There is always a solution through GodEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: May. 24, 2015  Hits: 4,099   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


I learned that the problem we experience in life stays there as long as we want it to be there. Hence take no action to change it. Moreover, we don’t want to change our situation since we put much interest in our way of thinking. We put too much reason not to try again after we fall. We know excuses are not answers to our problem. May be we are afraid not to fall again. We like being who we are now.

For winners, getting up again is not a problem. Failing is not an option. No matter how and how many times they fail. There is still time for winning. The battle is not over until they win. They have always saved little energy to ignite their next attempt.

They believe there is always a second chance for those who want to try one more times. They don’t worry too much for tomorrow as tomorrow comes too soon. Winners are those who wait on to the Lord patiently and renew their strength to try again to succeed in the kingdom of God.

The things in life could be dangerous in a way that we could have ended up dead. On the other hand the true glory is if only we could overcome this with the help of Jesus. If we only follow as God tells us and you will be out of our impossibilities.

We can defeat the enemy and go to the next level by establishing father – son relationship with God through Christ Jesus. Avoiding the problem itself or getting knocked down every time will not take us to the next level. We should be able to face our enemy watching his move every second. Don’t forget God always checks what we can do with our family, money and time.

Money is a delegated power given to us by God and God watches us that if we can handle that without abusing it. Time is a valuable resource and he wants us to use it very wisely. The wrong usage of either money or time is an abuse and we cannot be trustworthy. Trust comes from experience.

You trust someone if you know him well and for a long period of time. It can also be possibly with anything we have at hand. Our possessions and everything we believed it is not truly our own. Even the ones who belong to others and we think it is not our problem to care: Even those who have more value than the ones we own. Therefore he watches from heaven if he can find someone faithful who can do all these without seizing. It looks like the concept of responsibility but it all goes to one name: faithfulness.

God knows those who trust on him day and night. He calls them faithful servants. Even though the enemy put obstacles on these faithful ones, he will not prevail. They will always succeed even at times it seems he is prevailing at them. All of this because God fights and wins for them who have given him their lives as a sacrifice.

They have learned that from their Master and their Lord Jesus Chris. For he has not taken his own way but the will of the father to prevail in his life even at times it is impossible to do so. That is why his father has given him the name of all name that those who are created for him and by him should worship him (God) through our Lord Jesus Christ.

God surely will renew your strength and enables you to succeed if you surrender your life to Christ in all matters. For will comes first before action. Therefore your actions will be according to his will when your will has been surrendered for his glory and for his name sake.

Holy Spirit is always there with you to give you strength and forgiving heart.

First he will renew your mind and your heart. When he does that, you will find a new reason to live and a new passion for life. You will be able to walk on your adversities and laugh at your enemies. Yes, he will renew your strength when you wait for him without seizing in payer in Jesus Name!


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If you are willing to give your life to Christ who is faithful to lead you through the rest of your life, we encourage you to pray this prayer and get back to us for more spiritual encouragement. Read More +

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