Choosing Our Friends WiselyEdit Blog

By   fasika   Date Posted: May. 5, 2014  Hits: 21,400   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 7             A+ A-


Some people are constantly trying to disrespect us and degrade our relationship with God. They can be a good instrument for the evil and to minimize one to one relationship with such kind of people could be one option until we become aware of what is really going on behind them.

Jesus said, "I am not praying for those who belong to the world."

I am praying for them, but not for those who belong to this world. - John 17-9

This shows how important we need to take our lives seriously concerning our relationship with God and not allowing evil to get a chance to separate us from our father.

Choose wisely what you LOVE. LOVE what you chose. Hate is not on the menu. But you have the right to choose your friends. Do not hate no one, not even your enemies. If you continue with that, you will find yourself full of worries and troubles. You got to say, "No, I am sorry I can't", sometimes.

Some people intentionally abuse LOVE. They suck until their stomach is full and they will turn their face and curse you. It is like throwing away the plate that feeds them and cursing the womb that carries them. It is so disgusting and you should not be with such person. Don't eat together with such kind of people. What does darkness has to do with light?

Most of all, if you can't avoid them directly, do it indirectly by wisdom. Here is how:

Do not say yes or no, instead talk a very general statement.

Do not make yourself into an agreement with anything they say.

Do not find yourself in talking situation with them.

Do not eat or drink with such individuals.

Do not laugh with such individuals.

Do only your work and avoid communication as much as possible.

Do not call such individual or accept their call directly.

If you have to talk with them, make it directly to the point.

LOVE is for those who deserve it. Stop being foolish and get some wisdom.

Do not listen to their advice and do not take anything they say very seriously. Sometimes even false prophets will be sent just to obstruct you. That is what happened to the reluctant disobedient prophet based a story in  1 kings 13:14:

The old prophet found him sitting under an oak tree and asked, "Are you the prophet from Judah?" "Yes, I am. Come home with me," the old prophet said, "and have something to eat. I can't go back with you," the prophet replied, "and I can't eat or drink anything with you. The Lord warned me not to eat or drink or to go home the same way I came." The old prophet said, "I'm a prophet too. One of the Lord's angels told me to take you to my house and give you something to eat and drink." The prophet from Judah did not know that the old prophet was lying, so he went home with him and ate and drank. During the meal the Lord gave the old prophet a message for the prophet from Judah:

Listen to the Lord's message. You have disobeyed the Lord your God. He told you not to eat or drink anything here, but you came home and ate with me. And so, when you die, your body won't be buried in your family tomb. After the meal the old prophet got a donkey ready, and the prophet from Judah left. Along the way, a lion attacked and killed him, and the donkey and the lion stood there beside his dead body.>

 The prophet was literally tricked by someone and he lost himself for not keeping the word of God. And we already knew even the devil has the power to change himself into a likeness of an angel of light. So a very unique, strong and consistent kind of relationship is needed with the Holy Spirit. Choose wisely who can be your friend.

A friend is who is closer to you at the time of trouble. There is no true friend other than the Lord Jesus Christ. A friend of one time is enemy latter. People change and hurt you when you least expect it.

This probably happened to you many times before. This because the evil used their selfish desires to get to you. People who said they will be with us in times of trouble can turn their face on us at any time. This is the whole lesson about life. It is impossible to make a long agreement with no one. The wicked one is using any body to make us feel disappointed. It is to take your faith from you. If he can still your trust, believe me, he will steal your faith in Christ.

But many problems arise deep beneath than just the surface. They occur not at the time of rupture of sin and disrespect. The enemy uses some form of evidence to get to you. There is always something about you that will draw the enemy against you. If you can transform yourself into the likeness of Christ, You will be inconceivable and invincible to the enemy. But if you display yourself in front of the enemy, the enemy will take the honor of destroying you.

Always remember, the enemy is not a respecter of any person. Whether you are educated or illiterate, Whether you are married or not, Whether you are rich or poor, Whether you are strong or week, Whether you are bold or coward, Whether you are a child or an old person. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us the wisdom to choose our friends, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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Previous Comments: 7

Posted By:  Raynard shellow
Monday, May 5, 2014
Thank you for your blog today and the message that is well need to hear at this time. be blessed
Posted By:  Sophia J
Monday, May 5, 2014

A Very fine article. We really need (very very much!) such dosages of wisdom. Thank you for sharing! God bless you. Looking for more such writings :)
Posted By:  Eskedar
Monday, May 5, 2014
if people pretend to be your friend but actually go behind your back and harm you, well they are not your friend. love them as Jesus commanded but yes keep your distance! not worth the time and love you invest on them
Posted By:  Eskedar
Monday, May 5, 2014

if people pretend to be your friend but actually go behind your back and harm you, well they are not your friend. love them as Jesus commanded but yes keep your distance! not worth the time and love you invest on them
Posted By:  Fasika
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
We behave and imitate what we listen/watch most of the time. Especially we tend to be more of our friends. Friends have the power to direct us in to the light or in to the path of darkness. Hence if friends have the power to shape what we are, then we need to be more careful when we choose our fiends. Thanks and May God bless u.
Posted By:  Tewodros
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The lord doesn't want us to hurt our selves in having fellowship with bad people. Our Christianity is not measured based on how much we get hurt while we try to be friends with the world. In fact the word of God strictly stated that we cannot be friends with the world and with God at the same time. Friendship with the world is enmity with God!
Posted By:  Tewodros
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
The lord doesn't want us to hurt our selves in having fellowship with bad people. Our Christianity is not measured based on how much we get hurt while we try to be friends with the world. In fact the word of God strictly stated that we cannot be friends with the world and with God at the same time. Friendship with the world is enmity with God!

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