Spending Morning Fresh Time with GodEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 27, 2014  Hits: 16,740   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 2             A+ A-


How it is beautiful to spend ample time before dawn to have a reasonable amount of time with God? We need to start the day with a fresh start with God and pray on possible cases that will happen through out the day. The pain of tiredness, the cold, the shortness of sleeping time, and other reason should not be the reason not to do it. I think it is another way to measure passion and purpose and ways to please God in doing so.

A person who is determined to do something cannot spend the morning times in bed - Like a business man who has planted business or building a building.Like Nehemiah who was very diligent in finishing building the Lord's temple walls. More over this is the very critical moment of our lives and we must be passionate but not worried, diligent, hard working, and committed, focused, consistent, self-controlled and purposeful believers.

All of these can be achieved if you are able to trade it with your comfortable zone, your pleasing morning time sleep and care-free drowsiness. I can assure you, all of that will bring you a great fortune.

If you are not passionate about how the day is going to be, you will definitely have no idea what is going on and success is unthinkable.Do you remember the first time the Lord touches you and filled you with the Holy Ghost? You probably became Ghost your self: so to speak you became sleepless and restless, very diligent and exited and hard working individual.

If you were able to continue with that, you might have done many accomplishments for the kingdom of God. But after that may be someone made bad remarks on what the Lord wanted to accomplish through you, you probably got drifted out of home and family and got tagged with serious problems and in the process you lost your passion again.

Now the purpose of this journey is to gain everything back in to place. With out it, success and building a new family for Christ is almost impossible. We tried to be faithful. We do everything we can to install faithfulness in us to please the Lord but we couldn't still find completeness and fullness, not in every area of our lives.

There is no fullness with out Jesus. In fact those areas of our lives which look like perfect and beautiful are not according to our own effort and those which look bad could have been magnificently awful if God hadn't been with us. He keeps us, protects us and blesses us extraordinarily in anything we want to do and to accomplish.

Sometimes we think faithfulness is something that comes as a gift from the Lord which I believe is something we should work on and acquire. Faithfulness is to make a profit for the Lord with what he has given as talents.
May be love is our talent or persuasiveness or it could a good teaching ability. For some it could be their great communication and leadership skills.

Obviously faithfulness in some areas of our lives is hardly obtainable.People die like trees wither and die while fighting to do and not to do it.People behave like animals should behave.Well avoidance is the real medication in such deadly circumstances. This is like prevention is the real cure in the science of medicine.

There is no need to be brave in this regard. Bravery is to do what God said to do.There is no bravery in breaking God s commandments. There are two things to come. One is good and the other is yet better.The time is short and the job is very clear. Only you and your God know it.

No other humans or demons or other creatures know it.It also tells the way you can visualize, see, plan and accomplish other things. It constructs and builds your imagination.

It also tells your understanding and your precaution to the real world. It magnifies how you should see success of the real world. Always remember your greatest success lies in your greatest resistance where
the curr

nt is high and the waves are difficult to get by.

There is always a good spirit and a bad spirit coming to us. One is to guide us and the other to make us slaves. If we continue to hear from the Lord and disregard the negative influence and temptation from the wicked, we will be able to survive the bad days and we will avoid disaster that comes with the wicked.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill our spirit and mind with peace call us to his presence every morning, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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Previous Comments: 2

Posted By:  Tan Yeowhwa
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Indeed time is short, and there is so much to do for God's Kingdom on earth. So many souls have not heard about Jesus, how can we laze and take life easy? So many children are orphaned, so many are neglected! May we work and strive our best for the Kingdom of God, that many will be be added, many will be healed, many will be touched by the love of God. All these surely come from our diligence in spending time with the Lord, seeking Him for His will and praying for as many as we can. Thanks for sharing, Brother Tedy Blessings always From Hwa Silverpen
Posted By:   Tan Yeowhwa
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Indeed time is short, and there is so much to do for God's Kingdom on earth. So many souls have not heard about Jesus, how can we laze and take life easy? So many children are orphaned, so many are neglected! May we work and strive our best for the Kingdom of God, that many will be be added, many will be healed, many will be touched by the love of God. All these surely come from our diligence in spending time with the Lord, seeking Him for His will and praying for as many as we can. Thanks for sharing, Brother Tedy

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