We all ChangeEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Aug. 1, 2014  Hits: 4,302   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


We are changing just a little bit every day. Do you know that whatever event has happened, it will redirect you to a new event and a new environment, due to someone has already changed the environment?

Because a new environment is created, the outcome will also be changed. Whenever a new environment is created, either because a new thing is introduced or the state of our mind has changed, then we have to consider this before we make any decision and take actions based on our decision.

This is all about life. Our brain is changing dynamically due to our experience to the Almighty. A new revelation has occurred and you are no longer the same person as before.

So what has our mind to do with all of this? Our mind involves mainly with all the skills and training we need to perform our job with ease. Our incompetence is our weakness. It makes us unqualified or untrained. It will make some slaves while others become kings.

Everybody has his own way of learning. The Lord teaches everyone according to his understanding. But at the end, we will all learn our lesson. So our competency level is our strength. Our faith in Christ changes our attitude in life. Our attitudes towards our lives determine our success.

Many have made it through because they made their ways right with God. Do you think age matters so much? Yes, because old age is an indication of long time dedication to wisdom and exposure to knowledge. No, because it is the Spirit of the Lord that makes one successful and wise and others a failure. We are good at least in one thing in life and that is our earthly purpose.

I believe there are two kinds of purpose in life. One is our earthly purpose and the other one is our heavenly purpose. With purpose comes heavenly gifts that will empower us to do what we are supposed to do with confidence. Our spiritual gifts come to us as talents that will give the energy and enthusiasm to learn more and do more to complete our journey of faith and fulfill our destiny.

Our earthly purpose is related to things that we need to do every day to support us and our family.The fact that we are very good at it will make our lives very easy and it will create confidence in what we are doing. But the more miserable we feel while doing our earthly jobs, the less we may find ourselves in peace with ourselves and others around us. The more we do things outside the will of God, the more we feel powerless and far from being fulfilled as children of God.

Whether we divide our purpose in to two or not, it all comes as one package to us. It is all under the will of God we need to accomplish in life before we complete our journey in life. This could be whether we work as laborers or professionals; whether we earn less at work, or we are highly paid individuals. Our job is to complete the work the Lord has created for us before we were born. That is our purpose in life.

How does our heart play a role in this regard?
I have understood that our heart is the most important part of our body. If we just allow bad things to get in to the inner chambers of heart, suffocating us with lifeless talks and blasphemy, we could easily die of sin. If you want to play with them, play according to your mind. I mean what is so pleasing about this world. What makes us happy one day turn out to be a sorrow the other day.

Nothing stays the same. The same way they sneak in to your heart, they will sneak out also. I mean when they pack out and leave you, what would you do? Your poor heart will be empty and broken. The point is it is much better not to allow them to get there first. No friend is for real. The closest friend we may possibly think of might turn on us one day, but Jesus will never let us down while we put our hope in him.

If you really think about it, the closest thing they can do is to live with you as long as you keep your mouth shut. All the trust you have built fo

a life time will be destroyed in a splash of second. What a tiresome love it is. But there is greatest love of all that will give rest to our restless soul. The love of Jesus. He never asks us anything in return except to listen to his voice every day so that he can guide and lead us in the path of righteousness.

He died the death of a sinner to pay all our debts and to bring him with us. He took our penalties for you and me, my darling. We were sinner falling far from the mercy of God. There was no grace on his face that made him look good.

In other words, he took the suffering of his children and not the face of a master. Nothing in us was good enough to be loved. That has caused us to be left alone. Our sufferings were great. Our worries made us looked like an old person. But still no one felt empathy for us. Only one person from heavens cares for us. He felt our pain and agony. Only Jesus loves us dearly to share our pain. We all change brothers and sisters. The only thing that will remain the same in this life and forever more is the love of God through Christ Jesus.

Matthew 10:37
Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Our God we give honor and praise for reveling this great mystery to us. Please show us the right the way to exalt your name above all of our circumstances, in Jesus Name, Amen!


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