An Eagle Lived Like a ChickenEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Mar. 20, 2014  Hits: 26,369   Category:  Purpose   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


While we were called to live our lives like an eagle or like a wine that creates a soothing feeling in wounded body or as Olive Tree Oil that heals the wound, instead we lived our lives like a thorn bush.

What a great disappointment this would be to the Lord and to us. But we didn't know, do we? We eat and walk like a chicken. We strive and strive to jump in the air just a little bit. Why can't we fly? I believe it is because we trusted more of our circumstances than our dreams and aspirations.

We don't have the courage to look up and the faith we need to have to visualize and anticipate our destiny far beyond our present situations. There is another identity that God created in Christ. But we are afraid to become it. Therefore we put more attention on what is near to us rather that what is to be captured by faith.

We might be expert in some disciplines. We might want to end up with good fortune and a name that will always come before us. We might even want to be a doctor while our calling is to be an instrument for healing the souls of many people - Souls who are oppressed by the enemy.

Tell me, who will God use to heal his people? May be you say, "There are others who can do that". But isn't this the same thing as saying, "I don't want to practice my real identity?" Isn't it the same as we look up and say, "That is not me"? How pity to live life like this and even worse die like this. You were like an ointment that shall be poured into the wounds of many. You were the one that God has created to heal them.

Here is a little story from the Bible that goes by this one.

A person was brutally wounded and was left on the street where many people can easily see him. One very religious person saw him and passed him as he was in a hurry. He was probably running to do his preaching in the church. The second one also saw him and left him as he was also hastening himself to serve the Lord. He was probably thinking he has to reach there on time.

The last person was not as religeious as the previous two. But he knew his calling. He always takes his wine and ointment with him. And as soon as he found the wounded, he was happy. He then put the ointment on the wounds and the wine to his mouth.

He took a good care of him making sure he got healed within few days. But we resemble to the first two hypocrites who consider themselves as the servant of God. But they didn't make the Lord as happy as he desired to be.

In fact the Lord was too angry with those two guys who passed by the wounded stranger offering no help whatsoever. What good is their ritual and ceremony to God if they can't make at least one sick person well?

Now you tell me, how good is your money? I am curious to know how much does it worth to you? How about the beautiful expensive car you have that you thought it is good for the Lord? Well, I believe these all means nothing unless you use it in all of your power for God's glory and for his Kindgdom.

The spirit of service requires very settled soul and mind. It needs day to day communion with the Lord. It needs a deep understanding of the scriptures. It needs a content and compassionate heart like Jesus.

We need to tell our selves every day that we are unworthy to the Lord unless we do what we have to do which is what the Lord wants us to do. We should say that we cannot live with out doing our true God given Purpose.

While our eyes are watching, people are gone like the wind. They are technically taken to destruction for what they believed it is absolute happiness and joy. They are determined to get it elsewhere if they cant find it here, in the presence of the Lord.

We should be the reason they make a joyful laugh to the Lord and always stay deeply pleased with him. We are supposed to be a means of pure joy by steering up their faith. You know why people spent too much time in non-sense things?

They couldn't find love else whe

e especially in the places where they thought they could easily get - the church. True LOVE cannot be found else where but through Jesus Christ.

But they need teachers of the truth and leaders from the Lord who show them the ways of eternal joy and happiness and peace. And for the rest of us, our job is just to do that. I am not asking this time. I am commanding and demanding it, and begging us at the same time.

People are taken to hell every day. don't we have the heart for that? Where does it come the spirit of I don't care? From the day we will throw away our callings, we will find our selves struggling in evil spirits.

Why? It is because these are the rewards of our selfishness. If not treated well, they will lead us to the atone of fire. Let us not foolish ourselves! The word of God said that no adulterous or liars or anything like that will enter the kingdom of God.

So in this case, this is for us not only an issue of everlasting dream but also a matter of survival. This is the thing we should do like a crazy person. As if we look like an angry man or attempting a mad personality or even as if we looked like an evil possessed man. That is what they call our Lord - evil possessed.

