Our Faith in Christ MattersEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Jul. 18, 2014  Hits: 6,164   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Abraham was justified by faith rather than by works.

The psalmist speaks about the blessing on the man to whom God credits righteousness apart from works: "blessed are those whose lawless deeds have been forgiven, and whose sins have been covered… Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will not take into account.

Romans 4:7“Blessed are those whose lawless deeds are forgiven, and whose sins are covered;

The sanctification of our sin is completely out of the compassion of our God towards us. For sin has entered the world by one man’s fault, it is by one man’s obedience we shall be saved out of the goodness and mercy of God and not by our goodness or righteousness.

I do believe faith maters towards our sanctification that the blood of Jesus can cleanse us from every sin. I also believe that a righteous life accompanied by faith is the root of Christianity and what it means to be a believer and follower of Christ.

If any man considers himself saved by the grace of God and do nothing but evil over and over again, he is deceived and shall not inherit the kingdom of God unless God still have mercy on his soul.

There are many reasons for a person to sin but the fact that they have been hurt and they think there is the blood of Jesus to cover up their sin and walk away without getting the proper punishment for their actions is untrue and not Biblical.

Christianity doesnot give a license to sin against human beings and against God. The blood of Jesus is not something we could easily abuse with out getting punished for our sins.

The Bible teaches us that there is an outcome to every little thing we do in life. Whether we have been completely faithful to God in all circumstances or not, we all reap what we sow.

If we sow without seizing in faith out of the goodness we received from Christ and by the grace of God, we will reap many good things that we cannot even imagine and eternal life in the coming one.

On the other hand, if we use every bit of information and every moment of our lives with wicked things out of hate and bitterness and anger, we will not go too far before even realizing that we are looking for the danger and consequences of our sinful actions.


  1. In this scripture we also learn that when God forgives us we are considered blessed by default

  2. No work of once own is needed to reach that level

  3. We are just the byproduct of what Jesus has completed on the cross

  4. As result we are considered now saints where the fact is we were vagabond and sinners who all rebelled against the word of God

  5. We are required to live up to the expectation by God that is away from wickedness and in love

  6. For every wrong doing or an act of faith, there is a consequence of our action that we must reap

  7. God faithfully bless those who faithfully obey him and rebuke who rebeled against his teaching

  8. The righteousness of man is faith accompanied by work and not work accompanied by faith

  9. The package of our salvation comes first before every other thing before we even think how to please God with our actions


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