Love Makes Us Cry in Our BedsEdit Blog

By   fasika   Date Posted: Jun. 11, 2014  Hits: 5,321   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


When we found our selves always under the presence of the Spirit of God, we may ask the question: why we love God and exceedingly much far better, why he loves us?

Is it because he is our only provider? Is it because we saw him divide the oceans and admonish the waves in his mighty voice? Is it because we have no where to go?

Is it because we are poor in the spirit and he is always our provider. Is it because our faith in us is strong? What is it? Why do we love you? Why we keep insisting to be in love with you and you are always with us?

When we were only a child, we had a very strong feeling of love for you but wild. But still the love of your name makes us cry at night. Even now we want to make you happy in the ways we know better. Even now we have great desire for your consolidation.

When we were only a child, we were mad at you few times when things didn't go the way we were expecting and the devil really used those opportunities.

If you weren't come back and take us in your arms and kissed us with the sweet love that comes from your mouth, we wont be here today. If it weren't for your mercy that is exceedingly deeper than the deepest ocean in the world, we would end up dead in our sins.

But yet you have always made us feel better because you know what to do with us when we are angry. In all of our sufferings of the world, we have seen your everlasting love.

You have used every opportunity to reveal your self to us in the past. You have used everything we know to show us your love. The love and respect we have from others is because of you. We come to realize even the great things we have in life were not good if it wasn't for you.

Even the sweetest moments of our lives were created by you. We had put our trust to love on somebody but you proved us wrong. You are our love forever. We would not find pleasure on our own.

We could be blessed with many children. We could be blessed by a beautiful, wise and obedient wife and loving husband. But still God is the crown of our lives.God is jealous God in a certain way we would understand. It is not a selfish jealousy. He is Lord Almighty God and he doesn't need anything from nobody.

You are the creator and you don't envy anyone. But whenever one knows love, he will come to understand jealousy of a certain kind. If you really love your wife, would you be willing to share her with somebody?

Even sinners do not want to do that. Now God has allowed certain things to take control our lives. When it comes to love, our full hearts should be given to him. No money, education, friends, family, or any other thing has power over us to rule over us.

We shouldn't love them as we love God. If we start to do that, we will fail. What will happen next is simple. God will take them from us so that he can get our full attention. I mean if he loves us, he will do that for us like a husband to a wife or a father to his children. Since all of them are not real. All of them are ways to understand his love for us.

If somebody tells you that you got to use all your desires to be successful in life, don't believe it. I mean we will be successful but still we won't have God.

There is no way you will find him by putting him second. After all, what good is it to for us if we gain the whole world but lose our souls?To be better pronouncing this concept in light of love:What good is to gain everything but to lose the very thing our soul wants always?

If you don't love God from the beginning, I don't know what to say about that. But we are all forcefully taken out of his presence because of our sinful nature. We are stranded because we are disobedient sons and daughter of the Lord. What better thing is it to us than to get back to him and live with him.

We have no where to go Lord. We have found out that nothing will be good enough fo

us. You take all the glory and may your Spirit and love fully control our heart. Beloved we give you honor and praise and lovingly we worship you forever in the name of Jesus.


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