What are the consequences of homosexuality?Edit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 15, 2015  Hits: 5,086   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Homosexual behavior or act is considered as a sin in the Bible. 

The Bible teaches us for a man to take one woman as a wife and woman to take one man as a husband. I believe the nature of a man is to be with a woman and not with another man and a woman with a man. Only a woman can complete and fulfill the desires of a man and vice versa. It is all about all kinds of human, emotional, sexual, psychological, physical, and spiritual compatibility and much more.

One of the wonders of God is, how God makes a woman out of a man so that the two shall be inseparable. The two cannot function without each other in a marital relationship. You cannot change that principle. It will be absolutely impossible for a man to fulfill the marital requirement of another man instead of a woman.

The most important thing about marriage is not to reproduce. Even if that is the original blessing we got from God, I believe in these last days, we need to show to the world that our marriage depicts what is about to be revealed in the Spiritual world; in which we fail to do so many times.

Our marriage should be a shadow of what is to be revealed when Christ returns to us for the second time, When Jesus returns, everything will be like a huge wedding in which Christ, the groom, comes to take his bride, the church, with him. After that, we will live with him forever and ever in his kingdom where there is no more sorrow and no more cry.

Even though I strongly disagree with homosexual behavior, I have no right or power or judgment towards to homosexual individuals. I don’t consider myself better than any homosexual. I know my sins are so many that I have no clue how many times I have already transgressed the laws of God and I would in the future.

But the most important question is not about how we or some other person or entity would feel about the nature of once sexual desire. The government can’t define or sanctify our sexual behavior. The government, however, has the power to give or deny a set of human rights.

The government is nothing but the people they serve. The laws of the government should be established considering the fact that we are eternally spiritual beings who have one God we all should obey, fear and tremble.

If the government had been designed to do that, it would have enforced the laws of the living God instead of allowing transgressors to break it. That is why there are so many people who insult God and his creation with their foolish remarks. And I will assure you all humans will give accounts to all of our acts for every action we took in this world when we come face to face with the living God, all powerful.

The government, according to my understanding in general nowadays is secular by design and has no attachment to one’s religious beliefs or practice as long as these religious beliefs don't violet someone right or freedom to live.The government also claims that it protects the democracy of its people.

Even if I strongly support once own rights and privileges should be respected, I also believe that freedom without righteousness is not really freedom.

The laws of the government can be amended or removed but the laws of God stay forever.If the government or anybody else doesn’t have the real authority to define who we really are and how our sexuality should look like, then who does?I believe the living word of God has the final saying about us in general, our identity and our sexuality.

The Bible teaches that there is no definition of sex in the kingdom of God, even though we all are created with a sexual difference.

When we die, we will be like angels who can’t be categorized according to gender, but according to their service and glory of God on them.

This doesn’t mean we can be genderless in this word.


Matthew 19:11

But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given. For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.

According to this teaching, there are four kinds of people with regards to human sexuality

1. There are people who can and are engaged in a human relationship with their opposite sex.

2. There are some people who cannot perform their sexual behavior due to birth defects, including genital malfunction or complete disposition

3. There are some who also can’t perform due to human error after birth

4. There are some who intentionally make themselves single (eg Apostle Poul) for the sake of the kingdom of God.

The fact that people under 2, 3, and 4 unlike 1 cannot have a sexual relationship with opposite sex doesn’t mean they have the tendency to engage in homosexual behavior.

In conclusion, the homosexual act should be considered an act of sin. It should not be considered as an honorable thing to be into. God doesn’t intend marriage to be abused into such act of infidelity in the beginning.

According to Romans, sexual inclination towards the same sex is a curse from God. And like any other curse, this curse can be broken by the blood of Jesus if we diligently seek his face.

The fact that we wanted to be in that set of binding shouldn’t mean it is ok to do it.

The fact that it is nearly impossible to be straight once one turns into the homosexual person doesn’t mean God gave up on him/her. One should try as long as there is a breath in his/her mouth to escape from such kind of sexual immorality.

But we all are one big family as long as God is our father and Jesus will eventually take every one of us out of the mess we are into in this world and keep us on his side for as long as we live for the rest of eternity.

We should continue to love each other no matter what like brothers and sisters. Christ would do the same if he were in person with us today. He gave us one and only one commandment when he leaves us here: Love one another.

He also gave us one promise that he will never leave us nor forsake us no matter how hard life could be till he comes back and gives us a resting place.

While we live, there could be many tribulations and question and puzzles that we have no answers for. But when he comes, everything will be all clear.

But before all of that happens, if you engage in homosexual behavior, you need to confess your sins to the Lord so that he will give you your freedom back.

Homosexuality is slavery to sexual sin like any other sexual sin (adulatory, polygamy, masturbation, pornography) whether it is committed in the heart or executed in action.

I can assure you that none of us are free from all of these sins. But like the Bible says, if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and able to save us from the guilt and consequences our sins. After all, he is able to do anything that is beneficiary for us as long as we have faith in him.

What makes sexual sin so natural is its addictive power and tendency to stick to our souls for a long period of time. It has also a natural tendency to make us think it is all normal and anyone can be naturally drawn to it.

That is why it is sweeping away many souls in the darkness out of the will of God for their lives. The devil is ok as long as no one is making a big deal about it. As long as everybody is quite about it. As long as there are moralists and politicians who think they fight for the rights of others, but the fact is they paving the way to destruction.

There is new life through Christ that you may have not yet experienced. I would like to remind you about this wonderful new beginning for you will be completely renewed by the blood of Jesus and starts to be fruitful in his kingdom.

It is my desire that God will change and use you as he pleases for his glory. If he can use a wretch like me, he can use anybody. If his grace was sufficient to break my stubborn heart, he can do the same to you. If his new covenant is able to remove every curse that was working in my life, he can do the same to you.

May God bless you for reading this blog!!



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