgment on the wicked. Not a loving correction to your loved one.

What is Discipline?

Discipline is a formal method of correcting and instructing a child to follow the path of righteousness. 

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think on these things. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7)

Discipline is to encourage your child when they do the above and reproach when they fell out from these.

Discipline is when you come face to face with your child who is confused and agitated by life and you hug him and kiss him and tell him everything is going to be all right one day. It is when you show him the glamor of hope and astonishing future that God has installed for each one of us. 

Discipline is to help your child discern the right from wrong and pick the right one and help me develop these skills while you raise him up.

What is NOT Discipline?

Discipline is not to demoralize and belittle your child just to make a point.It is not inflicting pain in to your child for what so ever reason you have.Is not to segregate and left out a child hence making him feel outcasted and abandoned by the family. 

Discipline is not depriving the necessary needs of a child like food, bath, clothing, sleep, comfort of a child in order to teach a lesson. Discipline is not leaving your child in a dangerous situation whether out of despair or out of for the sake of teaching him 

By doing discipline the right way, we may save our child from destruction or even death and

ake them fruitful and productive members of the kingdom of God. There is no failure in the kingdom of God. We all are part of the body of Christ with specific purpose.

If we don’t practice discipline (or do it the wrong way), we will see one or more of the following consequences

  1. The relationship with your child will be destroyed

  2. You will lose you child either due to self-harm and the harm you may cause by accident 

  3. They may experience temporary or permanent disability

  4. They will develop hate and bitterness towards others and themselves 

  5. They will be aggressive and display anti-social behavior.

  6. They will do less academically. How can they do well in school when their freedom to be a child is taken away by an abusive parent?

  7. The will fight with depression and self-esteem issues later in their life. 

  8. They no longer feel safe and protected even in the place where they think is the safest place on earth. 

  9. Destroys self-confidence 

  10. Develop an erratic temper that can ruin their life forever and put them in great danger

  11. Children who are severely abused when they were a child may commit suicide when they are teens

  12. Neven feel loved so they live their life in search of one in which they may end up in the wrong hands. (This can be being in abusive relationship or runaway kids)

  13. Post-traumatic stress disorder

  14. Mental health issue

  15. Lose passion and enthusiasm for life – the basic components of life

In conclusion, what ever the situation is and how bad it looks like, never give up on your child. There is still time to positively influence your child and teach him the right from wrong. 

If you are an aggressive parent who wants everything to be done exactly by the book and never leave a margin of error, then you need to remind yourself how rebellious and stubborn you were to the Lord when you were a little. And how God has simply covered you with grace and love that is beyond comprehension. 

Maybe you need to treat you child with the same compassion that the Lord has showed you. Forgive their sins and love them anyways. Cover them with the garment of grace and help them understand that treating others with care and love is one of the most important things you can do in your life. 

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 24, 2019     | 1,965 Views    |   

There is still great debate among Christians about the issue of work vs grace. Some even put work for the reason for our salvation. In other words, they argue that our own righteousness plays a great role for our salvation. They also argue we need to do certain things like providing for the needy to remain saved.

There main scripture to support their argument is the Book of James. The Book of James in deed mentions about faith accompanied with work. It doesn’t say anything about work accompanied by faith, which leads us with the main concept about work and grace. It doesn’t mention about our salvation but it describes the fruits of the Spirit.

James 2:14What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them? Suppose a brother or a sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to them, “Go in peace; keep warm and well fed,” but does nothing about their physical needs, what good is it? In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.

James never intended to explain about how one gets saved. However, he did mention about investing our Christian life in to ministering other people both physically and spiritually. It has the same meaning when Jesus gives an example to the disciples who looked so religious but never cared for other people.

He says to them, "I never knew you" (Matthew 7:22-23). Jesus also teaches us if we don’t forgive others as we are forgiven, then we will lose our salvation.

Matthew 18:21-35Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him. In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him millions of dollars.

He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt. “But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’ Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.

“But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars. He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment. “His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time.

‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded. But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full. “When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset. They went to the king and told him everything that had happened.

Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt. “That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart.”

If someone thinks that he has contributed any human work for his salvation, he is deceived. There is no human work other than the work of Jesus Christ that put us where we are now, being children of God. Only Jesus has the power to grant us entrance to the Holy of Holies.

Only him restored our identity. I

is completely worthless to do all we have to do thinking that it will buy us any privilege in to the presence of God. As one man simply put it, we all were in dark room where there is no electricity but with lots of switches.

Unless Jesus, who is the main power of electricity, provide us with light and shines his face for us, we may play with the plugs as much as we want, we will not have any light. All people are wicked and crooked in the eyes of God with out Jesus. We were all sinners.

Romans 3:23 All of us have sinned and fallen short of God's glory. But God treats us much better than we deserve, and because of Christ Jesus, he freely accepts us and sets us free from our sins. God sent Christ to be our sacrifice. Christ offered his life's blood, so by faith in him we could come to God. And God did this to show that in the past he was right to be patient and forgive sinners. This also shows that God is right when he accepts people who have faith in Jesus.

What is left for us to brag about? Not a thing! Is it because we obeyed some law? No! It is because of faith. We see that people are acceptable to God because they have faith, and not because they obey the Law.  Paul also mentioned that if our works have in any way any significance for our salvation, then Christ died in vain.

In conclusion, we didn’t contribute in any form or way to be saved. Jesus only saved us from the pit of destruction. We paid the full price that sin has placed for us to be saved. We all were slaves under the power of the devil, Jesus had to die the death of the sinner to release us from the pain of darkness. 

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        Fasika    |    Apr. 19, 2019     | 2,022 Views    |   


Mathew 25:1The kingdom of heaven is like what happened one night when ten young women took their oil lamps and went to a wedding to meet the groom.

Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones took their lamps, but no extra oil. The ones who were wise took along extra oil for their lamps. The groom was late arriving, and the young women became drowsy and fell asleep. Then in the middle of the night someone shouted, “Here's the groom! Come to meet him!”

When the women got up and started getting their lamps ready, the foolish ones said to the others, “Let us have some of your oil! Our lamps are going out.” Those who were wise answered, “There's not enough oil for all of us! Go and buy some for yourselves.” While the foolish ones were on their way to get some oil, the groom arrived.

The five who were ready went into the wedding, and the doors were closed. 11 Later the others returned and shouted, “Sir, sir! Open the door for us!” But the groom replied, “I don't even know you!” So, my disciples, always be ready! You don't know the day or the time when all this will happen.

The story of the five wise women is written in the Bible to teach us the principle of preparedness and wisdom for the sake of the kingdom of God.

It is represented as five very wise women waiting for their groom to arrive so that they can attend the wedding in which they are delighted to attend. Their desire and diligence governed their attitude of the heart and hence they were vigilant in their actions.

They made their lamps full of oil and also make sure they have reserves in case the bride groom is late. On the other hand, there were also other five foolish women who were not ready for the coming of the groom which ultimately disqualifies them from attending the wedding. There are two very important concepts we need to learn from this

1. Vigilance/preparedness

2. Wisdom

The greatest treasure we have in life is Holy Spirit. It is very important to know that the only requirement to be in the presence of God is carrying his spirit in us whom he has provided without measure. Holy Spirit is the most valuable thing we need and must have in order to attend the big wedding, which is the second coming of Christ.

It is also very important to know that we should safe guard this precious gift with all we have from the thief so that we can inheritance to the kingdom of God Many have received this marvelous gift which is represented as the oil in the lamp in the above story and some how lost it in the difficulties and trials of life. Many believed it is impossible to lose Holy Spirit once received, but I would say Holy Spirit like the other two parts of Holy divinity of God, has feelings and emotions that can be grieved.

Ephesians 4:30:“And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”

It is indicated in the above scripture that grieving the Holy Spirit is a sin and is committed when we are not living life by loving others and when we disob
y God. It occurs:

When we hate others and become bitter fueled with anger

When we complain too much with little things

When we grumble and judge others

When we fight with each other and gossip

When we lie, steal and murder


The list goes on and on, but the idea is Holy Spirt will be saddened and ultimately leave us if we don’t stop doing the above.We al

know what happ
ned to King Saul. The bible tells us that Holy Spirit lift him, and the evil spirt came to make his life miserable. 

Laziness from doing what we supposed to do in time is sin and it leads to death. This could be refraining from doing little things like kneeling for 5 minutes to pray and praise God for his blessings, but it has great implication in the overall life of a Christian. I believe there is no difference in the eyes of God among the different kinds of sins since they all have deadly consequences. 

Wisdom is the tool that preserves and maintains our life from going to destruction. It is one thing to be prepared but it is another thing to safe guard what we have inside for the long run which can only be accomplished by using wisdom.

The five wise women not only have extra oil but also have wisdom. They refused to share their oil to the other five foolish women who completely forgot they may need extra oil in case the groom is late. 

They did so because they believed if they had shared their oil, they wouldn’t have had enough for all of them and they will all miss the wedding. 5 is better than nothing. 

Simply speaking wisdom is making decisions now that have great implications on the final result.  How many of us are protecting what we love most with wisdom? It we don’t, the devil will have every opportunity to snatch it from us while we are sleeping.

What a tragic story it is when we see what happened for the five foolish women. They thought the did all it takes to attend the wedding. Probably they also put on their best clothing. They waited the groom until it arrives. The did everything they could except they run out of oil.  But the other wise women anticipated this might happen and prepared for the occasion. 

The good news is God already gave us wisdom when He gave us his Spirit as the Spirit of God is the spirit of wisdom and understanding. All we have to do is listen when whispers in our ears telling us what to do in every difficult situation.  

Isaiah 11:1-2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him, [that is] the Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding, the Spirit of Counsel and Might, the Spirit of Knowledge and the Fear of the Lord." 




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        Fasika    |    Apr. 18, 2019     | 2,006 Views    |   

God has invited everyone to his kingdom. His ambition and desire for all human beings are clear. He wants everyone to escape the eternal condemnation by believing Jesus Chris as their one and only savior.

For this reason, God has sent his only begotten son to earth so that everyone who have trust in him shall have eternal life.

John 3:16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life

But many still refuse this sacred calling to be partakers of the kingdom of God for whatever reason they may have in their mind. Some reasons include:

1. Procrastinating

Some are just procrastinating their decision as if they know what is going to happen tomorrow.Only God knows what will happen tomorrow. In my opinion, no one can be 100% sure about tomorrow. You may have probability of knowing some aspects of it but no one can predict the future.But some people want to gamble with the most precious thing on earth, their soul.

There should not be any reason what so ever that would make us hesitant to make the decision of life and death.

We need to choose life instead. It doesn’t even have to bother us for a minute.The Word of God clearly indicates that now is the day of salvation. It doesn’t indicate any thing about tomorrow or later.

Those who procrastinate their day of salvation are simply setting themselves for the enemy to destroy them permanently. There is no guarantee what have today will be there tomorrow. But if we have Jesus today, we know by faith that God will abundantly pour out his blessing on to us more than we even ask or imagine.

It is wise to think outside of the normal way of thinking and see if God is really giving us the second chance to be with Him today.

Luke 12:20"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'

2 Corinthians 6:2For he says, "In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you." I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation.

Wouldn’t it be so offensive for someone to ignore the invitation of very prominent person or an official of some kind to a very important ceremony, like a wedding?I didn’t see any reason why anyone would do so unless he wants to put him self in great trouble.

Most people who have a big respect for famous people and would respectfully accept invitation from such famous people would not even bother to think about the invitation to the wedding of the lamb of God who was slain for the sake of sinners like you and me.

2. Murder

Some even become eternal enemies of God by killing his messengers like the evangelists and preachers.According to Math 22, God will revenge such people and bring justice for his servants who were done wrong by the schemes of the evil.

As the Bible teaches us in the Book of Acts where it narrates how Jesus met with Paul and warned him to turn from his wrong doings and persecuting Christian, it is absolutely necessary for those of us who are knowingly or unknowingly do the same to turn away from persecuting the children of God and start to live life according to the plan of God.

God is awesome God. Whether we like it or not, he will save his people from the evil and bring justice to the oppressed. He will h
ve a wedding for his son with us in it or without us. The important part of the wedding is not us. It is all about the Lamb of God. If we obey him and surrender our ways to him, we will enjoy this extraordinary wedding in heaven.

3. Clothing

It is

very important to know that we must wear the proper attire when we attend the wedding. Any dirty clothing is not acceptable in the wedding. This is off course metaphor. God is telling us to cleanse our soul by the blood of Jesus before attending the wedding. 

Revelation 22:14 Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 

If anyone dares to enter the gates of heaven depending on his own righteousness and not on what Jesus did on the cross, he will be thrown to the eternal fire as it is consider as wearing a dirty cloth in the king’s wedding.  

Romans 8:1 There is now therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus"  

Ephesians 2:8–10 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing;  it is the gift of God, not a result of works,  so that no one may boast. 

Math 22:1 Once again Jesus used stories to teach the people: The kingdom of heaven is like what happened when a king gave a wedding banquet for his son. The king sent some servants to tell the invited guests to come to the banquet, but the guests refused. He sent other servants to say to the guests, “The banquet is ready! My cattle and prize calves have all been prepared. Everything is ready. Come to the banquet!”

But the guests did not pay any attention. Some of them left for their farms, and some went to their places of business. Others grabbed the servants, then beat them up and killed them.

This made the king so furious that he sent an army to kill those murderers and burn down their city. Then he said to the servants, “It is time for the wedding banquet, and the invited guests don't deserve to come. Go out to the street corners and tell everyone you meet to come to the banquet.” They went out on the streets and brought in everyone they could find, good and bad alike. And the banquet room was filled with guests.

When the king went in to meet the guests, he found that one of them wasn't wearing the right kind of clothes for the wedding. The king asked, “Friend, why didn't you wear proper clothes for the wedding?” But the guest had no excuse. So the king gave orders for this person to be tied hand and foot and to be thrown outside into the dark. That's where people will cry and grit their teeth in pain. Many are invited, but only a few are chosen.

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        Fasika    |    Apr. 15, 2019     | 2,124 Views    |   

God’s Love Never Fails.God keeps Loving us even if we do not completely abide by his love. He keeps forgiving us even though we don’t forgive our selves.

Lamentations 3:22

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail.They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

I say to myself, “The Lord is my portion; therefore I will wait for him.”The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him;it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the Lord.

How magnificent is the love of God to us.His mercy and kindness are forever more.His forgiveness has no end at all.Like a river that goes on and on drenching the dry land ahead, his love just keeps going satisfying the inner desire of his people.

God never stops listening to our prayer nor his ears get tired from repetitive questions.Instead he kept blessing us with more joy and happiness.He gave us his Spirt in whom we find complete peace.God is wonderful for he is the only one who is able to do his miracles to rescue us from danger.

He kept us very close to him so that no one can snatch us away.God is faithful in all circumstances that we should completely surrender our lives to him for he knows what he is doing.

We may lose hope in all things we have in life but we should never give up on our lord.He is able to solve our life puzzles. He is able to take us to the next phase of our lives.

You may even give up on your self after trying all you have to do, but there is still hope from the heaven. Holy Spirit is able to change our lives 180 degrees.Trust God know that he will take you where you ought to be.

Jesus loves more than you mom or any one else. He knows better that you do and he is ready to help. My dear, surrender your life to Jesus and you will inherit the kingdom of God as it is very near than before.

The only reason we are not dead yet is because God covered us with his mighty wings from the arrows of the evil.He defends us when the enemy accuse us of sin.

If I have one chance to say all I have to say to someone that is about to give up on himself or life in general, I would say, “God’s love never fails”.

He never lets you down. You are his priority. You are not the last in his long list. Your situation is already noted and already answered according to Jesus. All you must do is tap your self in to this great resource of spiritual realm and get the answer for yourself.

Psalm 103

Praise the Lord, my soul;all my inmost being, praise his holy name.Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases,who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion,who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.

The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.He made known his ways to Moses, his deeds to the people of Israel:The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.

He will not always accuse,nor will he harbor his anger forever;he does not treat us as our sins deserve or repay us according to our iniquities.

For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him;as far as the east is from the west, s

far has he removed ourtransgressions from us.

As a father has compassion on his children,    so the Lo
d has compassion on those who fear him; for he knows how we are formed,  he remembers that we are dust.

The life of mortals is like grass,  they flourish like a flower of the field;the wind blows over it and it is gone,  and its place remembers it no more.

But from everlasting to everlasting   the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,   and his righteousness with their children’s children—with those who keep his covenant   and remember to obey his precepts.

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        Fasika    |    Apr. 9, 2019     | 4,286 Views    |   


Jesus has repeatedly mentioned several verses in the Bible where one can endanger his soul of hell. He even used very simple stories to illustrate his teachings to make them easy to understand and very hard to forget.

Some of the teachings were about:

1.Ignoring the invitation of the King to the wedding. Read Math. 22:1

This is rejecting the invitation to peace and reconciliation to our God through our Lord Jesus Christ. If anyone didn’t accept Jesus as his savior and Lord, he is opting himself out of the kingdom of God.

Key = Obedience to God’s Calling.

2.Procrastinating the Lord’s calling for salvation

Procrastinating the Lord’s calling is the same us rejecting as tomorrow is not ours. Today is the day of salvation. The devil is best known for stealing life. As long as we live in this world, there is no guarantee that tomorrow will come. The truth of the matter is we are so lucky we see the light of the day today. God is giving us one last chance every day until it is all over. The day of salvation is today. Now is the right time to invite Jesus in to our lives.

Key = Surrender to Jesus Today. Believe.

3. Calling someone bad names like ignorant or stupid. Read Math. 5:21

It is amazing to realize what we do every day might cost us our eternal life with God. God specifically instructs us not to undermine our brothers and sisters and not to abuse them with our careless words that come out of our mouth when we are angry. It is also required of us to seek reconciliation with any one whom we have offended and do it as soon as possible while there is still time to do so. (Math. 5:24)

Key = Patience, Love and Humility

4. Wasting God given talents (especially spiritual ones) Math 25:16

We may think we can make it to heaven without utilizing our talents and gifts for the glory of God. Laziness is a great deal of sin. God created us for a purpose. It is unfortunate that many of us fail to find and pursue the will of God for our lives due to lack of constant communication with the Spirit of God. For this reason, we end up leading sinful life which leads to eternal destruction.

Key = Diligence and focus for the kingdom of God

5. Fornication. Read Math 25:27.

Jesus clearly indicated that one can fornicate with a woman with out even having sexual encounter with her. Fornication can be a matter of watching a woman with adulterous heart and pursue that till it conceives sin. Having images of sexual act in one’s mind is considered fornication. Sexual sin has a power to kill our spiritual life and lead us in to eternal fire. So let us work on that by having a convent with our eyes not to even look in to a woman with sexual desires. Job 31:1 says, 

“I made a covenant with my eyes not to look with lust at a young woman.”

Moreover, divorcing without finding out extramarital affairs of spouse and start another marriage is also considered fornication. God expects us to mean what we say on that altar when we promised our spouse that we will be there: for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health

Key: Holiness

6.Abusing the stewardship that we received from the Lord.

Any position we have, we should faithfully serve the Lord with it. If we start to hit and inflict pain and agony to any one under our care, it will be more painful for us in judgment day. Read Math. 24:50

Not only abusing our power but also failure to lead in the right direction is also sin.

Key = Leadership Wisdom.

7.Being careless and unprepared for the things of the kingdom of God. Math 25:1

We have to be always vigilant to the things of the kingdom of God with lots of prayer and 

asting. We need to use the gifts we received from God in a consistent manner as to benefit us and others while bringing glory to God.

Key = Vigilance and Diligence

8. Being selfish and greedy. Math 25:33

One of the things that should concern any one who has a good life financially is to find a way to share some of the financial resources to those who are really in need specially to those in a very poor conditions. Jesus said that if we neglect others while they desperately need our help while we can help, he will deny us in front of his angels.

Key = Generosity and Compassion

9. Denying Jesus in front of others may lead Jesus denying us in front of His Angels and God

Key = Make Christ First

10. Serving Money instead of the Lord Math 6:24

We cannot serve money and God at the same time. We will honor one and leave the other. They both need our time, energy and resources. If we love God, we will follow him even if it will cost of everything including money. If we don’t love God we will not give time for his word, worship and prayer. That will lead us to destruction.

Key = Lord over Money

11. Unforgiveness Math 6:14

We must forgive the sins of others to be forgiven by God

Key = Forgiveness

12. Insulting Holy Spirit

Some people dare to despise Holy Spirit by denying Him that He even exists. Just because we can’t see Him doesn’t mean He isn’t God. It is a great tragedy to find out He is the one who will cast you down to the lake of fire sooner or later and not having any good relationships with Him.

Some people also constantly grieve Him by constantly put themselves in a situation that makes Him grieved. Even if grieving Holy Spirit and insulting his are two different things. It is worth mentioning in this place that both have great bad consequences on our spirituality. 

Key = Honor Holy Spirit

13. Not bearing spiritual fruits (like kindness, self-control, godliness, love) even if we are given a lot of opportunities to have these. The Word of God said, God will cast away any tree that cannot bring forth and good fruit to fire as it has no use when it is expected out of it. 

Key = Bear spiritual fruits

14. Being a snare for others to go astray from their faith in Christ. Read Math. 18:10

We are supposed to bring people to Christ not make them disappear from the church.

Key = Honor God, Fear God

15. Depending on one’s own work rather than the work of Christ on the cross for our sins. Math 22:13

If any faith relies on one’s own effort in stead of the work of the Spirit of God in our lives, that faith is from the devil. Nothing good can be achieved by our own except through the one who has the power to do good in people lives.

Key = Faith alone

16. Being deceived and taken away from faith by false prophets Math 24:11. Math 7:15

Jesus told us not to believe all who said they are prophets. In fact, Paul wrote to us to examine each spirit and find out if they are sent from God or not. Even though we are also instructed not to despise the gift of prophesy. 

Miracles should not be the main focus we follow and worship God even though we are worshiping a miracle worker God. We worship God for what He is. He is God. We are all God’s children and we should walk in close relationship with Him. We sh
uld not expect some prophet from somewhere to solve all our spiritual problems. That is just impossible. Only God through the power of Holy Ghost that is working actively within you can change you and your situation. No one can substitute the manifestation of this amazing power that is actively engaging in your life – Holy Ghost.

If we are a real Christian, God has given us a Spirit that will test and know if a person is a false prophet or real. We can also tell from their fruit. If they consistently preach the kingdom of God with out shaking and give to the poor and not exploit the people of God, they might be from God. Again it needs the voice of the Holy Spirit to confirm or deny any one with a prophetic spirit. However, I would like to emphasize that working miracles is not indication if a person is from God or not.

17. Being Hypocrite. Math 6:1

Hypocrisy is a great sin in the eyes of God. In short words, hypocrisy is when one’s internal feelings (the reality) are completely different from his external behavior(fake) for the sake of gaining power, respect and fame from others. In other words, we pretend to be someone in sheep’s clothing while we are completely a different person in side.

We pretend to be nice, generous, meek, righteous, powerful while we are really far from these. It is not bad to want these. However, it is a sin to pretend we have these while we have not. Why we pretend we have these while we haven’t is because we want other people respect as society gives more dignity to those who have these things. But God despise hypocrisy. Because He is the truth and he doesn’t align himself with a lie. 

Key: Be yourself

18. Worrying. Read Math 6:31

Being worried too much weakens our faith in Jesus and opens a wide range of opportunities for the devil to attack our faith in Christ. As the head of a family myself, it makes me sad when I see my children to shake and tremble during little encounters like a scary situation or when we deny them things that are direct threat to their health. On the other hand, I was very delighted when they completely rely themselves on me and let go of their situation, like when they are in deep sleep and we carry them to bed. 

Key: Have Faith

19. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it.

Very powerful expression. The word of God is simply amazing. We may read several inspirational and spiritual books and squeeze them together and not even close in wisdom with one sentence like this one from the Word of God. I have watched several inspirational movies and read many articles about life. Most of them preached about having a good life in this life, to love life and have it in abundance. But the Bible just told us in fact if we try to save our lives we will lose it and if we lose it (for the sake of God) we will find it.

This simply means we are not created for us. Any one who understands this principle has already lived life abundantly. We are the salt of the world. Salt is not salt for itself. It is only when you put salt in your food that will find its meaning and purpose. What does it benefit for a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Nothing! Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? Nothing!

Our soul is way greater than anything we can possibly accumulate in the world.

God created us for a purpose and that purpose is to enlighten others to have everlasting eternal relationship with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Everything else is just for a while and will not be there forever!

20. Worshiping any idol we may have.  Math 19:21

Many people have many idols that they sec
etly adore and worship instead of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The best way to identify idols is to ask our selves the question, “Am I able to give up this thing for Jesus?”

It could be wealth, or addiction, or friends, or family, or profession, or education – anything we are so proud and very independent of the need to cling to Jesus. If we love any thing more than we love Jesus, then we don’t deserve to be a follower of Jesus Christ. But our Lord is a compassionate God.

He is full of mercy. He didn’t desert us when we cling to our idols and not him. He always finds a way to separate us from our pride and makes us walk with Him a little bit closer than before. He does that for a reason. Sooner or later we are going to depart this life and leave everything here since we didn’t bring anything in to the world. Therefore, it is only fair to treasure the Lord’s friendship and cling to Jesus only and nothing else..

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 15, 2018     | 2,405 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 13, 2018     | 2,658 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Jun. 5, 2018     | 2,895 Views    |   

1. David when he was given the throne, he took the chance to build the temple of God. Even if God chose King Solomon as the builder of the temple of God instead of King David, King David was burning with passion and zeal to build it. He spent all his life to prepare for this project and he passed the mantle to King Solomon to do the Job. I love the way he listened to God. He didn’t argue with God that he will do it since he has the skill or the power to do it. He learned from Saul’s sin against God that obedience is better than sacrifice.

2. David when he was convicted of sin of counting the number of people of Israel to see how many men can serve in his army, God had eventually punished him by sending a disease to kill the people. But David having known that he has sinned, he begged God to take away his punishment from his people. Furthermore, he offered himself to be punished instead of his people. What a great humility and love for his people we learn from this.

Moses also offered himself for punishment instead of the people of God he led out of Egypt. Read Exodus 32:32.

Yet now, if You would only forgive their sin... But if not, please blot me out of the book that You have written.

Jesus who is the pinnacle of our faith has offered himself as a sacrifice for the sin of the world. We see in him the greatest sacrificial love who considers himself not worthy of anything unless it dies and give glory to God.

3. Nehemiah prayed an intercessory prayer to God that is for the sake of others:

“Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace”

He was suffering in the heart due to the great troubles his people had endured during their trials. He was no more concerned about his own safety and comfort but like Mosses, he saw a nation that had a great promise from God but yet suffer a great deal of scorn as a consequence for their sins. Even if he was determined to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, He was more focused on rebuilding the lives of his people. For him this was tragedy to see a nation of God whom He redeemed by his great strength and mighty hand in such miserable conditions.

4. Nehemiah took the matter to God and fast and pray and fast several days before launch in to action. He knew this is not ordinary suffering. He knew only sin can bring such kind of trouble as God said, “If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations”.

He confessed his sins and interceded for the people of Israel. He knew that only true confession can lead to restoration. No one else can liberate them without God himself forgives their sins and have mercy on them. When God breaks someone, only He can fix him back.

5. Nehemiah consistently prayed according to the promises of God in His word.

He said, “Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying..”

By doing so He is begging God according to His own promises and Word.He is kind of saying,

“We didn’t forget what you told us and nor did you.You were very straight forward with your instructions and advice. We didn’t follow your Word. We stranded away from your grace and we are begging for your mercy and restoration.”

How many of us stick to the Word of God while we pray? God works and answers prayer according to the principles that are written in His Word. He doesn’t conflict himself. God is His Word. The book of John started in saying,

”In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

God’s Word is God. You can compl

tely understand the Will of God by reading the Word of God, and this is exactly what Nehemiah did.

6. Nehemiah was so wise and humble in his approach to the king to ask for favor. Even if Nehemiah knew the king was responsible for the suffering of his people, he didn’t approach him as an enemy. In fact, he took him as a good friend and shared with him the sorrow in his heart. If we think about it, this is a great wisdom. Being always humble even in front of your enemies makes things easier for you to accomplish your dreams.

But the source of this wisdom is from God. Nehemiah took the matter to God and not to the king. The king was an accomplice to Nehemiah when God answered his prayer. Most of the time, we are so angry with the person whom we think is the source of our problem. The thing is, they don’t have any power over us unless God gives them the power to do so. Nehemiah said, “May the king live forever!” instead of cursing and insulting the king, which can cost him his life. 

Daniel also did the same thing after the King threw him in the lion’s den. “May the king live forever!” Nehemiah also addressed all his requests very politely. 

“If it pleases the king, may I have letters to the governors of Trans-Euphrates, so that they will provide me safe-conduct until I arrive in Judah? 

7. Nehemiah knew he was called to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. It is very important to know you are called for a given purpose. This man knew he has to rebuild the broken pieces of Jerusalem. For him, this was his purpose in life that he considered himself worthy of living. There are a lot of people on earth who walk with no definite purpose in life, though, God made them with one.

There is no greater tragedy in life than to live life without purpose. God gave us all the reason to be born and the reason to live. As the church of Jesus, we are here to witness the greatest gift man has ever received, Jesus Christ. That is sort of the bigger agenda of our purpose in life. But if we drill down to it, we are called individually to build and restore the broken pieces of the church of Jesus Christ. We are called to consolidate things around us. We are called to help the sick and the poor. We are called to be guardians to the orphans and care givers to the elders who need help.

Our purpose, in a very simple definition, is anything we can offer back to the community to help build and restore broken lives.  And how do we know which specific task we need to do is all up to you and the Spirit of God who is able to do great things in you for His glory.

8. Nehemiah planed and well prepared for his Journey very well. There is a saying, “Failing to plan is planning to fail” 

Having a good strategy that we put down in our plan is a good start to succeed in our mission. The enemy will rock the boat left and right and if we don’t know where we are going with no road map to our route, we will definitely fail. And the worst part is we won’t even know we have failed because we have not set a plan to succeed. 

Planning is a method to lay out a strategy to implement your vision. It will consist the details of your vision and what you are trying to accomplish with very specific details.  God will be with you and ready to help you if you have a plan and a goal you set to achieve in life. No plan means no divine provision.

9. Nehemiah knew there was an enemy waiting to fight and he was well prepared for it.

10. Nehemiah launched in to action after fasting and prayer.

The reason Nehemiah fasted and prayed was to plead to God to release him to restore what the enemy has destroyed. Not only he identified God’s will but also, he executed it by dedicat

ng his life for the task. It is very interesting to realize that God used the same Babylonians that are responsible for destroying the walls of Jerusalem and its gates to help to restore it back to its previous state. 

The moral of the story is it doesn’t matter how bad or worse things get around us. How many countless bad things have occurred around us? God will use the same enemy to honor you who has been degrading you for years. Mordecai was honored by his enemy Haman by the decree of the king according to Aster 6:11

So Haman took the robes and put them on Mordecai, placed him on the king’s own horse, and led him through the city square, shouting, “This is what the king does for someone he wishes to honor!”

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        Fasika    |    Jun. 5, 2018     | 2,334 Views    |   

If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

For which of you, intending to build a tower, sitteth not down first, and counteth the cost, whether he have sufficient to finish it?Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.

Or what king, going to make war against another king, sitteth not down first, and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twenty thousand?

Or else, while the other is yet a great way off, he sendeth an ambassage, and desireth conditions of peace.So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. -Luke 14:25

Even if the word disciple would be simply defined as follower of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it has more meaning than just a follower and a believer.What is the difference between a disciple, a follower, a believer and a minister?I believe when we come to God by faith through repentance and believing what God has revealed his salvation through Christ, we become a follower or believer of our Lord Jesus Christ.

But I believe there is a big difference between a believer and a disciple of Jesus Christ.The disciple is the one who gave up his everything for the sake of the kingdom of God.He who forsakes all that he has for Christ is a disciple of Jesus Christ.

A disciple is the best candidate to be a minister to preach the gospel for nations. Only God affirms the carriers of His word and His message around the globe. One’s own zeal and desire can’t make a follower (and even a disciple) a minister of the Gospel.

Most of us think we are disciples but the truth is we are still in Level 0 (just a believer).And since we don’t want to go to the next level (disciple), devil is even tempting us to give up level 0 and to become unbeliever. Discipleship is not intended to be for only few members of God’s church. God wants the majority/all of Christians to be his disciples and prepare themselves for the ministry that God has prepared for them.

Discipleship is making baby Christians in to warriors of faith in Christ.

Matthew 28:19 (NIV) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Only few are called from discipleship to be ministers like pastors, apostles, teachers and the likes. A Christian cannot directly go to ministry without being a disciple first. It is like for a soldier going to war with out passing through the necessary combat training.

If we see the life of the apostles, they were first under the ministry of Jesus Christ before He told them to go and preach the good news for the world. They were first disciples before being apostles.

This doesn’t mean they were not preaching the gospel when Jesus was around. Jesus was sending them in a way that they can see what it means to be called to ministry while they were still on training by Jesus. It is like practical training.

There were complaints against them to Jesus that they were not able to heal the sick or cast out demons, but Jesus defended them and taught them on the spot how things should be done. Moreover, Jesus ordered them before he resurrected to the Father to wait until they are filled with the Holy Ghost.
Only then they will have the power to preach the gospel with boldness and humility.

Discipleship educates and trains Christians to be ministe

s but only the Ho
y Spirit can empower and change people lives using disciples. Holy Spirit can use an ordinary person like you and me to spread the gospel but it will be much more effective if someone is converted in to disciple first before moving to ministry. I believe the issues that we see in the current church is due to sending  unprepared ministers in to the world who take the work of the kingdom of God in their own hands and many for their own benefits.

Ministry comes in different flavors. We can minister the people of God with our possession, giving what he gave us back to him. With our knowledge in different discipline like nursing, doctors…. With our compassion and taking care of the needy. Defending the helpless. Providing to the poor. With our strength and youth in cleaning, caring, committed to help those spread the gospel.

We don’t have to be the preacher or the pastor in the church to be a minister. And we don’t have to be a disciple to do this kind of ministry. Part of ministry that involves healing the sick, fighting spiritual battles with the devil and evil principalities, teaching the word of God to many, prophesizing, speaking in tongues, doing miracles are all the gifts of the Holy Ghost given to those who have completely given up their life(everything) for the sake of the gospel and the kingdom of God. (Disciples). 

One might say we need these gifts to minister the people of God before we give up anything to be disciple. But this is wrong. God is waiting for you to change your heart and become available for him to use you as He wishes and then He will give the gifts and not vice versa.

Gifts are given for disciples and not for ordinary Christians. Notice that the gifts of the Spirit were given to the apostles when they dedicated their life to preach the good news by living a Godly life for Christ.

If we are in the darkness of sin that we experience every day, there is no way we will receive these gifts. If we turn our face after being partakers of these gifts, Hebrew 6 says, there is no more to be done. It is amazing how most of us live our lives. We are so immature in our faith that we are so much in to the things of the world. 

We watch movies that are unholy. We listen to musics that preach hate, arrogance and violence. We do not pray and read the Word of God diligently. We don’t share the gospel to our neighbors. We don’t help those in need. We are always self-centered and don’t care about others. 

We are lukewarm Christians in a way that we are not a strong Christians who should be ready for the coming of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. We don’t forgive when our brothers and sisters offended us. We don’t love sincerely. We don’t treat others with respect at all times. We don’t faithfully obey God. We treat others badly with and without their faults. We even drag some of them to court.  We are angry and bitter when others do wrong to us. As a result, we end up grieving the Holy Spirit by practicing these and many more.

I don’t know how we are going to please God without bearing any spiritual fruit. God wants us to grow in the Spirit and bear many spiritual fruits. If we don’t have fruits, we may end up in the wrong place that we don’t want to be which is hell. 

Many may deceive christian by saying we don’t earn our salvation and no need to worry about bearing fruits of our faith. But the truth is we need to worry every day to live a life that glorifies God’s name in our generation and many more to come. As Christians, we need to stop drinking only milk and start to eat real food from the Word of God training ourselves in to the likeness of God in Christ.

We need to be compassionate for one another and forgive each other sins. We need to understand everyday the depth and breadth of the grace of God and how He forgives our huge debt that we cannot pay off and on

y eternal fire was the only thing we deserve to have.

We need to understand that if we don’t love others as God loves us, we are in danger of eternal fire. We need to know that after being forgiven by God if we treat others bad, God will take away his mercy and put us in great trouble. There is no guarantee that we are saved if we conform ourselves in to the likeness of the devil, who is evil and deceitful.

Even if we think we are not called in to the ministry, we still should prepare our selves to be a good disciple that loves Jesus more than anything we accumulate in life since we will all leave that here and go to our eternal home.

Paul said, nothing comes close to the love of God in Christ.

Romans 8:35: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

This life(Romans 8) is given for all who love and believe in Christ. It is a call to love Jesus like his disciples giving up everything we have for sake of Christ. Remember saying the words and living according to the words of Romans 8 are not the same. May God give his grace to have a great revelation of what it means to give up everything we have for God.

When the young rich person whom he claimed he is a good Christian was asked by Jesus to give up his wealth (his idol) and follow Jesus, he was sad and turn his back on Jesus and left. Are we like him today? Which ones of our possessions become our idols? Anything we love more than God is our idol and we suffer the consequence of losing it. Whether it is our spouse or kids, or house, or car or profession or hobby, it is a matter of time before we will be asked to choose between Jesus and our idol.

Choose wisely. Choose Jesus since he gave up everything for us and they crucified him on that cross almost naked. He also promised that whatever and whoever we give up for his name sake, he will give it back to us multiple folds. 

Matthew 19:29: And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for the sake of My name will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life.


1.Can a follower of Jesus Christ who is not a disciple of Jesus Christ go directly to the strong form of ministry like Pastor?

2.What is the importance of being a disciple?

3.Can a believer inherit the kingdom of God without going through discipleship?

4.What does it mean when Jesus says, “You cannot be my disciple, if you don’t love me more than yourself and family?”

5. Is discipleship necessary to enter the kingdom of God?

6.What are the varies ways of serving the Lord (ministry)?

7.Can a Christian live without Holy Ghost? 

8.Is it possible to inherit the kingdom of God with out the Holy Spirt living in us?

9.Whom shall the Lord give the gifts of the Holy Ghost? A new christian or disciple? (Wisdom,  Knowledge,  Faith,  Healing,  Working of miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of spirits, Divers kinds of tongues, Interpretation of tongues)

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Mar. 20, 2018     | 2,805 Views    |   

Heal me, O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise. ~ Jeremiah 17:14

Most of us have passed through a very long period to get completely healed from our sinful behavior washed by the blood of Jesus Christ. During those difficult times, we promised to God to do his will to get healed from our infirmities. we say, "If I only get healed, I will be your faithful servant. If I only get healed, I will do so and so. I will get better, if only I get this."

There is a great resemblance between sickness in the physical body and spiritual body. There is no precondition for our spiritual sickness as there may not be other option for cancer treatment other than to go for chemotherapy. Please remember, when we sin, we are infected with a deadly disease. I am not talking about this rubbish physical body. It is the spiritual body, spirit and soul that you will bring to the Lord. That my friend is rotten, smelling and dead. You cannot get to heaven with that. In fact, you cannot get anywhere except hell.

Therefore, you are going to be treated for healing. It doesn’t have to be as easy as you might think. If there is anything called incurable for spiritual bodies, then your case will be close to that. But in the case of Jesus, nothing is impossible. He wants to see you well. It is not his will, never been and never will be to go to hell. You see people die due to lack of knowledge and understanding. They die in their physical body. They die in their sin. So, God will lead you through the healing process one day at a time until you are completely cleaned from your inequities.

So, take all the time you need with him. It is worth it. The healing process is not only for the body but the cleansing of the soul. It heals the flesh as well as removes sickness of the soul by washing away the dirt from the soul. Sin is accumulated through time. Any kind of complicated problem has a root cause but it has spanned several months if not years. This makes it chronic and difficult to heal. For instance, you take any of the deadliest diseases like heart problem or failure of any of our vital organs or the cause of stroke or diabetics.

They all have the same characteristics: they are chronic and take a long time to develop in to one. When a person sins and does that for a long period of time, it will cause a chronic sin that is deadly by nature if it is not treated with the mercy and blood of Jesus very quickly. One of the easiest and fast way to cure any disease is to get to treatment as soon as possible. The very best way to walk in righteousness with the Lord is to repent our sins as soon as they occur.

Delaying our repentance will open another door for sin and the devil. It is always very important to come to God’s presence with repentance if we know there is something we should confess before it is too late. As human beings our days are numbered and we don’t even know when we shall depart this life to see God in his judgment seat. God cannot be mocked as everyone gets what he deserves on earth as well as in heaven.

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." ~ Isaiah 53:4-5

The healing process can only be achieved through our Lord Jesus Christ as he was crushed for our iniquities. If it were not through the sanctification and redemption of our Lord Jesus Christ, we all will end u

in hell as we
br>ll were sinners.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. Now my eyes will be open and my ears attentive to the prayers offered in this place. ~ 2 Chronicles 7:14-15

God expects each one us to come to him with humble heart and confess all of our sins before him. Humility makes us to confess all of our sins to God since we know we cannot enter the kingdom of God by our own works.

Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost. Titus 3:5 

Humility also leads us to live a life of righteousness as it opens the door to serve others considering them better than us. We also need to know that once we experience the love of God and our rotting spiritual body is regenerated by the renewing of the Holy Ghost, and revived through the knowledge of God, if we willfully disobey God and turn our face from his love, then there is no other way to redeem us back to Him.

For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins..  Hebrew 3

In conclusion, sin one way or another brings a curse in to our soul and creates a big hole that cannot be cured except through the blood of Jesus Christ. The hole sometimes stays there until we completely recover from it. 

If we confess all our sins, God is willing to redeem us in to everlasting life when we surrender our life to him. He will forget the past and give us a new beginning. 

When everything has passed, we will praise God for he has changed our suffering in to joy and our anguish in to peace and we will know that it was for our benefit that we suffered for a while.

"You restored me to health and let me live. Surely it was for my benefit that I suffered such anguish. In your love you kept me from the pit of destruction; you have put all my sins behind your back." ~ Isaiah 38:16-17

Consider yourself fortunate if God All-Powerful chooses to correct you. He may cause injury and pain, but he will bandage and heal     your cuts and bruises.  God will protect you from harm, no matter how often  trouble may strike. ~ Job 5:17

Let’s return to the Lord. He has torn us to shreds, but he will bandage our wounds and make us well.

In two or three days he will heal us and restore our strength that we may live with him.

Let’s do our best to know the Lord.His coming is as certain as the morning sun; he will refresh us like rain renewing the earth in the springtime. ~Hosea 6:1

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Mar. 11, 2018     | 2,475 Views    |   

2 Peter 2:1

But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;

And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations, and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished:

But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. Whereas angels, which are greater in power and might, bring not railing accusation against them before the Lord. But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption;

And shall receive the reward of unrighteousness, as they that count it pleasure to riot in the day time. Spots they are and blemishes, sporting themselves with their own deceivings while they feast with you; Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children: Which have forsaken the right way, and are gone astray, following the way of Balaam the son of Bosor, who loved the wages of unrighteousness; 16 But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man's voice forbad the madness of the prophet.

These are wells without water, clouds that are carried with a tempest; to whom the mist of darkness is reserved for ever. For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error.

While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage. For if after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning.

For it had been better for them not to have kno

n the way of rightosness than, after they have known it, to turn from the holy commandment delivered unto them. 
But it is happened unto them according to the true proverb, The dog is turned to his own vomit again; and the sow that was washed to her wallowing in the mire. 

As there were false prophets and teachers in the old days, there are false prophets and teachers in the present day church. These false prophets and teachers are once saved by the grace of God but now they have abandoned the truth and destroyed by their own selfish desires. The fact that they defile and disregard the salvation they received through Christ means they are heading to great destruction. Not only did they brought eternal condemnation to them, but they also relay that to the body of Christ.

Many will follow their evil desires and sensual sins. Because of these false teachers and prophets, the name of the Lord will be ridiculed among the unbelieving nations. Their main agenda is exploiting the resources of the people of God. Many have spent enormous amount of money, time and energy on the so called “prophets”. Their destiny is already decided by the Lord and their destruction will be very soon. 

If God didn’t have any pity for sinful angels whom he has placed them in hell so that they can be kept until final judgment, If God doesn’t have any mercy for those people who rebelled against him in the time of Noah saving only Noah and his family and destroyed any other creature on earth,

If he turns the city of Sodom in to ashes, If he saved only two people from over half a million people of Israel, and the rest had died in the wilderness before they see the land of hope and prosperity, then God surely will condemn and judge those people who have no respect for the Lord and are only led by their filthy desires. God knows how to save His very own and very best from the destruction that is about to come on the false prophets and the world in general. 

These false teachers have no due respect for higher authorities in the Spirit which are God’s Angels. When you look at them, they look like very confident in what they are doing which is insult and blasphemy against God and the servants of the Lord.

Their pride has gone way over the limit.  Even if God’s Angels are higher in authority than these people, they did not dare to despise them. They insult and disregard to the things of God will cost them their eternal life. Their ignorance on this matter is what makes them to speak of things that are unwholesome. 

Their characteristics are like animals who are destined for destruction. With out confession, their destruction is sure to come. Their life is filled with sinful dance and arrogance. They encourage others to do sin which is they always fix their eyes on.

They always snare up on those who are week in the Spirit and are double minded. Since these people are not satisfied with the truth of the gospel, they dread to hear what only their evil hearts want to hear. And the false prophets are the right choice for them to satisfy this desire. 

"You must correct people and point out their sins. But also cheer them up, and when you instruct them, always be patient. 3 The time is coming when people won’t listen to good teaching. Instead, they will look for teachers who will please them by telling them only what they are itching to hear. They will turn from the truth and eagerly listen to senseless stories. 5 But you must stay calm and be willing to suffer. You must work hard to tell the good news and to do your job well." -2 Timothy 4:2

The false prophets and their followers have this unsatisfied desire which they crave to seek and find outside the Word of God. If the Son of God doesn’t satisfy them, no other thing in the world will do. Due to their natur

they are like the cused seed that never grow up to bear spiritual fruits.  They once were following the truth with good consciousness and positive mind, but now they have neglected their true callings and got astray in the direction of covetousness and adulatory. 

It takes a donkey to speak and advice the false prophet, Balaam, whose way was evil and corrupt. If he listened and turned from his madness, why don’t the false prophets of this generation come back from their evil schemes and confess all their sins to the Lord. 

Otherwise, the judgment of God is very near and eternal darkness and punishment are awaiting them. Their ways are like wells with out water, clouds with out rain, and their words are useless for anyone who cares to listen. With those superficial and empty words which look like the truth from outside, they led many to the pit that ought to be saved from the devil.

One of the promises they make is they say their words will deliver many from their affliction. With a positive mind, that may see the right thing to communicate to the people but yet with out the truth in it, it is useless. They should have waited for positive affirmation of the Spirit of God before they prophesized the words of so called “Comforting words” to God’s people.

The old testament also indicates that false prophets doing such things have died after speaking their message since they used God’s name to speak a lie to His people. 

Jeremiah 28:10

Hananiah grabbed the wooden yoke from my neck and smashed it. 11 Then he said, “The Lord says this is the way he will smash the power Nebuchadnezzar has over the nations, and it will happen in less than two years.”  I left the temple, and a little while later, the Lord told me to go back and say to Hananiah: I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You smashed a wooden yoke, but I will replace it with one made of iron. I will put iron yokes on all the nations, and they will have to do what King Nebuchadnezzar commands. I will even let him rule the wild animals. 

Hananiah, I have never sent you to speak for me. And yet you have talked my people into believing your lies and rebelling against me. So now I will send you—I’ll send you right off the face of the earth! You will die before this year is over. Two months later, Hananiah died.  If using the name of God in vain and lying could cost one’s life in the old testament, home much more it will be sinful to deceive and grieve the Spirit of God, in which we are sealed for our redemption. 

Ephesians 4:30

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. They them selves are living the life of a slave in the Spirit since they too are under the condemnation of sin. Then how can they preach freedom if they are under slavery of sin. If anyone is under any consistent sin, he or she is slave to the thing that has power over him/her. 

If any one falls under the sin of adulatory, and says he can deliver people from any sin, then that person is fooling himself. These people know the truth which is Christ. But then they are entangled by the evil desires of the world and cannot get out of it since they love the world more than they love the Lord, whom He loves them till death. B

ecause of this, their former life (the life before they know the truth) is much better than their current life. It is much better for anyone to not know Christ in the first place than to deny Him after knowing that He is the savior of their soul. As the saying goes “Dogs go back to their own vomit”, these people go back to their filthiness over and over again.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Jan. 15, 2018     | 2,557 Views    |   

Luke 23:32 Two criminals were led out to be put to death with Jesus. When the soldiers came to the place called “The Skull,” they nailed Jesus to a cross. They also nailed the two criminals to crosses, one on each side of Jesus. Jesus said, “Father, forgive these people! They don’t know what they’re doing.”

While the crowd stood there watching Jesus, the soldiers gambled for his clothes. The leaders insulted him by saying, “He saved others. Now he should save himself, if he really is God’s chosen Messiah!” The soldiers made fun of Jesus and brought him some wine. They said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself!” Above him was a sign that said, “This is the King of the Jews.” One of the criminals hanging there also insulted Jesus by saying, “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and save us!”

But the other criminal told the first one off, “Don’t you fear God? Aren’t you getting the same punishment as this man? We got what was coming to us, but he didn’t do anything wrong.” Then he said to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into power!” Jesus replied, “I promise that today you will be with me in paradise.”

The story of two criminals that were nailed on both sides of Jesus is a great lesson for all of us. These two individuals had similar stories. They both came from the same life style with common background. They also had the same information about who Jesus was according to the Roman soldiers and the witnesses of the people near the cross.

Both had seen the soldiers insulting Jesus and demanding him to save himself if he is God’s chosen Messiah. They were also near the end of their life and death was around the corner. Even if they both share similar stories, they had completely different perspective about Jesus.

The first one took the broad way and joined the ideologies of the soldiers and he too had ridiculed Jesus. He didn’t take the leap of faith and think for one second that Jesus was indeed what he said he was. Given the same information, one criminal had a negative impression about Jesus but the other one had completely different opinion.

The second criminal during the brink of his life on earth, didn’t dare to say any bad word to Jesus. In fact, he condemned the act of the other criminal for his insult. What a great transformation he had made that has saved him from eternal distraction! The mercy of God has no expiration date. He can save any one at any given point of time in one’s life. No one knows when since his timing is not like ours. Here we see again Jesus’s saving power even at the brink of his physical life on earth.

The criminal defended Jesus against the most wicked men. How many of us when we are in great trouble honor and love God as we used to when we are in comfort. When Job was in a great pain and misery, his wife recommended him to insult the Lord for the bad things that had happened in his life and die.

But Job answered her that she is wrong and God can take whatever he has given before.

Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him. -Job 13:15

Job not only surrendered his family and belongings to God but even his own life. What a great man of faith. We all know Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son to God according to God’s request to do so. Moreover, we see that Job was willing to die for the will of God.

The quality of any person is determined by the decision he/she
akes whether to honor

r insult God when approaching difficult life issues including death.

The criminal man not only defended Jesus but also had faith in Him. He said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.”.

What a great revelation this man had? He knew that Jesus is indeed the son of God and He will soon go to His kingdom. His revelation is like that of Peter when he confessed that Jesus is indeed the Son of God. The story didn’t end there, Jesus heard his prayer and promised him that he will enter the kingdom of God with Him.

But no promise was given to the other criminal who had insulted Jesus. Why did Jesus promise him to enter the kingdom? It is because of his faith in Jesus to enter the kingdom of God where Jesus reigns.

The man believed him at the time and for the same reason Jesus was about to be crucified. Even if the authorities, the high priests, so many people and the criminal took the kingdom of God like a joke, this man strengthened his heart to believe in it and boldly fought and begged for him to be in the kingdom.

This is in fact, a great revelation and a wonderful opportunity for this man to get saved. He was not ashamed of asking it in front of the Romans who could possibly make his death worse. He wisely used the last moment of his life to be with Jesus. Jesus knew this man’s heart and he was craving to be saved. Thank God for his awesome love. He never gives up on any one of us who was once lost and was willing to come back to Jesus with pure heart.

What a compassionate creator we all have? He is indeed full of mercy and forgiveness. There is no one like him on earth or above the earth who goes a great extent to correct and save his children.

Probably this is the shortest prayer ever. The prayer of “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” should be the prayer of every one of us. Without Jesus remembering us in his kingdom, we have no place and right to be in it.

This prayer has also resemblance to the story of Rahab on Joshua 2: 9

I know that the Lord has given Israel this land. Everyone shakes with fear because of you. 10 We heard how the Lord dried up the Red Sea[d]so you could leave Egypt. And we heard how you destroyed Sihon and Og, those two Amorite kings east of the Jordan River. We know that the Lord your God rules heaven and earth, and we’ve lost our courage and our will to fight.

Please promise me in the Lord’s name that you will be as kind to my family as I have been to you. Do something to show that you won’t let your people kill my father and mother and my brothers and sisters and their families.

Rahab in the old testament had similar type of faith that the criminal had in the new testament.“By faith the harlot Rahab did not perish with those who did not believe, when she had received the spies with peace” (Hebrews 11:31).

She had faith in God and how he led his people out of Egypt. By faith she hid the spies not fearing her government that could execute her for hiding and aiding the enemy.

Faith is acting in the physical world by believing God and his promises in the Spiritual. I am amazed by the similarities of the stories here between the old and the new testament. By faith, she asked and begged for the same type of request as the criminal in the new testament, “Please remember me when...” 

Even if she was a prostitute and unbeliever, by faith she was included to be part of God’s people and nothing prevented her from entering the kingdom of God. The act of faith always moves God from his throne, and makes him interfere on our behalf. God loves to see his children stand strongly believing in him and his promises. It is not pleasant to see any one wavering on faith. The most important aspect of our Christianity is our faith and we must stand still believing in him no matter worse
he circumstances are.


All the gospels of Jesus Christ, our faith fathers and the apostles made a great emphasis on having faith and believing God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, let us fix our eyes on Jesus who can give us eternal life to whoever trust and believe competely on Him and no one else.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Dec. 3, 2017     | 2,660 Views    |   


Worship and fasting have similar characteristics. They both can be superficial and don't make any difference in the spiritual. One can do both with a lot of dedication and lot of zeal but it may not impress our Lord Jesus Christ. Why you asked? It is because worship and fasting should be done giving importance about their true meaning as the Bible teaches us on Isaiah 58.

Shout the message! Don’t hold back. Say to my people Israel: You’ve sinned! You’ve turned against the LORD. Day after day, you worship him and seem eager to learn his teachings. You act like a nation that wants to do right by obeying his laws. You ask him about justice, and say you enjoy worshiping the LORD.

You wonder why the LORD pays no attention when you go without eating and act humble. But on those same days that you give up eating, you think only of yourselves and abuse your workers. 4 You even get angry and ready to fight. No wonder God won’t listen to your prayers! Do you think the LORD wants you to give up eating and to act as humble as a bent-over bush? Or to dress in sackcloth and sit in ashes? Is this really what he wants on a day of worship?

I’ll tell you what it really means to worship the LORD. Remove the chains of prisoners who are chained unjustly. Free those who are abused! Share your food with everyone who is hungry; share your home with the poor and homeless. Give clothes to those in need; don’t turn away your relatives. Then your light will shine like the dawning sun, and you will quickly be healed.

Your honesty will protect you as you advance, and the glory of the LORD will defend you from behind. When you beg the LORD for help, he will answer, “Here I am!” Don’t mistreat others or falsely accuse them or say something cruel. Give your food to the hungry and care for the homeless. Then your light will shine in the dark; your darkest hour will be like the noonday sun.

The LORD will always guide you and provide good things to eat when you are in the desert. He will make you healthy. You will be like a garden that has plenty of water or like a stream that never runs dry. 1You will rebuild those houses left in ruins for years; you will be known as a builder and repairer of city walls and streets. But first, you must start respecting the Sabbath as a joyful day of worship.

You must stop doing and saying whatever you please on this special day. Then you will truly enjoy knowing the LORD. He will let you rule from the highest mountains and bless you with the land of your ancestor Jacob. The LORD has spoken!

One can fast and pray with resentment, fear and anxiety. It is a complete waste of time to hate our brother but still declare days prayer and fasting in the church. God sees the heart and the fasting that he declares is not starvation of the body alone.

It is fasting with compassion and love for others. It is to care for the lost ones who have no one to help them. It is to take the orphans as our children. To embrace them with love and care and give them the necessary nourishment. It is to forgive our enemy and love them as if they are our allies and not to kill innocent lives It is to be generous to others sharing what we have as Jesus described it.

He said if any one of us has two pants, it is very necessary that we give one to the needy. It is to take care of our family including our parents and not to abandon them when they are old. All the above are included in one principle of God. That is to love everyone as we love our selves. Therefore, love should be the motive for fasting.

God is love and the Spirit. Any one who wishes to worship the Lord has to do it giving most importance on the spiritual aspect of life and not just the physical world.

God is not impressed by our physical performance since even those who said there is no God can perform well. Only three things move God Love, hope and faith. 

You show me a person who loves his neighbor and God and I will show you a person who has obeyed all the laws. We hope to see the future trusting God and his promises. A person without hope is helpless.

No one dares to face the future unless there is something we love to see and that we hoped for. Finally, faith is the key feature that triggers the hand and protection of God up on his children. God dares to rescue those who dare to believe him even if the world is abandoning him. 

Our God is a loving God who loves everyone that does good and opposes those who do evil in the name of worshiping the Lord. God encourages us to participate in all acts of kindness before we even think about gathering to worship him or giving offering to him. He expects us to forgive those who do harm to us as he forgives all our sins.

Isaiah 1:11:

“Your sacrifices mean nothing to me. I am sick of your offerings  of rams and choice cattle; I don’t like the blood of bulls or lambs or goats. “Who asked you to bring all this when you come to worship me? Stay out of my temple!

Your sacrifices are worthless, and incense is disgusting. I can’t stand the evil you do on your New Moon Festivals or on your Sabbaths and other times of worship. I hate your New Moon Festivals and all others as well. They are a heavy burden  I am tired of carrying.

“No matter how much you pray, I won’t listen. You are too violent. Wash yourselves clean! I am disgusted with your filthy deeds. Stop doing wrong   and learn to live right. See that justice is done. Defend widows and orphans     and help those in need…



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        Fasika    |    Oct. 10, 2017     | 2,979 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Sep. 24, 2017     | 3,336 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Sep. 24, 2017     | 2,961 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Sep. 24, 2017     | 3,889 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Sep. 24, 2017     | 3,375 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Sep. 24, 2017     | 3,073 Views    |   

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        Fasika    |    Sep. 24, 2017     | 3,358 Views    |   

Ephesians 4

As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it.8 This is why it[a] says: “When he ascended on high, he took many captives and gave gifts to his people.” (What does “he ascended” mean except that he also descended to the lower, earthly regions?

He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe.) So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. 

Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

God called us to be one in everything. He called us to love and accept each other’s differences. He called us to humble ourselves and not consider us better than any of the members of the body of Christ.

Our faith has one distinct identity from any other faith that is practiced in the world. That is we are all one part of the body of Christ and we all have equal significance for the body. And there is only one governor/head and that is Christ himself.

We are not called to be the boss of our sisters or brothers. God values us equally and we should have the same perspective. We think we have power and that power basically makes us above others. Whether we are minsters of the gospel of God or well educated with the things of the world, it is only useful when we use the same knowledge to educate and change people’s lives.

It is not good when we use it to express our superiority over others. We are not super or smarter than others. Whatever we have is given to us as a gift from God to serve him and others. There is no other effective way of destroying our unity in Christ than pride, unforgiveness, hate, gossip, bitterness, anger, malice.

These are all against the love and respect we should have for one another. If we are humble, kind, polite and gentle for one another, we would develop love for one another as these are the characteristics of Love. Peace is the byproduct of living a righteous and godly life that is according to the will and word of God driven by the Holy Ghost.

The peace we have inside and the peace we have in the outside world. As Christians we may manage to keep it peaceful within ourselves but sometimes it is very difficult to be in peace with everybody since there are always conflicts of interest.

It is one thing to resolve our conflicts by avoiding the things that hurt us and find a common ground to stand together, but it completely another thing to fight for every instance of conflict and make matters worse. It is very important as Christian to negotiate a deal that will benefit us and glorifies God in Christ. We shouldn’t focus on selfish desires. Rather, we should be able to honor one another and give praise to God who is the author of our salvation. 

The bondage of love we all should have in Christ actually holds the body of Christ together. The utterance of love and forgiveness with patience and hope in the spirit of God should be the only thing that should come out our mouth.

We should be able to stand against the force of darkness that comes between us and our brother/sister by covering him/her wrong doings.

It is so unfortunate to have the so called pastors and prophets now a days who are money driven and don’t worry about the flock. Their job was supposed to be workers to train people in to being grown in the body of Christ and bring them to the fullness of the faith in Christ- Not to rob them and take every bit of advantage they can get from the people of God.

The people of God is precious and deserves a lot more respect than these people give now a days. The people of God need to know their value and worthiness in the eyes of God and stop being a victim of this outrageous deceit and blasphemy. Jesus Christ has paid the ultimate sacrifice for his people. That shows how valuable the people of God is.

They deserve to be treated better. They deserve a lot more respect. Cheating and lying is from the devil and should never be used to win the hearts of the people. The drama they are making in front of these people are to be caught and make known to them that they are in fact cheating. There is nothing that will be hidden as God himself will make everything known in its due time for his glory as they are not just fooling his people but dishonor the Spirit of God by using his name wrongly to fill their stomach.

May God bring justice quickly for the sake of his people and raise faithful servants that will rebuild the broken hearted and body of Christ to bring unity and love among his people. Amen!!!




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        Fasika    |    Sep. 17, 2017     | 2,648 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 21, 2017     | 3,816 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 21, 2017     | 4,403 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 20, 2017     | 3,602 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 19, 2017     | 3,380 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 19, 2017     | 3,333 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 19, 2017     | 3,888 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 19, 2017     | 3,295 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 19, 2017     | 8,989 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 19, 2017     | 4,317 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 17, 2017     | 3,284 Views    |   

Genesis 8:21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savor; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more everything living, as I have done.

God speaks here that all humans are wicked except Christ Jesus who is perfect human and God. If you start to dig in to the nature of any man you will be surprised with what you will find. You don’t have to go far. Just stop for a second and start to think about your own heart. Most of the time no one wants to look deep in to the nature of his own heart since we already know we are wicked by nature.

One of the reasons that we are wicked by nature is because of the curse we inherit from the first man, Adam. Adam was cursed by God and that curse goes down to generations of men and women till today. Most of the curses we may experience came from the past generations that go all the way to Adam. Some curses are generational. These curses play a vital role in understanding why we act the way we act without Christ.

There are also curses that are present in our lives as a consequence of our sins against the laws of God. The laws of God are from the Word of God. The Bible is the word of God. If we don’t do what the Bible tells us to do, we are under a curse. This is not to say we are destined to be wicked by God. In fact I am saying God paved a way to get out of the nature of our heart. We are our own prisoners tied by wickedness, fear, hate, blasphemy, anger… The gospel is the good news towards all men and women to break the bondage of sin and curses that came from one Man, Adam.

Sin entered in to the world thorough one Man. Before that Adam or Eve didn’t know or commit any sin. But once they committed their first sin, they opened the channel of communication to devil. They started having fellowship with the Devil himself. Before that they had only fellowship with God and God used to visit them in the Heaven and they talked to God as we talk to each other, person to person.

Now Christ entered to the World to break that fellowship with the Devil and restore our relationship with God. There is hope in Christ. When a person is born again of the Spirit of God, the old nature that we inherit from Adam is dead. We are no longer bind to our old way of thinking. We have a new heart that is the vessel of the Holy Spirit. As Paul described it in Romans 5:12, through one man fault, sin entered in to the world, and through one Man, Jesus Christ, sin will be eradicated from the world. At least that is the purpose of Christ coming to Christ. Whether we will believe in him or not is up to us and without believing in him there will not be cancelation of debt.

Romans 5:12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

15 But not as the offence, so also is the free
gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: f

r the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.

17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

In summary, after we accepted our Lord and savior, Jesus Chris, and be born again from the Spirit of God, we are no longer attached to the old man which had the same characteristics of the first man and was associated with the curses.

As born again Christians, we have freedom from guilt, the ransom of our soul was fully paid, no more fellowship with the devil and a brand new channel of communication with father God was established, praised God, which means instant healing, deliverance and guidance by the Holy Ghost.

Many have believed the sins are forgiven but failed to communicate to the father through the Holy Ghost. Many haven’t experienced the fire of the Holy Ghost that is the power to live and preach the gospel. Many are still living under the darkness of the devils authority since they don’t know their yolks are broken and they are free indeed. Brothers and sisters, if the son of God has made you free, you are free indeed. No evil or principalities have power over you to oppress and rule over your life.

God almighty, we pray that you give us the power of the Holy Ghost with fullness to do the works you gave us more efficiently. Please let us know you better than we do now. We make our selves available to be used and utilized as much as possible. Glorify your name by doing the work you have planned and started in Jesus Name.


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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 15, 2017     | 2,875 Views    |   

If the mercy and forgiveness we feel every day by the power of the Holy Ghost are not strong enough in our lives to do the same for other people, our faith is in danger. We have to stop for a minute and think why we are acting the way we act. The Spirit of God is active in our lives if we follow God’s will. But if we don’t follow him, we will not feel his presence when we need him most. We may think he is still with us but the fact is he is gone long time back.What a great tragedy would it be for any born again Christian to let this happen due to silly mistakes? It is very important to know that Holy Spirit like any human being has feelings. He can feel very bad when we are mean and unloving to others.

His presence is guaranteed where there is the love of God that dwells in you to do miracles in other people lives. He will give you the power to preach the good news to the world, to help others in times of trouble, to encourage the oppressed and to give hope to the depressed. If we don’t love people, there is no love of God in us and vice versa.When we love to do good things in people lives, it will instantiate the spirit of God to do more. Anger, malice, hate, bitterness, deceit, conspiring on others, blasphemy, gossip are all the fruits of the devil. If we practice these a lot, then we are partaking from the nature of the devil and we are walking far away from the Spirit of God.

Compassion should be contagious. It is a great deal of sin if we accept forgiveness and practice hate to others. Nothing makes God happy than to see us practice what he does in our lives.

If we saw him being kind and loving, he expects us to do the same to others. It doesn’t sit well with him when we do the opposite of what we get from him.Sometimes, we become so mean to others. We exaggerate their little mistakes and make them a big deal. We fight hard with them and make their lives very complicated. Some of us even drag them to courts by accusing them falsely without being realistic.

I am telling the truth, there is nothing more powerful to expel the Spirit of God from our lives other than hate except other sins like consistent behavior of experiencing adultery, lie, gossip, murder, theft, pride, hate.. How come as christians, who have received mercy by the grace of God and escaped from punishment of eternal fire, become so mad with our friends/family and drag them to courts and persecute them against their will?How come we degrade the compassion and forgiveness of God through Christ by practicing bitterness and hate towards others? Do you know our salvation is conditional? Do you know if we don’t forgive others, our sins will not be forgiven by God and we will face eternal judgment?It is really important to check the status of our salvation every day by presenting ourselves under the mercy of God with humility and fear of God and tell God that we have forgiven every aspects of transgressions made towards us as God forgives our sins.

As human beings, there is little we can do to avoid conflicts. We often feel sad or anger inside and that is not bad by itself. What is bad is when we allow the devil to convert our misunderstanding to hate, bitterness, prolonged anger, and bitterness.We can easily break out of the yolk of these sins by forgiving others as Christ himself forgive all of our sins.

Luke 1

:4: “…and forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.” 

Matthew 6:15 : "..But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

Forgiveness is the opposite of pride. If you think you are better than your friend, you will not forgive him because you won’t think you are wrong. You always think you are correct and it is very hard to forgive others while you think you are correct. If you have a little bit, just tiny bit of pride, you won’t forgive the wrong doings of others. Humility is the father of forgiveness. Forgiveness comes from humble heart. Love is the father of humility and the grandfather of all good things including forgiveness. Anyone who loves his friend very dearly will not have any problem to forgive the wrong doings of others. Anyone who hates you will never forgive you when you do mistakes and that is why you know if a person loves you or not.

Therefore, check your heart if you still love your enemy, your friends, your spouse, your children and most importantly your God with all your might and strength. If you do so, then you are good to go. If not, please confess all your sins and Holy Spirit will come to you as the first time you get saved and he will dwell with you. My brothers and sisters, I leave you with the word of God and encourage you to be vigilant all the time as our enemy, the devil, always finds the oportunity to steal the precious gift of life, that is our joy and love in Christ Jesus.

1 Corinthians 10: 11: Now these things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the fulfillment of the ages has come. So the one who thinks he is standing firm should be careful not to fall. No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape, so that you can stand up under it.

May God bless you in Christ Jesus!

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 12, 2017     | 3,313 Views    |   

It always amazes me how the smallest things we do to honor and please God have a great impact not only in our lives but to many more generations to come. When God sees a little bit of faithfulness in our lives, He makes sure he rewards that with so many blessings in our lives and the lives of others. God is so faithful. He keeps His promises that He made to us.

He won’t leave us alone when we need Him the most. What we need to know about this everlasting relationship we have in Christ is that God is so faithful. No matter how ugly our sins are He is so faithful and forgiving when we come before him with a humble and humiliated heart with absolute repentance spirit.

That is what David did when he sinned against the Lord. Therefore, that is what we should do. David considered nothing worth of giving his heart away except he gave it away to God, His mighty shield and protector. He fought all his wars and wins using God as his shield from the arrows of the enemy that pierce anything in the flesh.

His rock and his salvation was God. He didn’t lay his trust in the number of soldiers he had to serve him. Well, of course, no wonder God was so angry when David wanted to do that and punished him severely for that. What a great lesson for David and for us who know the story? You cannot impress God with your skills or the size and skills of your army.

In fact, you make him angry by trusting on the flesh. And by flesh I mean anything of the flesh. Your education, profession, power, wealth, health, skills, experience, wisdom or any other measure of performance in the flesh is nothing for God. God is not impressed with these at all. In fact, He gave these to anyone He is pleased with, like he took it from Saul and gave it to David.

Because God’s mercy and forgiveness that he showed to King Solomon for the sake of King David, what God had planned to save the whole world through Christ Jesus was fulfilled by having Jesus to be born from the ancestry of King David. If God had not forgiven Solomon even if Solomon abandoned God to worship his idols, then there would haven’t been Jesus, the Covenant he had promised to give to be slain for the sake of the sins of the world.

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 4, 2017     | 2,671 Views    |   

God is Faithful:An Epic contradictory story between King David and King Solomon

1 King 11: 1 King Solomon, however, loved many foreign women besides Pharaoh’s daughter—Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians and Hittites.2 They were from nations about which the LORD had told the Israelites, “You must not intermarry with them, because they will surely turn your hearts after their gods.” Nevertheless, Solomon held fast to them in love.

3 He had seven hundred wives of royal birth and three hundred concubines, and his wives led him astray.4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of David his father had been.

5 He followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites.6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done.

7 On a hill east of Jerusalem, Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the detestable god of Moab, and for Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 8He did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and offered sacrifices to their gods.

9 The LORD became angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice.10 Although he had forbidden Solomon to follow other gods, Solomon did not keep the LORD’s command.

11 So the LORD said to Solomon, “Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates.12 Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son.

13 Yet I will not tear the whole kingdom from him, but will give him one tribe for the sake of David my servant and for the sake of Jerusalem, which I have chosen.”

33. I will do this because they have forsaken me and worshiped Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, Chemosh the god of the Moabites, and Molek the god of the Ammonites, and have not walked in obedience to me, nor done what is right in my eyes, nor kept my decrees and laws as David, Solomon’s father, did.

34 “ ‘But I will not take the whole kingdom out of Solomon’s hand; I have made him ruler all the days of his life for the sake of David my servant, whom I chose and who obeyed my commands and decrees. 35 I will take the kingdom from his son’s hands and give you ten tribes.

36 I will give one tribe to his son so that David my servant may always have a lamp before me in Jerusalem, the city where I chose to put my Name.

This is God speaking. He said, King Solomon and his people abounded the laws of God, they worshiped idols, goodness and kindness were far from them and they separated themselves from the ways of King David.

But how did King Solomon cast himself away from the very good and righteous deeds that his father taught him to do before he died?

As he was a man of so many curiosities and wondered to know so many things asto why and how things reveal themselves in to existence, he found in a very deadly situation where he couldn't pull back once he was completely overtaken.

But it was not without a warning that he perished. God had so many times told him to take it easy with the so many wives he had. As a king, he took all the opportunities and privileges of being born into and becoming king of a great nation.

He had no background as his father. His father fought every day of his life to become a king seeing God protection and mercy on the wa

through t
the throne.

David deceived himself to have sex with the wife of his servant but couldn’t make his heart stubborn when the warning and punishment came for what he had committed- a terrible and terrible sin against his servant and most of all against God whom he gave him a great responsibility to protect and serve.

On the contrary, when God convicted Solomon of his sin in his word by clearing stating that he should not marry with those woman, he did not stop and confess his sins. Rather, he continued and fell in to the same trap God warned him, the sin of worshiping idols.

He fell in love with a deadly women that killed the very important thing he and his entire generation had kept for so many years, the covenant they had with God. He risked everything that was built before him and the covenant of God with future generations after him. But the story did not end there. HALELUJIA.. If it did, it would have been the saddest story of all.

But God said this,

11 So the LORD said to Solomon, “Since this is your attitude and you have not kept my covenant and my decrees, which I commanded you, I will most certainly tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your subordinates. Nevertheless, for the sake of David your father, I will not do it during your lifetime. I will tear it out of the hand of your son.

He didn’t say, “Hay Solomon, you are doomed. The promises I made with your ancestors ends here because one part of the covenant which is you cannot live up to the expectation of me.”

God had the right to stop being faithful to the genealogy of Abraham due to the failures of King David and King Solomon, but he did not stop there. He kept his faithfulness anyhow. There were some consequences of his actions. The kingdom was torn apart in to 12 pieces. In the coming years, his son will not rule over the whole nation, but only over one tribe.

And that is how God kept his promises he made to King David. David was found faithful in the eyes of God because he always humbles himself before God no matter how far he thought he went far away from the grace of God and always pleading God for mercy.

He always clings to the mercy and grace of God as a baby attaches himself to a mother. And God loved him for that since David trembled and humiliated himself under the word of God. He also gave glory to God for his victories over the enemy. It might be unnatural for King Solomon to do that, but David knew how he became what he was. 

Life is by itself a ministry and greatest testimony to us in the first place and to those who get the chance to hear our story. David learned from his life experience and glorified God’s name till the end. Two kings with different backgrounds reached different conclusions. David knew where he came from. That could be his greatest character we all need to learn from.

What about you and me? Do we always remember what God has done in our lives? Do we testify that to our souls every day and document that for the next generation?

Or do we fell in to trap of the deceitful of the world with drugs, money, sex, drunkenness or even just idleness. Idleness is the greatest threat to mankind as it leads to all manners of sexual immorality, gossip, drugs, and drunkenness.

We owe God everything. Our youth, our love, energy, time, money, our senses, our strength, our wisdom and many more shou
d be used to serve him at the right time in the right place. 

Don’t give your youth/last days to sexual sins as king Solomon did. He chose the wrong choice and made God sad. Solomon put his heart where there is no glory of God. His heart stranded away from his master. “Love” is tough. The love of money is tough. The love of sex is tough. The love of self is tough. That is why many have lost in the wilderness of loving the wrong item.

But the Bible says, “Love your God with all your heart, so

l and w
ll.”  That is why we should protect ourselves from loving the wrong thing. If we diligently seek God and his ways, we will not fall astray
 If we love him no matter how delicious the apple looks like, we will save our lives.

If we keep our eyes focused on our lord and savior, the beginning and end of our faith, we will not have any problem losing our faith over cheap and cosmetic items.

This world has nothing good for us. Our soul will never be satisfied with false pleasure and unfulfilling cosmetic materials. That is why many die craving for more satisfaction completely taken over by drugs and alcohols. With lust and evil desires, their soul cries day and night to find peace and pure joy which is to meet and dine together with her creator.

May the faithfulness and mercy of God help us every day to have intimate relationship with our father in heaven by the power of the Spirit of God. God has called us in to this beautiful fulfilling, joyful, loving and everlasting relationships we have in Christ Jesus. Let’s keep doing that and we shall make it to the end by his faithfulness!!!

I really like this song and I would like to share it with you:

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 2, 2017     | 2,665 Views    |   

Ezekiel 11: 17 “Therefore say: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will gather you from the nations and bring you back from the countries where you have been scattered, and I will give you back the land of Israel again.’

“They will return to it and remove all its vile images and detestable idols. I will give them an undivided heart and put a new spirit in them; I will remove from them their heart of stone and give them a heart of flesh. Then they will follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws.

They will be my people, and I will be their God. But as for those whose hearts are devoted to their vile images and detestable idols, I will bring down on their own heads what they have done, declares the Sovereign Lord.”

The first important thing in order to live to live a sinless life is a changed new heart that the Lord himself gives to us. The new heart is characterized by one word, "Humble", like the heart of Jesus, that always humbles himself under the Word of God.

The old man's heart is characterized by stubbornness and pride which leads to a bigger sin. The spirit person is born with a new heart from the Spirit of God like a baby is born in the flesh from the flesh of his mother’s womb.

The heart is the container of the second important thing to walk in the path of righteousness. The second important thing the Lord does to help us achieve victory over sin is a new Spirit. The spirit of compassion and kindness.

This spirit the Lord gives is the Spirit of God over mankind. Without a humble and pure heart, it is impossible to invite, receive and reside the Spirit of God as His characteristic is humble and pure.

The nature of the Spirit of God determines the kind of heart he lives in. If we are always angry and full of bitterness, there is no way we can invite him in to our heart. If our little heart doesn't know how to forgive and forget and always held grudge against the wrong doings of others in our lives, it is very difficult to invite Jesus in to our heart.

That is why it is so difficult for many to invite and receive Jesus in to their lives. Whereas, for the low spirited and humble person, accepting Jesus is a matter of raising hands kneeling down before God and confess all sins and receive this mighty savior and kindly invite the spirit of Jesus to dwell in him forever. Salvation starts with humility and always nourished and protected by love.

There is no other more powerful thing that destroys it like pride. Therefore as the first thing we get to receive salvation is the new heart, it is very important to know that for a Christian the most important thing to protect his salvation is to protect, nourish and guard the heart.

If we guard it faithfully, from this heart flows everlasting peace, love and joy that is the characteristic of the Spirit of God.If we don't, then anger, bitterness, hate and other wicked things will start to grow and sophisticate and kill the new heart.

Proverbs 4:23

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flow from it. Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadfast in all your ways.Do not turn to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil.

Luke 21: 34 

Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” 




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        Tewodros    |    Jun. 26, 2017     | 2,649 Views    |   


How magnificent and awesome God you are? I cannot stop writing the words of gratitude and all the feelings of my heart to you since you are closer to me than a mother to her child.

Your faithfulness stays with me and keeps me in the house of the Lord forever. Therefore, I sing of your love and forgiveness all the days of my life. Words are helpless when it comes to praising you, O Lord!

They are not able to express the deepest feelings we have for you. We simply say Glory be to your name day and night since we don’t have anything else we can pay back for your kindness and generosity.

My soul leaps with joy when I hear your name praised in the midst of your congregation. I come to you every day with the spirit of thankfulness to magnify your holy name. I say to you, “Holy, Holy, O Lord Almighty!”

Worthy is the Lamb of God to be praised and to get all the glory He deserves, since He was slayed for the sin of the world. He was crucified for our transgressions.

Even though we were disobedient children of God and we were pushing back His love, but now we come to you Lord with all we have got since we truly understand that you are the Lord of our lives.

You are full of compassion for your children which you have redeemed through the blood of Jesus. Holy Spirit we worship you for standing with us during trouble and pain.

Thank you for becoming our confidence to see the face of the Almighty. Nothing comes close to him except by the virtue of Love you have cried over for each one of us to intercede and create peace with our father.

You have neither abandoned us nor condemned us for our sins. You rather keep trusting us to come back and convict us of our sins so that we can get rid of our crooked ways and make our ways straight with the Lord.

There is no limit for your compassion as we know it and you proved it repeatedly by pouring your grace and love in to our lives to sustain us from falling and from casting away from your presence.

Your grace and love have been the number one reason that we are not part of the condemned. You chose to love and it is by choice you saved us and not by chance. It is exceedingly far from our understanding how you choose to save us even if it is easy to understand a father love always protects and provides.

But we have no clue why you were even worried to save us since we were so stubborn and unloving in the beginning. We have no clue how much it cost to redeem us since we were not in your place when you died the death of a sinner.

That is why we play with your grace while we enjoy the benefits of our salvation. This shows how immature we are in terms of the growth we ought to reach in our faith. We know for sure that death is the biggest sacrifice one can pay for the benefits and safety of others.

Soldiers die for the freedom of their country trusting the freedom will come one day for many to enjoy. Moms die before they even see their babies during delivery believing that their babies will come safe and grow with one peace. These are greatest sacrifices built on faith on others.

Jesus Christ died believing that one day we all become children of God and live a peaceful life away from the curses that are about to come in the world. He saved us from condemnation of sin.

Therefore, we are free from what sin about to bring to humans that was manifested and seen on others who betrayed Jesus. It is also much better not to fall under the judgment of God after receiving the Lord as your savior and Lord since it is much worse than not knowing him in the first place.

Abusing the grace of God is a much worse sin than not knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. For if you don’t know the Lord now, you still have time to know him in the future. But after knowing everything that you should know about him and abusing it is something one must regret badly after he/she committed the sin against the Lord. 


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        Fasika    |    May. 15, 2017     | 3,090 Views    |   

We need to be careful what we allow to come in to our heart to be totally blessed and touched with the love of our God. Otherwise it may be poison to our soul.

