Be Fruitful and MultiplyEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Aug. 15, 2014  Hits: 6,071   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


How much should we believe in the Lord to bear physical fruits that God expects from us? We don’t want to be rich but mighty in richness of his abundance since we shall not want a thing dwelling in his presence. We couldn’t stand the mocking of the world saying we are lazy and fruitless.

This is a total disgrace to you Lord. Please help us for your name sake. All of our previous success was of course because of you. You have done many miracles in our lives to make who we are today. You are our potential and knowing you is the source of our strength. Please make us mighty in battle to revenge our enemies. In all of this we know that your timing is so important. You make all things beautiful in its time. Who knows our past failures and success are all a stepping stone for our future?

Therefore no matter how long it takes, we will wait for you. Whatever it takes, we will be right here waiting for you. The children of this world trade righteousness for success of this world. They are smart in achieving their heart desire even though it constantly changes leaving them with desperation and emptiness from inside. Most of all, perseverance with information is their key. They don’t take no for an answer. They will say no in a smart way. Which means they know what they want. Well, we also know what we want but the problem is we don’t want what we want. Therefore we have little desire and determination to get it. Paul said, you didn’t fight till bloodshed to withstand temptation.

May be we get disappointed trying to achieve our mission and purpose in life because of failure in the past. When the Lord gives us a mission, we better like it to accomplish it. Succeeding in our mission starts from the heart. We need to say to ourselves, “Whatever it is, I will rise up again. I don’t care what happened yesterday but I need a new begging today and it shall begin now”. You don’t give excuse for failing. Every day you are a new creature. You should forget the past and stretch for the better. Soon enough, things become different. Don’t put a smile on your face or a food on your stomach until things look like you are going in the right path.

Most of us don’t know how long it takes to be on track. The Lord doesn’t care how we fall or how many times, but he needs us to get up now every time we fall. The Lord in all of this would like to guide us and tell us what to do in every moment of our lives. It doesn’t make any sense for the world to have it all. The Lord blessed us with earthly and heavenly blessings. I know the opposition is much stronger for us who are called to live according to God’s will. But they take it so far. So far that we couldn’t bear it no more.

Here are some of the recipes of success in achieving the inner potential the Lord wants us to achieve:

1. To wake up early with a prayer and a plan in mind from the word of God. Think of something always before you do anything. Use your imagination. Imagine that…. Imagine this….. As Christain we are not allowed to cheat our friends or any body else. But we must do something with our current situation. Your true inspiration should come from the word of God. Meditate it day and night. Feel free to refer to the manual any time of the day or the night. Your true happiness is from the words of hope that is promised to us. 

2. Remind the Lord always the promises he made to you. It shows you are in expectation mode and you don’t forget it. 

3. Fear no one. Be vigilant all the time. Know what is going on around you. We even have the sixth sense, the Holy Ghost, and use it intensively. 

4. Take it easy on watching and listening unnecessary things and be a victim of it. 

5. Diligently sow by faith so that you would harvest in abundance. Every one even your friends are rewarded a prize before you. Why? Because, there is a general principle that work for everybody: Diligently sow anything possibly then, you will reap exactly the type of seed you saw multiple times. 

6. Always be in receptive mode that you may receive wisdom from the Lord. Communicate with God through the Spirit of God within you. Don’t let any hour pass by without listening to his voice.

7. You also need to start with low force in the beginning. Always what matters is the end no matter what you did at the beginning. Life exam is 30(mid)-70(final) mode. In any kind of evaluation mode or critical time try not to impress with all you have at the beginning. This is what everybody does. So if you want to win, save what you have at the end because that is the decisive moment. Save it or lose it! 

8. About what you have, your money, humility, kindness, honesty, truth, kindness, love, use them in every occasion you have. Use it or lose it! Don’t be afraid. 

9. Most importantly, prophesize on your destiny. You have the power of life and death on your mouth. Meekness is of the heart and it is for the Lord. Your action and attitude towards people is also an important instrument for success. Word of faith is what you need to speak always upon your destiny. Speak the word of God which is prosperity and wisdom on your destiny. You shall not be less than the best. We are the winners of all. We have all we need to succeed which is God almighty. We should bear fruits for this is what the Lord wants. 

If we make profits with our talents and inner potential, God will be happy with us. He would reply to us, “Well done, you humble and loyal servant! I shall delegate you over more glorious things.” You should also have great ambition for accomplishment of your future career. Be the best leading professional, pastor, teacher or anybody the Lord created you to be. Read the stories of the success of many God fearing individuals. Don’t envy the wicked. You are what you have no idea you are. Only God knows your true identity. You are the next big thing that the world hope to see for the glory of God. Praise God and glory to God in Jesus Name!

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. - Genesis 1:28


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