We cause the feeling of pleasure and pain to us and other people. Sometimes we get hurt knowingly or unknowingly but we are tied with each other by destiny. For this reason we have to know whom we are identified with and what we got to do with each other in order to utilize our God given talent effectively.
That is our mission in life. We are born with a specific purpose and believe or not we cannot do anything without it. The tragedy of life is we will never know what it is and who it is that we are tied with until of course it will gently come to us with out even say hi and leave us with out even say bye.
That is why we need to pray to God with out seizing and that way we will see what is really going on around us and be able to respond it in time appropriately. We would even see what has to come if we are intimate with God. He will share us his ideas for our lives which is so bright and beautiful.
Most of all we need to be goal oriented purpose driven. So much planned and go with some one who has plans and can understand them. If you don't know where you will be going and what you are doing, you may not need a helpmate.
God created one for another so we will comfort one another and support in our goals. So we need to be more focused in life. But in a land of uncertainty and so many battles, it turns out to be life is not easy. Life is a battle field and we need to fight it with bravery with the Lord by our side.
What is the nature of our relationship to our husband or wife? I believe God created Eve after he gave purpose for Adam. Well I think Man already knows what to do and he was doing it before the woman comes. She is his companion, his help met, his friend that is designed to share his life with. In the same way he is created to met her needs and walk with her to their destiny.
We should know our purpose. We are created to do a specific thing. Our calling is not so much of this material world. We are created to rescue the oppressed, help the helpless. That is what everything in the Bible telling us. We didn t create for us. Rather we are created for others so that they may found peace and joy and happiness in God.
We are born to show them and guide them to the truth. Jesus is the shepherd and our father gave us sheep that we should take care of. Nothing will separate us from what our father already has given us to care for. No evil or no devil, not even a million of them, because our father who gave it to us. That he is mighty in power and glory that he put fear in the midst of our enemies.
The spirit of the Lord is inside of us who have accepted Christ Jesus as our savior and welcome the Holy Ghost into our lives. We shall speak only the truth to his people. I know it is not his will that bad thing prevail to his beloved. We need to do what he tells us to do and exactly how he wanted to be done.
Everything will be done in its time as the Lord wants to be done. Sometimes our heart knows it what God wants us to do with us. But if he wants to do something else we need to go with that too.
How wonderful is it to wake up in the morning and listen what the Lord wants to do with our lives everyday and to peacefully and thankfully come to his presence in the evening.
But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. - Psalm 59:16
proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.. - Psalm 92:2
The idea of being always there for someone is the most important thing for us who want to be a servant. We need to be of great servant to our Lord, Jesus Christ, and a wonderful companion to our husbands/wife and children each day at a time. Every body likes to live in a prosperous kind of living. But even if we have lost everything we have, would we still be there for them or would we leave them while they are suffering and need us more than ever?
This is a very important question we need to ask our selves. And of course every body says yes to that in marriage vows but usually our heart is far from our mouth. Or we may need to understand the reality with our heart and find a way to live with that. As far as I am concerned, I am convinced that most of us have nothing to do with failure. We know what we want with out hesitation and we want our children, wife and husband to be like us too. We want no excuses but need to hear a voice of responsibility. We want us and them to be more hard working individuals. We need to be of so much love, so much accuracy and so much speed.
We are always thinking if we only do what the Lord wanted and if we only make him happy. Something inside of us fighting us and telling us, what is going on, something makes us wanted to cry. We don't know why or if we should do that. our lives just wouldn't have any meaning with out the Lord. We don't want it with out him. It is foolishness to rely on flesh. It is wise to look up on the Lord all the time. It is unwise to let one be self glorified.
Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. -Psalm 73:25
We all are looking for something that will make us happy but we cannot find it. But when we turn our face away from it, they are just there for us. It is hard to find faith and love in this world. Ninety nine percent of the things that look like love in this world are not. don't get surprised. Many look for personal amusement. Many go for seeking joy for them not for others. Due to their selfish nature, God has hated them. He gave them as servants of their own wills which is actually unpleasant by its nature.
Have you ever do something that you don't want to do and you are just wondering what is wrong with you. Have you ever asked the question, Why am I doing this nonsense thing many times? You even consider it as your weakness and accept it to be there with you. Because you already tried many times and you couldn't beat it. It becomes your own shadow, your own flesh. It is of course your weakness. You have been asking why nobody cares while you need compassion from apparently anyone. You get no respect from your children no matter how hard you try while you were not showing one to your own parents.
Dear, do you ever believe in curses? If you ever fall from the grace of love, you are cursed. If you ever make someone angry who really cares about you, you are in big trouble.
Curses also come from those who loved us most if we make them very sorry. God will care and see that and the consequences are not something pleasant to us. If we were also specifically told to do something and we didn t do it, this in not good for us. Most of our people problem is insomnia and overweight. Now one has to do with sleep and one with food. Sleep is something we need in life and so is food. We are sometimes too concerned with our time. We are too busy all the time. We don't have time for others not even our kids. But we don't usually spend time with God not even five minutes before we go to bed.
How hard is it to kneel down just for five minutes before bed time? There is no wonder we are spending hours every night trying to get sleep. We also have this big problem with body fat. Now we know it is not a good sign for our health. Our cholesterol is increasing. We are overweight because we don't fast or pray. Even if fasting slip of our mind, did we even care for other?
Did we even share? We know someone somewhere is in pain in hunger. We know our size is a size way out of control and is not for a descent human being. Shall we learn to share, please? Shall we even care? We are not thankful for our lives. I know we are not a simply thankful person.
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. -Romans 1:24
We strive for bitterness. We cry for more. That is in our blood and that is who we are. But we need to learn something, something very important for our own sake and for our own happiness. Let us be thankful, and we wont live a life that we don't want. We may say, "I have everything and I will be ok". But everything is not ok by it self. When God gives us everything, he wants us also to maintain a close relationship with him all the time.
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