We can’t trust everything that looks like love and joy. This world can easily deceive us with glittering copper which we think as gold. Only God’s love is trustworthy. Don't open the door for other things. I know ministry can thoug sometimes and we might suffer a little bit.

But the Lord will heal our soul very quickly. If this world hates us and condemns us, our grief is endurable because as Christians we know our God will come soon. We will cry out to him and soon our soul gets healed. After all he is the creator, our God, right?

He will make us joyful again. He would not leave our body to the grave and abandon our soul to the wicked. He will come to our rescue and he doesn’t want grief and pain to cast up on our heart. But if God put us away, who will help us?

Nobody will bother even to look around and ask what is going on. Holy Spirit wants to teach us a great lesson from Jeremiah 45 It is about the servant of God crying to be heard of his earthly prayers.

God replied to him by saying, Can’t you see that I destroy soon what I have built? If it was good for you, I would have given you long time ago. Please pray to me if you have to pray that I rescued you soul from all of this nightmare so that it follows the most important thing than just life. God is talking about Holy Spirit controlling our life. Our life to be lived only for God. It is the greater prayer of all I know.

This is what the LORD, the God of Israel, says to you, Baruch: You said, Woe to me! The LORD has added sorrow to my pain; I am worn out with groaning and find no rest. But the LORD has told me to say to you, This is what the LORD says: I will overthrow what I have built and uproot what I have planted, throughout the earth. Should you then seek great things for yourself? Do not seek them. For I will bring disaster on all people, declares the LORD, but wherever you go I will let you escape with your life. -Jeremiah 45

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        Tewodros    |    Mar. 20, 2017     | 3,349 Views    |   


This is the time where everybody put you on test. You should fear nothing while on the mission to win souls for the Lord. The only thing you have to fear is God, as he is the only one with ultimate power. Fear the one who has both the power on your flesh and soul.

What is the key to winning souls? Putting yourself dead as a wheat seed. Only God will lift you up from there. You cannot win this war with your wisdom. The ruler of this world is your greatest enemy. He has the advantage in every way.

Jesus advised,

“As you are going with your adversary to the magistrate, try hard to be reconciled to him on the way, or he may drag you off to the judge, and the Judge turns you over to the officer, and the officer throws you into prison. I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny.”

So avoid any conflicts. You have no options but to accept their slaps on the face. Don’t judge them like the world judges. A fool man will spent all his energy and time talking about disappointments. There is nothing worse than that. That is absolute failure and departure from the will of God. That you can’t afford.

How would you live with them? Jesus said, “How long must I live up with you?” It is because the wickedness of their heart. My prayer to the Lord is to make my heart as strong as a steel. That it won’t be broken by the enemy.

May be this is how the children of this world are wise. They will never trust you. Even if you are a brother. They know always what is going on. They know what they want. And they don’t take no for an answer to get it. They have well prepared for it. I mean all what ifs… and in case offs.

Now let’s see what most Christian are. We trust everyone in the name of love. We have no idea of what is going on. We don’t know what we really want. And for something we need, we will not put everything we have to get it. Think about it. Now how would we fight the good fight of faith? If we are incompetent, we don’t fulfill the criteria for success.

Man’s greatest enemies and strongest tools of the wicked are REVENGE, FEAR, TRUST and PLEASURE. How does the devil implement them in our lives? Through Ignorance. He will tell you how to REVENGE your enemy and you will not forgive. He will magnify your problems that you will FEAR them. He will make God too far and not caring, not interested in you so that you don’t TRUST him.

While the devil uses these things to devour us, our only hope Holy Spirit always whispers the antidotes of these greatest threats and he will tell you how to be aware of them. It is time to wake up! Your enemies have increased in number. There was time for a sleep. In fact for long time, you were slumbering. Now is the time to REVENGE your enemy.

Now is the time to fight the good fight of faith. He will maximize your pain and when he does, wake up because he wants you to REVENGE. He will tell you that you are beaten severely and left alone. In fact the thing might be true. But he will amplify it so that you feel bad. Most of us go for our REVENGE. That way we feel like our pain is released from us.

But whether you REVENGE your enemies or not, you will feel the same. All we have to do is to cry to the father. That he will REVENGE our REVENGE. As for me, I want a big and true REVENGE on my true enemy. Since I want a big one, I don’t want to mess it up trying to do it myself.

I already gave it the manufacturer and I am patiently waiting for the date of manufacturing of my REVENGE, manufactured by God Almighty, since I have this revelation of the wisdom of God.

Holy Spirit always embolden us to have faith in God. It is the opposite of fear that the devil tries to introduce in our lives. Without faith we cannot see and please God. That is why the enemy’s main target to destroy your faith is by allowing certain things to shake our faith in Christ.

Whatever the circumstances look like, don’t abandon you faith. That is the most precious gift you have that you must be vigilant enough to protect all the time. Jesus continuously preached the importance and the value of faith in our day to day life. Unfortunately, as humans, we tend to focus on the current situation instead of the overall picture and the destiny God is going to take us.

When the disciples were confronted with a troubling and life threatening storm, they immediately found themselves under the influence of fear. They cannot even pray or exercise some of the faith words they learn from their master. But Jesus demonstrated how they should handle their fear and become fearless children of God.

Devil also fights us with the issue of trusting God when he seems far away. The truth is God is never far away. He is always with us till he comes back. We have to declare from the word of God that Holy Spirit will never forsake us. By doing so, we will have hope and faith in him.

When the devil tempt us with the spirit of immorality and false pleasure, we can defeat him by sticking to the fear of the Lord. Remember that our faith fathers defeated physical temptation by fearing and honoring the lord above themselves or any other human.

When their obedience were completed, God was able to reward them with more glorious things than the temporally sinful pleasure they would have experienced if they had failed the test.

Do we ever think that there is nothing that is hidden? All we do in secret will be revealed in day light. All we do in private will be revealed in public. Who do that? God. Why? Because we fear man instead of God. 

When we did our sin, we were worried about men seeing us. But we didn’t think about God almighty. For that he disciplined us since he didn't want to lose us in the wilderness. God is the punisher.

Sometimes we do that not out of disrespect but out of loneliness. Being Helpless and discouraged. Out of all of our afflictions and tribulations.  But how can we did this to him?

We should FEAR him since he deserves all our respect and love. Sometimes we disobey God because we don’t know how not to disobey him. But let’s obey him all the time even it means we have to pay a lot of sacrifices to do that.

God bless you!


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        Tewodros    |    Mar. 19, 2017     | 8,196 Views    |   

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        Tewodros    |    Mar. 19, 2017     | 3,924 Views    |   


  • Have at least one hour bible study per week with your spouse
  • Always pray with your spouse no matter how
  • Husbands submit to your wives as you submit to Christ
  • Wives submit to your husband as you submit to Christ
  • At the time of conflict always find the common ground and build on that
  • Acknowledge Holy Ghost as the leader and rule maker of your house
  • Don’t blame your spouse for criticizing you because that could be your weakness. No one is perfect. Accept criticism.
  • Humble yourself before your God and spouse
  • Take time to enjoy life together.
  • Worship and Serve God together
  • Take charge of your finances together
  • Grow together as a family
  • Appreciate your spouse in front of others (specially your side of family, like your mom and dad).
  • Trust your spouse even if things don't make sense sometimes. Trust is the key to relationship
  • Know what makes your spouse very angry and stay away from it
  • Make your family first before anything except your faith in Christ
  • Know how to please your spouse. It could be as simple as bringing flower or buy a small gift
  • Take responsibility to help your soul mate in everything s/he needs help.
  • Spend as much as time with your spouse
  • Separate time with your spouse from time with your children
  • Make love as often as possible. Make it a habit unless you want present yourself before God in prayer together.
  • Fast together so that the devil cannot attack by divide and conquer
  • Lead by example not by force
  • Accept one another even if things look silly
  • Accept criticism and strong feedback
  • Be honest. Share what you feel honestly with your spouse. Don’t take grudge.
  • Don’t forget to say I love you before you leave your spouse
  • Pray for your spouse even if s/he doesn't know that
  • Don’t share your marriage secretes to no one
  • Holy Spirit is your true counselor. Don’t trust human beings with your marriage.
  • Know that your marriage is the most important thing next to your faith in Christ
  • Protect your marriage with all you have got when it is in danger
  • Don’t involve your parents with your conflicts. Your conflicts will go away soon but they won’t.
  • Be always hopeful about the future.
  • Create a sense of security; specially husbands
  • Be positive. Don’t interpret the words of your spouse in the wrong way. Always ask for more clarification.
  • Love gently. Life is short. Huge gently. Talk gently. Show your love and don’t hide it.
  • Honor others more than yourself to serve them with humility
  • Never hesitate to ask forgiveness
  • Become the source of laughter and joy
  • Be helpful
  • Be inspirational.
  • Always thankful
  • Always forgiving
  • Always cherish
  • Don’t be too jealous with your spouse. Jealousy opens the door to marital infidelity. True love is not jealous and doesn't envy.
  • Always ask for help if you need help. Sometimes husbands need to be told what to do specifically for their wives.
  • Be Thoughtful and Passionate
  • Be Merciful and Loving
  • Be Caring and Protecting
  • Be Peaceful and Joyful
  • Be Compassionate and Decent
  • Be Graceful and Praiseful
  • Be Truthful and Honest
  • Be Patient and Thankful
  • Be Servant and Helpful
  • Be Gentle and Full of empathy
  • Be Disciplined and Respectful
  • Be Sincere and Full of integrity
  • Be Generous and Cheerful
  • Be Content with your spouse.
  • Be Knowledgeable and Wise
  • Always intercede for the sins of your spouse to God
  • Be Thankful
  • Be Obedient and self-sacrificing
  • Never count or recall one’s wrong doings
  • Be Hopeful for the future
  • Love like crazy
  • Forgive like everything a person does harm to you is like a scratch.
  • Don't think of your self better than your spouse but vise versa
  • Share out of Love; not because you want something in return
  • Be Holy. Purity from immorality
  • Don’t grumble and complain on your spouse
  • Watch what you do with your time. Actions speak more than words.
  • Watch out the words that come of your mouth. Words can heal or break your relationship.
  • Don't make empty promises. Be a man/woman of your words
  • Prophesize good things on your marriage
  • Never mention the word divorce in any of your arguments
  • Fulfil your family needs
  • Come up with a common working plan to discipline and raise your children
  • Always resolve conflicts before it is too late. The sooner the better.
  • Take a short walk when you are too angry to speak.
  • Never argue with your spouse in a difficult situation. Find the right time and place to do it.
  • Don’t fight in front of your children. But also let them know that healthy arguments are also part of life.
  • Deal with your personal, spiritual and professional issues without hurting your relationship
  • Don’t keep secrets that can potentially hurt your relationship.
  • Allow time to solve some of your critical marital issues.
  • Remember that we are constantly changing every day. Tomorrow is another day.
  • Know that you are the protector of your family next to Christ. God has trusted you with a precious gift.
  • Be Faithful and Loyal
  • Be Gentle and Kind
  • Keep your promises and never make empty ones
  • Keep the secret of your marriage and your spouse. Very important.
  • Be faithful to God and to your marriage
  • Fear God. Before doing anything ask your self the question of fearing and obeying him no matter how smart you think you are
  • Please God. Always find a way and a reason to please him.
  • Tell your spouse that s/he has an important role in your life every time
  • Treating your spouse with respect in front of friends and family
  • Establish and pursue your marital visions and dreams. This can be both physical and spiritual goal you want to achieve as a family
  • May God bless you and protect your marriage from any form attack from the evil and bless it till he comes back! Amen!


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        Tewodros    |    Mar. 14, 2017     | 3,047 Views    |   

God himself made a promise when this priest was appointed. But he did not make a promise like this when the other priests were appointed. The promise he made is,“I, the Lord, promise that you will be a priest forever!And I will never change my mind!”

This means that Jesus guarantees us a better agreement with God. There have been a lot of other priests, and all of them have died. But Jesus will never die, and so he will be a priest forever! He is forever able to save the people he leads to God, because he always lives to speak to God for them.

Jesus is the high priest we need. He is holy and innocent and faultless, and not at all like us sinners. Jesus is honored above all beings in heaven, and he is better than any other high priest. Jesus doesn’t need to offer sacrifices each day for his own sins and then for the sins of the people. He offered a sacrifice once for all, when he gave himself. The Law appoints priests who have weaknesses. But God’s promise, which came later than the Law, appoints his Son. And he is the perfect high priest forever. -Hebrews 7: 21

There were so many candidates for the position of eternal intercession between man and God. But none qualifed for the job because none raised from the dead to continue the job they have started on earth in heaven.

Only Jesus qualifies since death cannot hold him in the grave. Therefore, he continues what he was doing on earth in heaven. He used to intercede for our faith when he lived on earth and now he intercedes for the entire world by siting on the right hand of his father. If any one comes to him by faith, believing that Jesus died the death of a sinner, he is able to save them from eternal death through the blood he shed on that cross.

The other qualification for the job of intercession is purity before God. No one is pure since all have sinned against God. Only Jesus is holy and innocent before God. He is the only one on earth and heaven who is able to come between the sinner and the wrath of God, which is like fire predestined to do justice for God is holy.

We praise God for sending his son to die on the cross for the sake of the sinner and design a way to establish eternal friendship with him through Christ Jesus who is our high priest. He always intercedes for us when we got in trouble and prepares a way out.

What I mean is that we have a high priest who sits at the right side of God’s great throne in heaven. He also serves as the priest in the most holy place inside the real tent there in heaven. This tent of worship was set up by the Lord, not by humans. -Hebrew 8: 1

The priesthood of Jesus Christ is eternal. Jesus Christ is the same today, tomorrow and forever. He doesn’t change. The only thing that is needed from us is to believe in him who is faithful to bring peace to our lost soul.

That God was reconciling the worldto himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them.- 
2 Corintians 5:19

God reconciliation is from him, by him and to him. Salvation is designed, prepared and executed by God.

Whoever has the Son has life; whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life. -1 John 5:12

There is no other option to be saved and escape from the eternal death. There is no alternative other than Jesus that God has prepared for humans to be saved. No Jesus, No life. Period.

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. -Matthew 16


The best thing you can do to save your life from the danger of eternal fire is lay it on the hand of Jesus Christ. Any other option we take to save it is a guarantee for death. Jesus will never let you down. Once you put your trust on him, he is faithful to keep it safe and be able to present it to the father. 

For, “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” - Romans 10:13

Just calling his name when you are in great trouble will bring safety and salvation for your soul. God listens to us when we truthfully cry out to him by faith.

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. - Ephesians 2:8-9

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. - John 3:17

In conclusion, there is no one below or above the earth except Jesus that is given to human beings to carry their sin and burn on the cross. There is no one for us except Jesus to care for us and bring our case before the most fearsome God and be able to win the case.

There is no one except Jesus who can face God for the sins of human beings since the wrath of God on the sinner is great. Jesus Christ is able to intercede for us when we are short of the glory of God due to our rebellious nature.

Others may feel pity for us but nothing more. But he is able to give us grace that will help us triumph over our enemies. He set a practical example for us to learn how we can defeat the devil by obeying God till death. He has already sent us his Spirit to live in us who always intercedes for us even when we don’t know how to pray.





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        Tewodros    |    Mar. 11, 2017     | 4,416 Views    |   

Ephesians 5:21:Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church, His body, of which He is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to Himself as a glorious church, without stain or wrinkle or any such blemish, but holy and blameless.

In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. Indeed, no one ever hated his own body, but he nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church. For we are members of His body.

“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.” This mystery is profound, but I am speaking about Christ and the church. Nevertheless, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband.

One of the causes of conflict in marriage is the issue of misunderstanding. By nature, we are all designed to think, function and manage things in a unique fashion. God’s master piece is unique as we are unique. We are all the creations of His hands. One thing that the devil uses to destroy marriage is by creating an illusion of disbelief – which is the opposite of faith.

When there is a gap in communication, there will be lack of understanding of the ideas and unique perceptions of one’s spouse. In other words, when marriage partners stops communicating effectively to each other, there will be a chance for misunderstanding. Misunderstanding also comes from the lack of faith on one another.

As human beings we are entitled to thinking in a different way than our spouse. This way we can fulfil our spouse by suggesting better ways of doing things. Marriage is not about one person (the spouse) performs whatever he/she wants without consulting the other constituents of the marriage(Holy Spirit and the spouse ). Marriage is beautiful and peaceful when Holy Spirit takes his place that is being the Head of the House and when the husband and wives follow His command and His voice in every aspect of their lives.

Husbands should lead by example not by force. By example, I mean with love and sincerity. By submitting himself to his family as he submits himself to Christ. Devil will never get the chance to destroy marriages if we learn how to be humble in the eyes of God and people. If we know how to accept the ideas of others and work out our differences.

Our ignorance in the areas of the word of God can lead us in to all manners of troubles. The best thing you can do to get wisdom is to humble yourself before God. That is what David and his son had done before God anointed them with the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. Jesus humbled himself before God and God raised him to the highest place in the Spiritual Realm.

Fixing broken marriages is not easy if we approach it in the wrong direction. The right way to solve our problems is by getting closer to the Word of God to listen what it has to say concerning our marriage. God created marriage and no human being can fix it when it is in jeopardy.

God’s is specialized to conduct any kind of operation to rescue your marriage. The problem is we don’t come to him when we have a mess in our lives. We think that people, who cannot even solve their own problems, can give us relief to our pain.

If we get lucky, the best thing we can get from advices of others is a temporary relief not a permanent solution.

It is like taking a pain killer to numb our pain but we all kno

hat has nothing to do with healing the sickness.

Consulting  the so called “Counselors”, which I completely disagree about this word, is like getting pain killers. They have no solution. They are guessing how to solve your issues. They don’t even have a thorough understanding of your marital issues.

There is no other counselor other than the Spirit of God living in each and every one of us. He knows you more than any human being. He understands you better than your mom understands. He won’t judge or criticize or take an advantage of you. There are no strings attached when Holy Spirit councils you. 

Many don't approach you the same way He does. I doubt it if you can find one in this wicked world. Their counselling is full of judgment, criticism and gossip. They open doors to other issues in our marriage by disseminating the secrets of our marriage to others. God made you and your marriage. Don’t allow humans to destroy your marriage.

Marriage breaks when the husband or wife stops listening to the word of God and stops communicating to the Spirit of God through prayer. There is no other efficient way of destroying marriage others than this that I can think of.

By the way, long before divorce, there is a sign of arrogance, the spirit of idolatry, sexual impurity, lust, and ignorance on the word of God manifested at least on the husband or wife. These things are the fruits of the devil not the Spirit of God. That is why we need to examine ourselves ahead of time when these signs appear. The cost of maintaining our marriage is much higher than we can anticipate. Therefore it is wise to work on prevention of these things before it is too late.

May God bless you and protect your marriage from any form attack from the evil and bless it till he comes back! Amen!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Feb. 14, 2017     | 4,163 Views    |   

Psalms 34 : 8 :Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him.


I praise you God, in Jesus' name for everything that is going in my life. In the time of distress and confusion your Words of comfort are my consolidation. It gives me relief from all the agents of negativity in my life.

You clean my soul from all the bad things that surrounds it like a fog and every time you do that it installs hope and a future in my life. Your Spirit refreshes my spirit which makes me mighty and strong to triumph over every form of wickedness.

In your promises, I find the reason to believe and strive for another day. It gives me courage to stand firm by faith when the devil comes with his lies to dismantle your eternal propose from my life.

The devil cannot succeed in our lives since I know you have already planned a great destiny for our lives. For this reason, I don’t get confused when life becomes tough sometimes.

Rather, I always keep your Spirit high and full since God has already placed us on his palms watching us every fraction of second. No one has the audacity to take us away from his glorious hand. So, Relax in times of affliction and trouble. They will just pass and long gone very soon, just like the wind!

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        Tewodros    |    Jan. 3, 2017     | 3,443 Views    |   

Love is a gift from God. Sometimes it has to be earned. Sometimes it has to be learned. Sometimes it has to be shared.

Love has a tremendous amount of positive energy. You can take this gift and use it as you want. Love is a temporary delegated power from God to you like money or authority.

But love is invisible and doesn't take any form by itself. We need to decide how to use it. It needs a great deal of responsibility.

If you don’t know how to use it, you might end up loosing it at all and cause a lot of damage to your relationship.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jan. 2, 2017     | 3,265 Views    |   

The wisdom of God is to save, protect and rescue from danger. It is given to us to safeguard us from the dangers of the world. It is also the only way of protection from the wicked. God has not given a spirit that will lead us in to sin and the snares of sin. He has given us His Spirit to identify the snares of the devil and indicate a way out of our troubles and pains.

The Wisdom of God is the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God gives wisdom for those who know and fear God. The Spirit helps us avoid traps if we live by his Word. It also gives the clear distinction between right and wrong so that we don’t waste our lives by following worthless deceptions of the devil. If we listen to his voice, He can guide us to safety and peace.

In the Old Testament, we see a man who had a great desire for this priceless gift of the Holy Spirit. The wisdom to differentiate the good from the bad was given to King Solomon, the son of King David’s, upon his prayer onto the Lord so that he could serve the people of God with all fairness and humility.

In his leadership, he had solved many disputes that came to him for the sake of Justice and peace. He had obtained great reputations as he was able to create and maintain peace among different tribes and the nation of Israel. He was able to do all of that because the Lord blessed him by giving him the desire of his heart that was to lead with all fairness and kindness.

I don’t know how many of us, as leaders, pray this prayer to God so that we won’t abuse this righteous power and the privileges given to us as a gift from God. All it takes is to be able to pray a simple prayer that we won’t underestimate and misuse the gifts of God.

Solomon was all he was by the grace and gift of God. Nothing was of his own. The wisdom, understanding, and all the influences we have in life are all gifts from God to nourish, cultivate, educate and motivate others to reach their God given potential and live up to all the expectations that comes with God. We are not in this business to boss around, misjudge, and even misunderstand each other.

One of the great stories of King Solomon, perhaps of the Old Testaments, is about the ruling of the two prostitute by King Solomon.

It is written as follows, 1 Kings 3:16:

Now two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him. One of them said, “Pardon me, my lord. This woman and I live in the same house, and I had a baby while she was there with me. The third day after my child was born, this woman also had a baby. We were alone; there was no one in the house but the two of us.“During the night this woman’s son died because she lay on him. So she got up in the middle of the night and took my son from my side while I your servant was asleep. She put him by her breast and put her dead son by my breast. The next morning, I got up to nurse my son—and he was dead! But when I looked at him closely in the morning light, I saw that it wasn’t the son I had borne.”The other woman said, “No! The living one is my son; the dead one is yours.”

But the first one insisted, “No! The dead one is yours; the living one is mine.” And so they argued before the king.The king said, “This one says, ‘My son is alive and your son is dead,’ while that one says, ‘No! Your son is dead and mine is alive.’”Then the king said, “Bring me a sword.” So they brought a sword for the king. He then gave an order: “Cut the living child in two and give half to one and half to the other.”The woman whose son was alive was deeply moved out of love for her son and said to the king, “Please, my lord, give her the living baby! Don’t kill him!”But the other said, “Neither I nor you shall have him. Cut him in two!”

Then theking gave his ruling: “Give the living baby to the first woman. D

not kill him; she is his mother.” When all Israel heard the verdict the king had given, they held the king in awe, because they saw that he had wisdom from God to administer justice.

The story is very intriguing. It shows how the king applied the wisdom of God to show justice for the oppressed and to save the life of an innocent baby. The story is great because no one had this level of applied knowledge at the time and the methods he used were beyond comprehension that everyone wonders about the gift of the Holy Spirit.

We have a similar story about freedom, justice and mercy in John 8:3

The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him.

But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.

At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?” “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Jesus rescued this woman from those who demanded her head on a plate by utilizing the same technique that was used when the king delivers his verdict.

I was very much amazed by the fact that two individuals lived on different millennials had reached to the same kind of conclusion, to save the innocent life from the hands of the evil, guided by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The similarities of these stories of the new and old testament are beyond imagination. I will just mention a few for the sake of comparison.

  1. The king was asked to kill the baby but he preferred to save him anyway. [Deliverance from death]. Similarly, Jesus was asked to allow them to kill the prostitute woman but he thought differently. [Deliverance from death]

  2. The king saved the baby by taking the RIGHT move. He offered them the option to split the baby, which looks like the enemy is getting what he wanted that is to kill but finally presented a lose/lose scenario for the enemy. He was trying to see who was the real killer. [Discern the evil from the good, give Justice to the innocent]. Similarly, Jesus also offered them to stone her to death, but with only one condition. Anyone who had not sinned should throw the first stone to kill her. This also looks like the enemy was getting what he wanted that was to kill but again no choice but to lose.  [Discern the evil from the good, give Justice to the innocent]

  3. The killer prostitute didn’t get any chance but to drop her case in front of the king. [Conviction of sin]. Similarly, those people who had got the chance to look in to themselves and see nothing but full of sin were decided to drop their stones to the ground. [Conviction of sin]

In both stories, we have seen how the anointed discern the evil from the innocent.

The anointing of God, which is the Spirit of God, which is the Word of God, which is the wisdom of God, which we see what was revealed in human flesh in both Old and New Testament has the following characteristics:

  1. Gift from God. Not of work of our own

  2. Guidance for our path to righteousness

  3. Deliverance from death. It Saves, protects, rescues the innocent.

  4. Justice is always served

  5. Conviction of sin

  6. Freedom for the afflicted

  7. Leadership and Excellence

  8. Discern the spirit of evil that is working in people lives

  9. Conviction of Sin that could lead to repentance or judgment

  10. Judgment of God, if we don’t repent upon conviction

May God gives you His Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom and excellence, to fulfil what you have desired in your heart to serve the Lord and make you wise to give justice for the oppressed and afflicted, lead many in to freedom from sin, and be able to discern the spirit of the wicked when you see one. This way many might come to Christ Jesus and honor your father in heaven and live according to his will.

May God bless you all for reading this blog.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Dec. 27, 2016     | 3,334 Views    |   

It is impossible for those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to public disgrace.” Hebrew 6:4

The above scripture shows one can possibly lose his/her salvation. Salvation comes through believing Jesus but it is not a one-time act. It governs and defines how we should behave and act the rest of our lives. One can argue it is possible that a person might not be saved in the first place instead of saying he lost his salvation. In other words, it is easier to conclude that one salvation cannot be lost. It is easy to put the issue at the beginning of the foundation of one's Christianity that is one’s salvation rather than the type of life style one leads.

I do believe that the day of our salvation has nothing to do with whatkind of life we may lead after that.I think the lifestyle we follow every day is based on our choice to love or to hate. To listen to the word of God or not. Just like the day of our salvation we choose to obey God and give our lives to him.

There is always a time we will be tempted to revolt against God and to disobey his commandments.Even if Holy Spirit is always with us to comfort us in times of failures and moment of disbelief, the choice is still ours to follow the path of righteousness or not.

As Paul mentioned in this place, it is always difficult to correct someone who knows all these facts but chooses to deny Christ. I don't know why someone would want to do that but the end is worse than the person didn’t know the truth in the first place.

In addition to this passage, we have several similar warnings and advices about such issues in the Bible.

See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end. As has just been said:

“Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion.” - Hebrew 7-12

Here it shows that, we should fight sin and the deceitfulness of sin every day to be confident and blameless.

Jesus Christ has finished all the work that needs to be done for you and me to be saved. There is nothing left that we must do to finish the work. This means if we believe in him and die right away, we would inherit the kingdom of God.

But as long as we live in this flesh, we need to keep the good work that our Lord has started in us and be faithful to him all the time. In times of trouble and sin, we should always come to him by faith with true repentance.

Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them. Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, andin your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?

Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” - Matthew 7:19-23

Here Jesus warns anyone who thinks he can get in to the kingdom of God without first experiencing the kind of relationship God wants through his Son, Jesus Christ.

It is possible that one can prophesize, or cast out demons but not know Jesus Christ personally or do it with the wrong motive.

Now a days, this is not far from the truth. We see m

ny do all manner of bad things in the name of Jesus but it is far from what Jesus would want or do if He were in their place. It is seriously advised here that anyone who thinks is standing should watch his steps since falling can happen any time.

These things happened to them as examples and were written down as warnings for us, on whom the culmination of the ages has come. So, if you think you are standing firm, be careful that you don’t fall! No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. - 1 Corinthians 10:11

“Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved.”  - Matthew 24:9-13 

“If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God. Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses. How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace? For we know him who said, ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ and again, ‘The Lord will judge his people.’ It is a dreadful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” - Hebrews 10:26-31

Here it touches the main point of abusing the grace of God by living sinful life over and over again and not willing to surrender the sinfulness of the heart to the Lord.

It is understandable that one can go through an addictive way of life that is sinful and brings disgrace to the Lord. This behavior is like a bird in cage or a fish inside a fishing net which always enslaves one to the same sinful behavior again and again.

One may also ask that there is no way a believer can be addicted to sin. I would say that this is not true. As long as we are living in this flesh, we are tempted and often time defeated by the will of the flesh. 

We know that the law is spiritual; but I am unspiritual, sold as a slave to sin. I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do.

And if I do what I do not want to do, I agree that the law is good. As it is, it is no longer I myself who do it, but it is sin living in me. For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.

For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do not want to do—this I keep on doing.

Now if I do what I do not want to do, it is no longer I who do it, but it is in living in me that does it.

So I find this law at work: Although I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in me, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within me. What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body that is subject to death? Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!

So then, I myself in my mind am a
lave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature[d

a slave to the law of sin. -Romans 7:14

Paul mentioned in this place that the spirit and the flesh are always at war. The flesh wants to do what it pleases without thinking about the consequences since it is pleasing to it.

The Spirit wants to please God and to do what is good and honorable and stay away from all forms of immorality.

There is always this battle between the spirit and the flesh and once in a while one defeats the other and this is all because we are human beings.

Moreover, there is nothing we can do to overcome this issue except throw our selves under the mercy of God with humility and broken heart.

One may ask if we are always under the umbrella of sin and grace, how can one lose his salvation?

I will leave the answer to this question to God as He knows the hearts of men. I don't even know about me. Only he knows the beginning and the end. I just want to present the truth about the characteristics of our salvation according to the Bible. It is not my intention to judge anyone here. We all are going under different circumstances and it is very clear to me that flesh always wants contrary to what the Lord wants for our lives

Moreover, I want to emphasize that our salvation doesn't come freely so we shouldn't take it for granted. Jesus Christ paid his life for us so we should never abuse the blood that redeemed us the wrath of God.

In conclusion, the concept of losing one’s salvation is directly related to the nature of relationship with our father in heaven through the fellowship of Holy Spirit. This relationship has to be worked out the way we establish and maintain a good relationship with our family and friends. It has to be taken very seriously. It has to be nourished. 

It is also important to rely on the grace of God without abusing it. Those who intentionally abuse the blood of Jesus and displease the Spirit of God in whom we are destined for eternity, there is no forgiveness of sin! It is all lost! Salvation is Lost!

For such a person, it is much better that s/he were never born if s/he intentionally abused the grace of God over and over again since the grace of God doesn't give any license to sin.

May God bless you and may your light of righteousness keeps burning until He comes back in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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        Fasika Gulilat    |    Jul. 14, 2016     | 3,599 Views    |   

Then Job answered the LORD and said, "I know that You can do all things, And that no purpose of Yours can be thwarted. 'Who is this that hides counsel without knowledge?' "Therefore I have declared that which I did not understand, Things too wonderful for me, which I did not know." - Job 42:2

Seeing God face to face, Job came to realize who God really is and what He can do in our lives. God is magnificent and omnipotent God. No one on earth can destroy the will of God in our lives. He alone created all. He cannot be restricted by anything.

No devil can defeat God's will. No one can compete with God and win. God gives his grace to the weak. God raises the helpless and honors the low spirit.

We are all His creations and he does value all as equal. All the inequality and lawlessness happens in our eyes and it is not because it is how it is with God but we refuse to listen to him and do according to His will.

Have you ever wonder that you run out of luck and out of the mercy of God because of the nature of your heart or some form of wickedness tries to destroy what God has put in you?

Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. -Psalm 90:2

For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back? -Isaiah 14:27

It is almost impossible to run away from the will of God. If it happens, it is a complete disaster. But I do believe that God knows everything from the beginning to an end and there is nothing that surprises him.

There is nothing that just happens all of the sudden to him. But it is important to know that the will of God is not something that always happens in this world.This is the place where the rulers of the darkness govern. This is not a place where everyone does the will of God. Since we are living in a fallen world, we can expect that. But the time will come where everyone does just that.

No one will do according to what he thinks is right. The time will come when Jesus reigns over his body and everything will follow his command. That is all it takes to have a place where evil no longer takes effect. God has prepared a new heaven and earth, Zion, and his glory will shine upon the faces of his people like a mighty sun.

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and there is no longer any sea.2And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, made ready as a bride adorned for her husband. -Revelation 21:1

Those the LORD has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. -Isaiah 51:11

But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, where righteousness dwells. -2 Peter 3:13

All the above scriptures tell us that what we know now will soon disappear and instead we will be part of a place where there are only good things and we all be part of it.

All who are trusted God for his promises when in fact there is nothing to see in the physical but with hope and by faith that God’s love is indeed everlasting and his promises are real, will inherit the will of God.

It is very important for us to know that everything works for the best to those who are called to do according to the will of God. N

evil prevails over His blessings and compassion for our lives.

That is what the book of Job teaches us that Job after he passed through all of that (and believe me none of us has eve gone through what he had to go through), but by consistently keeping his stand and believe in God even in his suffering, God revealed himself to him at the end even more that Job was astonished by God’s nature.

God is all powerful, great, and mighty in battle and no one can defeat him when they gather upon him and what is his. His will for his children is wonderful. 

We pray in the name of Jesus that may the will of God be done in our lives as it is in heaven. That nothing can come closer between him and us. That we may live in the house of God all the days of our lives. That we understand nothing is more powerful than the Love of God in Jesus Christ. Amen!!

For I am persuaded , that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present , nor things to come , Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord - Romans 8:35

May God bless you!!

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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 25, 2016     | 3,759 Views    |   

If you know that you have to pay a price for the safety of your spouse and comfort; If you know there is a sacrifice that you have to make for your spouse happiness and enjoyment; If you understand that your spouse has demanded love and respect from you;

How are you willing to address these issues to keep the fire of love keeps burning in your home?

Most of the issues with a marital relationship are based on the value of the relationship one has with his/her spouse.

The value you give to your marriage determines the sacrifice you will pay to save the marriage when it is in jeopardy. It also determines how much sacrifice you pay to keep it safe and secure from the troubles of the world.

You need to evaluate and understand the love of your life (wife or husband) as soon as possible if you have not done it already because it will guide you to make an effort to cherish, care and nourish what you have with the rest of your life.

Without a deep revelation of one’s love, it will be impossible to protect, serve and love appropriately.

Your spouse worth more than anything you have ever accumulated in life. He/She is invaluable to you.

You cannot win her soul with a lot of materials. Neither can you brought back what is lost with years of agony and weeping.

Your love is a true blessing from the Lord. She is even beyond the love for your children since she has brought them to this world risking her life just to make the love of her life a little happier.

In return, she deserves the respect and love from her husband and she loves to know how much worth she has in the eyes of her man.

Same is true for wives. Husband wants to know how much value his wife gives for his dedication and love for his family. He wants to be 100% sure that his wife gives him all the support he needs to fulfill his duties as a husband. That will be possible if the wife already figures out how much a husband would cost her if she accidentally lose him.

All the nasty criticism or nagging or discouragement doesn’t prove any point to your spouse. Instead, they have the power to negatively interpret and convey that you don’t consider her/him worth of your love.

So what should we do to make sure our spouse knows how we value their sacrifices

  1. Be helpful:We need to take the heavily lifting too. Don’t sit and look when our spouse take enormous stress in the house while taking care of the kids or outside the house?Don’t be negligent or irresponsible

  2. Don’t take risk.Understand the risk of losing them.This is to say that you have to protective when it comes to your family.Don’t allow anyone to interfere in your marriage; not even close family members

  3. Be appreciative.It is the little thing we need to do express our gratitude but it looks like we cannot do that due to pride or self-centeredness.

  4. Express the value of your spouse. Show her/him some love. Don’t hide Love. Let it shine. Express your feeling of love with boldness. This will tell something to your spouse

  5. Protect, nourish and cherish

  6. Take time to relax with your spouse by coming out of the regular routine just to enjoy the presence of one with another. This is one of the reasons whyweneed to spend quality time with our spouse

  7. Pray. This is the most important thing about relationships. The fact that you guys pray together tells it all. It cleans up the stress and disbelief that is accumulated through time and give you comfort with each other. Holy Spirit is the only glue that holds your marriage together and with out calling his name to bless your marriage, it won’t last long.

May God bless you!!

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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 23, 2016     | 4,473 Views    |    1 Comments

And when the people saw what Paul had done, they lifted up their voices, saying in the speech of Lycaonia, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men. And they called Barnabas, Jupiter; and Paul, Mercurius, because he was the chief speaker. Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people.

Which when the apostles, Barnabas and Paul, heard of, they rent their clothes, and ran in among the people, crying out, And saying, Sirs, why do ye these things? We also are men of like passions with you, and preach unto you that ye should turn from these vanities unto the living God, which made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and all things that are therein: Who in times past suffered all nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless he left not himself without witness, in that he did good, and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our heart with food and gladness. And with these sayings scarce restrained they the people, that they had not done sacrifice unto them. - Acts 14:11

All Saints and angels would have done the same thing if people had tried to worship them the same way they tried to worship Paul and the same way many people are doing right now. Worship belongs to God and only God. He alone has created the heavens and earth. We all are the works of his hands.

It is true we have to love and respect the servants of God who have paid a lot of sacrifices for the kingdom of God. Those who had been persecuted for preaching the good news and brutally killed.

But worshiping a human being is one of the greatest sins in the Bible.Worship belongs to God and not to human beings.When we spend more time preaching about human beings rather than God.

When we dedicate day and month just for saints to just have communication with them in the spirit, it is one way of worshiping them.

I would say if we try to pray to a person (saint person that has already died) rather than to God himself (even to ask forgiveness from God through prayer), is some kind of worship which is not biblical.

And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not: I am thy fellow-servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. - Revelation. 19 10

Only Jesus can intercede for us to the father. He is our High Priest that had completely paid the price of the death of sin. He continually intercedes for us with him.

When we offend God, we offend Jesus also. So he has to present your case to him and to the father when you come to him with a broken heart and ask for forgiveness.

He is doing it for you all the time, no time restriction applied. That is how we maintain the good relationship with him.

God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) is jealous God and he cannot share his glory with any other person.

Thou shalt have no other gods before me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I
the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me; - Exodus 20:3

When the Bible says in this place “Thou shalt have no other gods before me.”

It means we should not put anything above the love and respect we have for God.

Whether it is work or family. Whether it is the person or an angel. Whether it is money or fame. Whether it is drugs or immorality.

Anything should not have any power over our lives mo

e than what the Lord has commanded us to do. That is to love him with all our strength, heart, and will. If we pray sometimes directly to Jesus and sometimes to an angel of God, that is sharing God’s glory with a creation.

If we dedicate an entire day just to think about saints and angels and have the rituals for them, that is one form of worship and it is considered as a sin in the Bible.

According to Revelation 5, only the Son of God is worthy to open the book of Judgment and loose the seals of condemnation. Therefore, he is the only person worthy of our praise and worship. 

And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals. And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to lo0se the seals thereof? 

And no man in heaven, nor in the earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. And I wept much because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.  - Revelation 5

Jesus, only you are worthy of our praise!!  We give you all the glory and honor that you deserve. We worship you all the days of our lives. Amen!!

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        Tewodros    |    Feb. 28, 2016     | 4,294 Views    |    2 Comments

This is one of the most important concepts in the Bible and for many this has been a point of controversy.The reason that many find it difficult to believe that salvation is free is because we think salvation is something we earn.

But, All we need to be saved is the right attitude to depend on the Lord for he has finished all that is required to be saved on that cross.Stephen summarized the Old Testament in just a few paragraphs as follows:

And he said, Men, brethren, and fathers, hearken; The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Charran, And said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee. Then came he out of the land of the Chaldaeans, and dwelt in Charran: and from thence, when his father was dead, he removed him into this land, wherein ye now dwell. And he gave him none inheritance in it, no, not so much as to set his foot on: yet he promised that he would give it to him for a possession, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no child. – Acts 17

What do we learn from this?God called Abraham to be separated from his family. God knows how to get a person's attention to who he wants to have a covenant with. It is to take out of the comfort zone. How many of us are willing to obey God by getting out of our comfort zone. God wants to have an intimate relationship with us that we have never experienced before.

How many of us take some time out of our busy routines and take a time to talk to God? How many of us really come out our comfortable beds in the middle of the night to say thank you to God for his benefits?

How many of us spend morning fresh time with the Lord? God wants to lead Abraham all alone in the desert where no one can take the credit except God for his blessings.

Abraham completely trusted and believed God when he called him. That is why he is called the father of faith. Abraham's faith in the Lord was seriously tested many times. His wife was not able to conceive a child, but God answered his prayers at their old ages when everything looked impossible.

He was also tested to scarify his son, Isaac. Abraham passed the test successfully even if no one would dare to even think about it. God had finally prepared the Lamb for the sacrifice he asked from Abraham in the place of Isaac. All this to foretell that Jesus will be sacrificed on the cross instead of each and every one of us for the sins we have committed.

The steps for one's salvation:


We need to obey God when calls us. We need to come out of our comfort zone to the place where God called us to meet . If Abraham did not obey God leave his parents and come out the city God wants him to be, things would be completely different.

Love God with all your heart. Abraham loved God with all his heart. He did not complain when he was asked to do commands that are impossible to do. Abraham loved and showed his love with his obedience even to the point he could sacrify his son if he have to. Love requires sacrifices, but God is not evil, that he demands the sacrifice of children. It is all in the attitude of our heart.God would never want you to murder innocent life.That is from the devil.

Believe that salvation is not by works [Isaac on the cross] but by faith [Jesus died for you and me]. If Abraham would have said, “I really want to kill my son for you”, and would have done it, then salvation that God prepared had been lost. But still sometimes we want to get saved by our own way of thinking of salvation, not as how God prepared it for us. That is dangerous and it won’t get us saved.

Wait on the Lord.The promises of God take time, even if salvation is instant. But when they are late, we are always tempted to lose hope even on our salvation. The devil always lies about our hopes and our salvation that we have in the Lord Jesus. It is foolishness to think we know better than our Lord and follow our wild imaginations. But is it wise to cling to the promises of the Lord since surely they will come to pass. Our salvation is the main target for the enemy. He wants to lie about it all the time. He wants you to procrastinate rather that to fulfill it now itself. But the word of God strictly told us that the day of salvation is today and not some other day.

Know God Personally.  The Spirit if God is something we can feel his presence. He is full of joy and happiness. But this joy is not like any other. This joy is not like the world gives. It is not attached to any of our situations we are in. Neither family nor angels can replace this joy. It is a great honor to exercise daily with the presence of God. The Word of God said we should not be drunk with the things of the world, but always filled with the Spirit of God.

May God open our eyes to clearly see and understand our salvation in Jesus Name!!!







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        Tewodros    |    Feb. 28, 2016     | 4,008 Views    |   

Matthew 18:3 And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, "Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. "Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Be like Little Children:

This is the key to enter the kingdom of God, but how to be like little Children?

We are grown-ups now but what does the Lord mean by that?

In my opinion, It means:

1. Love like crazy

What a privilege to be loved and accompanied by children since they don’t know how to do that wrongly. On the other hand, we know how to fake it. We know how to smile without loving someone. Children’s love is indeed pure and not diluted with fake body language

2. Forgive like everything a person does harm to you is like a scratch.

Don’t try to conceive and implement evil things on those who have done you wrong. Do not go to war with your enemy. Treat your enemy like your friend. That is what children do. They don’t store in their mind how to attack someone who is not nice to them. If someone treats them badly, they will forgive him after a while. They just don’t have the capacity to do that.

3. Humble yourself like you are the dumbest and lowest of all.[But you are not that at all]

Children don’t treat other children with disrespect. They don’t consider themselves as one of the brilliant people in the world and think others like crazy. They love dearly. They are polite and sincere.

4. Sharing out of Love

Children give out of love not out of a reason to be respected or to be famous. They don’t give to enslave someone out of a huge amount of debt this person carries and cannot repay.

The children don’t share their things because they want to enter the kingdom of God. They share because they love.

5. Purity from immorality: I don’t know how but we grownups are always under an attack from the devil to exercise immorality. This is like our main weakness. Whether it is too lose our integrity through backbiting or whether it is that uncontrollable addictive way of life we are doing, we are always short of the glory of God.

6. Don’t grumble

I have never seen a child cursing the Lord for bad things happened in their lives

I know when they are disciplined, they may feel bad, but they always fall back to love their parents no matter what happened.

7. Always thankful

8. Always forgiving

9. Always cherish

10. Never count or recall one’s wrong doings

11. Hopeful for the future

12. Don’t worry about the future.

They don’t worry about what they eat and drink. They don’t worry about which schools they will attend. But we parents do that for them. We worry for them. They don’t worry for them. It is not in their mindset at all.

13. Love gently. Life is short.

Huge gently. Talk gently. Show your love and don’t hide it.

14. Honor others more than themselves

15. Never hesitate to ask forgiveness when they do wrong. As they honestly embrace others when others confess, they also truthfully confess their wrong actions and don’t say, “Let me pray first”

16. Be honest

Have you ever seen a child who fakes his anger or happiness? Have you ever watched a childhiding all his feelings and protruding fake ones? Children are indeed honest and we know it and like it when someone is honest with you. If we like them tobe honest, we have to be honest too with others with God.

17. Become the source of laughter and joy for yourselves and for others

18. Be helpful

19. Be inspirational.

I am so inspired by the life of children. I want to be loved and cherished all over again like I used to be loved when I was a child. I want to love and cherish others as I usedto do it
fore when

as a child. Please God help me to be a child again so that I don’t fall from your grace and cutoff from the midst other children who already made it to your midst.

20. Don’t insult and accuse others 

I cannot exhaustively mention all the characteristics of little ones. They should be our learning point, hence we may start to realize how mean we are and confess the evil doings we did to others.

It is all about our mindset.  We need to work on that a little bit every day.

We pray in the name of Jesus to capture what we have lost when we became grownups and be like little children since the kingdom of God is only for those people who are like little children.

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        Tewodros    |    Feb. 27, 2016     | 3,958 Views    |   


Matthew 18:21-35: Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?”

“No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!

“Therefore, the Kingdom of Heaven can be compared to a king who decided to bring his accounts up to date with servants who had borrowed money from him. 24 In the process, one of his debtors was brought in who owed him millions of dollars. He couldn’t pay, so his master ordered that he be sold—along with his wife, his children, and everything he owned—to pay the debt. “But the man fell down before his master and begged him, ‘Please, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.’ Then his master was filled with pity for him, and he released him and forgave his debt.

“But when the man left the king, he went to a fellow servant who owed him a few thousand dollars.[d] He grabbed him by the throat and demanded instant payment.

“His fellow servant fell down before him and begged for a little more time. ‘Be patient with me, and I will pay it,’ he pleaded. But his creditor wouldn’t wait. He had the man arrested and put in prison until the debt could be paid in full.

“When some of the other servants saw this, they were very upset. They went to the king and told him everything that had happened. 32 Then the king called in the man he had forgiven and said, ‘You evil servant! I forgave you that tremendous debt because you pleaded with me. 33 Shouldn’t you have mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you?’ 34 Then the angry king sent the man to prison to be tortured until he had paid his entire debt.

“That’s what my heavenly Father will do to you if you refuse to forgive your brothers and sisters from your heart.”

What do we need to do to be saved and enter the kingdom of God?

Salvation is when someone is rescued from a planned destruction by someone who loves this person so much and decided to take his place on the ‘persecution place’. Salvation is when someone who has done nothing takes your sin and get punished for it. This person is Jesus Christ. Salvation is when you did something wrong, but because of Jesus’s work on the cross you escaped from eternal death.

It is when our destination is measured based on not how much “self-righteousness” we have accomplished in our lives, but how much we have trusted God that our sins are forgiven. In other words, you cannot guarantee your salvation by counting your good deeds and forgetting bad ones, but confessing bad ones to the Lord and lean on his mercy and grace in your life.

God forgives the humble and destroys the proud. So come to the throne of God with humble heart who always confesses his sins and stay away from them. Humbleness begins when we start to give value to the works of our savior Jesus Christ and give him honor for that instead of insisting on showing-off our ‘good’ works for others
If we honor God for sending his son as a ransom for our sins, we can make sure we have the right to come to his presence in the spirit.

If we give more value to the things we do instead of what he did for us, we are preparing ourselves for destruction because the devil can easily use the hypocrisy of such kind of person and lead to destruction.

Only true salvation can lead us to be fruitful in the kingdom of God. We cannot achieve salvation by good works, but can do many great things if our faith is based the love of God in Christ Jesus. True salvation leads to the path of righteousness. Not the other way round.

What is the problem of salvation by work instead of by the grace of God?

No one is able to make it to heaven by the goodness of his/her own work. The Bible said that “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” hence cut themselves off from the tree of life. So this plan doesn’t work at all.

Adam and Eve were given by God a chance to live the life of righteousness in the perfect paradise, but could not live up to that level of standard.

We are living in a fallen world where everything is not perfect. In fact, nothing is perfect. So we couldn’t live the life of righteousness without falling back on the mercy and grace of God.

I am so thankful to God for he always washes me with his blood and give me a future whenever he finds me filthy of sin.

That is why I don’t rely on my strength on anything, let alone, such a big subject as salvation.

But despite all of these, many people still believe that one’s own work can guarantee entrance to heaven. This is absolutely from the devil who wants to undermine the power of God’s Love that is shown on the cross. His love is sufficient to save even the worst of all.

Paul mentioned this when he said God saved him even if he did many bad things in his life. I am also a witness to the power of God’s grace that is able to cleanse one’s soul from any kind of sin. That is why I want to witness this salvation to others so that they too shall have confidence when they ask God for forgiveness. 

Can salvation be lost according to the Parable of the debtor and his Master?

It is so amazing when someone achieves his salvation freely since salvation is free.

Can salvation be lost? Many scholars disagree with this point. They said once a person is saved there is no way he will lose this status.

I would present this according to  Matthew 18:21-35.

This guy received debt forgiveness that was way so much that he couldn’t repay. Out of kindness, this guy’s debt was forgiven.

But since he didn't show the same kind of favor to his borrower and treat him badly, his master demanded back the money and everything went bad for this guy afterwards.

The Bible warns us of a possible rejection into the kingdom of God, if we Christians treat others badly.

It specially warns us about the issue of forgiveness. The Bible teaches us if we are not like little children, we cannot enter the kingdom of God.

This means we have to be forgiving to those who offended us badly since our sins are also forgiven,

Also in the Lord’s Prayer, we can see that our sins are only forgiven if we forgive others.

So the point is if we did not forgive others who had done wrong in our lives and do bad to them intentionally, that is a serious thing in the eyes of God.

But I would still rely on the word of God that says, there is no sin that the blood of Jesus cannot cleanse if we confess them and absolutely depart from them.

So yes, I believe if we do any sin that is against the Word of God and don’t confess them promptly, we will be endanger of eternal destruction.

In other words, if the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins and we don’t confess them, we are guilty of sins and endanger of eternal fire.

Holy Spirit speaks through our consciousness and our spirit from and in accordance the word of God. He also speaks through another person or a dream or through closed doors and empty blessings. When he doesn’t want you to do something, all doors will be closed and when he wants, all doors will be open.

It is not a good idea to fight with the spirit of conviction, common sense and truth. It is a very good idea to listen and do exactly how and when he wants us to do it, including forgiving those who have done wrong on to us.

Holy Spirit, we pray to you so that we do not respond like the story of the rich man and like what he did to his servant, but to be more like you who always forgives our sins and allows us to live without the feeling of hatred of sin, in Jesus Name, Amen!





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        Tewodros    |    Feb. 27, 2016     | 3,959 Views    |   

Nehemiah 1:4 They said to me, “Those who survived the exile and are back in the province are in great trouble and disgrace. The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.”When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven. Then I said:

“Lord, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, let your ear be attentive and your eyes open to hear the prayer your servant is praying before you day and night for your servants, the people of Israel.

I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my father’s family, have committed against you. We have acted very wickedly toward you. We have not obeyed the commands, decrees and laws you gave your servant Moses.

“Remember the instruction you gave your servant Moses, saying, ‘If you are unfaithful, I will scatter you among the nations, but if you return to me and obey my commands, then even if your exiled people are at the farthest horizon, I will gather them from there and bring them to the place I have chosen as a dwelling for my Name.’

“They are your servants and your people, whom you redeemed by your great strength and your mighty hand. Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant and to the prayer of your servants who delight in revering your name. Give your servant success today by granting him favor in the presence of this man.”

We know that Nehemiah was one of the great leaders that God called to rebuild his house after the destruction of Jerusalem.

In this series, I would like to focus

1. What he felt when he heard the destruction of Jerusalem.

2. What action he took after he heard the destruction.

3. What we learn from Nehemiah in this regard.

Nehemiah felt really bad when he heard the bad news about the destruction of Jerusalem. He wept bitterly as Jesus wept when he saw Jerusalem.

Luke 19:41: When He approached Jerusalem, He saw the city and wept over it, saying, "If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes.…

2 Corinthians 4:4 : In whose case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving so that they might not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.

Jesus wept for Jerusalem for the people of Israel did not recognize their savior as one who came to deliver them from their sins.

The truth was simply hidden from their eyes. They couldn't accept Jesus as their personal savior and Lord and listen to his words. Instead, they consider him like a thief, mad person and a man possessed with the evil. And they couldn’t sleep until they persecute him with false accusations and kill him.

Jesus wept for those and not for him until his tears turned into blood with a lot of intercession to the father, that their sins shall not lead them into eternal destruction since the devil had blinded their eyes and deafened their ears.

Since New Testament is reflection from the Old Testament, we see such kind of similarities in the Bible like what we see with Jesus and Nehemiah.

Nehemiah cried because he heard that the
people of God were treated badly. Brother was against brother. There were a lot of segregation and hate going on.

The wall of Jerusalem was destroyed, and its gates was burned with fire by the enemy and its walls were breached and burned. Because of these facts and many more, Nehemiah cried and fasted for so many days, interceding with God for his people.

A great leader always knows that distractions are

signs of sin and rebellion against the will of God on our lives. He knows only God can turn this around. When all hope seems to be gone and the enemy has won on all of the circumstances, we should raise our voice and pray day and night for the mercy of God.

Nehemiah knew he cannot win the heart of his people unless he got divine knowledge and help from God and unless the Holy Spirit touched their heart to repent and start to build what the enemy had taken from them.

They were in great mess and most of them did not realize what was going on.

That is why we need a great leader like Nehemiah even in this age, to revive and help restore our sleepiness when everything we built has been destroyed by the enemy.

Nehemiah, while interceding, prayed according to the word of God. Let's see the key points in his prayer.

1. God is merciful and faithful for those who love him and obey his commandments

2. Nehemiah confessed that they did not obey the commandments of God, he gave them through Mosses.

3. God strictly told them if they are not obedient, God will scatter them among nations.  [A clear indication of what is going with our own people]

4. God fearing nations will prosper and its people will come from around the world to live peacefully

5. God would love to rescue us from our troubles since he has already bought us with a great price, with the blood of Jesus.

In conclusion, in this series, we learn that a nation that despises the Laws of God is week and an easy target for the enemy. Great leaders always intercede for their and our sins and show us the truth and the way to God through our lord Jesus Christ. When great trouble and tribulations come and when grief and sorrow kick in, it's the right time to come closer to God and ask for forgiveness for our sins since Holy Spirit always convict us to repent and come out of our own way. God bless you!

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        Tewodros    |    Feb. 21, 2016     | 4,055 Views    |   

Hannah’s Prayer

1 Samuel 2:1 Then Hannah prayed and said:My heart rejoices in the Lord;in the Lord my horn[a] is lifted high.My mouth boasts over my enemies,for I delight in your deliverance.There is no one holy like the Lord;there is no one besides you;there is no Rock like our God.

Do not keep talking so proudlyor let your mouth speak such arrogance,for the Lord is a God who knows, and by him deeds are weighed.The bows of the warriors are broken, but those who stumbled are armed with strength.Those who were full hire themselves out for food, but those who were hungry are hungry no more.

She who was barren has borne seven children, but she who has had many sons pines away.“The Lord brings death and makes alive; he brings down to the grave and raises up.The Lord sends poverty and wealth; he humbles and he exalts.He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap;

he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor.“For the foundations of the earth are the Lord’s; on them he has set the world.He will guard the feet of his faithful servants, but the wicked will be silenced in the place of darkness.“It is not by strength that one prevails; those who oppose the Lord will be broken.

The Most High will thunder from heaven; the Lord will judge the ends of the earth.“He will give strength to his king and exalt the horn of his anointed.”

Hanna went through very tough times since she had no children.

Her story is one the great stories mentioned in the Bible since it is very inspirational to trust and believe God in the middle of our frustration.

Like Sarah, who was visited by God in her old days, Hanna was also visited when all hope looked to be gone.

But she did not give up hope on her Savior and Lord, even if everyone was telling her to give up.

Her husband tried to comfort her by saying it is ok even if there is no child God gave them, he is much better than 10 children for her.

Even if his words were a little bit comforting to her, she did not stop from present her pain and innermost desire to have her own baby to kiss and hug even for a while.

Her husband had another wife and other children, but none from Hanna.

Out of this long time prayer and the desire to have a baby, she promised God that if He gives her one, she will give it back to him.

Let’s ask ourselves, how many times we pray to God when we are in big trouble and when God solved our issues and we don’t even go to church any more?

As we learn from the story of Hanna , we need to honor the word we give to God after we got what we want.

Hanna honored her word and give him to God after the baby stopped breastfeeding.

God took him and raised him to be one of the great leaders that he led nations to walk with God and honor him with their lives.

Hanna also put her experience with God in a prayerful song. I believe it is so powerful that it would be a lesson for all of us.

She said:

1. I am pleased with God's Salvation

How many of us are happy with the Salvation we have through our Lord Jesus Christ.

He is indeed the Horn of our salvation. Jesus took away the wrath of God that was placed on us and waited for our destruction. Jesus intervened just befo

e we are about to be doomed. Because of him we are now sons and children of God and not enemies. I encourage you to worship and magnify his name for God's way of Salvation

2. God is righteous.

You would not hear this kind of prayer from most of the people who had gone through bad times.

Many have abandoned the way, the truth, since they thought God is not listening to them.

Many also give up just before the visitation of God.

But Hanna knew that she would be visited by God if she kept going.

Even if some who mistakenly disrespect her and calling her names. Eli has called her drunk.

3. We should not be boastful and proud of the things we have and say bad words to others

The reason being there is nothing that stays the same in this world. Everything changes.

The strong will be weak. The weak will be strong. The poor will be satisfied. The barren has now many children and she that gives birth can do no more.

All because of the visitation of the Lord.

4. Men shall not win by the might of his strength, but only by the Spirit of God

The battle is not always for the fast and swift. Only God has the final saying on our destiny.

5. Be in Sync with God. Honor him with whatever you do. Don't be against his will.
That is the best place you want to be - his will in your life where there is abundance of grace and resources that will last a life long.

God bless you for reading this blog. I hope God teaches us a great lesson from the life of his servant, Hanna.

May God bless you.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Feb. 16, 2016     | 3,608 Views    |   

John 6:35And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.But I said unto you, that ye also have seen me, and believe not.All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.And this is the Father's will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.

Jesus is the Living Bread of LIfe that we eat and shall not starve no more. He satisfies our innermost cravings and desires. There is nothing we want in his presence. His Spirit gives all we need and all we want.

People who don’t have this revelation do all manner of things to satisfy themselves with all the garbage and the non-sense the world can offer.

Jesus is the only way to quench the thirst of our soul. The desire of our soul has been always for the one who he created her, our God.

But since we don’t know what we want, we find peace and joy and happiness in the wrong places. We think we can find this joy through fame, drugs, sex, alcohol, etc.

But after we west everything like that disobedient son mentioned in Mathew, we only realize that all our youth and money are wasted looking for the right thing in the wrong places.

Only God can give true joy since he is the source of life.

The best part is once we know him and start to follow him, he will never cast us down or abandon us like children without fathers.

If you are wondering what could be the will of God in your life, the answer is it is that you may find Jesus and believe in him and have everlasting LIFE through him.

Jesus is indeed the bread of life that we need daily to eat and drink and satisfy our soul from the everlasting Love of God through his son Jesus Christ.

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        Tewodros    |    Feb. 15, 2016     | 4,444 Views    |   


Why Prayer?

So Peter was kept in prison, but the church was earnestly praying to God for him. -Acts 12:5

From this chapter, we learn that prayer is the most fearsome weapon for the Believer against the works of the enemy.

The same ruler that had ordered the killing of disciple James and succeeded, also ordered to do the same thing with Peter.But by the strong prayer of the church, we all know he has been miraculously saved by the Angel of God.

Prayer is a powerful tool for us to withstand every evil in our lives. Prayer in faith and faith alone can move mountains and quench the blazing heat of fire and destroy the power of a storm.

Prayer is taking one step towards acting in our faith. Prayer is an action of faith. Whether we speak the words of faith or whisper it through prayer, God always listens and acts on our behalf to perform the miracle our heart waits for.Besides, the Lord will answer our prayers when we pray interceding for others, according to God’s will.

Prayer is a two way communication between us and the Lord. Sometimes we think we have to be the only one who are actually talking when we pray. That would be the case if we are not listening while we are praying. Praying in the spirit requires a humble and contrite spirit that will always expect the voice of the Lord in our spirit.

Sometime we found ourselves stuck in a fruitless one way communication with the Lord, where we are the only ones talking and not allowing the Lord to speak on our behalf.Prayer also requires a heart that always adores God and trembles when God speaks.

Without a humble and innocent heart, it will be useless to communicate with our God. All the gifts that we bring to God are nothing compared to the nature of heart in which the motive derives from.

When we pray we must be obedient to God’s corrections and teachings. We should not harden our heart when the Holy Spirit convicts us of our sins. We should be willing to change into what God wants to do in our lives.

When we pray, we must first accept that we are sinners. The following verses are good learning point of our nature to sin and what we should do about it.

Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. -Romans 1:26

The beginning of the desire to sin is the deficiency of the fear of God. If we don’t give God the proper respect, that means we are given to ourselves that is to our selfish desires.

God spoke in the Book of Malachi that if he is God, then he expects the respect that he deserve from the works of his hand, Us.

A son honors his father, and a slave his master. If I am a father, where is the honor due me? If I am a master, where is the respect due me?” says the Lord Almighty. - Malachi 1:6


As it is written: “There is no one righteous, not even one;” -Romans 3:10

There is no one except Jesus who can be sinless and able to help those who sin. We all were under the umbrella of universal sin and personal sin of the heart before the Lord sanctify us and make us holy.

This also indicates that without the blood of Jesus shed on that cross there is no way we can be sanctified and made whole. Jesus was the only way to God because no one was able to make it by work. Only faith in Christ was considered the way to God even before Jesus came to earth.

Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God’s sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin.-Romans 3:20

Everyone needs Jesus, sinners as well as the so called "righteous"

May God gives us grace and wisdom to pray more efficiently to our Lord Jesus Christ.


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        Tewodros    |    Feb. 8, 2016     | 3,763 Views    |   

The leadership challenges we face every day are very crucial in dictating our lives and the lives of our loved ones. I would like to highlight the importance of leadership and the significance of dealing with the challenges we face during leadership.

We become so much frustrated after we tried all we can do and there is nothing we can do any more to change our situation.We get very much disappointed and they beat us very good and we can’t even continue to lead in that area.

As a worker we wanted to see the fruits of our labor and we tend to get nothing.Our problems deeply rooted in our weak emotions and the backgrounds of the other person.Change is not easy and it takes quite some time in some cases.Even the word of God says if we don’t give up so quickly, we will eat the fruit in due time.

Change is inevitable if we don’t give up on our loved ones no matter how many mistakes they have done.If we keep training them showing them how things could be accomplished more easily, we will find ourselves doing a great job in positively influencing their lives.

These are not the only things we face as a challenge.Now I would like to flip the coin and discuss the other side of the story.Now let us discuss the steps we need to take to overcome the challenges we face as the designated leader of the family of the Lord.

We are responsible to fulfill the needs of our family.They trust us with this job so we should do it with love.But that doesn’t mean we should be overburdened with their request.Like any other individual, we need to get settled inside at least once in a while.Unless we experience the peace of the Holy Spirit, we cannot create peace in our family.This is true for both husbands and wives.

When we understand this, we will start to think about the little things we really need to perform our duties successfully both at home and outside.One of the things we really need is personal time with our Lord and savior, Jesus Christ .It is very important to worship the Lord with the congregationBut we need also some time with Jesus in addition to the contribution we have made to the church.

At least once a day, seven days a week.This might not be possible when more things come up and responsibilities build up.But we need that anyways to be successful in our day to day duties.

With prayer and intercession, we need to lay our burdens to the Lord, who said he can take from us.He is faithful to give us the rest of us and the family he gave us with a privilege to protect, lead, admonish and nourish with love till he comes back.

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        Tewodros    |    Aug. 10, 2015     | 4,883 Views    |   

Challenges at home are sometimes different than we face from outside. We usually don’t take an issue in a relationship that is from outside of our house very seriously.

People may tend to make us feel bad and disturb our feelings, but yet they are not always successful.If we noticed we do not have the option to create the same feeling inside the house as we do outside.

I also noticed that some people if you see them outside the house and if you see them inside the house, they are two different persons.

Why is this all happening to us sometimes?Is it because we don’t love the people outside the house as we love very much our own family.We all know we got so emotional when someone touch the one we love most.

We don’t even know how to act when it comes to our loved ones.We say things we shouldn’t say in our heart that will make God unhappy.We found ourselves in an argument all the time with loved ones.

We are insisting that we want them to have what we know is the best for them.We don’t want their bad days nor do we want to see them falling one day.Their problem is our problem.When they fail, we fail together as we succeed together.

There is no boundary between you and them.You cannot say, “It is up to them - Let them be whatever they want and we don’t care a bit about what their fate will be”.

God has attached their lives to our lives.I don’t have a special responsibility about the individuals I met outside my house other than the usual.

It is my desire that they too shall succeed in everything and it is my moral obligation to tell the right from the wrong, but I am not responsible for whatsoever actions they should take after that.

But there are people in my life that I need to get concerned about.These are my own flesh and blood. If they starve, I shall starve together.

If they have no food, I too am responsible for providing with their needs.I am responsible for their decisions also.It doesn’t matter that they are grown-up or little one.

I shall involve in their day to day activity and need to guide them take corrective actions.That is why God has called husbands the head of the house.Husbands are the delegated leader of the house.

And as a leader we need to sacrifice our will for them and our intentions have to be always for the good of the family.

God bless you!!

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        Tewodros    |    Aug. 10, 2015     | 4,504 Views    |   

I believe homosexual behavior can be conceived (with a lie from the devil) and cultivated in the heart of a person where there is no deep revelation about the fear of God.

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. If God doesn’t want you to start a relationship with the wrong gender, then don’t.The fact that one has been sexually abused and tortured by some evil person doesn’t mean he/she should go for homosexuality. But I strongly believe that when someone is sexually violated by a spiritually possessed person, there is a good opportunity for the spirit of the wicked to possess this person.

In other words, homosexuality can be transmitted through sexual contact with other same sax homosexual person with or without consent. Our fight and main struggle is not with flesh, but against evil principalities who can ruin our lives in one incident. That is why we need to cover ourselves and our family with the blood of Jesus every day before we do anything.

"Right is right though all condemn, and wrong is wrong though all approve." - Charles Spurgeon. Don’t be fooled by so many godless people who neglect the path to righteousness.

It is very important to humble yourself for the Lord that he will forgives every inequity that is working in your life and takes you from there.

Finally, I would like to leave you with a comment I post for a man who has been physically abused by his father and sexually abused by some criminal. He is also struggling with the spirit of homosexuality for a very long time.

It goes like this:

I want you to know that we love you so much that we cannot let you go through all of these by yourself. We will pray for you, for God to heal you from all consequences of this disaster.

You should also pray to God to heal your heart from the scares this brutal people left you with. You will know that you are completely healed when you start to love those evil people. You may ask, “how?” But I know I can tell you for sure you can do that through the Spirit of God.

You should never stop praying to God to help you reconcile with your earthly father who had never got the chance to protect you from the abusers. You also told us that he physically abused you.

I believe only through love and forgiveness you will be able to recover back to your original identity that God has made you, and ordained you through the blood of his Son Jesus Christ.

You have to do that to triumph over your real enemy, the wicked one, the devil. You see, our fight is not against flesh and blood.

If you want a real revenge, then take it to the Lord and he will give everyone according to their acts and the punishment he has prepared with absolute fairness.

If we cannot love our enemies, we cannot initiates/instantiate God’s power to be active in and around us. But, when we do that, God will move every mountain just for our sake, to destroy our enemies.

That is why I want you to stay in love all the time so that God can use you for his Glory. I assure you that if you do that you will always be in God’s plan.

“God will never leave you nor forsakes you till the end of the world!!!”

Please don’t stop having fellowship with Christian brothers and sisters at the Church. Devil is always successful attacking Christians who are all alone. I pray that one day God will give you a beautiful wife who will love you just as God created you.

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 15, 2015     | 4,091 Views    |   

Homosexual behavior or act is considered as a sin in the Bible. 

The Bible teaches us for a man to take one woman as a wife and woman to take one man as a husband. I believe the nature of a man is to be with a woman and not with another man and a woman with a man. Only a woman can complete and fulfill the desires of a man and vice versa. It is all about all kinds of human, emotional, sexual, psychological, physical, and spiritual compatibility and much more.

One of the wonders of God is, how God makes a woman out of a man so that the two shall be inseparable. The two cannot function without each other in a marital relationship. You cannot change that principle. It will be absolutely impossible for a man to fulfill the marital requirement of another man instead of a woman.

The most important thing about marriage is not to reproduce. Even if that is the original blessing we got from God, I believe in these last days, we need to show to the world that our marriage depicts what is about to be revealed in the Spiritual world; in which we fail to do so many times.

Our marriage should be a shadow of what is to be revealed when Christ returns to us for the second time, When Jesus returns, everything will be like a huge wedding in which Christ, the groom, comes to take his bride, the church, with him. After that, we will live with him forever and ever in his kingdom where there is no more sorrow and no more cry.

Even though I strongly disagree with homosexual behavior, I have no right or power or judgment towards to homosexual individuals. I don’t consider myself better than any homosexual. I know my sins are so many that I have no clue how many times I have already transgressed the laws of God and I would in the future.

But the most important question is not about how we or some other person or entity would feel about the nature of once sexual desire. The government can’t define or sanctify our sexual behavior. The government, however, has the power to give or deny a set of human rights.

The government is nothing but the people they serve. The laws of the government should be established considering the fact that we are eternally spiritual beings who have one God we all should obey, fear and tremble.

If the government had been designed to do that, it would have enforced the laws of the living God instead of allowing transgressors to break it. That is why there are so many people who insult God and his creation with their foolish remarks. And I will assure you all humans will give accounts to all of our acts for every action we took in this world when we come face to face with the living God, all powerful.

The government, according to my understanding in general nowadays is secular by design and has no attachment to one’s religious beliefs or practice as long as these religious beliefs don't violet someone right or freedom to live.The government also claims that it protects the democracy of its people.

Even if I strongly support once own rights and privileges should be respected, I also believe that freedom without righteousness is not really freedom.

The laws of the government can be amended or removed but the laws of God stay forever.If the government or anybody else doesn’t have the real authority to define who we really are and how our sexuality should look like, then who does?I believe the living word of God has the final saying about us in general, our identity and our sexuality.

The Bible teaches that there is no definition of sex in the kingdom of God, even though we all are created with a sexual difference.

When we die, we will be like angels who can’t be categorized according to gender, but according to their service and glory of God on them.

This doesn’t mean we can be genderless in this word.


Matthew 19:11

But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

According to this teaching, there are four kinds of people with regards to human sexuality

1. There are people who can and are engaged in a human relationship with their opposite sex.

2. There are some people who cannot perform their sexual behavior due to birth defects, including genital malfunction or complete disposition

3. There are some who also can’t perform due to human error after birth

4. There are some who intentionally make themselves single (eg Apostle Poul) for the sake of the kingdom of God.

The fact that people under 2, 3, and 4 unlike 1 cannot have a sexual relationship with opposite sex doesn’t mean they have the tendency to engage in homosexual behavior.

In conclusion, the homosexual act should be considered an act of sin. It should not be considered as an honorable thing to be into. God doesn’t intend marriage to be abused into such act of infidelity in the beginning.

According to Romans, sexual inclination towards the same sex is a curse from God. And like any other curse, this curse can be broken by the blood of Jesus if we diligently seek his face.

The fact that we wanted to be in that set of binding shouldn’t mean it is ok to do it.

The fact that it is nearly impossible to be straight once one turns into the homosexual person doesn’t mean God gave up on him/her. One should try as long as there is a breath in his/her mouth to escape from such kind of sexual immorality.

But we all are one big family as long as God is our father and Jesus will eventually take every one of us out of the mess we are into in this world and keep us on his side for as long as we live for the rest of eternity.

We should continue to love each other no matter what like brothers and sisters. Christ would do the same if he were in person with us today. He gave us one and only one commandment when he leaves us here: Love one another.

He also gave us one promise that he will never leave us nor forsake us no matter how hard life could be till he comes back and gives us a resting place.

While we live, there could be many tribulations and question and puzzles that we have no answers for. But when he comes, everything will be all clear.

But before all of that happens, if you engage in homosexual behavior, you need to confess your sins to the Lord so that he will give you your freedom back.

Homosexuality is slavery to sexual sin like any other sexual sin (adulatory, polygamy, masturbation, pornography) whether it is committed in the heart or executed in action.

I can assure you that none of us are free from all of these sins. But like the Bible says, if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and able to save us from the guilt and consequences our sins. After all, he is able to do anything that is beneficiary for us as long as we have faith in him.

What makes sexual sin so natural is its addictive power and tendency to stick to our souls for a long period of time. It has also a natural tendency to make us think it is all normal and anyone can be naturally drawn to it.

That is why it is sweeping away many souls in the darkness out of the will of God for their lives. The devil is ok as long as no one is making a big deal about it. As long as everybody is quite about it. As long as there are moralists and politicians who think they fight for the rights of others, but the fact is they paving the way to destruction.

There is new life through Christ that you may have not yet experienced. I would like to remind you about this wonderful new beginning for you will be completely renewed by the blood of Jesus and starts to be fruitful in his kingdom.

It is my desire that God will change and use you as he pleases for his glory. If he can use a wretch like me, he can use anybody. If his grace was sufficient to break my stubborn heart, he can do the same to you. If his new covenant is able to remove every curse that was working in my life, he can do the same to you.

May God bless you for reading this blog!!


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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 15, 2015     | 5,174 Views    |   

In this personal testimony, I would like to share a few of my personal experiences with Jesus and how Jesus never leaves me nor forsakes me when I was in trouble. It is a living testament, which is written on my heart by the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of my God and my Lord Jesus Christ. This can be taken as evidence that he can be trusted at all times. He came at last when everything I had and everything I could possibly think of was gone. But He was never late. He is on time all the time. Here I will mention a few instances of how He came late and resurrected my dead life with his miracles.

1. When I was close to death because of my illness at 8th grade, he healed my full body and gives me a second chance.

2. When I was drowning and almost dead in the deep waters, he resurrects me. When I thought my life had surely ended, he rescued me.

3. My ninth grade second semester result was totally amazing. I was weak at first, but later I stood second.

4. When I was weak and can’t even study well at the end of my high school education, God helped me pass the national exam to join the top rated University, when people think I couldn’t make it, my life has changed since then.

5. When I initially score low grades in first year college classes, I almost forget about my education, but he had changed me and gave me victory about that.

6. When I was two years late, everybody thinks it was a total waste of time until they saw I graduated with distinction in a nice department.

7. When I joined CS, my point was not good enough, but he made me join anyways.

8. When I joined the master program in Ethiopia, I was able to register one month passed the registration date.

9. When I got a job. When I got visa when I got this and that's when everybody forgets about me and I was about to lose everything.

10 .Jesus has completely healed from a migraine that has lasted for so many years.

11. Jesus has heard my prayer to heal my mom from her asthma conditions

12. Jesus has healed me from a birth condition that no doctor has no solution for the problem

13. Most of all, Jesus Christ has completely healed me from the sin of immorality that had tormented me for so many years that I couldn’t even count. The point is he is still faithful to put you where you need to be in the eternal plan of God, so no worries. So the smallest thing, but the most important thing expected from us is to stay in our place and wait for him to come and change our story. No problem is too big for God to solve. Our issues in life are not different than He has already solved in peoples' lives. The Bible tells us that we are not going to be tempted beyond our capacity.

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 6, 2015     | 3,572 Views    |   

I believe these pieces of writings will be a lesson to me and for those who will get the chance to read my story. I will incorporate God’s word in it. I hope it will be a book of wisdom not critics.

I was born in a small town in Ethiopia, Africa. I was raised by two hard working parents who want nothing but the best for their children. I was the first born and I have two sisters and one brother in my family.

My parents got divorced when I was 5 years old. At first I got the chance to live with my father, but then later I moved to my mom and my little sister when my father married his second wife after 5 years my parents got divorced.

When I was a boy, I remember my dedication to the things of God and I was completely obsessed with God’s existence and my purpose in general. I also remember that I prepared myself to the idea of good things, and good things used to come to me. Then they say I had been severely attacked by the devil. But God was able to make me free not so long I had been attacked.

I have received my Lord Jesus Christ as my personal savioiur at the age of fourteen. The problem came when I grew up. My attachment and close relationship with Christ and me loving Christ was offensive with my unbeliver parent. I would say to you never interfere with the religion decision of your child. Even though critical life issues and decisions have to be seriously advised, the decisions of your child must be respected.

Respect is very crucial, even with friends. But the family has to respect and encourage his son/daughter for his/her decisions. Here is my thing…. I didn’t want no body, especially my family to be disappointed because of me. Silly me! I never wanted to interfere with another’s person’s decisions, but I compromised with my own. I thought this is not a healthy relationship, but I didn’t know what else to do at that time.

The first time I couldn’t go to church because of family disagreement, I accept it with difficulties. I then became like some of my friends in the village where nothing was accomplished all day. But devil used this opportunity to destroy my life. Believe it or not this was the time I hated myself and tried multiple times to destroy it. This happend when I was a teenage boy.

When the only means of my happiness and my life choice was restricted by family, I didn’t know what else I should do with my life than to destroy it. But God was with me all the time. He nether abundened me in the hand of the devil. Nor he left me to die in the depth of the river. He remembered me and snatched me from the brink of unexpected death. I then came to my heart a little bit and tried to realize that life is more important than everything. Soon, I started to stay in the house and read the Bible.

But there were some obstacles with that too. I was not allowed to spend more time with the Bible. My only argument was how it was not obvious to my family that a man without God is dead, especially a boy whose soul were like a blinking candle about to get darkened by the storms of life.

By the time I should return to campus, I was not as vigilant to God’s things as before. My motive was to score more grades to join department of medicine. It turns out to be I am a computer science guy.

I used to think one day I will be rich and when I become rich, I will give the money to those who need it in the beginning and I will come to my Lord. But this idea makes many to disappear from the house of God for good.

I then realized that the chance to come back after a long term commitment with sin is so little. The money, fame, artificial joy, and everything are so powerful to snatch them and swallow them for good. I, on the other hand was still struggling in the belly of the wicked. I prayed day and night to my God so that one day the wicked might spit me out.

I tried to be as uncomfortable to the devil as much as possible.

I wanted the hell to shake up a little bit to throw me out of there. I thought to myself, “I don’t belong here.” I wanted to be with my father. While I was in search of more education and more money, I found myself daily far from God. I got into the wickedness of this world more and more.

I was also dumb and stupid that even I didn’t know how to keep myself from danger. In search of love and happiness, I found myself soon enough in danger. Because of that I was left with a new kind of curse which made me tormented for so many years.

Praise the Lord! I was delivered from it after so many years, but then there was a substitute. By the time I was about to finish my undergrad studies, I was so happy but again I found myself lost in the wilderness. I couldn’t find myself.  My whole identity was lost. It was all about forgiving myself and those who were closest to me. I didn’t know how to do that? I thought my life was already wasted and destroyed. I was thinking I never asked my God for earthly benefits. But God for so long forgets my souls cry on family and love.

I was looking for the real love and family. I was looking why I am here. My question was while devil used every opportunity to destroy my life, God seemed to remain in silence. I had prayed every day this prayer, “Have I ever ask you for anything, father? But you ignored my years of prayer. You know I am zealous about your house. I am delighted when your name is spoken among your congregation.”

Praise God. This is all behind me now. God has miraculously saved me from all of my enemies in the Spirit. I am now completely healed by the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. I don’t hate no one now since God has filled me with ever flowing Love and compassion for others. That is the Holy Spirit!

I tried to address the healing process in another blog (Grace-vs-Self-righteousness). Please read this blog if you are interested.

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 5, 2015     | 4,287 Views    |   

It is the will of our father to find the right marriage partner in life. It is also his will to be blessed and bless other marriages. It is what he wants to do for his children. For his will is full of peace, joy and kindness. When the Lord blessed us with a companion in life, we need to ask him what are the things he wants to accomplish in our marriage. We need to receive a vision about our marriage. We need to pray:

Lord, you have considered and blessed your servant with a blessed wife/husband and a happy marriage. What is it that you want me to do that will eventually make you happy?

Tell us the work to be done. Enlighten us and give us dreams and visions. You have now two individuals who have separated themselves for you. Your kingdom has to be preached for the lives to come. Your love has to be told for generations.

You have two children who want to know what you want to do in their lives. You have two loving couples who are united by you to do your will. For you are merciful and loving God. Don’t leave us alone. Be present in our midst and bless our marriage that you have established through the blood of the Lamb.

