The Words of Faith and HopeEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Aug. 13, 2014  Hits: 5,213   Category:  Family and Friends   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Our words whether it the thoughtfulness and kindness or all form of bitterness and anger, it will build or destroy our relationship one way or the other. The gateway through our lives is our heart through our senses. It is also true that our lives is completely fall upon about what we think and experience on a daily basis.

Words alone will not produce any fruit. But words of faith backed up with constructive actions will produce good results. I would like to discuss the benefits of speaking with care that can positively affect our lives and the lives of others.

I think no one has enough wisdom to differentiate every evil thing from good but the Spirit of God in us knows everything. No one can tell the danger that is about to come except God can guide you through all of your difficulties and challenges in life.

Our words that come from our mouth are direct results of the current state of our heart. They are one of many ways to manifest our feelings to others. If they are used for the better, they can save us from a lot of things. But if we use them to degrade and devour others, there will be a bad consequence that we have to pay at a higher cost.

We may want to keep our feelings for ourselves, but sometimes the tone of our voice, intonation, the words we choose, our gesture and actions, will show that one way or the other. We know from experience that if we keep what we know to ourselves, we will escape a lot of problem.

Open your mouth and you will be in a great deal of problem. Does this mean that we need to be boring and completely external to the family and friends around us? I don’t think that is what it is meant to be said. If we are going to enjoy the good fruits that life has to offer, we must keep our mouth from saying anything wrong and negative to others.

The word of God told us that we shall eat the works of our hand and the words of our mouth. Therefore, it is very crucial to know that what we say is equally important as what we do. You are what you think and confess every day. As a man thinks it in his heart, so is he.

So watch your heart very carefully. The words that come out of your heart and the words that come in to your heart. Both have the same power either to build or destroy your relationship with others. We need to worry about what we put in to our heart because if we put garbage in there, we will speak all non-sense and unwholesome words.

If we build our inner being with the words that comes from God, we can offer words of comfort and help when it is time to do so. Hence, it is very important to watch closely what we are exposing ourselves in to on a daily basis.

May God bless you for reading this blog and may the Lord help us in investing our time on things that have a good outcome to build and lead our lives for his glory and for our benefit of us. May the Lord gives us the wisdom to speak kind words to each other and not the words of hate, intimidation and frustration, in Jesus Name. Amen!

Jeremiah 17:10“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”

Proverbs 4:23Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

Proverbs 22:11He who loves purity of heart, and whose speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend.


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