In all of this, we will save our souls and many others. When our obedience is complete, we will gain our soul even if we wish to give it up for the sake of others. This is the only way we will do what you were born to do the beginning of our everlasting dream.

Jesus did every thing as he was sent to do. He comes down from heavens sent from his father to deliver the oppressed. His soul was attached to their soul. Being the son of God, he didn t consider himself as good as he is.

He felt the pain of others as his own. He stranded in the wilderness to find the lost. Even if many of us consider him homeless and poor, his creed was to be with them wherever they were. He was like a man who lost everything. He lost his love and that is how miserable he was.

He mentioned and described the concept of the lost sheep many times in his teachings. That is to stress and magnify how important it is for God. The devil took the Lord's Sheep. He snatched them from his hand, how dare he do that! Now even if it might be only one soul who is lost, the whole heavens shake like a mighty storm. The almighty God speaks in the storms and thunders.

How dare the devil, takes something which is not his own. The son of God then comes down, in the wilderness, where the devil took his Sheep, to find the lost. If every thing was just fine, he would have sit in his glory in peace. Now, the devil declares war and there is no rest until he is punished. The good news is this, no body fight with the Lord and shall continue to live. I am telling the truth that no body calls the name of the Lord in vane and insults Him and shall live. He shall die.

The war with God always ends before it begins. I know one thing and one thing only: True power belongs to the almighty God. His enemies will be crushed in to dust in front of his LOVE.

I have my own life testimony. I used to do what I don't like. The devil was doing what he wanted with me. But I am delivered by Jesus. I am not forced to do what I don't want to do unless I don't do what I am born to do. The devil is very rude and cruel.

But he plays gentle and looks like a kind person. Do you think he will come to you with his ugly claws? Do you think he will use the same tricks that he used yesterday? He knows who we are and how God redeemed us form death and he plays accordingly to this regard.

He studied us so many times. He has thousands of years of cheating experience. He can make your own friends and family to rise upon you. In just a second he can make a person so desperate by his lies. All he fears is the Lord in you. He cannot stand the wisdom of the Lord in you.

He cannot understand all about LOVE or self sacrifice. He cannot resist the spirit of s

rvice we have to the Lord. Well there are many people whose stories are written for us to learn. We don't have to make the same mistake twice.

It is written so that we know the devices of the wicked. It is written for us to follow but not to reinterpret it according to our weakness. We need to take it as we have been taught by the Holy Spirit in us and apply it on our own lives.

Here are some scriptures in light of the above teachings:

Once the trees searched for someone to be king; they asked the olive tree, Will you be our king?" But the olive tree replied, "My oil brings honor to people and Gods. I won't stop making oil, just to have my branches wave above the other trees." Then they asked the fig tree, Will you be our king?" But the fig tree replied, "I won't stop growing my delicious fruit, just to have my branches wave above the other trees." Next they asked the grape vine, Will you be our king?" But the grape vine replied, My wine brings cheer to people and Gods. I won't stop making wine, just to have my branches wave above the other trees." Finally, they went to the thorn bush and asked, Will you be our king?" The thorn bush replied, If you really want me to be your king, then come into my shade and I will protect you. -Judges 9

After the people had seen Jesus work this miracle, they began saying, "This must be the Prophet who is to come into the world!" Jesus realized that they would try to force him to be their king. So he went up on a mountain, where he could be alone. - John 6:14

A priest happened to be going down the same road. But when he saw the man, he walked by on the other side. Later a temple helper came to the same place. But when he saw the man who had been beaten up, he also went by on the other side.A man from Samaria then came traveling along that road. When he saw the man, he felt sorry for him and went over to him. He treated his wounds with olive oil and wine and bandaged them.Then he put him on his own donkey and took him to an inn, where he took care of him. The next morning he gave the innkeeper two silver coins and said, "Please take care of the man. If you spend more than this on him, I will pay you when I return." Luke 10:31


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