Nothing shall come between our marriage and the love you have for us. Protect it and cover it by the blood of Jesus. For all we know you are able to do that. You make people fall and you raise the humble from the ground. Please cleanse and sanctify our marriage with the precious blood of Jesus. We are not able to sanctify and cleanse ourselves.

Our motives and the inclination of our heart is not far from sin. We need your forgiveness Lord; we need you to be there for us. There is no one to guide us and lead us. You are the father and the mother for this family. You are our level of expertise and confidence.

In you we only trust and depend. We always want to hear from you and do it because we love you and trust you. Spread your mighty shield upon our sacred marriage. Let no one come closer to us more than you. We need you more than anything to survive and to live a happy blessed family life.

The rest is extra and that means we don’t really need them as we need you. All we are getting from the world is another problem we are not able to deal with. But engage in our lives so deep and allow us to express our deep heart felt gratitude and love we have for one another.

Please allow this marriage to be a good start to prepare for the ultimate wedding that Christ will make to the church. Christ you are always the groom and we are your bride. By faith we will celebrate and enjoy thinking the greatest is yet to come.

We are the symbol of your love for the rest of the world. We are not to share blasphemy and sin with the world. Neither have we liked to get categorized under their congregation. Please cleanse our soul and spirit and most importantly our dirty flesh.

Moreover, please help your servants to live unto the word, the guidance and rule of protection, you have given us. You are the most fearsome God but yet lovely and kind. Please open the eyes of your servants to able to see what you are about to do in our lives. Glory and honor be onto your name in Christ Jesus.

Prepare us for the days to come. Teach us how to count our days so that we will have wisdom to do the right thing and most important thing. Teach us to be wise and bring hundred fold glory in to your kingdom. We couldn’t be satisfied with the food and the clothing and the job.

Teach us to eat eternal food, to drink eternal water, to do eternal work and to build eternal wisdom. In everything we want to hear from you, please do not hide your face from us. If you remain silent, we will be like those who are going to the pit. We would be as good as a blind person with no light for guidance. Your Words, your Promises, your Covenant, your Spirit is the way to life.

We are not only to pray this prayer for us but also for other marriages and couples who want to dedicate their marriage for God’s glory. 

Lord, we pray that you build the foundation of their marriage with strong love, patience and faith for one another and for your kingdom. Let their marriage be blessed for generations to come. Let no devil find ground for assaulting them to bring them to destruction. Let their marriage be sealed by the blood of Jesus.

We pray that you protect our vulnerability to sin of the desires of the heart and be our strong security against sin on any kind on to you. Instead, please install within us the spirit of servitude with humbleness and gratitude to you with this marriage!

In Jesus Name! Amen!

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        Fasika    |    Jun. 25, 2015     | 4,916 Views    |   

One of the good things about this kind of impartation is that it is peaceful and full of compassion for others. It is as if something is flowing non-stop with in us to give us rest and peace. When that happens, we will also want to share that with the rest of the world with great ambition and zeal for the kingdom of God. We would feel empathy for those who are going through tough times with or without their consent.

On the contrary, when we are out of the presence of God, we will not feel love and kindness for others.All we think all day is to make us happy and not to care for others. The presence of God creates initiation in you to do good with your time and with all you have got. He wants you to share your belongings with the needy.

He wants you to encourage one another. Most of all, He wants you to love your neighbor as it is written in the Bible. He is a wonderful reminder of what God has done through Christ and all of the sacrifices He made on that cross.

How do we participate in this wonderful blessing of the Lord?Well first of all, we need to invite the Lord in to our hearts, recognize him that He is the salvation of our souls.Jesus is the reason we are not wicked and disobedient children any more.

He is the Lamb of God in whom we all could escape the wrath of God. When we come near to the presence of the Holy Ghost, we will fill this amazing high level of joy and happiness inside.There is no cost for you and me to enjoy this kind of blessing. It is all paid in full by Him, who wants us nothing but the best for his Children.But this gift is not for all. It is only for those who have accepted him as their Lord and Savior. We need to recognize him for what He has done in our lives.

These are 9 gifts given by the Holy Spirit for our edification according to 1 Corinthians 12:8.

1. Wisdom

2. Knowledge

3. Faith

4. Healing

5. Working of miracles

6. Prophecy

7. Discerning of spirits

8. Divers kinds of tongues

9. Interpretation of tongues


These are all beyond our natural abilities. These are supernatural powers given to human beings who have surrendered their lives to Christ and lived their lives according to the Word of God. All of these gifts are given by God not according to our deeds but because of his grace and his Love. Therefore, one shouldn't be proud for obtaining and exercising them.

Most of all, these gifts are given to us so that we can help one another to build our Spiritual strength and grow in to the likeness of God in Christ. Therefore, the motto should be Love and Love first, before even try to use them. For God has not called us to destroy others but to edify us and our brothers and sister in Christ.

It is our father’s will to clean ourselves every day from the accumulation of filth, bitterness and sin in general. It is impossible to stay clean while we live in this world no matter how hard we try. The good news is it is possible to live a guilt free life since the blood of Jesus is always fresh in our lives to cleanse us from every sin we commit on to God.

But if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we will have fellowship with one another, and the Blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin. If we say that we have no sin, we are deceiving ourselves and the truth is not in us. -1 John 1:7

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        Tewodros    |    Jun. 20, 2015     | 5,398 Views    |   

Our reward is serving God's name. If there is something that fills my heart with joy is my humble service to God. If there is something that I will never regret doing and would like to do the rest of my life is my humble worship to you, my Lord. Just the word that says I am your servant of the Holy God stirs joy and happiness together in my heart.

That I am not exalting your name in vain. That I am not working for money and fame that everybody will leave it in here. You are my reward in deed that I have profited in serving your Holy name. If I trusted flesh that my reward comes from them, I will be piteous man. If my heart leaps with joy so that I can accumulate a vast amount of earthly treasure, how miserable would I be? But you have called me by name and I became the son of the most high through Christ Jesus serving your name.

How piteous would I be if I have lived all my life for a wood made by the hand of a man? My reward will not come from man. I don’t even really desire thank you from a flesh. But my delight is if I only make You happy all the days of my life. That I will never do anything that will make You regret that I am yours. That is my trust that is my desire that is my wish and that is my reward.

You have given me everything that is yours through Christ with Christ. Your love has given us your gift of love. We have done nothing to deserve any of this. Your grace has completely raised us with favor. While we are disgraced and left alone that no one was able to recognize us, you lifted us from the ground so that we could have a life filled with joy. Christ had given up his life so that others who believed in him shall live a long life of happiness and joy.

Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. -1 Corinthians 15:58

Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. - Proverbs 3:3-4

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23-24

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. - Galatians 6:9

His master replied, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ - Matthew 25:21 a

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        Tewodros    |    Jun. 20, 2015     | 5,987 Views    |   

I learned that the problem we experience in life stays there as long as we want it to be there. Hence take no action to change it. Moreover, we don’t want to change our situation since we put much interest in our way of thinking. We put too much reason not to try again after we fall. We know excuses are not answers to our problem. May be we are afraid not to fall again. We like being who we are now.

For winners, getting up again is not a problem. Failing is not an option. No matter how and how many times they fail. There is still time for winning. The battle is not over until they win. They have always saved little energy to ignite their next attempt.

They believe there is always a second chance for those who want to try one more times. They don’t worry too much for tomorrow as tomorrow comes too soon. Winners are those who wait on to the Lord patiently and renew their strength to try again to succeed in the kingdom of God.

The things in life could be dangerous in a way that we could have ended up dead. On the other hand the true glory is if only we could overcome this with the help of Jesus. If we only follow as God tells us and you will be out of our impossibilities.

We can defeat the enemy and go to the next level by establishing father – son relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Avoiding the problem itself or getting knocked down every time will not take us to the next level. We should be able to face our enemy watching his move every second. Don’t forget God always checks what we can do with our family, money and time.

Money is a delegated power given to us by God and God watches us that if we can handle that without abusing it. Time is a valuable resource and he wants us to use it very wisely. The wrong usage of either money or time is an abuse and we cannot be trustworthy. Trust comes from experience.

You trust someone if you know him well and for a long period of time. It can also be possibly with anything we have at hand. Our possessions and everything we believed it is not truly our own. Even the ones who belong to others and we think it is not our problem to care: Even those who have more value than the ones we own. Therefore he watches from heaven if he can find someone faithful who can do all these without seizing. It looks like the concept of responsibility but it all goes to one name: faithfulness.

God knows those who trust on him day and night. He calls them faithful servants. Even though the enemy put obstacles on these faithful ones, he will not prevail. They will always succeed even at times it seems he is prevailing at them. All of this because God fights and wins for them who have given him their lives as a sacrifice.

They have learned that from their Master and their Lord Jesus Chris. For he has not taken his own way but the will of the father to prevail in his life even at times it is impossible to do so. That is why his father has given him the name of all name that those who are created for him and by him should worship him (God) through our Lord Jesus Christ.

God surely will renew your strength and enables you to succeed if you surrender your life to Christ in all matters. For will comes first before action. Therefore your actions will be according to his will when your will has been surrendered for his glory and for his name sake.

Holy Spirit is always there with you to give you strength and forgiving heart.

First he will renew your mind and your heart. When he does that, you will find a new reason to live and a new passion for life. You will be able to walk on your adversities and laugh at your enemies. Yes, he will renew your strength when you wait for him without seizing in payer in Jesus Name!

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        Tewodros    |    May. 24, 2015     | 4,098 Views    |   

There could be a time that we may fall again one more time. But the most important thing is that we need to get up and get out from the pit we fell into no matter how deep it is.

The result of this experience is that we become empowered once more again to sit at the table and write our past with praise.

One of the reasons we fail is that we think the promise is too far to grasp. We think it is too dark to see.

We may feel like we have nothing to do to speed up. We got also a little bit discouraged by our current situation.

May be we are broken and helpless. Life could be tough sometimes. And for that reason, we may think we have no options but to give up.

But there is something inside of us with a small voice telling us there is still hope. Our dear, Jesus Christ, will come, so we shall wait for him.

He will create enough strength in us to try again. He will encourage us and create a future for us.He will not judge us wrongfully or misunderstand our situation.

He will judge rightfully and he will judge against all odds that are not cultivating us to bear fruits for the Lord.His anger will burn against every opposition and burden that bury our lives down.

He will cast away our deepest sorrow and greatest fear. He will fill us with absolute joy and he will affirm his love for our lives.

It is always better to wait for the Lord and hope for his coming having deep rooted faith in him.We must not give up on him no matter how bad the circumstances are.He will give us victory and a new start to begin with.

Remember always that he is the start and end of everything that is created by Him.He can fix every issue in your life.He is able to bring forth the unseen to be seen.He is alpha omega the beginning and the end.

He is the father of the helpless and father of the fatherless.He can fix anything that has become hopeless and ended miserably.Your case is not any different!

God is our mighty fortress, always ready to helpin times of trouble.And so, we won’t be afraid! -Psalm 46

But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me. Do not rejoice over me, O my enemy. Though I fall I will rise; Though I dwell in darkness, the LORD is a light for me. I will bear the indignation of the LORD Because I have sinned against Him, Until He pleads my case and executes justice for me. He will bring me out to the light, And I will see His righteousness -Micah 7:8

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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 23, 2015     | 4,124 Views    |   

This is a lesson from the Bible about the story of a man who tried to take what he doesn’t deserve by lies and deception. This is also a lesson that we should not exploit the people of God for our service to them.

2 Kings 5

He returned to the man of God with all his attendants. He came and stood before Elisha, saying, “Now I know for certain that there’s no God anywhere on earth except in Israel. Please accept a gift from your servant.”

But Elisha said, “I swear by the life of the Lord I serve that I won’t accept anything.”

Naaman urged Elisha to accept something, but he still refused. Then Naaman said, “If not, then let me, your servant, have two mule loads of earth. Your servant will never again offer entirely burned offerings or sacrifices to any other gods except the Lord. But may the Lord forgive your servant for this one thing: When my master comes into Rimmon’s temple to bow down there and is leaning on my arm, I must also bow down in Rimmon’s temple. When I bow down in Rimmon’s temple, may the Lord forgive your servant for doing that.” Elisha said to him, “Go in peace.”



But when Naaman had gone some distance from Elisha, Gehazi (who was the servant of Elisha the man of God) thought, My master let this Aramean Naaman off the hook by not accepting the gift he brought! As surely as the Lord lives, I’ll go after him and accept something from him. So Gehazi pursued Naaman.



Naaman saw him running after him, so he got down off his chariot to meet him. He said, “Is everything okay?” Gehazi answered, “Yes, but my master sent me to say, ‘Two young men who are members of a group of prophets have just now come to me from the hills of Ephraim. Give them a kikkar of silver and two changes of clothing.’”



Naaman said, “By all means, take two kikkars!” He encouraged Gehazi to accept them. He tied two kikkars of silver up in two bags, along with two changes of clothes. Naaman gave them to two of his servants, and they carried them in front of Gehazi. When Gehazi arrived at the elevated fortress,[c] he took the items from them and stored them in his house. Then he sent the servants away, and they left. Gehazi then went and stood before his master.


Elisha said to Gehazi, “Where did you come from, Gehazi?”

“Your servant didn’t go anywhere,” Gehazi replied.


Elisha said to him, “Wasn’t my heart going along with you[d]when the man got off his chariot to meet you? Is this the time to accept silver, clothes, olive trees, vineyards, sheep, cattle, or male and female servants? 27 Naaman’s skin disease will now cling to you and to your descendants forever!” And Gehazi left Elisha’s presence, flaky like snow with skin disease.


As we come to see from this teaching, Gehazi took something that he shouldn’t have in the first place. He envied what others have specially when the man of God simply deserted it and made it worthless. He didn’t deserve the things that he asked from Naaman.

The gift was meant for Elisha and not him. What makes the matter worse is that fact that he had to lie and say that his master had changed his mind to take the gift back.

Gehazi became so greedy that he had to do anything to take the gift from Naaman.


As the word of God teaches us here, this is not the time we treat ourselves with lots of gifts and servants. This is not the life style we have a promise from the Lord. We have to analyze the time and make a wise decision guided by the Holy Ghost. 

This is a good example why we should not accumulate money for ourselves that comes through deception and evil by design. It will ultimately be a snare to our soul that we might fall in to it and lose the path of righteousness.

It also teaches us the fact that the healings of God and the gifts of God are to be shared freely to others without charging them for using it. Freely we have received and freely we should give to others. By no means we are not the owner of this healing ointment and the honor and gifts should not come to us but to the kind king of kings who always is compassionate for his people especially when the Holy Spirit wanted that way.

It is also cruelty to use the opportunities that we found while serving God completely for our benefits and for our own comfort. Serving God is a great privilege in terms of helping others in their needs and not to accumulate treasures for ourselves. 

When people stay longer in Ministry, they get this misperception that the people belongs to them and they can exploit it as they want to. They won’t be over until their stomach is full and get the most out of it for their selfish desires.


The people of God belong to God and we who have the privilege to serve it, are nothing but servants of the most high. We need to have the compassion like Jesus showed towards his people and not exploit them with greed.


The desire for money and good life have no end. If we allow ourselves to get more every time our wild imaginations and selfish desires ask us more, we will end up in bad shape both in our relationship with God and also with his people.


We don’t want to break the hearts of those people who have put their hope and faith on our Lord Jesus Christ because of our selfish act and sinful behavior. Yes, money and greed have consumed the ministers of our God and they are not following God’s commandment.


We need to pray with lots of fasting and lots of cries that the glory of God returns to us and visit our people who need him most. We need to repent our sins for taking what we don’t deserve from the people we claim we are serving them.


It is much better to deal with our sin now than latter as we don’t know the coming of the King.

It is also much better to forcefully withdraw ourselves from such shame and terrible sin now for the glory of God is hidden from his people because of our greediness and selfishness.


We all know what had happened with the children of Eli when they had very much disrespected God and his commandments by taking what was the best sacrifices for the Lord for themselves while claiming they are serving God.

Read the whole story at 1 Samuel 2:12

We are moving in that direction and before we know it we will do very much what this guys did at that time.

Let us leave the best gifts to God since even we are his and all we have.

Let us love the God we worship by our actions and not by our sermons.

Let us have compassion for the needy and share them and not take it by our crafted preaching.

May God bless you and give you grace to fight against the spirit of greed and immorality. May he surrounds you with contentment and compassion for others in Jesus Name!!


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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 19, 2015     | 5,116 Views    |   

I praise you Lord for the good things you have done in my life.When they have gathered around us to consume our soul.When the enemy takes us by surprise and when our soul gets frustrated.When fear consumes us like a fire and we have nowhere to go.When they have declared death on our soul and we have no one to trust but you.

We came to you by faith that we know you are awesome God.We don’t turn our eyes to the left or to the right.We looked up on to you as our eyes always look onto you.You haven’t let us down or make us feel guilty.

Rather you gave us hope after hope that we gain strength and not lose our faith.The enemy come directly at us to distract us and make us complain.But we do not take any of his accusations to our heart.Instead, in the middle of our tribulation and sorrow, we shout on to you and me make our suffering known to you.

Our life was intended to be miserable by the enemy.While we come with prayer and humility of the heart before you, we learned patience and endurance.That is how we learn intimacy and higher form of convenient in Christ Jesus.

That you will never abandon your servant in the hands of the enemy.That you come to answer by fire for your children who call on to your name day and night.I would have fallen a big fall, if I had concentrated on my skills rather than my faith in you.

Since you have promised your servant the kind of protection you have granted him for looking onto you my Lord.Your name shall be exalted and worshiped throughout the generation to come.We give you all the glory and honor since you are almighty and fearsome God.

We give you praise for the wonderful things you have done in our lives.Since they have been obstacle for your children to stumble, they will see the judgment of the Lord that will come to them.For the Lord has speak and I heard it once, judgment is for the righteous.

The night we dreaded the most has passed and there is no more darkness fallen in to our lives.That is possible because you answered our prayers when our feet was about to stumble and fall.

If you hadn't remembered us and listened to our voices when we shout out to you, our enemies would have swallowed us alive with ease.

Praise God in Jesus Name!

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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 19, 2015     | 4,329 Views    |   

God breaks us to Fix

Have you ever wonder why your life sometimes goes through tough times.

If you have, the reason could be God is like a gardener who always makes his garden looks beautiful by taking extra time and effort to make it nice and clean.

He even prunes some of its plants so that they can bear more fruits. Pruning is essential gardening skill that allows a healthy growth of plants.

The gardener has this special skill to protect and take a good care of his garden. Our father is also a good gardener and shepherd for his sheep.

Sometimes we fail to understand these things and we fall from his grace. 

So many times, he break us and smash us in to pieces and He then put some amount of the blood of Jesus and put His Spirit which is the Spirit of wisdom.

He wouldn’t ignore us and throw us in to our own selfish desires before he tries to fix us.

God does break sometimes to heal and take us to the point in life we are mature enough to be used for his glory.

When God breaks he doesn’t do it to make us useless but he does it to make us better for the job.

It is still better to have the rest of the body, even if one part of our body is rotten. This process will always continue until everything in us comes to full understanding of his will. 

When we put our eyes on you Lord and when we are faced with great issues don’t turn your face from us our Lord. 

Brothers and Sisters, please don’t let your fear come overtake you. But allow your faith to strength you and give you courage.


My savior please hurry to save me as my enemies are very near to me.

They have put a date and time to attack me and my family by surprise.

But only you can deliver me from their attack.

They may do what they want to do but I will continue to worship you O my Lord.

Exceedingly much far better than before, I will lift up your glorious name and praise you.

Since you are my portion and my God, the rock of my salvation.

You are my beginning and my end; my everything in deed.

If I become worried and anxious, my family will also get worried.

I don’t want also my enemies to take pleasure in my disbelief.

That is why I always worship you no matter what the circumstances are.

I decided to be happy and joyful all the time.

Not because of what I did or what they have done to me

But because of how wonderful and amazing you are for me all the days of my life

We celebrate the day of our salvation in which we come to know Jesus

We pray that day be written in the book of life with the precious blood of Jesus

Let no evil come near to our house to take our joy in Christ forever

No one shall separate us from the love in Christ and we shall not make the Spirit of God disappointed as he is the reason and evidence we will be in the same place with God where so ever is the place and time, if there is God in that place then there everything we want

Keep us strong and faithful O Lord and let the plan you have thought succeeds for us and nothing else does.

God knows that we are weak without him: 

Like a bird with no nest like a fish without water, like an eagle who has no one besides him, with so many enemies who are waiting for us to stumble and fall, needs to be strong from inside out, needs to know how to be a warrior, needs to hear from you, Lord, needs to forget his past, and stretch foreword to hold on what the future installs for us. 

All the rest we need to do is useless. Meaningless, that will be gone by the wind. All we have got in life and achieved is not something we deserve to have. We got it because it was simply a gift from God. So how much more gift do we want?  

They all were a token of appreciation. Like God wants to say to us good job, you faithful servant. In some circumstances we were rebellious. But we never escaped without getting the proper disciplinary punishment.

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        Tewodros    |    Apr. 5, 2015     | 3,999 Views    |   

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snareand from the deadly estilence.He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You will not fear the terror of night,nor the arrow that flies by day,nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand,but it will not come near you.

You will only observe with your eyesand see the punishment of the wicked.If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling,no harm will overtake you,no disaster will come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.You will tread on the lion and the cobra; you will trample the great lion and the serpent.“Because he[b] loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him.With long life I will satisfy himand show him my salvation.”

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        Fasika    |    Mar. 4, 2015     | 6,569 Views    |   

What if I could speak all languages of humans and of angels?

If I did not love others, I would be nothing more than a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.

What if I could prophesy and understand all secrets and all knowledge? And what if I had faith that moved mountains?

I would be nothing, unless I loved others.

What if I gave away all that I owned and let myself be burned alive?

I would gain nothing, unless I loved others.

Love is kind and patient, never jealous, boastful, proud, or rude.

Love isn’t selfish or quick tempered.

It doesn’t keep a record of wrongs that others do.

Love rejoices in the truth, but not in evil.

Love is always supportive,loyal, hopeful, and trusting.

Love never fails!

Everyone who prophesies will stop, and unknown languages will no longer be spoken.

All that we know will be forgotten.

We don’t know everything, and our prophecies are not complete.

But what is perfect will someday appear, and what isn’t perfect will then disappear.

When we were children, we thought and reasoned as children do.

But when we grew up, we quit our childish ways.

Now all we can see of God is like a cloudy picture in a mirror.

Later we will see him face to face. We don’t know everything, but then we will, just as God completely understands us.

For now there are faith, hope, and love.

But of these three, the greatest is love.

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        Fasika    |    Mar. 4, 2015     | 7,655 Views    |    1 Comments

Job 33 - God is greater than any human. So why do you challenge God to answer you?God speaks in different ways, and we don’t always recognize his voice.Sometimes in the night, he uses terrifying dreams to give us warnings.

God does this to make us turn from sin and pride and to protect us from being swept away to the world of the dead.Sometimes we are punished with a serious illness and aching joints.Merely the thought of our favorite food makes our stomachs sick, and we become so skinny that our bones stick out.

We feel death and the grave taking us in their grip.One of a thousand angels then comes to our rescue by saying we are innocent.The angel shows kindness, commanding death to release us, because the price was paid.

Our health is restored, we feel young again, and we ask God to accept us.Then we joyfully worship God, and we are rewarded because we are innocent.When that happens, we tell everyone, “I sinned and did wrong, but God forgave me and rescued me from death! Now I will see the light.” God gives each of us chance after chance to be saved from death and brought into the light that gives life.

We praise you our Lord and our God for everything that you have done in our lives. Your work is wonderful. You are faithful in everything you do.We have seen your mercy as you reveal your glory and honor in our lives. We give you all the glory. Our families give you all the glory since you are almighty God.

You are righteous God and you never make mistakes. You were right when you closed the door and you were right when you opened one. You were right when things looked bad and you were right when you rebooked the storm that was taking a significant effect on our lives.

Your faithfulness covers the whole earth like the sky and is for generations to come. Your mercy and love is strong like the mighty wave on the ocean.You alone are the beginning and the end of everything in and around us, including us and we give all the glory to you.

You have fulfilled all our holy desires with the hope you gave us and we have in Christ.

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint - Isaiah 40:31

What an awsome love of God we have known and seen in Jesus. What a wonderful heavenly father we all have in the heavens who cares more than what we care for our children.

There won’t be enough words to exhaustively narrate all his miracles and wonders. Even if that is possible, they aren’t sufficient to hold what God has done in our lives.

His will for our lives is unbelievably awesome. God is great all the time!!

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        Tewodros    |    Sep. 22, 2014     | 4,476 Views    |   

How much trust should we put in a relationship

One of the issues we face while dating is trust. No one can form a strong relationship without trust. But the thing is no one is worthy of your trust while dating.

And they say there is no love and relationship without trust. May be that is how life should be or maybe not. We (Adam and Eve) started our journey with unfaithfulness. Human beings have a long history of unfaithfulness to the Lord. As long as we live in the flesh, we are unworthy of trust. The flesh with out the Spirit is the punishment for our evil act against the will of God in our lives.

It doesn’t mean we are all in all evil. But on the surface level, we cannot say anything for sure. On our spirit level and on our soul level if we have Jesus and we know him well, things look much better. That is why Jesus is afraid of letting you go somewhere and come back hurt.

He doesn’t allow a girl or a boy or a friend or anyone to come too close to you. You need to keep what you know to yourself. And expose wisdom in a very artistic manner. Do not expose unnecessary information to no one. Be creative and communicative. Be the leader by being the servant.

Relationships can be dangerous 

The wicked can possibly hurt your feelings in just few words. They can transform immediately and become the enemy of the Spirit of God. Sometimes their hate can be seen in their eyes. Their anger flows out of their mouth like a river.

No need to be in argument with such kind of people. They are determined to destroy you and you don’t want to do that. Disappointments are inevitable as long as we live in this world. Broken heart is what all we have at the end of all the effort we made to please them.

It is a snare either to please or to make others feel angry. May the Lord destroy the reputation of the wicked? May He lay his anger on them?

May their children see their wickedness? Do not punish the children by the sin of their parents. Their wickedness is not a Mistry in your eyes. May you protect the prey they snare upon. May God reveal their hidden agenda to destroy the meek?

Lord, please confront them with your judgment. We have no right to do that. We have no right to make someone guilty of sin. We don’t dare to condemn others for the evil thing they do as we too are not far from sin.

May their name blot out from your book. They are the enemy of all the works of your hand and the expression of your love. May you protect your children from their evil plan. It is almost impossible to make an agreement with such evil. What Christ has to do with Lucifer? What has light has to do with darkness?

Relationship are formed and built little by little

If you guys can communicate with understanding. If you respect and understand each other feelings. Then little by little the same way a baby finds trust in his mother’s hand, you will develop love and trust on one another.

How do you know your friend wants to form relationship with you? Returning calls, accept invitations, share past experiences. Watch and learn. There is some clue for you to identify if your friend is for real. Do not take anything seriously at the beginning.

Do not hurry things. Take your time. Be sure you don’t do what you don’t want to do. Don’t get there too soon. If something doesn’t make sense to you, you are probably right. Take your time find out things by yourself.

See for yourself what somebody else told you. Do not come in to conclusion based on someone suggestions. You may start to have more time together. You may start to know each other better. You should pray on your future married life. You need to have a committed friendship to each other that can lay foundation to the next level.

Nothing unusual though. No need to give and take empty promises yet. But invest
quality time in each other’s lives. You have to saw a seed of love that will grow tomorrow.

In case of fire know your exits. It cannot get simpler than this. Don’t put yourself in to a situation that there is no way out. You may lose some points but it is ok. You may feel disappointed in the end that is life all about. But do not lean on someone and do not allow others to lean on you. Give because you love not because you can give. And be ready to receive in return – from the Lord.

Love is the fuel for any kind of Relationship

Love is a gift from God. Sometimes it has to be earned. Sometimes it has to be learned. Sometimes it has to be shared. Love has a tremendous amount of positive energy. You can take this gift and use it as you want.

Love is a temporary delegated power from God to you like money or authority. But love is invisible and doesn’t take any form by itself. It is us who will decide how to use it. It needs a great deal of responsibility. If you don’t know how to use it, you might end up losing it at all and cause a lot of damage to your relationship.

Some knowingly or unknowingly take and change it to another state of energy sometimes negative to the existence of humans. If you take love and put something like disappointment it becomes completely negative. It will become anger. Anger has the same energy as love but this one has a negative influence on us. So love is wonderful but it is also dangerous if we don’t know what we are doing. The negative aspect of love (energy from anger and hate) is one of the most destructive powerful weapon on earth like nuclear energy.

You can take nuclear energy and use it to produce tremendous amount of electricity. You can convert it to produce mechanical energy and so forth. On the contrary you can also use it to destroy. So it all lies in our motive and that is why life is never about what or when or where. It is all about our motive. It is in our wiling power to deal with something. It lies in making our own choices.

Love is great and wonderful if you take it wisely and seriously. If you see it without selfishness and hate. Why people want to use their power to destroy other people? Because it is all about them in the name of protection and sovereignty. If we think for others and see how we can be helpful to others, we will choose to build not to destroy.

We all had the chance to use love, this tremendous amount of energy, to help others. We all need to see if we can convert it in to unselfish desire that is to serve. A love that doesn’t want to serve, to give and to humble itself unconditionally is not love at all.

How can we learn to relate. Despite the fact that words are subject
to interpretation?  How to care and listen to somebody’s feelings?  How to able to communicate?  What is friendship?  Where and how to start to relate to someone?  How to be there together?  

How to see yourself in somebody and them in yourself?  How does one know the nature and level of relationship with somebody?  Some relationships go smoothly while others get somewhere and suffer. Is there something like unselfish love in us? If so how do we have one and give one?  How to avoid madness in a relationship?  How to respect one another?  How to learn humility and self-control in a relationship?  Feelings are deceptive. But how? What could be the challenges in relationships?  

We can talk a lot almost about everything. Family and living together. When is the best time to have children?  When to start living together?  When to get married?  When to get engaged?  When to start living together?  How much we should spend for a wedding?  Is it really necessary to have a wedding at all?  Where to live happily ever after being married?  Whether family will live with us after getting married?  

But there won’t be enough time to exhaustively discuss everything at once. But as most of us will do, you will be able to learn and acquire more wisdom when you make your steps align with the will of God. 

I would like to finalize this article by asking one last important question. Can love be bought? I mean if you think you just did, you bought the wrong item. Love is innocently free for those who seek it with all their hearts. Why is there so much misery in the world today? It is due the fact that we don't know who to use this amazing gift from God, Love.

In conclusion, love is a great weapon in the hands of a person who has it. We need to know how to handle it and taking a good care of it. Love comes in many forms to us but still there is one true love. Only God is our true love. But he wants to teach us about love in many ways. As he is trying to speak to us one way or the other. Love is not superficial. Something that you just show-off. Learn from the originator and creator of love. He doesn’t force us to believe in him.

He doesn’t prepare a public demonstration on any issues regarding love. He is there still thinking how he can display his true nature according to our understanding. 

Praise the name of the Lord. He is worth of our praise. The Lamb of God deserve worship. He has taken our inequities. He has washed away our transgressions. Bless his name o his saints. We love and honor your name forever.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 19, 2014     | 4,636 Views    |    1 Comments


The Lord is in the process of making the best out of our lives as if you make wine out of grape. He is allowing us to pass through a very hard time now but in the end everything will be nice. He kept our spirit to be fermented and rebuilding us every day for us to smell good and to produce something that smells good that will change people lives. But still some of us or not ready yet. He made our lives to be a grape as he made many with his beautiful hands.

But one thing I know, he doesn’t want us to be revealed just as grape. He wants to make us in to wine. He put us in to one of his pots and we want to be there until he is finished. In the end I know we will be as sweet as the finest wine in the whole world. This idea goes with also the idea of purifying a gold.

Whenever we are passing through in life, we are being purified to be precious to the Lord. I believe there is always God’s way of things which is always different than us.

Isaiah 55:8

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

When God wants to prepare us for greater battles, he will put us in a training mode for quite some time. He knows it takes time and training to put faith and courage in to our soul. For instance, God had to personally train and build the inner potentials of David long before he met Goliath.

Most of the time we are refined when we pass through unbearable situation and circumstances but through God who gives grace for the humble, he helps us make it through to go through such hard times.

Yet we might ask the Lord why are we going through tough times, the answer always lies in the process of making us warriors for the kingdom of God. Remember God makes mighty warriors out of babies who used to drink milk like us.

God has most importantly changed the way we look in to ourselves. He changes the image we have for ourselves so that we should know we are lion cabs and not a chicken. That is very important since the world is going to scare and intimidate us to make us kneel down under sin.

This is the time we need to look deep in to ourselves and tell them that we are indeed the children of God (who is the father of Jesus). Jesus Christ is the Lion of Judah. Nobody can scare us any more since we know who we are and what we are in Christ.

The Lord gives us dreams and aspirations instead of confusion and frustration. Our dream is that one day all the scattered families of the Lord come to worship the Lord. We have a promise and a dream that we will see the Lord punished our enemies in front of our eyes who took what is ours by force. We have a dream that everyone will come to understand the love of God in Christ Jesus.

We have a dream that whoever seeks diligently the face of the Lord will find it. We have a dream that our sickness of the soul gets healed by the blood of Jesus. We have a dream that one day our family will enter to his congregation with praise. It is all a matter of time before these dreams comes to reality for God eternal blessing in Christ Jesus is always with s.

1 Peter 5:9

Resist him (the devil) and be firm in the faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kinds of suffering.

James 1:12

Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him.

2 Timothy 4:8

Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day--and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

James 1:2

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many

Hebrews 12:6 

For whom the Lord loves he chastens, and whips every son whom he receives.

The other important thing about this process is the Lord will put Passion and Zeal for him in our hearts.

The devil took everything he thinks is passion in you. He has done this because he knows without passion life is doomed. Passion for the life that we are living. Whatever it is we do, we need it. Even evil things in this world has passion to destroy our passion. What is passion?

Passion is that thing that will drive you to do what you need to do for the day. Passion is all you need to accomplish your purpose. Now passion doesn't come easily to you. It needs your full energy and full focus to the things you need to do in life.

Why do we need passion in our lives? Jesus wanted to wake up early in the morning to pray to his father because he needed to accomplish his dreams. Until you finally determine what is it you need to do in your life, you won’t have passion. I mean the real God given purpose. What does he want you to do. All of our lives, we might do one thing after the other but still we may not have found definite purpose.

In our physical (earthly) purpose, we might need to be a doctor or an engineer etc... We are here at this very instance of our lives trying to figure out what is what. And how should we live the rest of our lives. We need to know that we should live in the right ways to please his soul not ours. 

We should know that we have to be sanctified daily by the blood of Jesus. We have to know that we have to fight the good fight of faith. But if we still don’t know our callings, how pity is this for you and me and for the one who created us? How convenient is this to be for the enemy?

Without knowing what exactly we need to do to destroy the fortresses of the enemy. How are we going to do fight the good fight of faith? We need to have a clear vision/target about it and a purposeful prayer and passion for the things we should do in our lives.

In my honest opinion, I believe if we open our heart and see, his purpose for our lives is not hidden from us. The bees know what they are created to do. So do the horses and the elephants or the snails. He takes some time to re-construct us. He re-create us every single day we live in to his image. Since that is all it takes to make a worrier. I believe when Adam and Eve committed the first sin, they lost this image and God is restoring that one day at a time.

In fact, it was easy for him to make my physical body. But to bring me to his eternal purpose, it took him all the days I lived in the past. Is he unable to do it once? He is God and he made all things in six days. But still there is always a problem when it comes to deal with us without forcing our will and it has to be according to our will of fulfilling his will in our lives.

I believe to restore this image back to us, we need to transform our selves/mind in to the likeness of Jesus Christ every day through the revelation of his word and by following Jesus.

Colossians 1:15  

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

That is all we have to do. Look in to Jesus and transform our selves to be like him.

Those who have achieved this had said that we should train ourselves to be like them. Therefore if they can achieve it, it is possible that we can achieve it to with the grace of God.

May God bless you for reading this blog and may the will of God be fulfilled in your live, in the name of Jesus!





... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 18, 2014     | 7,787 Views    |   

Even though our enemies are more in number than before,Even though all hopes seem to be gone and we look like helpless,

Even though the devil condemns us with more sin and when our problems increase in number,

Even though all the things that used to make us happy are no more pleasant to us,

Even though all we have worked for and all we have accumulated over the years seem to be gone,

Even though when all the trust and faithfulness we believe we have built over the years are simply shattered,

Even though the world rewards us with more disappointment and more fear instead of encouragement to do and accomplish more,

Even though when the hope we strive to see one day seems to be all gone and our dreams and aspirations are about to come to end,

Even though we stop getting results from all of our hard work and labor,

Even though we couldn’t find love and support from this world in return to our love and appreciation for others.

But there is still hope from heaven and there is still help from God. He never put us aside and in His mind we are His first priority. He never let go of our hands. He never leaves us alone. He is always near and close. He is closer than before as we want him more.

There is always peace with him that we can experience and feel.There is always pure joy that we can only enjoy when we come to his presence.And this joy is not the same joy we get from the world.

We know when we feel such joy that this is not related to any of the things we have done or we have not done in our lives.This kind of peace and joy is absolutely pure and only comes from believing in Christ Jesus.

There is great inherence in the kingdom of God and a place to be called home through Christ.God never leaves nor abandons his children in the same way a mother would never abandons her child.

There is greater return in heaven than we could possibly accumulate in the world if we sow diligently with love without seizing according to God’s word.

There is no greater love than the love of Jesus for us since he laid his life for us not only to seek a better future but also to escape from the traps of death of sin.

The Spirit of the Lord is confirming the promises of the Lord in his word for the Lord already told us that the Spirit will do so. The Spirit of the Lord, Holy Spirit, comforts us when we pass through such difficult times that are beyond our ability to withstand.

Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. - John 16:7

Though the fig tree should not blossom And there be no fruit on the vines, Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no food, Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no cattle in the stalls, Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation. -Habakkuk 3:17

Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends. -John 15:13

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. -John 14:3

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. -John 14:18

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 17, 2014     | 6,329 Views    |   

There was a time we all once went to a brink of losing hope and courage at one point of our lives in the past. May be there are some who are passing through such kind of struggle in their lives right now. It is my purpose and duty to remind you about the love of God and that his love for us is never changing. We are here to kind of encourage one another for the love of God is unfailing like the mother’s love and beyond that. You might say in your heart:

(Lamentations of our Soul )
"I come to the point where I am losing all the hope. My feet are stumbled and my body reaches to fall. I don’t know what to do next. God, you are my only hope I have got in my life. You know how I come to face unbearable challenges that I have right now. If I only know how, at least we will make sure nobody else will be ever fall in the same traps I already fall in my life.”

Yes our Lord, we don’t exactly know how we came to a point of desperation. We know a little and remember a little about the past. Our memory is short and we can’t exhaustively mention all that has happened in our lives.

Even if we do remember all that, what difference does it make now? But when we think all the sufferings we had, it could be mainly because of bad incidents we had experienced in the past.

Our Lord, it makes our heart to ache and our body to be in constant pain. We have come to know many plans of the wicked. All they want is nothing but to separate you from your holy people.

You are the most important and the only kind to us. Your relationship to us is unique. But we cannot maintain this relationship without being faithfulness to you.

We are now called children of the most high because you are faithful. Your have established an eternal covenant with your children because of what you did for us. We understand faithfulness is all about understanding your love and to live up to it.

But still we cannot reach to that level. We haven’t brought forth the fruit that you are waiting to see. We haven’t yet come out and shine with all the glory you have created for us.

We need to remember that true glory only comes from above. If we like the way people of this world honor each other, we will not see true glory. If we seek power of our own, that is false glory. So is true happiness and pleasure.

Father, we all know by fact that we need your relationship. How pleasing it is to have someone that we can talk with and feel. That is to get someone like you - someone like a human being - someone like Jesus. Yes, we need him in fullness.

We need to smell like him in all parts of our lives. It is amazing when people are jealous, they go to who they call their love. They want to make sure that they have at least one person whom they think their own. Also when they feel happy, they want to share that with the person they love.

Father-you are our only one. There is no one like you caring for us. You are our dear that we always want to see your face. Time will tell us what has happened exactly in a way you showed your face to us.

Life in its demanding form makes it very hard to seek your face constantly. We have some needs but we do believe that you are beyond all our earthly needs. We have problems in life. In fact some are serious ones. But you are beyond all of our serious problems.

Would you come one more time to us? Shall we see your face one more time? Shall we even touch your hand and weep on your feet one more time? Shall we wait for you? Will you come? Shall we see you again?

When shall we see you again? When shall we meet? We need to know the answer to all of these. We know we wouldn’t even mention this huge burden that we carry on our back when we see you.

If we only touch your holy garment, then we will be healed. If we only come to know you in person then no evil, dirty and wicked things come to play with your children.

Since you already showed merc
to one

aham’s children and bring her the miracle she waited for years, we believe you will show mercy to us also.

We believe you Jesus. We believe the answer to all of our lives questions is you. Even if God in his holy anger gave us up to our selfish desires, he has also set time to send us the healing.

He sent us his son, Jesus, the medicine that we all looking for. But that doesn’t come in vain. May the Lord teaches us how to give up the one we treasure most in our heart and follow only him!

May the Lord teach us to hold on to the truth and keep it with us all the time! You are our treasure, Lord. You are not in comparison to any of our selfish desires. A mother may give up her child for her selfish desires, but you will keep us with you till we have the last breath.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit heal our soul and fill our heart with God’s unfailing love, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

John 14:3

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.

Exodus 15:13
In your unfailing love you will lead the people you have redeemed. In your strength you will guide them to your holy dwelling.

Psalm 6:4
Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.

Psalm 13:5
But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation.

Lamentations 3:32
Though he brings grief, he will show compassion, so great is his unfailing love.

Jeremiah 31:3
The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:35
Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 16, 2014     | 4,413 Views    |    3 Comments

2. The power of the will

The devil literally asked Jesus to jump out of the temple quoting from the word of God to convince him about this insane act.As Christians we should align our will with the will of the father.He told him that it is written in the Bible that no man shall tempt the Lord our God.

Deuteronomy 6:16:You shall not put the Lord your God to the test, as you tested Him at Massah.

This is one of the principles of God that we just ignore. But the fact that we ignore his principles doesn’t mean they don’t work. Take for example the law of gravity. You can’t beat gravity. As there are natural laws, there are God’s laws that we must obey no matter what.

One of these laws is the law of submission.You cannot make God do things for you as you make your subordinates.Who are you to command your creator to do something you want and not according to his will for your life?

We all wanted to do things which are regrettable and want the Lord to be part of that. You cannot do that. God won’t allow you to do things that you will regret it latter. Or at least you will do it without his will. Cannot make him your accomplice. No! That is not possible and sane.

In this scenario, we see Jesus make a decision one more time to honor his father by submitting himself to obey the word of God and hence made the devil look bad in this situation.

As for an atheist, this is a good example also. You don’t test your God.I don’t discourage your little curiosity and disbelief. God knows how to work on that and he will meet your needs if you have true hunger and trust for who He is and not blasphemy and pride that got the devil in to a problem.

According to the Bible, Jesus met Thomas and he said:

Then He said to Thomas, "Reach here with your finger, and see My hands; and reach here your hand and put it into My side; and do not be unbelieving, but believing." Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"

That is all the Lord is saying to you today: “do not be unbelieving, but believing”.He also revealed his self to Paul and convict him of his dangerous zeal to the kingdom of God and he gave him warning and punishment.

3. Power

This is where most of us find it very difficult to keep our faith.It is always easy to please the Lord when things look empty and we feel powerless.But it takes the fear of him and wisdom to say, “You give ability and power to whomever you are pleased with. And it is not because of me but because of your generosity and grace that I am what I am today!”

Filled with gratitude and thanks giving we should reply to such form of temptation as Jesus showed us how it is done:

Go away Satan! The Scriptures say: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’” Then the devil left Jesus, and angels came to help him.

Power is the most destructive force now a days for christians especially in these last days. It is so tempting and it makes everything possible without the consent of God.What made David pass through all that punishment was his inability to use his delegated power very cautiously.

He forcefully raped someone’s wife without even being asked why? And this someone turned out to be one of his loyal soldiers who happened to be fighting for him in the battle while David was having fun with his wife. And then he used his power to murder him so brutally so that his sins won’t come to public.

The fact that many people are abandoning their faith, that fact there are so much immorality both inside and outside the church is all because of the the loss of control on power that is given to us as children of God and
he lust to have even more pow


God blessed us with so many things that we enjoy every day freely not because to cause harm to others and bring damage to the reputation of our Lord’s name among non-believers. It is only because he wanted us to take this amazing freedom and worship him and do good for the benefits of other with love. With more privileges come more responsibilities. Don’t consider yourself special since you are not better than your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Lust (Sin 1) is much easier to follow and commit when there is so much power (sin 3) on your hand especially when our own will is not according to his will (sin 2).

Jesus literally told the devil to go off reminding him that absolute power and glory belongs to God and he is not buying in to his non sense. Therefore, let us be very careful with regards to lust, will and the use of delegated power thinking that the days are short and the coming of Christ is near.

Have faith and believe in him who gave his life to you as a ransom to your sins. Someone has to die for someone to live. It is him he sacrificed for you and me.

Blessed are those who believe him without asking a proof that he even exist. Otherwise it is not faith but fact based on circumstantial evidence. Jesus doesn’t make himself a fact since fact changes over time. He said he is the TRUTH we all shall trust and believe in and the only WAY to the father and the LIFE we shall have being redeemed and set free for his glory.

When Jesus was done with his test, the angels were sent to comfort him and made him feel safe as a human being. But they were not there in the middle of the temptation. It looks like God wanted to see for himself whether we honor him with all we have or not.

But as for you and me, we have now a better chance than before not to fall in to temptations since Jesus Christ is interceding for our faith day and night. With him, we can reach to our goal. If God is with us, who can be against us.

The devil is defeated on the cross. Jesus did that for you and me. But since he knows that he has little time left, he will make things hard on us so that he might find anything that can ultimately break our relationships with God.

May God bless you for reading this blog! May the Lord gives you grace and power to withstand every attack from the enemy! May the Lord covers you with his love that makes you surrender for his will! May his abundance and blessing feels your home with peace and stability that you may withstand temptations arise from common cause and need. 

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 12, 2014     | 4,236 Views    |    2 Comments

Do you ever ask your selves what are the major causes of temptations? Do you ever wonder what brings the temptations to us? Do you think how temptations come and even why they come to us? Do you ever wanted to triumph over your temptation?

The Bible teaches us how to manage temptations on Matthew 4:4. According to the Bible Jesus was tempted by the devil three times. And he won his battles basically by sticking to the truth according to the word of God.

The Bible also teaches us as soon as he finished his battles with the devil in the wilderness, he came back mighty in the spirit full of the Spirit of God that all of his miracles and teaching was derived from.

Matthew 4: 4:The Holy Spirit led Jesus into the desert, so that the devil could test him.After Jesus had gone without eating for forty days and nights, he was very hungry.Then the devil came to him and said, “If you are God’s Son, tell these stones to turn into bread.”

Jesus answered,“The Scriptures say: ‘No one can live only on food. People need every word that God has spoken.’”Next, the devil took Jesus to the holy city and had him stand on the highest part of the temple. The devil said,“If you are God’s Son, jump off. The Scriptures say:‘God will give his angels orders about you. They will catch you in their arms, and you won’t hurt your feet on the stones.’”

Jesus answered, “The Scriptures also say, ‘don’t try to test the Lord your God!’”Finally, the devil took Jesus up on a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms on earth and their power.The devil said to him, “I will give all this to you, if you will bow down and worship me.”

Jesus answered,“Go away Satan! The Scriptures say: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve only him.’” Then the devil left Jesus, and angels came to help him.

Let us see the three main areas Jesus was tempted.

1. Flesh

Jesus was tempted with the power of the will of the flesh. Jesus knows that the flesh is weak when tempted and it always fights against the will of the Spirit. He knows that the flesh and the Spirit are in constant battle. What most of don’t know is that we need to make our flesh subdue to the Spirit all the time.

Matthew 26:41:Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Moreover, the devil knows this fact and he always uses the flesh to work against the Spirit. There are many ways to make the flesh slave of the Spirit and not vice versa.

In my experience and the experience of those righteous people who live to please the Lord, fasting with prayer and thanksgiving and intercession for others is the most powerful way to achieve this goal.

Fasting with purposeful prayer has the power to disintegrate the will of the flesh and equip our spirit with more spiritual strength than before.

Most of the time we fast and pray only when things look bad and we want to restore our relationship with God. Well that is not bad but we should always maintain our good relationship with God not only when we fall under the power of sin.

Preventing sin is much better than struggling to get out of the addiction of sin. That is only achieved through a daily engaged communication and relationship with God through prayer and reading the word of God.

You cannot live your life one day for yourself and one day for Christ. There is no timeouts in this battle we are in to. We don’t even know when the next
attack will come from the enemy.

In this section of Bible, we see that Jesus was very hungry in the flesh and he wanted to eat something.The devil offered him an advice. He said, “If you are the son of God, let’s see you change the stone in to bread”

p>He already guessed that Jesus would fall in to the sin of breaking his fasting way before it should end. Jesus knowing the will of the devil, refuted him by mentioning from the word of God.

He said, “No one can live only on food. People need every word that God has spoken.” He is talking about our spiritual hunger from the word of God through the Spirit of God which led him to fasting in the first place.

So our first defense strategy should be the principles of the Bible. And most importantly it shouldn’t be our own thought and understanding of the circumstance. And by no means do not align yourself with the will of the devil/flesh.

And how do you know the will of the flesh? Well anything contrary to the will of God is the will of the flesh. If the word of God doesn’t allow you to get drunk, don’t be. If the word of God doesn’t allow you to take the road of lust and covetous, don’t be. If the Lord doesn’t advice you to envy sinners and their work, don’t even think about them. If the word of God tells you not to spend too much time with the things of the world and be careful about what you hear and watch, don’t spend more time watching TV rather than reading the Bible or praying.

It is always clear what we should follow and what we should do if we listen to the Lord and do what he tells us to do. It is that simple. But most of the time we found ourselves flirting with sin way too much. And then we soon found ourselves under the captivity of the enemy and spend a lot of time paying the fruits of our carless act.

But the solution to all of that is to be honest with yourself and the Spirit of God. Listen to his word and escape from sin. Don’t make yourself comfortable with sin. Sin is a killer both physically and spiritually.

The devil asked him if he was the son of God. Jesus knew who he is and doesn’t need to proof himself for the devil by falling in to his trap. Don’t bother to proof who you are to the enemy. First, he knows who you are.

Second all he wants is your death so why even bother engaging in a tiresome discussion with him for a long hour. And by the way this is a good example for those who wanted God to proof himself for them so that they can believe him – I think you call them an atheist.

God doesn’t need to proof himself of the truth since he is the truth.

You don’t ask God to do what you want. He has a will like you. And the fact that he is not revealing himself to you doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist.

Please continue reading the blog part two.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 11, 2014     | 4,111 Views    |   

The effects of divorce on children

1. Children Trust is broken:

Children always carry with them a broken heart where ever they go that will affect them emotionally, psychologically, and socially, spiritually and many more. They would not be able to see the world with love as they used but with the eyes of hatred and bitterness since that is what they learn from their parents.

Most of the things we show to our children, they behave and act according to how we behave. They tend to imitate what we do in the real world.

If we are showing them to break a covenant that we make with our spouse, they tend to do the same thing unless the power of the Lord interferes in their life.

There is one basic question that all children whose parents are divorced have in common.

They always ask this question: “Why mom and dad couldn’t save the marriage at least for me?” They also ask, “Why they didn’t fight for me and save the marriage if they love me?”

These are few of the questions children with broken family relationships ask themselves and their parents? Well, if we decided to go to path of divorce, we must prepare ourselves to face the truth like this.

The issue here is trust. Children love to trust their parents. Even if you have a good reason to divorce your spouse, they couldn’t understand you until they reach to their maturity. And before they reach at the level of maturity, devil will take every chance to break them in to pieces and it is already too late by the time they reach to their maturity.

For that reason, it absolutely necessary to protect the trust our children on us since it is the most valuable asset we could possibly get from our children.

2. Sexual/Physical Abuse:

The chance of children getting sexually or physically harassed and abused by an outsider is huge compared to if the parents are not divorced at all.

This is because the chance of the children tend to respect and love their parents get very law and children would fall on the hands of the perpetrator easily.

Criminals get the opportunity to abuse children when parents are not able to easily manage and control the activities of their children.

If parents can’t manage their relationship with their spouses, it is absolutely difficult to manage their children. Therefore children fall on the hands of criminals who promise them to show love that they are deprived of from their parents.

The other thing is children get abused by their step parent while they are under one parent custody. This is again because parents occasionally rely on the step parent to do the parenting. That means you are living your son with a complete stranger who happens to be the new parent of your baby.

Sometimes you may get lucky and things will go very smoothly

But what if your child falls on the hand of very bad people.

The thing is you will never have the power to control that after you sign the paper to divorce your wife/husband.

So take a very good look at your baby before you even think about divorcing your spouse.

3. Play bad Politics:

Children will be filled with two extremely radical points of views that cannot be reconciled together. That is the views and opinions of both parents for each other after they got divorced.

Children would find it extremely difficult to even understand their parents on such matters.

Parents would simply feed children with the wrong information that is actually developed to defend themselves against any blames on their actions.

In other words, parents blame their spouses for many things that children would find it very difficult to love and respect their parents.

I would say such kind of actions taken by parents can damage the relationship between children and parents.

Therefore, such kind of allegations and comments mad

by the parents have a huge impact to make or destroy a relationship between a son a father or a daughter and a mother.

If in case we found ourselves under such circumstances, please let us not blame others for our mistakes and it won’t good any good for anybody especially for our children.

Instead let us be filled with love and forgiveness no matter what our past experience looks like and don’t not allow ourselves going through blaming our ex-spouse for the things s/he did to us decades ago since doing so won’t do any good for our children.

It is just bad politics that has a significant damage on the psychology of our children. 


In conclusion, let us always find a way to stay away from all the troubles and conflicts that could result in a separation of our family by divorce.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we obey him and fear his with all our strength and power, we will always find ourselves doing well for the sake of our family.

Next time when you even think about divorce, think about the vow you have made to your spouse as the Lord was the witness between you and your spouse. 

If you honor your word, the Lord will honor his word and bless you with long life and happy family and you will see your children grow-up in the house of God and honor his with all their heart.

If you break your word that you make to your spouse, you will find yourself short of the glory and blessing of God and your life will not be as pleasant.

So the choice is ours. As for me I would choose to honor him by keeping my word I make to my spouse to love her till death separate us!

May God bless you and may his face shine up on you and gives you abundance of grace to walk on any pitfalls you may find yourself in to in your marriage, in the name Jesus!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 10, 2014     | 4,711 Views    |    3 Comments

In my opinion divorce is the most destructive force that can scatter families like dust.I would say many wouldn’t dare to walk in that road if they can realize the worst thing that can happen to their family if they chose to divorce their spouse.

The Bible tells us that God hates divorce for the very reason that divorce causes irreversible damage to our being and the wellness of the ones we love most.Among many other reasons that divorce brings to our family I would like to mention few of the consequences of divorce.

Before that I would like you take this as my personal opinion that the Lord teaches me in this short period of my life. This is not by any means the final point where it should end. I would like to hear also your opinion so that we can grow together in the body of Jesus Christ.

It is not in my best interest to write about such delicate issue. But I found it very important to do so because I would like to share with you these points so that you might reconsider your thoughts before your reach to a decision regarding your marriage.

I would say divorce is the worst phenomenon that could happen to a human being next to abandoning faith in Jesus Christ.It is worse than the physical death itself.

It is a little lower than spiritual death since our faith in God through Christ Jesus is the best thing that could happen to a human being.

By the way, I would like to underline the fact that personally I don’t advocate or preach for families in abusive relationship to stay in that condition. This could be a relationship where one fears for his life or where the father or the mother are harassing and sexually abusing their children which is now a days not far from the truth. But be very careful not to be deceived by the devil that he will literally scares you to death and tells you absolutely wrong things and force you to flee away from your relationship.

Therefore be very confident and very sure before you take any major decision.Praying with your spouse helps a lot in cleaning the relationship that gets absolutely dusty from time to time. Praying also helps to differentiate the voice that comes to you whether it comes from the devil or the Spirit of God.

Sometimes marriage can be though and overwhelming. But it is always worth the fight to stay together as one pack as a whole family instead of everybody going his own way.When we stay together, we are not just two with our spouse, we are three since a third person, Holy Spirit, is also with us.

Here are some Scriptures in light of the above teaching:

Malachi 2:15

So guard yourselves in your spirit, and let none of you be faithless to the wife of your youth.

For I hate divorce!" says the Lord, the God of Israel. "To divorce your wife is to overwhelm her with cruelty," says the Lord of Heaven's Armies. "So guard your heart; do not be unfaithful to your wife."

“For the man who does not love his wife but divorces her, says the Lord, the God of Israel, covers his garment with violence, says the Lord of hosts. So guard yourselves in your spirit, and do not be faithless.”

Matthew 18:20

Again I say to you, that if two of you agree on earth about anything that they may ask, it shall be done for them by My Father who is in heaven. 20"For where two or three have gathered together in My name, I am there in their midst."

Ecclesiastes 4:9

Two are better than one because they have a good return for their labor. 10For if either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not another to lift him up

Deuteronomy 32:30

How could one have chased

a thousand, and two have put ten thousand to flight, unless their Rock had sold them, and the Lord had given them up?

In conclusion, let us always find a way to stay away from all the troubles and conflicts that could result in a separation of our family by divorce.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. If we obey him and fear his with all our strength and power, we will always find ourselves doing well for the sake of our family.

Next time when you even think about divorce, think about the vow you have made to your spouse as the Lord was the witness between you and your spouse. 

If you honor your word, the Lord will honor his word and bless you with long life and happy family and you will see your children grow-up in the house of God and honor his with all their heart.

If you break your word that you make to your spouse, you will find yourself short of the glory and blessing of God and your life will not be as pleasant.

So the choice is ours. As for me I would choose to honor him by keeping my word I make to my spouse to love her till death separate us!

May God bless you and may his face shine up on you and gives you abundance of grace to walk on any pitfalls you may find yourself in to in your marriage, in the name Jesus!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 9, 2014     | 4,986 Views    |    4 Comments

If you don’t expose yourself in to the teaching of Godly instructions that are based on the Bible, you will not have the ability to conceive faith on the Lord.

The last and most important thing is don’t step away from the will of God for your life because something bad has happened to you or someone you love.

The Bible doesn’t promise you that you will not be persecuted and pass though extreme hardship in this life. But it specifically instructs you and me to be faithful even up to death.

Yes bad things can happen to good people but the Lord will change everything for the better. Cannot blame everything on God. We need to take responsibility and it is not to the best of his interest that we suffered.

It is for our benefit and for the glory of God for He will revenge His enemies all at once and rescue our faith eventually. God will not allow the destruction of his children unless we are the one who are walking away from him.

Even on the worst case, He evidently follows us where ever we go and always hope to see us coming to Him with repentance. A father’s loving embrace is always there to consider as a wise person.

Jesus stretched His hand on the cross and died the death of the sinner. If He can die for you, He can forgive all of your sins. That is the definition of Love. You can’t beat that!

And they overcame him (the devil) because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even when faced with death.

But don’t be afraid, he who is with us is greater than he who is against us. Jesus is greater than all the power of the evil combined. So relax! Don’t Panic! He didn’t forget about you. But once He finished dealing with them, he will come to take you to heaven to live with him forever where there is no more sorrow or pain. All of the tears of your eyes, will be wiped away. Your fears will be terminated. Your sickness completely be healed. Your joy will be fulfilled!

"I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live, you and your descendants, by loving the Lord your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding fast to Him; for this is your life and the length of your days, that you may live in the land which the Lord swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.” -Deuteronomy 30:19

Only a fool would say,“There is no God!”People like that are worthless;they are heartless and cruel and never do right. -Psalm 14: 1

A song byNicole C Mullenresonates with the title of this blog.

Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning?
And who told the ocean you can only come this far?
And who showed the moon where to hide 'til evening?
Whose words alone can catch a falling star?
Well I know my redeemer lives
I know my redeemer lives
All of creation testify
This life within me cries
I know my redeemer lives, yeah
The very same god that spins things in orbit
Runs to the weary, the worn and the weak
And the same gentle hands that hold me when I'm broken
They conquered death to bring me victory
Now I know my redeemer lives
I know my redeemer lives
Let all creation testify (aaah)
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer, he lives
To take away my shame
And he lives forever, I'll proclaim
That the payment for my sin
Was the precious life he gave
But now he's alive and (aaah)
There's an empty grave
And I know my Redeemer (lives) he lives
I know my Redeemer lives
Let all creation testify (aah)
Let this life within me cry
I know my Redeemer, i know
(My redeemer lives) I know my redeemer lives
I know, know, know, know (my redeemer lives)
I know that I know, that I know, that I know, that I know
(I know my redeemer lives) my redeemer lives
Because he lives I can face tomorrow (he lives)
Whoo, whoo, yeah, yeah, yeah
I know, I know (he lives) he lives, he lives, yeah, yeah
I spoke with him this morning (he lives) he lives, he lives
The tomb is empty, he lives, he lives
I'm gonna tell everybody, yeah

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 8, 2014     | 3,988 Views    |   

My dear his love is still alive in me. He is something that cannot be replaced with anything. His love never changes forerver. The Bible defines my spiritual identity and who I am in Christ. It is the main channel of communication with my God and my Lord.

When I was too little to face the big world, the Bible was the only Book that gives me confidence and courage.When I was trembling out of fear whether out of sin or out of less of experience, it gives me power to rise up again and to try.

Yes now a days you may find such kind of confidence through social media channels and inspirational videos. But they will not save souls out of the mouth of the evil.When death was very near to take me down the path of darkness; When my soul was about to be destroyed by the arrogance of the wicked;When sickness took me by surprise and eat my flesh piece by piece; My dear moved from the heavens ,he restored my soul, and renewed my strength to my bones.

When my soul was soaked in the ocean of darkness and hate and betrayal, my dear gave me light and blessed my soul with the joy of the Holy Spirit.So please don’t tell me the Bible is fiction since it is not, not even close. It is the living word of God whom I believe the most.

It was there before all things were created and will be there after each one is gone. I don’t know why the godless find such a hint of lie from the devil such compelling.The devil will whisper the sound of hesitation and disbelief to us so that we should abandon our faith for good.

Why do we find the courage to believe his lies instead of the Lord’s truth? It is always his word against the Lord’s. You may be entitled to believe whatever you want in this world.But choose life, my dear. Please don’t be deceived and lead your steps to destruction. And I have a message for you if you don’t believe in the Bible.

Why do you forsake the love of God that is always ready to help you when you are in trouble?It is absolutely easy to deny him when everything is going smoothly. You may think this will continue as it is for long and you don’t have to worry about anything.

If you believe trusting God is only useful for the sake of living a good life, you are absolutely wrong.Believing in God is not only useful in this world but also for the coming world. When all the sensations and the passions to this world is gone. When all you have followed in this life is passed away. There is still hope in the Lord if you believe in Jesus.

Why do you let the Lord step away while he doesn't put himself as an option?The matter of choosing him is the choice between life and death. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of his presence in our lives.Even if many false pastors and deacons had already let me him go while they are caught up with their religious activity;Even many the so called ‘prophets’ betrayed the Lord and endangered the faith of others, this is the time we should diligently keep our faith for the time of the coming of the Lord is very near.

God has put a choice on our hand.If we believe him and follow him, we will do our selves a great fever and we will escape from the second death.If we don’t follow him, the devil will consume us like a fire and we wouldn’t able to fight back our freedom once the time is up and the gates to life are closed.

You have time today and no assurance for tomorrow . Yes, many were able to predict the future with so and so probability. But no one knows about tomorrow. Tomorrow is not ours.

Wake up from your slumbering and the Lord will shine his face on you when you come to him. Don't waste your life in vain and finish it without finding for yourself what this pure love and joy means in this life.

I beg you and plead to you, you stop being foolish and believe the creater of the heavens and earth and his son whom he has given for

the sake o
you and me. Marriage will not save. No matter how good person you are, you will not enter the kingdom of God.

Entering the kingdom of God is only given to those whose filthiness of sin is washed away by the blood of the Lamb according to Reveltions 22: 14

Reveltions 22: 14: Blessed are those who wash their robes, so that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter by the gates into the city. 

Blessed are those who believe without seeing for faith doesn’t come by seeing but by continual listening and reading from the word of God.

Psalm 91:1

Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High

will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.

I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,

my God, in whom I trust.”

Surely he will save you

from the fowler’s snare

and from the deadly pestilence.

He will cover you with his feathers,

and under his wings you will find refuge;

his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart.

You will not fear the terror of night,

nor the arrow that flies by day,

nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness,

nor the plague that destroys at midday.

A thousand may fall at your side, 

ten thousand at your right hand,

but it will not come near you.

You will only observe with your eyes

and see the punishment of the wicked.

He will call on me, and I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble,

I will deliver him and honor him.

With long life I will satisfy him

and show him my salvation.”

If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,”

and you make the Most High your dwelling,

no harm will overtake you,

no disaster will come near your tent.

For he will command his angels concerning you

to guard you in all your ways;

they will lift you up in their hands,

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

You will tread on the lion and the cobra;

you will trample the great lion and the serpent.

“Because heb loves me,” says the Lord, “I will rescue him;

I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 5, 2014     | 4,111 Views    |   

Many men and women of God in the Bible felt the feeling of anger. Mosses and Elisha are examples for this.Mosses didn’t have to break the stone tablets in which the ten commandments of God were written. He was compeled to do it when he saw the Israelites sinning and worshiping idols instead of the most fearsome God while he was away for a while to receive the 10 commandments from God. Elisha cursed those children who had called him baldy and they all died by an attack from wild animal.

And as we see on the Bible 2 Kings 5, Elisha was so much angry that he cursed Gehazi to get Naaman skin disease since Ghazi got what he wanted using Elisha’s name as a means of begging.

The causes of all these angers have a good root in the Word of God and are meant to be holy anger.

That is why the Bible tells us to be angry in fact fiercely angry burning for the righteousness of God and his holy temple. Jesus was angry when he saw those people doing business in God’s temple. He became so angry that he forcefully made everyoneto leave who was doing business and threw away anything out that shouldn’t belong inside God’s house.

All of these instances show holy anger and there is nothing wrong to be angry. What makes it wrong is the wrong decision we take after we become angry. Those unwholesome things we say and we do. Those terrible things we do onto others without the consent of God.Those extremely unnecessary things we lean our heart in to out of frustration and desperation.

It is true that we will force to do these things unless we take self-control and come to our real selves.This doesn’t mean that we should get angry for every little things we experience every day.

This doesn’t mean that we need to be hot and defensive and unkind to others when they offend us a little bit. The things we do and we think should be meant for the benefit of others and not for us.

What we do should be to please God and not our selves. Our God is able to analyze and finally judge our motives for anger and our actions we take against that.

When Paul summarize everything in one verse, he said

Ephesians 4:26 -Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath

This means that we shouldn’t let the devil take advantage of the situation that we are angry on loved once. He knows how to snatch them and that is when you are very angry and do something really unnecessary to do or say something that will really break their heart.

Hence they may think what you say is true and that they have no favor in your eyes. They may feel unloved and they may think you as inconsiderate and selfish person who cannot understand other people who make contributions to a common good.

So it is ok to get angry once in a while depending on the importance of the matter and become hot and passionate about things that is of the kingdom of God.

But it is not on our favor when we stay angry for a long time that others may think they are not loved and cared for when they needed it most.

We are living in a very dynamic world where things don’t stay the same the way we expect them to be.

Children grow very fast and as parents we have to adopt ourselves to that.

Wife or husbands may have gone through serious physiological, psychological and spiritual changes and we need to be always there for them no matter what changes they are going through.

These are verses in the Bible that we should learn from and change from our way of getting angry:

Ephesians 4:31-Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:

Colossians 3:8-But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communic

tion out of your mouth.

Colossians 3:21 - Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 2, 2014     | 5,258 Views    |   

In ths life, we may not have seen any other form of feelings and state of mind that weakens the immunity to sin other than this wild, ablazing, agitating kind of feeling known as anger.It causes too much problem for a christian who is separated to live a life of righteousness in Christ. Most of the sins that christians commit are related one way or another to anger. I cannot recall any of the transgressions I have made without feeling anger in me.

The big question is why do we still feel angry after receiving all of the blessings of Love of God gave it to us through Christ? God gave us a beautiful gift that is more precious than anything in life. He gave us his son’s life.

So much anger needs so much work. Anger needs conversion as in energy transformation in to some other form of energy that is useful for us.Anger seems to have more controlling power than anything in people lives even adultery or any other sin.God gave the most precious gift who is Jesus who is full of love and compassion. After all of that, still we can feel inside a burning flame of anger.

This doesn’t mean we are hateful to any body. No... at least for a while..Of course we do love our brothers and sisters as our own flesh and blood. We know we have no problem with that. But this anger we have can go after and destroy everything we did and possibly what we will do in the future. Is it possible to get over with it once and for all?

Before answering that let’s ask our selves why are we even angry in the first place? I believe we are angry for everything and every wrong thing that has happened in our lives. I don’t know if it is because of our bad friends, family members or us or God. But we will feel this strong desire to destroy everything we build and if we do not deal with our anger quickly, things would and could happen in our lives that we will regreat latter.

Anger is a very distracive attitude we have and it is very dangerous if it is not dealt with in its earliest stages. Major failures we have in our lives are one of the reasons we feel angry inside.Well I guess there is no one who lives to this day without experiencing a great failure. We all have failed one way or another at some point of our lives and we will continue to fail. It is all natural.

It is also possisble that someone has caused us a lot of grief that we have to pay someones wrong actions by living a sorrowful life the rest of our lives. This is also one way of living unhappy life that could have a huge impact in our lives.

Do you know that if anger is converted to hate then it will be equivaliet to murder? Now we may feel we are not murderers at all and we will never be one. How can anybody expect us to be a murderer? Right? Well it could be wrong.. kind of.. why? Because the word of God specifically teaches us that if any body for what so ever reason hates his brother, he is a murderer already.

It always amazes me the deapth of the wisdom of God that is preseneted in the word of God.

1 John 3:15 -Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal lives residing in him.

The word of God is telling us that murder or any other sin is conceived and executed in the heart first. Then the acutal implementation will take place lattter. So when a person is filled with bitterness and anger, there is a good chance that it will take a higher form of sin called hate which is equvalent to death. So why do we even bother to go that path - the path to destruction?

You may say, “… but where shall I put this anger that has come to me for the reason of so many disappointments and failures. What can I do with it?”

We also know that it is going to hurt somebody if it gets a little time. So we have to remove it as soon as possible where ever possible in to deserted and isolated area where no body gets hurt.

p>Well according to the enemy’s persecution statements, we have been accused of adulatary, disrespecting God’s name among the non-belivers. He already accused us of abusing the gifts we get from the Lord- abusing of energy, abusing of time, abusing of many wonderful opportunities, abusing of money.

Most of all he has accused us of not respecting the Almighty and not to fear him accoridningly. He accused us of unfaithfullness -  in all of these things I mentioned above. 

And it comes to God’s attention that we did all of this sinful things – sexual immoralities – and may be God literally starts to take some actions on us. It could be manifested with so much barreness lateley all because he abandoned us. So much disgrace so much failures and so much sorrow because of these. For this reason we might feel more angry once more again.

Most of all, this process continues and it doesn’t look like it has an end as more anger causing factors are introduced in to our lives together with the previous ones. 

Even we will be the most successful person in the world, but we still be angry. Even every gate of evil doors are broken, but we still be angry. Something our anger has no end like the ocean.

It is like a thirst that never gets satisfed. Like a great fire that ablazes more when you add little water on it. May be it will never end till he comes. Only Jesus can take all of that hurt and take away all the bitterness. Only he can wash away the wounds with his wounds and the pain with his pain.

That is why his flesh was broken and his blood was drained from him drop by drop in the cross so that we may be forgiven  out of our infirmites bit by bit and little by little. The blood of Jesus is still fresh not only to cleanses us from the guilt of sin but also takes away the pain and misery we have been dealing with all the days of our lives.

All it takes is a little bit of trust and the leap of faith. 

We have also mentioned the issue of energy conversion to change the anger in to some form of good work. It could be helping the needy or do other good samaritan work. With a great level of obedience, I am confident that the Lord will make every bad thing that is already happened in our lives change to a good thing. For many, now is the time to celebrate and enjoy the moment while we feel sorrow. But things will change and we will feel happy and joyful like them because we already fix our eyes on the Lord.

It is a good thing to see both the evil and the good as one is defined in relation to the other. Devil is a very smart one. He has caused all the problems and still he is the one accusing us of doing the bad thing. We are tested like gold is tested with fire but if we do our job faithfully with all our heart, temptaion will set apart from us. We will build our nestes on the cliefs of  the highest mountains where no evil can touch us or our familes, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Related scriptures in the Bible..

Romans 2:8- He looked around at them in anger and, deeply distressed at their stubborn hearts, said to the man, "Stretch out your hand." He stretched it out, and his hand was completely restored. 

1 Corinthians 13:5- But for those who are self-seeking and who reject the truth and follow evil, there will be wrath and anger

2 Corinthians 12:20  - Love... It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs

Ephesians 4:26 - For I am afraid that when I come I may not find you as I want you to be, and you may not find me as you want me to be. I fear that there may be quarreling, jealousy, outbursts of anger, factions, slander, gossip, arrogance and disorder

Ephesians 4:31- "In your anger do

ot sin" [ Psalm 4:4] : Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry. 

Colossians 3:8 - Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice

1 Timothy 2:8 - But now you must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language from your lips

Hebrews 3:11 - I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing

Psalm 95:7-11 - So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.'

Hebrews 4:3 - Now we who have believed enter that rest, just as God has said, "So I declared on oath in my anger, 'They shall never enter my rest.' "  

Hebrews 11:27 - By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king's anger; he persevered because he saw him who is invisible 

James 1:20 - For man's anger does not bring about the righteous lives that God desires.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Sep. 1, 2014     | 5,671 Views    |   

Passion is the motivation and energy that drives you to something you want to do in life. It is also the enthusiasm that makes your life easy to live together with other people. Your spouse is the next good thing that is given to you after you have born again. Jesus Christ is the greatest gift that is given and will be given to mankind. How passionate are you for your spouse?

Your spouse is not only your delight and joy in Christ but also s/he is the passion of your life to do anything. S/he is there for you to motivate you to do what you are called to do in life. When your wife or husband dreams big things, don’t get surprised because that is what they are created for.

That is how they are designed to meet and fulfill you. That is how they inspire and make you do more things that you never thought you will do. The other part of this is not a good story. When woman/man instigate his/her spouse to do something bad, s/he will do something that s/he never thought she would do it.

The story in the Bible illustrates this idea in a clear manner.We see in the Bible that a woman called Jezebel plotted the murder of an innocent person, Naboth, by deceiving her husband, Ahab, into the manners of her evils. The Bible teaches us a great lesson here that there was never anyone like Ahab, who sold himself to do evil in the eyes of the Lord, urged on by Jezebel his wife. Please read the full story in the Bible at 1 Kings 21

So it is more dangerous if we look at the negative side of it. But as Christians we have to resist all the temptation of the devil and focus on the positive part all the time. So be wise when you allow your spouse to guide you. Do not allow his/her emotions take control of your destiny.

Feelings are for a while but the truth will remain for eternity. That is how s/he is motivating you to do your job that will make it a lot easier. But how are you motivated yourself to see her/him every day by your side. Your passion towards her/him shows your love in everything you do to her/him . Yes, s/he is the sparkles of your eyes and the love of your life. So every time you see her/him, look in to her/his eyes tell her/him you really love her/him no matter what.

Passion is not something you will get simply by default. You have to work around and take some steps to be passionate. The passion you have for your spouse is that you may please your spouse in everything s/he needs support from you.

Sometimes this is not easy to do. But if you have to keep your family with you, you have to pay some sacrifices. Always even the worst thing that could happen to your family, it would be easily avoided by being the one who gives the most to the marriage for its happiness. Without sacrifices here and there, there won’t be extended happiness and joy in the house. Be the one who will always take offences and disappointments in case there appears to be one, not the one who creates them.

May God bless you for keeping your part of the covenant of your marriage! May god bless your marriage and family in Jesus name! Amen!

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        Tewodros    |    Aug. 29, 2014     | 4,160 Views    |   

Sometimes we may ask ourselves questions like “are conflicts in marriage normal? Are conflicts an indication that we don’t love our spouses? Is it better to say few words than to speak many? Why when we speak a lot of words do we find ourselves in conflict with others?”

Conflicts with our spouses with no question can mess up our day. Conflicts can happen if we fail to make our spirit in alignment with others. If you are not one in the spirit by praying, there will be a lot of conflicts during the day.

But then that is not the end the world. We can always solve our conflicts if we are willing to deal with them with the right attitude. It is never late to be humble and ask for an apologies that could possibly fix what went wrong.

You need to see for yourself if that works. Ask different questions and explain what you are really trying to speak. Always don’t try to make a point on your own. We should make ultimate decision praying together to God. You don’t have to explain every little detail of the process of your decision. That will make you free from a lot of problems.

In these last days, we have to walk with wisdom. Wisdom is not wickedness. Wisdom is the truth and the way of life. Therefore let us not hurt our relationship by taking the wrong decision. Always consult with the Spirit of Jesus, the wisdom of God, Holy Spirit and he will guide you the path to peace and rest.

For instance, your wife/husband may see something unfinished that you have started and s/he may not like it at all. And s/he might pressure you to stop it. But it is your beautiful gift to him/her and you don’t want to stop. So in that case you kind of hide what is for him/her just for the time being.

A good example is when Abraham was asked to submit his son as a sacrifice to God he didn’t consult with flesh and blood. He decided to do it and that was considered as righteousness.

When God asks you to do something important, do not consult with flesh and blood. You have to do it immediately and you and your family will be blessed for generations. On the other hand, when you speak every little bit of actions you take, there might be a disagreement between you and your spouse and latter you will not able to complete the task.

It is much better to take individual responsibilities and come to a common decision when it is time and very important to do so. This is not to throw away the importance of communication. Remember talking always has its pros and cons. 

The advantage is it actually put your spouse in the place where he/she can involve in every decision making of your marriage. Hence, it is much better to fight in the right way about an issue before it is too late to act. But then the disadvantage is you cannot possible agree on every aspect of the matter and disagreement leads to fight and fight will lead to misunderstanding of words which turn to quarrel and then you will make a lot of mess as they say, "speak when you angry and you will speak the best speech you will ever regret."

Respect the covenant that you are in. Help and be there for those who desperately seek your help. Consider yourself in their shoes and walk with humbleness of the heart. Do not assume yourself more than who you are. You have been privileged and given every opportunity to help. Don’t forget that. Even if some times people might want to take advantage of the things you have. They are not feeling well that you are what you are. 

They don’t even want to believe that God gives grace for the humble. But your main calling and the motive should be to help and to reach out to others. When you are lifted by grace, there is a good possibility of somebody getting jealous. Jealousy is a big problem when someone wants what is in you not in a positive way. 

You may envy someone in a positive way and want to change. But you may want to put him down and you want to rise. That is not a good thing. God has mentioned that we shouldn’t neglect others when they desperately need our help. 

Love and help your enemy when they are in great distress. God will answer you when you are in distress.

The life of David and other men and women of God are the best example to teach us about loving our enemy. EventThe Lord specifically instructs us to do so. That is all for our benefits. For one thing, we don’t know nothing about judgment compered to God. Secondly, you will never go wrong with love. Love eats up every work of evilness in our lives.

We need to also love, give priority and help our family first. Your first priority is your own family and then you parents. Your own families you can’t get rid of them from your life since they are your own flesh and blood. When others mock you and put you down, when only what they want is your failure, your family will always be there for you to get your back. When all you have worked for all your life be gone, they will be there with you if you treat them with love and respect as you suppose to.

Bad people attack you envying what God has done in your life. They want to reach there and don’t know what is going on behind. Only the mercy of God and the love of God can lift one up. Your friends can turn in to your worst night mare. All this because what God has done in your life. 

In conclusion, conflicts should not be taken as the worst thing that could happen in our lives. They are an indication that there is some important and urgent matter in our relationships we need to deal with love and go on with our lives. After all they could be an indication of passion, love and affection for one another but expressed in a wrong way. If words have so much power to put the light in our marriage off , then they do have the same power to put the light back on with words spoken with love, humility and patience.

There won’t be enough space on this page to exhaustively mention the importance of humility instead of pride to solve conflicts but here are some related scriptures from the Bible:

Romans 12:3 - For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned. 

Matthew 23:12 - Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and whoever humbles himself will be exalted. 

Proverbs 15:33 -The fear of the Lord is instruction in wisdom, and humility comes before honor. 

Proverbs 11:2 - When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with the humble is wisdom. 

Psalm 25:9 - He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way. 

1 Peter 5:6 - Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, 

Galatians 1:16 -But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, was pleased 16to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood, 17nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went away to Arabia, and returned once more to Damascus.

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        Tewodros    |    Aug. 28, 2014     | 4,067 Views    |   

3 things in life that never come back when gone:;;

3 things in life that should never be lost:

3 things in life that are most valuable:

3 things that make a person:

3 things that can destroy a person:

3 things in life that are constant:

3 people who love you and who will never leave you alone:
- The Father
- The Son
- The Holy Spirit

I asked God for these three things:
- To bless you
- To guide you
- To ALWAYS protect you

Adopted from viber team






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        Fasika    |    Aug. 27, 2014     | 5,305 Views    |   

Family is the most important gift given to human beings next to God giving his son for the sin of the world. Staying together and making friends and families is what is in everyone’s heart. We are created to relate and to socialize.

Even God wanted out of his good will to relate with us through Christ. He created us so that he can communicate and have a relationship with. That is why he created Adam in his likeness. The term likeness would mean someone who you can relate and communicate with. We are designed and created to worship and have intimate relationship with the almighty God.

