The Reason behind SinningEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 24, 2014  Hits: 4,809   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Is it because we really want to make God unhappy? Is it because the rebellious nature of our heart? Is it because of bad things happened to us? Do we like to anger God like we want to anger our parents? I believe there are many reasons why we keep rebelling against God.

Sin caused by anger is more permanent than sin caused by our disappointments. Whenever we come face to face with our disappointments, we need to remind our selves that everything that has happened to us has already happened to someone else too.

We need to think also of bigger problems people face in their day to day activities. And we need to take this life as something extra. We have to despise the honor we can possibly get from this world to be a qualified citizen in heaven. Now, there are somethings that can make us angry even on the physiological level.

But they will have that power only if we allowed them to control our feelings in the first place.

Know the truth and the truth shall set you free - John 8:32

Some People come to disappoint us very badly if we don’t know how to behave. Things happen that can make us angry if we let them. All of these all together in abundant time and with redundant occurrences can make us fail. We should not let our physiology adapt to anything more than our heart approves which is through the council of the Holy Ghost. This is neither a game nor fun. We should never allow even success or failure take control of our destiny.

Our destiny is very much independent of whatever happens to us in this world whether it is family or education or failure or success. They are created for us to be there at the end. If we flip that to the other side, it also means we are created for them too.

The devil tried to destroy us once, twice and as long as it takes for us to fell. There is no better place he wants us to fell than from God’s grace. It is time we let ourselves come down and confront the truth little by little. He doesn’t care if we succeed in life, so we shouldn’t put much attention there to do them.

That is why Jesus tells us that success is something that can be added to what we already have. What is this primary thing we need to care more about Him? God is our first priority in life and what he wants us to do. He is our true joy and happiness. Love and success are within his presence. People look for them in the wrong places.

You may found artificial love and superficial success if you diligently seek them. I am tired of artificial love, don’t you? People gave their lives for having a nice car or a beautiful house. There is nothing wrong with these things. What is a problem is how one can live in a huge mansion without an air in it. Jesus is the oxygen of our lives. He is the beauty of our family. Without him nothing is worthy of our pursuit.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with wisdom in discerning the righteous way of life, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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