The Voice of CelebrationEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Jul. 15, 2014  Hits: 8,567   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


In that day you will say:“I will praise you, Lord. Although you were angry with me, your anger has turned away and you have comforted me. Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.The Lord, the Lord himself, is my strength and my defense[a]; he has become my salvation.” With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.In that day you will say: “Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done, and proclaim that his name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world.Shout aloud and sing for joy, people of Zion, for great is the Holy One of Israel among you.” - Isaiah 12

My Lord and my God, my savior and my Lord who knows everything before time, how wonderful is the works of your hand. You were right when you do your righteous deeds in your son’s life. You were God almighty when you say no and when you say yes. We were troubled with our own ways that have caused us many problems. The ways of the heart of a man is nothing but trouble but you had known everything from the beginning . Yes, you not only made everything beautiful in its due time but you had blessed the hearts of your children with your mighty deeds. We were not looking the direction you have shown us only trapped by our ways but you have followed us giving us strength.

We now have made it to the point where we no longer live by the past but astonishingly turn and learn from our mistakes and surrender us to you. There is no greater love than the one you have done for us

Even now our faith leads us in to a faithful prayer that you protect us and we hold on to you no matter what till you quickly admonish the things that will rise up against us. My heart is fully surrendered that she knows it is only you, our Lord that has satisfied all her trust and passion in life. No voice can be good enough to shout the joy you have caused in our lives. No words are capable of celebrating the deep happiness and joy you have given us in Christ Jesus.

With him there is nothing that you haven’t prepared for us, our father. You have given us everything since you have not hold back to give the only son you have, Christ Jesus. Even if we are always troubled with the earthly things, we know that your love is enough . Yes, Lord that is the beginning and fulfillment of our lives and there is nothing that we really trust to accumulate from this world. But if we see your graceful face every day and if you are no longer angry with us, we shall live a prosperous life and there is nothing in our midst that will make want something else.

You love is better than life a true story showed to save the world which is by Jesus Christ. We exault your name we give you all the glory and worship bestowed to your name since your deeds are mightier than the ocean and your glory is wider than the sky.

True life emanates from you since you are the source of the living water that is the Spirit of peace and love that comes from your mouth. Your Spirit give wisdom for the simple to acquire enough knowledge to solve bigger issues of life.

Our mouth is filled with the sound of praise and worship. We sing the song of celebration since you are:

• The Horn of our salvation

• The Hymn of our soul

• The Rhythm of our lives

• The Theme of our song

• The Beauty of our face

• The Satisfaction of our hunger and thrust

• Alpha – Omega, the beginning and the end of everything

• The Desire of our soul

• The Brightness of our hope

• The Rock of our faith

• The Strength of our hope

• The Depth of our faith

• The Spiri

of Wisdom

•    The Utterance of comfort and consolidation

•    The Rod of favor

•    The Joy of our salvation

•    A mighty fortress at the time of trouble

•    The Wisdom of God

•    The Source of all creation

•    The Reason of our celebration

•    The Victory of our battle

•    The Light of the way of life

•    The Grace of God 

•    The Source of Happiness and pure joy

•    The Source of our Blessings

•    The Son of God that has brought peace with man kind;  The Prince of Peace who brought reconciliation with our heavenly father

•    The Lamb of God sent to be sacrificed for the salvation of many

•    The Lion of Judah who has defeated all his enemies on the cross

•    The Morning Star brighter than any darkness bestowed on our lives

•    Emanuel - The almighty who lives among us

•    The Purpose of Life

For all the different things that you are for us being closer than a mother or father, Lord, we got a purpose to live becuase of you. For these reasons we bless your name all the days of our lives, in the name of Jesus! Amen!


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