Eve was created to make Adam completed. Eve was the one Adam was looking for to communicate and live with. Before she comes he was lonely but not alone. He was with all the creature of the heavens but he didn’t find comfort from inside. God wanted a fellowship and he created Adam. Adam needs companion (helper) and God created for him Eve. Eve was his mate in everything. God didn’t want a helper. But Adam did. That is what the Bible teach us,

Genesis 1:26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

All of these things lead us in to understanding the importance of relationship especially marital relationship. But the thing is due to the nature of our heart and lack of knowledge, we tend to misuse this blessed and beautiful gift that is given to us from God. We have modified it so that it will conform our selfish desires. We get in to unnecessary form of relationship just to satisfy our selves but not thinking for others. What are you going to do with your marriage?

How are we going to treat the gift that God has given us? How are we going to treat the gift of God that is our marriage? We are love donors and receptors in terms of the nature of relationship we have with our wife/husband.

Woman/Men has to give themselves for their husband/wife completely. Woman are care/love givers to their husband and child. They need a lot of attention and protection from their man. You shouldn’t be amazed if your wife expects something from you.

The woman expects something from her husband and that is care and affection. Husbands need love and respect from their wife. They need to be recognized as leaders to serve and lead their family in the right direction.

Women expect something from their man. They need husbands to take care of them that is the expression of their love for them. If we understand how these things work and apply it to our marriage then we will be successful in our marriage.

Finding the woman/man that God has prepared for us before we were born is a real deal. Is there something like, the real woman/husband? Yes. Do you believe in fate and destiny?

Do you believe in purpose rather than having just anything or anyone? God has all of this for you. He is a God who created the waters before he created the creature that lives in the waters. So he has something for you that will allow you for a proper functioning of you.

That is for you to find him and his will. But then the next important task is to find your help met. I am telling you, you will be as half successful as you will be if you don’t have the right helperthat God created for you. It is not easy as it looks like.

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper for him.Genesis 2:18

What is God’s will in finding our lives time companion and the love of our lives? What is drawing us together in forming a relationship with one another? What makess one feel bad can make one happy. But anger will cause more problems. We all do mistakes. We all offend somebody at some point. It is much bet

er if we are taking care of each other’s feelings with respect. It is not always possible to extend with love especially when we are not ok ourselves. 

If we are not praying without seizing there will be the time we make others feel bad. Prayer will make us one with God. Prayer with your husband or wife will make you one together with God. A little bit of bitterness can sour the whole relationship. We all have that little thing to be closed to outside and being very much unreachable and untouchable. 

This is when we get very much offended or a little bit touched. When you are in love, you expect a lot from the one you are in love with. You don’t mind others just ignore you or become careless. But you don’t expect these things from someone who is your special. 

When thigs like this happen, why don’t we try to communicate and solve the issue before they really hurt us? They say men don’t just talk about it. That is the nature of men. That is how they have been designed. If men can really talk their issue when there is a problem, then things can be much easier. That is why we have to be always open to solve what is baffling us before it is too late.

In conclusion, if the purpose of our marriage is to serve the Lord with all the strength we got, then we are on the right path. Don’t waste all your energy on something that is not worth of all your efforts. This doesn’t mean scientists and physicians are out of the plan of God. We all are created to be talented with something. 

Most importantly passion is all we need to become the person God created us to be. The purpose of marriage has to be seen in light of are we going to exalt God and make him known to generations? Or are we going to simply live life for ourselves and not even care for the house of God. When God gives you a family of your own, he needs you also to build other broken families.

When God bless you with children of your own, he needs you to educate and raise other children to maturity with the wisdom that comes with your family. God wanted us to continue educating our family as well as others.

The wisdom that comes with the Spirit of the Lord in actually living the life he wanted us to live, will make us understand his will in life. Then through this medium of communication, we will be able to tell his wonders from generation to generation and his mercy and kindness from everlasting to everlasting.

Praise God for giving us such wonderful gift with huge responsibilty. Please give us wisdom to understand and utilize the purpose of our marriage and as how to handle our relationship for the sake of your glory in Jesus Name!

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 26, 2014     | 5,617 Views    |   

Trust is one of the most important issue in any kind of relationship. There is of course a good relationship between love and trust. You don’t trust no one unless you fall in love. Trust is the key when it comes to establishing a strong relationship with your spouse.

If you do not trust her or him, the love you have will be questioned. In fact the greatest treasure one can have next to love is trustworthiness. Are you trusted in the heart of your spouse? Is your spouse trusted in your heart? These are the questions you need to answer before you even think about forming long time relationships.

You may like your friend but if you don’t trust him/her, it is not complete love. When you completely fall in love, you will surrender your self as a gift for one another. Now the very basic thing that temptation will bring upon you is the same thing you have trusted.

Temptation is a questioning thought on the trust you have for one another with question like, “Would she do that if she really loves you?” or “Why would he do that if he cares for you?” If you agree to such kind of temptation that put your trust in bad state, then you will have difficulty to continue in the relationship. There will always be a time where you would feel neglected and rejected and unloved and untrusted in any kind of relationship with others.

What is the difference between love and trust? So when you take a good care of your spouse by being nice to her/him doing what he/she likes the most is love. Trust is the part that continues when love seems to stop. If you answer to your bad thoughts about the doubts and negative feelings, that is love and it takes your true love to trust him/her. So what is the medicine for all the discomfort? You see life is too short to spend all of your time trying to figure out what makes him or her not trustworthy.

There is nothing so devastating that put unbelief and a sense of untrustworthiness in the heart of your wife or husband than disbelief. If you spell out for your spouse that she/he is not trustworthy, then that by itself has the potential to force her/him to be one. Sometimes what makes her/him faithful to you is the level of trust you are building in your spouse’s life. Therefore do not underestimate the power of trust.

Even when things look like a little fishy and they don’t even make sense; when you feel discomfort and something overpowers you just to put away all the trust; please don’t go to that road and bother your marriage potentially with the ideas of the wicked.

But all of these don’t contradict the fact that you need to be aware of everything that is going on around your family and always pray for your spouse for things bothering him/her. The same way devil comes to you to deceive and to steal and to take away, it will come to other members of the family also.

Therefore as a person who has full authority given by God on the issues of the house, every responsibility to protect and guard the family with prayer is on you. So when the time comes that you feel something going on, it is time to kneel down and pray.

Trust has to be there in your relationship especially in marriage. If you already make a promise that you will always love and trust your spouse, please fulfill this promise by doing so.

Most of all we want to be pure and clean in the eyes of God and not men. We want to glorify his name. Marriage doesn’t start at the time of wedding. Marriage starts when two people man and woman, fall in love and make a covenant with God to be one.

God makes the two one by blessing their relationship and their house. If God is not with them that is the beginning and the end of it. Not the sound of thousands of people shouting at the wedding makes one wedding a marriage.

Not even the pastor or the quire makes it true if the Spirit of the Lord is not in that place. But when the Lord blessed your marriage, no evil force

as the power to stand your marriage.

In conclusion, let us be faithful to our God by trusting our spouse and by becoming trustworthy for them. 

Marriage is a wonderful gift from God. Therefore let us be thankful and preserve it with all the expense and sacrifices so that we shall be rewarded at the end. God is the creator and the judge of our marriage that He will not only support us in times of trouble but also ask us what we did with our marriage at the end. May God bless you for reading this blog! 

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. -1 Corinthians 13:4-7

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. - Proverbs 18:22 

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, - Ephesians 5:25-33 

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 25, 2014     | 5,350 Views    |   

The battle of sin takes a great place in a believer’s life. A struggle whether to please us or to please him who had lost everything for us to save us. At times when all we want to do is to sin, there is inner voice calling us to withdraw from taking action and give up into sin.

Temptation to sin is never easy to defeat. We will never calm down our desire to sin by ourselves unless someone intervene for us. Whether we cave in to sin or withdraw from it all requires a constant battle with sin with God by our side. If we develop a channel of communication with God through his Spirit, then winning our battle with sin is as easy as going to sleep or praying a simple prayer.

In this life where there is a good chance we could end up doing wicked things instead of doing the right thing. Education on the word of God plays a vital role in avoiding the bad things happening in our lives.

When God sacrificed his son on a cross, he intended we all could have a better life and better future that no spirit of darkness has no more power over us.

What has given us through Christ is something we can enjoy and safeguard ourselves from the temptation of sin. Before we were saved and found, sin has greater influence on us. We are dragged into all manner of wickedness and we found ourselves as an accomplice with devil’s schemes and plans to destroy and to kill. After we are saved, sin is powerless except the sin of personal will. There is a decree from God making sure that we are not tempted more than what we can bear.


No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. - 1 Corinthians 10:13

When a believer falls in to the traps of the devil, either he is doing sin willingly or he is taking God’s word lightly with him that will protect him against any instrument of the wicked.

Temptation also comes to us because there is something in us that should be cleaned out. It could be self confidence that is deactivating the grace of God in our lives. We are what we are by the grace of God and not by our long time experience or knowledge or strength. And if we are relying in our selves more than we can rely on the mercy of God for our lives, that is more dangerous than being unbeliever. 

The lesson that comes with temptation is able to rebuild us and make us a new person who is humble enough to surrender our lives to Christ and has compassion for others who are passing in similar situation.

At times we may also be led in to temptation for a reason. The Bible tells us that Job was tempted since God has put a bet on him that he will stand till the end. This kind of temptation is designed to shame the enemy and bring glory to God. It will also bring lots of blessings and joy to us since we were tempted but passed all of it with God by our side.

People one way or the other due to the nature of their heart’s desire fall in to different kinds of temptation. But most of them comes from the desire to be rich quickly without following the will of God for their lives. The love of money is the root of all evils and temptations. When we no more follow the will of the father and follow money after money, surely we will follow in to the traps of the devil.

One cannot follow money (the desire to be rich without limit) and the Lord (the desire to love him and serve him at all expenses) at the same time. One has to leave a way for the other. In this world, we have limited resource including time. Even though we have to work to earn a living which is completely biblical, we have to decide whom to follow.

If we have a zeal to serve Jesus with all we have, we will always have time to be with him and worship him. If we have a zeal to get rich with all we have, we won’t have time for the Lord and all we are thinking is how to earn more money. The love of money more than the love of God or the desire to be rich more than the desire to serve God is the root of all destructions.

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. -1 Timothy 6:9

For all of the reasons we shall be tempted, we have to know that everything has a reason and it is all good for those who are called according to God’s will that everything will change for the benefit of God’s children.

In conclusion let’s always pray that we shall not led in to temptation that is beyond our capacity to pass it.

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 22, 2014     | 4,895 Views    |   

There is only one way out of sexual immorality that is to flee away from it.You don’t have to feel bold and courageous and play with it. The more you stay with the more it will crush you to death. It is almost impossible to be in the same room with adulatory and get away the same as it is impossible to see God and to remain the same. Anyone who plays with anaconda is almost impossible to win the fight if it is huge enough to swallow us alive. Satan is expressed like spiritual anaconda. He can swallow alive. The only reason you are still alive is because he spit you out because of the Lord.

The more you fight with anaconda the more it becomes strong and the muscles become fierce. The best thing you can do to save yourself is to run away from it as far as you can leaving everything behind. Just run! You don’t have to engage a fight with anaconda. The idea is you don’t come out from sexual immorality test pure if you don’t decide to run from it as the devil has so many years of experience to devour your purity in the Lord. He can crush your spiritual being to death and your bones to pieces if you plan to stay a while and just have fun.

It is also the same as playing with fire. Playing with any form of sexual sin leaves you with a scar that you will remember the rest of your life. Only the wise will fear the Lord and escape from the threat that lies ahead. Fools go ahead and hurt themselves ignoring all of the warnings and advices that the Lord is giving them for their own benefits.

One day, Joseph went to Potiphar’s house to do his work, and none of the other servants were there. Potiphar’s wife grabbed hold of his coat and said, “Make love to me!” Joseph ran out of the house, leaving her hanging onto his coat. -Genesis 39:11

When sexual sin grabs you by your hand, please leave everything behind and run.That is what Joseph taught us from his life. You don’t negotiate with sin.

You don’t feel pity for sin. You don’t cuddle and play with sin like you play with a pet or your children.You just run like crazy and by doing that consider you do yourself a great favor.Consider that you just save a lot of trouble and a lot of grief for you and for your family. If you do that, consider yourself you make your father proud and your mother happy.Most of all consider yourself honoring the name of the father no matter what the situation looks like.

What amazes me most is that God never interfere to stop you from committing your sexual immorality.Many has lost the way expecting that God will do a miracle to prevent them from doing adulatory.God will never do that because he wants to know you love him with all your heart.

He will rebuke you and convict you of your inclination of your heart so that you may withhold from sin in time but he will never send an Angel to rescue you from your sins.

If God can do that, he could have saved David his son according to his own heart.We all know that God loved David but when David was in the most dangerous time when he was tested by adulatory, God had to see for himself and found out that either he will honor him or fall in to sexual sin.

When David asked his servants for her, it was clear that he will commit sin with her.Whether to win sin or to get defeated by sin, the first concession we have and the first word we speak to ourselves in response to the temptation is very important.

The right thing to do when we are presented about sexual sin is not to compromise because we see many men of God in the Bible get defeated when they play with sexual sin.

But those who have already fallen paid a great price that is almost negligible when it compares to the pleasure they found out of the sin. We see that they all regret it and with lots of lots of cries they only found back the route to life.

p>God bless you for reading about sexual sin and how to get over it. May the Lord lead us to the life full of happiness and joy by showing us how to stay out of the sin of sexual immorality. AMEN.

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 21, 2014     | 5,849 Views    |   

People bind themselves in to all manner of sexual impurity now and then due to many reason. For one thing they face serious issues in their lives and they cannot control themselves no more and they found themselves under the darkness of sin now and then.

They also experience sin for a long time so that they become addicted to it and they have no more the resistance to say no to it. Their spirit become so week that they lose many battles when it comes to withholding themselves always from sin. Sin, especially sexual sin, is not something one can easily get in and get out of it without paying some penalty.

Sexual immorality doesn’t usually occur overnight. First the devil weakens our spiritual awareness and the resistance to sin that is the Spirit of God in us.

Bitterness and anger have a good chance of breaking this guard against it. If one is no more walk in love, he/she has no more protection against sin that is basically the hand of God. That is because love is the dwelling place for the Holy Spirit. Hate and bitterness will drive the Spirit of God out of our lives and it opens a door for the devil.

The other thing that causes sexual sin is not living according the word of God and not reading the word of God on a regular basis. Without the Bible dictating our path in life, we are like a ship with no harbor or destination. Without the Lord speaking to us and admonishing us in his word, we are like a city without a leader and without protective gates open for the enemy any time he wishes to attack us.

In addition to that, as Christian we need to have constant fellowship with the Lord through a constant prayer. Prayer doesn’t have to be formal. It is all about connecting to our father at any moment of time.

Prayer is also crucial thing to avoid any sudden attack from the enemy. A Christian without connection to the father in prayer and through the Holy Spirit in us is like a fish thrown out of water waiting to die at any moment.

The other things that drives out the Holy Spirit in us and allows the sin of immorality to kick in is pride and over confidence. Pride always brings destruction. There is nothing we should be proud of except the Lord himself. If we are over confident and deprive ourselves what is the most important thing in life that is, constant prayer and interaction with the father, we might fall in to sexual sin.

Peter was too much over confident on himself that no matter what happens, he will never betray Jesus. In addition to that he was not able to pray in the time he needed it most. That is why he was not able to pass the temptation. But since Jesus had prayed for him so that his faith might not be tested by the devil, he was not eternally destroyed for his sins.

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 20, 2014     | 6,469 Views    |   

God made us to in his own likeness and image. This necessarily doesn’t mean he has a face like us. No one has seen God to testify who he is like. Only his begotten son who is in his embrace tells us everything we should know about him. God is like a blazing fire and God is a spirit and those who worship him and want to praise him do so in the spirit.

That means he created us to be holy like him.

So in order to be fit to worship him we have to be holy like him.

This doesn’t mean that we can do it all by ourselves. There is nothing we can do by our own when it comes to the kingdom of God.

Jesus said, “Without me, you cannot do anything.”

We are called to transform our selves not to the likeness of the world, but to the image of his son Jesus Christ. He is humble and kind and always loving.

When God says something he said it because he knows how much trouble that can cause in to our lives

God has nothing to get whether we obey him or not

We are the beneficiary for the fruits of our obedience to him

Do you know families can easily get shattered and useful zeal and ambition for the Lord can easily be wasted? Do you know you may lose everything including your desire to succeed in life? Your desire to serve God, Your desire to be attached to your family, your desire to bond with others, your performance at work, you’re focus in doing things if you are in disobedience especially regarding sexual sin.

If you save yourself for your wife and don’t have sex with another person then that will bring you long life of pleasure and happiness that you would share with her. If you sin against the Lord, you will short yourself of the great glory and joy that you may find by obeying it.

The most addictive power of sexually sin comes with the fact that it has got to do with pleasure that is only for a moment but the consequences are years of agony and gnashing of tears.

Genesis 1:27

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 19, 2014     | 5,397 Views    |   

This is the time in life where we should be pure inside and outside. That we may present ourselves as pleasing sacrifice to the Lord. The world become more aggressively cruel against all forms of righteousness.

There is nothing good coming out of it these days. Wickedness is all over the place. Even if it is difficult for the flesh to depart ourselves from the way of the world and surrender ourselves to the Lord, sooner or later we have to make this important decision before we are taken away by the filthiness of the world.

The instrument they use to deprive us of our purity and righteousness in the Lord cannot be easily taken let alone for the new Christians but the strong ones in the Lord who have enough wisdom accumulated to pass the test of time.

There is nothing that the carnal mind does to help us escape from the filthiness of hte world unless it is renewed through Christ. If that was good enough, we could have easily get over from our inequities and Christ need not to die on the cross.

The carnal mind together with the flesh are against the will of God and they always fight against the will of God for our lives. Our spirit always wanted to do the right thing directed by the Holy Ghost

But our flesh is an opposite force that will be against every resistance to sin

In other words our flesh drive us in to sin against the Lord.

There are already a lot of teachings in the area of sexual purity but still many choose the path to destruction failing the purpose they all are created for.

Sexual sin is the most strong form of sin. It totally controls our behavior and way of thinking. It wastes our energy to be fruitful. It drives out the Spirit of the Lord in us very quickly than any other sin. Because it has direct control over our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Sexual sin is made by our body.

Sexual sin is the most strong form of sin. It totally controls our behavior and way of thinking. It wastes our energy to be fruitful. It drives out the Spirit of the Lord in us very quickly than any other sin. Because it has direct control over our body which is the temple of the Holy Spirt. Sexual sin is made by our body.

Romans 12:1

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God--this is your true and proper worship.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Aug. 18, 2014     | 4,365 Views    |   

How much should we believe in the Lord to bear physical fruits that God expects from us? We don’t want to be rich but mighty in richness of his abundance since we shall not want a thing dwelling in his presence. We couldn’t stand the mocking of the world saying we are lazy and fruitless.

This is a total disgrace to you Lord. Please help us for your name sake. All of our previous success was of course because of you. You have done many miracles in our lives to make who we are today. You are our potential and knowing you is the source of our strength. Please make us mighty in battle to revenge our enemies. In all of this we know that your timing is so important. You make all things beautiful in its time. Who knows our past failures and success are all a stepping stone for our future?

Therefore no matter how long it takes, we will wait for you. Whatever it takes, we will be right here waiting for you. The children of this world trade righteousness for success of this world. They are smart in achieving their heart desire even though it constantly changes leaving them with desperation and emptiness from inside. Most of all, perseverance with information is their key. They don’t take no for an answer. They will say no in a smart way. Which means they know what they want. Well, we also know what we want but the problem is we don’t want what we want. Therefore we have little desire and determination to get it. Paul said, you didn’t fight till bloodshed to withstand temptation.

May be we get disappointed trying to achieve our mission and purpose in life because of failure in the past. When the Lord gives us a mission, we better like it to accomplish it. Succeeding in our mission starts from the heart. We need to say to ourselves, “Whatever it is, I will rise up again. I don’t care what happened yesterday but I need a new begging today and it shall begin now”. You don’t give excuse for failing. Every day you are a new creature. You should forget the past and stretch for the better. Soon enough, things become different. Don’t put a smile on your face or a food on your stomach until things look like you are going in the right path.

Most of us don’t know how long it takes to be on track. The Lord doesn’t care how we fall or how many times, but he needs us to get up now every time we fall. The Lord in all of this would like to guide us and tell us what to do in every moment of our lives. It doesn’t make any sense for the world to have it all. The Lord blessed us with earthly and heavenly blessings. I know the opposition is much stronger for us who are called to live according to God’s will. But they take it so far. So far that we couldn’t bear it no more.

Here are some of the recipes of success in achieving the inner potential the Lord wants us to achieve:

1. To wake up early with a prayer and a plan in mind from the word of God. Think of something always before you do anything. Use your imagination. Imagine that…. Imagine this….. As Christain we are not allowed to cheat our friends or any body else. But we must do something with our current situation. Your true inspiration should come from the word of God. Meditate it day and night. Feel free to refer to the manual any time of the day or the night. Your true happiness is from the words of hope that is promised to us. 

2. Remind the Lord always the promises he made to you. It shows you are in expectation mode and you don’t forget it. 

3. Fear no one. Be vigilant all the time. Know what is going on around you. We even have the sixth sense, the Holy Ghost, and use it intensively. 

4. Take it easy on watching and listening unnecessary things and be a victim of it. 

5. Diligently sow by faith so that you would harvest in abundance. Every one even your friends are rewarded a prize before you. Why? Because, there is a general principle that work for everybody: Diligently sow anything possibly then, you will reap exactly the type of seed you saw multiple times. 

6. Always be in receptive mode that you may receive wisdom from the Lord. Communicate with God through the Spirit of God within you. Don’t let any hour pass by without listening to his voice.

7. You also need to start with low force in the beginning. Always what matters is the end no matter what you did at the beginning. Life exam is 30(mid)-70(final) mode. In any kind of evaluation mode or critical time try not to impress with all you have at the beginning. This is what everybody does. So if you want to win, save what you have at the end because that is the decisive moment. Save it or lose it! 

8. About what you have, your money, humility, kindness, honesty, truth, kindness, love, use them in every occasion you have. Use it or lose it! Don’t be afraid. 

9. Most importantly, prophesize on your destiny. You have the power of life and death on your mouth. Meekness is of the heart and it is for the Lord. Your action and attitude towards people is also an important instrument for success. Word of faith is what you need to speak always upon your destiny. Speak the word of God which is prosperity and wisdom on your destiny. You shall not be less than the best. We are the winners of all. We have all we need to succeed which is God almighty. We should bear fruits for this is what the Lord wants. 

If we make profits with our talents and inner potential, God will be happy with us. He would reply to us, “Well done, you humble and loyal servant! I shall delegate you over more glorious things.” You should also have great ambition for accomplishment of your future career. Be the best leading professional, pastor, teacher or anybody the Lord created you to be. Read the stories of the success of many God fearing individuals. Don’t envy the wicked. You are what you have no idea you are. Only God knows your true identity. You are the next big thing that the world hope to see for the glory of God. Praise God and glory to God in Jesus Name!

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. - Genesis 1:28

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 15, 2014     | 6,192 Views    |   

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

When we are called to the kingdom of God through Christ, we have to renew our mind and walk by faith with the principle of the new covenant that God has made with us. One of the things we have to know is that we have to love others no matter who they are.

God called us in to his embrace with only one thing in his mind. He called us to save us for our good and not for his own sake. God is not a human to be selfish. He is compassionate and loving God that he sacrificed his only son to create a path for us to come to him out of destruction and reunite with him in love.

But most of us still walk in darkness; that is without love. We mistreat those who mistreat us. We hold grudge on those who don’t like us. We don’t forgive but walk in hate. But that is not what God has called us in to. This is not his will for our lives. This is not what he sent his son to be crucified on the cross for us.

I pray that may God have mercy on our souls. Especially to those who bring the temptation. I mean how great our sins would be in front of Jesus. I would say that in all of this I have learned that nothing is too good. Nothing is comparable with God’s love.

And as for flesh and blood, I hate it. Thinking about it is death and destruction. How can you think of eating? You say for lunch we will do this and that. For our honey moon, we are going to go there and do stuff. Keep what you know for yourself. Do you have any idea the level of how open you should be? Talking about our past experience, our past even mentioning the past is a great weakness. Whoever life it is. I mean it is pain after all and it has nothing to do with the future.

Paul said it precisely:

I forget the past and only stretch towards the future to hold what the Lord has prepared for me.

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, -Philippians 3:13

If you want to talk about tomorrow, talk about hope in the Lord. If you want to talk about anything, talk about love. You will never go wrong with love. 

Once in a while we forget about your love. So much you teach us and so much you love us. How can we forget that we are forgiven?  How come we fail to express our love to others? Where does our proud come from? How is hate found in us after all God has been so merciful to us? How would God treat us from now on? 

As I have not done what I have promised to you that is to be humble and loving as little children. Please forgive me father. I couldn’t express love as the true love you have shown me. I know it is placed somewhere in me. But yet I am closed to those who need it most. I am not cold or hot. I am a Luke worm and the Lord is going to spit me out of his mouth. 

We have a promise from God to be loved unconditionally, to get support in our needs, to be honored and rewarded, to laugh with us and cry with us, to bless what we love and to curse what we hate and to be cherished for as long as we shall live.

It is not only the superficial forgiveness the Lord expect from us. He wants us to forgive from our heart and to love those who mistreat us knowingly or unknowingly. This doesn’t mean we have be always a victim of their wickedness. We have to know how to live wisely in this wicked world like a serpent and a dove and directed by the Holy Spirit all the time.


He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 1 John 4:8


But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.Matthew 6:15

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Aug. 14, 2014     | 5,304 Views    |   

Our words whether it the thoughtfulness and kindness or all form of bitterness and anger, it will build or destroy our relationship one way or the other. The gateway through our lives is our heart through our senses. It is also true that our lives is completely fall upon about what we think and experience on a daily basis.

Words alone will not produce any fruit. But words of faith backed up with constructive actions will produce good results. I would like to discuss the benefits of speaking with care that can positively affect our lives and the lives of others.

I think no one has enough wisdom to differentiate every evil thing from good but the Spirit of God in us knows everything. No one can tell the danger that is about to come except God can guide you through all of your difficulties and challenges in life.

Our words that come from our mouth are direct results of the current state of our heart. They are one of many ways to manifest our feelings to others. If they are used for the better, they can save us from a lot of things. But if we use them to degrade and devour others, there will be a bad consequence that we have to pay at a higher cost.

We may want to keep our feelings for ourselves, but sometimes the tone of our voice, intonation, the words we choose, our gesture and actions, will show that one way or the other. We know from experience that if we keep what we know to ourselves, we will escape a lot of problem.

Open your mouth and you will be in a great deal of problem. Does this mean that we need to be boring and completely external to the family and friends around us? I don’t think that is what it is meant to be said. If we are going to enjoy the good fruits that life has to offer, we must keep our mouth from saying anything wrong and negative to others.

The word of God told us that we shall eat the works of our hand and the words of our mouth. Therefore, it is very crucial to know that what we say is equally important as what we do. You are what you think and confess every day. As a man thinks it in his heart, so is he.

So watch your heart very carefully. The words that come out of your heart and the words that come in to your heart. Both have the same power either to build or destroy your relationship with others. We need to worry about what we put in to our heart because if we put garbage in there, we will speak all non-sense and unwholesome words.

If we build our inner being with the words that comes from God, we can offer words of comfort and help when it is time to do so. Hence, it is very important to watch closely what we are exposing ourselves in to on a daily basis.

May God bless you for reading this blog and may the Lord help us in investing our time on things that have a good outcome to build and lead our lives for his glory and for our benefit of us. May the Lord gives us the wisdom to speak kind words to each other and not the words of hate, intimidation and frustration, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Jeremiah 17:10“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

Proverbs 4:23Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 22:11He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Aug. 13, 2014     | 5,208 Views    |   

This is continuation from what we have stoped about how we should resolve marital conflicts.

5. Humility

There is nothing like humility that has the power to destroy every potential fire in a relationship

Humbleness is indeed a great tool to begin and end a conversation with our spouse in peace.

On the other side, if we allow ourselves to be filled with pride, we could definitely lead our marriage in to battle grounds with an outcome of defeat for us and the family in general.

Humility doesn’t mean low self-esteem. God always stands with the humble and greatly rebuke the proud. And if God is not with the proud, then the proud always loses to the humble. God loves the humble and he hates the arrogant. He gives grace for the humble and prepare a way out from all of his troubles.

6. Do not involve any one in your conflicts

Whenever you have a conflict that can easily manageable between you and your spouse, do it in private so that no one involves in the conflict. Most of the time small conflict can escalate to big problem when three or more people are involved in a marital conflict that could have been easily solved with just the husband and wife.

Marital conflicts are marital secrets that should be kept until it is too much to be handled by just the two. Holy Spirit will make you bear things that are beyond your capacity to carry.

If it is beyond that, the issue has to be brought to the attention of well spiritually matured leaders and elders in the church.

They will presumably keep your secrets with them and offer their own prayer and support.

A great manifestation and power of the Holy Ghost shall be released when we pray together as a church to eradicate a great problem in our midst.

May the Lord bless you for reading this blog! May your marriage be blessed and be a blessing for many others. May the Lord fill your house with joy and laughter! May it be the place where many children will be raised to know and fear and love the Lord from the bottom of their hearts, in the name of Jesus, Amen!

2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times in every way. The Lord be with you all.

John 16:33 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.

Isaiah 26:3 You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

1 Peter 5:7 Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

Romans 12:18 If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.

Matthew 5:9  “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

1 Peter 3:9-11 Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. For whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.

1 Peter 5:6-7 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him,because he cares for you.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Aug. 12, 2014     | 4,614 Views    |   

Conflicts are there and will always be there between you and your spouse. Conflict occurs because there are some common interests you both have and you want to do them in your own ways. Why is it we want to do that? Why can’t we reach to a common decision? It is because our knowledge of the matter is different. The way we see things is different.

And when it comes to men and women, we both have different perspective. That should not be taken as a disadvantage since we are like that by design so that our spouses see what we don’t see and we see what our spouses don't realize.

Sometimes we may also have a problem because of the violations of the basic principles we have in the beginning i.e. live to love one another and build the respect we have for each other. We all have our own selfish desires that always come in between us and our loved ones that always end up with a conflict. I am just wondering in the place where only Jesus is loved and in the home that only Jesus is the King of the home, how do conflicts happen?

One reason might be we all are focused to self-desires and self-centered ways instead of the common interest. We intend to say 'me', me and not us. What about us? In a home that self is not dead, Jesus will not appear to be seen and able to lead the house. We should submit to one another in love to be able to serve Jesus without blame. The little disappointments we have created to each other will only make the Lord, he who has given this huge responsibility to care for each other, very disappointed.

When we disappoint him, things will take another form. A man will only reap what he saw. What are you sawing today? Man always has his own ways of messing things up when everything looks wonderful. I don’t know why but that is the truth. I saw that in my life. What good is for a man to get everything but to lose his own family?

How would you like to be rich and abundant in materials of this world, but then you don’t have peace and love inside.

So it is one thing that conflicts do not occur but it is also another thing to be able to solve them before things look bad.

Let’s say you have an argument with your spouse and things get out of control and you both start to say foolish words to each other. How would you react to that?

You may say that you will no longer involve in the fight. You may also say that what was just said was completely unnecessary and unfair instead of giving word by word attack to his/her response. It is always wise not to involve in any kind of argument but to your amusement they will always find you even if you you may not want to find them.

The only way you can do well is by walking away of the situation. If you see what Jesus did when they all wanted to stone him to death, he just walked away of the situation. But how is it true that when all you want is all good and well, why someone has to think that as bad. It is one thing to expect something that it will happen and get prepared for it and it is another thing that you face it without preparation.

Here are six main points that I believe we should follow to minimize if not eradicate the conflicts in our marriages.

1. Knowing each other well:

Knowing each other weaknesses and strengths will make you solve your conflicts easily even prevent them before occurring.

Fights in conflicts occur when one just blow out intentionally or not intentionally foolish but atomic words that can penetrate into the skulls and tiny blood vessels of the body that you can even feel it when it happened.

Knowing your partner weaknesses, you may approach him with a wiser attitude and change his thought in a better way.

For example if one is not well though
ful when he addresses you in public, you may not wantto ask hi

/her his public opinion or you may not start controversial agreement with your spouse in public

If your partner has a pretty tight schedule during the weekdays, you may want to arrange a picnic during the weekend if you have time.

If you husband/wife has anger management issues and don’t know what s/he does or speak when s/he is angry, do not stand in his/her way and just make him angry by giving him more things to be angry on. If you are one of those couples who can get really angry and don’t know what to do at that time, and your spouse is the one who is angrier when you are angry, then that will make the matter even worse.

You see in a happy marriage, if you know your spouse is angry in a way that he cannot get better unless you neglect it, you need to be like an ice for his anger that will squash him down.

A man and woman getting married and living together, their home will not be a better place to live unless one simply gives a way to the other and not to get in to endless arguments and exchange bitterness and anger.

Your spouse if you know how to a handle him, is your best friend. However, you may turn him in to your worst enemy if you don’t know what are you saying when you are angry.

Anything what you say may be forgotten. But people will never forget what you make them feel because feelings are closer to us and can be easily remembered.

Well if our feelings have this much permanent memory in our lives, how much stronger are our faith in Jesus Christ.

People will never forget what you make them believe much stronger than what you make them feel. People will be convinced to do something when they are ready to believe something. If you force your spouse believe something negative about your marriage, you may force it to end. 

If you make your spouse feel negative, they may feel uncomfortable near you and negative thoughts come to them easily. So please do and say and act in a positive way that will refresh the soul of your spouse and not put him/her in a remorseful situation. 

2. Build as much trust as you can

The other most important thing in marriage is that the most valuable thing you have in your marriage next to Christ is the trust as in hope and love if not faith you have for one another. Married people may have babies or not, but trust is the one thing that brought them together. 

When she married him, she has put her trust and her life in a safe place to live with him. You may never want to break such kind of trust. Because once you lose that there is nothing that will convince your spouse to stay with you.

Would you take a risk putting your soul in a place where you feel your life will be in great jeopardy? I don’t think so. That is true even if the person you fear for your life is your own spouse. 

The bottom line is that, in any kind of relationship, trust is the key to build and maintain the relationship. In addition to that trust is also important to take the relationship to the next level.

Trust implies safety and security in the relationship.

3. Forgiveness

The other important element for building healthy relationship is forgiveness. There is no other way that nails down a conflict like forgiveness. It removes every pain and grudge we might have. It has this soothing effect when we just apply that to our wound. There are some things that only forgiveness can solve without any hustle. And it doesn’t have to come first from our spouse.

Somebody doesn’t have to apologize for us to forgive somebody. If we are waiting for someone to apologize so that we can actually forgive, we may never forgive somebody before we go to Christ.

Forgiveness comes from the inside. It has nothing to do with the world

e live in. Any Christian whose sins are forgiven by the work of Jesus, has to be able to exercise what it means to be a sinner and should start to forgive even if it hurts sometimes. It is all about who we are and what Christ has done in our lives.

The word of God insists that we should forgive others so that our sins shall be forgiven. There is no way we can receive forgiveness for our sins if we don’t forgive others 

4. Prayer

Prayer leads our lives out of destructive argument and fighting. When we ask the Lord for direction and invite him to lead our marriage, he can lead to constructive argument with prayer. He would show us the way to address our concerns without destroying the ideas of others. Through prayer we can lay out plans and procedures as to how we should solve our conflictual arguments. Through prayer we will have better understanding of what really is important and what matters most to our spouse.

Prayer should be our lives style and not something that we do once in a while. Through prayer we can listen the things that are aching the heart of our spouse. The Lord also will give us the wisdom to identify that.

Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Matthew 6:15 But if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.

Colossians 3:13 Bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.

Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

5. Humility

There is nothing like humility that has the power to destroy every potential fire in a relationship.

Humbleness is indeed a great tool to begin and end a conversation with our spouse in peace.

On the other side, if we allow ourselves to be filled with pride, we could definitely lead our marriage in to battle grounds with an outcome of defeat for us and the family in general.

Humility doesn’t mean low self-esteem. God always stands with the humble and greatly rebuke the proud. And if God is not with the proud, then the proud always loses to the humble. God loves the humble and he hates the arrogant. He gives grace for the humble and prepares a way out from all of his troubles.

6. Do not involve any one in your conflicts

Whenever you have a conflict that can easily manageable between you and your spouse, do it in private so that no one involves in the conflict. Most of the time small conflict can escalate to big problem when three or more people are involved in a marital conflict that could have been easily solved with just the husband and wife.

Marital conflicts are marital secrets that should be kept until it is too much to be handled by just the two. Holy Spirit will make you bear things that are beyond your capacity to carry.

If it is beyond that, the issue has to be brought to the attention of well spiritually matured leaders and elders in the church.

They will presumably keep your secrets with them and offer their own prayer and support.

A great manifestation and power of the Holy Ghost shall
be released when we pray together as a church to eradicate a great problem in our midst.

May the Lord bless you for reading this blog! May
our marriage be blessed and be a blessing for many others. May the Lord fill your house with joy and laughter! May it be the place where many children will be raised to know and fear and love

he Lord from the bottom of their hearts, in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times
n every way. The Lord be with you all. -2 Thessalonians 3:16 

I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.- Isaiah 26:3

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7 

If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all. - Romans 12:18 

 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. - Matthew 5:9

 Do not repay evil for evil or reviling for reviling, but on the contrary, bless, for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing. For whoever desires to love life and see good days, let him keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit; let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it. - 1 Peter 3:9-11

Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him,because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:6-7 


... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Aug. 11, 2014     | 4,509 Views    |   

Matthew 13: That same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the lake. 2 Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat in it, while all the people stood on the shore. Then he told them many things in parables, saying: “A farmer went out to sow his seed. As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some fell on rocky places, where it did not have much soil. It sprang up quickly, because the soil was shallow. But when the sun came up, the plants were scorched, and they withered because they had no root. Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up and choked the plants. Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop—a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown. Whoever has ears, let them hear.”

The disciples came to him and asked, “Why do you speak to the people in parables?”He replied, “Because the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven has been given to you, but not to them. Whoever has will be given more, and they will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what they have will be taken from them. This is why I speak to them in parables:

“Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah:“‘You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.For this people’s heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears,and they have closed their eyes.Otherwise they might see with their eyes,hear with their ears,understand with their heartsand turn, and I would heal them.’

But blessed are your eyes because they see, and your ears because they hear. For truly I tell you, many prophets and righteous people longed to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.

“Listen then to what the parable of the sower means: When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy. But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. The seed falling among the thorns refers to someone who hears the word, but the worries of this life and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, making it unfruitful. But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

His disciples asked him why he teaches in parables. But he said, "for you; you already have the privilege to understand the word that comes from the living God".

It is given to you as a privilege free of charge so that you may share it to your brothers and sister without price. But the eyes of their heart is blinded by the devil. Their ears are completely shut off so that they could not realize that I am their healer and they cannot understand simply what I am going to tell them.

As little children, I will tell them with little story’s and parable so they will never forget my teachings. This is the wisdom of the Lord that many have used it to teach younger generation. The parable of the sower is one of this kind.

As Christian we may hear the word of God not once or twice but many times previously. We have read the word of God delightfully. We will see what are the steps we need to take to be fruitful to the Lord as Jesus mentioned it here.

The VCD techniques to bring forth 100 fold fruitfulness

1. Vigilant/wise

2. Crucify

3. Deep root

The first step is to be vigilant and wise for the things of the Lord especially to his word

Mathew 13:4: As he was scattering the seed, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up...

... When anyone hears the message about the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what was sown in their heart. This is the seed sown along the path. 

Since there is no wisdom and understanding and the fear of the Lord, the word that spoke to them doesn't make any sense to them. It has no value compared to other staff in the world. When they go about their life, everything will be all forgotten. The devil is expert in taking what God has planted.

He is good to deceive with his notorious lies and to lead to destruction and ultimately to destroy. This applies to those who are not yet believed in the Lord and those who have been saved but reluctantly fall out of his grace by doing all manner of things

Wisdom and understanding comes from the Lord.

James 1:5: If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

The word of God is not something we listen to it for fun and forget about it. It needs mediation and deep understanding. There is one thing that can effectively change christians in to the likeness of God through Jesus and that is to be planted in the word of God with diligence. 

The second step is to have deep root in Christ through the word of God and the Holy Ghost. The seed falling on rocky ground refers to someone who hears the word and at once receives it with joy.  But since they have no root, they last only a short time. When trouble or persecution comes because of the word, they quickly fall away. 

This kind of people are basically are those Christians who believe in Jesus and take a great delight in hearing the word of God. They are no the ones who just simply forgets what the Lord said. Like St. Peter was tested and failed first, second and third time, these type of Christians do not build their faith on the foundation of pure love and relationship with Christ.

They might be passionate to follow Christ when there is abundance of food and blessings in their homes. They are passionate to serve him when things look great. But when persecution and hard times knocks at the door, they will simply lose it. They would not sacrifice themselves for the sake of the gospel!

Matthew 7:24-27:  “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and put them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.  The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

They have a conditional God that they will only serve him when things are great and run away when things go wrong

Habakkuk 3:17: Though the fig tree should not blossom And there be no fruit on the vines, Though the yield of the olive should fail And the fields produce no food, Though the flock should be cut off from the fold And there be no cattle in the stalls,  Yet I will exult in the Lord, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.…

Daniel 3:18: But even if he does not, we want you to know, your majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up."

But this is simply put than done. When trouble and tribulation kicked in we all start shaking and lose our grip. There is nothing wrong with that unless we give up our faith. We have to understand that good times and bad times are all part of our lives

We cannot appreciate the good times of our lives unless we really understand what it looks like to be alone and with no help at all.

When the Lord takes us through difficult situation of our lives, it means he has an important lesson to teach us. The Psalmist said that the Lord took him through hard times to teach him a good lesson

Peter was relying in self-confidence rather than putting his trust on the Lord. Having deep root in the word of God and diligently seeking the face of God help us skip the bad days that the devil has plan to destroy us.

The last but not lease for us to bring hundred fold fruitfulness to the Lord is to crucify every selfish desire and the deceitfulness of the world with the cross. This is not about persecution, tribulation and hard times

This is where willfully engage in a dangerous way of life style that can potentially consumes our spiritual growth towards our God through Christ Jesus.

Here things become apparently so important for us that we give away our precious time, energy and resources to potentially harmful habits to gain fame and prosperity without the will of God for us.


The world knows how to get the best of us taking away the special part of our lives that was supposed to be sacrificed for the Lord.

In fact it has specialized in putting us in to slavery of hard work consuming all of our talents and productive time that we can use to bring glory for the Lord through preaching the gospel and worshiping him in the midst of his congregation

Here I am not trying to degrade the value of hard work to offer our best in the areas where the Lord has placed us. I want to be sure that the Lord wants you to use your talents and be fruitful wherever he has placed you. The Lord put you there for a reason and he wants to make you available for the good work he wants to do in people’s lives.

But I don’t want you to go all the way through and forget all about your spiritual obligation that is to honor him at all times with all sacrifices. That you may never compromise when it comes to worshiping him among your brothers and sisters and preaching the gospel for all nations and generations to come

When we practice these things, we will yield hundred and we would be able to accomplish his will in our lives.

May God bless you abundantly for reading this blog..

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Aug. 8, 2014     | 5,830 Views    |   

Why it would be better off obeying the Lord instead of disobeying him? Why do we follow his ways rather than ours? Why is it very important that you must obey the Lord no matter what?

I believe the answer to all of these questions lies in the outcome of our action. We need to obey the Lord since our final glory is installed in it. You are going to see what God has prepared for you from the beginning of time. These wonders and miracles are just in their place waiting for you just to get revealed. Without obedience, your will fall short of God’s glory.

And you will never see them unless you come back. Repentance is the key for coming back. No matter how many times you fall, Jesus is waiting for you. He is there always thinking about you. Will you come back from your own ways and see him and meet him?

He is your beloved and you are his. How one can think life without him? You know deep in your heart you can’t make it without him. All you have to do is to fall in his hands. He will take it from there. You don’t have to worry about anything. Just give him the chance.

Why the almighty cares about you? The reason is God fall in Love with you before you were even born. He put his grace on you. In fact he paid a big price to make you his own and himself yours. And now you are so loved that he can’t take his eyes of you. When he sees you, he sees you pure and innocent. There is no condemnation in God’s Love.

All he thinks is all about you. He calls you with sweet names he gave you. He protected you like the apple of his eyes. He carved your name on his hand so that you can be sure that he will never forget you. He put his Angels around you. He put a mark on you that anyone who sees you knows you are his love. Even if many envy your Love, they can’t do anything. As he is the beginning and the end of all things. And no one can take you from his hands.

You will be so amazed if you know all he has done for you. But words and time will not reveal it all at the same time. But everything will be revealed to you in its own beautiful time as he himself is not bound with words and time. But in all of these you hesitate his love and tend to believe one simple lie of the devil. As one small stone in front of your eyes hides the big mountain, you couldn’t realize what he has done for you and how he has loved you from the beginning. 

He loved you with incomparable Love. He trusted on himself when he does all of that for you. He realized his amazing power that could be revealed in you. But all of these amazing glory and power will never come without the act of obedience from you.

All of our earthly and heavenly benefits are tied to our level of obedience to the word of God.

What does it take to say no to sin and please only God in all of the circumstances. A sin that you already know it is rubbish. Unless you really want to hurt his feelings. Unless you want to be an ache in his heart. Loosing you for him is like losing everything. 

When the Lord comes to look for you he thinks for himself everything in his kingdom has no value unless you are found and being saved. He loved you that much. That he even can’t be happy in all of his invincibility. Why you ask? Because he has shade his blood and wounded just for you. His blood is just a witness that how much he loves you and it is always fresh in his own eyes to remind him that he loves you to death just to keep you with him always. Just to tell all his enemies that you are one of the most innocent, beautiful and loving creature in the universe. Just to make you be one like that, he lost everything. Now what does it take to say back ‘thank you’. And tell that fox,

I Love him with all of my body, my spirit and my soul. Earth has nothing I desire. Whom I have in heaven but him? My strength and my heart may fail me one day. But GOD is the portion of my soul forever!

Rebelling against the love of God is accumulating curse for us and for the generation to come. On the other hand obeying him will grant us total victory above all of our enemies and that pleases God the most.

Here are some scriptures from the word of God in light of the above teachings..

Luke 15:14

Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?And when he finds it, he joyfully put it on his shoulders and goes home. Then he calls his friends and neighbors together and says, ‘Rejoice with me; I have found my lost sheep.’ I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.

Philippians 2:8

And being found in appearance as a man,  he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place  and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

Isaiah 49:16 

Can a woman forget her nursing child And have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, but I will not forget you.  "Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My hands;

Zechariah 2:8 for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye

Psalm 17:8 Keep me as the apple of the eye; Hide me in the shadow of your wings

Deuteronomy 32:10 "He found him in a desert land, And in the howling waste of a wilderness; He encircled him, He cared for him, He guarded him as the pupil of His eye.

John 15:10 Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. "If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love. 11"These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full.

Deuteronomy 30:10 The Lord will again delight in you and make you prosperous, just as he delighted in your ancestors, 10if you obey the Lord your God and keep his commands and decrees that are written in this Book of the Law and turn to the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Aug. 7, 2014     | 6,103 Views    |   

Once in a while we found ourselves short of the glory of God for the transgression we made against the Lord. Most of our sinfulness come from the lack of the fear of the Lord.Our job is to honestly serve others like Christ did. But our thoughts and actions are not far from sin. That is why we need to come before God every day to make our way right with him.

We don’t know whether we should go with one idea or the other. When it comes to honoring the name of the Lord, we don’t know exactly what to do. When it comes to choosing whom to please between two individuals that we love, we don’t know what to do. Apparently it might be easier for us to understand when it comes to loving the Lord more than anybody else.

Does it mean we can offend the person we love most anyhow? No. But you are the father who gives everything to us, even your own son. Father, yet we don’t understand your true nature. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom. The fear of God is all the knowledge we need to protect ourselves from any kind of trouble. The love of Christ teaches the fear of God because he lived and taught all about it.

Jesus once said, “I will show you whom shall you fear. Fear not those who at most can only kill and destroy your life, but the one who can kill and burn your soul forever.” Even without his will, no one can do harm to you. It is one thing to understand the love of God but another to fear him with reverence and knowing his true nature.

I believe as little children of God by faith, it is always easy to love but finding it hard to fear who we love most. But we need to learn and know all we need to know about our father and give him all the honor and praise. As we already know the love and the grace of God through Christ, we also need to know how to fear God and honor him with all of our might, strength and will. What does it mean to honor God? I think it includes to love him first and follow his will no matter what the circumstances are and no matter how we think we feel for ourselves.

If we do not make wise decision today and follow the Lord, we will spend the rest of our lives worrying and making miserable decision one after the other. What if we follow our heart which is the Spirit of the Lord deep inside of us? Surely, we will find peace and success in the future.

Isn’t it life more important than the rest of the activities? Or most of our worries and miseries are just mere expression to make our lives unhappy. I start to give more time for what really matters in my life. If you dare to ask this question, a question of importance, you will find out that nothing is real than the Lord and his will and purpose for us.

Day and night searching for it, we need to spend our entire life on how to learn to make him happy and how to learn to respect him. I learn the latter paying a lot of price. The inclination of our heart toward s disgracing the name of the Lord knowingly or unknowingly will make you pay a great price. God gives a lot of value for his name and glory. May be it is time to learn some of those.

Till now you learn how to love him with all your heart. But I guess you know nothing about his glory and power. If you learn to respect him, you will see him in his glory. And he will love and come to you once more again as a wife would always respect her husband and her husband want to make her happy.

More than we pay respect to our earthly fathers, we need to do much more to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. We must think of God in the same way. Give him the proper respect and adoration. If you do not, the rest is accumulating curse and miseries for you and your children. A curse is like a deadly disease in your body. Like a cancer for example. Do you know for every disease in this world, there is a corresponding equivalent curse in the spiritual realm? I mean as God takes his grace and protection.

As he 
akes his spirit, there will come a new kind of spirit that is thirsty and eager to have a place preferably a home to rest and live. This evil spirits don’t come empty handed. They come with what they have in the beginning.

They come with curse and anger and hate and more. To physically express themselves, they come with all manner of diseases. That’s why when our Lord tells us, he said our physical problems are directly related to our sins. Our sins are our disobedience and how much we are far from him. For every failure we experience, there is an equivalent disobedient and unwilling to follow instruction from our Lord. 

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like to lead you in to a prayer that is to sacrifice selfishness and wickedness and invite the fellowship of the Holy Ghost. Please pray this prayer with me if you will and the Prince of peace will fill your heart with joy.

“My Lord, I failed to bring the respect and adoration that you deserve due to the stubbornness of my heart and ignorance to your will. Even now I am not what I am yesterday. I don’t have the same feelings as yesterday. You told me and showed me, like a dream, the paths I should take. Guide me how to be a better person than I am now. You are my inspiration and my hope. I wouldn’t do anything without your consent and agreement. 

We are sometimes unable to identify when we are breaking your laws. My soul is worried from the wickedness of the heart. My soul dreads the terrors of the night. Why did you allow them to make my sleep miserable, my Lord? Please do not forsake me in their hands. Do not abandon your servant when the time is very near. 

Prayerfully I come to you. With sorrow and sadness I lay out my transgressions. I beg you for your forgiveness. I am not only praying to you to cleanse our soul but also grant us the strength to stand firm in you name. It is very dangerous when temptations come from our own flesh and our own blood. It is only your Word and your Spirit that can help me differentiate the good from the evil. I can no longer distinguish the good from the bad by my own. 

Therefore, guide me and show me the path of righteousness in the name of Jesus. Forgive my previous sins and wipe out my transgressions from your Book. Instead write my name for I only believe and trust in you for every good and bad circumstances I shall face in my life. May the glory be yours forever and more in Jesus name, Amen!” 

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 6, 2014     | 4,610 Views    |   

It is so often that we find ourselves in a different perspective/view with our spouse. This is not evil by itself but we need to find a way to tell that in a loving and caring way whether the other person really cares for us or not. Disagreement occurs when what we trust and what we love seems to be violated or not taken as important.

It occurs when we felt unloved and untrusted. Most of the time that seems to be true but the fact is, it is a very dangerous weapon that could destroy our relationship. Argument destroys relationship in such a way that whenever we felt we are unloved or untrusted, we will speak words that would destroy our relationship. You will always be tempted to say wrong words that will create the wrong impression that they are not cared for and loved for and needed for.

One of the reasons we make mistake while we are speaking is we do not take enough time to choose the right word and to say the right word we choose. Quite a few times we choose to say what Holy Spirit tells us to say than our emotions and situations told us to say. When St. Peter took a vow not to betray Jesus and he did it three times, he was not consulting with the Holy Spirit to speak. He trusted his feelings and they told him the reality but that didnot please God at all.

Your flesh and feelings will always tell you the reality but the fact is if you follow them, soon you will find yourself in a big trouble.

But your faith inspired by the Holy Ghost will guide you how to escape through hard times including when you are angry and your spirit is embittered.

We also don’t need to argue for everything. Argument is usually taken as misunderstanding. When you try to raise an issue, you need to make sure it is well taken care of and well understood before you even bring it to the table.

If your spouse doesn’t get what you are trying to do for him/her and you are insisted to do that, you will find yourself in a conflict. I heard them say, “I have never felt peace with him” or “she doesn’t know what really matters to me”. And that is their husband/wife they are talking about whereas s/he could probably attempted every effort to do his/her responsibility to reach out to his family.

We don’t know sometimes what matters most to our spouse. But if we know that, we will do the exact thing that pleases him/her and we will enjoy the fruit of that. For example, if a wife insisted on going to work early so that she will be there on time, but the husband is trying to convince her that she has to stay more in the house may be to take care of something in the house, then that will make her feel that he doesn’t give enough thought for her getting to work on time. As a result she might feel that he has no value for what she has done for her family.

This is only one issue we could see in our marriage. But there are many cases that we can’t even guess what will happen to us. Love sometimes gets offended and say some words that could hurt the feelings of others. That doesn’t mean we have the right to offend others specially those who are too much sensitive for the love we show to them. We may want to express our deepest heart felt disappointments in a more wisdom, charming and loving way to our spouse.

The fact that we disagree doesn’t mean we are rude and arrogant. But the words we choose to disagree and the intonation of our voice and the expression of our body language make it so. You will never find life let alone marriage easy unless you bind enthusiasm and love together with faithfulness. Enthusiasm is that piece of act that you do to create fun and positive environment around you so that they will not feel depressed or accused or misunderstood.

It is a real form of passion just purely positive, honest and kind. It produces the energy that will inspire some to do

their job well and others to be productive in life. A person with enthusiasm will never caught with anger or hatred because he/she will never get tired of believing that something is there for the good and one should never quits trying to do nothing but the best.

That being said I see that all values, rules, principles are all empty if I cannot make my spouse’s face brighter and happy. There are disappointments created when we don’t use the right word to make our point. Disappointments lead to anger and anger to hatred and hate to death or divorce.

So No disappointments No problem!

Don’t be the one who creates disappointments and sad faces on your spouse’s face. Peace and freedom is all we need not food. But then that will make it a relationship too simple to be true, right?

Ok let’s put it this way; don’t say from your side that you are disappointed. Let them disappoint you and hurt you but don’t say any word.  But this could really change our lives in the wrong direction. If you allow your spouse to abuse you, you might find yourself cheating on your marriage to relief mistreat and abuse your lover has caused you.

That will also lead to sin to death or divorce. The other option, is to keep it in you until it is all passed and then before it is turned in to hate just deal with it. The pattern is disappointment – anger – hate – death.

Deal with it at the junction points. The sooner the better because you will not find it hard to explain the issue because you don’t forget the exact detail.

If it is too early, it will be mixed up with passion and you will say unwholesome words. If it is too late, it will be mixed with blood and flush that you will not able to get out of you and it will be mixed with you and you will be one with your problems like some kind of disease. But then there is a medicine that is produced from what Jesus did on the cross.

It is forgiveness and love and compassion that will save the day for you not to speak unwholesome words to your spouse. Sometimes it is difficult to say how unwholesome can be our words. Our words don’t have to be arrogant to break the heart of our spouses. But they are cruel enough if they break them anyways. They are offended and broken-hearted due to our unwise argument. Therefore it doesn’t matter what words we use.

So it is all dependent on the kind of heart your spouse has. It is like before you apply any substance to a patient, you would like to know the medical condition of the patient. The same is it true here. Not every person can take any word. Some are too much sensitive and some are as hard as an iron. So be careful what to say to your spouse.

May the Lord gives us wisdom to understand our relationship better and to love better and avoid any form of destructive argument. Lord we pray that even in the times of argument and heated debate, you take the lead and guide us through the differences that we face not only as couples but also as children of the most fearsome God

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Aug. 5, 2014     | 4,612 Views    |   

The nature of our love and attention to our spouse is so self-centered that sometimes we might fall in to pits of disappointment every now and then. The word self-centered has to do with only me but not us and it always raises the question which has me in it. “Why don’t you tell me that?”, “What do you do for me?” etc.

As your draw your attention more into the boundaries of other people lives, you will do an error that you will just do one thing to mess around with it that it all happen because you are not just handling with care but with a lot of feelings that are not responsible and matured.

People tend to believe this behavior comes because they are so in love with their spouse and they want to put their feelings in to it. The more feelings they put the more mistakes they made to please one another.

Love is not just a bunch of feelings that will just say ‘I do this for you because I have a felling for you’ rather love is a commitment and bondage that will stay itself the same no matter what feelings you have for one another. Love only express himself in a more self-less and caring way.

Love is not the reason for you to be angry but your feelings are. Love is not the reason that makes you speak unwholesome word but your feelings are. Love will not say as it wants when it wants. Love will say what other people needed to hear.

Love is above any feelings that you have for one another since your feelings are just for a while but love is what will be with you till the end. So don’t trust your feelings. Rather use them to build love for your spouse.

I think we all agree that without those feelings there is no hint that you are in love. Those feelings are the passion of your life. The moment you stop feeling things when they just come towards you, that will be the last time you may ever see them. Our feelings are the burning fuels in all areas of our lives.

But we have to be sure that these feelings come from the Lord or the devil. When we have some thoughts that we put more emphasis on, they will soon turn in to a feelings and soon control our lives.

If we don’t control our feelings, they will control us and our lives.

Therefore, true love never cause harm to others but your feelings could do that if you don’t know how to manage them. There is always a problem when you let out of your feelings come out of anger instead of love. Relationships can be rough and intense sometimes when things in life becomes difficult to bear with.

The best way to manage them is to work as a team no matter what.

To get the best result out of our marriage, we need to live as one to work, to create, to endure, to manage and to organize. Despite all of things we can do mentioned above, our specialization at work could be different. Our way of thinking to solve the same problem could also be different. But we need to think in such a way that we all working the best we can to build our family. There should be any partiality or self-centered thinking that could break the family in to pieces.

Mark 10:8  “…and the two will become one flesh.” So they are no longer two, but one flesh.

I believe many of the issues of life can be solved if we could just take our spouse as one with our selves.

No one would do any harm to his own body. Instead he will take a good care of himself and leave not an open door for the enemy to come and destroy himself.

That said, I would like to say also before every long before two individual got divorced, there was a time that they stop thinking as one, husband and wife like the word of God says they are.

Being one in the flesh is the secret to having a good marital relationship.

Ephesians 5:28: So husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies; he who loves his wife loves himself. 

Better yet, there is a greater challenge for all of those who already obeyed the first commandment of marriage that is to love their wives as their own bodies.

Ephesians 5:25-33: Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of.

How does Christ love the church?

1. Christ loves the church unconditionally

2. Christ disgraced himself to look after the church that was going to destruction

3. Christ never judges his church

4. Christ always covers up the sin of the church with his blood

5. Christ never criticized his church

6. Christ sacrificed everything including his life for the good of the      church

7. Christ never lets the devil get the best of the church

8. Christ always intercedes for the church

9. Christ never gives up on the church

10. Christ died for the church

11. Chris promised the church he will come one day to take his church to the glory of God

There is no greater love than Christ loves the church since he gave his life for her.

All of these would have been nothing if it had been not for the last one.

Here is the best one:

 12. Christ loved the church even if the church claimed she doesn’t want his help to be saved.

To better explain the last sentence, think of the time when Christ was given to be crucified.

He had done it even if the church was making fun of him, telling him he would do a lot better if he could do some form of magic and save himself first from the death penalty.

There is nothing Christ has not done for us I can possibly imagine.

This is greater love because there is no greater love than to lay your life for someone’s life.

If you are willing to pay all the price for the well being of your spouse, that is the greatest form of love.

That is to lay your soul for one another.

Does this mean that we have to disobey the commandments of the lord just to please our spouses no matter what? Absolutely not. If we walk in love in the eyes of God and people, there won’t come a time we please one and disobey the other.

Love covers sin and bears commandments. Love never fails. In conclusion, if we are willing to lay ourselves for one another, we will always be capable to solve our problems in love.

Brothers and sisters in Christ, I would like to leave you with the following scripture from Proverb 3:3.

Let love and faithfulness never leave you;    bind them around your neck,   write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name  in the sight of God and man.

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        Tewodros    |    Aug. 4, 2014     | 17,158 Views    |   

We are changing just a little bit every day. Do you know that whatever event has happened, it will redirect you to a new event and a new environment, due to someone has already changed the environment?

Because a new environment is created, the outcome will also be changed. Whenever a new environment is created, either because a new thing is introduced or the state of our mind has changed, then we have to consider this before we make any decision and take actions based on our decision.

This is all about life. Our brain is changing dynamically due to our experience to the Almighty. A new revelation has occurred and you are no longer the same person as before.

So what has our mind to do with all of this? Our mind involves mainly with all the skills and training we need to perform our job with ease. Our incompetence is our weakness. It makes us unqualified or untrained. It will make some slaves while others become kings.

Everybody has his own way of learning. The Lord teaches everyone according to his understanding. But at the end, we will all learn our lesson. So our competency level is our strength. Our faith in Christ changes our attitude in life. Our attitudes towards our lives determine our success.

Many have made it through because they made their ways right with God. Do you think age matters so much? Yes, because old age is an indication of long time dedication to wisdom and exposure to knowledge. No, because it is the Spirit of the Lord that makes one successful and wise and others a failure. We are good at least in one thing in life and that is our earthly purpose.

I believe there are two kinds of purpose in life. One is our earthly purpose and the other one is our heavenly purpose. With purpose comes heavenly gifts that will empower us to do what we are supposed to do with confidence. Our spiritual gifts come to us as talents that will give the energy and enthusiasm to learn more and do more to complete our journey of faith and fulfill our destiny.

Our earthly purpose is related to things that we need to do every day to support us and our family.The fact that we are very good at it will make our lives very easy and it will create confidence in what we are doing. But the more miserable we feel while doing our earthly jobs, the less we may find ourselves in peace with ourselves and others around us. The more we do things outside the will of God, the more we feel powerless and far from being fulfilled as children of God.

Whether we divide our purpose in to two or not, it all comes as one package to us. It is all under the will of God we need to accomplish in life before we complete our journey in life. This could be whether we work as laborers or professionals; whether we earn less at work, or we are highly paid individuals. Our job is to complete the work the Lord has created for us before we were born. That is our purpose in life.

How does our heart play a role in this regard?
I have understood that our heart is the most important part of our body. If we just allow bad things to get in to the inner chambers of heart, suffocating us with lifeless talks and blasphemy, we could easily die of sin. If you want to play with them, play according to your mind. I mean what is so pleasing about this world. What makes us happy one day turn out to be a sorrow the other day.

Nothing stays the same. The same way they sneak in to your heart, they will sneak out also. I mean when they pack out and leave you, what would you do? Your poor heart will be empty and broken. The point is it is much better not to allow them to get there first. No friend is for real. The closest friend we may possibly think of might turn on us one day, but Jesus will never let us down while we put our hope in him.

If you really think about it, the closest thing they can do is to live with you as long as you keep your mouth shut. All the trust you have built fo

a life time will be destroyed in a splash of second. What a tiresome love it is. But there is greatest love of all that will give rest to our restless soul. The love of Jesus. He never asks us anything in return except to listen to his voice every day so that he can guide and lead us in the path of righteousness.

He died the death of a sinner to pay all our debts and to bring him with us. He took our penalties for you and me, my darling. We were sinner falling far from the mercy of God. There was no grace on his face that made him look good.

In other words, he took the suffering of his children and not the face of a master. Nothing in us was good enough to be loved. That has caused us to be left alone. Our sufferings were great. Our worries made us looked like an old person. But still no one felt empathy for us. Only one person from heavens cares for us. He felt our pain and agony. Only Jesus loves us dearly to share our pain. We all change brothers and sisters. The only thing that will remain the same in this life and forever more is the love of God through Christ Jesus.

Matthew 10:37
Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Our God we give honor and praise for reveling this great mystery to us. Please show us the right the way to exalt your name above all of our circumstances, in Jesus Name, Amen!

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        Fasika    |    Aug. 1, 2014     | 4,296 Views    |   

I am so amazed by the art of living of this world. No one listens a speech without enthusiasm. All day long they think about pleasing themselves. You cannot get someone’s attention without art. They are going to hell and they never look back. They would rather die than listen.

They pay a lot of price to get the junks of this world. Devil tricked them with the sense of an art. They are dragging away to distraction with the idea of false freedom and faked pleasure. I saw many who can’t compromise with their happiness. They all are self-centered and for that purpose they live. They can’t think outside of their ego and they care not for others.

They are willing to reward someone who can affect their lives in a negative way. But God honestly and truly has invited every one, free of charge and with his two hands opened. All the time he is ready to take you back. But I say this with hopelessness that no one wants to returns from his own ways. No one wants to listen to the calm voice of the Lord and no one even cares that there is a savior for the lost. No one astonishingly believes that someone out there gives everything to save us.

There are times when people would rather pay their own money and spent their time with the evil than to turn back to Lord and repent their sins by hearing the calm voice of the Lord. Some start to talk against the word of God that comes to them. Some insult the servants of the Lord. Why because they feel like they are distracted from their own ways by God. When I see all of this I realize that punishment is for real.

In its due time God will punish everyone who is rebelling against his will for our lives. We only have a relatively small amount of time to turn from our evil ways and come back to our father who is always ready to love us in the same way he loved us before. His love for our lives never changes never ends.

His promises are not like human promises that will break. They are everlasting peace, joy and rest for our soul. We are created to form everlasting relationship with our father not to live in solitude.
And as of these selfish desires of ours, they will never get satisfied nor can we feel the joy and happiness from the garbage we desire to fill our selves except through our Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s wrath on the wicked is real. Let us not fake ourselves in to believing the wrong message from the devil. Let us be fruitful and productive by spending our valuable time doing the right thing our soul wanted to do through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Having done all of that, let’s come to him who gives grace to the humble and tell him, “My Lord I have done the work you have prepared for me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. I am so lucky to be an instrument of hope, faith and love. I am so delighted to be used by you for your glory. Let my days end worshiping your true nature with all my strength and might. In the name of Jesus”

The Spirt of the Lord is calling us to his presence every day. The Holy Spirt always telling us,
“Please don’t take any of that garbage from the world that is simply out there in the name of having fun and entertainment. Too much of that garbage can suffocate our soul and spirit and ultimately can permanently distract our fellowship with the Holy Ghost.”

May God bless you and give you grace to spend all your time worshiping his true glory forever, in Jesus name, Amen!

1 John 4:1
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Jude 1:7
Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.


e sent prophets to them, to bring them again to the Lord; and they testified against them: but they would not give ear

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 28, 2014     | 4,859 Views    |   

What made the devil the devil is his pride - taking true glory which of Gods to himself. That made him fall and changed a worshiping Angel in to a daemon. He compared himself to God and liked it and just allowed pride to sneak in to him. He took the moment to enjoy it for himself. That seriously made God very angry that he cast him down from an outstanding glory in to the darkness.

Isaiah 14: 13
You said in your heart,
‘I will ascend to heaven;
above the stars of God
I will set my throne on high;
I will sit on the mount of assembly
in the far reaches of the north;
I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I will make myself like the Most High.

All other sins are mainly of weakness of the flesh but thinking of a place and praises like the most high God for yourself is an absolute sin. Be careful even when people thank you.

It took me several days to identify making the mistake of putting my self in a position above what I shouldn't be and feeling proud of my self. Holy Spirit, praise the Lord, told me the mistake I had made. The devil compared himself to God. He wanted to be taken as God. Likewise every non spiritual song also has the spirit of idolizing a creation rather than our Creator. The idea of these type of songs are written for a man glorifies woman and woman glorifies men. Our God is a jealous God; not in a negative way but in a way that will make him always truthful and God almighty.

You should not take credit for something you don’t deserve. You should not possess something that doesn’t belong to you. You should not own something that is not yours. You should not take something that is not given to you. Praise, honor, worship belongs to God almighty. God himself search for a proud heart and he will break that in to pieces. This is not to make us feel less confidence of our selves. This is to make us a better person. This is to make as humble and kind to others.

If God didn’t show any pity for his own son while he was on the cross, how much more should he punish us for something that we are simply proud of? For Jesus had only been punished since he carried our sins, but if we donot confess our sins, we are destined ourselves for eternal punishment. All we have to know is we are only humans full of weaknesses. We are weak in every area of our lives. We are weak in flesh, we are weak in spirit, and we are weak in our psychology. Our immunity to the illness of this world is apparently weak.

Our resistance to temptation is almost negligible. No one has successfully passed all the temptation of life except Christ Jesus. But Christ did it on the cross and he is now able to feel empathy (not sympathy) for us. What makes us stand against all our adversaries is this huge amount of wisdom and love in the form of the Spirit of the Lord. When we start to operate under the governance and the anointment of the Lord, we are no more weak but strong and mighty.

The strength of a person starts with identifying his/her weakness and feeling empathy for others. The fact that we remain in one sin for a long time is because we don’t acknowledge the one who has the power to deliver us from our sin. We are still trying to get out of it with our own strength and our own understanding. We are too proud to ask God for help.

The other reason we stay in bondage of sin is just because we didn’t complete the lesson that comes with it. We are not able to understand the fact that if we see somebody in the same situation, we have to extend our hand and offer help. We don’t feel pity for others who are in the same situation. We are judgmental about other people and their weaknesses. There could be many more reasons why we are still in bondage.

May the grac

of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit create a humble heart in us who would tremble when God speak to us for the fear of the Lord is in us and listen to him no matter what our circumstances look like, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

Isaiah 66 The Lord said:
Heaven is my throne;
    the earth is my footstool.
What kind of house
could you build for me?
    In what place will I rest?
 I have made everything;
that’s how it all came to be.
    I, the Lord, have spoken.
The people I treasure most
    are the humble—
they depend only on me
    and tremble when I speak.
You sacrifice oxen to me,
    and you commit murder;
you sacrifice lambs to me
    and dogs to other gods;
you offer grain to me
    and pigs' blood to idols;
you burn incense to me
    and praise your idols.
You have made your own choice
to do these disgusting things
    that you enjoy so much.
 You refused to answer
    when I called out;
you paid no attention
    to my instructions.
Instead, you did what I hated,
    knowing it was wrong.
Now I will punish you

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 25, 2014     | 4,904 Views    |   

Is it because we really want to make God unhappy? Is it because the rebellious nature of our heart? Is it because of bad things happened to us? Do we like to anger God like we want to anger our parents? I believe there are many reasons why we keep rebelling against God.

Sin caused by anger is more permanent than sin caused by our disappointments. Whenever we come face to face with our disappointments, we need to remind our selves that everything that has happened to us has already happened to someone else too.

We need to think also of bigger problems people face in their day to day activities. And we need to take this life as something extra. We have to despise the honor we can possibly get from this world to be a qualified citizen in heaven. Now, there are somethings that can make us angry even on the physiological level.

But they will have that power only if we allowed them to control our feelings in the first place.

Know the truth and the truth shall set you free - John 8:32

Some People come to disappoint us very badly if we don’t know how to behave. Things happen that can make us angry if we let them. All of these all together in abundant time and with redundant occurrences can make us fail. We should not let our physiology adapt to anything more than our heart approves which is through the council of the Holy Ghost. This is neither a game nor fun. We should never allow even success or failure take control of our destiny.

Our destiny is very much independent of whatever happens to us in this world whether it is family or education or failure or success. They are created for us to be there at the end. If we flip that to the other side, it also means we are created for them too.

The devil tried to destroy us once, twice and as long as it takes for us to fell. There is no better place he wants us to fell than from God’s grace. It is time we let ourselves come down and confront the truth little by little. He doesn’t care if we succeed in life, so we shouldn’t put much attention there to do them.

That is why Jesus tells us that success is something that can be added to what we already have. What is this primary thing we need to care more about Him? God is our first priority in life and what he wants us to do. He is our true joy and happiness. Love and success are within his presence. People look for them in the wrong places.

You may found artificial love and superficial success if you diligently seek them. I am tired of artificial love, don’t you? People gave their lives for having a nice car or a beautiful house. There is nothing wrong with these things. What is a problem is how one can live in a huge mansion without an air in it. Jesus is the oxygen of our lives. He is the beauty of our family. Without him nothing is worthy of our pursuit.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with wisdom in discerning the righteous way of life, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 24, 2014     | 4,843 Views    |   

Art focuses on the presentation. Art is on the display. Art is love. Art is relationship based on feelings. Art is doing something crazy and madness for the sake of love and respect. Fishing people souls for Jesus takes an art. Please never underestimate the power of Art.

Never underestimate the power of presentation. Never underestimate the power of unselfishness and love. It doesn’t matter what you feel or have in side of you if you don’t find a way to show your love for others, it will not benefit any one.

What good does it make if someone says he has a great love for others but couldn’t find a way to reveal it in its due time.So what is an art of living a wonderful and amazing life with others while we live in this world.Well first we need to know what we have for one another.

If we already know what we have is the love of God, we need to find a way to show this love to others and that will take a skill set to do that.Jesus told as that no one would put a lump where no one can barely see

Matthew 5:15 -Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

Even the children of this world know that nobody pay close attention to someone with little knowledge of presentation and that takes the knowledge of an art to do that.

The children of this world exactly know what to do and what to say when it comes to following or achieving their selfish desire. They have blinded the weak and deceived other people by misinterpreting the truth with their deceitfulness. People are taken away to the pit of destruction by the so called art which is completely useless if there is no truth in it.

The funny thing is as christian, we don’t know how to even explain what we believe most and have given our lives for others in a way that could attract the lost and drive them in to confession and repentance.

This is not the only problem we are facing due to the lack of knowledge of an art. We tend to fight more with our beloved ones rather than kindly treat them with love and a lot of respect. We tend to criticize and nag more which is a good recipe for destroying our relationships.

We know our problem and our problem is we just can’t see how much they love us or we love them unless we simply reveal it in a very beautiful manner.

Some people are so bitter in their mouth that they will break your heart with few words. I would say not all people who are bitter in their mouth are bitter in their heart and are generally bad people.That is because some people just don’t know how to say the right word at the right time. They may ruin the moment by saying the bad thing or choosing the wrong time.

True Art is wisdom and wisdom is an art. Art is love.The content of our faith plays an important role in who we are and how we should perceive the future. Science is all about the content and how it is made. Science is in the details. But art is in how to present the content in a more beautiful manner. So art is the gerneral picture.

Fishing soul for the Lord takes both a strong foundation of faith and also a little piece of art of wisdom to present what we know about Jesus in a loving and kind way.

The key to how to do what we supposed to do is all about doing it with love and respect. The word of God teaches us to teach the truth with love.

Ephesians 4:15: Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

May the Spirit of the Lord teach us how to reach to the level we speak nothing but the truth and with lots and lots of love and not with judgment and self-righteousness in the name of Jesus!


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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 23, 2014     | 5,350 Views    |   

Everybody knows what it feels like to be left alone and what it feels like to struggle alone. Everybody who is going through some kind of emotional stress knows what it feels like to face the truth even if it is painful and full of agony.

If someone is without hope, he cannot be able to help himself let alone helping others. You could say I am one step close to death. You could say I can’t live without hope. You are right. No one can face life without hope. What for? I mean there should be some inspiration installed in us that keeps us to go one step at a time.

That is the spirit of man. The spirit of man is like a candle waiting to be enlightened. Pity is the man who doesn’t have the light to turn him on. How deep and how long the darkness shall be if someone walks without knowing the prince of peace and hope, our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I can’t live without hope. Every day the Lord reminds us of the greatest hope that we have as Christians that is our inheritance with him forever. He is going to come and take us with him. That is the greatest hope we have in Christ.

Some put too much hope in this world. Some give their full heart to the fulfillment of their earthly dreams. They have lifted up their own aspirations above the promise of God. Here is some excerpt of hope for you.

David said:

I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will live in hope, because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.

But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what he already has? Hope is the channel we communicate to our future. We hope to see tomorrow. We hope to see our loved ones. We hope to do this and we hope to do that. Hope and trust go together.

The success of getting what you hope depends on who you trust. Is he trust worthy? Does he give you what you hoped for? There is always a problem when people put their hope on blood and flush. The whole hell will come after that person. You wouldn’t love a person unless you trust him.

I am talking about the real kind of love. We love God and we know he can give us what we really need. But it shouldn’t be material love. I am telling you from experience. You know why? It is because you are a total failure if you want to accomplish only by yourself.

So how would you be trustworthy to someone as you are not trust worthy to yourself? So when people try to use you as you are, tell them. ‘I can’t do this by my own. Only the Lord can solve your problem. And lets pray because I believe him he will do according to his will for those who believed in him’.

May the Lord bless you and use you as his trusted servant to minster others in their problems. May the Lord himself bring everlasting joy and uninterrupted hope through the joy of the Holy Spirit in which only he can give. May his faithfulness shin in your life and the life of others you are acquainted with.

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 22, 2014     | 4,824 Views    |   

God set precondition for our blessings in this life but not to our salvation. Our salvation is pre-destined but not our blessings. Our obedience to the laws of God can determine our blessings but not necessarily our salvation.

Our faith determine our salvation. Does this mean a sinner will inherit the kingdom of God? Definitely not. But we cannot work our salvation by obeying the laws only. The laws cannot justify our salvation. It justifies that we are not able to do our own salvation due to the fact that we are sinners and Christ died for us to break the spiritual bondage.

We are saved by the grace and mercy of God shown through Christ and not by our works and deeds. But then if we can’t do anything to justify ourselves against sin and if only the work of Jesus can only sanctify us why do we even bother to do the right thing the Lord expects from us?

This is one of the most critical questions that every Christian has to have a clear understanding . Yes, we are expected to bear many fruits of the spirit like kindness to others, be merciful as our father is merciful, generous, self-control, godliness and many more.

Again due to the wickedness of our heart we were separated from God and we wouldn't be able to get to him in peace if we didn't accept the Lord as our savior and Lord. But this is not the final step in our journey of faith. In fact believing in Christ is just the beginning of the end to this journey

Deuteronomy 28:The Lord will make your businesses and your farms successful. You will harvest large crops, and your herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats will produce many young.You will have many children. You will have plenty of bread to eat.The Lord will make you successful in your daily work. The Lord will make you defeat your enemies and make them scatter in all direction.

The Lord your God is giving you the land. Your harvest will be so large and your store house will be full. You will be God s special people and every one earth will know it and they will be afraid of you.

The Lord will open the store houses of the skies where he keeps the rain, and he will send the rain just at the right time. You will have plenty of money to lend to other nations but you won t need to borrow yourself. You will be wealthy and powerful, not poor and week

What is our salvation composed of?

It includes repentence in the spirit that we promise the Lord we will no longer partake wickedness with the wicked. That we are disgusted with our sin and we will no longer want to peruse the lifestyle of sin. That we will forgive others as we are forgiven. Most importantly that what Jesus has done on the cross is enough to lead us in the path of righteousness.

Basically, salvation is more or less a promise than an act. A promise that you will be a good person that the Lord died to redeem and see a person walking by faith. So we are saved by promise and not by works.

So what if we cannot live up to the expectation of our promise?

That is also a very good question.Sometimes we found ourselves under the darkness of sin even after we are saved? Does this mean we lost our salvation and we no longer belong to the Lord’s family? These are all the question of the flesh we all once felt and got worried about.

But package of the plan of our salvation is complete . The Lord has prepared everything we need to be saved and remain saved.

The answer to this question relies on if we may come to him with true repentance

and wash our sins away through the blood of Jesus and the word of God. This is a great mystery as Paul mentioned in Ephesians.

The church are presented as the body of Christ which he cleanses her pure and worthy to worship God through his blood. This is not one time process. It is our day to day activity and whenever we are short of the glory of God when to come to the throne of God through Christ.

The last and most important questions that we all ask is what if one intentionally abuses this sacred covenant with the Lord by doing bad things over and over and over again. I would say that will be the worst thing that could possible happen to a Christian. There is far much hope for a person who is not saved yet than a person who intentionally abuse the blood of Jesus. The word of God has clearly stated that such kind of person has no inheritance in the kingdom of God

But for those who has no option but to lead a sinful life while they are craving for the glory of God inside; God knows everything even the deepest thought of our heart. For those who have hunger and thrust to see his face but the wickedness of this world doesn’t allow them to experience what they desire to see.

For those who cries out to him for freedom of sin and whose hope comes from the Lord, the Lord will prepare an escape plan from the scheme of the wicked. For those who put their eyes on the Lord and for those whose strength is built on the Lord, there is still hope in finding God’s purpose as my life my witness.

May the Lord protect us from casting away from the plans of God. May he blessed us with abundance of grace to resist every temptation of sin and extend his mercy every day to live with peace and love with him and others.

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 21, 2014     | 6,032 Views    |   

Abraham was justified by faith rather than by works.

The psalmist speaks about the blessing on the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works: "blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered… Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account.

Romans 4:7“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered;

The sanctification of our sin is completely out of the compassion of our God towards us. For sin has entered the world by one man’s fault, it is by one man’s obedience we shall be saved out of the goodness and mercy of God and not by our goodness or righteousness.

