To Love others no matter who they areEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Aug. 14, 2014  Hits: 5,312   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32

When we are called to the kingdom of God through Christ, we have to renew our mind and walk by faith with the principle of the new covenant that God has made with us. One of the things we have to know is that we have to love others no matter who they are.

God called us in to his embrace with only one thing in his mind. He called us to save us for our good and not for his own sake. God is not a human to be selfish. He is compassionate and loving God that he sacrificed his only son to create a path for us to come to him out of destruction and reunite with him in love.

But most of us still walk in darkness; that is without love. We mistreat those who mistreat us. We hold grudge on those who don’t like us. We don’t forgive but walk in hate. But that is not what God has called us in to. This is not his will for our lives. This is not what he sent his son to be crucified on the cross for us.

I pray that may God have mercy on our souls. Especially to those who bring the temptation. I mean how great our sins would be in front of Jesus. I would say that in all of this I have learned that nothing is too good. Nothing is comparable with God’s love.

And as for flesh and blood, I hate it. Thinking about it is death and destruction. How can you think of eating? You say for lunch we will do this and that. For our honey moon, we are going to go there and do stuff. Keep what you know for yourself. Do you have any idea the level of how open you should be? Talking about our past experience, our past even mentioning the past is a great weakness. Whoever life it is. I mean it is pain after all and it has nothing to do with the future.

Paul said it precisely:

I forget the past and only stretch towards the future to hold what the Lord has prepared for me.

Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, -Philippians 3:13

If you want to talk about tomorrow, talk about hope in the Lord. If you want to talk about anything, talk about love. You will never go wrong with love. 

Once in a while we forget about your love. So much you teach us and so much you love us. How can we forget that we are forgiven?  How come we fail to express our love to others? Where does our proud come from? How is hate found in us after all God has been so merciful to us? How would God treat us from now on? 

As I have not done what I have promised to you that is to be humble and loving as little children. Please forgive me father. I couldn’t express love as the true love you have shown me. I know it is placed somewhere in me. But yet I am closed to those who need it most. I am not cold or hot. I am a Luke worm and the Lord is going to spit me out of his mouth. 

We have a promise from God to be loved unconditionally, to get support in our needs, to be honored and rewarded, to laugh with us and cry with us, to bless what we love and to curse what we hate and to be cherished for as long as we shall live.

It is not only the superficial forgiveness the Lord expect from us. He wants us to forgive from our heart and to love those who mistreat us knowingly or unknowingly. This doesn’t mean we have be always a victim of their wickedness. We have to know how to live wisely in this wicked world like a serpent and a dove and directed by the Holy Spirit all the time.


He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love. 1 John 4:8


But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.Matthew 6:15


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