Jesus Loved Us while We were SinnerEdit Blog

By   Phoebe   Date Posted: Mar. 30, 2022  Hits: 1,121   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Friends, listen to my sayings. Before our savior died on the cross, he knew this was going to happen so he blessed us and wanted to be generous to us as a sign that this will be the end of being on earth for quite a while. And he willingly died for us on the cross because he wanted to reunite our relationship with Him.

Let's say you pushed your very own best friend in your house or in a random place and the following day your friend chose you in her team at school. This is precisely like God. Even though the people of Israel plot to kill our Savior, and turned their back away from Him, He still loves us no matter we do. But there is always a consequence in disobedience.

What would you ask God ? Would you ask The Lord to forgive the people like Jesus and Stephen or would you ask Him to punish them? Well, it's your opinion to forgive or not. Making the Lord happy is all he needs from you. Not turning to idols and disobey him, just listen to his commands and just sit tight.

I hope you all understand me but, I know how we all face difficulties and stuff like that but others don't. That's how I feel too. However, when we think about how Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, we can feel better again. (Or if that can't help take 3 deep breaths.)

Here is the moral of this story. Like the title, I can repeat it. Jesus' purpose on earth was to bless and be generous for every human generation.



 But God proves His love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.  --Romans 5:8





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