I do believe faith maters towards our sanctification that the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from every sin. I also believe that a righteous life accompanied by faith is the root of Christianity and what it means to be a believer and follower of Christ.

If any man considers himself saved by the grace of God and do nothing but evil over and over again, he is deceived and shall not inherit the kingdom of God unless God still have mercy on his soul.

There are many reasons for a person to sin but the fact that they have been hurt and they think there is the blood of Jesus to cover up their sin and walk away without getting the proper punishment for their actions is untrue and not Biblical.

Christianity doesnot give a license to sin against human beings and against God. The blood of Jesus is not something we could easily abuse with out getting punished for our sins.

The Bible teaches us that there is an outcome to every little thing we do in life. Whether we have been completely faithful to God in all circumstances or not, we all reap what we sow.

If we sow without seizing in faith out of the goodness we received from Christ and by the grace of God, we will reap many good things that we cannot even imagine and eternal life in the coming one.

On the other hand, if we use every bit of information and every moment of our lives with wicked things out of hate and bitterness and anger, we will not go too far before even realizing that we are looking for the danger and consequences of our sinful actions.


  1. In this scripture we also learn that when God forgives us we are considered blessed by default

  2. No work of once own is needed to reach that level

  3. We are just the byproduct of what Jesus has completed on the cross

  4. As result we are considered now saints where the fact is we were vagabond and sinners who all rebelled against the word of God

  5. We are required to live up to the expectation by God that is away from wickedness and in love

  6. For every wrong doing or an act of faith, there is a consequence of our action that we must reap

  7. God faithfully bless those who faithfully obey him and rebuke who rebeled against his teaching

  8. The righteousness of man is faith accompanied by work and not work accompanied by faith

  9. The package of our salvation comes first before every other thing before we even think how to please God with our actions

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 18, 2014     | 6,164 Views    |    1 Comments

Jesus wants to get your attention. God the father has been working since the beginning of time. You must be working also. The only way you can check if you are working in the spirit is how you wake up in the morning.

Are you prepared for the new day? Are you prepared to see your father working in your life and in the life of others? Do you want to please him in your ways? Do you want to know what to do from dawn to dusk? Do you want to see his face?

Do you want to see his glory? Are you ready to be used? Are you ready to be the servant of the most high? If you are ready, please don’t turn your first Angel down. Please don’t give him any excuse and reason not to get up. As he is Angel and he might not compromise with your procrastinations. He could take your word as it is. So be careful what you say with the Angels. You cannot see the dark night without light unless some kind of sun light shines.

The same way you cannot see what is hidden there in spirit, unless the Lord tells you as you get up and seek his face. He will then bring everything in to the light. You might not have experience before to get up in the morning and seek the Lord’s face. You could also be dead in the spirit all these years that you get up of your bed with despair and hopelessness. No wonder you struggle with your own decision all day. The devil has the chance to tell you many lies when he gets the chance. So the only way you could end his lies is when you bring them to the morning star, Jesus.

As we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ, surely we have seen light that has exceedingly bright and shining every dark chambers of our heart. Jesus is the true morning star who has beautifully bring brightness and beauty and hope to our future. It is impossible to think life without his everlasting promise of hope and encouragement.

2 Peter 1:19 (NIV)

And we have the word of the prophets made more certain, and you will do well to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.

Revelations 22:16 (NIV)

"I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star."

John 8:12 (NIV)

Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Fasika    |    Jul. 17, 2014     | 6,108 Views    |   

Whether it is at the office or at home, whether with a stranger at the super market or with an old friend at the park, whether with family and friends or with our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, everything falls at the stake of the words that comes of our mouth, the words we use to communicate.

Relationship depends on communication and vise versa. We tend to talk more or communicate more with someone we are very close with. The issue is all about trust and faith. But then how do we communicate effectively with someone who we don’t feel intimate with?

There is so much power when individuals communicate for a common goal and purpose. We can see that how much the people of Babylon accomplished and fail to do so when they cannot communicate no more.

When two people cannot communicate the right way, it is impossible to do anything. Communication is the key to everything. It is the key for making a strong bond of relationship. The word of God says, “If the two don’t agree to each other, they can’t go together”

Therefore success in communication is really success in many areas of our lives. It really brings success at home, success in marriage, success with parents and children, success at work and success everywhere with the Lord by our side.

If communication is the key to everything, then what is the key to communication? Many people agree that trust is the key to communication. If I trust you then I will not have any issue regarding the message you convey to me.

Sometimes things get really bad when two individuals argue. The fact is they can easily come to agreement to a certain extent if they know how to communicate better. The problem with this approach is that you cannot trust every one.

Well you can trust at least few people in your life. When it comes to the reality you don’t have to trust every word that is spoken from their mouth.

10 Tips for Effective Communication

  1. Be positive when you start a conversation. Don’t interpret words of the other person in a negative way.

  2. Try to make the conversation funny. The thing it is really hard to convey your message when things are a little bit unfriendly.

  3. Take your time to come up with ideas that can really boost the communication to the next level.

  4. Be respectful. Respect the opinions of others and don’t just impose your own ideas.

  5. Take turns to talk and don’t disrupt while others are talking.

  6. Don’t take the conversation to the wrong direction where the other person is not willing to go by becoming too much personal or rude.

  7. Try to feel the implications and interpretations of your words before you even speak out. If you find it disrespectful, rephrase it in a more sensible way and thoughtful manner.

  8. Don’t be arrogante or rude. Be kind and sincere!

  9. Be personal. Allow them to pour their hearts and speak whatever they feel they have to say if they want to. Don’t hesitate to share your little secretes every now and then. It will create bondage and enhance friendship but be very wise what to say when and for whom.

  10. Thank them for their time when you finish the conversation.

These are few suggestions how we could improve our communications skills. Please don’t take this list as exhaustive and you may add your own ideas to the list.

May God bless you and pour out his blessing to enrich you with wisdom to speak the right word at the right time, to help heal people broken hearts, in the name of Jesus! Amen!

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 16, 2014     | 4,456 Views    |   

In that day you will say:“I will praise you, Lord. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense[a]; he has become my salvation.” With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.” - Isaiah 12

My Lord and my God, my savior and my Lord who knows everything before time, how wonderful is the works of your hand. You were right when you do your righteous deeds in your son’s life. You were God almighty when you say no and when you say yes. We were troubled with our own ways that have caused us many problems. The ways of the heart of a man is nothing but trouble but you had known everything from the beginning . Yes, you not only made everything beautiful in its due time but you had blessed the hearts of your children with your mighty deeds. We were not looking the direction you have shown us only trapped by our ways but you have followed us giving us strength.

We now have made it to the point where we no longer live by the past but astonishingly turn and learn from our mistakes and surrender us to you. There is no greater love than the one you have done for us

Even now our faith leads us in to a faithful prayer that you protect us and we hold on to you no matter what till you quickly admonish the things that will rise up against us. My heart is fully surrendered that she knows it is only you, our Lord that has satisfied all her trust and passion in life. No voice can be good enough to shout the joy you have caused in our lives. No words are capable of celebrating the deep happiness and joy you have given us in Christ Jesus.

With him there is nothing that you haven’t prepared for us, our father. You have given us everything since you have not hold back to give the only son you have, Christ Jesus. Even if we are always troubled with the earthly things, we know that your love is enough . Yes, Lord that is the beginning and fulfillment of our lives and there is nothing that we really trust to accumulate from this world. But if we see your graceful face every day and if you are no longer angry with us, we shall live a prosperous life and there is nothing in our midst that will make want something else.

You love is better than life a true story showed to save the world which is by Jesus Christ. We exault your name we give you all the glory and worship bestowed to your name since your deeds are mightier than the ocean and your glory is wider than the sky.

True life emanates from you since you are the source of the living water that is the Spirit of peace and love that comes from your mouth. Your Spirit give wisdom for the simple to acquire enough knowledge to solve bigger issues of life.

Our mouth is filled with the sound of praise and worship. We sing the song of celebration since you are:

• The Horn of our salvation

• The Hymn of our soul

• The Rhythm of our lives

• The Theme of our song

• The Beauty of our face

• The Satisfaction of our hunger and thrust

• Alpha – Omega, the beginning and the end of everything

• The Desire of our soul

• The Brightness of our hope

• The Rock of our faith

• The Strength of our hope

• The Depth of our faith

• The Spiri

of Wisdom

•    The Utterance of comfort and consolidation

•    The Rod of favor

•    The Joy of our salvation

•    A mighty fortress at the time of trouble

•    The Wisdom of God

•    The Source of all creation

•    The Reason of our celebration

•    The Victory of our battle

•    The Light of the way of life

•    The Grace of God 

•    The Source of Happiness and pure joy

•    The Source of our Blessings

•    The Son of God that has brought peace with man kind;  The Prince of Peace who brought reconciliation with our heavenly father

•    The Lamb of God sent to be sacrificed for the salvation of many

•    The Lion of Judah who has defeated all his enemies on the cross

•    The Morning Star brighter than any darkness bestowed on our lives

•    Emanuel - The almighty who lives among us

•    The Purpose of Life

For all the different things that you are for us being closer than a mother or father, Lord, we got a purpose to live becuase of you. For these reasons we bless your name all the days of our lives, in the name of Jesus! Amen!

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 15, 2014     | 8,567 Views    |   

God is the giver of all of our heavenly gifts. God has blessed us without measure out of the abundance of mercy. It is not because we deserve it but it is because of his magnificent love and kindness for us. We have done nothing to win God’s grace.

It is not even something we have to compete for. God is more than fair in his judgment. God has judged in favor of us but still his judgment is fair. He has decided to save us long time ago. He has interfered with our affliction and he has given us rest and an everlasting place to live.

We were not expecting anyone to come to us to save us but you, Lord. Most of all you gave us love to abide by. You gave us your son which is our greatest blessing. Everything else is extra. Every kind of blessing you gave to us is something additional. But they are still important to us.

It is important to understand that family is the basic of all things. It is where most of our identities come from. It is the basics of most of characters are derived including our good and bad ones. The stories that are going to be told from our lives, they are going to be developed in our families.

The most important thing is that we make Jesus Christ the basic foundation of our lives that everything else is built on. Only then we can able to turn our lives in the right direction even if they are heading in the wrong direction. We can shape our lives according to the will of God that we are created for.

If we allow the Spirit of God for intervention, then he will have the ultimate directing power in our lives. Then nothing could make us turn from the direction of truth of God, Jesus Christ. If we are benefited from the love of our parents and they didn’t show us anything about our real father, then the tragedy of life is when we are away from home. When we got drifted away from them by the waves of life, we no longer get the benefit from them.

Our family can no longer able to help us in all areas of our lives. In fact when they are the disappointment to us and when we face our adversaries alone, only then we come out to be winners if we have the Lord Jesus Christ by our side. He heals every wounded heart.

He is able to sooth the hardship and anger we have in our heart. We never know what kind of problem we are facing when we grow. But the right initiative is sometimes we all need to succeed in life. But even though all things haven’t had to happen towards the direction we wanted, even though everything in us is craving inside to put us in deep trouble; if we know Jesus as our only savior and redeemer, then there is more hope than we could get from the world.

Jesus you are the best gift that we get from our heavenly father. You love is just enough to satisfy all we could possibly desire and wish for. If we have you with us there is no battle we will come out of defeated because you will strengthen us and keep us intact through the battles of life.

We glorify your name forever in the name of Jesus.

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 14, 2014     | 4,524 Views    |   

How beautiful it is when we do all things for God's glory no matter what we do! The fear of him will always be in you. This is the next intimate relationship with God. You no more have feelings for the self. Instead you always try to realize what makes him happy and what makes him sad. You don’t seek your own expectations of what makes him happy. Instead you do only what he tells you to do. You don’t seek your own desires but instead you go after his. You don’t run after your wild dreams but you will follow him wherever he leads you.

You don’t hesitate to follow his laws instead you direct your path according to his will. You don’t try to make someone happy just to get attention. You make him happy first and all the rest latter. You don’t fear no one but the only one who should be respected all the time.

This is how you will glorify his name on your life. The name that have the full power on the earth and the heaven. His name is Jesus and it is sweetest than anything else. You start to live as a sacrifice to his pleasure not drawn too much to your own desires running away from slavery of the mind, the body and the soul which is only possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.

How good is it to worship God in the midst of his congregation? How blessed we shall be if we can really make him happy with our songs - a song that comes from truthful mouth. How blissful to be chosen by God for his own work. How blessed is the person whose tongue that really speaks the right thing at the time of need. How great his love? How wonderful is his mercy? He ought to be worshiped and glorified. Therefore we should go on and on praising him all the days and all nights of my remaining life.

After all life is too precious to play with and we should take all the effort to preserve it. Praying is sometimes the best we can do about it. Sometimes, when God requests something from us to do something or to just believe, it is because he has better plans. Moreover, when we are asked to do something we better do it because it is for our good he plans.

Sometimes God requests us to give what we love most just to express how much we love him. Like a father who gives something to his son and ask him back. We become too much focused and overwhelmed by the item, and we say we won’t let go. Hay! It is already God's gift to us and the thing is we better like it or not we should give it back and we know God is not a taker. He will give it back to us again. Let’s believe him and he is faithful to do what is best for us.

Focus is sometimes the key and determination and careful actions we should take make us wise and successful. I think the best thing to do before we really do the thing is to think the think first. Be reasonable in doing anything. Don’t do something because you just like it or because you find it easy. One thing should be clear here. You should do it because you know with all your heart it is the right thing to do.

Life can be tricky and tough sometimes. It can get ugly and meaningless. So the best choice is to stick to God’s plan as it is written to our hearts.

Please God feel us not just only with food and drink but with your Spirit so that we can speak advice and comfort to the poor. Our soul is poor and hungry to hear from you. We know you speak wisdom and discipline like no one else. All the days of our lives, we shall speak truth; yes that’s right, nothing but truth.

I leave you with the word of God. May God bless you and keep you in peace till next time…

1 John 2:4
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.

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        Fasika    |    Jul. 11, 2014     | 5,266 Views    |   

God says on Hose, ‘my people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge’. He didn’t say lack of grace. He didn’t say lack of money or love.

Can you imagine how important it is to be in the truth? When the light of his word shines upon your face, no evil force can stand in front of you. You problems will be gone like a wind. Now the only way he can teach you adequately is not through mere reading but through revelation of his word through his spirit.

Every now and then we found ourselves short of the revelation of the word of God. Sometimes we make ourselves busier than we ought to be. We tend to be completely unavailable and unreachable to the Spirit of the Lord and yet we expect to see results in all areas of our lives.

The fact is if we deprive ourselves the knowledge that comes from the word of God, we couldn’t accumulate enough wisdom to resist temptation and lead our lives in the right way that the Lord wanted us to lead.

The most important thing is we can’t blame God or someone else when the problems arrive. The excuse to say that we are unaware of the circumstance and unaware of the will of God is not acceptable once we fall short of the protection of God

God is an awesome God. He has prepared the road map of our salvation, richness, happiness and joy in his word. He has also given his Spirit so that the ordinary man can understand the word that comes the mouth of an extraordinary and magnificent God.

We don’t have any reason not to be affected by his love and mercy extended to us through the Lord Jesus Christ. We don’t have any reason not to read his word and not to be comforted by his Spirit.

So brothers and sister in Christ, please let us spend each and every precious moment with the Lord through his word and Spirit. He will help us accumulate enough knowledge and wisdom to faithfully serve him with all we have got and pass it to our children, the next generation to come.

May God overflow the love of reading the Bible every day and establish a committed relationship with him through Christ in the name of Jesus. Amen.


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        Fasika    |    Jul. 10, 2014     | 5,305 Views    |   

Our emotions are our guiding checking points of our lives. Whenever we feel angry we will soon understand that there is something going on that needs the interference of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We see that with out dealing with our emotions according to the word of God and the conviction of the Holy Ghost, we will not head in to the right direction.

If we are not reading the Bible daily, we will not have enough knowledge that will lead us to the right direction. When we were under the slavery of sin, we will do everything that the devil has demanded from us. We will not have enough power but to take everything that our temporarily feelings has caused us to feel.

We are easily angered and we don’t have enough power to resist the devil temptations or that of the flesh’s desire. Once we are saved by the grace of God and baptized with Holy Ghost, it is completely opposite of what we used to feel. We no longer feel the urge of committing the sin we used to do. We are completely healed from it.

We are emotional beings and that doesn’t necessary mean it is bad. There is a time where our emotions like a sixth sense tell us to completely get away from a disaster about to come . Yes, when the Spirit of the Lord touches our spirit and indicate there is harm in our way; we tend to feel what is to come in our emotions. We fear a little bit we trouble and get angry in other words they are giving a sign of something is about to begin that is unusual to us.

The other side of this is when we tend to be carried away to listen and stick to our emotions when it could be a false alert. There is a little evidence that our emotions don’t lie to us. The truth is we are not sure what others are thinking and we are also clue less whether or not they could harm us.

So our emotions are our guidelines but not our final remarks to make decisions. Sometimes we become too much embittered and we don’t know what to do after we got some sense of negative feelings. Well I know for sure that if we follow that then that will be the end of everything.

When the moment is filled with bitter emotions and we are victims of our feelings. When things do not look right or we don’t feel it in more pleasant way. There is still plenty of time and energy in us that will make us flee from our emotions and get on track.

Instead of our deepest fears and emotional imbalances, if we focus on the grace and love that the Lord is pouring in to our spirit, we will have a humble experience and can lead to the right direction.

What has our reasoning to do with our feelings?
Our thoughts is our way of reasoning and is the ability to make a sound decision. It is the ability to communicate well and in a positive manner. It is to be a well-educated person who can understand nature very well. It is something you can work on daily basis.

Something you can learn and exercise like you exercise your muscles. This is all about your mind. All about logic, moral issues, science. It has nothing to do with your feelings. Is it good to reason, which is to think logically and reasonably, without incorporating your feelings? Is it good to be a sensible person in the first place? Are there these kinds of people or both?

A person who uses his feelings to reach to a decision is called an artist. An artist gives great value to his feelings rather than his reasoning ability. What is the value of art and what is the value of science. How can one relate to the other? How much one can effect on the other. Can they exist together for example on a single phenomenon?

Can one like one and have no clue on another? Science is in the details. Art is on the presentation. Science makes the inside and art make the outside. The science of an ocean is how the molecules are made. What combination of elements makes what we know as water. In what percentage do molecules occur in a singl

op? What is its reaction to the outside world? The art of an ocean is in its presentation. How we can persevere its blue nature. How it goes with the blue sky and the living creatures in it. The beuty of the beach and the waves and many more. We can feel the beauty of the ocean but can’t describe it as a science.

It is there in our heart to explain its true nature but cannot find any word except to say it is beautiful. We all have the potential to be an artist or a scientist. God is our creator and he made as like him in his image that is the image of personality, creativity, reasoning, learning, admiration, judgment. 

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 9, 2014     | 5,947 Views    |   

The secret behind the son of God is revealed on Isiah 52:13 as the man who is so miserable that no one would love his face. He became stranded lost in the wilderness finding the lost considering himself no more than a sheep let alone God.

He put one thing in his mind that is to suffer the suffering of the oppressed and to offer comfort for those who are in need. All of this is not figuratively speaking. This is the true life of Jesus when he came to find us.

He became lonely, destitute, helpless and homeless lest we should be fatherless. He drank the penalty of our sin without hesitation which is death. When he came to seek us, all of us were going our own ways living our own life. But knowing the path we choose to destruction, we didn't seek him but yet he pursue us until he found us.

But even when he gasped the pain of death, we didn't consider him worthy of our pursuit. We thought for ourselves he is reaping what he saw and considered him not more than someone who do wrong. Yet there was no evil found in him. He was innocent in all accounts and there was no guilt found in him on earth as well as on heaven.

The story didn't end there. His father in him he trust most had raised him from the dead and gave him an everlasting kingdom and glory with whomever Jesus has interceded and accept him as the savior of their soul.

The reason is because he didn’t consider himself as equal as God when he took the face of a servant and doesn’t compare himself with God but he humbles himself before God taking a flesh that is in likeness of his children that he saved.

God having seen Jesus who took the face of a servant glorified him above everything on earth and above earth. The name of Jesus is the rock of our salvation for those who come to him and hide themselves from wicked things of the world not to dishonor God.

Isaiah 52:13
The Lord says:
    My servant will succeed!
He will be given great praise
    and the highest honors.
Many were horrified
    at what happened to him.
But everyone who saw him
    was even more horrified
because he suffered until
    he no longer looked human.
My servant will make
nations worthy to worship me;
    kings will be silent
    as they bow in wonder.
They will see and think about
they have never seen
    or thought about before.

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 8, 2014     | 8,552 Views    |   

When we are no longer wanted to go by the ways of the Lord, we will be given onto our evil desires. And ours own thoughts will be our enemies. We search for the scrambled pieces of our lives all over the places; we found it deeply rooted in to the things that are very important to our lives.

Love in Christ is stronger than anything I ever experienced. Sometime we are trying to punish ourselves due to the buried venom deep in to our body and soul which is the greatest sorrow of all time.

There is nothing painful like it, nothing deadly. We may have experienced many other painful experiences in our lives but no one was like that one. How we become a monster craving for more sin to our body, is sometimes despicable and difficult to trace it.

You can’t hurt anyone if you really love them. Family is the most important element of our lives. We all love our family. We need their support especially spiritually. They say, ‘a family that can’t pray together never last forever’. We want to be who we are born to be and they play a major role in this regard. We needed them most and we want them to be with us all the time.

When a family is disintegrated we will lose everything. In the process we also lose every bit of our existence and identity.

That is why God always rescue those whose families are devastated and whose identities are lost by sending his Angels. But when our disappointment and our anger was not over, God presented the chance to actually forgive each other for not being there in the time we want each other the most.

The idea is to be available for our family both physically and emotionally when they need us most.

We also need to become one with Jesus.

But what really makes us live in the right way without sinning against the Lord?

It was the new heart that God has given us from heaven. He will create a new heart that will carry his teachings and not forget his decrees and laws. His laws are the law of love and brings life to our soul.

The new heart the created for us has something in it that is called forgiveness. It is filled with tremendous amount of joy and happiness.

Everything in it smells the perfume of mercy. Does anything change for us to change? Not yet! So what cause the change? Our faith in Jesus Christ and his word. That if we really believe him and follow him and do what he told us to do.

Then our family will change. 

God only knows how much we have searched for the medicine to the cause of all our miseries and pains in life. All over the places we seek if there is anything like it. But the answer was hidden far from us. Our eyes were blinded and everything in us had a lack of wisdom. 

Well there is time for everything. We have seen how painful it is to rebel against the Lord. When we are in a bondage of sin for a long time, even after we have been set free, we don’t know where to go. Like someone just released from the prison and he has no place to go. 

I mean he can’t go everywhere at once. All his home and his life was the prison and now it is a little bit confusing to him. I don’t know what life would look like without a freedom form the Lord. We tend to Vigilant, strong, with a sparkle in our eyes, eager to know everything in life. 

And I tell you what that is all about. It is all about life and freedom. This freedom doesn’t come in vain. Someone has definitely pay it penny by penny. Jesus has paid it for me to get my freedom. He paid by taking the same punishment I should get for my sins. 

Satan had total control of your life in the past but no more. You are bought by price by the prince and he wants you to be his beloved.

You called us and ordained us before our body was formed in our mother’s womb. We need to finish the job you gave us before even we were born. We want to be a man who is after your heart and we need to do this. If you ever want us to get your message across for the generations to come, we pray that you bless us supernaturally so that we will be a blessing to others.  

Our Lord we bless your name in each and every individual moment you have created for us after you have freed us from bondage and make us live a life full of peace and love.

Let your name be glorified in Jesus Name!

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        Tewodros    |    Jul. 7, 2014     | 5,525 Views    |   

When the time comes that all that matters no more matters.In other words, will it matters any more what matters most in the last hour of our lives.

Will there be any regrets and remorse? Or we may be filled with fulfillment and joy?This all might depend on how we spend every moment of our lives.

We ask ourselves: Did we avail ourselves to the Lord so that he can utter salvation, hope and encouragement to others? Did we separate ourselves from the useless things of this world?

If we can be used as instrument of love and not hate?If all we have done is not a waste of time and resources?If we can handle wisely our time?

If we can allow God to work with us and by us for his glory and for the benefit of us and others? Then we may feel no regret when all the time we have on earth is completed.

Joy will surrender our heart and it doesn’t matter anymore what we have not accomplished or not. God brings forth the honor that he prepared for his children from the start of time

What a blessing will it be to spend each and every moment of our lives with God.What a waste will it be if we don’t allow him to work in our lives?May be someone doesn’t know how to invite this God in to his life. But itis as simple as opening our heart and invite God to start using us for the benefit of others.

Nothing can compensate the time wasted in vain for the past years of our lives other than to be more focused and do the will of God the remainder of our lives. When it comes to the nuts and bolts everybody knows what really matters when they know they are at the brink of their lives.

My challenge to you is why not start now? What do you lose if you dedicate yourself to following God and God’s principles starting from today? The sooner is the better. The more we allow ourselves to waste our time for less important things can bring the day of sorrow and not happiness.

No one can avoid the moment of absolute solitude and the day of darkness where we brought forth to face the real challenge in our entire being. That moment is when we come face to face with the Lord.That moment is no more the moment one can simply bypass without attention.

Let death not be the one who will bring God’s presence to our attention.

God has his own ways of avoiding the setbacks that comes between him and us and death is not the only option for him. We all die and once we die we have no hope of remembrance to the world.

What amazes me the most is how we all come to encounter the presence of God in our lives.

Most of us encounter with him because we were in great pain and trouble.

We completely surrender our lives to him:
• When there could not be possibly answer for our tragedies
• When the world is so bad on us and we have no choice but to cave in
• When we don’t find ourselves any more in the joy of living and we join the path of sorrow and darkness
• When our little lamp is getting smaller and smaller and the mirror we look onto our selves gets more dark
• When we eat sorrow for breakfast and sadness for dinner

We turn our head to God and sooner we find ourselves crying in his embrace
He embraced us comprehend all of it that even ourselves do not understand
He comfort us in his presence and that he promised nothing more can closely come between us
That is how most of us come to know God in Christ Jesus

Some of us were in great shame and humiliation and we are begging the Lord to cover our sins
We were doomed if the Lord did not interfere and cover our fault from being over told by the enemy

Some of us were in great confinement and solitude when we set our heart straight with God.When there is no one to turn to and no

even one beside us to listen our deepest sorrow.

When all the people we trust most has betrayed us and no one can come closer any more. Some people find life very difficult to live and to continue living in all of those three circumstances but for me it meant it is time to see God’s hand and mercy for all the insanity and bad things that happened in to my life.

I thought it is better I share my thoughts since life can get too hard on us and it even gets so bad that we cannot take it anymore. If we establish a strong relationship with our heavenly father, no one can separate us from him whether it is sorrow or happiness, darkness or light, and this life or the coming.

God is always there to snatch us from the mouth of the lion, killing giants for us, took away the strength of the fire and the power of death, and gives something to praise his name for.

You know the people we think is our own give condolences when we are in trouble. They cannot do any better since they are also like us. But God gives hope and he put an end to many bad things that happened in to our lives.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jul. 4, 2014     | 4,838 Views    |   

How to become a good communicator?How to avoid common issues we face daily during a relationship with others?How to glorify God’s name in our lives?How to be a good partner of life who will be always there for our spouse besides being a faithful child and servant to the Lord?

These are one of the most important question we want to answer in life. I believe establishing a good relationship with God and also with our spouse is the key to enjoy happy life. We always plead God for his mercy ask him to forgive our soul:

“Lord, forgive me my sin that I have been so stubborn and unwilling to accept your teachings. Promise me that you will never punish me with the sin of my youth. I cling up on your mercy and grace to do this.”

We also need a revelation on how to deal with our spouse and friends. Sometimes we are tempted to use the same amount of love we have for a human being for the Lord. We need to understand there is different kinds and level of love. Love your God with all your heart and mind and soul and might and power. And love your wife/husband next and love your family and your friends as yourself.

Now there are many things you need to tell God and hide it from the rest even to yourself. When we pray in spirit accompanied with tongues, we are speaking in secret to our God.

Don’t be so self-righteous and do something by your own. Always consult God with everything you do. More than everything please be slow to speak and quick to listen. Avoid talking something from your own perspective. Use God word and your faith to proclaim your victory in times of troubles.

Don’t talk about something you are not comfortable with. Do not make the Holy Spirit feel sorry about anything. Be sensitive and listen and accept advice and learn. Don’t be foolish and do everything by your own understanding only. Listen to voice of the Lord and do what he tells you to do.

We also need to be very careful in providing vital information to other individuals. Wisdom tells you to know what you are dealing with. Your emotion and your level of desire to talk and react all depends on who you dealing with and your level of respect for the person.

Your don’t need to tell the same amount of information to your friend that you did to your spouse. You need to know everything about your spouse. You need to know what makes him happy and unhappy.The same way you need to know what makes your spouse happy.

I mean you are moving against the direction of the current of waves of the society. This world is a fallen world and every advice you get from it is not worthy to make your marriage work. You need to be modest in everything, controlling your life. Knowing the time to do everything

Make important decisions according to the will of God. Seek his guidance every bit of your life. The challenges you get from the world are not easy to underestimate. I say if you allow God to interfere with your life in everything you will be successful

The question is always clear. Is anger something that can controlled? Is managing anger a gift or something we have to work on? When is power released from heaven? When is help released from heaven?

About crazy act of disrespect. Does love and power go together? Can someone respect you while he loves you? Or is one traded for another? Or which must be sought first. Should I seek my own power from other?

I know I have to work with others to maintain self-respect but what about power? Is power can be given to humans? If so for whom it shall be given? Why openness bring disrespect? How to bring justice when someone just insult you. Until God gives the real heart they will think of you as something unworthy.

In the laws of Mosses it says, "you must not be punished more than 40 lashes because other Israelites may think you are worthless." Sometimes people intentionally insult you just to find out

ow much you value self-respect. 

How do you respond to that to bring an end to the disrespect? With vengeance to bring justice or will you just neglect the insult and go on with your life? There are many times we are a victim of someone wrong behavior and not getting the proper value. I believe all manner of disrespect comes one way or another by not doing the same thing.

When we were kids we learn the hard way how to respect elders. I think now the younger individuals do not get the same point as important as it is. And most importantly even if there is no perfect solution for the first problem which is when someone just bring you down out of the blue because it may be madness like I have experienced before.

The best way to prevent it is to be as polite as possible to the other person. Think as much worth and value as you think you have for yourself but not as much as to lose your dignity and self-confidence and not as much value you think one has for you. 

Remember what the law says: think of your friend as worthy as you are. Respect your neighbor as you want him to respect you. But if your silence makes you looked down by someone else, then you need to take yourself one or two level out of the boundaries you used to be with her/him.

Remember no revenge is necessary and only forgiveness will allow God to work justice on behalf of you. Revenge is God’s thing. True power belongs to God everything else is either falsification of the real power. Or it is a temporarily delegate power from God. 

Always there is a fake form of the reality. There is true power and false power. There is true and false worship. There is true and false song. There is true and false pleasure. There is true and false purpose. There is true and false wisdom. Why it is like this? Because of there is God and there is devil. There is good and there is evil. One cannot exist without the other. 

One cannot be perceived or defined or understood without the existence of the other. One is defined in relation to the other. What is light if there is no darkness. Who will know truth without knowing false. But as for me the issue of seeking once glory and power be a curse. 

My desire is seeing your name be glorified among your people. My utmost is your pleasure. My life is yours sacrifice. My power is your glory. Jesus was presented with an opportunity where he could be king of Judah. 

The people wanted to do that for him because they didn't see such awesome miracles that he had performed in front of them. But he looked at it and he turned his face from it because he wanted to offer that as a gift to his father. He wanted to use this and every other similar occasion as an opportunity to express his love for his father. He believed he should not seek any power on his own desire but all he was born to do is to bring glory to the father. 

God bless you for reading this blog.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jul. 3, 2014     | 16,838 Views    |   

Until the enemy takes everything from us, we waited. He took life from us like a wolf that snatches and takes away. Why all this happened? Is it not because we are not acknowledging the shepherd that God given us properly?

The war has to be fought boldly and with a lot of courage. No more cry, no more fear and no more disappointments. For God is with us and if he has been with us all this time, he will continue to help us.

There is no way we will escape some temptations with out fighting.The question is do we prepare our selves for the spiritual fighting?Soldiers in the physical realm have to go through a lot of training to qualify for combat.

Whether it is a war where soldiers fight in battle fields or whether it is on individual basis, God is looking for real soldiers here, those who will not turn their backs and run. He needs some who can fight with desire. Not out of external obligation but out of real cause and out of real problems they have. And God will help them go through the battle and defeat their enemies.

I cannot mention all of the territories the enemy has gained from us. He has broken boundaries and he has trespassed territories that belong to us.The enemy has taken away our families as captivates. Our children are now slaves to the enemy rather than bringing joyful songs to the Lord. Would you, God, care one more time to help us and help us in regaining our strength?

Help us Lord, to build the homes and villages that the enemy destroyed.Help us in getting back our families from the hands of the enemy before time. Believe it or not war is going on now in the spiritual realm. The intention of this war is to deprive God 's people from what God has already promised.

God has put many blessing in the scriptures for us. But these blessings will not come to us until we get up on our feet and start to do what it says. Obedience is what it all takes to get there.Some of us do not want to obey because our own ego comes to play.

Selfishness is all we are thinking about all day. Some are testing the Lord if his promises are not going to come to pass.But God as he is our father has already made available everything we possibly imagine as good healthy earthly father will think in the positive manner to promote the growth of his children.

God has already promised the same thing for us even much better than our earthly fathers. Why are we not listening then?Why all these miseries and pain? Isn't it because of our stone heartedness. God cannot penetrate through that unless we open it for him. We must pray that may God give us an obedient and kind heart, that we may listen to him and pray to him all the time and do only what he tells us to do.

The Scripture has put a remark as how God's people are going to suffer not because of the strength of their enemies but because of their disobedience to God s law.Here are some of the curses the Lord himself will bring on disobedient children found on Deuteronomy 28:

The Curses:

No matter what you try to accomplish, the Lord will confuse you, and you will feel his anger. You won t last long, and you may even meet disaster all because you rejected Lord.

The Lord will send terrible diseases and you will never be well again.You will suffer with burning fever and swellings and pain until you die some where in the land you captured.

The Lord will make the sky above like a bronze roof that keeps out the rain and the ground will be as hard as iron. Your crops will be scotched by the hot east dust and sandstorms instead of rain.

The Lord will let you be defeated by your enemies. You will be a horrible sight for other nations to see. The Lord will make you suffer diseases

that have no cure for you.

You will become insane and go blind. The Lord will make you so confused that you cannot tell the night from the day. For the rest of your life, people will beat and rob you, and no one will be able to stop them.

The woman that you are engaged to will be raped by enemy soldiers before you even got married. You will never get the chance to live in the house that you have built. You will never get the chance to enjoy the fruits of your first harvest. Your cattle s will be killed while you watch and no body will even say why?

Your children will be slaves in foreign countries while you stand there being helpless. You will work hard but everything you have worked for will be for the enemy.

What you see will be so horrible that you will go insane. People will laugh when they see your terrible troubles, and they will make fun of you. You will plant a lot of seed but gather a small harvest, because locusts will eat your crop.

Foreigners will be so wealthy and powerful, while you become poor and powerless. You will be so short of many that you will have to borrow from those foreigners. They will be the leader and you will be the follower in your own community.

The Blessings:

The Lord will make your businesses and your farms successful. You will harvest large crops, and your herds of cattle and flocks of sheep and goats will produce many young.

You will have many children. You will have plenty of bread to eat. The Lord will make you successful in your daily work. The Lord will make you defeat your enemies and make them scatter in all direction.

The Lord your God is giving you the land. Your harvest will be so large and your store house will be full. You will be God s special people and every one earth will know it and they will be afraid of you.

The Lord will open the store houses of the skies where he keeps the rain, and he will send the rain just at the right time. You will have plenty of money to lend to other nations but you won t need to borrow yourself. You will be wealthy and powerful, not poor and week

The above curses listed are not easy to swallow. They may look superficial and out dated but they are real and they still work on our lives. They are the ones who are making a loser. The solution to all of these diseases is simple and clear. It is to fear the Lord and humbly obey his instructions.

The law is not difficult to understand. We must LOVE God and stay faithful to him on any circumstances. We must always seek the council of the Lord and lean not on our understanding. And last but not least we must do to our neighbor the same thing that we expect from him. The first law tells us about loving the lord with all our heart, our thoughts, our mind, our body.

We must respect and LOVE him with all our sprit, our strength, our passion, our desire, our purpose and it must be our pleasure to serve him. The second law is about loving our brothers and sister in every way possible and taking a good care of them in a time of trouble.

The war doesn't begin when the enemy comes and takes all of our belongings and run. The war sometimes is fought and defeated even before they come to do what has God put in his word as a curse on disobedient children. At that time, we may cry bitterly or even try to fight back but still we will be defeated.

I don't know why sometimes we don't like to fight. This world is all about one thing and that is fighting. The enemy has taken many things from us in the past. He has taken our family, our profession, our passion, our protection, our joy and happiness. May be our beloved ones and may be more.
And how do w

respond to that? With anger to God and ourselves

Our anger on God and ourselves leads to the same kind of sin over and over again. Since while we were little children, we lost many things. Since we come to this earth, the enemy has caused us a lot of trouble. He has made so many abuses in our lives and the lives of our family. If it continues like that, only God knows what the enemy will do next. After all as we all know his motive is always clear.

And that is to break the strong LOVE bondage between us and God through Christ Jesus. Shall we live up to that? Shall we sit back and look while he brings everything to separate us from the LOVE of Jesus.

He has showing progress every time he attacked us. Like a left alone sheep wandering in the wilderness, he finds us fun to play with. Most of our inward anger and not towards sin and the spirit of sin makes his job easy.

It is good to have anger since that is the reason why we want to steer up fight. Anger when accompanied with wisdom and LOVE is like a fuel to burn every evil thought and disobedience. Will you fight? Or will you die many years from now in slavery and in bondage. What makes you not to get up from your place and go out to the battle field?

Most probably fear is the cause of all of these. Fear of the enemy and what he has already done in our lives. May be we are waiting for the right time?  The time has come when you have to stand up and fight:

Fight for your freedom!
Fight to resist every temptation and evil!
Fight to raise the flag of righteousness up!
Fight not to bow down to sin!
Fight to make God known among nations and generations to come!
Fight now, fight for your freedom!
Don t have mercy for the enemy!
Don t have any hesitations in your heart!
Be strong and courageous!
Be bold and brave hearted!
Fight and that is an order from the lord!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit gives us the courage to fight sin, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jul. 2, 2014     | 5,204 Views    |   

How are we going to survive the wickedness of this world? How long should we fight it back? Sinners come and do their shameful things in front of everyone out of arrogance. They despise every one around them.

In the place we have our greatest weaknesses; the devil hit specifically targeting that point. And it hurt so badly, Lord. We don't know how long we are going to resist it. We don't want to fall on something that will eventually bring dishonor to your name.

When we are tempted with different things that we don't even know what to do or which side we should take or what choices we should made, we will all become worried and anxious.

But we believe you are always there for us. You have controlled everything regarding our relationship with others that we really don't understand.

We know for sure it is not wise to figure it out all by ourselves. May be it is all a matter of time before everything becomes apparent.

For us, it is good to fall on the mercy of the Lord rather than any one else.

We can push some things in life forward in life but we cannot totally avoid it. If we take for examples the fact that we all need to grow to be a faithful servant to the Lord. God has created in all of us what it takes to be a faithful servant of the Lord.

This may take some time according to the nature of our heart which takes some time to learn from the Lord, but we will eventually become fully matured to be a loyal citizen of heaven and a protector of Gods kingdom.

In my life I have come to understand that it is very important to marry the right woman/husband - a loving obedient wise woman who is exactly from God and a humble servant of the Lord who fears God and loves his wife.

If a little bit of faithfulness is found in us, the things that we need most will be given to us freely as a blessing from the Lord. Faithfulness is all we need to be like Abraham.

Do we remember how many years has Abraham waited for his son, Isaac? He exactly understood the will of God that even when he was asked to give his son back; he already knew what he should do.

He faithfully brings his son to be sacrificed. A son he waited for many decades. This is more than just loyalty, or fear of God, or love. This is faithful love.

This is like a woman should behave towards her husband. Therefore this is the principle for waiting to get an obedient wife that to be in faithful love with the Lord.

It is also another thing to have obedient children. What is the principle behind having obedient children? I believe it is to be obedient children to our parents.

In all of this we know that the love of God is true love and it surpasses any thing we could possible experience and feel. Brothers, I leave you with the word of God in Romans 8:37

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with these, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jul. 1, 2014     | 4,540 Views    |   

What God has prepared for us looks like we will only fulfill it in due time but not exactly realize it now. Any of our enemies can't succeed to withdraw us from it no matter how long and how hard they try. We have already believed that they can't separate us from the love of the Lord in Christ Jesus.

We are looking forward to see it, seeking and waiting for it to come to pass. Now we know to what point of life we should work more. Now we know our weakness from our strength in spirit. Now we know our allies from our enemies.

What is it Lord that you want us to reveal yourself through us? It must be far from our imagination that we couldn't find out till now. It must be something very important. It must be something big even we could sabotage our own purpose if you reveal it before the time.

We will wait you our Lord and you will come walking on the mountains.You will come tramping the mountains of disappointment of the past, anger of the present and fear of the future.

You make us happy right now so that we wouldn't be worried about tomorrow. Everything else is additional, extra to the life you have prepared for us. Your spirit is the greatest present of all greatest gifts from you.

So what is our purpose in life?Why are we created for? It is to listen to the Lord and do exactly how he tells us to do. His will for his people is peace, prosperity and eternal life.

The enemy has done everything to take that from us. The Lord wants somebody to tell the truth about him. The enemy is a liar. He will do anything to take us from our father.

He striped us the clothing of righteousness that the Lord had put upon us. He stole the beautiful gifts of treasures our father gave us. I believe there is one major reason why he created us. We are created to tell the truth about what was life like with our father before the devil took from us and what life is meant to be and it's meaning to us.

We are created to declare his love for his people in Christ Jesus. We are created to tell the peace his Spirit gives to generations. Most of all we are created to tell the mercy and love God had displayed through Christ Jesus.

I have waited all this time to come to this point where I realize what the rest of my life would mean to me. As far as I am concerned, I was selfish and all my desires were evil. I am not better than any one or trying to be one.

Before God met me and changed my heart, I was a brutal beast before him. I was senseless and driven only by my blind passion. I was filthy and sinful before he shades his blood for me and cleans me.

I have a feeling that I used his mercy more than anybody else I know. If it is measured in terms of the blood of Jesus I used to clean my self, I will be the one who used it many times.

Because I still remember how many times I have asked the Lord to heal me. But after he has healed me, I go back and get filthy again. I am not trying to be more righteous in my mouth.

I am telling the truth here that I should tell of his love and testify his mercy. I don't need someone to tell me to be a servant for the Lord because his love calls me daily.I don't kneel down for sin because Jesus is my only master from this point on wards. I have abused his love in many ways and hurt his feelings.

Father, I don't want to be a slave of my sins. I have come to understand it is much better to be a slave for you. Be a master of my soul and my flesh and my body.

I don't want anything to take control of my life any more. I pray with all my heart for God to use me as he wishes and let my days end in his house idolizing your true nature. I pray that may God help us to tellhis love for our brothers and sisters.

Your children sing a song of love to you and we are willing to sing it forever. Now,

ore than ever, we need to tell God's love for us through Christ Jesus.

I will use every moment of my life I have lived to tell it how gracious and merciful our father is. I am like that little sluggish worthless thing you find deep inside the ocean. You can call me oyster. Even if they look like worthless, they have one God given purpose.

They make some beautiful and precious thing, pearls. I should do the same thing or else I will be doomed before my time. Any thing I do or I watch I should make a good thing out of it.

My eyes cant see the evil out of some thing. But I will find the good in something and bring as an offering to the Lord and to write and share with my brothers and sisters. I have no good on my own. I do exactly as God speaks to me in his spirit and not put my own perspective according to my own understanding.

Thank you God for revealing this mystery to us as it has revealed the purpose you have ordained for us even before creation. We honor your name and subdue our selves under your spirit in the name of Christ Jesus. AMEN!

It is always good to glorify Gods name. How beautiful it is when we do all things for Gods glory only no matter what we do. This way the fear of God will always be in us and it is the next intimate relationship with God.

We no more have feelings for the self. Instead we always try to realize what makes him happy and what makes him sad. We don't seek our own expectations of what makes him happy. Instead, we do only what he tells us to do. We don't seek your own desires. Instead we go after his.

We don't run after our own wild dreams. Instead we direct our path according to his will. We don't try to make someone happy just to get attention. Instead, we make him happy first and all the rest latter. We don't fear anyone but the only one who should be respected all the time.

This is how we will glorify his name on our lives - the name that has the full power on the earth and the heaven. His name is Jesus, the son of God and it is sweetest than any thing else.

This is how we should present our lives as a sacrifice to his pleasure. Not drawn too much to our own desires - running away from slavery of the mind, the body and the soul which is only possible through the Lord Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit that dwells in us.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with these, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jun. 30, 2014     | 4,251 Views    |    2 Comments

How it is beautiful to spend ample time before dawn to have a reasonable amount of time with God? We need to start the day with a fresh start with God and pray on possible cases that will happen through out the day. The pain of tiredness, the cold, the shortness of sleeping time, and other reason should not be the reason not to do it. I think it is another way to measure passion and purpose and ways to please God in doing so.

A person who is determined to do something cannot spend the morning times in bed - Like a business man who has planted business or building a building.Like Nehemiah who was very diligent in finishing building the Lord's temple walls. More over this is the very critical moment of our lives and we must be passionate but not worried, diligent, hard working, and committed, focused, consistent, self-controlled and purposeful believers.

All of these can be achieved if you are able to trade it with your comfortable zone, your pleasing morning time sleep and care-free drowsiness. I can assure you, all of that will bring you a great fortune.

If you are not passionate about how the day is going to be, you will definitely have no idea what is going on and success is unthinkable.Do you remember the first time the Lord touches you and filled you with the Holy Ghost? You probably became Ghost your self: so to speak you became sleepless and restless, very diligent and exited and hard working individual.

If you were able to continue with that, you might have done many accomplishments for the kingdom of God. But after that may be someone made bad remarks on what the Lord wanted to accomplish through you, you probably got drifted out of home and family and got tagged with serious problems and in the process you lost your passion again.

Now the purpose of this journey is to gain everything back in to place. With out it, success and building a new family for Christ is almost impossible. We tried to be faithful. We do everything we can to install faithfulness in us to please the Lord but we couldn't still find completeness and fullness, not in every area of our lives.

There is no fullness with out Jesus. In fact those areas of our lives which look like perfect and beautiful are not according to our own effort and those which look bad could have been magnificently awful if God hadn't been with us. He keeps us, protects us and blesses us extraordinarily in anything we want to do and to accomplish.

Sometimes we think faithfulness is something that comes as a gift from the Lord which I believe is something we should work on and acquire. Faithfulness is to make a profit for the Lord with what he has given as talents.
May be love is our talent or persuasiveness or it could a good teaching ability. For some it could be their great communication and leadership skills.

Obviously faithfulness in some areas of our lives is hardly obtainable.People die like trees wither and die while fighting to do and not to do it.People behave like animals should behave.Well avoidance is the real medication in such deadly circumstances. This is like prevention is the real cure in the science of medicine.

There is no need to be brave in this regard. Bravery is to do what God said to do.There is no bravery in breaking God s commandments. There are two things to come. One is good and the other is yet better.The time is short and the job is very clear. Only you and your God know it.

No other humans or demons or other creatures know it.It also tells the way you can visualize, see, plan and accomplish other things. It constructs and builds your imagination.

It also tells your understanding and your precaution to the real world. It magnifies how you should see success of the real world. Always remember your greatest success lies in your greatest resistance where
the curr

nt is high and the waves are difficult to get by.

There is always a good spirit and a bad spirit coming to us. One is to guide us and the other to make us slaves. If we continue to hear from the Lord and disregard the negative influence and temptation from the wicked, we will be able to survive the bad days and we will avoid disaster that comes with the wicked.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill our spirit and mind with peace call us to his presence every morning, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jun. 27, 2014     | 16,740 Views    |    2 Comments


God has tried to reveal himself to us in the past. He has used everything we know to show us his love. Every one we know is good to us because God have been kind to us. I come to realize even the great things we have in life was not good if it wasn t for God. Even the sweetest moments of our lives were created by him.


We had put our trust to love on somebody but God proved us wrong. God is our loving father forever. We would not find pleasure on our own. We could be blessed with many children. We could be blessed with a beautiful, wise and obedient wife. We could marry a noble man who fears the Lord in every aspect of his life.


But still he is the crown of our lives. He take all the glory and control our full heart. He is jealous God in a certain way we would understand. It is not a selfish jealousy. He is the Lord Almighty, the God of heavens and earth and he does not need anything from nobody. He is the creator and he does not envy anyone.


But whenever one knows love, he will come to understand jealousy of a certain kind. If one really love his wife or husband, would he/she be willing to share her with somebody else. Even sinners do not want to do that. Now God has allowed certain things to take control our lives.

When it comes to love, our full heart should be given to him. No money, education, friends, family, or any other thing has power over us to rule us. We shouldn t allow loving them as our God.


If we start to do that, we will fail. What will happen next is simple.

God will take them from us so that he can get our full attention. I mean if he loves us, he will do that for our benefit. All of them are not real. All of them are ways to understand his love for us. If somebody tells you that you got to use all your desires to be successful in life, don't believe it.


In other words, we might be successful but still we won t have God. There is no way we will find God by putting him second. After all, what good is it to us if we gain the whole world but lose our very soul? In other words to express this in light of love: What good is to gain everything but to lose the very thing your soul loves most.


If we don't love God from the beginning, I don't know what to say about that. But we are all forcefully taken out of his presence because of our sinful nature. We are stranded because we are disobedient sons and daughter of the Lord. What better thing is it to us that to get back to him and live with him?




There is no True love than the one who loves us first. God loves us by giving his son for us for him to be crucified and bring salvation to all of us. Do you know when Jesus dies on the cross; he dies trusting that we will be good one day?

When he took all the misery for us it was to show us how much he loves us and to redeem us from the wrath of God and eternal fire. But no one believed him that he was doing so. They considered him a sinful person.

That they even say the Lord is punishing for his own sins. They don't even consider him as worthy as a murder. They compare him with a murderer and like him not. Did he say anything about it? No. Did he complain to the father? No. Did he say why do you send me? No. Did he curse us in his heart? No.

He knew exactly what he was doing and did it accordingly.
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with we all. In Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jun. 26, 2014     | 4,733 Views    |    1 Comments

If somebody speaks a lie and say I am from God he is a liar in deed. God hates a lying tongue. He hates a deceitful mouth so much. It might be so simple and easy for the person who speaks it but it so disgusting to God almighty.

You know why? It is because a deceiver betrays trust. He put dispute among brothers, he completely work against Gods will and against his plan to our lives.

Many times we give too much attention to a silly sin that looks like to us harder to resist like for example sexual sin. We never win the battle, not because they are really hard, but because God is not with us at all.

Aha! Why God is not helping us? Because we make him too much angry by doing sins so many times, sins that seems almost negligible for us but can make God really angry.

He is angry not because we are weak. If he hates our weakness, Jesus might not die for us But God is angry because we are not even aware of our mistakes.

We are too senseless sometimes and unwise that we don't even know when we make God unhappy. And one of those moments is when we speak a bold lie to others. Lying put shame onto our soul and by lying we lower our selves of our virtue and dignity.

What is it the idea of lying by saying: I do it for a non-selfish reason ? We lie and we say we did it to protect somebody else. We cheat and we will say this is to promote or bring something good to other people lives.

While every act of cheating will be find out, it is not a good idea at all to do it in the first place. There are many reasons why we led in to the temptation of the sin of lying and cheating.

Rebekah the mother of Jacob has taken the responsitbilty of making her son to cheat on his brother. She did this for her son s sake out of her deep love. But when we read the whole story about Jacob, we will realize that the blessings she wanted for her son was delayed, it was with much labor and pain and doesn't come with out its consequences.

We all know sin has its own consequences and the consequence of cheating his own brother, Jacob was himself cheated by Laban of his right to get what he wanted. He cheated him with his first wife. He cheated him with the number of years of work to get a wife.

He cheated him with his salary. He cheated him almost in every aspect of his life where we wanted to get a fair decision from his uncle. He also faced the danger of death from his brother because of his actions.

Although the promise God has made to Jacob was real, he did not get it with out paying the price because of his self indulging behavior and the attitude of his mother. This is one of the important lessons on the fact that almost all of our actions have their consequences.

This is also a lesson on sticking to God s plan no matter what and not to lean on our own understanding. Sometimes the lesson boil down to one thing and that is don't try to be smart .

It is amazing how the kingdom of God works. We think we do God a great favor by lying and cheating. But the fact is we add up a great sorrow to our soul and another year of slavery and journey in the wilderness because of what we do with out the consent of our God is nothing but rebellion against the word of God.

When Jacob almost finished learning the lesson, he was able to return to his inheritance in his father home. When he comes out form Laban s house, he did not take anything that is not his. He was faithful in everything he was doing and taking full responsibility to his actions.

The story shows that Jacob learned the lesson even if it is the hard way. Is it not the Lord s him self said in one of the Ten Commandments? 'Do not desire to posses anything that belongs to another person - not a house, wife, a slave, a donkey, or anything else.'

We all face the same kind of situation that Jacob faces almost on daily basis. We want to do the right thing but the question is do we do it in the right way?

After all what matter most in the end is not how big is our stories and how tall is our building. God doesn't really care on our own accomplishment if we don't take into consideration the steps we take to reach there. Neither he is interested in the artistic, unless we take his consolidation in to the equation.

Not only every sin has its consequences but also it has the power to lead to other kinds of sins unless we come to our senses and seek forgiveness from the Lord on time.

We learned that Rebekah has to lie again and again to cover up the first sin she has made. She said she want send Jacob to her brother s house not because his brother want to kill him but because she is afraid Jacob might end up marring one of Hittite women.

Genesis 27:

Jacob said, But my brother Esau is a hairy man while I have smooth skin. What if my father touches me? I would appear to be tricking him and would bring down a curse on myself rather than a blessing.

His mother said to him, My son, let the curse fall on me. Just do what I say; go and get them for me. He went to his father and said, My father. Yes, my son, he answered. Who is it? Jacob said to his father, I am Esau your firstborn. I have done as you told me. Please sit up and eat some of my game, so that you may give me your blessing.

Isaac asked his son, How did you find it so quickly, my son? The Lord your God gave me success, he replied.


Esau held a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him. He said to himself, The days of mourning for my father are near; then I will kill my brother Jacob. When Rebekah was told what her older son Esau had said, she sent for her younger son Jacob and said to him, Your brother Esau is planning to avenge himself by killing you. Now then, my son, do what I say: Flee at once to my brother Laban in Harran.

Stay with him for a while until your brother s fury subsides. When your brother is no longer angry with you and forgets what you did to him, I ll send word for you to come back from there. Why should I lose both of you in one day?
Then Rebekah said to Isaac, I m disgusted with living because of these Hittite women. If Jacob takes a wife from among the women of this land, from Hittite women like these, my life will not be worth living.

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        Tewodros    |    Jun. 25, 2014     | 4,779 Views    |    1 Comments

The most dangerous thing about human beings is their willing power to do anything. So God can't control any thing around that. God will do any thing in his mighty power to keep us with him. I believed in my entire life that no one will burn in hell forever, except the devil of course.

I was so reluctant in life. Why? Because of his graceful mercy and every thing about the Lord compassion that is he is full of LOVE. Well, devil almost takes me through destruction because of this. Still I have a difficulty understanding this. Still I am striving to be able to grasp this concept and share the truth about it. I know I am doing my best to please God. I guess that is all I need to do. May be more, I don't know.

Knowing God s will is finding a great peace from our uncertainties. Knowing God is more of believing in him and establishing a faithful relationship with him. Who knows God with out believing him first? Who says for sure I know my Lord with out surrendering his life? Who can see God with out leaving everything for him?

Who will fully trust God while one hand is on the wheel? Trust is the key. I see that I don't even fully trust in God sometimes. I see that I want to be a co-pilot. Does the creator of the earth and heavens need assistance? Does God ever need our help to do his will other than to be completely surrendering our selfish desires and follow him?

May be the cause of our unbelief is that we might probably spent all of our lives in a secular manner. May be we miss understood the advice that says, The Lord will help those who help them selves . This would put too much confusion to us. It sounds as if we should do all manner of things according to our understanding of his will without making sure it is.

I believe the message shall be better understood as:

Do your work according to his will but not according to your own version of it, and leave the rest to God with no worries and anxieties no matter what .

Jesus already knew that he is going to die and rise up. Scriptures has already written for him to confirm that. I don't think he cried for deliverance at the cross even when they mock him and make fun of him. He said, if I had asked my father for help, he would have sent me legions of angels right now . This means he didn t ask for help.

He didn t ask it because he knows his destiny and every single step he should follow to reach there. We might know about our destiny but the steps that we should take to reach there may be hidden from us. How do we know our steps? HOLY SPIRIT.

He is so special, so close, so clear and concise. We know him and we heard him many times before. But we didn t always listen to him as we should do. Because of that we will get in to all manner of troubles.

He is the one that Jesus preferred to go so that he will come. Jesus is saying, while I am with you, you didn t know me.

So Jesus preferred to go to his father and come back to his beloved. In every one of us, he always wants to whisper something precious than pure gold and silver.

He would always say all night and all day:
I love you. I have proof in my hand that I have pained for you. I have payed all the price that is necessary for us to be together. I will never leave you till the end of time.

I will always be there for you. You don't have to be afraid of anything. I have defeated the world. Please don't do that and you need to start to do this, till I come and take you to the place I have prepared for you in my father's house.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

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        tewodros    |    Jun. 24, 2014     | 4,840 Views    |   

After all those years of hard knocks and difficult times, we come too far to quit. This is not the time to quit as God controls everything. If we have the power to quit, we do it long time ago. The Lord has put a mark on his children. No devil can test them, mock them, and do what ever he wants with them. Therefore he cannot control our destiny. Our destiny is pre-designed and predetermined by God.

No one knows our destiny except through him. The Lord has given us every opportunity. The things we get in life that we don't deserve is not because we are better than our friends. But God help us just to take us to our destiny and to fulfill his plan in our lives. If he wants us to live a normal life, we might not get those chances. God has stated it, he will finish it.

The battle belongs to God Almighty. No arrogant devil can snatch us from his hand.He is not human to lie with his promises. He is able to keep his children with him.He is God almighty. No one insult him and live in peace.

God has given his children incompatible great power through Christ. In our hand, just for own sake, there is some glory, hidden for us, prepared for us before time begins. But we haven t seen it yet. When the time comes, we will know. The devil doesn't want us to get there. He will fight us with every bit of strength. But the more he fights us, the stronger we will be. God allow him only for this purpose. The more he baffles us, the quicker we will get to our destiny.

We are like mighty solders who are fierce in battle. The more our enemies tried to catch us, the stronger we will get because more blood will flow in to our veins. There will be more energy in our spiritual mussels pumped all the way from the heart of heavens. Sooner we will find ourselves so mighty in battle that they will no longer be able to stand before us.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

Ephesians 1:17 - I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way.

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        tewodros    |    Jun. 23, 2014     | 4,141 Views    |   

Psalm 73:25Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you.bMy flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.

Instantiate the spirit of battle in me, O Lord in Jesus name! Give me my previous privilege of being your son my Lord and my God. I will cry on to you. Restore my faith in you.

To whom I shall cry? Whom I have on earth but you? Whom I have in heaven but you? I will not stop crying on to you until you hear me and help me. I believe I am not crying in vain. I believe you when you do miracles in people lives. I saw you delivering and snatching men from the mouths of the lions.

I need my miracles too. I want you to snatch me from the belly of the python. I am in hell burning day and night. Save me my Lord, I have no one to help me. I will spend the rest of my life in service to you.

I will be grateful and I will proclaim your name to generations. I will speak of your salvation to my brothers. It is only you that I believe and love more than anything in life. It is this curse that sucks my blood day and night which hides your face from me. You know I have no one but you, O Lord.

You know I am considered worthless in front of any one for your name's sake, my Lord. I was delightful in my shame as long as I keep your promises. I never forget your teachings except this terrible disease. The curse that I got it from the darkness of this world is almost finishing me.

Don't you want me Lord? If I die, I say my family or me deserve what we do with this life. I won't feel pity for any of that. But what about you, dear God. Do you want the death of the sinner?

What about the vision you gave me? What about all those promises you made to me? I know I have forgotten some of them but you can always remind me of them. Isn't you that said, "I will never leave you nor for sake you".

You promised, I will be with you till the end. You were confident on yourself when you made your promises. You were not relying on any body but you when you come to me.

I don't believe and never believed that I heard the wrong message from you. I know my callings and it is been confirmed by your messengers many times. Your love is fading in me since I am not practicing it. And this makes you unhappy I know.

And this brings a curse to me. If not preaching or teaching, I can do something to your kingdom. Even dying in your hand is a great privilege. Your presence is all I need; it provides salvation for my soul. You are all I have got on earth.

I will dedicate a time for you Lord and see your face daily. Just take my sins away from me that cover your face from me. I will get back to you and I will do well as before. I will be trusting on you and strive to keep my promises.

I will always be in a spirit of prayer and thanks giving for everything you do for me. I will fast and pray and listen to your Word so that I shall be strong in your Spirit. I will always sing of your love and praises in the midst of your congregation.

If we return to our God with all our heart, he is willing to forgive all our sins and able to cleanse us from our inequities with the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Worthy is the Lamb to receive glory and honor for the kingdom of God shall stand forever.

Originaly written June 2011

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        tewodros    |    Jun. 20, 2014     | 7,127 Views    |    2 Comments

When Jesus met with that Samaritan woman, she tried to hide her bad personal experience like anybody does. But Jesus told her everything she had gone through. He didn't say that she had lied because she didn't tell the truth.

Here is the thing; you can't call a person a liar just because he didn't tell the truth. She hid her pain and misery that make her walk in sorrow. She didn't want to tell that to every stranger she met. But you can see how truthful she was when she told everybody about the messiah that she had found on her way home.

She met the savior and He told her everything good and bad about her life. You can't judge anybody unless you know everything. Jesus didn't even judge her that she had a bad luck that every man she married had left her. But we know according to our custom that this lady might have been criticized and judged by the society. That is why she had hidden the truth from Jesus when she first met him.

Now, Jesus being the creator and Lord, knew everything about her life, didn't want to judge her. This should be the character we should build the rest of our lives. Don't judge nobody, not even yourself! The only good we can get from it is that we create an opportunity for the devil to ruin our lives.

People are in pain and misery that they experience every day because of our judgmental behavior. Not even with lots of cries and fasting and humility of the heart you can't fix it what is already broken. We should not use our 'righteousness' to judge somebody.

How do we not know everything about another person and judge them anyway?  We don't even know how to act and behave. In the first place, we don't want anybody to judge us. We don't even want anybody trying to change us. We all know that we are created to fill an empty space in God's kingdom. We know the fact that we are created to complete a given purpose.

God bless you for reading this blog about judgment. Before we even think about judging someone, we must think that we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus out of forgiveness of God and any negative attitude towards others will degrade the value of our redemption that Christ has paid for our sins.

God has loved us all and extended his mercy indefinitely so that we all can be children of God and love each other freely without boundaries. Forgiveness is the key to happy life and prosperity, not judgment. It shouldn't be our nature to judge someone instead of showing love and respect towards them the way we want them to love and respect us.

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        tewodros    |    Jun. 19, 2014     | 4,564 Views    |   

We do not live as they live. We are not called for drinking, eating and chatting. We are called for a glorious purpose that brings glory to God s name. He ordained us in the beginning for the greatest life of all. We don't see as they see, we don't talk as they talk. We are special people of God. In the end the scripture says, people start to marry each other, there will be a lot of celebration and will forget the return of the Lamb of God, the holy one.

But you dearest, watch the time and seasons as the coming of the Lord is unknown. Only God knows when, not even the son of man knows that day. But woe to those that are pregnant with the staff of this world, as that day becomes a lot of trouble for them. I mean tell me how good is to get deep in to the garbage of this world since the end of time is getting closer one level at a time?

How good is to have so and so cars or houses or a husband or a wife, which have no values in the kingdom of God? So when we want to tell God about our husband or wife, let us tell him interms of the benefits they have to us to bring glory to God and what benefit are we to them to accomplish their purpose on earth.

This could be a car or whatever we have that we are proud of it. It is good to know that every thing we have in life is not a real thing that we should put our heart on it. It is a test by the Lord if we will use as an opportunity to bliss him and glorify him with it or any thing we want it but God told us not to use it. And if we must obey, we must obey it like an earthly father test the LOVE of his child by giving him something and see if we can be faithful and can be trusted.

It is faithfulness if we can easily give it back to our father and mother whenever we are asked to give it back. We are trustworthy if we can use it as the father tells us to use it. But most of us, we focused so much in the toy. That is why we don't know how to use it appropriately. And even worse we forget who gave it to us to use in the first place. There is no problem if we like the toy but better we know there is a real thing coming. And the toy is nothing compared to it.

So Let us not forget the real gift of God which is joy, kindness, happiness, LOVE, compassion, mercy, praise, worship, honor, dignity, friendship, and truthfulness by focusing too much on the fancy item we have. Most of all don't miss the eternal purpose of life, the main reason we are born to do by becoming too much blind from the deceitfulness of the world.

Yes, it is sometimes inevitable to face disappointments as we are little children of God and it is easy to miss his will easily. We used to be more disobedient when we were little children than we are now to our earthly parents. But now as we grow older, we also grow wise. We no longer make the same mistake that makes our parents unhappy.

Same is true with father God. We have to know him more of him everyday in order to know his real purpose in life. Let us not forget, God is not on the side of sinners. So we should hate evil and do what is right. We miss his plan for us because we don't know him. We forgot what he has done to our lives. The pattern of his covenant and his miracles and wonders are proofs that he is miracle maker and He is a God of principle. If we abide by his word, he is willing to do his miracles for us. He does it according to his principles.

We should always seek and do good to remind him his promises he has made to us in his word. It is a covenant between him and us. It is bondage that will stay forever.

Let us not also forget we are called everyday, most importantly to tell his wonderful LOVE to others who may need it to establish their relationship to God through Jesus Christ. Let s not hesitate to share our lives and tell what God has done for us thorough Christ Jesus.

This way we will not be put to shame and our spirit will not hold responsible for the destructions of the sinful world. Most importantly let us avoid anything in our lives whether it is sin or a bad habit or anything at all that will darken our lives and lose the transparency of our heart which eventually make us unable to shine the glory of God in our lives.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit help us finish our journey with hope, faith and LOVE in Jesus Name, AMEN!

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        tewodros    |    Jun. 18, 2014     | 4,044 Views    |   

Well first of all it may not be the will of God. This doesn't mean God is selfish who only do what he wants. The thing is it is much better for us to be unhappy and to get in to heaven than to get what we want and be destroyed with it. What we wish is far from what we really need: God knows what we really need.

For example, we used to get easily attracted to someone who is not the will of God for us. But we wanted to be with him/her anyways. When God gives, God gives the best. There is no sorrow and grief in God's gift.

Man doesn't get what he wants also because unresolved issues in terms of curses when we really screw up and accumulate curse on our lives.

This will affect the level of success we experience in our lives. In other words, curse is the transgression of Gods word - A more strong state of sin. They can be broken by the blood of Jesus. But some times you have to pay the prices too.

You see a man shall harvest what he saw. This is the biggest curse that was put up on our lives at the time of fall. But God doesn't allow eternal destruction with it. He sent his son for this purpose to deliver us from our selves. But as I mentioned before, we have to live up to the consequences of our actions.

When we really commit sin we will be in great trouble, troubles that might last all our earthly life. Paul said, according to their great wickedness, I curse them on earth . He also said so that they may be entered in to heaven when they died. He is saying unless they are admonished of their actions, they cannot enter in to heaven.


1 Timothy 1: 20

Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God


It is better for them to enter in to Gods kingdom with one eye or one leg than to be a full body and burn in hell. This kind of curse is the strongest one and only we and God can deal with it. How do we know our curses are so strong? It is because it won t go away from us for so long.


Is there any way we can get rid of it? Yes. But this is through complete surrendering of our lives to Jesus Christ. I mean completely and if we live in such a way that we can no longer think for ourselves. You see like the level of medical treatment you need depends on how sick you are. The same is true with consistent curse. Some of us don't want to go to this serous treatment.

So we will die with our sins and go to hell unless we do something about it. Some put everything they have got which is their earthly life to be delivered from it. The decision is ours but we better chose eternal life. It doesn't take much to give our selves for Christ. We were servants of the evil with out our will. He forced us or tricks us to do his evilest things.

Our father is full compassion and LOVE. Remember that our curse do not make God happy. They are the proofs of our separation from God. But they cannot be considered as a punishment which will make the compassionate God cruel to punish us like that. But they are only the consequences of our actions. There are always rules and if we pass the line between right and wrong, danger is inevitable. So please don't blame God for your curses.

That will only make our problems last longer. Always focus on the solution. Ask God what to do. Let s tell him that we want to be a servant if not a son of the living GOD. Here is the rule of thumb. We will need at least the same amount of time we spent doing the curse, to get out of it. But Let us not worry about that as long as we start it now, today.

Resistance is the gap between our lived life and our unlived life. Resistance is what keeps us from sitting down and do our soul calling. Resistance is the most powerful force on the planet. Resistance can make us do all manner of unwanted things with out even knowing it. You don't know what it is and what cause your problem.

It can take any form to deceive us. It emanate from inside not from out side. It gives us any reason not to do what we have to do. It knows us in every way and it can reason out and rationalize to keep us from following our dream. The only way to run from it is to use the guide of the Holy Spirit all the time. don't trust on your self or rely too much on your plan. Validate your way every minute and the Lord will tell what to do.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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        tewodros    |    Jun. 17, 2014     | 4,505 Views    |   

There is the reason why we are not to make love with our spouse before marriage. The idea is we need to be able to use the same energy and passion to navigate through each other before coming to that point where we really want to share our body to our marriage partner.

It is to be able to understand the mind and soul and spirit of one another even before to be one in flesh. So we need to be one in words and understanding the mind of one another.

We need to come to common decisions easily. We need to learn to submit us for another for the sake of the relationship we are about to make. We need to see one wants as ours. We need to reach one for another. We need to start carry loads one for another. While we start to do that we will develop love and trust.

But if we start building relationship from the flesh perspective, then everything will fall apart because we are trying to start building a house from the roof. We have to have a strong foundation of love and relationship to be able to form a long time relationship.

That is by coming to understand why God wants us not to be slaves of our emotions through sexual relationship before marriage. Everybody knows that we have to wait some time to do that. But how long? Three weeks? Three month? Or three years?

The answer will be on the fact that how deep the relationship goes. And if it does, how committed are we to establish a marital relationships. If we need space and freedom before establishing that then lets take all the time we need. Marriage is not something we put aside once we are in to it. It requires most of our time and heart and our energy.

The other reason we should not be in to sexual relationship before marriage is that: Once we done that we are highly susceptible for causing anger on one another. This is because sex is what makes us one with our wife or husband according to the word of God.

That means it will make us highly vulnerable to disappointments and anger by our own partner if one don't know what makes our partner offended. That will in turn disrupt the relationship and hence there is a possibility of destroying it with out knowledge.

So what is the rule of thumb, the piece of advice, a little bit of wisdom here? Fear the Lord and honor him by not doing sex before marriage. For those who have made it already and still not married, it is a wise decision to stop doing it and wait until getting married.

If one insists and urges to have it, then it is good to discuss this with him or her in detail. One may not see the danger of it so one has to explain deeply in a more sensible manner.

It is not possible to be able to understand completely who our friend really is in time. It is always a challenge. Especially for those who want to get married, it is an important issue. The only way one will understand and learn about another is through the same spirit that is in that person which is in us also.

They say if we are not some how in to it how does one knows if we really love them or not. Ok find your own way of showing your love but don't even think about sex as a way to express love.

God knows and judges what we even think in our heart. Our impure thoughts and filthy dreams are one of the things we want to get rid of before we will catch up in the terrible sin of sexual immorality. It is amazing how God put it simply in his words that no sexual immoral person will get in in his kingdom.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us to teach us not to follow our temporary feelings for they are deceptive and help us establish a permanent faithful relationship our wife/husband and with God, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

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        tewodros    |    Jun. 16, 2014     | 4,687 Views    |   

When we found our selves always under the presence of the Spirit of God, we may ask the question: why we love God and exceedingly much far better, why he loves us?

Is it because he is our only provider? Is it because we saw him divide the oceans and admonish the waves in his mighty voice? Is it because we have no where to go?

Is it because we are poor in the spirit and he is always our provider. Is it because our faith in us is strong? What is it? Why do we love you? Why we keep insisting to be in love with you and you are always with us?

When we were only a child, we had a very strong feeling of love for you but wild. But still the love of your name makes us cry at night. Even now we want to make you happy in the ways we know better. Even now we have great desire for your consolidation.

When we were only a child, we were mad at you few times when things didn't go the way we were expecting and the devil really used those opportunities.

If you weren't come back and take us in your arms and kissed us with the sweet love that comes from your mouth, we wont be here today. If it weren't for your mercy that is exceedingly deeper than the deepest ocean in the world, we would end up dead in our sins.

But yet you have always made us feel better because you know what to do with us when we are angry. In all of our sufferings of the world, we have seen your everlasting love.

You have used every opportunity to reveal your self to us in the past. You have used everything we know to show us your love. The love and respect we have from others is because of you. We come to realize even the great things we have in life were not good if it wasn't for you.

Even the sweetest moments of our lives were created by you. We had put our trust to love on somebody but you proved us wrong. You are our love forever. We would not find pleasure on our own.

We could be blessed with many children. We could be blessed by a beautiful, wise and obedient wife and loving husband. But still God is the crown of our lives.God is jealous God in a certain way we would understand. It is not a selfish jealousy. He is Lord Almighty God and he doesn't need anything from nobody.

You are the creator and you don't envy anyone. But whenever one knows love, he will come to understand jealousy of a certain kind. If you really love your wife, would you be willing to share her with somebody?

Even sinners do not want to do that. Now God has allowed certain things to take control our lives. When it comes to love, our full hearts should be given to him. No money, education, friends, family, or any other thing has power over us to rule over us.

We shouldn't love them as we love God. If we start to do that, we will fail. What will happen next is simple. God will take them from us so that he can get our full attention. I mean if he loves us, he will do that for us like a husband to a wife or a father to his children. Since all of them are not real. All of them are ways to understand his love for us.

If somebody tells you that you got to use all your desires to be successful in life, don't believe it. I mean we will be successful but still we won't have God.

There is no way you will find him by putting him second. After all, what good is it to for us if we gain the whole world but lose our souls?To be better pronouncing this concept in light of love:What good is to gain everything but to lose the very thing our soul wants always?

If you don't love God from the beginning, I don't know what to say about that. But we are all forcefully taken out of his presence because of our sinful nature. We are stranded because we are disobedient sons and daughter of the Lord. What better thing is it to us than to get back to him and live with him.

We have no where to go Lord. We have found out that nothing will be good enough fo

us. You take all the glory and may your Spirit and love fully control our heart. Beloved we give you honor and praise and lovingly we worship you forever in the name of Jesus.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    Jun. 11, 2014     | 5,321 Views    |   

Every human being constitutes three forms of elements of life. These are the three logical parts common to all human beings. When we feel something, it is within our body. We feel temptations from the flesh. Our body has immense nerve fibers that produce great sensational feelings.

Whether we feel hunger or thirst, it eventually will be interpreted by the mind to take appropriate actions. Babies say and do exactly as they feel in their body. If they are sick, they will say they are sick. If they are hungry, they will describe the hunger.

Feelings are natural instincts that can be controlled. Animals have their own natural instinct. When they feel cold or worm, they take appropriate actions. Many of our feeing goes with that of babies or animals.

But when we grow in life, we tend to have a higher level of intelligence on top of that. We will start to develop skills that will help us control our feelings. Feelings are caused by the adverse condition of the external environment. We may feel sad or depressed or anxiety or pain or despair or any other kind of psychological disorder.

These kinds of feelings are high level of bad feelings or emotional disorder.They are caused by a complex interaction of our body, our mind and our sprit.Psychiatry studies the general emotional and neurological disorder of human beings.

But lower levels of feelings are like hunger, tiredness, thirst, drowsiness.Although feelings are the lower level aspect of humans , they are the basis and fundamental for the proper function of our thought and sprit.

A thought is a process of conceiving something through the mind that will latter be executed by our body. A thought may arise from lower level which is from our feelings or from higher level which is form spirit.

A thought is an idea that has a message in it. The message will be interpreted and implemented if we think it is good thing to do that. the level of intelligence we have on this regard help us differentiate the good from the bad.

Smart people normally know many things or ideas that are useful for their own existence as well as for others. Smart people normally have highly functioning brain that will allow them do their jobs very effectively.

People tend to be strongly active and smart in one ares of life but week on the other. This comes from exposure to new environments, high learning opportunities, education, teachers, family background, marriage partners, friends, and the environment they live in childhood. Latter on they will gain knowledge through the books they read, the help they get from smart people in the family or outside the family and this all is vital for the success of one's life.

Through all these external exposure and the development of body, feelings and mind, one can gain immense knowledge and acquire great inheritance of richness in his life time.

A higher level of intelligence is called wisdom and it comes from the development of one's spirit. How well a person develops his spirit differentiate him from others. Uniqueness and specially arise mostly from the spirit. The battle is hard on the spirit and mostly it also utilizes the other two logical parts of the human being.

Wisdom can be acquired through the word and the Spirit of God. No matter how smart one can be, he will not be fulfilled in life unless he got some wisdom also. Fulfillment comes by doing what God wants us to do in the first place.

It comes from completing the takes he has prepared for us from the beginning of time for his marvels glory and for faithfulness reward to us. Imagine that the sun says, "I don't want to do what I was supposed to do today ."

Imagine the moon tells the sun, "I want to be like you just for tonight." This is not faithfulness and it doesn't bring any glory to Go

. The purpose of the wicked is therefore to hide the glory of the creator shinning from the created. By resisting, fighting, distracting, deceiving, obstructing, confusing, depriving, and degrading the wisdom of God in us.

Our spirituality is what we believe God is constantly doing in our lives. We believe something what God has put in to our spirit and try to communicate through it. By faith we become one to the word of God and do what he tells us to do even if it is contrary to what our senses, feelings and our thoughts.

Do we all need to control our feelings and be smart as much as possible and yet fail from the glory of God? No. what good is for a man to gain the whole world but yet lose his very self.

All knowledge is going to fail but the wisdom of God through Christ stays for eternity. We shouldn't look for God on the level of our knowledge and feelings. We should find him with all our heart, our feelings, our knowledge, our spirit, our body, and our strength. Basically there is a fourth and very critical part of our lives

I believe it is the same thing when we say: our heart or our soul or our desire.
This is a very independent part of us that doesn't give too much attention to other parts. It is independent in a way that no body can alter the free will of it by force.

If we think our mind is the source of our thoughts, and our feelings and sensation comes from our body, then our desire has to come from our soul/heart.

There is definitely some kind of correlation and relationship that is going on between these as one dictates the other and one follows the other one. And this all ultimately determine who will take control of us in general.

Whether we are a very sensible person or very emotional or may be we are too much in to thinking patterns, all has to give a way to our relationship to the son of God and our faithfulness to the Lord.

This doesn't mean the others are not important for our existence in this world, but this is to emphasize our spirit is the main tool to serve, worship and see our Lord, Jesus Christ.

In fact this is the thing that makes us children of God, the fact that we are born of the spirit in his likeness. I believe the whole idea of life is not to accumulate riches that will soon be destroyed by fire. Rather it is to gain knowledge and understanding through the word of God, resisting bad feelings and temptations by gaining self-control and bear 80 and 100 fold the fruits for the kingdom of God.

Romans 8:14  for if you are living according to the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you are putting to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. 15For you have not received a spirit of slavery leading to fear again, but you have received a spirit of adoption as sons by which we cry out, "Abba! Father!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill our spirit and mind with peace and satisfy our desires with his love, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        Tewodros    |    Jun. 5, 2014     | 5,309 Views    |   

All we need to do is to win souls for the Lord. The bible says he who wins souls is wise, but how much wise? We can start from the same way the devil uses his tricks. You see, we are more judgmental and we are more proud than the people of this world.

I don't know how much we know about this but Jesus was humiliating him self just to save us. Sometimes, it takes all we have to win souls. It needs life to give life. Somebody has to die for some one to live.

The grasshopper has to die for the birds to live. The small fish has to die for the bigger ones to live. In our case, in Christians, unless we fall and die like a single seed of wheat, we cannot be used to save lives.

Unless we are completely obedient, we cannot revenge sin. Sinners spent all their time with the things they like. But we are not even able to do our only task on earth at least once in a while.

What is wrong with us? How convenient is this for the devil? Does the truth makes us more meek or more stubborn and proud like we do now? We were supposed to be kind and compassionate looking onto our father in heaven and how merciful he is to us.

Sinners have more wisdom in getting what they want than us. I don't care if it is earthly or heavenly but they are winning anyways.

How long shall I abide with you? Who cares about your anger in sin?

Your job is to save what ever it takes not to try. How dare you tell me you are angry because you failed one time? cannot you see sinners, for the satisfaction of their sins they are vigilant and hard working. They have so and so wisdom that defeats your faith .

They trust on them selves but yet they are strong as the rich or the one with authority and can take your belongings from your hand. You of little faith, do you know how selfish you are? You are only focused to save your self. If I was focused to save only you, I might call you at last. You were supposed to be a sacrifice to other. You were called to bear responsibilities.

I don't care how wise they are but what is in you is more powerful than what is in the world. Trust that; believe that.

