Change through ChristEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Feb. 23, 2014  Hits: 5,485   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


This is the time that we all want to change. A change that will generate more happiness as we are very close to our purpose. A change that will compensate all the loss and failures happened before. A change that will completely turn around our lives. A change if we have to decide and be willing to take it

Would you change? What are you waiting my dear? Your love is already at the gate. Open it for him and dine together. Open up the gates of your heart to Jesus. He is more than happy to stay with you as long as we live and forever more. But our Lord we don't even know our passion in life without you.

We found out that the love you gave us is the strength of our heart. Jesus makes us strong every day and makes us love our lives. Without him we would not able to see the daylight. We would have been found in the midst of darkness. He gave us hope and purpose for our lives every day.

He leads us in the path of righteousness. He wipes out our tears and transforms our sorrow in to joy. He is the one our soul always longs to see.He is the passion of our lives and the desire of our heart. The passion in life is not only the passion for our profession.

The passion in life is not only the passion we have for our family, friends, and our job. It is actually everything that we are about to do in this world. It is how well our spiritual life is going. It is how well our family life is going.

It is how well our profession is going. It is about physiology, intellect, and understanding. It is also about wisdom, planning, carrying, and parenting. It is also about serving, protecting, preserving, praying, and fasting. It is also about communicating, teaching, coordinating, and learning.

The basic idea of applying knowledge in to day to day life is wisdom. Wisdom actually means using knowledge whenever, wherever it is crucial to use it. Unless and otherwise knowledge is applied on all areas of life, it is useless.

If I am expert in fishing and there is no way I could fish one, then that is not wisdom. It is simply stored as knowledge until one day I start to exercise it,then my knowledge becomes very valuable to me and that is wisdom.&

There are many things in this world that are knowledge and are not wisdom. Unless one starts to practice knowledge, it is not to make difference in people lives.

This doesn't mean that it is not necessary to learn and have some knowledge. It is very importance that one gets a valuable education. But it is up to individual to practice the knowledge one gets. Sometimes it takes a lot of effort just to get the chance to do that. Sometimes opportunities are the ones who actually determine our ways. But most of the time it is us who play the major role to shape our lives and the things around us.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us wisdom and understanding to able to change through the love of God to live a fulfilled life, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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