How much worth does your spouse has in your eyes?Edit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 23, 2016  Hits: 4,412   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-


If you know that you have to pay a price for the safety of your spouse and comfort; If you know there is a sacrifice that you have to make for your spouse happiness and enjoyment; If you understand that your spouse has demanded love and respect from you;

How are you willing to address these issues to keep the fire of love keeps burning in your home?

Most of the issues with a marital relationship are based on the value of the relationship one has with his/her spouse.

The value you give to your marriage determines the sacrifice you will pay to save the marriage when it is in jeopardy. It also determines how much sacrifice you pay to keep it safe and secure from the troubles of the world.

You need to evaluate and understand the love of your life (wife or husband) as soon as possible if you have not done it already because it will guide you to make an effort to cherish, care and nourish what you have with the rest of your life.

Without a deep revelation of one’s love, it will be impossible to protect, serve and love appropriately.

Your spouse worth more than anything you have ever accumulated in life. He/She is invaluable to you.

You cannot win her soul with a lot of materials. Neither can you brought back what is lost with years of agony and weeping.

Your love is a true blessing from the Lord. She is even beyond the love for your children since she has brought them to this world risking her life just to make the love of her life a little happier.

In return, she deserves the respect and love from her husband and she loves to know how much worth she has in the eyes of her man.

Same is true for wives. Husband wants to know how much value his wife gives for his dedication and love for his family. He wants to be 100% sure that his wife gives him all the support he needs to fulfill his duties as a husband. That will be possible if the wife already figures out how much a husband would cost her if she accidentally lose him.

All the nasty criticism or nagging or discouragement doesn’t prove any point to your spouse. Instead, they have the power to negatively interpret and convey that you don’t consider her/him worth of your love.

So what should we do to make sure our spouse knows how we value their sacrifices

  1. Be helpful:We need to take the heavily lifting too. Don’t sit and look when our spouse take enormous stress in the house while taking care of the kids or outside the house?Don’t be negligent or irresponsible

  2. Don’t take risk.Understand the risk of losing them.This is to say that you have to protective when it comes to your family.Don’t allow anyone to interfere in your marriage; not even close family members

  3. Be appreciative.It is the little thing we need to do express our gratitude but it looks like we cannot do that due to pride or self-centeredness.

  4. Express the value of your spouse. Show her/him some love. Don’t hide Love. Let it shine. Express your feeling of love with boldness. This will tell something to your spouse

  5. Protect, nourish and cherish

  6. Take time to relax with your spouse by coming out of the regular routine just to enjoy the presence of one with another. This is one of the reasons whyweneed to spend quality time with our spouse

  7. Pray. This is the most important thing about relationships. The fact that you guys pray together tells it all. It cleans up the stress and disbelief that is accumulated through time and give you comfort with each other. Holy Spirit is the only glue that holds your marriage together and with out calling his name to bless your marriage, it won’t last long.

May God bless you!!


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