How good is it to trust on the Lord better than one knows by himself.

How dare they take the Lord s sheep from the Lord s house? The devil is so offensive but we are wick and so much defensive. The Lord doesn't really care what we say or do or think or how much we loose, but as long as we are on this mission, our job is to win souls and save lives for the Lord.

Lets us be careful not to come to the Lord house empty handed. He gave us coins of talents according to our nature and identity which is our soul and we need to bliss the Lord by bringing more souls to the kingdom of heaven.

You are not the judge, let s leave that to God. Let us do only our job on earth before we return back to our father. Sometimes it is easy to refer to scriptures and interpret them according to our level of understanding and not on the real meaning.

I know there are scriptures who told us to leave those who are resistant to the calling of the Lord making the shoe dust witnessing to them on the day of judgment.
I believe to do that is being of little faith.

Our lives and our everything should smell Jesus. We should be a remembrance of Jesus to them everyday. May be what we start now is a good beginning but not enough. We should listen to the spirit of the Lord all the time. We shouldn t listen to our flesh.

Most of all, don't give up! What ever it is? May be our problem is we don't know what we want to do. What we want is what the Lord gives us to do. With out it, we are dead. Besides we shouldn t see other option to get out of this mission. If we must die, we will die fighting! This is not just a hard mission. This is mission impossible!

The issue here is we are struggling constantly with the spirit of irresponsibility - one other common problem we all share. This is the spirit of I don't care that is more close to selfishness. How can we sit silently when people are taken to hell? We may think we are free from it. No. Our salvation doesn't come freely. We have spiritual obligations to tell others what we have received. Salvation is free in a sense that we have done nothing to deserve it but it has also its responsibilities. We don't need to go to monastery after we know Jesus and accepted him as our savior of our soul.

Jesus said: He who has a light does not put it under the bed. Rather he will put is up there so that every body can see it and make use of it

Matthew 5:15 -
Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

He is talking about the Holy Spirit in side of us. We hide it all the time. we didn t prepare a way for people of this world to see it. Now that is what makes many lose their way to God s kingdom. Our carelessness bring death to others in this kingdom, we are all one flesh one blood. There is nothing a such as self in God's kingdom.

We are blessed or judged in relation to others not in relative to others.
So if there failure is not in our instincts, Let s think again. If they going to hell don't bother us too much, we are in a dead zone and we no longer belong to the mist of the living.

We need to find our own way out of it. Let us not fool ourselves. God said he will seek their blood from our hand. We are telling our selves that we have nothing to do with it. But still God is going to seek their blood from our hand. Now this is a great responsibility and with this mind and this flesh we have now, we cannot deal with. This hard heart of ours won t help any thing. Rather we need to be humble servant of the Lord and ask him to teach us all the lessons to take us there - to make us able to snatch the lost sheep of the Lord from the mouth of the wicked from the burning blaze of the hell.

One other problem we all experience is the spirit of selfishness. Do we ever imagine of ourselves being this and being that and getting this and getting that. It could be something of this world or some thing else. Being rich, drive beautiful cars, live in a fancy house, and dine in luxurious hotels and entertain in world famous places and so on and so on.

This thing never ends. It is as worthy as agarbage at the end but it can fill our heart as much we open our heart for it. This all is not going to make sense at the end for those who has to put their every thing to get more everything they desire to please themselves.

We should never put our hope and trust on the materials of this world. Believe me when the lord destroys this world with all its rubbish ness, the hope will be gone by the wind. We will never see them again. Someone may ask what is wrong with entertainment. Well I guess it is all about self. It has nothing everlasting, nothing glorious about it.

We go and entertain our selves, so what? What good does it make to this world? don't tell me we like it anyways. How would we like it when it is gone soon? People say also, we will be gone too, so we should enjoy life when we still can. Well that is true.

But the question is the place you will be going is determined by:
The quality of time we have in this short life. Who and with what we spent our time for. The kind of treasure we have accumulated and where we prefer to store our treasures.

Now, if our time is spent on rubbish things that will be gone by the wind, then that is not good. If our treasure is hidden in this unsecured world, it will be lost soon. Therefore the spirit of self is the spirit of destruction. When we always think of self, let us think in terms of service to other. We are not created for our selves.

For those of us who are saved by the lord and followed Christ Jesus and keep washing away our sins and transgressions by the blood of the lamb are like the medicine for this world because we carry the Spirit of God in our spirit. We are like an ointment that will be poured on people wounds and they get healed. We are the salt of this world. People have everything but they don't have the Spirit of God.

But those who donot allow the the Spirit of God to take actions in their lives, those who are waiting to be redemed by the lord, have no true joy and happiness. Their fate is hell and distraction. Their way is far from the truth. We all had once gone astray. We all have sinned and separated from God. God cannot be a father of sinners even if he LOVEs them like his own and he mercy and grace has come for all who believe in Christ Jesus.

God cannot be in agreement with sin. But he LOVES you, and me. He needs you; he doesn't want us to live with out him. So let's all run away from the spirit of selfishness and carelessness and come to God with all your heart. let's be humble servants of the lord, let us be understand the true meaning of Obedient Love and faithfulness to the lord as Christ showed us.

Therefore we shold constantly pray that may the lord help us in this regard. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Jun. 4, 2014     | 5,055 Views    |    2 Comments

My entire life I spend my time trying to make my soul do only what I really want to do, the real thing - The everlasting one. However, tied down by these world things, I couldn't do it as effectively as the Lord wanted me to do.

For some of us, life is a tragedy for us and a dream murderer since it attempts to kill all of our hidden eternal talents. What does it take any ways to be who we are, predestined by God even before our conception in the mother s womb - To respond to the calling that pre identified and selected us even before the foundation of the earth?

It is all about making a great commitment to the Lord form the bottom of our heart. But the doors should also be opened too. Paul heard the calling from Jesus and cannot let it go from his heart. What about you? You know the calling is still vivid in your heart.

In what terms and situations could it be explained to us?

This is not an ordinary calling. This is an extraordinary commitment.

People dedicate all their lives for something that blows of like a dust - Education, money, family.

How about me and you? We have seen the revelation of Christ.

How selfish we will be if we neglect this calling?

We have neglected the tasks that God given us.

Who will forgive our sins which are our concerns no more?

We have undermined the cries of other people.

Who will care about our tribulation any more?

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit filled our heart with compassion and spent the rest of our days caring for the lost sheep of the Lord. In Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    Jun. 2, 2014     | 4,328 Views    |   

We cannot escape the tragedy that we brought into other people lives. We are still the victim of it one way or another. And it will finally locate us wherever we are and we will face the consequences of our actions.


This is whether we do good or bad. What we get is what we give. What we harvest is what we sow. What we do in secret, we will face it in public. The Lord will make sure we are rewarded or punished the little things we do in private.

We may think as a very elementary thing but yet the Lord will bring it to light. But wait, what is FORGIVENESS then, if I have to be punished and humiliated with the things I do wrong?

The Lord forgives us doesn't mean he will not take the appropriate measure to make sure that we wouldn't do the same thing again. His punishment will bring understanding to us. The real forgiveness lies on the fact that the Lord gives us another chance to be in likeness with his image.

He will allow us to perform in the same environment that we made a mistake before with the necessary guidance and help. Otherwise where is justice with out judgment? How can we get wisdom with out getting the right amount of discipline from our father?

We need to learn from our mistake. Ultimately we need to present our selves in front of the Almighty God for final judgment. There, there is no second chance. There, there is only either eternal destruction or eternal life.

So let us take a precaution on how we treat each opportunity of second chance. We don't want to see the blazing fires and the great anger of the almighty.

Even if the Lord is full of mercy and his kindness is with out measure, still we don't want to be the victims of his wrath. We don't want to found under the punishment of LOVE.

Punishment is real as LOVE is real. True LOVE demands true relationship. Therefore without establishing true relationship with God, we will fail out of his grace.

We will be the victims of LOVE and not the beneficiaries. In other words, if we obey and humble our selves under his feat, we will be saved. If we neglect his calling and follow our restless emotions, we will not find rest.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with these, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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        fasika    |    May. 30, 2014     | 5,785 Views    |   

Some people one way or another try to control us by imposing their own idea or try to make us do what we don't want to do. One good example is when Saul did what he didn't want to do by forcing himself to offer sacrifices that was not his duty in the first place.

"I thought, 'Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the Lords favor.' So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering." - 1 Samuel 13:12

But when David was come face to face with his fellow soldiers and when they tried to kill him out of anger, he found a way out of their furiousness by mentioning the name of God.

David knew God and he knew when he should call his name especially in times of problem. I mean look at all of the songs, the songs of praise, worship and prayer. Where is Sauls song? Not I know. So any ways when some who seem to have power over us but don't, come to control us, let us think only one thing that is no one has control over us unless the Lord himself give to them.

So even if they have designated power over us, it is not compared to the Lord's power. Their delegated power has nothing compared to the Lord's. Their operations are overridden by the Lord. No one should make us do what we don't want to do unless the Lord revealed his purpose for us.

Not in the name of love not in the name of power. I believe there are two kinds of powers, the power of LOVE and the power of authority (somebody or something ruling over us with or with out our will).

Kids like one and hate the other. But we would rather be under the power of LOVE than authority. We all want the power of LOVE. So when someone uses power out of LOVE it is different from power out of authority.

The power from authorities is not always abusive. Sometimes it is for our benefit and to probably something good for us. Parents use both types of power to direct and discipline there children. The Bible also specifically tells us to subdue ourselves under authority that he has delegated.

Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also as a matter of conscience. -Romans 13:5

But the main thing is we shouldn't let any power on earth or under the earth or above the earth to make us do what the Lord doesn't want us to do. Is it love? Not any more. Is it Family? Not any more. Is it principalities and authorities? Not any more. Angels? No. So in other words, I am talking about power, authority, control and fear.

So fear none of these but fear only God. Let us understand that the ruler ofthe world is money and how can we bow down to money. In other words the maximum bad thing that can happen to us if we do not do what the world wants is we might not eat their food and drink their water.

Besides, our God is the God of every prosperity and abundance. Don't fear anything under the earth or above the earth except God almighty. Satan or his angels are not to be feared. What has evil to do with good? What has darkness to do with light?

Don't follow any of his plans or evil ways because all his will for you is death. He will come to the person he has successfuly decived and defeated and whisper , "I got him, didnt I? Now I will be glad when every piece of the body is burnning because it is mine." This is the words of the devil for all those who follow his schemes and evil advice contrary to the word of God.

On the contrary, the words that comes of our Lord Jesus Christ is everlasting hope, peace and love. He has promised to us that he will never leave us nor forsake us and give us victory when he comes back to take us. Glory be to him forever and ever. Amen!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    May. 29, 2014     | 4,818 Views    |   

God has installed his purpose in us for his glory. He has made us in his likeness full of integrity and kindness for we shall look up onto him and find his image in him and he shall look down on us and find his image in us.

God seeks relationship and LOVE besides his true glory and everlasting majesty. That is why he sent us his son to restore the kind of fellowship he had in Eden.

It is always good to put aside our feelings and trust only on God's commandments. It is not good to feel smart and do some stupid things with out his consent.

It is not good to do things only based on our thinking and not consulting God. He left his spirit within us for him to help us find out solutions to our problems. If we listen to little voice deep inside of us, there is everything we need there.

There is hope and comfort, there is on time help from our Lord, Jesus Christ. It is not wise to make selfish decisions that will hurt others and eventually us.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    May. 28, 2014     | 4,124 Views    |   


I am a man whose heavenly gifts are striped by this cruel world. Or shall I say I change them with the deceitfulness of this world like Essaw. Any ways they are gone once and even a sorrowful cry cannot win them back. I am very much in sorrow because the devil took the gifts that I should use to bring multiple folds of fruitfulness to the Lord.


I would not strive to try again if somebody is appointed to do the job I have created to do. But if that is the case, I might not live today. God should have taken me long time ago. It means God has still plans for my life. Even if my wings are broken, God has plans with me still. Even if my youth and energy is spent in vanity doing that I wasn't born to do.


Titus 3:3 -

We used to be stupid, disobedient, and foolish, as well as slaves of all sorts of desires and pleasures. We were evil and jealous. Everyone hated us, and we hated everyone. God our Savior showed us how good and kind he is. He saved us because of his mercy, and not because of any good things that we have done. God washed us by the power of the Holy Spirit. He gave us new birth and a fresh beginning. God sent Jesus Christ our Savior to give us his Spirit. Jesus treated us much better than we deserve. He made us acceptable to God and gave us the hope of eternal life. This message is certainly true.



He still has got some jobs for me before he takes me. God knows how much my heart was burning for his callings. I heard clearly in some form of channels of communication in my spirit what some of the Lord blessed servants confirm it to me.


You know when God created you he created you for his purpose of preaching gospel and winning souls for the kingdom of God. After we ruin our calling, it is hared to remember a day that we spent a full happy day. We should do better than what we are doing now to be a burning sacrifice to the Lord as this is always in our blood and this is who we are from the beginning as God made us him self this way.


We spent our time thinking if we could bring happiness in the eyes of the sorrowed. But we are still agonizing in pain because there is no difference in there lives. Sometimes I think I might go back to him, the Lord leaving everything at least stay in his presence for one day. That is wheather I eat or not, I drink or not, I got some shoes or not.


God knows I love him so much at least more than my self. We might have fall in love with a person at one time and loved that peson more than our selves but not more than God. So if we do that for a human being, I think we can do it for the almighty. If we can write a letter of love and appreciation totally overwhelmed and subdued by thier love, I think we can do it better for our God and saviour.


But I know what the Lord is doing now in my life. I got to stay for a while to get prepared to see the face of most righteous. I should also accumulate some money to buy the greatest gift I can imagine to the Lord - a very well known perfume that is worthy in the eyes of the Lord that I might take it and break it and wash his leg with it - as I am nothing but a sinner.

Every body who believes and confesses that he is a sinner should be able to prove his love by loving Jesus the most before he forgive us. In fact the measure of our forgiveness is totally dependent on the kind of perfume we should buy and the level of worship we commence on his feet.


Luke 7:44 -
He turned toward the woman and said to Simon, "Have you noticed this woman? When I came into your home, you didn't give me any water so I could wash my feet. But she has washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair. You didn't greet me with a kiss, but from the time I came in, she has not stopped kissing my feet. You didn't even pour olive oil on my head, but she has poured expensive perfume on my feet. So I tell you that all her sins are forgiven, and that is why she has shown great love. But anyone who has been forgiven for only a little will show only a little love." Then Jesus said to the woman, "Your sins are forgiven."

I love Jesus and all I ask him is to give at least a second chance to be his servant on earth. This time, I need not only the gift of miracles and spirit of service but also a wise heart who can tell the wrong from the right. Father, we now know this world is like vagabond. They have no integrity not to take what is not theirs. They first become very obsessed with our things and they snatch them out of our hands with out any shame in their face. And my problem is I don't know this until it is taken form me by force.

Lets pray God is going to continue his work with you as he did with somebody you follow all your life to learn wisdom and God s way. Again it is a great covenant that God made with his servants and people. And I pray that we could live our lives to learn and receive grace from God and anointment just to continue the great plan of God in our lives.

One day I met this pastor that anointed me and many christains just a couple of years ago and even if I pass through a lot of troubles and temptations since then, I am still in the house of God waiting what I should do next. He brings Gods word and encouragement to Gods people. You cannot see negative change in his life. He is still has a broken heart when it comes to serve others with great humility and compassion.

How wonderful is to get such kind of servant of the Lord who just bring the right word at the right time. How comfortable is it to be hugged and kissed by him as it is the same as getting God hag you and kiss you. In other word s a man of God out there hugging and touching Gods people can not be done with out being in the presence of the Holy Spirit and if the Holy Ghost is there, then I got comforted by Jesus not by just a human being.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    May. 22, 2014     | 4,392 Views    |   

Prepare the song of celebration for the Lord as he is the only one who deserves praise for the miracles he has done for us! Glory is to God who has made all things. Praise him all ye, who have called before him. He is full of praises on earth and the heavens.

Our God is the God of all our wonders and miracles. He is our only refuge and protector of our lives. He tested our faithfulness and we put our hope in him. We shall cast all our fears and uncertainties to him for a life time.

We love him and the more we do the more we know him. His love endures forever. In his presence we shall not want a thing. Earth has nothing we truly desire except him. Whom we have in heaven, but him!

Our heart and our strength will fail us one day but our trust in him will preserve us forever. Please sing to the Lord, "O Lord! Your will for us is wonderful! Tell him, "How beautiful is your love for us".

Who will insult your name and live? You have made your enemies under your feet, and you exalted your name above all names. We shall praise your name all the days of our lives and tell your wonders to generations.

We shall live and die for your name sake and glory be yours forever. In your love, you have protected your children from the evil one. We also love you as you loved us first through Christ Jesus.

Lord, we all were going astray before you redeemed us. You lost everything to bring all of us together. You have died the death of the sinner. In your pain and agony, we have been healed.

You become poor so that we shall live rich. We will follow you all the days of our lives and one day you will come to take us home! Amen!

When my heart was grieved
and my spirit embittered,
 I was senseless and ignorant;
    I was a brute beast before you.

Yet I am always with you;
    you hold me by my right hand.
 You guide me with your counsel,
    and afterward you will take me into glory.
 Whom have I in heaven but you?
    And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
 My flesh and my heart may fail,
    but God is the strength of my heart
    and my portion forever.

 Those who are far from you will perish;
    you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
    I have made the Sovereign Lord my refuge;
    I will tell of all your deeds.  - Psalm 73:2

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    May. 16, 2014     | 4,703 Views    |   

The Bible teaches us to be generous and kind. It also teaches us to be kind and merciful like our father. Our father is abundant in grace and mercy. He did not break the weak. His compassion has no limit. He is the father of the helpless and the needy. He is very close to us more than our parents. In fact even if a mother forgets about her children, he will not.

Concerning gifts that we should contribute to our God and to others in need, the scriptures have already mentioned many ideas and in fact some of them are rules that we must obey our God with all our heart. One of these rules is bringing our gifts and tithes to our God. The portion of the money that goes to be a tithe is also mentioned in the Bible.

Jesus has also taught that we should also not forget to help our parents when we got the chance. He warn the responsible persons in the church not to burden the people specially young ones with money so that they may be able to help their parents and families in addition to bringing the tithe to the church.

In Corinthians 9:6 we learn that we should willingly and gladly do it as we are doing it for someone we love most. It has to be an expression of our love from our heart to our God. Not out of compulsion and because of the warnings that are mentioned in Malachi 3 but with love and respect for the Lord.

Genesis 28:20 -

Then Jacob made a vow, saying, If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear so that I return safely to my father s household, then the Lord will be my God and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God s house, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.

Deuteronomy 14:22 -

Be sure to set aside a tenth of all that your fields produce each year. Eat the tithe of your grain, new wine and olive oil, and the firstborn of your herds and flocks in the presence of the Lord your God at the place he will choose as a dwelling for his Name, so that you may learn to revere the Lord your God always.

But if that place is too distant and you have been blessed by the Lord your God and cannot carry your tithe (because the place where the Lord will choose to put his Name is so far away), then exchange your tithe for silver, and take the silver with you and go to the place the Lord your God will choose. Use the silver to buy whatever you like: cattle, sheep, wine or other fermented drink, or anything you wish. Then you and your household shall eat there in the presence of the Lord your God and rejoice. And do not neglect the Levites living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own.At the end of every three years, bring all the tithes of that year s produce and store it in your towns, 29 so that the Levites (who have no allotment or inheritance of their own) and the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns may come and eat and be satisfied, and so that the Lord your God may bless you in all the work of your hands.

Deuteronomy 26:1 -
When you have entered the land the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance and have taken possession of it and settled in it, take some of the firstfruits of all that you produce from the soil of the land the Lord your God is giving you and put them in a basket. Then go to the place the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his Name and say to the priest in office at the time, I declare today to the Lord your God that I have come to the land the Lord swore to our ancestors to give us.
The priest shall take the basket from your hands and set it down in front of the altar of the Lord your God. Then you shall declare before the Lord your God: My father was a wandering Aramean, and he went down into Egypt with a few people and lived there and became a great nation, powerful and numerous. But the Egyptians mistreated us and made us suffer, subjecting us to harsh labor.
Then we cried out to the Lord, the God of our ancestors, and the Lord heard our voice and saw our misery, toil and oppression. So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with signs and wonders. He brought us to this place and gave us this land, a land flowing with milk and honey; and now I bring the firstfruits of the soil that you, Lord, have given me. Place the basket before the Lord your God and bow down before him. Then you and the Levites and the foreigners residing among you shall rejoice in all the good things the Lord your God has given to you and your household.
When you have finished setting aside a tenth of all your produce in the third year, the year of the tithe, you shall give it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, so that they may eat in your towns and be satisfied. Then say to the Lord your God: I have removed from my house the sacred portion and have given it to the Levite, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow, according to all you commanded.I have not turned aside from your commands nor have I forgotten any of them. I have not eaten any of the sacred portion while I was in mourning, nor have I removed any of it while I was unclean, nor have I offered any of it to the dead. I have obeyed the Lord my God; I have done everything you commanded me. Look down from heaven, your holy dwelling place, and bless your people Israel and the land you have given us as you promised on oath to our ancestors, a land flowing with milk and honey.

Matthew 15:3 -
Jesus replied, And why do you break the command of God for the sake of your tradition? For God said, Honor your father and mother and Anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death. But you say that if anyone declares that what might have been used to help their father or mother is devoted to God, they are not to honor their father or mother with it. Thus you nullify the word of God for the sake of your tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you:

2 Corinthians 9:6 -
Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. As it is written:
They have freely scattered their gifts to the poor;
their righteousness endures forever.
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
This service that you perform is not only supplying the needs of the Lord s people but is also overflowing in many expressions of thanks to God. Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else. And in their prayers for you their hearts will go out to you, because of the surpassing grace God has given you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!

Hosea 6:6 -
For I desired mercy, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.

Malachi 3:6 -
Descendants of Jacob, I am the LORD All-Powerful, and I never change. That's why you haven't been wiped out, even though you have ignored and disobeyed my laws ever since the time of your ancestors. But if you return to me, I will return to you.
And yet you ask, "How can we return?"

You people are robbing me, your God. And, here you are, asking, "How are we robbing you?"
You are robbing me of the offerings and of the ten percent that belongs to me. That's why your whole nation is under a curse. I am the LORD All-Powerful, and I challenge you to put me to the test. Bring the entire ten percent into the storehouse, so there will be food in my house. Then I will open the windows of heaven and flood you with blessing after blessing.I will also stop locusts from destroying your crops and keeping your vineyards from producing. Everyone of every nation will talk about how I have blessed you and about your wonderful land. I, the LORD All-Powerful, have spoken! You have said horrible things about me, and yet you ask, "What have we said?"
Here is what you have said: "It's foolish to serve the LORD God All-Powerful. What do we get for obeying him and from going around looking sad? See how happy those arrogant people are. Everyone who does wrong is successful, and when they put God to the test, they always get away with it."
All those who truly respected the LORD and honored his name started discussing these things, and when God saw what was happening, he had their names written as a reminder in his book. Then the LORD All-Powerful said:
You people are precious to me, and when I come to bring justice, I will protect you, just as parents protect an obedient child. 18Then everyone will once again see the difference between those who obey me by doing right and those who reject me by doing wrong.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    May. 15, 2014     | 4,620 Views    |   

Once in a while we all find ourselves in to the sin of gossiping others. Well if you tell a person not to speak judgment about another person, he will not definitely accept it because he might not speak anything at all.

Yes we are this much gossipers. For God sake, what if we speak good things of that person to others. We tend to say kind words when the person is around but we turn our back and gossip when the person is not with us.

I believe there are two opportunities that we might find ourselves in gossiping others.We may be badly hurt or someone close to us is hurt by this person we are gossiping.Or we are just doing it to comfort someone who says is badly hurt by the person we are gossiping.

Whatever the cause is we are saying when we gossip that we are better and what we claim we say or we do has a better ground than the other person.Gossiping is a spiritual illness that affects everyone due to lack of love and humility for one another.

That is why we need the blood of Jesus to cure us from this illness.Gossiping is a sin. It doesn’t please God to backbite and gossip our brothers and sisters.

We may find ourselves in a position where we have been hurt, neglected and prosecuted by other including those who we think loved us most. But the right action to take here in response to that is not revenge or gossiping.

Gossiping completely destroys the good reputation of the person.In this world our history and our name plays a very important role to our existence. There is a good probability that if we gossip we could easily destroy the good name of a person.

In my understanding of the word of God, God doesn’t want you to destroy the reputation of your brothers and sisters.The right way to solve a conflict is to bring it to the cross and leave it there in prayer until God give his response regarding our situation.

The word of God also instructs us that if we found our friend guilty of sin against us, we may advise him alone and if this is not working, we may use the church to advise him. But then after that we can leave him to the Lord if he/she is not willing to stop hunting us down.

I know one possible reason not to advise a friend in person is that people are kind of repulsive in not accepting their mistakes. Even little children do not say, “I am sorry”. Why? Because they learn it from us, the grown ones, their parents.

But lets us change the world around us, and the task might not be easy but let us start working from us and to our closest family or friend. Our closest ones will not interpret the message of love for wrong because they know we love them and everything we do has to do with their own good.

Then the culture of responsibility will be developed in our community that has the guts to stand up for their own work and cannot tolerate when others act irresponsibly. When we change our selves through the conviction of the Holy Spirit, we have the power to advice and turn other people from their wicked ways and help them identify the right way to form relationships.

Please God give us the courage even if we profited hate, the courage to speak well and not against a person. May the Lord bless us with the boldness of spirit and humility not to gossip others and the greater courage to advice and to win our friend back with love and full of empathy for one another.

Ephesians 4:29
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Proverbs 16:28
A dishonest man spreads strife, and a whisperer separates close friends.

Proverbs 11:13
Whoever goes about slandering reveals secre

s, but he who is trustworthy in spirit keeps a thing covered.

Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.

Titus 3:2
To speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.

Exodus 23:1
“You shall not spread a false report. You shall not join hands with a wicked man to be a malicious witness.

Luke 6:31
And as you wish that others would do to you, do so to them.

Psalm 34:13
Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking deceit.

James 4:11
Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. The one who speaks against a brother or judges his brother, speaks evil against the law and judges the law. But if you judge the law, you are not a doer of the law but a judge.

Proverbs 26:20
For lack of wood the fire goes out, and where there is no whisperer, quarreling ceases.

Psalm 101:5 Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly I will destroy. Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I will not endure.

James 1:26
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

1 Timothy 5:13
Besides that, they learn to be idlers, going about from house to house, and not only idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, saying what they should not.

Leviticus 19:16
You shall not go around as a slanderer among your people, and you shall not stand up against the life of your neighbor: I am the Lord.

Proverbs 10:18
The one who conceals hatred has lying lips, and whoever utters slander is a fool.

Ephesians 4:32
Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.

Exodus 20:16
“You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

Romans 1:29
They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips,

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        tewodros    |    May. 13, 2014     | 4,826 Views    |    1 Comments

Life especially marriage can be a very complicated thing if we don’t know how to manage it easily. It is complicated because we human beings are a very complex creatures that we don’t even understand ourselves deeply to its limit and we are the constituents of marriage as the Holy Spirit the head of the marriage.

We must be very clear what we need and communicate effectively with each other. Whether to love or not to love, to care or not to care for each other is all the choice we face every day. But sometimes the responsibility of marriage grows too much that we may not be able control it anymore. As we know, every day there are more responsibilities than before. The good news is we have our best friend God gave us to help us with the burden of life.

The bad news is life can be sometimes a lot of responsibility which builds up a lot of stress and that could affect how we should behave and interact with each other. You see when we become overloaded with lot and lots of things leaving us with no time for our personal relationship with Christ, this will eventually hurt both our relationship with God, Spouse and our family.

The key to manage this from personal experience is to mange stress to the level it can not affect us and change us in a way that is abnormal behavior. Men and women tend to be mean, unkind, and unloving/unlovable and develop abnormal behavior when they are taken to the limit where they no more control themselves.

The Bible teaches us about the weakness of our flesh and without the Spirit of the Lord freshly working in our lives every day; we could turn ourselves in to a disaster.

Romans 8:8
Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.

Galatians 5:16
But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

Galatians 5:19-21
Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Romans 8:6
For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.

Romans 8:5
For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit.

Colossians 3:1-25
If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Put to death therefore what is earthly in you: sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry.

Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

The Bible teaches us that no one can dominate and excel by his own strength and wisdom. No onecan be fulfilled with out intervention of the Holy Spirit. Our problems and

issues inc
uding those problems we face in marriage are way beyond our earthly capacity and power to deal with them. 

Anybody can be what he wants to be using his intellectual power and a good training. But sometimes we face problems way beyond our mental capacity and power. If we follow them to the end, they are able to take us to the extremities and bring a huge damage to us.

That is why coming to God without the Lord is not an option. The Lord did not put him as an option with other things. He didn’t say, “I am the way and also there are other ways to the father.” He said, “I am the way the truth and the life. No one can come to the father except through me.”

John 14:6 - Jesus said unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Yes we have the option to choose what we love most. We have a free chose to make. But we must know that there is no other way other than the Lord that we must be saved. Therefore it is very important to understand the weakness of our flesh and better yet cling to the Lord of our soul, Jesus Christ, whom he gives peace and rest to our soul. He is the solution of all our problems. 

So what do you want from your marriage?
If you want peace, rest and abundance of grace, come to the Lord and he will give you all.

Here are top ten most important steps we need to take to do well in our relationships

  1. Have a personal Bible study time:  Let Holy Spirit guide and teach you the essence of marriage

  2. Have a personal prayer time:   Having personal time with the Holy Spirit to speak with him about every  areas of your lives.

  3. Dedicate personal prayer time for you and your family:   Let him wash away the burden of sin, guilt, and bitterness.      Let him encourage you with the everlasting promises that the Lord has promised us.   Let him guide in to prayer for your selves and for others who are passing in the similar situation

  4. Have a Bible study time at least once in a week

  5. Come out of the usual routines and do something fun together at least once in two weeks

  6. Have a special time with each other where you could listen to each other. This is not like other times where we are distracted by children, work and other issues in life. This is not where you discuss your goals and achievements.This is the time you and your spouse spend time to enjoy the moment together by just listening and understanding each other with no judgment but with lots of love.

  7. Dedicate time to worship the Lord together every Sunday

  8. Spend time together to do common in-house or out of the house activities

  9. Give each other space. Sometimes we human beings need a time of moment of peace, silence and rest with just ourselves and the Lord’s Spirit with us. This doesn’t mean we have to spend a long time having fun with other people outside of the house leaving our family behind. It means we have to take a moment to relax, become strengthened and come back to our family after we feel the joy and relaxation of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes we make a lot of mess facing the wrong person we are angry in side. We need time to cool it off before actually disturbing your family without common sense. The best place to do that is not the bar. It is any where there is the presence of the Holy Spirit and we just let it out, cry out, shout and come back to our spouse.

  10. Take time to solve together what matters most with a sense of urgency

This is the time we discuss every issue about our marriage. If there are conflicts, we need to talk to each other and find a common ground in which we all agree to continue to work together in love.

From the above suggestions, we can see that re

ationship is all
bout managing time and having a good personal time together with the lord. Happy and enjoyable life is not necessarily out of the abundance of money.

I believe the problem with marriage is most of the time we don’t abide in these fundamentals principles of marriage. The pillar of marriage is Holy Spirit. We live, evolve and grow in to the likeness of Christ with him.

The house cannot stand without the existence of him. Don’t make decision on you two alone. Consult with the Holy Spirit and make him guide and lead you into every situation in life you are facing as a family. Let him interfere as he wishes. Let him do the hard part for you - the decision part.

May the Lord give us the grace to live in the right direction and become fruitful in the areas of our marriage, family and the purpose the Lord has given us to accomplish.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    May. 12, 2014     | 4,714 Views    |   

Once upon a time there was prince of a great city and he had a friend crow. They were very close friends and spent most of their time together. Wherever the prince went, the crow followed him. Their intimacy was like families.

One day the prince decided to go a long way to another city. In his adventure, he took his favorite white horse, his huge sword, and some food and water that will last for the journey he planed ahead.

Riding for a while in the dense forest, the prince got lost, while his crow was still hovering around the area from above. Finding all the possible ways, out of the forest, the prince finally got tired and decided to take a nap.

When he woke up, the horse was gone. The prince then got so frustrated and run and run for so many hours finding his way out. All his water that he had for the journey ran out and he became so thirsty that he couldn't move any more. But in all of these, the crow stayed with the princeall the time.

After a while, the prince saw a droplet of water coming out of a big stone and was dropping down the cave. The prince quickly got up and put up his golden cup and started to accumulate the droplets of the water. And then the water became half full and by the time the prince was ready to drink it, the crow dove with a tremendous speed and hit the cup out of the hand of the prince.

The prince became so angry and he said, "I feed this crow from my own hand since it was a little bird but now at the brink of my life, look what he did to me!" And then the prince picked up his cup with his left hand and started to accumulate some water as before, holding his mighty sword on the right hand.

By the time the water was just full enough to satisfy his trust, he took it to his mouth and right at the moment he was ready to drink, the crow dove to snatch him like before but this time the prince cut the crow in to pieces with the sword. And by the time he did that, the water spilt out of the cup again in the process.

While he still did that, a big snake came out of the big rock and tried to attack the prince. But the prince fought for his life and killed the snake with the sword.After that, when he saw the water place, he couldn't believe his eyes. Suddenly he found out that what he thought is rock water, was not simply water at all. In fact it was the poisoned water of the most dangerous snake in the world.

What a sorrow this is for that prince. He killed his life time friend and in fact the redeemer of his life. He lost patience and he didn t take the time to find out that the snake is inside the rock.This is how we lose our family and close friends coming to wrong decisions.

Our condition might be as urgent as this prince but we should always listen to our family no matter what it is. They are the way to advise us on behalf of God and we should listen to them all the time.

Adopted from Kebede M.

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        tewodros    |    May. 9, 2014     | 4,353 Views    |   

I have heard a lot of seroms in my life. One truth strikes me and I believe it totally. There is a 'God shaped hole' in our lives that can only be satisfied by accepting Jesus Christ as our personal saviour. Other things in life are important such as money andrelationships. However, without Jesus in one's life there is no contentment.

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        Eskedar    |    May. 8, 2014     | 4,672 Views    |    1 Comments

Let’s say you have some unpleasant argument with your spouse and you feel discomfort in side and you want to go back to your previous state. Words cannot be unspoken. But feelings can be healed.

Make sure in any kind of arguments, you are not saying what you don’t want to say that makes you regret. If you did not offend your spouse during your conversation, there will be a good chance that you will have emotional healing from the words of others.


Rather than on focusing on the direct words that comes from your spouse, focus on the overall feelings and motive of your spouse. Don’t allow to develop a resentment and tendency to memorize the bad things that is spoken from your spouse.


If things got worse and your spouse try to say something bad to you, instead of saying the same bad things in revenge, try saying a kind and pleasant word. This will potentially help your spouse in becoming less aggressive and you may win them with love.


The key here is that you should have self-control and avoid any bad words come out of your mouth. The other key is to let things cool off by walking away from the situation. Jesus used to do that when he face angry crowd that wanted to stone him to death. He will just walk away from them and they couldn’t do anything. May the Lord give us the grace to just walk away from an angry spouse when things look bad!

God gives grace for the humble. He will strength you to do what he wants you to do.


Many problem arises when we also contribute in making the bad situation worse by continually fight against our spouse. If we do that, we not only hurt ourselves but also make them say bad things to us.

When a person is angry we never know what kind of spirit they are in to.


So to avoid what the devil can do to us, we should always avoid conflicts as much as possible

If they come to us with no way to retreat, then we should deal with them according to the wisdom that we learn from God that is to patiently and lovingly with all self-control we got and not anger and resentment and retaliation.


This doesn’t mean we have to take insult and just accept what others say about us. We have to make our points clear and understandable with boldness but not in argument full of hate. We can get ourselves heard by taking a more thoughtful way. Especially if we can raise them when our spouse is cool of and he/she is no in a defensive mood.

If can raise our points with love and courage, we will be heard. If we speak when we are angry, we will say something’s completely out of context and out of boundary. When we come to argue with our spouse first we have to know what we want.

We have to make very clear what we expect from the situation. We have to stand firm behind what we wanted out of the relationship. We need to focus on discussing on things that could make our relationship bitter and wither in the long run. We need to discuss them and find a way to solve them as quick as possible.

The other good points that should be raised is that there may not be immediate emotionally healing when we come to argue with our spouse. The reason is that we may not always be heard and we may not reach in to a good conclusion and possibly we may not come to a point in which we are both winners.
But sometimes what will happen is that they will not accept our points and they may even reject them.
This should not put you off and drop everything all of the sudden.


We need to pray before beginning any kind of argument and if things don’t go the way we wanted, we need to leave the rest to the Lord and he will take care of the rest. At least our attitude to resolve the conflict with a good start is half way to solve the problem. The Lord will take care of the rest and as human beings we tend to understand things latter in time.

In conclusion whether we solve our conflicts in a matter of few discussion or we don’t reach to a common ground, we should always continue to love and care as the Lord commands. He will extend his favor and love to us and he will heal every broken heart in Jesus Name.


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        fasika    |    May. 7, 2014     | 4,377 Views    |   

One of the greatest things about being born again is the previlege of not living in guilt. I used to feel guilty about every mistake I made before I accepted Jesus in my life. How bothersome it was and a great hindrance to my life. Oh how amazing it was ,I accepted Jesus and I was free from the burden of guilt. It was astouding because it proved to me that Jesus was atually real. He washed -and still washes my sins away and gives me a clear conscience.

Christiantity does not give one a liscence to sin. Jesus does not want us to sin, yet He forgives us when we do. The blood of Jesus is powerful and it works. There is the conviciton of the Holy Spirit that directs us to the right way. However, there is no burden of sin in Christ Jesus. That is the beauty of Christiantly.

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        Eskedar    |    May. 6, 2014     | 4,424 Views    |    1 Comments

Some people are constantly trying to disrespect us and degrade our relationship with God. They can be a good instrument for the evil and to minimize one to one relationship with such kind of people could be one option until we become aware of what is really going on behind them.

Jesus said, "I am not praying for those who belong to the world."

I am praying for them, but not for those who belong to this world. - John 17-9

This shows how important we need to take our lives seriously concerning our relationship with God and not allowing evil to get a chance to separate us from our father.

Choose wisely what you LOVE. LOVE what you chose. Hate is not on the menu. But you have the right to choose your friends. Do not hate no one, not even your enemies. If you continue with that, you will find yourself full of worries and troubles. You got to say, "No, I am sorry I can't", sometimes.

Some people intentionally abuse LOVE. They suck until their stomach is full and they will turn their face and curse you. It is like throwing away the plate that feeds them and cursing the womb that carries them. It is so disgusting and you should not be with such person. Don't eat together with such kind of people. What does darkness has to do with light?

Most of all, if you can't avoid them directly, do it indirectly by wisdom. Here is how:

Do not say yes or no, instead talk a very general statement.

Do not make yourself into an agreement with anything they say.

Do not find yourself in talking situation with them.

Do not eat or drink with such individuals.

Do not laugh with such individuals.

Do only your work and avoid communication as much as possible.

Do not call such individual or accept their call directly.

If you have to talk with them, make it directly to the point.

LOVE is for those who deserve it. Stop being foolish and get some wisdom.

Do not listen to their advice and do not take anything they say very seriously. Sometimes even false prophets will be sent just to obstruct you. That is what happened to the reluctant disobedient prophet based a story in  1 kings 13:14:

The old prophet found him sitting under an oak tree and asked, "Are you the prophet from Judah?" "Yes, I am. Come home with me," the old prophet said, "and have something to eat. I can't go back with you," the prophet replied, "and I can't eat or drink anything with you. The Lord warned me not to eat or drink or to go home the same way I came." The old prophet said, "I'm a prophet too. One of the Lord's angels told me to take you to my house and give you something to eat and drink." The prophet from Judah did not know that the old prophet was lying, so he went home with him and ate and drank. During the meal the Lord gave the old prophet a message for the prophet from Judah:

Listen to the Lord's message. You have disobeyed the Lord your God. He told you not to eat or drink anything here, but you came home and ate with me. And so, when you die, your body won't be buried in your family tomb. After the meal the old prophet got a donkey ready, and the prophet from Judah left. Along the way, a lion attacked and killed him, and the donkey and the lion stood there beside his dead body.>

 The prophet was literally tricked by someone and he lost himself for not keeping the word of God. And we already knew even the devil has the power to change himself into a likeness of an angel of light. So a very unique, strong and consistent kind of relationship is needed with the Holy Spirit. Choose wisely who can be your friend.

A friend is who is closer to you at the time of trouble. There is no true friend other than the Lord Jesus Christ. A friend of one time is enemy latter. People change and hurt you when you least expect it.

This probably happened to you many times before. This because the evil used their selfish desires to get to you. People who said they will be with us in times of trouble can turn their face on us at any time. This is the whole lesson about life. It is impossible to make a long agreement with no one. The wicked one is using any body to make us feel disappointed. It is to take your faith from you. If he can still your trust, believe me, he will steal your faith in Christ.

But many problems arise deep beneath than just the surface. They occur not at the time of rupture of sin and disrespect. The enemy uses some form of evidence to get to you. There is always something about you that will draw the enemy against you. If you can transform yourself into the likeness of Christ, You will be inconceivable and invincible to the enemy. But if you display yourself in front of the enemy, the enemy will take the honor of destroying you.

Always remember, the enemy is not a respecter of any person. Whether you are educated or illiterate, Whether you are married or not, Whether you are rich or poor, Whether you are strong or week, Whether you are bold or coward, Whether you are a child or an old person. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us the wisdom to choose our friends, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    May. 5, 2014     | 21,396 Views    |    8 Comments

The level of interest we want something determines how quick we will get it. Jesus obeyed his father fully and shortly he joined his father in heaven. We are here on earth for only one ultimate purpose that is to show that we really obey the father. If God is going to destroy today that we made yesterday, it means he is not interested on the art craft. Nor he is interested on the architecture or the sky scrapers we made.

That is why Jesus doesnt come here and be the best in everything. He has come to this earth with a very specific purpose that is to be slaughtered for the sake of every sinner. Jesus carried every sin every human being made before he is born or after and he take all of that and burn on the cross. There is a beauty with that that God has made for us. He made Jesus to carry all of our sins without even complaining.

Now we also need to carry the sin of others. Sometimes people do bad things to us and unless we resist it, it will stay with us. Now we all know how much this is painful. We believe we have to fight back in order to avoid the burden of sin we carry. However this is not exactly God wants us to do. He expects all of his children to win with good.

We are temporary pain carriers but still the Lord can take it away from us and burn it. That way all of our sins and the sin we get from other person will find a solution. That is why the Spirit of our Lord is here with us to get rid of sin as quickly as possible. Like Jesus we all are created with a define purpose in life. The quicker we finish it, the sooner we will go to heaven - The sooner the better.

And the only way we complete our mission is through obedience. What so ever it is and what nature our purpose has, we need to obey God. We shouldnt be wise according to our understanding. don't be smart on our own accord. We should seek first the council of the Lord and we will be fine.

With out purpose life is like a sailor with out destination harbor. Any wind will take us anywhere. But when we get the real purpose God has created for us, we will know out destination harbor. And you will encounter storms and winds, yet that all are indication that you are on the right track. The devil has no problem as long as we don't know where we are going. He will look at us and say,

"What can I possibly do wrong about these people?"

I mean there wont be any resistance with out any flow of current. The same way if we don't know our mission in life, we are free of opposition. Many people know about this and they like the idea of freedom rather than engaging them selves in battle - Freedom to do whatever they want in life and still no opposition.

But life with out fighting is not life at all. Think of the rewards we will get from our father in Haven. Think of the glory will bring to the family of Jesus if we fight the good fight of Faith. Whether we like or not, war is already broke between the kingdom of God and of the devil. There is no other glamorous way than to be what you are created to be.

But still we can not identify our real purpose until we learn to listen what the Lord is revealing to us through his spirit - To listen the Spirit of God telling us to do some things and withdraw form others. The Lord pleases to teach us techniques and training for the ultimate battle. He likes to guide us in every direction to make us come out of the battle field as victors. And how do we learn? We learn by obedience.

No slave is better than his master. No student is either. I am telling you the truth it is not even right to look straight in the eyes of your master. Neither should we ask too many questions that destructs the teachings of the Lord. We shouldnt also take assumption of our own. We need to do as exactly we are told to do and that will save your life. What would we get from being obedient?

Well, first off all we will save our self a lot of troubles by being obedient. Second, we will get all the support we need for our mission from the Lord himself. Third, we will successfully complete the mission and bring joy to our father in Heaven. Forth, we will be successfully rewarded in latter days after the Lord come and take us to our eternal home. Now many of us focus mainly on the forth part? Many of the great warriors of faith in Gods kingdom don't receive their reward on earth.

I mean what sort of blessing we would expect from this world. To be partakers of the eternal life that is offered through Jesus Christ is our greatest reward of God. Everything that looks beautiful in this world withers and die. What seems to be likable today is not it tomorrow.

Everything changes in this world and to fall in love with temporary thing is only to hurt our selves. Think of this as if we fall in love with family-reunion that is celebrated in our home. And this re-union is done once in five years or it may not happen again. Once the event has ended, they will be gone all in different directions to their own homes. Who want to fall in love with that? We will be hurting ourselves if we lay our Joyce in a single day family reunion celebration. Who want to put their happiness on their laughter?

If we totally depend on the encouragements you can get from one day reunion, what are we going to do when all sail home the next morning leaving us with nothing but empty home? Obviously our hope will be doomed and we will fall in to some form of sadness for a couple of days.

Dont work for something that will be destroyed with fire. don't put your treasure and your pleasure where moths can easily destroy it and thieves can easily steal it. Instead put it in a place where no thief or moths can reach it.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    May. 2, 2014     | 4,363 Views    |    2 Comments

prayer is simply talking to God just as a person talks to his/her close friend. It does not have to be formal. i love this fact because I can share anything with God: God I am tired of such and such.. help me .God I need guidance, am struggling in this area etc. I got this right to talk to God through Jesus Christ. My faith through Jesus Christ gives me direct acess to God like it says in Ephesians.It is a wonderful previlege. And when prayer gets answered, it is even more exciting. there is a well known song" I am a freind of God, He calls me friend." it is pretty awesome when a human like me can be called a friend of The Most High God-God who is omnipresent omnipotent and much more.

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        Eskedar    |    Apr. 30, 2014     | 4,749 Views    |    1 Comments

No matter who we are or where we come from, we are one way or the other subject to sin against the Lord. This is no matter how righteous we want to be to please our Lord with all our heart, our soul and our spirit.

But there is always one problem. That is the flesh always battle with the spirit and once in a while the spirit gives a way to the flesh. It is like two spirits living in side of us - one is a good one and the other is a bad one.

As long as they are in there the battle is always there.

But don't forget, who ever fights till the end will win the battle. It is true that one has to give way to the other. One has to leave while one will continue to grow.

Which one will stay with us forever is our choice. I don't know how long the fight shall continue. The bad one could be anything at all. It could be an addiction or any kind of bad habit that will lower us than who we really are in the beginning. The good one is the Spirit of the Lord in us.

Every individual on this planet has the same problem. Our soul gets confused, stressed, worried, anxious, disappointed and discouraged when the evil takes control. The cause of this problem is one thing and that is we are like a cursed seed as long as we live in this flesh.

Nothing on the earth, above the earth and under the earth will make us free from it except the blood of the lamb. Nothing we do is good enough to God to sanctify us from our sins.As longs we live in the flesh, we will never see the glory of God.

Neither will we get in to the kingdom of God unless we take God's way of salvation.

Ephesians 2:8-9For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Making ourselves in agreement with God's own way of salvation through Christ Jesus shows at least we are willing to give up our selfish desires and come to God's will.

Let's not forget, what brings the curse to us in the first place is nothing but disobedience. So there is nothing other than obedience that will take us back to our heavenly father.The kind of obedience that God wants from us is not only to be faithful to him and love him no matter what. It is also to believe in the kind of salvation he has prepared for us.

We need to believe what God has done for us through his son Jesus Christ. With out purifying our body, mind and soul with the blood of the lamb everyday, we cannot do righteousness as good as the Lord expects from us.

I believe one of the reasons why we cannot be good enough in the eyes of God with out through Jesus Christ is because the kind of relationship we had with God in Eden was so special that we cannot even imagine and imitate it as long as we live in this flesh.

After all God is the creator and we are the works of his hands, so how can we try to do righteousness for God? How can we be righteous in the eyes of God unless God covers us with the garment of grace which as he mentioned in his word that it is the blood of the lamb. Beloved, our father wanted to sanctify his children with the blood of the lamb, who are we to suggest something else?

All my life, I had a great ambition to be as good as I can because in my spirit it tells me so. But every time I want to raise and to be that person whom I call a good and righteous and totally pure in the eyes of God, something hit me on the head put me in my previous position.

I tried to be like that at least in all my childhood and adult hood. It never works that way. Everytime I want to do it, there wil be some form of force that will cast me down. And I tried as many times as I never tried anything else thinking the enemy is fighting me not to reach the goal.
very time I fight it, I will lose my strength but never achieved the life of a sinless life.

I believe it is all about self

righteousness and it will lead to a greater form of sin which is pride and unforgiveness. After so many years, after expermienting on this regard for almost two decades and after all my energy is gone, I come to understand that I will never achieve it in this attitude I have had in the past. 

But this makes me also for some time not to try to strive for the kind of life our Lord wants us to live - A sinless but not on works only. I think the point of our experience in this regard is not to take one side. That is either on the side of to be self-righteous person and the other side is to live life simply on the basis of grace and do what ever we want to do reluctantly.

As far as I remember my life worked in the right way when I bitterly cry and tell my Lord,

My Lord, I get it. I cannot do anything good by my self even if I want to please you. There is always a time I will be sinful and disgrace my self badly unless you stood by my side and hold my hand. I will always choose love than judgment and I will never pass wrong accusations or gossip who ever it is. I will try to be faithful in every aspect of my life not thinking that it will be counted to the final points to beat my brothers and sisters. But just to express my deepest feelings for you that no matter who I am, you did not cast me down and you will never do that as long as I keep my eyes on you. If possible let me experience the kind of love you have showed to us through your son Jesus Christ on the cross so that I will understand just the glimpse of how much you loved us by grace. It is your love who makes us who we are and we don't deserve anything to be like that. It is your love who brought us to you and who draw us to you and it is your grace that we are so loved by you. We as human beings know the characteristics of grace. It is unmerited, underserved, but freely given.

As far as I remember I cried, for so long because I was in a serous situation that time. I was in the brink of life and death. I had no option but my addiction was almost about to finish me. It was one addictions but I couldn't get over it for almost two decades. It always takes another form when I start to think I got over with it. 

Isaiah 40:31
But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.

But then my Lord did extraordinary thing that night. He completely healed my soul and my flesh. He washed my sins with his blood. He gave me hope filled me with joy. But he also tells me to keep writing his mercy and love everyday and I have done that since then.

He instantly healed me from my major addiction and other forms of bad habit that goes with it. I never forget how my heart was filed with joy and happiness. My Lord gave me also a lot of victories over my enemies. He made me blessed with not only his love but regarding my education. He gave me a very nice profession whom I love most - teaching. 

But one day almost one year past, I experienced the same kind of addiction I had before. I was totally shocked that it happened again and I couldn't resist the temptations. I examined my self for weeks and it turn out to be a sign of pride against my students. Unfortunately I resigned my job willingly and work in another place that I had better relationship with. 

But the Lord has healed every addiction of my soul that put me into slavery to sin and make me feel bad and worthless. I give all the glory to my Lord and savior Jesus Christ who not only saved me from eternal death, but also from addictions that consumed my life for so long. I have no pride of my own. My Lord saved me from my sins that were hunting me till I give up in life.

So it worked, brothers and sisters. It works for those who believed that there is a thin line between two adversaries. True Life is

ever about the so called righteous or the wicked(in our eyes).

The victory of battle is not for the faster and swifter. Happy and enjoyable life is not for the wise and the rich. Righteousness is not for the one who runs after it. If we believed in something and forget the other, we will fail.

One thing is always true. The soul that always trusts on the Lord will never put to shame forever. The Lord is faithful and he will come one day upon the mountains of all our adversaries smashing them like pieces.

Blessed are those who always want to please God and not themselves. Blessed are those whose sins are no more counted. Blessed are those whose protection is from the Lord.

Yes we can live a life that is up to the expectation of the word of God. But it can only be done by the grace of God. When we come to God, it is impossible to say anything, 'I did it'. It is very dangerous to take credit ourselves for the work of God. Nothing we do is not our own. One way or the other, God has done it for us.

If we can live up to this, yes we can live a sin free life on this planet. But remember we are living in a fallen world and how come one can live a sin free life with out pride. Think about it. Therefore self righteousness is not a good option. Living totally depending on the grace of God with out doing anything is also very dangerous. 

Faith accompanied by work is all it is required from us. We do what we have to do but not because we think we want to get self confidence and self righteous but to show how much we love him. We must believe that if the lord doesn't want to give us the grace to live a sinless life, we cannot do it at all. This way we will understand the pain and burden of others and have pity on them as they carry the same sin as we carry on some other form.

Romans 6:14
For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace.

Moreover, If the lord almighty doesn't want to get pleased in our own way of life, we cannot pleased him by force. Sometimes I tell my self that even if this is the way I have to live the rest of my life, a sinful and unhappy life, I will live it as long as my lord is happy with it. But I know he doesn't want me to suffer. But also He doesn't want to take something from me which I love even more than him. So the choice to live up to this life or to give it up for the Lord who dwells in every one of us.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

Romans 11:6
But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace.

James 4:6
But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”

Ephesians 2:8
For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 29, 2014     | 4,392 Views    |    1 Comments

I rememeber saying my previous colleague told me about a great Christian fellow whose Chrstian life shone among the non believers. I also worked with a Christian lady who had impressed me immensely.

Well from where shall I start? Firstly, she was deligent. Not only performed her tasks, but was also very willing to go out of her way to help others.

Secondly, she listened to the problems of others includung mine and strived to solve them- that is ofcouse -in her spare time. She prayed for me and took me toprayer centers.

Thridly, she was persecuted for Jesus from her family members-very hearbreaking. Yet, her faith was intact.

Fourthly, she read her Bible and spiritual booksduring some of her lunch breaks and when business was slow.Furthermore, sheused to tell me ' Eskedar, do you know that we are going to reign with Jesus for a thousand year? '(This was in reference to the second coming of Jesus and the Book of Revelations). As she spoke, I could read the joy and excitment form her face. She used to astonish me because I was not focused in the second coming of Jesus but on my day yo day Christian life in this world.

Fifthy, she was struggling with life's challenges and disappointments but remained a Christian.

Last but not least, she was fun to be around with and we had great laughs.

In summary, she was an examplary Christian to me.

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        Eskedar    |    Apr. 27, 2014     | 4,386 Views    |    1 Comments

A love story about a father and a son who have got a large media coverage at the time. The son was born with birth complications and is not able to walk or talk because of his disability. The doctor advised the parents to institutionalize him so that they may not worry about him the rest of their lives and just go on with their lives.

In the eyes of many the son was helpless. But the parents didn’t take it that way. For them he is the same value and importance as any of their children born without difficulty.

The story become more interesting when the son starts to dream to be a great runner the world has ever seen before. You may ask why or how he is going to do that with a paralyzed body. His dream is too big to even think about it let alone to attempt to do it for the son in his condition. But noting seems impossible for a father who wants nothing but the best for his son.

Dad thinks for himself that it is one thing for his son to be physically disable but another thing and much worse for his son to dream something that will never come to pass. A father so determined to fulfill the dreams of his son, decided to carry him in his back and run with him every step towards the finish line of the race. The father promised to his disabled son that he will be his feet that he will be running and he will be provide every bit of energy that the son will ever wanted to finish that race. He promised to strength him and carries him all the way to the end of the journey of faith and life.

The son accompanied by his father has to only enjoy while his father took him to every ditch and challenge of life that could make him fall apart and stay away from the journey of life. The father was focused to win the race which brings joy multiple folds than just to attend the race and they did it together.

They win the race of life together.

What a beautiful story that can change who we as children of God look up on to our father who is willing to pay any price just to get us closer to him. The story of the love of God that he has shown to the world through Jesus Christ is exceedingly much beautiful and beyond our capability just to imagine it fully and understand.

Our father when he sees us drifted away from him with the wave of life

When he watch us closer and knows that we wasted everything we had before; When he looks at us and he sees the color of our skin is faded away and the sparkling of our eyes is lost. When he find out for himself that we are too tired of life to live anymore and we are troubled with too much sorrow that we may even forget to eat.

Having seen all the above things and many more, he decided to die the death of a sinner and make us escape from the eternal destruction that he setup for his enemies. When the Lord of heavens and earth is our father and he loves us to death, we have to open up our heart and accept him in to the chambers of our heart and keep it there so that the thief shall not take it from us.

When we trust God to lead us through the challenges of life, he is faithful God and father to enable us finish the journey of life by faith.

I pray for this wonderful family who have a great value of faith, humanity and family. I pray that may the Lord keep you and strength and put you in his embrace and protect from the darts of the enemy. Good Job Dad!

God bless you for reading this blog. May his mercy and kindness shine up on us all the days of our lives!
May the Lord keep us with him forever interceding and protecting our faith so that we may live in the house of the Lord forever!

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        fasika    |    Apr. 25, 2014     | 6,187 Views    |    3 Comments

WhenI was working in one particukar institution,I used to have a colleague who was somewhat a Christian. He believed in Jesus Christ but hated affiliated himself with any church. However, he used to tell me about his friend who worked in another company. That person was a Christian -and his life spoke it: he was kind, deligent a treated people under him with utmost respect and much more.What striked me was that the persons working with him and spoke well of himwere not Chrstians.They were impressed by his life. Ewnetegna pente new' yelu nebere.Iused to think 'what a testimnoy!'.

In a nutshell,non Chrisitanwill be in awe when Chrstians show love, mercy joy, faith and many other fruits of the Spirit rather than say too much about Christianty;I believe it will lead them to Christ eventually.

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        Eskedar    |    Apr. 24, 2014     | 4,500 Views    |    1 Comments

I have read the New Testament three times and have been struck by by many themes. One of them stands out - love. Of all the things God requires from us, love is the most important one. He wants us Chrstians to love Him with all our mind,heart and soul; and to love our neighbors as ourselves. From my point of view, if we love Him we wll be passionate to please Him. That is what God wants, a heart after Him. My prayer is " God I want to please You desperately but I find myself short of the power to do so. Please give me Your grace and power to live Your way of life. Then'I look upon Jesus' and become reminded on Gospel of John:Chpater 1 verse 14," tsega ena ewneten temolto begna adere". Jesus came to enable me to live for God by living inside me through Holy Spirit. This rejoices my heart because Jesus is not judgmental yet compassionate. He is ready to give me grace when I need it

The other aspect is loving our neighbor as ourselves. Wow that is a tough one I think. It is easy to love ourselves(ofcourse there are people who hate themselves). Meaning, we want aquire the best of everything for ourselves. We work hard to get the best material things:cars, clothes, houses, financial security etc. We also take care of ourselves to be in good health. In short, it becomes all about"me , me, me '. Or it becomes aboutloving others who love us back. However, Jesus' commandment resonates in me' love thy neighbor as yourself', andI am challenged by that. "My neighbor" may not be as kind and loving as I want her/him to be. The individual may be rude , aloof and condesending. So it is not easy to love someone like that. TheNew Testamantconfirms that. To paraphrase, it says there is no wonder if you love people who love you. Love your enemies. In other words, love those who do do not love you. Nonetheless,I am happy to live in the age of the New Testament. I can always go to His throne and ask for grace" " Bedekamachin leraralin yemachin leke kahin Yelnim. Engedih mihreten endenkeben wode tsegaw zufan be' emnet nekreb.' Ebrawian 4:15.

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        Eskedar    |    Apr. 24, 2014     | 5,158 Views    |    3 Comments

On the day of Easter God did some thing that the world had never seen before. He did some thing that no one has fully understood and has not been told to its fullness. On this very day a son was given for us as a ransom for our transgression and our sins.

Our sins have caused us death and God loved us so much he punished his son for us. It is impossible for God to break his principles and values. It is also impossible for us to sin and not paid the price of our sins

But we have sinned too much that we could not even pay for our sins.

We make it impossible for God to come closer to us since he is righteous and we are not.

But he loved us so much that we could not even imagine and he paid the great price that was put on us. Sin caused us a huge debt but God paid it all that makes us free from our bondage. He broke the chain that sin has placed and makes us the servant of evil and not the Lord.

He did not let us get destroyed ultimately. In the midst of our distraction Gods miracles revealed to us. While the enemy has planed everything to make us history,the mercy of God showed up to snatch us from the jaws of the evil.

Like a stranded sheep we did not get lost forever. But he come after and rescued us from the death that is waiting for us.

The penalty of sin is death and with our sins we got ourselves in to this penalty.

God as he is compassionate father to all of us did not let us die in our sins but he gave his only son to save us.

Because he loved as so much that he couldn’t let that happen.

If you haven’t done any good to deserve what he has done in your life, praise him for the Lord is good. If you agree with me that nothing we did was good enough to match the evil days of our lives, give him glory and honor for his mercy endures forever.

He came to look for us and we didn’t. With the stubbornness of our heart we didn’t seek him rather we make our ways far and far from him.
We know the path we took leads to destruction but we didn’t stop and realize that he is in deed merciful.

When he did find us finally some of us were not as we were before.
The sparkling of our eyes was lost and this world has gotten the best of us.
As we were sons and daughters of the almighty God but now he found us in the hands of the enemy.

What good one should expect from this. The color of our skins has just faded away. But the Lord took a look and he has gotten in deep sorrow that he couldn’t resist any more.

As a father he who separated from his children for just awhile now sees them so much oppressed and enslaved by the evil one. He decided to pay the entire price before our days are finished and our journey has ended.

While there is still time he calls for our names hoping that his children will listen to his voice and come out of their troubled life. We have caused him this much and he took all the sufferings for us.

Yes on this day God did something that it is still unbelievable for many.
It is more than our imagination but it is simply true and the truth is what we have called to believe. It is what God did in this day that we have put our faith and our lives based on. It is because what God has done on this day that our salvation has built on.

God bless you, in the name of Jesus.

Isaiah 53:4 - Surely he took up our pain
    and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
    stricken by him, and afflicted.
 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
    he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
    and by his wounds we are healed.
 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
    each of us has turned to our own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.

 He was oppressed and afflicted,
    yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
    and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
    so he did not open his mouth.
 By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
    Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
    for the transgression of my people he was punished.
 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
    and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
    nor was any deceit in his mouth.

 Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
    and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
    and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
 After he has suffered,
    he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
    and he will bear their iniquities.
 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
    and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
    and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
    and made intercession for the transgressors.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Apr. 23, 2014     | 4,748 Views    |    2 Comments

Where ever there is the presence of the Holy Spirit, that is our safest place in terms of living a life up to the standard of the word of God. No matter where you are and no matter what you are doing, you can just call him and feel blessed. Holy Spirit will never leave you nor forsake you. He will strength you when you feel week and helpless. When you lay down in pain and agony, he will make you bear your pain. No one on earth will understand what you are going through in life than him. Not even you family not even you closest friend. He is you closest friend. He understands everything. He is on your side.

Most of the time, we will fall in trouble when we depend on what is the so called ‘human counselor’. Whether it is a close friend or not, no one may not give us the comfort and condolences as the Lord himself can give. In fact they can be a trouble when they turn their back on us one day and start gossiping on us.

On the contrary Holy Spirit is a wonderful counselor. He will never turn his back on you. He will never let you down under any circumstances. Where shall I find him? Where do I seek him? We will find him when we incline our heart to him. I don’t know how many times we have done that every day. Holy Spirit just speaks to our soul every day in various ways but we couldn’t listen his voice.

Isaiah 11:2

And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

We spend most of our time on something that is no value compared to the life he can give us. We never have time to stop for a moment and talk to him in manner that we can talk and listen to a person. But when we do, we know he is so kind knowing every deep secret of our heart. But many who have already chosen the road to death wouldn’t want to do that because he will convict of their sins and they don’t want to confess their sins to him and become forgiven.

However, his convictions are not like anger full of judgment. His convictions bring life rather than death. When the devil convict you of your sins, he condemns you and you will regret to death. But when the Spirit of God convicts your sin, he does that so that you may come out of your miserable life and follow his voice in the light, the everlasting life of peace and love.

That’s how we know who is convicting us of sin. If it is Holy Spirit, he will lead us in to peace. More confession to him, we feel more relief and more peace in side. Less confession means, we are depriving our selves of this wonderful healer’s peace. When the prostitute lady cry out her inner most pain and trouble of her life at Jesus feet, she was forgiven. But how do we know if we are forgiven? It all depends on how much we ask for forgiveness. It all depends how much we forgive ourselves in the first place. It all depends how sincerely cry out to him with truth and hate for sin.

God is so much generous that we can possibly imagine forgiving our sins. So don’t say that your sin is bigger than God’s mercy and forgiveness. There is no sin that the blood of Jesus cannot cleanse if come to him knowing that is complete healer. He is a healer of a nation and the whole world. How come the almighty cannot forgive your sin. We have to come to him by faith and by faith we will receive our healing of sin. We have to take him as our last option not as an option.

I just wonder how the Holy Spirit is represented by a dove when he descended from heaven and testify that Jesus is the son of God. What a good representation of the Spirit of God to us. He is peace. At some point in his ministry, the Bible teaches us that Jesus feels this wonderful joy inside of him that is not related to any source from outside. I wonder if we could experience such a joy in our lives every day, how things could be different. The way we talk and love and see things will be completely different.

That is why we need him so badly. We need his voice daily. We need him more than anything in life. O the spirit of peace, please come to our heart and give us rest from our troubled life. I will make my heart straight with you. I will sanctify my soul and flesh with the blood of Jesus. Come heal my broken heart. Come feel me with simple joy that is not related to anything in life.  Because you are the source of joy that will never stop.

Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity. He is the Spirit of God. He is the spirit that Jesus sent to us when he sits at the right hand side of his father to intercede for our faith in him. No devil can come between us and the Holy Spirit. He may tempt you to go away from him. He may tempt you to sin against him. But he is just jealous when we establish a covenant relationship with the Spirit of God. He just doesn’t know what we are talking about. He is really confused when we talk to God in secret through his spirit like a son talks to his father.

A Christian living without day to day experience of this peace and joy from the Holy Spirit is like a fish living with out water. We are just empty, dry and very clear target for the enemy. This shall dictate us how it is really important to live in the presence o f the Holy Ghost day by day to avoid temptations, sin and the troubles of the world and be led in to our eternal blessing and joy to our father through our Lord Christ Jesus. Amen!


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        tewodros    |    Apr. 21, 2014     | 5,077 Views    |   

The cause of many arguments and troubles cannot be mentioned exhaustively. While we live in this fallen city, we are tempted to do sin no matter how good we look like from outside. There is always a limitation for our kindness and love. That is why families broke and children are growing without parents.

That is why prisons are full of parents that should have spent their lives serving their family than prison. As human being all we have to know is we are susceptible to violence, pain, misery and temptation. What we need to know is our actions driven by anger instead of love would bring us a lot of pain and misery. We need to understand that when we are angry we do things that we will regret latter.

So if we know that our anger will not do God’s judgment then why get so mad. I believe it will all go back to the point that we are so hurt. The reason of our anger is not momentary. It is for something that occurred to us very long time ago. Something that is not just and right and abusive by nature. Things like that will never be forgotten.

But how many times have we done the same thing to others. How many times how we caused to suffer as we suffer. How many times we treat others with disrespect in their innocence. We may have many issues with our close friends. They have no right to treat the way they do.

But we have no right to treat our beloved ones with disrespect. As human being we incline to abuse someone who is weak and has no cause to defend him. But we fear and respect someone who has gotten himself a set of self-defense mechanisms. Most of us have no way of protecting our selves and family from danger.

If we cannot win someone with love we never win them with violence. Violence leads to violence and more violence. Fight and struggle to win by the way of force are the way of the world not Christianity.

The greatest weapon for a Christian is love. There is no place in the Bible that tells you to win by force rather than by love. A Christian is a soldier of the prince of peace, Jesus Christ. If we want to be his disciples, we have to carry his gospel of peace not weapons of this world.

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 18, 2014     | 4,704 Views    |   

When one convinces himself in following his own selfish desire and seeks one's own pleasure without the permission of the Holy Spirit, he/she couldn’t remember anything at time of trouble. The thought of sinful desire is an idea overwriting and overwhelming the good ones from the Spirit of God. Such kind of person has no common sense and the sense of self-control. Anger, disappointment, fear and hate can steer this up from the inside. Faith, hope and love are its enemies.

At the point one left with this flamable, agitated, aggravated, serious, all emotional, physical, uncontrollable, unthinkable feeling, lust and selfish sexual desire that couldn’t stop until somebody do something about it. The book of proverb describes such kind of person as someone who lacks wisdom.

Proverb 5:1-My son, if you listen closely to my wisdom and good sense, you will have sound judgment, and you will always know the right thing to say. The words of an immoral woman may be as sweet as honey and as smooth as olive oil. But all that you really get from being with her is bitter poison and pain. If you follow her, she will lead you down to the world of the dead. She has missed the path that leads to life and doesn’t even know it.

My son, listen to me and do everything I say. Stay away from a bad woman! Don’t even go near the door of her house. You will lose your self-respect and end up in debt to some cruel person for the rest of your life. Strangers will get your money and everything else you have worked for. When it’s all over, your body will waste away, as you groan and shout,

“I hated advice and correction! I paid no attention to my teachers, and now I am disgraced in front of everyone.” You should be faithful to your wife, just as you take water from your own well. And don’t be like a stream from which just any woman may take a drink. Save yourself for your wife and don’t have sex with other women. Be happy with the wife you married when you were young. She is beautiful and graceful, just like a deer; you should be attracted to her and stay deeply in love.

Show me how anyone could easily murder his brother through jealousy or out of a sudden, sleep with somebody's wife or why family got separated and I will show you where it is. The answer all lies in one word - pleasure.Tell me how Christ defeated the world through pain and agony and faithfulness. Teach me all about it and I will win my battles. Paul and Jesus can teach you about it, hiding from it, the wines, the shoes, clothes, fame, pride, arrogance.

No matter how good and kind and polite you were in the daytime still there is something that will search your heart and visit you to test you at night. Some days they say are wicked and some days are good like some people can posses good and others wicked.

Can anyone live without some form of amusement without seeking pleasure? The thing is all about self control and knowing how much you should take it inside. Addiction (loosing self-control) to cigarette, drink , TV, pornography, drugs, shopping and many more have the power to rule over us as long as we live in this flesh.

"I gave them up to their own selfish burning desires since they have rejected me." the Lord says. The punishment of love is the punishment of all. God is leaving us to our own desires. Whose desire? Our own - coming out of our own flesh, heart and mind. Can he interfere with that? No one will come to that place.

It is a great place of battle with all the negative forces of flesh, heart, and mind. God will turn them on to you. They rebel against you. They curse you, wish your own fall. But why somebody especially God wants us to fall in to them?

God has power over each one of the

e addictions. But he wants you and me to come to him first, makes him our first in every
hing. I am not talking about the blessings that we can get if we do some things he told us to do. I am talking about diseases, incurable ones that take along all the way till we wither and die.

Every one of us will experience these weaknesses in one form or the other if we don't turn our eyes on to the Lord. Some carry them at their back for 40 years even though they are children of Abraham. Healing is one of the blessings of God for his children. The Bible says Jesus saw them and he feel pity for them and he healed them all.

I don't know why for some reason people are too proud to come to Jesus
They prefer to die in their stubbornness than to come to him and heal them. 
I remember a man who used to be smart and gentle long time ago before he went in to all kinds of trouble. Can you imagine how those all at once fade away in just one instance? All the sparking eye and glittering face has gone.

Once the devil has control on this person at one point in his life. Devil does what he wants to do when he wants to do without his permission. But then things changed a little bit and the devil started to do what he wants to do when he wants to do with his permission.

So really what is pleasure? What does it mean pleasing one’s self? It has some elements of personal, emotional, sexual, mental, physical satisfaction. It is all about me until God appears and said it is a disgrace in his eyes even if the whole nation agrees it is a normal thing to do.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us not in to temptation of the flesh and free our soul from the burning desires of this world, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 17, 2014     | 5,290 Views    |   

The Word of God is really amazing. The more you hear it, the more your mind is filled with the Word. This percludes one to do things out of emotionor feelings. From experience, I have found myself doing things out of my feelings and later regeret it. It still amazes me how following your emotions or feelings result is total waste of time, money and dissatisfation. So, as the common saying goes'What would Jesus do?', I want to stop and think this question for every decsion I make. But in all this and above all,I believe it is only Jesus who can give me the grace and power to follow the Word -and not my feelings or emotions.

In short, the God's grace through Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit are needed  to be led by the Word of God.

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        Eskedar    |    Apr. 16, 2014     | 4,033 Views    |    1 Comments

There are some things in life that cannot be replaced. Somethings can be fixed easily but somethings do not. To live the most of life and be happy, we need to know the three most important things we need to protect and serve in respective order. Whether it is our relationship with God, family, parents, ministry, profession, career, education, business, investment and others, all these have a significant value and order in our lives.

When resources are scarce, we need to retreat back to at least two most important things in life; Faithful relationship to God and love and kindness to others especially who are very close to us, children, wife, husband, mom and dad who have no one but us to support them. This will create peace and security in us and the lives of others.

That is where you regroup, become strong and fight back. You are not going to win this battle alone. You are too weak to defend yourself alone without Jesus. Even our God who made everything by his own hands also created the institution of faith and family. God is the one who creates the value of family so whom are we to defile or redefine marriage.

Before the foundation of the earth, God was in his father-son relationship with his son. Before he brought forth the heavens in to existence, the Spirit of God was with him. So God was in relationship with his son and the Holy Spirit before anything. So we must share the same responsibility as our father by respecting the relationship with him and with others.

In this life we need to know that everything will not stay the same. Our feelings change, our strength changes, our resources change, our time changes, people change and we also change. All things will change to indicate that only God’s love for his children will never change.

The thing is when we are running out of hope, strength and power, when we are too weak just to continue with the pace of life, when we can no longer do things as we used to be, we need to stop and think which one of those things we need to sacrifice just for the sake of the kingdom of God.

The Bible teaches us that if we don’t love him more than what we love most, we are not worth to be his disciple. But if we sacrifice everything else for him, we will actually get them back hundred fold in this life.

A disciple is like a soldier. If a solider loves his family more than his country, he is not worthy to be a soldier. Why you asked? It is because he wouldn’t dare to leave them and fight in a battle that many go to die. In the same manner, a disciple of Christ has to be able to love the Lord more than his family and fight the good fight of faith preaching the gospel to the world.

So remember to protect and defend what you value most. If everything you fight for and spend your time, energy and resource has failed, remember that you still have a family that will love you the same. If everything goes bad in this life, remember you have a father that will open up his arm and embrace you in love.

I want to emphasize that God is faithful to strength you and give you wisdom to provide you the way out of any troubles you are passing in life. If we just hang in there with him and hold on to his promises that he will never leave us nor forsake us till he comes back, we will find resting place in this world and protection from what is about to come. Running away from our troubles is not the best way to solve them. Facing challenges will eventually solve them.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us wisdom to identify what are most valueable things in life and strengthen us to fight to keep them no matter how hard the enemy fight to destroy and devour us from our eternal blessing, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 15, 2014     | 4,543 Views    |   

Caring for Loved Ones:

We need to be close to God as much as we can. That will make us learn the tricks of the enemy real quick. What it takes us a month or one year, we can learn it in one day. How does the enemy win and take our loved ones in to this illusion world?The main problem we have is we tend to care less and criticize more. In this world, we shouldn't criticize no one, specially those who are in need of our love and support.

Now we nag, we criticize and we judge our loved ones. Our loved ones need to know we care for them. And we are on their side no matter what happens.We need to put our time, energy and resource on them. That is how we are to God. He never takes his eyes of us.And we can understand that easily. We can get comfort and security in this way. He makes us first because he knows there is always someone to distract us.

That is what we are, humans, we will always find someone who creates our world.A beautiful and silent world with out being nagged, criticized and judged.Sometimes we lose our loved ones while we think we are teaching them.

Little children do not get hard teachings easy to understand.In the process we let them go because were are not intimate with them.We need to be in to good relationship and companionship with our loved ones.

May be for some of us this is something we are not familiar with.Something we never knew before.But we need to pray to God to teach us how to be intimate with one another being able to express our inner true feelings and how to treat the feelings of others

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

Romans 2:4 -You surely don't think much of God's wonderful goodness or of his patience and willingness to put up with you. Don't you know that the reason God is good to you is because he wants you to turn to him?

Timothy 1:16 -But since I was worse than anyone else, God had mercy on me and let me be an example of the endless patience of Christ Jesus. He did this so that others would put their faith in Christ and have eternal life.

Ephesians 6:4 -Parents, don't be hard on your children. Raise them properly. Teach them and instruct them about the Lord.

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 14, 2014     | 4,929 Views    |    2 Comments

Love turn into Hate:

Love can be changed to complete hate. A thief never comes from far. The people who hurt us most are the ones that love us most. If relationship is not treated as it should be, it is dangerous. We will always be amazed how everything changes in this world. But most of all, we will be amazed how love changes in to hate.

The level one can be so much in hate is the same level one can love. We didn't realized such kind of things in life. But they are still there happening to someone somewhere right now. And we need to be aware of it today just to make sure it will not happen to us.

Love is the main working domain of the wicked. The devil doesn't want to spend his time at the house where people are fighting. They are already in to his plan. But wherever there is true love, resistance is always there. And the only way to keep our loved ones together is to use God's wisdom.

Not to be smart on your own terms like we always tend to be. To pray for them constantly and to love them no matter what. To show them the love of God in Christ Jesus. We may think they don't know what we do. But the truth is they will realize it one day and they will start to change.

When the time comes, they will be sensitive and compassionate for others. But this will not happen accidentally. We need to intercede and ask God every day to change their lives. We need to pray that his love and mercy flow in to their heart and become a new person.

The enemy is always confused on God's plans. God always comes when everything looks dead end. He comes to those who believes in him. Poor enemy always thinks he wins. In fact the situation makes it like we lose and he wins. Now in the eyes of human beings, that is true. But with our spiritual eyes wide open to see the truth, that is not the case.

The way God sees it, we win, all the time. And the enemy is under our feet. He makes our enemy defeated because what Jesus has done at the Cross. We are prince and princesses who are rulers. Sometimes things look like they have gone too far.

But the war is over when God says it is over. We are servants, sons and soldiers. As servants, we will serve who are of God. As sons, we have great dominion and power over our enemies. As soldiers we fight the enemy, making him lose any captivities he holds.

Of course this is a war and in war people fall. Of course this is a big resistance more than we imagined. But remember, God always makes great warriors out of us. David, Gadion, Samson they all fight with the Spirit of God. The Spirit of God will be up on you. He will make you defeat all your enemies. All of your OPPOSITION, RESISTANCE and WAR from your enemies!

If you enjoyed reading this blog, please continue reading the next blog in the series: Love Management Part 4: Loved Ones

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 11, 2014     | 4,978 Views    |   

Micah 7:5 -
Don't trust anyone, not even your best friend,
And be careful what you say to the one you love.
Sons refuse to respect their own fathers,
Daughters rebel against their own mothers,
And daughters-in-law despise their mothers-in-law.
Your family is now your enemy.
But I trust the Lord God to save me,
And I will wait for him to answer my prayer.

This is how the word of God describes how difficult life could be
In the last days Jesus teaches that a brother will rise against his brother
Knowingly or unknowingly we become enemies of each other
They will do anything that seems to solve their problem.
Sometimes we say in agony and bitterness of our soul,
How can I become this much ignorant?
Due to my sufferings I even forget to eat
What has made me laugh before is not funny anymore
The enemy is getting bigger everyday
How can a person like me fight with that on my own strength?
As for me my lamentations are my dinner
My tears are my drinks
I wait for God no matter how long it takes
In my problems I will wait for him
My own family has turned their backs on me
I don't know why
Now who can be trusted?
Whom shall I believe?
Then we lift our hands to God and pray,
Therefore I put my trust in the Lord
Where can I rest before coming to you Lord
My own house becomes my distress
Because of what is happening there
The enemy gathered around me and waited for my soul
They chocked me till my breath is finished in me
I know God, you see all that
I am calling your name and I know you will answer me
You will answer by fire and storm
I know you patiently wait until what you planned about them reaches
You don't leave your servant in the grave
I believe you Lord, Therefore I put my trust in you
I will make my enemies testify about my integrity
I will not envy their ways, rather I will follow you, my God
In everything they do to me, I will get revelation from you
The more they fight with me, I will be listening to your word more
This is one thing I will do, and I will do it for you, with you and by you
Weakness is our major enemy
Immaturity is our foe
Fear is what we need to fight every day
In revelation of God’s wisdom, we will walk in peace
Daily, we will seek his guidance
Surely, we will find God’s will
Honestly, we will serve him
With a brave heart, we will follow him
Whatever it is, we will not get out of his ways
However long it takes, we will see what we have lived to see
They say, "You will never learn how to pray till your child start driving"
We were weak and caught only by our own ways
Our own plans and motives become a deadly snare to our feet
Now when trouble comes day by day
And when we have no options but to turn our face to God, we begged him for guidance
Some of us are with so many burden and heavy responsibilities
Where shall we go in times of troubles?
All our instincts tells us we have to come to God
No one help us in times of trouble.
In fact they want us to fall and never to rise again

If you enjoyed reading this blog, please continue reading the next blog in the series: Love Management Part 3

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 10, 2014     | 4,826 Views    |   

In this series we will learn about how it is difficult to live life with opposition from our own friends and family. Sometimes our own flesh and blood can become dangerous and unknowingly fight against us that will have a huge impact on our relationship to God through Christ.

