The Purpose of MarriageEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Aug. 26, 2014  Hits: 5,621   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Family is the most important gift given to human beings next to God giving his son for the sin of the world. Staying together and making friends and families is what is in everyone’s heart. We are created to relate and to socialize.

Even God wanted out of his good will to relate with us through Christ. He created us so that he can communicate and have a relationship with. That is why he created Adam in his likeness. The term likeness would mean someone who you can relate and communicate with. We are designed and created to worship and have intimate relationship with the almighty God.

Eve was created to make Adam completed. Eve was the one Adam was looking for to communicate and live with. Before she comes he was lonely but not alone. He was with all the creature of the heavens but he didn’t find comfort from inside. God wanted a fellowship and he created Adam. Adam needs companion (helper) and God created for him Eve. Eve was his mate in everything. God didn’t want a helper. But Adam did. That is what the Bible teach us,

Genesis 1:26 - And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

All of these things lead us in to understanding the importance of relationship especially marital relationship. But the thing is due to the nature of our heart and lack of knowledge, we tend to misuse this blessed and beautiful gift that is given to us from God. We have modified it so that it will conform our selfish desires. We get in to unnecessary form of relationship just to satisfy our selves but not thinking for others. What are you going to do with your marriage?

How are we going to treat the gift that God has given us? How are we going to treat the gift of God that is our marriage? We are love donors and receptors in terms of the nature of relationship we have with our wife/husband.

Woman/Men has to give themselves for their husband/wife completely. Woman are care/love givers to their husband and child. They need a lot of attention and protection from their man. You shouldn’t be amazed if your wife expects something from you.

The woman expects something from her husband and that is care and affection. Husbands need love and respect from their wife. They need to be recognized as leaders to serve and lead their family in the right direction.

Women expect something from their man. They need husbands to take care of them that is the expression of their love for them. If we understand how these things work and apply it to our marriage then we will be successful in our marriage.

Finding the woman/man that God has prepared for us before we were born is a real deal. Is there something like, the real woman/husband? Yes. Do you believe in fate and destiny?

Do you believe in purpose rather than having just anything or anyone? God has all of this for you. He is a God who created the waters before he created the creature that lives in the waters. So he has something for you that will allow you for a proper functioning of you.

That is for you to find him and his will. But then the next important task is to find your help met. I am telling you, you will be as half successful as you will be if you don’t have the right helperthat God created for you. It is not easy as it looks like.

And the Lord God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helper for him.Genesis 2:18

What is God’s will in finding our lives time companion and the love of our lives? What is drawing us together in forming a relationship with one another? What makess one feel bad can make one happy. But anger will cause more problems. We all do mistakes. We all offend somebody at some point. It is much bet

er if we are taking care of each other’s feelings with respect. It is not always possible to extend with love especially when we are not ok ourselves. 

If we are not praying without seizing there will be the time we make others feel bad. Prayer will make us one with God. Prayer with your husband or wife will make you one together with God. A little bit of bitterness can sour the whole relationship. We all have that little thing to be closed to outside and being very much unreachable and untouchable. 

This is when we get very much offended or a little bit touched. When you are in love, you expect a lot from the one you are in love with. You don’t mind others just ignore you or become careless. But you don’t expect these things from someone who is your special. 

When thigs like this happen, why don’t we try to communicate and solve the issue before they really hurt us? They say men don’t just talk about it. That is the nature of men. That is how they have been designed. If men can really talk their issue when there is a problem, then things can be much easier. That is why we have to be always open to solve what is baffling us before it is too late.

In conclusion, if the purpose of our marriage is to serve the Lord with all the strength we got, then we are on the right path. Don’t waste all your energy on something that is not worth of all your efforts. This doesn’t mean scientists and physicians are out of the plan of God. We all are created to be talented with something. 

Most importantly passion is all we need to become the person God created us to be. The purpose of marriage has to be seen in light of are we going to exalt God and make him known to generations? Or are we going to simply live life for ourselves and not even care for the house of God. When God gives you a family of your own, he needs you also to build other broken families.

When God bless you with children of your own, he needs you to educate and raise other children to maturity with the wisdom that comes with your family. God wanted us to continue educating our family as well as others.

The wisdom that comes with the Spirit of the Lord in actually living the life he wanted us to live, will make us understand his will in life. Then through this medium of communication, we will be able to tell his wonders from generation to generation and his mercy and kindness from everlasting to everlasting.

Praise God for giving us such wonderful gift with huge responsibilty. Please give us wisdom to understand and utilize the purpose of our marriage and as how to handle our relationship for the sake of your glory in Jesus Name!


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