Action speaks more than wordsEdit Blog

By   Eskedar   Date Posted: Apr. 24, 2014  Hits: 4,500   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-


WhenI was working in one particukar institution,I used to have a colleague who was somewhat a Christian. He believed in Jesus Christ but hated affiliated himself with any church. However, he used to tell me about his friend who worked in another company. That person was a Christian -and his life spoke it: he was kind, deligent a treated people under him with utmost respect and much more.What striked me was that the persons working with him and spoke well of himwere not Chrstians.They were impressed by his life. Ewnetegna pente new' yelu nebere.Iused to think 'what a testimnoy!'.

In a nutshell,non Chrisitanwill be in awe when Chrstians show love, mercy joy, faith and many other fruits of the Spirit rather than say too much about Christianty;I believe it will lead them to Christ eventually.


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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Fasika
Friday, April 25, 2014
I am always amazed how our action has greater significance than our words even though our words play a very significant role in our lives. Our actions do speak themselves. Our lord Jesus teaches us to bear fruits of the Spirit so that people can see and distinguish who we came from. If we are from the world, we bear fruits that will fade away soon. But if we are from above, we will bear fruit that is everlasting and can benefit many. This way the wisdom of God identifies us from the world and the world from us. Our action do speak on their own so let?s use it as a way to convey God?s love and everlasting compassion wherever we go and whatever we do. God bless you exceedingly above all measures in the name of Jesus. Amen!

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