We will also learn that no matter what they do on to us, they do not mean to hurt us and that only because they loved us inside and they don't know how.The Bible says: Due to lack of knowledge the people have perished.

It is good to know everything that God wants us to know.We don't say, I didn t know about that. I wish I did.The wisdom of this world is far from God's eternal plan.We don't see as they see.Even we don't see as God see unless the Holy Spirit revealed it to us.How does it feel to be alone?

Nothing to be depending on.Not getting what you have wished.Sometimes we start to feel all of that.We have sinned against God and we will be left alone just for a while.But I know God hears our prayers no matter what.

There is nothing hidden from him.I believed all of our prayers according to God s will, will be answered.Because God loved us first and we know we love him too.In times when we have no one or nothing to put our trust,In times when we wished not to see any one.Not to seek any advice from blood and flesh.We fear not to talk to any one.Due to the wickedness of human heart.

In times when our enemies appointed a date to destroy us.They already planned in every way possible that we should be perished.The worst part of it is they are those whom we care about.Our own family and friends can become our own enemies.Whether it is according to the desire to serve God or some other reason.They put their every thing to destroy us.They also used all their power to crash us.

We on the other hand don't have any intention to fight back.Except praying with intercede for Mercy of God.We kept our mouth shut and our heart far away from our own sisters and brothers.We didn t know this much up to this moment. That is why what they will do can be more than what they have already done.Without understanding of Gods will for them, they are perishing away!

If you enjoyed reading this blog, please continue reading the next blog in the series: Love Management Part 2

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        tewodros    |    Apr. 8, 2014     | 4,836 Views    |   

I believe accoutability is very crucial in a Christians life. When one is surounded - so to speak- with famliy and friends the person's life is out in the open;and he/she becomes cautious in his/her Christian life. This will in turn help that individual to grow. Ofcourse, the person should be acountable to God first: thinking ' what would God think about this situation?' But I have found out that when you know that you are being watched, you work harder, act better and refrain from sinful deeds. In addition, familiy and friensd, admonish you, and also encourage you -whichI think is excellent because it makes youa better person. Although a Chrisitian person's life shouldnt be life like the celebrities in such a way that every little move is watched, a Christian should have fellow Chrstian friends to formulate accountablity.

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        Eskedar    |    Apr. 7, 2014     | 4,874 Views    |    1 Comments

1 Corinthians 7 -

Now I will answer the questions that you asked in your letter. You asked, "Is it best for people not to marry?" Well, having your own husband or wife should keep you from doing something immoral. Husbands and wives should be fair with each other about having sex[fulfill his marital duty to his wife]. A wife belongs to her husband instead of to herself, and a husband belongs to his wife instead of to himself. So don't refuse sex to each other, unless you agree not to have sex for a little while, in order to spend time in prayer.

Then Satan won't be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control. In my opinion that is what should be done, though I don't know of anything the Lord said about this matter. I wish that all of you were like me, but God has given different gifts to each of us. Here is my advice for people who have never been married and for widows. You should stay single, just as I am. But if you don't have enough self-control, then go ahead and get married. After all, it is better to marry than to burn with desire. I instruct married couples to stay together, and this is exactly what the Lord himself taught. A wife who leaves her husband should either stay single or go back to her husband. And a husband should not leave his wife.

I don't know of anything else the Lord said about marriage. All I can do is to give you my own advice. If your wife isn't a follower of the Lord, but is willing to stay with you, don't divorce her. If your husband isn't a follower, but is willing to stay with you, don't divorce him. Your husband or wife who isn't a follower is made holy by having you as a mate. This also makes your children holy and keeps them from being unclean in God's sight.

If your husband or wife isn't a follower of the Lord and decides to divorce you, then you should agree to it. You are no longer bound to that person. After all, God chose you and wants you to live at peace. 16And besides, how do you know if you will be able to save your husband or wife who isn't a follower?

I don't know of anything that the Lord said about people who have never been married. But I will tell you what I think. And you can trust me, because the Lord has treated me with kindness. 26We are now going through hard times, and I think it is best for you to stay as you are. If you are married, stay married. If you are not married, don't try to get married. It isn't wrong to marry, even if you have never been married before. But those who marry will have a lot of trouble, and I want to protect you from that.

My friends, what I mean is that the Lord will soon come, and it won't matter if you are married or not. 30It will be all the same if you are crying or laughing, or if you are buying or are completely broke. It won't make any difference how much good you are getting from this world or how much you like it. This world as we know it is now passing away. I want all of you to be free from worry. An unmarried man worries about how to please the Lord. But a married man has more worries. He must worry about the things of this world, because he wants to please his wife.

So he is pulled in two directions. Unmarried women and women who have never been married worry only about pleasing the Lord, and they keep their bodies and minds pure. But a married woman worries about the things of this world, because she wants to please her husband. What I am saying is for your own good--it isn't to limit your fre

dom. I want to help you to live right and to love the Lord above all else. But suppose you are engaged to someone old enough to be married, and you want her so much that all you can think about is getting married. Then go ahead and marry. There is nothing wrong with that.

But it is better to have self-control and to make up your mind not to marry. It is perfectly all right to marry, but it is better not to get married at all. A wife should stay married to her husband until he dies. Then she is free to marry again, but only to a man who is a follower of the Lord. However, I think I am obeying God's Spirit when I say she would be happier to stay single.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Apr. 4, 2014     | 6,378 Views    |   

Faithfulness doesn’t focus on the enemy we kill rather it is about to use and depend on God's name to kill a giant enemy. It is all about trust and LOVE and hope and faith. When it is in our capability, we find no help. But when it is more than we can bear, help has already come to us.

No disappointment, no anger is bigger than faithfulness. But in these last days, pleasure is its major enemy.

Jesus said,

I seek not my own pleasure but to do what my father tells me to do.

He also said in some other place,

If you believe in me, ask me and I will do it.

Jesus gives his desire for his father and whoever believes in him.

The desire of a man is to his parents when he was young, to serve his wife (when he has one) and his parents when he was adult and to his God when he was old enough and wise enough to serve the Holy one.

The quality how good we will serve our family depends totally how well we serve our parents.The quality how good we will serve our God depends totally how well we serve our parents and our family.

I believe faithfulness is not a gift like grace or LOVE. It is something to work on and to build. It is something to earn. It is something to bring to the king as a gift. It is something we work all day as a worker. We do work to live, don’t we?

When it is to our earthly matters, we get up at 4 am if we have to. We know we have to survive. We do anything to please our boss or manager or owner. We clean and we do anything. That is faithfulness to earthly things.

But the questions is do we do the same thing to the Lord? Do we care for his feelings? I know by faith that if our righteousness is not greater than some do, we are not going to enter the kingdom of God.It is the same as unless we do as good as some other workers; we won’t stay long as a worker. We will get fired!

Does faithfulness is greater than love? Yes.The love we know is selfish and caused us every kind of trouble.There is only one true LOVE that is from the Lord and it is faithful LOVE.

It is not good to disobey the Lord by pleasing men. Obedience leads to faithfulness. Pleasing men is our way of defining love. Therefore faithfulness is better than our selfish love.

Is faithfulness better than humility? Yes. The humility we know is false and caused us every kind of trouble. Time and money are servants of faithfulness. When you are faithful, time is your servant.

God is Faithful. No one on earth, above or below is like him. Even Angels are not clean in Gods eye. Only his son is pure and worth to be accepted to him. That’s why he made him a burning sacrifice for our sin.

We find grace and favor in the eyes of men andand God if love and faithfulness is found in us. love goes until the boundary of faith.
Faithfulness takes over from that to complete the journey.

We shouldnt get too much reward for something we can easily do.
Rather for something we believe God will help and he will be there for us even if we think it is beyond our qualifications. Isnt this what the Lord meant when he said in the book of Revelations,

"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."

Knowing the truth doesn’t make us free. Rather w

at makes us free is to be faithful to the truth. That is to persist and to dedicate our selves to it. Perseverance is a character that will be developed after our faith is tested many times.

It is like a muscle in our spirit and it will come after many up and downs. But we will never see it if we are hesitant and our thoughts are running on every direction.

By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. What does we refused by faith?

We should all refuse to be abused by the devil. He used to do all manner of things on us. Now, we should use our faith to cast down his wickedness and break the strong hold.

By faith we need to say, No, I don’t want it! I don’t want anything that can be bought with sin. I don’t want anything that will latter cause me grief. I don’t want to displease my Lord. It was good to know it and do it before it is too late. As long as there is some time left, it is good to say no.

NO! What a powerful word. We should start to refuse and to say No to many things that Gods spirit doesn’t confirm in to our spirit. It is not arrogance to say no. It is faithfulness to the Lord. And sometimes we can even do that without even explaining why.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit all help us to be faithful to the Lord, in Jesus Name, AMEN

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Apr. 3, 2014     | 4,901 Views    |   

You need to control those habit you and God know that you know it is not good. Devil may even try to convince you that it is ok to do it.

I know the poor who cannot afford to eat good, quality food will make it to heaven. But I don't know some immoral people would. So fight immorality in general. Immorality is the source of all addiction.

Immorality is the source of all addiction.

And control your feelings. You cannot do righteousness with your feelings. But we can achieve that through endurance in faith and hope, through LOVE for one another and faithfulness to the Lord.

Dont try to put yourself higher than anybody else. don't allow also any one to put your feelings down. That is called dignity and self respect and fighting for your freedom. But even if you have found

some one who violates this, please don't take it as his original idea.

All evil thoughts come from one source and fight your problems from the source. Instead of hating that person, try to change him through Holy Spirit. I know this looks like war instead of life. But what is life?

Life is not just only eating and drinking. No, it is more than that.

Life is all about being faithful to God and humbly obey his instructions. Life is to faithfully wait the kingdom of God for it shall come soon. I have asked my self many times which one is greater: LOVE or FEAR of the Lord? Work or righteousness through Christ? Is there any righteousness we gain with out Christ? No. There is no other means of doing our own salvation.

Salvation comes through believing God that he has sent his son to redeem us from sin. But faith is dead with out work. So we have to believe and do our righteousness. It is not like some kind of religion that we should only do one thing after another and have no faith. But to do what we have to do and to leave the rest to God.

In fact to humbly lower ourselves under his feet after we have completed our job. We have to say to him, "Here I am your servant." We need to learn one more thing with the rest of our lives.
That is to fear God and work out own righteousness through Christ. We need to do this with out leaving the original instruction that is to LOVE the Lord.

It is not as if LOVE is not complete but it is because we did not understand the full meaning of it. Some where in the definition of LOVE, we got lost and we miss some basic concept like to fear the Lord. Now just in case we want to give another name for a full LOVE - It is called faithfulness.

If an angel, or a human teach us anything other what the scriptures tells us about faithfulness, let it be a curse. These are some of the words of Jesus before he goes to the father. I believe you see some faithfulness in it.

"I have brought glory to you here on earth by doing everything you gave me to do" - So he did everything he needs to do to glorify his father.

Believe me or not, every thing we did either will glorify God or Satan. So choose wisely whom you want to glorify before you decide what to do next. Everything we do makes us the son of God or of the Devil.
Jesus wants to do his purpose that the world knows that he LOVES his father - Showing his love by work.

Other wise LOVE is dead without work, as faith is dead with out work and as hope is dead with out work. Otherwise how can the world know that he LOVES his father? How can the enemy know that he LOVES his father?

So he took this very painful moment of grief and destitution as a great opportunity to express his LOVE. You know when we speak words like I LOVE God, we should proof it that we do.

There is no true LOVE other than the LOVE of God expressed in Christ Jesus. So every other LOVE is selfish LOVE and it is a deceiving LOVE. Therefore it cannot be proofed to be a true. The Lord confirms true LOVE in our spirit.

Every desire of human is wicked but we don't understand that until we get hurt or make some one hurt. But one thing is still true. If we humbly obey our God and fear him, that will show we have true LOVE for God and for one another. This is what the bible call faithfulness.
"If you LOVE me", Jesus said, "Keep my commandments."

There is no LOVE with out sacrificing our selves for the Lord as burning offering. He has no desire for burnt offering of lambs and bulls any more. Instead he has prepared a body for us so that we shall continually offer ourselves as a burning sacrifice.

That is to desire God with all our heart and do his will and not ours.
We thank you Holy spirit for bringing up these serious of lessons that will draw us closer to the father and make us able fighting the good fight of faith.

Glory and honor belongs to God and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with faithful love, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Apr. 2, 2014     | 5,582 Views    |   

Anger is the opposite of LOVE. Anger is committed when someone attacks us like a lion. Take for example that someone just insults us in a very disgraceful manner. When that happens, you will feel so much anger because of the insult. No one on earth will take something like that. A disgraceful insult can come to us like an arrow and we can feel it piercing through our soul especially if we don't do anything to deserve it.

The person that insults us may be a healthy looking person even though no healthy person just put a curse on somebody else. As a result we become angry because we are insulted out of no where for some reason. We didn't do anything wrong but now we feel so much anger inside us. What do we need to do in response to that? The Lord said, "Dont worry about anything that comes to you. It will be processed and latter on, it will be excluded from you body."

Now this looks like Jesus is talking about food. But he is talking about anything that comes to us. It could be evil thoughts, evil dreams, contaminated ideas, and unresolved issues.

It also includes anything that comes from external being. It could be an insult from somebody else. It could be a provocation to lie or to agree to a sinful idea. So he said we should not worry about it.

Instead lets be careful what comes out from us. It could be a perverse speech. It could be a lie or an insult or arrogance. It could be our own idea to do something bad. That will make us unworthy to worship the Lord almighty in his temple.

Therefore, whenever someone insults us, let us make sure that we have already made a choice. Whether we go ahead and spit our own venom in to the other persons body. Or perhaps we want to take it to the Lord so that He can heal our soul and give us the grace we need to worship him with a pure heart.

The funny thing about this is that we don't know when this will happen. And also people even our own friends will encourage us to respond with insult.

Why? Because once people see that we are kind of silly person who accepts insults and takes no action, they won't hesitate to do their own versions too. It is like a beautiful place turns in to a dumpster.

After all what makes it a dumpster is the fact that when the first person comes and put his/her garbage, no one say, "No! No way!"

One of the reasons God has LOVED David was when he was going through a lot of problems after the incident with Uriah's wife. At one point in his life, one person insulted David in front of every body but he didn't pay him back.

King David could have made him killed since he had the power to do that but he did not. Instead he said, "May be God seeing all my misery and pain, He will have mercy on me."

David understood that nothing came to him whether it is good or bad unless the Lord allowed it. He also used it as a wonderful opportunity to please God one more time.

What amazes me most is when David waited all his life and asked Solomon, his son, to do justice regarding this person. He didn't even told Solomon to kill this person, but he said,

"You know what to do with him. You have wisdom and do to him according to your wisdom." So he was telling him to do what God told him to do concerning that person. However David didn't dare to do any harm to this person as he feared the Lord and obeyed his commandments. Paul while advising timothy regarding disrespectful person around him by saying,

"Earn respect by knowing what to speak in the beginning"

Most of the disrespect comes from our silly talk and unthoughtful actions. It is a reward for our foolishness. Avoid foolishness and learn wisdom. Let us Fear God and stay away from anything that may cause us harm.

The issue of Self-respect:
Our interaction with others has to be mainly based on humility and self respect. While we talk and do certain th

ngs, we might put our selves in a position where others might respect us or not.

Also we may not put enough self respect even to our selves. And many may not provide us with the self respect that we deprive of our selves. The humility part is also necessary to establish health relationship with others and God.

Self respect is the basic thing to deliver our message to others. It helps us to express our feelings and to be heard and to be acknowledged in other persons world. With out self respect we will lose all the dignity for our selves because of the world. With out dignity, we will lose the self respect for our selves because of our own fault.

Self respect can be built from inside and also we should protect it from the outside world. The main issue is to bring humility with out loosing self-respect.

What if somebody just break the boundary and just insults us? Isn't that something that can make us have less self esteem? Well we have seen Jesus in the scriptures where he was teaching effectively because of the image he already had for himself. He even passed through a point in time where he was tested to lose self-respect and his faith.

I have had many experience in the past that makes me lose self confidence. I have gone out for battle where I totally depend on my self to win the battle. But I totally messed up and got embarrassed. I not only failed but also lost confidence because of that.

Does self-respect even necessary at all? The word self is not something we find good at all in the Bible. But still it is all we have got under the earth with God by our side. It is something all the issues of life derive from.

If something is wrong there, everything will be lost. That is why we need to have the proper definition of self. Self but not selfishness means the identity of an individual. Where is the true identity found in our lives? It is in the idea of self and who we are in Christ Jesus. That is the main issue of this lesson.

We are redeemed from our selfishness nature to bring forth glory to God's kingdom. Do you ever ask yourself the question, "who am I?" We need to find who we are in God's kingdom. So every element of life should be taught in terms of the true nature of our selves and our relationship with God. Let us be humble, be patient, be kind, be loving while we also hold on to our own true nature.

When Jesus washed the feet of the disciples, it was not his intention to lose self respect. But first of all he wanted to teach humility and second he wanted them to do the same thing to others including their enemies. He taught how to be in good service to others and how to be a humble servant for God.

Most of all, remember the summery of the laws of God: LOVE your neighbor as you LOVE yourself. This means we should also expect the same kind of respect from others as we showed to them.

We thank you Lord for teaching us the issue of self respect with out being arrogant and irritation to others. Please help us not to be easily offended where others knowingly or unknowingly make a mistake of disrespecting us. We already understand LOVE is strong and can defeat any kind of anger and disappointment

Related Scriptures in ESV Version:

Proverbs 18:21:
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Ephesians 4:29 
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.

Matthew 15:18
But what comes out of the mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person.

Proverbs 12:18
There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.

Matthew 12:36
I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,

Proverbs 16:

Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body.

Colossians 3:8 
But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth.

Matthew 12:37 For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.

Proverbs 18:21:Proverbs 13:3
Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.

Proverbs 15:1
A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 21:23 
Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.

James 1:26
If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Psalm 19:14 
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

James 3:1-12
Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness. For we all stumble in many ways. And if anyone does not stumble in what he says, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle his whole body. If we put bits into the mouths of horses so that they obey us, we guide their whole bodies as well. Look at the ships also: though they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are guided by a very small rudder wherever the will of the pilot directs. So also the tongue is a small member, yet it boasts of great things. How great a forest is set ablaze by such a small fire!

Proverbs 15:4 
A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.

Proverbs 29:20
Do you see a man who is hasty in his words? There is more hope for a fool than for him.

Proverbs 17:28 
Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise; when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.

Luke 6:45
The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

Colossians 4:6 Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.

Proverbs 10:19
When words are many, transgression is not lacking, but whoever restrains his lips is prudent.

Proverbs 18:13
If one gives an answer before he hears, it is his folly and shame.

Proverbs 18:20
From the fruit of a man's mouth his stomach is satisfied; he is satisfied by the yield of his lips.

Isaiah 54:17
No weapon that is fashioned against you shall succeed, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgment. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord.”

Matthew 7:12
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Apr. 1, 2014     | 6,996 Views    |    3 Comments


His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and Godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence, by which he has granted to us his precious and very great promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, having escaped from the corruption that is in the world because of sinful desire.

For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, and virtue with knowledge, and knowledge with self-control, and self-control with steadfastness, and steadfastness with Godliness, and Godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. For whoever lacks these qualities is so nearsighted that he is blind, having forgotten that he was cleansed from his former sins. - 2 Peter 1

Here God is teaching us one of the higher form of relationship with God and how we should grow in to likeness of his son through Holy Spirit. We are called to live a life that is free from the old ways of thinking and desire. The old life has his own mentality and its own way of understanding. The old nature of life cannot understand what it means to be under the guardian of the Holy Ghost and bear spiritual fruits for the glory of God. In the old way of life there is bitterness, gossip, hate, slander, dishonesty, lie, and many more.

We cannot inherit the things of God by becoming one of this. God is pure and holy. One cannot see him unless we become washed by the blood of Jesus who can remove every spot of sin in our lives and stay away from the old way of life.

We need to stay away from the desires of the flesh which is sinful and selfish by nature. No matter how good and kind we are by nature, we cannot produce the good fruits the Lord required from us unless we cling in to the great promises of God. If we can listen to these promises of God, we will find enough courage and hope to finish the race with boldness staying away from the corruption of the world and its selfish desires.

If we follow our desires as they are without the consultation of the Holy Ghost, we may find life difficult and hard to enjoy life and become fulfilled. Moreover, it is impossible to reach to the limit of satisfaction and happiness that one wants as the desires of the world are selfish by nature. In my opinion one can achieve the ecstasy of happiness if he/she can understand the will of God for his/her, and live life without being selfish.

That said we also learn from the above scripture that the most important thing in life is to live life with lots and lots of love for one another. It is beyond anything else in life. It could be beyond any kind of religious activity we may perform to sanctify ourselves.

It doesn’t mean that we don’t need to do them, but it means that we need to do everything if it pleases the Lord and benefits our brothers and sisters. Virtue: conformity of one's life and conduct to moral and ethical principles; uprightness;

Here the Bible is teaching us faith is just the beginning when it comes to reaching the level of life God expects from his children.

We need to have a faith that is practical and ethical of good moral value. If we say we have faith in God and we don’t practice it to develop a quality of relationship with him that will enable us to walk in righteousness then our faith need to grow.

Faith should enable us to bear spiritual fruit. The bible tells us if our faith is not accompanied by works, then it has no value.


What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says h

has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him? If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,” but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit? Thus also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. - James 2:14

Once we used our faith in doing good and living in the path of righteousness, the next step is to reach to the level of understanding and knowledge that the Lord wants us to reach.

The Bible tells us that without enough knowledge and wisdom to guide our steps, we may perish in our ignorance. Knowledge brings delight to the knower. The bible advise us to seek guidance and knowledge in the book of proverb. But if you don’t build your knowledge on the foundation of the word of God, it could be dangerous. All of our knowledge should be built on the love of God and our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ in which we must be saved


My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. - Hosea 4:6

All our knowledge also need to focus on how we could contribute ourselves for the good of the world. In other words it should be built on the virtue of kindness and compassion for one another.

What good does it make if I use my knowledge just to feel powerful and to scares others away? There will always be more innovation and more and more challenges to lead in this way. If we can lead others by becoming the servant of all, this kind of leadership will last forever. Knowledge comes with huge responsibility. It can make us arrogant or we can humble ourselves before the most fearful God. If we can use our knowledge for the benefit of others that is such a great wisdom that the bible is teaching us in this chapter.

The third step is self-control. One of the most important virtue that we all need to have is the spirit of self-control. Anger and temper is quite the opposite. If we say we have faith in God but do the very thing that God would not want us to do then our faith is not strong and mature. When it comes to self-control, we all can learn from our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. While he was going through the pain of the cross, he doesn’t say a word to his father or his accusers. Moreover, we can also learn the spirit of self-control from the book of Job.

The Bible says, "In all this Job did not sin nor charge God with wrong"

Focus, patience, determination, courage and self-control are all parts of higher form of faith that has something to do with hope and love. One cannot pass the time of temptation, if one cannot have the self-control needed to pass the test. It has a lot to do with patience. Self-control has to do with resisting the pressure of now for the sake of the future.

Patience has to do with waiting on to the Lord without sizing and giving up hope. Patience has to do with the length or duration of time one has to wait to get what we love most. Self-control has to do with avoiding the temptation of sin to please the Lord. Patience has to do with persistence and endurance. Self-control has to do with enable one to withstand temptation. It has to do with discipline.

For example if one has a bad habit of drinking or smoking or shopping, then one can easily avoid by developing the self-control needed to do that. If one is tested many times with the spirit of sexual immorality of any kind, one can develop self-control to avoid the temptation of sin. The devil doesn’t want you to stop that because once you are a free person, he knows he is the first target from your list of vengeance. Therefore he would rather always affect you while you are weak and without full of knowledge.

One of the things that trouble us in life is the temptation that comes from within. As Christian we are always worried about how we should live our lives in relation to others. We are worried about our existence and how we survive in this world where there are so many wickedness and sin. We are worried because we don’t always want to make our Lord happy. Even though the world is one of the most difficult threat for our spiritual existence, but it is not the worst.

The devil can use anything to fight us and lose the very thing God wants us to experience - our victory in Christ. When the devil inserts little things like stubbornness, arrogance, self-righteousness, it can affect our relationship with the Lord the same way he can affect through external mechanism.

Therefore when we always feel angry or disobedient, think about some the things the Lord teaches as in his life and in his word. Think about how we should love each other in Christ. Think about serving others doesn’t mean we are the least of all but we are the leaders of all.

Then comes the next level of faith, which is Godliness.

This is where you force yourself in to the likeness of God in Christ Jesus. No one sees God and will never see him unless in the Spirit as God is the Spirit himself. But if we need to make a statement about God and who he is and how we should know him, then these questions are answered by knowing Jesus. Jesus said in John, that if we see Jesus, it is the same us we see God. The son of God reveals everything we need to know about God. His divine character, his compassion that he is father to all and he has loved all the same. It is more than anything to us to train us to be like Christ and to please him with that.

The Bible says that we can profit our lives and the life of other by attracting ourselves in to the image of God. Godliness is not like what some say we are little gods that someone has to praise us and that we should be respected. If we can think of ourselves to be something whereas the fact is we are nothing without Christ, we are fooling ourselves.

Godliness is to transform our selves in to the image of the character of God by become more like him day by day. Our father is rich in kindness and mercy. He is abundant in love and compassion. His anger is for a while but his forgiveness is for generations. If we can be like him in his nature, that is what to be Godliness.

The next level of our faith is brotherly kindness and love. Kindness precedes love. Love is a higher form of relationship. It is a strong form of all types of virtues, principles, commandments and laws. If we cannot develop self-control little by little we cannot reach to love. If we don’t acquire the knowledge and wisdom to serve one another, there won’t be love.

If we don’t transfer ourselves every day in the image of God, there is no love. But if we all practice all these basic principles of the levels of faith one can reach little by little, we will be taken to the highest form of our faith where we can say “my will is your will, my father.. You can lead me as you wish..” and that is called love

You see every day we say we love God but the truth is we just finished level 0 that is faith in Christ. Next time before you say the word, just think about which level of faith you are and let's all try to grow to the level where we can say with all boldness that we love God. God is faithful. He called us to have everlasting fellowship with him in Christ Jesus. He called us sons and daughter and not slaves.

He is calling us to grow in our faith to be full of love and kindness like him. He does that because he knows he is able to lead us and guide through it. And if we don’t depend on our strength and wisdom, surely he will lead us in to love from faith through his grace and little bit of obedience and faithfulness to him.

God bless you and give you grace to worship him with all humility and truthfulness in Jesus name. Amen


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        tewodros    |    Mar. 29, 2014     | 5,383 Views    |   

What is the form of entertainment our soul wants? Is there any form of boundaries that we make between our faith in Christ and the world out there? Do we put our things before our faith? Do we put our family before our faith in Christ?

Even if we are the most miserable person in the whole world, we shouldn t allow anything to come between us and the love of God in Christ. We may turn out to be physically sick or pronounced physically dead, but nothing overwrites the love of God from our heart.

We may be the last person living in this planet, or we may depart the world too early, still Christ is our Lord and savior with out him we profited nothing. What does the Lord intended to tell us when he said, separate from the world and live for me ?

Is it to go to monastery and spend the rest of our lives in it? Is it not what he meant that we shouldn t touch any evil thing from the world that we should live in it. We should not marry someone unbeliever - someone who followed the ways of the world.

What benefits I will get from withholding my self from entertainment? Well do you ask yourself what will you gain by having so much fun but lose your job? Do we really need some type of entertainment? Yes we do. If so like what? Uplifting, constructive, not selfish, educative, connected to all areas of your life: your body, mind and soul and spirit. Not all Movies, music, friendship, family are not uplifting.

Is there anything as such uplifting entertainment? We have to be very selective. We have to know when to say 'that is enough'. We have to control our selves. Taking too much of it or too less could be a disaster.

It is amazing to see how the world now perceives entertainment. It is not the way we Christians ought to live. If we do as they do then what is the meaning of our faithfulness to the Lord and from where does our rewards comes from.

We need to separate ourselves from the world in such a way that we don't take anything that looks like fun and enjoying in to the heart. This will totally break our relationship with the Lord and we will find our soul full of sorrow and grief rather than the joy and happiness we anticipated out of it.

We also are not meant to spend all of our spare time on something worthless and simply wasting of our time. Time is the very first resource that God has given to us to manage and make a good use out of it. So is money, family, children. This means we are accountable for it at the seat of judgment before the fearful and almighty God.

I don't know what benefit it is for the soul to stare at the TV all day long rather than spent some quality time with the Lord or put aside a time separated from our day to day activities to do something the Lord will be happy about it.

If it to gain some knowledge about something related to our goals and aspirations, that may be ok under certain circumstances. But unless we want to get knocked by the devil, what good is it at all to waste time in the form of entertainment.

I wonder when and where Jesus acutely neglects his callings and went just to entertain himself. Everything he did was to bring glory to God and honor his name. Whether it at the wedding place or the market place or at somebodie's house.

Sometimes we think that somehow by being closer to somebody make him/her partake the nature of Holy Spirit in us. And that is the reason we give to go to somewhere that the Lord will not be glorified. But that will cause us more pain because there is no sudden change as we think and we ultimately come empty handed and broken hearted with possibly the other way round we take their evil ideas and selfish desire.

We go and entertain our selves, so what? What good does it make to this world? don't tell me we like it anyways. How would we like it when it is gone soon? People say also, we will be gone too, so we should enjoy life when we still can. Well that is true. 

But the question is the place you will be going is determined by:

The quality of time we have in this short life. Who and with what we spent our time for. The kind of treasure we have accumulated and where we prefer to store our treasures. 

Now, if our time is spent on rubbish things that will be gone by the wind, then that is not good. If our treasure is hidden in this unsecured world, it will be lost soon. Therefore the spirit of self is the spirit of destruction. When we always think of self, let us think in terms of service to other. We are not created for our selves.

This is not to exaggerate the sin in someone s life and to say we are more righteous than others. We all have evil ideas and selfish desire one way or another but beacuase of our bad company, we will start to learn more of it by spending our time with someone who doesn't know the Lord and by spending time with something the Lord not expecting us to do.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.Isaiah 26:9

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        tewodros    |    Mar. 28, 2014     | 4,269 Views    |   

It is always good to share an experience with somene we could trust as there is at least something we could learn from that with out repeting the same mistake. The things we shared with the person made us remember most of the good and bad times in our lives. Whether it is to discuss it or talked it through, we know that there is at least one person that we can freely share everything with.

Why we shouldn t trust a person and trust only God? Well the answer is we don't want to trust a person but the spirit of the Lord inside that person. Although there is still a 50% probability that there could be devil inside no matter how strong and kind that person looks like. So the answer to the question that can we trust a person totally depends what kind of trust wewant to put on that person. Still God is the ultimate faithful and you can always put your trust on him. don't trust person no matter how good they look because we are humans after all.

The only solution to our current problems can be solved by putting all your desires in to our purpose. This can never be much easier. The idea is use it or lose it - now or never.

No one is more than a person with dreams in their heart and always ready to do what is needed. This is the person who knows what to do at every moment of his life despite the controversies and difficulties. He has contingency plan if things go wrong.

I heard that people had what seems more important and I feel sorry that I don't get what they get. I want it because it is a good means of generating income which is exactly I need to do this days. Well, according to God it doesn't mean I am going to be successful if I do what they do. For the very thing it is sin to lie and as far as I am Christian and read the bible, I never heard something like lying is sometimes sin sometimes good.

I lied many times in life but I never consider it a truth not even a little bit. I lied because I have to and I repent to come to God s council again. This time I found out I cannot lie and I feel like I miss a big thing.

I need to try hard to make it back what I lost. For that I couldn't let my eyes go to sleep or my flesh to rest with out fulfilling my dreams first. Somehow I stuck somewhere just looping around the same, non purposeful, normal life over and over again.

Think always what you want to be in life. It could be your dreams, aspirations, family etc. Meditate the plans of your dreams. don't let any thing, anything to come between you and your dreams.

I know you might say that this is easy said than done but still what else can you do. Tell me, what good is to stumble away from your dreams in frustration. It is always better to find someone who advice you to keep going no matter what. That s what out father are doing all the time.

Our complain is, it always easy to say that but still we understand that only little lucky people get the opportunity to find somebody who is always there to say, KEEP ON GOING! Thank you Jesus! Let your will be done on to our lives. Be glorified father in everything we do. My wish is your will. 

We are willing to give up everything for you because we love you. Our family, our career, our belongings, and most of we ourselves. You are we and everything we have.

According to your word in Job, we cannot say we have or we are when it comes to you. Hurt is a joke compared to giving up our lives. We cannot get hurt if you let us know deep inside of us that you are still with us.

According to your word, anything that we give up for you will be given to us tens and hindered fold. Which means we are not going to die broke? We are not going to die empty with nothing to give.

While we are ready, please give us strength to bear the false accusation of the devil. He said so many things to us telling us that we are a loser because we listened to you not our friends.

I know father one day we will see that you are in deed our profit because you love us. Please teach us the right way to help others with out lying. I want your name to be glorified as much as we can.

Thanks God, and with you we can be anything we want. Just be there for us and that is it. Just the feeling that you are with us make us strong like an eagle. You put our soul in great stress to make it more strong and powerful to grow wise and considerate.

Let us ask you something father. What if you make things straight for us and our heart starts to turn away from your ways? Many go to destruction because of temporary success. Just a little bit of it make them to be arrogant or makes them feel that they don't need God any more.

... for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. - 2 Timothy 4:10

What a terrible thing that will be for any of us. People went to destruction in front of our eyes over and over again one after the other. They tend to love money more. That it is. That is the beginning of their destruction.

Father all our prayers which says we need to be rich real quick are wrong prayers in deed. We need you all the way up to there and please don't turn your face from us. We want you now and forever. We don't use you to get by the wind. We don't use you to make our stomach full.

Let our soul seek you all day and all night. We know you are the provider but we are not here for that, father. Test us and know it for your self if you wish Lord. Even we humans we don't tend to love one for the things he/she might do to us back.

We love you Lord and what else do we need. You and us are one and full. There is nothing needy between us. We are not fresh lovers. We don't simply produce words for each other. Our love is old enough to proof persistence. We don't live with out you. As long as there is a flesh around our bones, you name will remain sweet. In fact, as long as there is breath in our mouth, we will remain burning in love with you, father.

All this because you loved us first and you pored your grace on us through Christ Jesus. We are disobedient children running away from your presence but you keep us together once more again thorough your endless mercy and everlasting compassion.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 27, 2014     | 4,961 Views    |   

When God starts to talk to us, he talks loud and clear. There is nothing mysterious about his message

We need to realize that the way out of afflictions and strong bondage is absolutely from our side not Gods.

I believe there are different kinds of evil sprits that come to us to strip us from our grace. They come to us because they know our destiny is great. Thinking that, they have no options but to fight us while we are weak and unwise. That is what God s protection is always around us that they may not attack us forcefully or make us do what we don't want to do.

God is there for everyone to rescue and protect us from evil. But one thing has to be clear, as my life my witness, God power do not put in to work on our lives unless we surrender our lives to Jesus believing him he loved us first and he died for us while we are sinners.

The powerful thing about this statement comes at the end, while we are sinners.

Let me ask you a question, if you are a good person and if you are demanded to risk your life let alone give it away, will you do it for an innocent person or a cruel person? Think about it

For instance you are walking around outside your house and you saw a 5 years old child to be burned in a fire accident. Will you risk your life? Think about it. What about two years old kid on the way to be run-over by a track will you risk your life?

What about some other incident but the person in danger is we think a good person which you think is very important or will be important for the community or he is too young to die.

I think the answer to these questions is most probably yes unless we are really wicked. Now who do you think risk his life let alone giving it for the sake of a bad person s life in danger, honestly, the answer is NOBODY!

Romans 5:7 -For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

Forget about our lives but no one is willing to spend his time or money or energy on a bad person. That s why the story of the love of Jesus to his people is not exhaustively told. It is foolishness for many and unreasonable. No one really understands why. It is one of God s deep secrets which we shall know about it one day at time till the rest of our lives.

No one can make God happy except a praiseful and humble man. Look at Jesus and Moses and David, for example. They make God happy because their spirit was broken when it comes to respecting others and God. Jesus thought us to wash the legs of our friends and even if we want to be a leader, we have to first make sure we understand we are no better than those we serve.

It is only a matter of time and opportunity that one happens to be better than the others. There is nothing glorious about it, nothing fascinating! Imagine them in your place. What do we feel if somebody tries to brag about his skills and abilities? After all it is other people s effort and help that makes us who we are now. 

We didn t get it by ourselves. We used somebody s help. He is Jesus. So, Let us be kind to other and most of all, be humble in serving them. The other thing is be praiseful to God as you are humble to others. Praise gives God the power you might have received back to the real owner.

It is like money, he gave you in the first place so give it back without being overwhelmed by the amount. Praise gives the proper respect to the right person. Yes. Since God is the reason we have it, praise him back until we finally return our debts which in other words mean, until we die.

Praising God is like thanking human beings. You know how much men delighted when we say thank you in return to their service. How much more, God the creator of all would feel when he gets praise from his own beings.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 26, 2014     | 5,018 Views    |   

Is it better to be alone than to be in relationship? We can really get hurt if we cannot find the distinct boundary in our relationships with others. Some tend to be more controlling and even more. Some are abusive by nature.

Our main curse when we are thrown to this world is so that we no more understand the true meaning of love - We tend to be abusive rather than loving and cherish. This curse is only taken by Lord Jesus Christ. Only when God wants to help us again. This is the time when he wants to be in peace with us after all those years of slavery of sin.

The main target of the enemy is to destroy relationship. Relationship between us and the father. Relationship between ourselves and others. So is it better to have someone by our side than to sit in solitude.

But there is a day to day battle involved within our selves and the surroundings. Our fight is not among blood and flesh but among principalities.

We need to pray the prayer of battle before we really going in to it. First we must check our selves if we are well armed. We need to ask if we have the breast shield of righteousness. We need to make sure if we have put on the belt of truth and wearing our helmet of salvation.

Having our shield which is faith in Christ Jesus, that will protect us from the arrows of the wicked, we become strong with the word of God in spirit and pray in spirit. That is our sword to cut of the curses of the evil and mutilate its evil ideas. What ever how clear we see the vision and its rewards are coming, the challenge that comes with it every day make it impossible to bear it. The challenges are so difficult that we sometimes start to forget our selves. Even doing the basic things like bathing or thinking clearly can become odd.

Sometimes we are totally controlled by our circumstances; we cannot do anything about the things that are taking our lives away from us. We lost hope all the way but waiting for miracle. We ask God for forgiveness by asking if we make him sorrowful again

But we see that we have been trying to be faithful to God for so long. This is the time where no one but God stands besides us. We cannot hear anyone talking wisdom. All lose hope because of us. But this is because we carry a load is too heavy for us. Only God can help us with this because it is not easy for any human to bear this. But the problem is we sometimes feel God has just forget about us because our sins are great.

For this reason we may think we run out of time. We may even ask our selves the important question how can a person who has seen extraordinary things in life specially after seeing God at work can do stupid things.

Life is not real; all the things we see now are simply mere icons and they won t be there when the time that matters comes. Anything truthful, anything dares loving will last but not these. We tell our father, 'Father I am almost despaired and exhausted and I cannot do this by my self anymore.'

God is trying to tell us:

I LOVE you and I am always there for you. I will never leave you. don't even think about I punish you for everything you do. I have my own way of teaching you a lesson for your benefit out of your failures.This I do it that you shall be prepared for the coming big life questions. You will face more important challenges. All the miseries here will prepare you for that. don't get lost by the training son because this is not being a brave heart at all. I want you to survive the test. I want to go through the training to defeat your enemies in battle. I want you to be strong and wise. Do what you have to do first and leave the rest to me. I am your father, the more you know me the more you will be like me. Find me every day with all your heart. I will reveal my self to you. Remember it is always how and when you believe what matters because I will command your belief to be under you.Remember the greatest challenges have the greatest rewards. I know everything here seems not worthy living for let alone worthy dying for. don't worry about anything. This in not your fault but work hard to be a professional. When it comes to faith be the first. Always focus on the goal. Most of all, be prepared to die for your purpose - forget misery.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 25, 2014     | 4,685 Views    |   

While we were called to live our lives like an eagle or like a wine that creates a soothing feeling in wounded body or as Olive Tree Oil that heals the wound, instead we lived our lives like a thorn bush.

What a great disappointment this would be to the Lord and to us. But we didn't know, do we? We eat and walk like a chicken. We strive and strive to jump in the air just a little bit. Why can't we fly? I believe it is because we trusted more of our circumstances than our dreams and aspirations.

We don't have the courage to look up and the faith we need to have to visualize and anticipate our destiny far beyond our present situations. There is another identity that God created in Christ. But we are afraid to become it. Therefore we put more attention on what is near to us rather that what is to be captured by faith.

We might be expert in some disciplines. We might want to end up with good fortune and a name that will always come before us. We might even want to be a doctor while our calling is to be an instrument for healing the souls of many people - Souls who are oppressed by the enemy.

Tell me, who will God use to heal his people? May be you say, "There are others who can do that". But isn't this the same thing as saying, "I don't want to practice my real identity?" Isn't it the same as we look up and say, "That is not me"? How pity to live life like this and even worse die like this. You were like an ointment that shall be poured into the wounds of many. You were the one that God has created to heal them.

Here is a little story from the Bible that goes by this one.

A person was brutally wounded and was left on the street where many people can easily see him. One very religious person saw him and passed him as he was in a hurry. He was probably running to do his preaching in the church. The second one also saw him and left him as he was also hastening himself to serve the Lord. He was probably thinking he has to reach there on time.

The last person was not as religeious as the previous two. But he knew his calling. He always takes his wine and ointment with him. And as soon as he found the wounded, he was happy. He then put the ointment on the wounds and the wine to his mouth.

He took a good care of him making sure he got healed within few days. But we resemble to the first two hypocrites who consider themselves as the servant of God. But they didn't make the Lord as happy as he desired to be.

In fact the Lord was too angry with those two guys who passed by the wounded stranger offering no help whatsoever. What good is their ritual and ceremony to God if they can't make at least one sick person well?

Now you tell me, how good is your money? I am curious to know how much does it worth to you? How about the beautiful expensive car you have that you thought it is good for the Lord? Well, I believe these all means nothing unless you use it in all of your power for God's glory and for his Kindgdom.

The spirit of service requires very settled soul and mind. It needs day to day communion with the Lord. It needs a deep understanding of the scriptures. It needs a content and compassionate heart like Jesus.

We need to tell our selves every day that we are unworthy to the Lord unless we do what we have to do which is what the Lord wants us to do. We should say that we cannot live with out doing our true God given Purpose.

While our eyes are watching, people are gone like the wind. They are technically taken to destruction for what they believed it is absolute happiness and joy. They are determined to get it elsewhere if they cant find it here, in the presence of the Lord.

We should be the reason they make a joyful laugh to the Lord and always stay deeply pleased with him. We are supposed to be a means of pure joy by steering up their faith. You know why people spent too much time in non-sense things?

They couldn't find love else whe

e especially in the places where they thought they could easily get - the church. True LOVE cannot be found else where but through Jesus Christ.

But they need teachers of the truth and leaders from the Lord who show them the ways of eternal joy and happiness and peace. And for the rest of us, our job is just to do that. I am not asking this time. I am commanding and demanding it, and begging us at the same time.

People are taken to hell every day. don't we have the heart for that? Where does it come the spirit of I don't care? From the day we will throw away our callings, we will find our selves struggling in evil spirits.

Why? It is because these are the rewards of our selfishness. If not treated well, they will lead us to the atone of fire. Let us not foolish ourselves! The word of God said that no adulterous or liars or anything like that will enter the kingdom of God.

So in this case, this is for us not only an issue of everlasting dream but also a matter of survival. This is the thing we should do like a crazy person. As if we look like an angry man or attempting a mad personality or even as if we looked like an evil possessed man. That is what they call our Lord - evil possessed.

In all of this, we will save our souls and many others. When our obedience is complete, we will gain our soul even if we wish to give it up for the sake of others. This is the only way we will do what you were born to do the beginning of our everlasting dream.

Jesus did every thing as he was sent to do. He comes down from heavens sent from his father to deliver the oppressed. His soul was attached to their soul. Being the son of God, he didn t consider himself as good as he is.

He felt the pain of others as his own. He stranded in the wilderness to find the lost. Even if many of us consider him homeless and poor, his creed was to be with them wherever they were. He was like a man who lost everything. He lost his love and that is how miserable he was.

He mentioned and described the concept of the lost sheep many times in his teachings. That is to stress and magnify how important it is for God. The devil took the Lord's Sheep. He snatched them from his hand, how dare he do that! Now even if it might be only one soul who is lost, the whole heavens shake like a mighty storm. The almighty God speaks in the storms and thunders.

How dare the devil, takes something which is not his own. The son of God then comes down, in the wilderness, where the devil took his Sheep, to find the lost. If every thing was just fine, he would have sit in his glory in peace. Now, the devil declares war and there is no rest until he is punished. The good news is this, no body fight with the Lord and shall continue to live. I am telling the truth that no body calls the name of the Lord in vane and insults Him and shall live. He shall die.

The war with God always ends before it begins. I know one thing and one thing only: True power belongs to the almighty God. His enemies will be crushed in to dust in front of his LOVE.

I have my own life testimony. I used to do what I don't like. The devil was doing what he wanted with me. But I am delivered by Jesus. I am not forced to do what I don't want to do unless I don't do what I am born to do. The devil is very rude and cruel.

But he plays gentle and looks like a kind person. Do you think he will come to you with his ugly claws? Do you think he will use the same tricks that he used yesterday? He knows who we are and how God redeemed us form death and he plays accordingly to this regard.

He studied us so many times. He has thousands of years of cheating experience. He can make your own friends and family to rise upon you. In just a second he can make a person so desperate by his lies. All he fears is the Lord in you. He cannot stand the wisdom of the Lord in you.

He cannot understand all about LOVE or self sacrifice. He cannot resist the spirit of s

rvice we have to the Lord. Well there are many people whose stories are written for us to learn. We don't have to make the same mistake twice.

It is written so that we know the devices of the wicked. It is written for us to follow but not to reinterpret it according to our weakness. We need to take it as we have been taught by the Holy Spirit in us and apply it on our own lives.

Here are some scriptures in light of the above teachings:

Once the trees searched for someone to be king; they asked the olive tree, Will you be our king?" But the olive tree replied, "My oil brings honor to people and Gods. I won't stop making oil, just to have my branches wave above the other trees." Then they asked the fig tree, Will you be our king?" But the fig tree replied, "I won't stop growing my delicious fruit, just to have my branches wave above the other trees." Next they asked the grape vine, Will you be our king?" But the grape vine replied, My wine brings cheer to people and Gods. I won't stop making wine, just to have my branches wave above the other trees." Finally, they went to the thorn bush and asked, Will you be our king?" The thorn bush replied, If you really want me to be your king, then come into my shade and I will protect you. -Judges 9

After the people had seen Jesus work this miracle, they began saying, "This must be the Prophet who is to come into the world!" Jesus realized that they would try to force him to be their king. So he went up on a mountain, where he could be alone. - John 6:14

A priest happened to be going down the same road. But when he saw the man, he walked by on the other side. Later a temple helper came to the same place. But when he saw the man who had been beaten up, he also went by on the other side.A man from Samaria then came traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him and went over to him. He treated his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them.Then he put him on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. The next morning he gave the innkeeper two silver coins and said, "Please take care of the man. If you spend more than this on him, I will pay you when I return." Luke 10:31

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 20, 2014     | 26,593 Views    |   


Matthew 24:44

Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.


When everything looks good, smooth and safe;

When everyone asks you to go forward and just try it;

When every feeling and every nerve urge you to continue;

It is good to listen to the Lord.


No matter what it is, it good to stop and think

Where are all this pople pushing me?

Where am I going?

Where is my destiny?

Who am I end up with?


In this world, nothing can be taken for granted

Everything that has a beginning has an end

Nothing lasts forever, nothing stands forver

Everything will be gone by the wind except God's love and faithfulness


Proverbs 3:5

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil. It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.


If we put our trust on something that will soon be gone

If we think somone will always be there for us except Jesus

If we believe we have the strength we all need to survive

How pitful we will be and how miserable our lives will end up to be

They say it is very dangerous to lean on something that is not able to stand by itself


That is quite true and interesting

We all are human beings and we all need someone s precence to exist


Consder if God almighty took of the breath of life he gave from us

Consider who we are and what are we made of

We are simply come out of dust and to dust we shall return

But in our words we say things that is not true


We say we are trustworthy and dependable for someone
We even say we have some one to put our trusts and hopes and dreams
If it is not Jesus who should be our only source of wisdom and understanding
Who else can provide us the security and protection we all need from someone
It is one thing and I think it is fair to go for it but it is another thing where to find it

True love is worthy of our trust and our time
And all of our efforts to find it shall be rewarded
True love doesn't come from any human flesh
True security doesn't abide in the wealth of someone s prosperity
We may have a good life and get everything we want in life 
But remember this, true happiness and joy and a fulfiled life comes from the Lord

There is nothing in this world that will fulfill our lives than to humbly obey the Lord and all of his commndments.
If we lean on the Lord with all our heart we can take his word as a final word

We can depend and see for our selves that the Lord is indeed trustworthy and awesome God
Neither he will fail us nor forsake us in times of trouble
If we turn our face to him in all times, he is able to rescue us when the time of trouble attack us like a lion
But what if we believe in someone or trust something else but not the Lord

What if we take something for granted from someone and in all of the sudden everything fall apart 
Isn't it something we will have trouble in getting up again and stand in our feet?

Everything proofed to be insecure and not trust worthy
There is only one who we can turst not only in this life but also in the life to come and forever more

His name is Jesus Christ he is wonderful and beautiful 
Everything God made that was beautiful was made through him
The Bible calls him the wisdom of God - The son of the almighty
Before the moon and the sun brought forth

Before the earth give birth to the mountain and the deep valley
Before the stars and the sea and the ocean were created
Before anything on earth, above the earth and under the earth was created -You are God

Before we are made out of a piece of mud and you give us the container of your spirit -You are the son of God
Before you formed us in the mother's womb and we come to existence - You are God


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        tewodros    |    Mar. 19, 2014     | 4,407 Views    |   

He wants us to be happy also. He wants us more than what we are with our things. We need to be thankful and our soul will be blessed. Our soul is not of this world. She longs always what has to come - the invisible world. She feels it and already that she knows it is real. What ever thing we bought her wouldn't make her happy. She will always for something new. And every new thing will wear out and she will soon want another new thing.

Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, -Hebrews 12:28

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. -Colossians 4:2

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.-Colossians 3:15

In all of this we will learn that it is not water that she trusts. It is not beautiful car or something that she wants. It is his face, the Lord s face that she always cries to see. It is his compassionate face and his merciful heart that she creed to watch. It is her creator that neat her in her mothers womb. It is her father that she wants. Her beginning and end.

Even though we seek love of this world all day, it is not love at all. One has to give love for another, and that is called love. If we browse all day long for love song just to make our selves happy, it is worthless. If we can write songs and play the sound of the most beautiful melody if it is for self glorification, it is worthless.

In all of this, there is nothing as OBEDIENCE -to find our purpose of the time and to do it. With lots of insecurity and uncertainty, no one can make a perfect plan with a time like this. This is the time where our faith is tested. Our soul is in great anxiety thinking would we end up doing as we were supposed to do.

During the days of Jesus life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission. 8 Son though he was, he learned obedience from what he suffered 9 and, once made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all who obey him 10 and was designated by God to be high priest in the order of Melchizedek. -Hebrews 5:9

Shall we trust God to face our enemies? We need to show at least a little bit of courtesy to fight them. The enemy will always respect our decision that comes from our heart. The enemy cannot go beyond those boundaries we make restrictions. Our faith is what all matters in these days and our courage to believe on the Almighty and the only God.

He is the one who gave us hope and love through his son. How does miracle happen? How the unexpected does come to reality? - the impossible to be possible? It is very important to understand it is because of Gods power and for his gory. Whether something worse happened or something miraculous, it is all to reveal the majesty of his glory. Not in the expense of his creatures but one for the other.

Most of the time our bondage and infirmities are of our own sins or some kind of generational curses. But to see the glory of God in this earth, we have to be faithful servant. Seeking not our own pleasure but be humble servant of God. Always becoming ready for the things we should be ready for.

There is a lot of things going on when God prepare his servants to reach out to his people and teach about the love of Jesus. That is what all matters, the pain and the love we should have for one another. Jesus said, love to one another as I love you. And the main thing is also about the enemy, some very unattractive, uninvited enemies that come to our house. I mean for the sake of the enemy God will do anything.

God will do anything to proof we are wonderfully loved and adored in his eyes. Whatever it is we do, the Lord will not pass us to our and his enemy, unless sometimes he wants us to learn our valuable lessons. When it comes to life in this world or the next one to come, we need to learn the concept of the kingdom of our father. That is how it works, what is it the mattes in the kingdom. Are there any enemies to attack the city of Jerusalem?

That s all it is and this earth is the perfect place for us to learn this valuable lesson. We need to learn all about it in here before we become the protector of our father s kingdom. Sometimes the battle seems so fierce but no battle is won without the fight. Fighting is inevitable. If you think the enemy will show any mercy to you or to any one of your brothers and sisters who are called and destined to live in Zion, you are wrong. We need to learn how to fight and how to defend our destiny.

We are called to live a life of the warier. We are the soldiers of Gods almighty. Whether we believed in it or not, we are in the midst of the battle. Our brothers are taken in to slavery some in to eternal death. We wouldn't like the nature of the war because it is very real by its nature. Though we don't see it more like visible to our natural eyes, it is actually happening in the spiritual realm against evil power and principalities. It is tough to detect what is going on if we are more self-centered. We cannot win this war with this flesh and mind. We are not meant to strive for self glorification and amusement. I mean what good is striving all day for some piece of thing called pleasure. Does soldiers meant for pleasure. Go no further deep in to sexual immorality.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    Mar. 18, 2014     | 4,987 Views    |   

We cause the feeling of pleasure and pain to us and other people. Sometimes we get hurt knowingly or unknowingly but we are tied with each other by destiny. For this reason we have to know whom we are identified with and what we got to do with each other in order to utilize our God given talent effectively.

That is our mission in life. We are born with a specific purpose and believe or not we cannot do anything without it. The tragedy of life is we will never know what it is and who it is that we are tied with until of course it will gently come to us with out even say hi and leave us with out even say bye.

That is why we need to pray to God with out seizing and that way we will see what is really going on around us and be able to respond it in time appropriately. We would even see what has to come if we are intimate with God. He will share us his ideas for our lives which is so bright and beautiful.

Most of all we need to be goal oriented purpose driven. So much planned and go with some one who has plans and can understand them. If you don't know where you will be going and what you are doing, you may not need a helpmate.

God created one for another so we will comfort one another and support in our goals. So we need to be more focused in life. But in a land of uncertainty and so many battles, it turns out to be life is not easy. Life is a battle field and we need to fight it with bravery with the Lord by our side.

What is the nature of our relationship to our husband or wife? I believe God created Eve after he gave purpose for Adam. Well I think Man already knows what to do and he was doing it before the woman comes. She is his companion, his help met, his friend that is designed to share his life with. In the same way he is created to met her needs and walk with her to their destiny.

We should know our purpose. We are created to do a specific thing. Our calling is not so much of this material world. We are created to rescue the oppressed, help the helpless. That is what everything in the Bible telling us. We didn t create for us. Rather we are created for others so that they may found peace and joy and happiness in God.

We are born to show them and guide them to the truth. Jesus is the shepherd and our father gave us sheep that we should take care of. Nothing will separate us from what our father already has given us to care for. No evil or no devil, not even a million of them, because our father who gave it to us. That he is mighty in power and glory that he put fear in the midst of our enemies.

The spirit of the Lord is inside of us who have accepted Christ Jesus as our savior and welcome the Holy Ghost into our lives. We shall speak only the truth to his people. I know it is not his will that bad thing prevail to his beloved. We need to do what he tells us to do and exactly how he wanted to be done.

Everything will be done in its time as the Lord wants to be done. Sometimes our heart knows it what God wants us to do with us. But if he wants to do something else we need to go with that too.

How wonderful is it to wake up in the morning and listen what the Lord wants to do with our lives everyday and to peacefully and thankfully come to his presence in the evening.

But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. - Psalm 59:16

proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.. - Psalm 92:2

The idea of being always there for someone is the most important thing for us who want to be a servant. We need to be of great servant to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and a wonderful companion to our husbands/wife and children each day at a time. Every body likes to live in a prosperous kind of living. But even if we have lost everything we have, would we still be there for them or would we leave them while they are suffering and need us more than ever?

This is a very important question we need to ask our selves. And of course every body says yes to that in marriage vows but usually our heart is far from our mouth. Or we may need to understand the reality with our heart and find a way to live with that. As far as I am concerned, I am convinced that most of us have nothing to do with failure. We know what we want with out hesitation and we want our children, wife and husband to be like us too. We want no excuses but need to hear a voice of responsibility. We want us and them to be more hard working individuals. We need to be of so much love, so much accuracy and so much speed.

We are always thinking if we only do what the Lord wanted and if we only make him happy. Something inside of us fighting us and telling us, what is going on, something makes us wanted to cry. We don't know why or if we should do that. our lives just wouldn't have any meaning with out the Lord. We don't want it with out him. It is foolishness to rely on flesh. It is wise to look up on the Lord all the time. It is unwise to let one be self glorified.

Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. -Psalm 73:25

We all are looking for something that will make us happy but we cannot find it. But when we turn our face away from it, they are just there for us. It is hard to find faith and love in this world. Ninety nine percent of the things that look like love in this world are not. don't get surprised. Many look for personal amusement. Many go for seeking joy for them not for others. Due to their selfish nature, God has hated them. He gave them as servants of their own wills which is actually unpleasant by its nature.

Have you ever do something that you don't want to do and you are just wondering what is wrong with you. Have you ever asked the question, Why am I doing this nonsense thing many times? You even consider it as your weakness and accept it to be there with you. Because you already tried many times and you couldn't beat it. It becomes your own shadow, your own flesh. It is of course your weakness. You have been asking why nobody cares while you need compassion from apparently anyone. You get no respect from your children no matter how hard you try while you were not showing one to your own parents.

Dear, do you ever believe in curses? If you ever fall from the grace of love, you are cursed. If you ever make someone angry who really cares about you, you are in big trouble.

Curses also come from those who loved us most if we make them very sorry. God will care and see that and the consequences are not something pleasant to us. If we were also specifically told to do something and we didn t do it, this in not good for us. Most of our people problem is insomnia and overweight. Now one has to do with sleep and one with food. Sleep is something we need in life and so is food. We are sometimes too concerned with our time. We are too busy all the time. We don't have time for others not even our kids. But we don't usually spend time with God not even five minutes before we go to bed.

How hard is it to kneel down just for five minutes before bed time? There is no wonder we are spending hours every night trying to get sleep. We also have this big problem with body fat. Now we know it is not a good sign for our health. Our cholesterol is increasing. We are overweight because we don't fast or pray. Even if fasting slip of our mind, did we even care for other?

Did we even share? We know someone somewhere is in pain in hunger. We know our size is a size way out of control and is not for a descent human being. Shall we learn to share, please? Shall we even care? We are not thankful for our lives. I know we are not a simply thankful person.

Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. -Romans 1:24

We strive for bitterness. We cry for more. That is in our blood and that is who we are. But we need to learn something, something very important for our own sake and for our own happiness. Let us be thankful, and we wont live a life that we don't want. We may say, "I have everything and I will be ok". But everything is not ok by it self. When God gives us everything, he wants us also to maintain a close relationship with him all the time.

If you enjoy reading this blog, please continue reading Part 2

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        fasika    |    Mar. 17, 2014     | 4,732 Views    |   

Did you remember when our soul was so desperate? That the devil catches her and there was no one to help her? But the Lord has heard her prayers. He snatched her from the mouth of the evil. The wicked swallowed her but the Lord breaks her bondage.

Yes, our God is able . Yes, he is able. We couldn't still understand it. This is our miracle that the Lord has performed. Praise the Lord for all his mighty works. We will worship you for the rest of our lives. You are the one who does greatest miracles in our lives.

But now is also time for work. The enemy is still rounding us. No mistake at any moment because we couldn't afford to lose again. All we beg you Lord now is to heal our heart completely. That our soul forgets her past and extends to the future that you have prepared for her. That she becomes an understanding person and forgive all who make her agonize in pain. And she may be able to open to you with full heart. We don't want our soul to waste her time on garbage things. You can use anything to teach her affection.

LOVE is what one needs with truth. Help us to speak truth in LOVE and to teach in LOVE. That she wouldn't see outside no more. Again thank you Lord for your mercy and kindness. We wouldn't forget your praises all the day of our lives. We are so grateful you do this that you heard our prayers. We tried many times to quit on things. And you are the only one who reminds us every thing. We would LOVE you forever because you give us hope and a bright future. But not like this worthless LOVE of this world but with all sincerity and truth.

We pray to you Lord that you multiply your grace to our soul to clean her self. She also need time to clean her spirit. The devil comes to disturb the whole family. He sneaks in now he will sneak out. May the Lord almighty put great fear on him. May he abandon us forever because we are Gods Children. And he disgraced us, he underestimates us and he played us.

Now he will pay the consequences. We on the other hand have to stay focused, no further information to the enemy. May the Lord help us clean up this mess, may he have mercy on our soul. We have gone through great suffering in the past and We have reaped what we saw. We have sawn with our flesh sin, and harvest it the whole season. We cannot be happier than we are now. One soul has been lost and she is found

What a great joy will be in heaven.

Lord, help us find our selves in Christ. Help us be the children of LOVE. You have delivered us from the enemy. Now is the time for praise. Please fill us with songs of your praise. You are awesome God. We LOVE you and we saw your LOVE us always. Your faithfulness is for generations. We come to you as children with a humbleness and broken heart. We LOVE you in the name of Jesus.

Thank you for the precious blood of Christ. Sin has caused destruction, death and sorrow. But you snatched us from the teeth of the wicked. Even tough we passed through the valley of death; we will not fear any evil. This is the miracle you do it and our soul knows it. Our soul now knows we have mighty God. A kind hearted father that put every thing behind to save us.

We have nothing to do with you and only your spirit in us do this. We praise you Holy Spirit who do this, in the name of Jesus. You broke the fangs of the wicked. You snatched the victims from their teeth. You break the teeth of the wicked.
I would do anything as long as you are pleased. But teach me what to do next. You and me both know that tomorrow is another day. Tomorrow brings it own uncertainties but we are not afraid. Please God make us wise. Make us fear you and LOVE you.

Help us identify what is important. Teach us to know what to say. It is about telling the truth about Christ and the love of God. It is not to make only one happy. It is to do your work, play and keep everything in prayer. Is it to think twice before speaking? Is it to guard the heart? But the Lord will teach how to LOVE your wife. The Holy Spirit inside of you will tell what to say. It is always to think of the worst interpretation of your word. And latter on after a few seconds/minute, you speak it.

I mean if it is work you can communicate with work language. If it is listening you will listen only. But speaking specially admonishing speech is hard. As it will be misunderstood and one will think we are trying to hurt his/her feelings. But in all of this it is better not to speak anything.
Think of one cannot listen and you cannot speak. You have the rest of your body except your mouth to use effectively. You can use your hands to hug and embrace with love.

You have your ears to hear the wispier of LOVE, the kisses of the Lord that will wash away all the hurting of this world and his eyes to sparkle LOVE as God himself is watching in your eyes. It is dangerous when someone never listen to what you said because they think we think for ourselves more than them.

Many times we make terrible mistakes with the words of our mouth. we broke their little heart with our words. The door of life is at your mouth. Can you imagine how powerful the words the comes from your mouth. If you think it in your mind but you don't speak it, you still have a chance to change it. But if you speak it out you cannot change it. You have very little chance of doing something about it. Bad talking only makes someone unworthy of communication.

It has this power of disgracing you. Can you imagine that? Well someone has to think about communication so much. Learn from your friends and always thinking before speaking. Speak slowly so that you will still have time as you speak to change it. It is also better to have a natural way of saying I don't know than to say something that will bring negative influence on others.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    Mar. 14, 2014     | 7,373 Views    |   

Revelation 21:4
He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away.

Dedicated to all who have lost their loved ones. May God strengthen you and keep you strong in the name of Jesus.

What has really happened in the past has already gone
Just a glimpse of it makes us sorrow and bitter in the heart
Some memories of it are unbelievable
We even ask how could that happen to us
Our heart cried early in the morning
The memory of the lose of the loved ones makes it to ache inside
Do not bother remembering the past on your own
Do not revise for your self what have happened in your life
Think of it only when the Lord promises have been fulfilled
Only then we will understand why bad things happen to us
We will be able give praise to almighty God
A reason to believe that his word is unbroken and his promise is everlasting
Don't ask why something bad happened in the past
Or if the same thing could happen in the future
All things have happened and will happen for a reason
Keep being encouraged by Holy Spirit that the future will be better
The future surely has the answer of all the mysteries in our lives
You have kept our mind and soul from the oppression of the wicked
We have been tested many times
The devil has caused a lot of trouble to make our soul fall from your grace
O Lord, we always seek your guidance
We come before your presence everyday and ask for your forgiveness
Our path is not perfect
Our ways are far from yours
Your wisdom and understanding have no measure under the earth or above the earth
Our impure thoughts and actions have caused as nothing but grief and regrets
But when guilt and condemnation kikes in, we turn our face to you
We beg for your mercy again and again
There is no grudge or anger we keep towards the other person
Even if there are many things we don't want to forgive and forget
We open our heart to you to heal it
Forgiveness takes time and its healing is gradual
We may not come to instant forgiveness imediately
Our dicission for forgiveness is instant after the hard work Holy Spirit ministered to us
But all the pain and misery that have accumulated through time need time to get away
But this doesn't necessarily mean we have to take longer time to respond with forgiveness
By the grace of God, we can be healed and never to worry about the past and the sufferings we have gone through
Love is kind and doesn't want his thing
Love is full of mercy and always forgives and forgets
Love never fails!

Related Scriptures from the Bible:

Romans 8:18
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.

1 Thessalonians 4:13
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brothers, about those who are asleep, that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.

Isaiah 35:10
And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

1 Peter 5:7
Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Samuel 1:15
But Hannah answered, “No, my Lord, I am a woman troubled in spirit. I have drunk neither wine nor strong drink, but I have been pouring out my soul before the Lord.

James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Luke 19:10
For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Isaiah 53:11
Out of the anguish of his soul he shall see and be satisfied; by his knowledge shall the righteous one, my servant, make many to

e accounted righteous, and he shall bear their iniquities.

1 John 4:18 
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 12, 2014     | 32,008 Views    |   

This is the very moment of our lives to seek the face of God. We no longer control how things work around us. We are trying to figure out the direction of our lives. We feel so weak and afraid of the world. How are we going to continue like this?

The Lord has prepared a great journey ahead of us. There is a huge cup of destiny we should drink in front of us. But how are we going to get there living a life of unrighteousness. May be this is the path the Lord used to prepare us for a better purpse. But nothing in us like the way of life we are living.

It is disgraceful and sinful. The Lord doesn't want our lives to be like this too. It is sinful in a way that it neither does any harm nor brings any glory to God. No matter what it is, our soul hates doing it every time. We don't even know why we should do it. We are still trying to figure out the purpose of our journey.

Everything that has happened in our lives happened for a reason. We are on a journey that is way before its end. Still there is too much to accomplish and too much to fight the good fight of faith. But we cannot continue living like this. We cannot even tolerate the sinful nature of the world any more.

But still what can we do? Our flesh beat us every time we want to get up. We already took this as the Lord wants us to be. The sickness of our flesh and the weakness of our body is hunting us down till we surrender and give up. We still have to eat and still have to drink from the table of sinful congregation.

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. Galatians 5:17

We want to flea away from immoral thoughts and the impurity of our heart. We tried to control the weakness of our flesh but we cannot do anything about it by ourselves. It looks like we have given on to it that we can no longer fight by our own wisdom and strength.

May be we have to find a way to live with it the rest of our lives. Serving sin with our own flesh and serving the Lord with our own spirit. May be we have to stop asking the wrong questions then. We need to give glory to God for all the things we face everyday. May be all we need to be is a person full of sympathy and love than do miracles and power.

Or may be there is another way we can live life without the sinful nature of our flesh. It is the blood of Jesus that will cleanse away the spirit of addiction. It is the Lord himself who give strength to withstand temptation. The bible strictly told us to pray diligently so that we shall not be tempted. There is a way we could remain faithful with out being tempted of the devil.

Temptation is inevitable but God gives grace for the humble. He hides his children under his wings against any danger. He will not allow anything to come between us and him. He is faithful to do his part as long as we are wakefully meditating his promises.

Finally let us all remember we are left to our weaknesses in to our own desire because we are in the anger of God. We make him very angry by being disobedient sons and daughter of the almighty.

Do you know how much grief we have cause our father by being unfaithful. Do you know also how much Jesus pleased the father by obeying him till death? Because he did, that he has established salvation for all man kind on the cross.

Because Abraham obeyed the Lord and was willing to sacrifice his son on the mountain, God loved him so much that he made an everlasting covenant with him to bless his generation and to make them as many as the sands of the see and the stars of the sky.

There is nothing pleases God other than to humbly obey all his commandments. The same principle applies to those who are disobedient. This is not to emphasize on Gods wrath and judgment rather than his everlasting mercy and kindness.

God s compassion is unbounded. His love is for generations. His anger is for a while. That is why when he punish us, we should not be hard hearted and turn our face from him. Rather we should learn how to respond to his love in time and praise him for all the wonders he has done in our lives. God is in deed the strength of our heart.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us wisdom and understanding to able to change through the love of God to live a fulfilled life free of addiction of any kind, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        fasika    |    Mar. 10, 2014     | 4,958 Views    |   

I didn't know till today how words come from someone have the power to conceive evil in to our body. Someone who is filled with evil thoughts and ideas; someone who transmits a negative statement contrary to the word of God has no shame in his/her face and he/she deliberately delivers the evil words with high level of perfection.

A bad friendship with the wrong person will destroy the good character from us.If we see that we are inappropriately tied to the wrong person in any form of relationship, we don't have to be foolish and be destroyed with it. We must flee from it before the time comes we too will have corrupted character.

Do not be misled: Bad company corrupts good character. [Don't fool yourselves. Bad friends will destroy you]. -Corinthians 15:3

We know what happened at the time of Sodom and Gomorrah. People never listened to the message that was brought to them to lead them in to God's way. They were very stubborn and unwilling to turn form their evil ways. They had no shame in the sins they were doing.

So the Lord came down in his anger and destroyed the city with a fire came down from above. But some had followed the way of the Lord at the time and refused to do evil. That is why the Lord spared the other city before he began to destroy it.

No matter how good the sinner sounds, we shouldn't go with it no matter what.We shouldn t flow with the crowd. The crown always seems to be safe for us but it is always in danger of unrighteousness. Unless we stand out by faith and resist temptations, then we will be destroyed with the crowd. We know what has happened to the city of Gomorra after wards.

"Run for your lives! Don't even look back. And don't stop in the valley. Run to the hills, where you will be safe." -Genesis 19:17

Sometimes what we should really do is to run for our lives. But we tend to have pity to those the Lord has prepared to destroy. It could be a city or sin or a friend or a family member. We pity them and before we know it we are caught up with their sins

Who plays with fire or stays that long and not be burned. The problem is we think we can offer help for them. One way or another we tend to have the compassion and love the Lord has showed up on us. I am telling the truth nothing is impossible if we try hard enough and long enough.

Salvation doesn't come from men for men. It can come through men to men but that is completely undetermined and we don't know when. The Bible says if you see somebody who is about to perish and don't tell him that he is doing the wrong thing and he dies, then God will seek his blood from your hand.

This means a little bit contradictory to what it says flee from sin and sinners.
But to tell that what they are doing is wrong but then not to partake any of their evil actions is what makess these two points the same. Sometimes we may have a very wicked heart, a very stinky one when the evil turns out to have control over our thoughts, feelings and desires even if it is for just few seconds.

Nobody can deceive us unless we want to. Flesh is the main battle field since it is where many unwanted things are going on. Never agree in to the sin of homosexuality and sexual imorality, that is insane. That is for any kind of sexual immorality. This includes inappropriate sex.

God is so good that he tends to be not very much controlling in to our lives and day to day activities. But He also expects us to take decent and disciplined, unselfish and more responsible actions. That is what he said, dominate and subdue the earth and it belongings.

But we don't know what we want. Do we? We just do all manner of things and have no clue what we are doing. The wisest men end up doing some stupid staff and the smartest one sometimes looks foolish in front of everyone.
All conversations are not constructive. In fact some are venomus to your soul. How is our learning ability affected by so called uplifting entertainment? We can learn how a certain component work or how do we deal with something which we thought is hard to understand but in fact it will be easy if we follow some guidelines. We may entertain and have fun but learn as well.

Don't make friends with anyone who has a bad temper. -Proverbs 22:24

Am I ready for the right kind of relationship? What is the will of God regarding my relationship? You need to ask these questions before you join someone in a marital relationship. That is so important. It is believed to have your trainings completed before you tried to do it your self. Marriage by itself is a self duplicated copy of what you doing with your life. How would you teach your son that you don't know?

How would you lead your family that you have no idea of doing it by yourself? Life is not going to be simpler when family becomes two or more individuals living together under the same roof especially for men. Men above all things need to take charge of their household. Unless you learn how to do that, what is the meaning of a relationship? It is not my idea or the devil s but it is God s word who teaches that. To be reluctant on this regard is considered disobedience.

Do not take anything evil from no one? When someone speaks evil against everyone then you need to speak up. When someone speaks a negative statement, then you have to resist and reject. That somehow comes from the devil. Don't allow your life to be damaged due to someone's negativity.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

Jude 1:3 - My dear friends, I really wanted to write you about God's saving power at work in our lives. But instead, I must write and ask you to defend the faith that God has once for all given to his people. Some godless people have sneaked in among us and are saying, "God treats us much better than we deserve, and so it is all right to be immoral." They even deny that we must obey Jesus Christ as our only Master and Lord. But long ago the Scriptures warned that these godless people were doomed.

Don't forget what happened to those people that the Lord rescued from Egypt. Some of them did not have faith, and he later destroyed them. You also know about the angels who didn't do their work and left their proper places. God chained them with everlasting chains and is now keeping them in dark pits until the great Day of Judgment.

We should also be warned by what happened to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and the nearby towns. Their people became immoral and did all sorts of sexual sins. Then God made an example of them and punished them with eternal fire.

The people I am talking about are behaving just like those dreamers who destroyed their own bodies. They reject all authority and insult angels. Even Michael, the chief angel, didn't dare to insult the devil, when the two of them were arguing about the body of Moses. All Michael said was, "The Lord will punish you!"  But these people insult powers they don't know anything about. They are like senseless animals that end up getting destroyed, because they live only by their feelings.

Now they are in for real trouble. They have followed Cain's example and have made the same mistake that Balaam did by caring only for money. They have also rebelled against God, just as Korah did. Because of all this, they will be destroyed.
These people are filthy minded, and by their shameful and selfish actions they spoil the meals you eat together. They are like clouds blown along by the wind, but never bringing any rain

They are like leafless trees, uprooted and dead, and unable to produce fruit.

Their shameful deeds show up like foam on wild ocean waves. They are like wandering stars forever doomed to the darkest pits of hell. Enoch was the seventh person after Adam, and he was talking about these people when he said:
Look! The Lord is coming with thousands and thousands of holy angels to judge everyone. He will punish all those ungodly people for all the evil things they have done.

The Lord will surely punish those ungodly sinners for every evil thing they have ever said about him.
These people grumble and complain and live by their own selfish desires. They brag about themselves and flatter others to get what they want. My dear friends, remember the warning you were given by the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ.
They told you that near the end of time, selfish and godless people would start making fun of God.

And now these people are already making you turn against each other. They think only about this life, and they don't have God's Spirit. Dear friends, keep building on the foundation of your most holy faith, as the Holy Spirit helps you to pray.

And keep in step with God's love, as you wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to show how kind he is by giving you eternal life.
Be helpful to all who may have doubts. Rescue any who need to be saved, as you would rescue someone from a fire. Then with fear in your own hearts, have mercy on everyone who needs it. But hate even the clothes of those who have been made dirty by their filthy deeds.

Offer praise to God our Savior because of our Lord Jesus Christ! Only God can keep you from falling and make you pure and joyful in his glorious presence. Before time began and now and forevermore, God is worthy of glory, honor, power, and authority. Amen

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 6, 2014     | 18,336 Views    |   

Under any circumstance or by any selection criteria we (those who have been saved by grace and saw the unbounded love of God through Christ) don't deserve to be the servant of the Lord. We don't deserve to be categorized under the group of righteous people who are servant of the most fearsome God. We were very stubborn in our ways and with wicked heart and didn't listen to God all the time.

If there is a man who has tested the mercy of God by going to his sins over and over again, it is me. If there is any one out there that I know who has done many wrong things in life, it is most probably me. For every wrong thing I do, I don't have too much excuse but my anger in me was eating up my flesh and soul.

If you come to see a man who has lived his life all right and lead himself in the right way, probably you are making a mistake. If you are thinking right now that I might have the perfect way of life, you have found the wrong person. My life was neither perfect nor flawless. I have failed my self, men and God many times.

If you come to see a man who has won all his battles, you are on the wrong address. However if you come to see a man who lived to see this day by the mercy of God, you found it. I didn t deserve to see the light of the day if is not by his mercy. I am not worthy of any of the blessings that God has for his children because of my stubbornness. I was not able to seek the face of God as my hands are filthy and my life is full of sin. If you understand what really grace means, you know why I am here. But if you don t, here is one for you to see.

My life was never complete before I met Jesus. My life was full of turmoil and a lot of murmuring and grumbling. My life was shapeless and meaningless before the Spirit of God gently passes through me with favor and compassion. But when he does, my dear completely changed the way I see things. I don't see now the way I used to see things.

I don't murmur, complain and grumble at least as I used to. No matter how deep the cut of the wound is, I still praise the Lord for his unfailing love and everlasting mercy with all my heart. I seek his face and gaze at his promises that he will come to take me to the resting place.

I know for one thing all the wounds that the devil has caused in to our lives might not completely heal in this life. But it is another thing to believe God that he is preparing a resting place for those who have been hurt so much in this world and an agonizing fire for those who have caused all the sufferings.

The everlasting anointment of God pouring in to the wounds of our soul shall give an everlasting relief from everything our lives have gone through. It heals and protects our soul and gives hope for the future. We now know that if it is not by strong faith that comes from the deep revelation of the word of God and the hope that feels our heart from his promises, we might not want to see another day.

When it comes to the nuts and the bolts, grace is that bit of energy which makes us live our lives with courage and strengthen us to evolve to the next step and with out even a second thought. So what is mercy then and how does love is actually related to grace?

Grace is favored, unmerited, undeserved, not earned, freely given, not of good work but of good will of the father. Grace has something to do with mercy, hope, love, compassion and favor.

We all exercise grace in a smaller amount from our close friends and family. Sometimes we love our children very much and we don't even take serious measures when they make very small mistakes. So grace comes out of love of our children.

Same thing when God covers us with grace, he is doing it out of love and that will cover us from the wrath of God and it gives us favor to see his face even at the time when we have done some terrible mistakes that will make him very angry.

Why does God want to give us favor? Because he is full of compassion and he loved us first while we were sinners. So if we were sinners and God loved us, then it is not because of our work but because of his mercy through Christ Jesus.

Does this mean grace just simple makes us very disobedient in a way that we are simply covered by the blood of Jesus? No, the wrath of God is already placed on those children (not just simply unbeliever or someone else) who has repeatedly abuse the blood of the lamb and take it for granted.

We don't know actually when the love of God turns in to anger and punish us for the wrong things we did. This doesn't mean we have to be punished for every little bit of sin we have made everyday. But for sure we have to know that every one reaps what he saws and God is not a man that can be mocked.

The law of harvest teaches us very well that what we get is what we saw. So be careful what we saw in our lives and people lives with our mouth, actions, thoughts, inclination of our heart, prayer and motive. If we diligently saw love and peace and hope by faith, it shall come to us not only one fold but also ten times and hundred times more in return.

If we saw negligence, hate, bitterness, madness, cruelty, dishonesty, mistrust, disbelief and wickedness in to our lives and the lives of others, God will pay us the wages of our labor for the bad things we did in multiple folds.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 6, 2014     | 5,385 Views    |   

And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. - Ephesians 6:16:

This is continuation from the blog "Spiritual Battle"

The fact that you can easily defend yourself from the devil attack is not good enough in the kingdom of God. In this kingdom, the children of God are not about to sit down and watch while others are going to hell and do nothing.

They are going to do the best they can by going to the battle using God as their might and strength to snatch their brother and sisters in Christ out of the mouth of the evil one and win them back on to their father whom he loves of them the most.

So how do we attack?

First we have to make sure that we are saved and have a strong relationship with the Lord on a daily basis. Otherwise we might get caught by the devil while we tried to save someone else. and then we hold high the sword of the spirit which is the word of God.

We can see how important the word of God is for a Christian in the book of Hebrew.

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. - Hebrew 4:12

The word of God is the truth we shall stand up on and built on and it is also the sword of the spirit.

Neither is there any creature that is not manifested in his sight and all things are naked and open unto the eyes of God.

Once the word of God hammer us and mold us to the shape the Lord want us to be, we are able to fight against every force of the wicked to revenge and to snatch others from his captivities.

When our obedience is completed, we are able to revenge any disobedience against the will of God both in our lives and in the lives of others.

The reason that the word of God is such powerful tool to do such great things is because it is eternal, unconventional, the beginning and end of everything, and the truth about the will of God concerning our lives.

Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

Prayer in the spirit to exalt and honor the name of the Lord and praise him for his mercy and kindness.

We pray interceding for the saints that are in great trouble and for those who ought to be in God's house but are not. Praying to God that his kingdom may come soon and his will be done on our lives.

We pray so that God will forgive our transgressions and give us the grace and power to forgive others who have done wrong on to us. We shall not lack anything in his presence since our father is our provider.

