What is it Uplifting Entertainment?Edit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Mar. 28, 2014  Hits: 4,273   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-

What is the form of entertainment our soul wants? Is there any form of boundaries that we make between our faith in Christ and the world out there? Do we put our things before our faith? Do we put our family before our faith in Christ?

Even if we are the most miserable person in the whole world, we shouldn t allow anything to come between us and the love of God in Christ. We may turn out to be physically sick or pronounced physically dead, but nothing overwrites the love of God from our heart.

We may be the last person living in this planet, or we may depart the world too early, still Christ is our Lord and savior with out him we profited nothing. What does the Lord intended to tell us when he said, separate from the world and live for me ?

Is it to go to monastery and spend the rest of our lives in it? Is it not what he meant that we shouldn t touch any evil thing from the world that we should live in it. We should not marry someone unbeliever - someone who followed the ways of the world.

What benefits I will get from withholding my self from entertainment? Well do you ask yourself what will you gain by having so much fun but lose your job? Do we really need some type of entertainment? Yes we do. If so like what? Uplifting, constructive, not selfish, educative, connected to all areas of your life: your body, mind and soul and spirit. Not all Movies, music, friendship, family are not uplifting.

Is there anything as such uplifting entertainment? We have to be very selective. We have to know when to say 'that is enough'. We have to control our selves. Taking too much of it or too less could be a disaster.

It is amazing to see how the world now perceives entertainment. It is not the way we Christians ought to live. If we do as they do then what is the meaning of our faithfulness to the Lord and from where does our rewards comes from.

We need to separate ourselves from the world in such a way that we don't take anything that looks like fun and enjoying in to the heart. This will totally break our relationship with the Lord and we will find our soul full of sorrow and grief rather than the joy and happiness we anticipated out of it.

We also are not meant to spend all of our spare time on something worthless and simply wasting of our time. Time is the very first resource that God has given to us to manage and make a good use out of it. So is money, family, children. This means we are accountable for it at the seat of judgment before the fearful and almighty God.

I don't know what benefit it is for the soul to stare at the TV all day long rather than spent some quality time with the Lord or put aside a time separated from our day to day activities to do something the Lord will be happy about it.

If it to gain some knowledge about something related to our goals and aspirations, that may be ok under certain circumstances. But unless we want to get knocked by the devil, what good is it at all to waste time in the form of entertainment.

I wonder when and where Jesus acutely neglects his callings and went just to entertain himself. Everything he did was to bring glory to God and honor his name. Whether it at the wedding place or the market place or at somebodie's house.

Sometimes we think that somehow by being closer to somebody make him/her partake the nature of Holy Spirit in us. And that is the reason we give to go to somewhere that the Lord will not be glorified. But that will cause us more pain because there is no sudden change as we think and we ultimately come empty handed and broken hearted with possibly the other way round we take their evil ideas and selfish desire.

We go and entertain our selves, so what? What good does it make to this world? don't tell me we like it anyways. How would we like it when it is gone soon? People say also, we will be gone too, so we should enjoy life when we still can. Well that is true. 

But the question is the place you will be going is determined by:

The quality of time we have in this short life. Who and with what we spent our time for. The kind of treasure we have accumulated and where we prefer to store our treasures. 

Now, if our time is spent on rubbish things that will be gone by the wind, then that is not good. If our treasure is hidden in this unsecured world, it will be lost soon. Therefore the spirit of self is the spirit of destruction. When we always think of self, let us think in terms of service to other. We are not created for our selves.

This is not to exaggerate the sin in someone s life and to say we are more righteous than others. We all have evil ideas and selfish desire one way or another but beacuase of our bad company, we will start to learn more of it by spending our time with someone who doesn't know the Lord and by spending time with something the Lord not expecting us to do.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!

With my soul I have desired You in the night, Yes, by my spirit within me I will seek You early; For when Your judgments are in the earth, The inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.Isaiah 26:9


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