We also pray that we shall not be a thief due to that fact that we have no food to eat that will make the name of the Lord insulted among those who don't know the Lord.

Last but not least we pray so that we shall not be tempted in such a way that we lose our faith on him that loves us most all the day of our lives.

May God bless you for reading this blog. God will never leave you nor forsake you in Jesus Name! Amen!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 5, 2014     | 4,607 Views    |   

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; - Ephesians 6:12-15:

Every day we come face to face with many issues in life that can change our lives in the right direction or the wrong direction. We all have to make critical decisions in life before they affect us in both positive or negative ways. If you never win a fight in private or public before it is because you have been defeated and lost a fight in the spirit. Anyone who has lost a battle in private in the spirit has also lost a battle in public in the physical world. The reason for falling or rising in all areas of your life has to do with something you have or have not done in the spiritual world.

We are spiritual human beings. Our physical world dictates us how we should manifest in our physical body. Whatever we do and contribute, we do it using our physical mind, body and soul. But there is also another world that we are living on. It is the spiritual world and it requires a spiritual existence to be able to operate in this world.

Most of us take a very good care of ourselves in this world and we don't even care what is going on in the spiritual world. We all have a spirit that makes us very much different from animals. The Spirit of God has given us a spirit so that we can have a continues eternal relationship with him. God is Holy Spirit and no one can truly see him and worship him with out truth and being in the spirit. He gave us our soul, a container of our spirit which itself is contained in this flesh we live in now.

Unfortunately these two extremely different worlds affect us both in their own ways that we don't have no control of. Most people think that whatever happened to them is just because of someone's mistake or they just don't make the right choice.

Well the truth becomes more clear as we study our Bible in the book of Ephesians.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Ephesians 6:12:

What is going on in our lives is either our greatest strength or weakness. But in order to win a battle, we have to come out from our sins first.

We need to be with God, fear him and always do what he tells us to do.
For instance when things look like they are simply a matter of arguments with one another, they can turn in to a huge problem as they can be planned and conceived by these evil spiritual powers that always wanted our failure and misery in all areas of our lives.

Often many times we may not even know who is behind all this and we fail in to the traps of the enemy every now and then. Moreover, we often realize what we just did is one of the great mistakes we made in life just after we made it. But we can escape from many traps of the enemy if we can listen and do what the word of God tells us to do.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; - Ephesians 6:13-14:

What is the armor of God? The armor of God is spiritual guard and protection against the enemy.

There are three keywords mentioned here: truth, rigorousness and peace. The word of God is the truth that our feet shall stand on like building on a rock. If we hold on to that, we can stay firm and steady without losing our ground. It is also the foundation where other areas of our lives can be built on.

The righteousness that is revealed hear is washing our sins away with the blood of Jesus and stay always clean for the devil cannot find any reason to accuse us of a wrong doing. Most of us do sin but we don't confess our sin and it opens the door for more sin.

But as long as we are aware of our sins and we confess them and not doing them again, we can stay in the direction of righteousness of the Lord. We must surely know that God cannot be mocked and we all reap what we sow. If we say we are sorry to God and we do the same sin again, then this is a clear indication of we are still leaving in the old nature and not transformed into likeness of the son of God, Jesus Christ.

We want to emphasize also the fact that we cannot do our own salvation by ourselves. We must seek God of his will which is always a good will for us to live a sinless life. Even if things do not go the way we wanted, we shall still be faithful to the Lord.

He will make everything possible in its time. He is faithful God. We know that most of us suffered a lot of pain and we all passed through a life that is fool of turmoil and grief. But then we soon find peace and comfort from Lord as though it nothing bad happened to us before.

The last part of the sentence describes how we should be ready to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is peace to all mankind. All of the bad things that is happening in the world right now is coming from the fact that they are not welcoming the gospel of peace. Jesus of Natherath is the prince of peace and anyone who loves the Lord stays away from violence and murder and all forms of things that is happening right now in the world.

Hence we shall be always ready to proclaim the love of God to this generation and bring reconciliation with God through the gospel.

us Name! Amen!

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. -Ephesians 6:16:

Our faith in Christ Jesus is both our righteousness and our shield from the enemy. It is the breastplate that is a shield from the arrows of the ruler of the darkness.

The reason is because when we proclaim the word of God and stand firm upon temptation, we are protecting our selves from the attack of the devil. Jesus stayed on the ground of the word of God three times when he was tempted by the devil and the devil has no chance but to flee away.

The fact that we are holding onto the word of God tells the enemy that our trust and the strongest values and faith is built upon the lord and not on our foolish understanding and our own wisdom.

And when he knows that your God is your strength, the rock of your salvation where the place you can be safe, he will leave you at least for a while. Most Christians know the word of God but have no faith on it.

How sad this could be. How good is to know about something and not take a good use of it and get profit? How silly it will be if we could just know about light, electricity, heat, gravity, electronics and design and we don't use this knowledge to benefit us and affect as in a good manner.

The fact that we know the word of God doesn't mean anything if we did not have faith on God that he can do what he says he can do in his word concerning our lives and the life of others. Even the devil quote from the word of God.

Therefore it doesn't make any difference whether we read or not read the word of God if we don't believe it and live it.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Mar. 4, 2014     | 4,357 Views    |   

By all means faith guides us well in times of trouble. But our feelings sometimes will eventually drive us crazy if we don't control them. Do you know how many times we are tempted to do something or to think about something that will eventually cause damage to our relationship with God?


Feelings, thoughts, sensation and beauty are all the expression of our physical body and mind. And we know better than to rely on something like physical because it will change. The world and all its burnning sensations will pass. The Spirit is something everlasting. In this short life I have lived, I have been through a lot of issues but something is always true that everything doesn't stay the same.


Whether it is our relationship with other human body or our job or our society in general they all will eventually change needless to say they all will turn their back on us just to show us that everythig will change and there is nothing faithful to us except God.


Our greatest enemy is so to speak ourselves in terms of our selfish desires and the sensation we have to the world.If our friends bring a problem to us, we will close the door on them. But there is no way we lock ourselves outside and stay in peace with our selves.


We have intimate close uninturepted, unconditional, untimely, continuous relationship with ourselves. That is dangerous in a way that might bring huge distraction if something is gone wrong within us. For example if we are addicted to unusual habit or if we let ourselves go wrong in uncontrollable manner, how dangeroius we that be to us. It will bring a lot of distruction and we will hurt ourselves so bad in the end.


Faith on the other hand is something beyond the current existing problem we face. It is to believe something beyound our ability to believe. It takes courage and a lot of spiritual energy to have faith.


All we need is a little bit of love and hope as much as we get. Faith is to believe that something in the spiritual would come to reality in the physical. Faith is to believe God that he can do better than all we can in our strength using our physical ability. It shouldn t be when bad things happen to us or when something happens beyond our abilities but we could literally use anything to trust God that he will do it better for us.

The sensation that comes above is not the one like that of the world. Sensation of this world is from the flesh and it is mortal and it comes with the promise of getting false pleasure. Spiritual sensibility brings wisdom and increases our faith on the Lord. It is also the gateway to Gods way and teachings. Women tend to have more of this physical and spiritual sensibility.

Women tend to have in many ways more sensual and spiritual feelings than a man. It is good to be a sensible individual because it brings wisdom than to neglect education and be foolish. These senses are like candles waiting to be lighted. Some say these candles are infinite for woman because there have plenty of them.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us to teach us not to follow our temporary feelings for they are deceptive and help us establish a permanent faithful relationship with God, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 28, 2014     | 9,138 Views    |    4 Comments

Ephesians 1:17 -

I ask the glorious Father and God of our Lord Jesus Christ to give you his Spirit. The Spirit will make you wise and let you understand what it means to know God. My prayer is that light will flood your hearts and that you will understand the hope that was given to you when God chose you. Then you will discover the glorious blessings that will be yours together with all of God's people. I want you to know about the great and mighty power that God has for us followers. It is the same wonderful power he used when he raised Christ from death and let him sit at his right side in heaven. There Christ rules over all forces, authorities, powers, and rulers.

He rules over all beings in this world and will rule in the future world as well. God has put all things under the power of Christ, and for the good of the church he has made him the head of everything. The church is Christ's body and is filled with Christ who completely fills everything.

POWER is like the working of God mighty strength in our lives which he reveled in Christ when he raised him from the dead and placed him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule, authority, power, dominion and kingdom.

Every title of honor can be given to Jesus, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.
There is always hope and encouragement in the presence of Holy Spirit. He is called the comforter. He makes us laugh even in the time of difficulties and our worst times.

We need to understand why God called us. He called us for great glory. He wants to glorify us for ever as we are his sons and daughters. He wants us to put us at his right hand. The right hand is denotation of Power of dominion. He wants us to rule his kingdom together with him.

He demonstrated this concept by raising Christ from the dead and glorify him at his right hand. According to the scripture, God wants us always to understand his greatest deepest secrets he kept for us.

No eyes have seen, no ears have heard before but what God has prepared for us since the beginning of time. He kept us a heritage which is beautiful. I think if God showed us the glimpse of our heritage, we wouldn't want to stay one more day here.We will be so much depressed we are still on earth.

Nothing is comparable to his kingdom. When we go out and come in God s presence, there is always protection. Power is always around us. Nothing will be able to harm us. If we drink a poison or face an accident, we won t be hurt.

God is an awesome God, he didn t say I will avoid adversaries from your eyes but he says, I will let problems to come to your way and while others are watching, I will divert them from your face. This way every body will know I am your God. They will bring praise for me.

Protection is not the only thing we have from God. We our selves are filled with mighty strength and the power to crush our enemy to the ground. Our father gave us power to walk on the serpent, to tramp upon big snakes.

What a great power! He gave us power to heal the sick, cast devil out from people lives. All this power, hope and inheritance come from one and only one thing- obedience.

You know obedience has limits and boundaries. You know how much you obey your boss or your aunt or the government or your parents. But when it comes to God, there is only one kind of obedience - obedience till death.

Still this might be too broad to grasp it easily for our difficulties and problems are too many. Our challenges of life might make us forget to obey God. Or we might not know in which circumstance and which things we need to obey God. What God really need from us?

He answer to this question brings what we need to obey. So break down your goal in month or if you can in week or in days so obey
hat you need to do for the day - the smaller the better.

In all of this from the promises of the Lord in the

above scripture in the power part is What makess us ask God in exchange for our obedience. In other words for our monthly or weekly purpose we want God to help us, we can surely ask God for miracle in exchange for our obedience.

Our obedience is our desire to succeed in our mission, our sacrifices for the mission, our complete sanity and righteousness. I wrote this because I know God. He never put us in shame while we trust him. Surely he will come down to end the storms and destroy our enemies. He will answer our prayers by fire. I believe we worship the same God. He is the God of Abraham and Jacob and Elijah. We shall put our trust on our rescuer. He will come to us at the right time. Amen.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 27, 2014     | 6,436 Views    |   

In those days when we feel weak and tired, we may feel that we are the only ones thinking and worrying about others. Well, I guess that is not true. I believe there is someone for us. I believe that our family prays for us.

But at this defining moment of our lives that we need some kind of motivation and support, we may feel like we are left alone. The Spirit of the Lord always visits us at down and looks for us at dusk. Without him, we are like dust that is waiting to blow away by the wind and just disappear.

"Still With all I can do, without you, I am a child who lost his way

Still With all I can do, without you, life is a wound that won't heal

Still With all I can do, without you, life is a song with no hymn

Still With all I can do, without you, I wouldn't be here today

Still With all I can do, without you, we are like an actor on stage " - by Kirk Franklin

We can't live without you father. You are all we are and we will live to be. Your breath is our spirit, your hands made us. You know us by name; you care for us day and night. So we have nothing to worry.

You warn any person that will try to harm us. You engrave our name in your palm. So you wouldn't forget us. You will protect us from the great danger as long as we put our trust in you. You alone is our protector, we wouldn't t trust nobody else. You are the only trustworthy Lord.

We wouldn't t say to ourselves that we have great knowledge and education so we will use it to support ourselves the rest of lives. We wouldn't t also say to our selves that we have a lot of treasure and speak to our soul, "enjoy, drink, eat, there is enough money for you for a very long time".

Our education will never be enough to support us or our family. What we have now cannot be enough for so long. Even if we have so much treasure accumulated that will suffice the rest of our lives and put it in a safe place that no one will still it, the thief of your lives is waiting to take it from us this night. And soon enough we cannot eat what we have toiled for a long time.

All great men and women failed at one time of their lives but they got up and they managed to be straight with God once more again. Some made God so angry and died so soon. Some worshiped idols at the very end of their lives.

The truth is God doesn't t care how wise we are or how wonderful we sing a song. But he cares deeply if we make sure all the time that our path is straight with him. A little bit of carelessness or a little bit of anger or something we do to please us while others suffer or something silly we say that breaks the heart of others, something we think that underestimate God's power and protection in our lives, will make us fall indeed!

He will let us fall and he will show us what we did was really unpleasant in the eyes of God. David tried to enjoy himself while his men were falling in battle. He went to battle many times but that day he chose to stay at his palace and make himself happy. I see a little bit of carelessness in that. And carelessness grew to laziness and then in to irresponsibility and then into bigger sin that what we saw from David's Life.

Solomon chose to entertain his soul with accompany of many beautiful girls at his old age. He was so taken away by their beauty. In fact, God told him to take it easy before they consume his wisdom totally. You know pleasure as in

sex has always a greater wisdom to take the grace and wisdom of great men.

We can only avoid that only through running like Josef or through avoiding the direct exposure to temptation. Otherwise, once we are in the position where there is no return, we won't see any other option other than our grace to be shaved like Samson.

But in all of our adversaries and impossibilities, you are a good God. You carry and advice and suggest us all the time without even seizing. You know without you, we are dead. So you do what you can do not to leave us alone. Even our own mother might lose hope. But you Jesus, your love is forever. You will never and ever leave us alone till the end of time. Your love is non-changing! Everlasting! Your face is all we hope, Lord! Your heart is full of compassion!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us to teach wisdom to distinguish the evil from the good so that we will finish all our days serving the Lord.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 26, 2014     | 5,471 Views    |   

We share our problems and adversaries to the one we love most. We even share our deep secrets to the one we trust. By doing so people tend to get hurt every now and then because the person who knows your secret might use it in the negative impression and break your heart. There is always a risk when someone tells his private life to his friend.

How about husband and wife? How about them? Do they have to fear each other and don't tell each other secrets. I think when it comes to your partner in life, your wedded husband or wife, the story is different.

There is some part of the story that will share the points we discussed above due to the facts that after all we all are humans and humans are spiritual, emotional, physical, psychological, social beings. Therefore there is some part imperfection in us and then and the person you love and trust most will hurt you, even worse break your heart, every now and then.

The story is different because we are not talking about some ordinary friend. It is your husband or wife we are talking about. How do you hide your thoughts, feelings, emotion and even your secretes from him/her?

We are not only talking about whether to tell or not to tell but also we need to have wisdom what to tell and when to tell and how to tell and why to tell. When it comes to what to tell, we don't actually tell everything to everyone. There are some things that are not to be told to everybody. We need to keep private things private.

So what to tell depends on why to tell. Before we say something lets ask ourselves why we would say that. So if we want to tell it because we think it will benefit our friend so that he will learn from our experience. But then ok we have a good thing to tell and we should tell it but is it the right time to tell it?

So we have to know when to tell it. That is why we are about to find the right moment in all of those available times. Words that are often spoken at the right moment are like olive oil on a wounded body. Timing is all about it.

So it is very important before we speak any word from our mouth to stop and think for a moment that we actually know what we are talking about because we know what to talk, why to talk, when to talk and how to talk and for whom to talk.

The last part is for whom is the most important one. It is that little wisdom we need before we talk. The audience, the listener part is very important. It is important because like we start from the beginning, we need to know what to speak for whom and vise versa.

There is a verse from the Bible that specifically tells us not to throw our valuable things in to the wrong place. No body throws his diamonds and gold in the trash instead it will put it in a more safe and valuable place. When we talk to people of this world, we don't just tell them that we are baptized with the Holy Spirit and we are full of the spirit.

That will be like garbage for them and any of their non sense replies will definitely hurt some part of our faith in Christ. So when we come face to face with ungodly man, we talk to him about the love of God and how God gave his son to death because he loves us all the same but not about the power of the holy spirit that is manifested in us. That doesn't mean we should never talk about it but it means there is time for that too.

If we know these things and if we strictly follow the guidance of the Holy Ghost, then we will learn that no one will ever cause harm to us because of the word that comes out of our mouth.

God bless you for reading this blog about truthfulness and honesty.

Jesus left and went to the territory near the cities of Tyre and Sidon. Suddenly a Canaanite woman from there came out shouting, “Lord and Son of David, have pity on me! My daughter is full of demons.” Jesus did not say a word. But the woman kept following along and shouting, so his disciples came up and asked him to send her away. Jesus said, “I was sent only to the people of Israel! They are like a flock of lost sheep.”The woman came closer. Then she knelt down and begged, “Please help me, Lord!”Jesus replied, “It isn’t right to take food away from children and feed it to dogs.” “Lord, that’s true,” the woman said, “but even dogs get the crumbs that fall from their owner’s table.”Jesus answered, “Dear woman, you really do have a lot of faith, and you will be given what you want.” At that moment her daughter was healed.  - Matthew 15:21

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 25, 2014     | 5,043 Views    |   

This is the time that we all want to change. A change that will generate more happiness as we are very close to our purpose. A change that will compensate all the loss and failures happened before. A change that will completely turn around our lives. A change if we have to decide and be willing to take it

Would you change? What are you waiting my dear? Your love is already at the gate. Open it for him and dine together. Open up the gates of your heart to Jesus. He is more than happy to stay with you as long as we live and forever more. But our Lord we don't even know our passion in life without you.

We found out that the love you gave us is the strength of our heart. Jesus makes us strong every day and makes us love our lives. Without him we would not able to see the daylight. We would have been found in the midst of darkness. He gave us hope and purpose for our lives every day.

He leads us in the path of righteousness. He wipes out our tears and transforms our sorrow in to joy. He is the one our soul always longs to see.He is the passion of our lives and the desire of our heart. The passion in life is not only the passion for our profession.

The passion in life is not only the passion we have for our family, friends, and our job. It is actually everything that we are about to do in this world. It is how well our spiritual life is going. It is how well our family life is going.

It is how well our profession is going. It is about physiology, intellect, and understanding. It is also about wisdom, planning, carrying, and parenting. It is also about serving, protecting, preserving, praying, and fasting. It is also about communicating, teaching, coordinating, and learning.

The basic idea of applying knowledge in to day to day life is wisdom. Wisdom actually means using knowledge whenever, wherever it is crucial to use it. Unless and otherwise knowledge is applied on all areas of life, it is useless.

If I am expert in fishing and there is no way I could fish one, then that is not wisdom. It is simply stored as knowledge until one day I start to exercise it,then my knowledge becomes very valuable to me and that is wisdom.&

There are many things in this world that are knowledge and are not wisdom. Unless one starts to practice knowledge, it is not to make difference in people lives.

This doesn't mean that it is not necessary to learn and have some knowledge. It is very importance that one gets a valuable education. But it is up to individual to practice the knowledge one gets. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort just to get the chance to do that. Sometimes opportunities are the ones who actually determine our ways. But most of the time it is us who play the major role to shape our lives and the things around us.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us wisdom and understanding to able to change through the love of God to live a fulfilled life, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 23, 2014     | 5,516 Views    |   

May be a little bit of hardship
A little bit walk the walk and talk the talk with God
All alone in the Desert
May be disgrace and discomfort
With a little discouragement and disappointment
A little bit hopelessness and humiliation
In all of these, the Lord will not destroy unless he wants to rebuild
He is the creator and the potter
We are the works of his hands, the pots
Whenever he feels like to rebuild us
We have to pass through all forms of tribulation
Remember that in all of this you can learn how to be humble
This is if we can learn to take our adversaries to the Lord
And if we don't revenge our enemies by ourselves
If you can really forgive and forget
The bible tells us Mosses was one of the humblest servant of the Lord
In his service to the Lord, he always want to sacrifice him self not others
Even in their sins he challenge God
He showed a kind heart towards them
He doesn't want one man to get lost in the desert
Even if they do lost in the wilderness because of their sins
Here is a little excerpt form Exodus 32:32

The next day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a great sin. But now I will go up to the Lord; perhaps I can make atonement for your sin." So Moses went back to the Lord and said, "Oh, what a great sin these people have committed! They have made themselves Gods of gold. But now, please forgive their sin but if not, then blot me out of the book you have written." The Lord replied to Moses, "Whoever has sinned against me I will blot out of my book Now go, lead the people to the place I spoke of, and my angel will go before you However, when the time comes for me to punish, I will punish them for their sin. And the Lord struck the people with a plague because of what they did with the calf Aaron had made.

But how did Moses become so humble like that
So passionate like that
Is it how he was from the beginning?
No. In fact he was some how judgmental and emotional guy
So what teaches him passion and forgiveness is the course of life he lived
The Lord doesn't want to use him when he was strong and youth
He waited until he no longer speak on his own accord
He no longer does things on his own

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 22, 2014     | 4,844 Views    |    1 Comments


Would you change?
If you know that you have only one day left to live
If you realize you are going to see his face soon
If you knew love can change your heart when you are so depressed
How many loses and how much regret makes you fall in love again
How bad and how good does it need to get to make you regret 
What is that you want that makes you forgive and forget
How inspires you to change
What makes you change
Would you change
There is nothing wrong with the past as long as you are willing to change
Would you be willing to seek the truth behind your sorrows
There is a reason for everything that has happened on your life
God had a purpose when you think he breaks your heart
That is all you need to forget all your miseries
God will eventually will reveal everything you need to know
Everything you think you know till now makes your life unbearable
Would you change? You need to change 
That s all you can do to beautify your future
Change and see how merciful and gracious he is
Change is the instrument of God s love
Unless we seek his face everyday it will be impossible to change
Change and see the endless mercy that God has for you
What does it take to change?
Isn’t it just a little bit of broken heart and repent
Isn’t it worthy to save our soul by giving up all our foolishness and pride
Repent all your sins under his feet
He will show mercy and you will see he is full of compassion 
He will show you another way of life
He will make you forget the bad things that has happened in your life 
He will give you a new start and a new beginning 
He has already shade his blood and broke his flesh for all of us  
He will comfort you and give you a new heart 
He will hold you and embrace you in love if you come to him 
He will never leave you nor forsake you 
He will take care of you and treat you with kindness  
Our Lord is abundant in mercy and love 
He will forgive the wickedness of our heart 
Instead he will fill us with kindness and love 
He will give us a new heart and a new spirit that will carry his love 
He will renew our mind so that we will understand his compassion  
He is kind for those who turn from doing evil and seek his face all the time 
His anger is for a while but his mercy is for generations 
He will not abandon us as children whose parents abandoned them 
Even there may be a time for a mother to forget all about her children
God will never leave you nor forsake you in Jesus Name!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 21, 2014     | 4,898 Views    |    1 Comments

We all wanted to minster the Lord one way or the other. Being the servant of the most holy and fearsome God is the greatest privilege of all privileges. No one ever has fully told us about God. But his son has revealed his true nature and good will that he has for his people.

There are different kinds of ministry. The most common forms of ministry are preaching, teaching, worshiping, praying, interceding, fasting, teaching children through Sunday school, and cleaning the house of God. Many have been chosen to be quires, ushers, pastors, bishops, teachers, preachers, disciples, singers, missionaries, etc.

It is also to seek the face of the Lord every day and intercede for the weak. It is also to serve him with talents he gave us. It could be to disciple others, guide and teach little children at school or church, Bible study, group study, diligently prayer and seeking the face of God through fasting on a single topic, worshiping the Lord with beautiful songs, Minster the poor in spirit as well as with human needs, to listen to people who desperately need Jesus and respond to them in a timely and respectful manner.

I believe if God open a door for ministry and we are convicted we will go to the end with it, we don't have to necessarily stand in front of his people to do that. We will take any kind of opportunity to tell the love of God and the mystery of salvation to our brothers and sisters and any difficulty will be a great opportunity for speaking the word of God with power and revelation in courage and determination.

No great prophet has ever been fully accepted by the people with out any confrontation.

But the more challenging and hard heartedly they become, the more power and wisdom God has released to his servants with supernatural understanding.

I believe the most important thing in ministry is to ask the question who send you?

If God is the one who said Go and preach the good news then no one will have the power to resist that not even the power of darkness or the might of hell could stop that. But how pity it will be for those who come out to minister and to teach the people of the Lord with out having first making sure that God has sent them. The thing is it is not always wrong to do the right thing but it is when you try to do it at the wrong time and the wrong place.

Many have been tempted to do that before and only hurt themselves by going in to a place where God has not sent them. They might already have the right message but the city to deliver that message has to come from the Lord. They might know the city but does a message come from the Lord when to deliver it.

If Jesus had to wait 30 years before he started preaching the kingdom of God, how much more do we humans need the time before ministering the people of the Lord. Many will go out through some thing that looks like an open door to ministry but they will only end up hurting them selves.

They are not only failed but they put their faith in great danger. But the Lord is full of compassion and kindness, he always protect his children from danger. We might fail one or two times and get pretty messy, he never put us aside and laugh at us when we made mistakes.

God has no problem to give us the chance to actually go to his people and minster them.
What he has more of a difficulty is to make us in to a kind of person that he would trust to give us power over his people. One of the greatest forms of temptation is seeking once power for our selves and taking something that is not ours for granted and abusing it.

All of us actually fail this phase and no one will ever thrust us unless we passed the test again.
If we do pass the test, we will have the chance to come to Lord and ask for ruling stick from the Lord. There was a time when Mosses asked for it and denied and there was a time when he take all the time and focus on preparing himself to be a faithful servant for the Lord that he was granted the authorized opportunity to lead the children of God.

If Jesus has not been tempted about three times on three major issues which are the will of God, his flesh desires, and most importantly resisting the temptation of seeking power that is not yet given to him by God and he passed them all, he may not be qualified to do the job that God has given him on earth even if he was ready to lay his soul for his brothers and sisters.

There is a principle that we should all follow if we want to serve the Lord and his people. We cant just take only our zeal and depend only on our passion to come out for ministry. That is not how it works with God and his kingdom. No one will ever trust again a person that was once given the delegated power and abused it some how and cannot able to return it to the one the power really belongs to.

There is this wonderful example I come to notice to illustrate this fact. It is not absolute power when one comes to power to administer the people of the country. That is a delegated power and it has to be returned to the people when it is demanded back so that they can give it to whoever they want. There is also one perfect example in the book of Job.

When Job was put in to a very difficult situation in which no human being could ever possibly even imagine and when he was tormenting in agony and when he was asked to give every thing he has in this world, even his very own body, he didn't not complain rather he remains steady in his faith on the lord.
When Abraham was tested to give his only son to the lord he didn't have a second taught about it. He had brought his son to the place where he would have sacrifice him to the lord based on the request the lord made until he spoke again and specifically told him not to do it.

Nebuchadnezzar was once a mighty king whose kingdom was expanded all over the face of the earth and had control over every country and people that lives in it, but by the time he has taken all that for granted and when he started telling himself that he was what he was by his own strength, he foolishly put himself in to a very delicate situation with God.

By the time he begin to do that , the lord has snatched him from his kingdom and put him in to the likeness of a beast for God to make him realize that we all are a beast if we avoid the same spirit that the lord gave us.

All this specific examples are written for us to teach us something very important. That is who we are and what we have with God and who we are not and we don't with out him.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give the wisdom to understand the timing for ministry by the grace of God in Christ Jesus, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 20, 2014     | 4,516 Views    |   

Marriage, between one man and one woman, should not be underestimated nor should it be taken for granted. The idea of two people coming to share life together is holy and should be taken as one of the most wonderful gift God has given to human beings. Any two ordinary people may not be able to live up to all the expectations by themselves but when the Spirit of God comes in between, they can.

Two bodies can be joined together. Two or more people can join in a common purpose using their mind to work on a common problem and their physical body and physical mind to solve it. But to join two souls together is what God can only do. That is in body, spirit and mind. I believe that every human being represents all these three basic components. We all have a physical body which latter takes its divine form. We also carry the spirit that we are made of. We have the mind that is able to generate intellectual ideas that will make us thoughtful.

When a man and woman join in a marital relationship, they are bind by true love and spirit. Selfishness is not in their midst. Anger is far from their dwelling. Hope and faith are the words that come out of their mouth all the time. These people are going to change through time. It is not possible to remain the same all the time. There are many factors that can cause a person to change. But we will understand why and adapt ourselves to those circumstances. 

What is the real motive behind marriage? If there is one thing that you really need and you are there only for it, then when you get it, you will definitely leave. So don't make relationships based on needs but based on love. Do not make a relationship based on what you feel today.

Feelings come and go but love stays with you all the time. So what is love that will help us make a true relationship? This doesn't mean that there won't be anything that one needs from his lover. It is said that sex is the main reason that drives men and women into marriage.

If sex is all we want from our marriage, then if we don't get it as we dreamed of it, we will find it very difficult to live together with our marriage partner. For this reason, many wanted to test or to reach that level of ecstasy to actually measure how much love they can receive from their lover.

You can't measure someone's love for you in one instance. Love is something that will only reveal itself in its own exceedingly beautiful time. You can't force love to reveal itself. You might not live to see how much somebody loves you until it is the real time for you to know. So it is absolutely wrong to make all your lifetime decision in one single moment of your experience that you shared with.

This being said, sex or money or beauty or character by themselves should not drive you into marriage. Sex is just only a temporary passion. Beauty will soon disappear. The character will be degraded and could lose its beauty through time. Money can come and go. But if you build your relationship based on true love, then whether the wind tests it, or storm tries to blow it away, but it will remain strong. 

True love is not jealous, doesn't envy, is kind, thoughtful, merciful, forgiving, passionate, loving, caring, protecting, serving with broken heart, always repent, cherish, peaceful, joyful, kind, good, forgiving, compassionate, decent, humble, pure, graceful, praiseful, truthful, patient, servant, thankful, righteous, helpful, caring, gentle, disciplined, merciful, honest, respectful, full of integrity, sincere, full of empathy, self-sacrificing, gen
/>rous, cheerful, contend, prosperous, wise, knowledgeable, passionate, gifted, always interceding, faithful, Holy and full of hope, obedient and self-sacrificing.

Nowhere near love there is lust or the love of money but surely there is prosperity and generosity. Nowhere near love there is sexual impurity but sharing, caring and serving one another.

Sometimes, it looks like we are troubled in our relationship. We feel uncomfortable when some things are not going in the way we are thinking. Our wife or husband may not want to go the way we wanted. We do have a different perspective on different things.

However, this should work for us to have a very strong relationship and not the reason we should argue all the time. If one can see in a way that other cannot see, then the relationship will work in a better way than before. The Bible says that two is better than one. There is a better return when two or more people are engaged to accomplish a common purpose.

There is one major issue that could sour our relationship instead of building it. Always if there is a thing at all that is causing a great deal of problems into our lives, we wouldn't be as happy as we should until we found the cure for that. And fortunately, there is the balancing force for all of the negative force we experience in our lives.

For example, if we take one negative force that could probably cause a malfunction by causing harm and damage to our relationship which is jealousy. Jealousy is a very pessimistic way of life. Jealousy could cause harm to our relationship if it is not treated very early.

Jealousy could be a sign of love. The fact that somebody is jealous in a relationship doesn't mean he/she is wrong or right. The time it gets wrong is when one does something destructive in it. If jealousy can lead to anger and revenge, then that is very dangerous. Otherwise, if it allows you to realize how much love you have for your wife/husband that is not harmful at all. 

When one gets jealous it might be a sign that one has a very low level of self-confidence that one is not good enough for the relationship. For this reason, we need to build self-confidence by disallowing the force of jealousy not to work in our lives.

The reason we get jealous is most of the time misunderstanding the current situation and go beyond our wild imaginations. If one takes what is going on in the wrong way then there is a high tendency that he/she blame his/her husband doing the wrong thing for the wrong reason.

But building confidence or allowing a high form of communication/understanding may not always be a solution to the problems jealousy brings in to our relationships. The antidote to disfigure jealousy; the equal amount of force that will balance this negative force, that we should introduce into our lives and practice everyday is TRUST.

Let me start this by saying that not all people that you say you love them or they love you can be trusted. We are here on earth falling from God's grace because of our sins. The first sin that was committed in heaven was mistrust. Adam and Eve were not live up to the expectation and trust that God had given them. 

Trust is the key to our relationship with God and with our family. Jealousy is fear that your precious gift that you place in somebody's heart could be stolen or simply given away. So you need to see if somebody is faithful enough before you actually do that. 

The problem is you can't see clearly whether somebod

is f
ithful or not. It is like reading their thoughts in their mind and understanding their ways in their heart. And even if you do, what is your certificate of guarantee that it won't change for the next years to come.

The word of God teaches us that nobody can see the heart of man. Sometimes even ourselves can't really understand the motive why we are trying to accomplish some things in life. But the Spirit of God helps us understand and answer all these different questions.

The spirit of man can actually dive into our mind, soul and spirit and tells us the deep secrets we have. The Spirit of God can reveal the nature of ideas, concepts, and thoughts and desire one has.

"The best way to keep a secret is to never have it "

The best way not to get betrayed is to never put your trust on it 

The best way not to get hurt is not to love at all "

These are all the way of the world and they are partially true. Or I may say these are completely true. But what good does it make to live a life and never to love, to make a relationship and never to trust and to love and trust but never to share a secret?

That is the most nonsentimental way of life. What good does it make to be in a relationship and not trust it? I believe we all should ask ourselves that if it is worthy to love and get hurt a little bit than not to love at all and live our lives in complete solitude. 

One other cause of discomfort in our relationship is disregard, communication gap, and disrespect. If a man feels that he is disrespected by his wife, he may not feel comfortable to open up for communication in the first place.

If a wife feels that she is treated with less care that she ought to, she may think that she is considered disregarded and her man is not able to serve her to the level of her expectation. As a result, she feels disrespect to her husband and she may not want also to open up to her husband and gives him the respect and love he needs.

So husbands need to be more carrying and supportive. They need to watch what is going on around their wives and respond in time. That by itself is a big thing for the wife to develop trust on him and before she knows it she will have the respect.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us in Jesus Name, to guide us to develop trust with our spouse and stay away from jealousy so that we can enjoy our marriage. AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 18, 2014     | 8,639 Views    |    7 Comments

We are not going to spend the rest of our lives with out accomplishing the will of God. Most of us think if God would like to help us, then we want to do his will and stay fruitful to him. But now all we are seeing and smelling is not nice and sweet at all.We know how many times we tried to quit our own ways and start to please God.

Although we failed and raised many times in the past, we still have hope in God. One day will come for us to understand that we are above our enemies.Our strugle is against the spiritual principalities and the power of the wicked. It shall be broken forever even if it is going to be with bloodshed. Without blood and sacrifices, freedom is unthinkable. Without freedom life is not worthy of living.

Sometimes trouble times and adversaries are God s ways of getting our attention back in to his plan and his purpose for our lives. His purpose for us gives us a huge amount of energy to move on. All the allies and the Angels are ready to help if we are in the right place at the right time doing the right thing/purpose.

Job 36:15- Hard times and trouble are God's way of getting our attention!

Isaiah 38:17-It was for my own good that I had such hard times.

How are we going to understand the Bible if we are not in our place/purpose?The Bible is all about men and women of God living to wait upon and fulfill God s purpose for their life. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob all waited upon the Lord to fulfill God's will (promise) in their lives.

Life without purpose can also bring psychological disease. It is depression as it is without passion that leads to defeat. We all want to live a victorious life. We want to be a winner and not a loser. That is why we need to go get our lives back and get our identity and purpose in Christ.

Only those who act without the nature of God try and live literally anything under the guidance of the love of money. God's children must hear from God and hear the truth according to the word of God and live and finish their lives accordingly.

It is almost impossible to find a companion in life and a purpose here but to GOD there is no word called impossible or unimaginable. He brought forth the unthinkable to existence. And our situation is not different. His job is to make sure justice is done.

What are going to do with all these issues of pleasing our selves? Life is sometimes boring without some form of pleasure that is according to the word of God. This kind of pleasure doesn't come before we find our purpose in life. Pleasure without purpose is pain because it is selfish by its nature.

Woman can easily identify their mate who already found their purpose. So do men.We can study the lives of Adam, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David. They all find their callings from the Lord and they were fulfilled.

Basically if we cannot find our purpose then we won't find our selves. We are living another's persons dream. So we will not find the direction that God wants to lead us and we cannot lead another person. That is why marriages are broken; children are forced to live a destitute and desperate life.&nbs


l of these happen because we don't find our purpose in life. No money can do the job for us. No one else will lead them for us. Many years of misery and passionless life is a life with out purpose. We cannot even talk in front of no body let alone a group or a seminar because of pain inside of us. Only crying day and night, and sinning against God sometimes seems inevitable. We shall choose what we should persue the rest of our lives. We shall choose whom we should spent the rest of our lives. No one can do it for us.

It is much better to delegate other choices in life than the issue of purpose. This doesn't mean also our friends and soul-mates do not play an important role in finding and accomplishing our purpose. But purpose need to come before pleasure. What are the different forms of pleasure? Finding purpose by it self gives happiness and by finding true relationship with others.

O Lord, please help us chose wisely our friends and our marriage partner. "Give me my mountain", Kaleb asked Joshua. It is something we should pray to you, dear God. Our mind and strength is still good. We can study well. We have a good understanding. 

You have anointed us with huge grace of understanding, wisdom and love. If you don't help us in getting our purpose, we are going to waste it all bit by bit, drip by drip, day by day. Our personality has changed because of your insight. Our attitude has changed because of your word. Our spirit has changed because of your spirit.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us to teach us not to give up on our dreams for the sake of our temporary feelings and those around us and may God give us hope for finding it, love and passion for pursuing it and faith for fulfilling it in Jesus Name, AMEN!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 16, 2014     | 8,256 Views    |   

It is foolishness to think the enemy will arise from flesh and blood. That is to say our enemy is not flesh and blood but it is from the realm of the spiritual darkness and spiritual principalities. But the enemy can use our own flesh and blood to fight us. When we are in a battle, what we need to do is we need to focus on the king.

If we can manage to take it to the king, the rest is smile. The Bible says, With out first capturing the highest person in authority, we cannot make him release our captivities.

Remember what David did when the enemy took his wife and family as captivities. He asked God to go after the enemy. God said, "Yes go I will give them to you". Then he went attack and defeat his enemy to take back what is his. God will help you win the battle and restore your family back.

But never allow any fear to come to your heart. Not once or never. Sometimes we think that we are a total loser. But this idea is not ours or God's. It is some demon who wanst us to be dead soon. In battles, people are getting killed. We know how people died in accidents. So we need to praise God our father that he kept us till now and he is faithful to do it till the end.

Till this day, God snatches our lives from death just like that. We may not be very much wondering how it is gone - a trap which so tricky. But as the Bible says, He who destroys a wall (of God on me) will be bitten with snake. He who prepares a pit for others will fall in to it.

Therefore, the pit is never meant for us. Until this day we never thought that this could happen. That even our unsuccessful days are under the plans of God. We may think we are a little bit stuck. We may be dissatisfied with our situation here. But great is yet to come, in the name of Jesus.

Do we know all we do in ten years can burn to ashes in few minutes? One day all we have done will be gone in a blink of an eye. But we are so obsessed with it while we live. We never look outside the boundaries. So what really matters is not money or education or fame.

What really matters is what we learn in all of these. We need to learn that they are empty or nothing with out God. They could be a trap for our lives if we don't know how to handle them. We need to pray to God, "Please teach me only your will which is so beautiful for my life. When will I know you, and when will I understand you. I didn't hide anything from you; please don't hide your face from your servant."

God bless you!

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 15, 2014     | 5,797 Views    |   

Have you ever asked yourself one of the most difficult questions? What if they don’t like me any more? What if they gave up on me? What if somebody make them hate me? What should I do to be loved?

All this questions are of the fleshes. The question we all ask is being wanted and loved by someone who is special to us. We may not find the exact answer for this question. We may not find someone who always loves us no matter what unless the Lord himself loves us through another flesh like us. It is very hard to be in a strong long time relationship.

But one thing is true. We are not only made of flesh but of the spirit of the Lord. We are spiritual beings and children of God. Our things are not from this world which has a time for everything. We are eternal beings and we are going to partake an everlasting life. There we will no more dread the future and regret the past. There we will be one happy family. No one will accuse his brother of the wrong thing. Hence here we are filled with hope that is real.

So we only ask ourselves to be easy on others and they become easy on us. Love your brother as your self is a strong word. It is not only a way of life but it is also a commandment to abide by. It will make our lives a lot easier and our time here a lot enjoyable. So don’t have worries if you may not find a loving heart. There is always one who loves you most. His name is Jesus. His loves endures forever. He doesn’t change when other things around you change. But you have to give him a place in your heart.

That is all what he needs tonight to come to the place in your heart. You will find him gentle, loving and humble. There is nothing you need to hide from him. He already knows about everything that you have been through. He already knows that you are seeking for someone who cares back. He knows that you are in need of true relationship. He will lead you and guide you to the place you will be going. Where do you want to head over to, dear? Where do you want to go?

I don’t know if someone else will be there but he will be there with you all the way through. Jesus is your best friend, the Lord, your husband and your very own God. He is the best thing happened in my life. He is my life and he didn’t hide himself from me on my ups as well as my downs.

Only Jesus is going to heal broken heart through time. Sometimes we don’t know what will happen next. We have learned that we cannot trust any body in any ways unless the Lord helps us. It is so important that we let go sometimes. Revenge and judgment belongs to God. He knows everything and he knows how to pay back everyone according to his work.

The war is his. We have to pray for God to use us. While our eyes are watching God will defeat them all. I am also so focused in not involving in any form of wrong relationship not to disturb any body. God can use us to give hope for us and the people around us.

God bless you.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 15, 2014     | 5,144 Views    |   

You hypocrite, if you cant honor the covenant you have now, how can you honor God.
If you are treating others with out love in their innocence, what would you do to them when they do mistake? Do you need love or respect? I know now we say we love each other but respect is out of the equation. Do you want to express love in the right way? Then ask yourself the following questions. “Lord, do I ever speak on my own? Do I tend to please others more than you told me to?”

If we tend to do that we beg for your forgiveness. Love your wife and she will have the respect for you. That is to spend some time laughing with her. Love her in Gods way not your way. Every body is tired of selfish love. Where ever we go, there is too much selfish love. It is not pleasing any more.

That is not the only way you can attract her. You want to bring her closer to yourself. Treat her as your wife, part of your flesh. We need to learn from God how to love our wives or husbands and able to express it. The world is able to express their unreal love.
They are good at it to brag about it. But our mouth is shut when we come to expressing our deepest heart felt love. May be we don’t know how to express love each other. We don’t want to act but we don’t want also to hide our feelings for our soul mate.

Which one of us lighten a candle and put the light under the bed? We should show it to the world and it will brighten the darkest lives of those who haven’t found Jesus yet. What is tough now becomes easy latter. What is true now blurred and becomes sin latter. Sometimes resistance also works in the opposite very faster than we think. But let’s focus on the bright side for the time being. I mean we start talking and showing feelings we have for each other. That is something to start with.

We all know there is noting that will separate us. If God is with us nothing is against us. We have to know these things. We have to understand his will for our lives. Then, no evil force can destruct us.

Sometimes we fail to see God’s blessing in front of us. Every chance comes always with responsibility. There is nothing fascinating about it. Look what you have been through right now. This all could be for nothing. We have to be a good channel for God to use us for he will train us and change us as he wishes.

God bless you.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Feb. 7, 2014     | 5,233 Views    |   

Just like a dream, I have seen when dry land gets water and the widow gets husband. Just like a dream, I have seen when God has listened to our prayer and that thing that really took all our strength gets resolved.

What are we going to do about the sickness of our soul, Lord?

Isnt it for sake of revealing your glory in our lives that we carry it? So take it back if you wish. We have carried it in our soul and our body long enough that we cannot bear the pain no more.

Please help us Lord. We have agonized in pain for so long. Some of us ten years and some even more if not eighteen years Lord.

Isnt this the time to send your son to us and forgive our sins?
Would you help us? We know you also cannot see us suffer no more.
But you still want us to finish our obedience that comes with it.
Yes, we have understood that even one word has the power to take the breath of a person. We have seen in our lives that wrong judgmental words cause us all the misery we have right now.

We are so lucky it doesnt take our lives but we see when it does. One reckless word spoken against our friend will cause us also eternal sin.

Jesus was not exaggerating when he warn us about saying stupid or ignorant to our friend. The reason we are still living after saying those words is because he wants us to repent. don't judge any body on any level. Not even when you encounter true events like a person lies or condemns somebody else or fornication or any other sin.

We think we can handle the problem we have by our selves but the truth is we cant handle anything. The only strength we have on any circumstance of life is because the Lord spirit intervenes in our lives and show us direction. With out it we don't have anything good in us.

We were like a cursed seed - a rotten one. No one expect a good fruit out of a rotten seed, can he? Now, the Lord come to us and breath up on us once more again and say live and be fruitful. Therefore the good fruit we even have or we will have are because of him.

So Let us not speak good as if you get it by our own. It was gifts in the first place from the Lord. He helps us so that we can help those who don't have enough faith to believe in the Lord.

The spirit of the Lord is all we need in life. We need to beg him first of all to give us his spirit and then to deliver us from our sin. It is not fair for those of us who are begotten as his children to live a sinful life like we are living right now.

If we don't feel it or taste the true nature of God, we wouldnt speak about freedom from sin in the first place. But we have known it more than we think we do. We have afflicted by a deadly diseases of sin. We started to die and weather away long before we ever know it is deadly. This poisonous thing that lives in us, designed to destroy us.

Only the Lord spirit can operate us and take it out. It is still remains in us to make us the person we are now. We must understand now why it happened in the beginning. I don't even have one single breath of condemning people because I know what it feels like to be in slavery of sin.

We all want to be free of our sins but yet we don't know how. Do we hate ourselves because of it? Yes. Do we hate each other because of it? Yes. But I will say we don't hate the sin in our lives strong enough to get rid of it. We still want to play with it. With all sort of reasons we accepted from the liar who won championships in lying.

We say that it is not going to hurt no body. We say that we will do it just a while and we will quit. We even tie it to our dreams and our loved ones. However the only way we will have enough energy to withdraw is when we have enough love. Darkness and light can not coexist together.

What has love has to do with hatred? What has sin has to do with righteousness? So the truth is in order to get rid of the hatred in

fe, we need to start to love. In order to get help from the Lord we need to help somebody.

As long as we want to stay in our old patterns of life, we will not get enough strength to fight the devil in side every one of us. Some people don't even want to discuss about the devil inside them. I mean think about it, I said "the devil" and I say "in side of them". They will say that they are clean of it.

Well the truth is we are all messed up. There is no one single person who is clean of sin. We all are slaves of our sins one way or another. This means the devil can do what ever he wants with our lives whenever he wants.

We have only one person that will save us from our sins. His name is Lord Jesus, He is Lord and able to carry all the sin we made and to carry it to the father. It is only this way we can stay clean.

His forgiveness is all we have in life. We cant even stop sinning. We are one hell of a mess. But we still need to get our lives back. And the key to all of problems is him only that our father in heaven sent for us to deliver us from our sinful nature and to cleanse our soul on daily basis and have a good heart.

There is only peace and joy in his presence. One has to tell about it only after he drinks from the same bottle of Gods spirit. One has nothing to do by himself in this world. Instead we all are meant to help one another and built the body of Christ on earth.

This is not a race that we win praise by overtaking one another. This is a war that we all must fight together to win a common enemy - SIN. We need to love one another as the Lord told us before he went to the father.

May God have mercy on our soul and let us get up and start our way back to where we are lost from the beginning. That is the full presence of our father in heaven where there is no more pain and agony, no more hatred or fighting.

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Jan. 6, 2014     | 5,061 Views    |   

In our lives we have come face to face with many problems and none of them were too easy to be underestimated. Life was meant to be enjoyable regardless of money, friendship, family and commitment to any of these.

The idea of happiness only comes from the source of life. From the same point of reference we all have created. Only there we can find true happiness. Only there we have all we need to exist.

We have left our homes which is our safe zone and stranded all over the places. We have seen problems hit us and make our lives miserable.

This is all just because we couldnt see what God has prepared for us from the beginning. We couldnt realize what kind of peace and joy that can be found with him.

"Our love and our dear, whom we despise his consolidation"

What would we do with out him any more? We have seen his protection and mercy once more again. His love surrounds us where ever we go and what ever we do.

Only he knows how much he loves us. We shall discover and know the truth about his love the rest of our lives. Then, we shall sing of his love forever.

Out of a broken heart and full of sorrow, our praise goes on everyday. Even if sin always asks us to withdraw from our love, we shall keep on going on the path he has prepared for us long before we were born.

Yes of course we work to live, we lie to live, but still we cannot find our heart in to it. our heart has left us long time ago. Our soul only trusts day and night only one thing, which is to see the glory of God.

Purely and with great love we worshiped him. Honestly we praise and magnify his name. But yet our heart always causes us many griefs. Our lives are not be able to clean as you wanted to.

All we want is to finish all with obedience - To win every battle with love.We have no enemies of this world. The enemy of flesh and blood is incomparable to the spirit of evil.

The tactics and devilish thought we come to understand is almost inconceivable. Our enemy has grown large everyday - grown fat and big.

The size of the container of the Lords spirit in us is small compared to the number of our enemies even if God wants to fill us with his spirit in fullness. Though the armor of war God has given us is able to destroy every wickedness from the devil, we havent still finished using it efficiently.Our obedience is not finished yet to destroy every spirit of disobedience. Lord, please help us becoming your best worriers of all time. You got to train us and train us hard.

You got to hit us so that we become strong. You got to teach us and talk to us to give us understanding. Only then we will say we bear fruit in your kingdom. Only then we will be fully redeemed by the blood of Jesus and wakefully wait for evil. We guard your kingdom and protect the rest of the flock.

Glory and honor belongs to God and may the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with faithful love, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

How to get forgiveness for life? Some is for life time but not eternal. This is like God will feed you, bless you and LOVE you but until you die. After you die, there is no remembrance to your name. This is cool teaching about why LOVE is more than anything in life.

Think of for your self, would you marry what you don't LOVE?
If you do, you never heard of the kind of LOVE that is in the scriptures that is Gods Love - a true love and faithful one. That is why God doesnt welcome anyone to his kingdom that has no love for him and his son. That is because they never believed what God has done for them through Christ Jesus.

We hate addiction in general. It is like some external force governing our

ives. It was the one who created me should control me and no one else. Addiction is like a hook in the mouth. Like a fish is captured in bait or a bird in a cage. What so ever thing we do, we are just circling around that same orbit. We are addicted to sin because we relentlessly depend on the grace of God.

Now we have come in to a position we cannot control that. We cant control our selves any more. What needs to be controlled first and most importantly is not your clothing habit or your eating habit and your talking habit.
You need to control those habit you and God know that you know it is not good. Devil may even try to convince you that it is ok to do it.

I know the poor who cannot afford to eat good, quality food will make it to heaven. But I don't know some immoral people would. So fight immorality in general. Praise God

... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Jan. 5, 2014     | 7,315 Views    |   

When people curse and despise you and humiliate you, it is good to remember that they did the same with the Lord. You are not better that the Son of God. If they can say and do such evil things to Him, how much more they can do to you? Stay away from people like that.

Some people come to test you. Some are to hammer you. Some are to refine you. So don't withhold yourself from all people. But some come to destroy you. When a computer program is written some other program is also written that looks like the first one. But the purpose of the second program is to make sure the first one does what it is supposed to do. We call such programs a test program.


So are some people to the others. Their main job is to make sure others do what they are supposed to do. I am not talking about managers or CEOs. Managers do not care about your God's given purpose. I am talking about other people who came across just by chance.


Saul was a test for David. If Saul was not there in the Bible, there would not be David's poems. At least David would not have written those beautiful songs to the Lord if he hadn't passed through those issues in life.


Also, when people fall out of their God given purpose, they will be a test for God's servant. Even evil exist to proof that Good exists. I believe God made light first. I believe there was only good at the beginning.

I believe God does not take delight in seeing evil in this world. But how can one know the good without knowing evil? I believe God doesn't create evil, but whenever there is light there will be darker too.


This idea was proposed to Eve by the Devil through the serpent.

But then she could have asked God boldly without any fear in her heart that she wants to see the evil also. She knew how to ask. She would have asked him face to face. But she knew other ways to do it and she knew it was not the right thing to do.


If she had wanted to do it in the right way, she would have asked God for another kind of revelation - To know not only good but also evil. But she did it with disobedience. I believe this is why we must complete our lives with obedience. She broke the agreement that her family had made with God. She became unfaithful.


This is not to condemn her at all as she was not the original creator of this idea but the devil is. God became angry as he was betrayed. He said, "Get out of my kingdom and, get out of my presence and my face."


But he hasn't said with the intention that he has made an eternal enmity between him and us as he does with his kingdom and the devil's kingdom. For that he promised Adam and Eve that he will send his son, Jesus Christ, in the fullness of time to restore the relationships he had with them in Eden.


That is why you should never trust any source. Never hate anyone for any reason. People say something that is not their original idea. There was a famous quote, "I do trust you, and it is the devil inside you that I don't trust."


Sometimes I believe as the Devil is the real enemy of God, why God want to destroy some wicked people with him also. But still I am the pot and I have no right to ask such questions to the potter. I am the created and he is the creator. My life is like a wind that blows away in a moment. 

But you don't take back what hurt you most with an embrace.
That is the real problem of Christianity today. Not be able to understand what the story about the vagabond/disobedient child.

I mean the whole idea of the new Christianity was made in that chapter. That God is merciful and he is abundant in grace. He will forgive whatever sin, we have. We shall always come to him. Now this makes us addicted to sin. But we need to understand the last line of the paragraph. That Jesus told the prostitute women that not to sin again. And also as of the disobedient child just humbles himself so much that he thought to himself:


"I don't deserve anything any more. I have wasted my life. I have spent my grace with sinners and by doing evil. I don't deserve to be called a son anymore. My strength has gone to work to make someone rich. Starvation is going to kill me in this place. The evilness of this place is huge and I cannot take it any more. My whole dignity as a human being is gone. Everyone is considering me like some other creature. But I will turn to my father. He is rich and kind, I know that for sure."

Then the father saw his son coming to him giving up all his own way of thinking turning to him with all his heart, he embraces him and kiss him and welcome him into his presence. With disobedience and selfishness that is what he said before he leaves his father; give me my share.

Also the book of Joel teaches about turning to God with all our heart. Without that there is no forgiveness and we are simply wasting our time. May be we got a little bit grace.

There is a measure of forgiveness as there is for LOVE. Sometime we have received forgiveness just to come out and go back safe to our home. Sometimes it is far more time like a month. And we know it too. When that duration expires, we sin again.

How to get forgiveness for life? Some are for a lifetime, but not eternal. This is like God will feed you, bless you and LOVE you but until you die. After you die, there is no remembrance of your name. This is cool teaching about why LOVE is, more than anything in life.

Think of for yourself, would you marry what you don't LOVE?
If you do, you never heard of the kind of LOVE that is in the scriptures that is Gods Love - a true love and faithful one. That is why God doesn't welcome anyone to his kingdom that has no love for him and his son. That is because they never believed what God has done for them through Christ Jesus.

We hate addiction in general. It is like some external force governing our lives. It is the one who created us should control us and no one else. Addiction is like a tong in the mouth. Like a fish is captured in bait or a bird in a cage. Whatsoever thing we do, we are just circling around that same orbit. We are addicted to sin because we relentlessly depend on the grace of God.

Now we have come into a position we cannot control that. We can't control ourselves any more. What needs to be controlled first and most important is not your clothing habit or your eating habit and your talking habit.
You need to control those habit you and God know that you know it is not good. Devil may even try to convince you that it is ok to do it.

I know the poor who cannot afford to eat good, quality food will make it to heaven. But I don't know some immoral people would. So fight immorality in general. Praise God!


... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Jan. 4, 2014     | 5,115 Views    |   

If we see a huge accumulation of treasure, say a room full of treasure, we may think it is awesome. But when God sees that, it is nothing but a bunch of worms and full of crap. But when he turns a little far from it, he finds so little things that nobody saw it before. Nobody can even know it is there. Something for him it is more than gold and silver that he calls it his treasure.

Then he will make it the decorator of his kingdom with his delight. He will make it greater than of all things on earth since he has found faithful in it. But as for that mountain of wickedness, that evil in God's sight that looks like a huge treasure in the eyes of men, as for that he couldn't wait till he washed it away with flood gnashing from the ocean.

As for that rubbish thing in his eye, he couldn't wait as fire comes from the heavens and swallow it alive. As for that he couldn't wait till his anger consumes it with rage. God said, "Where can I find such valuable things? Where can I hide them till I come again and take them with me?"

He said, "I know where to keep them. I will hide them from the madness of this earth. I will lead them out of the valley of darkness."

The idea of LOVE between a man and woman is faithfulness. It is not LOVE if there is no faithfulness between them. It is all to represent the LOVE of Christ to us. But yet how can the evil deceived Eve and then Adam?

I think pleasure as in sex has come to play for Adam listening to Eve and not God. I think the idea of power has come to play for Evil to deceive Eve since she wants to know something more powerful than her, something beyond her God given imagination.

Something only God thinks and decides. Even the punishment goes with it makes her a little less than she was originally. That she will be always under the control and supervision of the man. And the man cursed by God that he will eat his lunch with pain and dinner in agony because of too much labor and hard work.

Faithfulness is not to be smart and do what you think is right. Faithfulness is to wait for the Lord and to listen what God said all the time. Does she want the power that is taken from her back? I believe so. As man want to live in a non-troublesome and non-tiresome world where he wants to get relief from a world in which he toils and toils and doesn't get as much as he should get.

But yet there is still hope even in this world. Jesus has been sent to us to free us from our bondage. He is sent to bring a blessing instead of the curse that is already on us. But we must be all obedient children of God. Not one driven with passion without wisdom. But yet how can the abused live a life of freedom. Abuse is one thing that has got to do with power. It is an act of selfishness and not LOVE.

Revenge is something inevitable for the abused by God, even if it is a lifetime task - To meet power with power, punishment for the wicked. But it is not by the hand of man, but with God. Now the evil presented a false power before the real true power comes.

That is the trick he used all the time to steal us the real blessings that comes from the Lord. The evil present its own things when three things are on the way to come. The evil presented false blessings when true blessings are about to come. The evil brought yo

, and there is a time for everything.

So watch out for the time and wait faithfully the true visitation of the Lord. Just know the truth and the truth shall set you free. What a short but powerful statement of the word of God. May is probably the most important.

Why we need to be faithful? How we can be faithful? How we shall seek life and not death? Why, we shall know the truth? Why, we shall forsake our own foolish ways and gain some wisdom? How to break the kingdom of darkness? All these are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit if we ask for the truth and nothing but the truth.

Passion with no wisdom in it, it will bring a great destruction. I saw passion and wisdom and power, but there was not the fear of God in it. So there it was a great destruction of those people who want to build a great building for their name.

I saw evil getting the opportunity to use the passion of someone else and change it into great destruction. That was again because there was no love in it and it was all about selfishness. I saw LOVE in all its fullness and there was no the fear of God in it and it brings a lot of grief to the person. I saw passion to live a meaningful life by serving others for the benefit of others and thereby serving God and bring personal satisfaction by doing purpose. But that was also being considered foolish because there was no the fear of the Lord in it.

But then I saw a someone grown with everything the Lord wants him to do: LOVE, faith, hope, but also grow with him a long bush that is waiting to hide him not to be seen when the right time comes for him to be seen and to bring glory to God.

This bush was there from the beginning, even though the man has not noticed it. It was something that must be eradicated long time ago. But the man has not removed it and it grows with him. It was the bush that the man always used to express anger, disappointment, hopelessness, disbelief, distress, discomfort and anxiety.

Everything the boy goes into trouble, it will go into this bush and do whatever necessary and express his feelings. May be that is all it is: a platform for expression of feelings.

The boy liked it until one day, one day that he became a man. That is until he had to leave a grown up life. He had to get rid of all childish things and move on as a grown-up do to make very difficult decisions and follow them. This is until he missed some of the opportunities that come as a package for a grown man.

As he was lifting his hand, expecting to receive it, it was given out someone else who is old enough to take huge responsibility and since the boy was not in that category at all. Believe me the package that he missed was not just an ordinary package. It was one of those real blessings from the Lord and how intoxicating it is for him. Don't go to such kind of bush again, please!

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us strength to be faithful, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

If you enjoyed reading this blog, please continue reading the next blog in the series: Faithfulness to the Lord Part 3

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        tewodros    |    Jan. 3, 2014     | 5,052 Views    |   

Yes, we all run away from our Lord once in time and we all need healing. How and what will bring the healing is quite a controversy among different nations. No one has accepted the truth except those who get the revelation from the Lord. And these people have tried to take it to their brothers and sisters, but yet no one has believed them.

They feel that without sharing the good news to everyone around them, their lives is meaningless. This is because the Lord almighty has made his will their purpose. And he wants everyone to get saved and be well once and for all. And this person is sent to bring the message of healing to the unsaved and unforgiving people.

Will they be able to speak nothing but the truth? Well, I guess it depends. What did Lord Jesus say about every prophet and teacher before him? He said they all were thief and wolves. Who only delight by doing what is in their crooked hearts. Isn't it the Lord himself get worried by saying:

"Whom shall I send to find my lost sheep?

Whom shall I trust to be a loyal shepherd for my people?"

And those who truly have served the Lord with all their heart explain the stone heartedness of the people of the Lord by saying,

"Who has accepted our messages- the message you gave us to tell your people?"

Was it all that difficult to understand the message of the Lord? No. the message of the Lord is as easy as lovers. So what happened then? Why are these people are not believing the message of the Lord. Why they kept being stubborn in their hearts. Why they watch as the flooding, take them to the valley of the dead. They never scream or shout for help. They despise anyone who comes to rescue them.

Any one the Lord has sent them to get saved, they have killed. Is it because of the message or the messenger? I will say, "No, it is not because of the message or sometimes not because of the messenger."

"Why is not always because of the messenger? " Well, it is not easy by any means to get a messenger who speaks exactly as he hears from the Lord. With all love and honesty that comes from a pure heart.

But the bigger problem is not on the message or the messenger, but to the people the message is sent to. They cannot open their hearts and listens what is the will of the Lord in their life. The scriptures say the ruler of this world has closed the ears of their heart not to understand the will of the Lord for their lives.

Should we say it is the will of the Lord for his people to get destroyed and swipe away by the sinful ways they choose to live? No. The will of the Lord is for all of us to live a pleasant life. For God has sent his only son to save the world not to let anyone to die in their sins. Not even a single person. He loved the world like his only begotten son.

In fact, he sacrificed his son to get peace with all of us. Which means he loved us more than he loved his only son that he has from the beginning of time. Poor thing the devil doesn't know that as he cannot understand what love means. I mean the only thing he knows is how to satisfy his selfish desires.

If you want to know how he thinks of himself, listens to your flesh and blood. They will exp

to the first point of time we are given to him. Why we are given to him? Because we don't want to be with our father. We have not accepted his teachings and correction. And what happens next? We are given to someone wicked who will do the dirty job. Why dirty? Because there is nothing clean nothing glorious about the life we are living now.

We are here because we are not obedient sons and daughter of the king. We are in prison - call it hell if you like to. We are fugitive- not willing to abide by the rules of the country. We run away from Eden, a beautiful garden of the Lord. Our father is a king and we are his disobedient prince and princess.

Why then the Lord has given us to the wicked. It is because our thoughts are like the wicked. Isn't it too much to bear to have someone like the devil take control over us? Yes, it is. But still we have a chance to turn to our heart and do only what is true. To do only what is of our true father's nature. To do what is good, benevolent, purity, integrity, kindness, servitude, passion, compassion.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with these, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

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        tewodros    |    Jan. 2, 2014     | 5,133 Views    |   

Every battle brings its own glory and a lesson. Without falling, there is no rising and our lives will not have any meaning without these. Two things are more important than anything else in life - faithfulness to God and LOVE and kindness to others.

These two are the two basic components of all laws of the Lord - to be completely faithful to God, to be a man after his heart. We need to respect and fear him even when things look silly and not real. We need to be faithful in almost every area of our lives. We need to be faithful in marriage, faithful in our responsibilities, faithful in our job, faithful in our tight, faithful in our worship, faithful in our fasting and prayer, faithful in our thoughts and faithful in our heart.

All because you want to fear and respect him no matter what. Not because you, fear not to get fired, or not to be humiliated by others. Jesus teaches why we need to fear only God and not others by saying,

I will show you who you need to fear, not those who can only hurt your body, but the one who put you on fire after he kills."

In some other place Jesus also teaches the importance of our faithfulness to God by saying,

"Your faithful servant you have kept yourself faithful with the things that looks little in mans sight, But I will make you rule over big things."

The only thing God sees from us and rewards is our faithful service to him. After that, he multiples the LOVE we have one another. I believe the precedence of these two major laws of God matters here. First, come to faithfully obey God and his laws, then comes to LOVE one another.

This is the whole idea of who we are and how things are meant to be. Nobody can change this fact. This is the very reason we are created. This is why angels fall. This is the reason why family broke. Why most of us struggle through bad financial, mental, health conditions.

It is not just because we don't understand the importance of these. But we don't understand the consequences of unfaithfulness to God. We have no idea how to fight it. Faithfulness is an act of wisdom to establish and maintain a committed relationship with God. What makes it hard is it is an eternal commandment as we are eternal.

We need to be consistent - not even 100 years is not enough.

Any form of unfaithfulness act in between will cause a lot of grief like Abraham or David. What Abraham did with his servant Hagar is not faithfulness or what David did with Uriah's wife. They both face a bad consequence.

Most of us spent a lot of time trying to put the affairs of others first by showing LOVE. And we think that is all the Lord expected from us. But God has put a challenge that there is still another way to serve him. And that is through faithfulness to him. Faithfulness goes beyond logic and beyond the LOVE we have for others. You cannot completely obey God by being logical or only loving others. Does this mean faithfulness is better than LOVE? Well, even if it is less, it is still important.


it mean LOVE without faith is love at all? No, LOVE has to be built on top of faith.

LOVE has to be made considering faith. Without believing something, there is no need to LOVE it. Faithfulness comes also after a matured state of LOVE. Who do we believe? It is what we LOVE most. Therefore let us pray to God so that he teaches us LOVE from faith. And he teaches us faithfulness from LOVE.

I believe this is what is called wisdom. May we are given the fear of the Lord [FAITHFULNESSNESS]. May we shall be given the heart of a child [LOVE]. We should pray by asking God to give us the heart of a child so that we may see his face and we may inherit his kingdom. And also to teach us the fear of the Lord, so that we shall inherit the earth.

The definition of LOVE for God is to LOVE God with all your heart, mind, and Saul, and this is nothing but to be faithful to him.

We have to know our major enemies. It is not the devil or something else. It is ignorance on three main categories: fear, disappointment and anger. Do not entertain these three in your life. The fear of what am I going to do, the fear of the pressure from others, and the fear of ignorance, and the fear of man. We need to stand firmly on the promises of God by faith.

When we are disappointed after a great effort to do something, Hope is the cure for that. Therefore: When we feel anger, LOVE comes to the rescue. When we feel fear, have faith. When we feel disappointed, get, hope and wait for the Lord. When we feel anger, get LOVE.

I believe there is faithfulness in doing these and these are the way to express our love and faithfulness to the Lord.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us strength to be faithful, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

If you enjoyed reading this blog, please continue reading the next blog in the series: Faithfulness to the Lord Part 2


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        tewodros    |    Jan. 1, 2014     | 5,752 Views    |   

Love always seeks our attention. What if we neglect it?

That leads us to what we call: the punishment of love. What will it do is, it leaves us with that stupid thing we have in mind. That thing we can't take our eyes. That thing which blinds us not to see the truth. Love always needs us. Most of all it needs our time.

One of the most reasons why family scattered like a dust, it is just because the lack of attention to love. The only reason God abandoned us is the punishment of Love, even more than the fact that we are all sinners. In fact the sin of not giving enough attention to love is the most sin of all. So here is one thing we all must take into consideration

Negligence is the most terrible sin of all sins. Neglecting the calling from our Lord Jesus Christ The song of Solomon describes this as two lovers. Her lover is knocking and begging her to open the door for him

She, on the other hand, gives so many reasons not to.

What happened after that is almost a tragedy. Her lover left her and after he is gone, she started to find him. She never finds him rather some robbers found her and beat her. Since it was in the middle of the night

Now, Jesus always knocks, the door of our heart. He is always creating the opportunity to have a loving relationship with us. Exactly as the lovers story. And what if we neglect his calling?

What if we give reason after reason not to be with him? Not to kneel just five minus after a long day. Not to give our ways to him. Only then he is going to leave us to that thing we spent all of our time.

And by the time we like to talk to him, he is already gone.

We call him, we cry towards the city gates, but no answer. This is all because that little sun we call it negligence. Call it laziness if we want to. Because the reason the lady gave is nothing but laziness. There is nothing in this world more beautiful than him. He is our greatest gift from God. He is lovely, kind and gentle. Most of all, he already expressed how much he loves us by dying a sinful death.

Now we have some foolish response not to spend at least a few minutes with him. May be it is our busy job we have. May be that unbeliever boy friend or girl friend we have. May be we drink too much alcohol

May be we don't know what to do with our time.

All of these are not good enough to take away his love for us. His love is greater than any of these. Call him while there is still time. We don't live like this forever. There are boundaries in our lives. Our days are counted and known by God. When one sleeps and wakes up the next day, what a miracle it is! Just because we did it many times before doesn't mean it is the same for tomorrow.

We are here by his mercy. The sinner and righteous see the same sun rise and sun set every day. Sinners have only a few times before judgment

So let us use every opportunity to come closer to him. To identify with his voice and respond to it in time. To give an equivalent response to his love. May the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ lead us to his love. In Jesus name! Amen.

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        tewodros    |    Dec. 30, 2013     | 5,884 Views    |   

Here as we live, we have been forced into our ways, one way or another to live the life we don’t want. We do this or we do that in order to elevate our problems. Our deepest fears are controlling us.

  • Love
  • Kindness

Because of this our lives doesn’t give any meaning to us any more.

We are living in a shadow of uncertainties. We never think about what is really important. We may even don't know what is really important.


We just do according to our senses and circumstances. We lived according to our previous experience. This however makes us one of the world most miserable people. And this is definitely so important for the enemy.


The enemy will make the boundaries in our own life

He is daring enough to guide us through it. He is ok as long as we are not doing what is important. But when we do, the whole force of hell is coming right after us. Scared? Don’t be! Because we have also the whole force of heaven, for those who do what is really important. And victory is inevitable when God is on our side.


So what is so important in life?


I know life is so important than death. I know our spiritual body is more important than our physical body. I know serving others is more important than selfishness. But we see life is all about knowing what is really important and doing it. No one knows in advance what is so important in every event. The main job of the Holy Spirit is to guide through it.


His task is to make sure we know exactly what we are supposed to do. He is there at any moment of our lives. As oxygen is important for our physical existence, so is the Holy Spirit in our spiritual body. Without him, we can do nothing. But we see we don’t even know this sometimes. We focus into our physical needs and so on. I mean we are children of God, we are not going to die anyways. All we need is some piece of bread.



God is in its thrown to make sure all his beloved stays satisfied and be safe. I am not going to discuss anything about our physical needs because they are not important - as simple as that. Why we worry about food or anything. Our body is more important than the food. No one on this planet should worry what to eat.


They just need to go and eat when it is time. Our father in heaven makes sure the food is there at the right time. I am talking about some cool stuff here. Just pray the prayer, "Our father in heaven". And the rest will be taken care of.


What about urgency? What has that to do with importance? As a human being we don't have to worry about urgency. Every utterance of the Holy Spirit is like "Do this now, son. It is important. "So what we prioritize and plan is what the Holy Spirit tells us to do. Nothing is so important like life. I mean life with God. Nothing compared to it. Sell everything we have, and buy anything for God. Anything necessary to keep us feel good in the spirit. This is how we will renew ourlife with Jesus.


We need to tell our Lord that nothing is more important than him for us. Whatsoever it is. Hunger or satisfaction. Sickness or health. Power or principalities. Humans or angels. Destitute or companionship.

In all of those who can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus: Shall trouble or hardship? Persecution or famine? Na



For I am convinced that Neither death nor life, Neither angels nor demons. Neither the present nor the future, Nor any powers. Neither height nor depth, Nor anything else in all creation, Will be able to separate us from the love of God That is in Christ Jesus our Lord."- Romans 8:37

All of these are true in that there is nothing more important than him and no one can lead us to Jesus except through his spirit - the Holy Spirit
We can never be wiser than to listen to him every second. Don't listen to anything else, even to yourself. We know it when we hear it. It gives that eternal joy and rest to our soul. It is not rude or judgmental. It is all we need to hear. He is all we need to know. He leads us through the scriptures of the Bible in the Spirit. He reminds us what we forget.

We don't have to worry too much into preparation of what to say. He is there at the right time to tell what to say. I can't leave without the Lord and Neither can you. My life is miserable without him. We need to ask him every single moment What is that the Lord wants that that we do? What is that he wants to talk to us always? What do we have to do to keep him with us? I know we are not here to please ourselves. We are with him to take us to our destiny.

How can I be useful for the Lord? How can I hear the voice of the Holy Spirit? Well, at least we need to make ourselves available to him. Don't make ourselves too much busy, Like Marta. It is more important to be available as Miriam did as she sat together with Jesus and listened to what he had to minister to her and other.

Then the Lord  will get the time to talk to us. What does it take to be Miriam. Just a calm spirit who knows what is really important. We don't have to hide ourselves under the trees, but we have to be up in the trees like Nekedemious. Then the Lord will see us. Then we will dine together with him. Then he will have the opportunity to teach us and touch our heart. Then we will have someone around us for the Lord to heal. Then the Lord will forgive someone who sees our humbleness. Someone who sees what the Lord already has done for us.

But seek the kingdom of God first. Because that is all that matters at the end and these things will be given to us as well. Seek the kingdom first. Know where to find it. It is not out there somewhere. It is in us and within God's people.

Do we think some kind of tall buildings matters any more. Do we think God has any value any more? Do we think the way we used to learn, grow and make families matters any more? Do we honestly believe money has any monetary value there? Do we believe we will be happy the way we used to be happy any more? Do we have any idea what it means to be in the kingdom of God? Do we think time has any significance in limiting our wisdom?

The kingdom is within us. We shall seek it with all our strength and then we shall find it, in Jesus name. It is always there and will be. We need to nourish it and know what it means to be in it. So we don't need to do some things that are not important just because we think we have nothing to do or no one else to talk to.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. In Jesus Name, AMEN!!!!


... [Click on the blog title or image to read the entire blog.]

        tewodros    |    Dec. 29, 2013     | 5,267 Views    |   

What do we refuse not to be called the son of the king of Egypt like Moses? Instead of enjoying the pleasure of sin, he preferred to suffer with God's people. He knew by faith that the pleasure he could get from the wines and the women in the palace were only for the moment. But he saw a nation who has a promise from the Lord. He saw an eternal joy and victory that is from the Lord.

Joseph by faith refused to sleep with his master's wife. Even if he was for a while a servant in his master's house, he didn't see himself as one. He was a free man because he knew where he came from and he knew where he was going.

He compared the little pleasure he could get with this woman to the eternal joy and reward. There are two kinds of people in this world

The one who will fight for their freedom and their rights and the ones who do not even care. Abraham even if he had no son to carry his name, he chose to believe in the promise of God. By faith he had taken what is his in the promise of God.

He believed to the last moment his faith was seriously tested and he did pass the test. Jacob fight for his right to be the first born even if the method he used to do that was wrong. As a human being we all make mistakes trying to do the right thing. But some like Esau; they have no feelings for their rights and freedom.

They would rather remain in bondage and slavery than fight for their freedom. How would they trade their freedom? With pleasure

There are also two kinds of people. One who has gained their freedom through Jesus Christ and want to deliver the same message to others. And others who stay in bondage and would like to remain there till the end.

In short, there are two kinds of people. One who say, "I care" and who don't. Those who say I care will stretch their hand and help a neighbor. Those who don't, don't. Envy is the characteristic of those individuals who don't care at all. But they envy those who show affection and love to others. They don't want to give but they envy those who did.

Is it because they don't have anything to give? No. After all generosity is an expression of the heart and not how much we have. Love is an expression of the heart. Money is an instrument for an expression of the heart. Money is an instrument for an expression of love. Freedom is only achieved through Jesus Christ.

There is no name given under the earth given to all human beings other than the Lord. We all once threw into bondage according to the anger of God because of our terrible sins. But now if we are able to hold on to it, freedom has come to us through the son of God.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. - Acts 4:12

He has paid the price that was tagged on us to be delivered. It was not a small price that sin has caused us. The punishment for sin is death and someone has to die for someone to live. Jesus Christ did it for you, for me and for everybody else who has faith in him.

The strong form of oppression is to hold us on to the devils feet. To be under a hook for so long that we cant even do one thing. Well age matters, but more than that the accumulation of Gods wisdom. With out it, you will not have the energy to resist temptation- Temptations that will lead to sin.

Sin that makes us stay in constant bondage and slavery of sin.No matter how much we like the pleasure we get out of sin, it is not worth it. It is not even more worth than to be a free man.Let alone the blessings that comes to us with obedience.

We are born as free children of God, therefore free individuals we should be. Should we fight for our freedom? Yes, we have to. What are we going to do without freedom?

What do we trade our relationship with…

ght a
d dignity and the right to be the first born with? It can be money, pleasure or any of the tricks of the world. God almighty despises those who do that.


As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. - Romans 9:13

But he will honor those who honor themselves and him by resisting temptation and flee away from sin. People respect others who have respect for themselves and for others. If you don't have love and respect for yourself, you will not have respect for others. Where do we bring the respect and love for others if we don't have it for ourselves in the first place. It has to be with us first.

How do you teach the righteousness we don't have? But if you have it, it will overflow and the neighboring will get the benefit. Love and freedom go together. No one shows love if he is in some kind of bondage of sin. Blessings are for those who make themselves free of bondage. What is impossible for us is possible with God.

Let's open to God and tell him what is taking our lives away. Whether it is an addiction or external force. Whether it is sickness or poverty. We need to inherit the kingdom of God, even if it is by force. We need to pledge, request, ask, fight and obtain our freedom today

The day of salvation is today. It is not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The kingdom of God has come very near to us more than ever. And neither a slave nor a spiritually crippled person will get into it. Neither spiritually immoral, nor slaves. Only servants of the Most Holy God will be there. Freedom is not free. Freedom is obtained by paying the price tag on the slave. And the slave owes the price to the deliverer. Jesus Christ is the deliverer.

Jesus said in Isaiah:


The Spirit of God is with me. To preach the good news to the poor in spirit. To heal the sick. To restore sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. So that the crippled and the lame will walk. And the unhappy will become happy one more time. To free the oppressed and release them from the bondage of sin.

How much we owe him, we know ourselves. We need to bless his name day and night with the bliss and gratitude he brought in to our lives. Don't take anything less than what you are. Don't compromise with your freedom to no one. The things one considers an abuse is a good thing for others.

That is why we need some general format about the elements of freedom.
In my opinion, these are some of the things we must consider:
If there is anything which makes us separated from the Lord.
If there is anything that will make us a miserable person.
If there is anything that controls our lives.
If there is anything, whether it is love, a false one, or humans or a wicked spirit.
If there is anything that makes us do what we don't want to do.
If there is anything that is not what we want from the beginning.
If there is anything that will make us stay in the wrong neighborhood.
If there is anything that takes our passion and pleasure of life by force.
The list is not exhaustively mentioned, but it will highlight on which major areas of our lives we should focus on.

Now I can't give you back the life you have missed. Neither can I do the same thing for me. I can't do anything of my own. But I will show you the person who can. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the son of God. His name is known on earth, above the earth and under the earth. Every authority, power and strength has given to him. If the son of man makes us free, we are free indeed. Not only will he free us from slavery and bondage, He will restore everything that is taken from us by force. Blessed be the name of the Lord for giving us a second chance to be with him. Glory be to God Almighty in Jesus name. AMEN…3



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        tewodros    |    Dec. 28, 2013     | 30,508 Views    |   

God's LOVE is the solution to all of our problems. When we face difficult situations, simply think of LOVE. LOVE make us do things that we can't do before. LOVE is the instrument of bearing instruction for loved ones. Obedience is the only way to express our love. Unexpressed love is a dead love. There is no way the other person knows our love unless we expressed it. The only way to show our love to others is to do what they ask in God's way. Otherwise, it will be selfish love. And we can't win their heart with selfish love. To make it bidirectional, do what they say. We say we love God, but where is our obedience. God said, 'If you say I love you, keep my commandments. Without obedience, there is no love. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. - 1 Corinthians 13:4…

Every day is a great blessing to us. It is a new day, a new beginning. God is a God of second chance. To be more precise: God is a God of as many chances as the number of days we lived and wait to live in order to try again………

So be refreshed when we wake up in the morning. Let's be ready to accomplish something that aches our lives. Something we dreamed of all our previous life. There is nothing we can't do and we know it if we believe in LOVE. If we wake up and go back to sleep, what is wrong with us?????

It is a new beginning! This might be our last chance. Who knows about tomorrow? This is the day he has made for us. Tomorrow has its own uncertainties. I don't know tomorrow. I am a man of my day and I am so blessed in its. Some go to bed at night and couldn't wake up again. Do we really, really want to be like that???????

For he says, 'At the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.' I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now is the day of salvation. - 2 Corinthians 6:2.

Do we think we have no power to move on? Do we feel helpless and hopeless? Well, at least let us show the courtesy of getting up, praise the Lord that we can see this day. Thank him and if we don't feel right, only then we may go back to bed. After all, no one will take the freedom of love from us…
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us in Jesus Name, AMEN!!!!


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        tewodros    |    Dec. 27, 2013     | 22,024 Views    |   

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