Why Our Prayers do not get an Answer?Edit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 17, 2014  Hits: 4,447   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Well first of all it may not be the will of God. This doesn't mean God is selfish who only do what he wants. The thing is it is much better for us to be unhappy and to get in to heaven than to get what we want and be destroyed with it. What we wish is far from what we really need: God knows what we really need.

For example, we used to get easily attracted to someone who is not the will of God for us. But we wanted to be with him/her anyways. When God gives, God gives the best. There is no sorrow and grief in God's gift.

Man doesn't get what he wants also because unresolved issues in terms of curses when we really screw up and accumulate curse on our lives.

This will affect the level of success we experience in our lives. In other words, curse is the transgression of Gods word - A more strong state of sin. They can be broken by the blood of Jesus. But some times you have to pay the prices too.

You see a man shall harvest what he saw. This is the biggest curse that was put up on our lives at the time of fall. But God doesn't allow eternal destruction with it. He sent his son for this purpose to deliver us from our selves. But as I mentioned before, we have to live up to the consequences of our actions.

When we really commit sin we will be in great trouble, troubles that might last all our earthly life. Paul said, according to their great wickedness, I curse them on earth . He also said so that they may be entered in to heaven when they died. He is saying unless they are admonished of their actions, they cannot enter in to heaven.


1 Timothy 1: 20

Some people have made a mess of their faith because they didn't listen to their consciences. Two of them are Hymenaeus and Alexander. I have given these men over to the power of Satan, so they will learn not to oppose God


It is better for them to enter in to Gods kingdom with one eye or one leg than to be a full body and burn in hell. This kind of curse is the strongest one and only we and God can deal with it. How do we know our curses are so strong? It is because it won t go away from us for so long.


Is there any way we can get rid of it? Yes. But this is through complete surrendering of our lives to Jesus Christ. I mean completely and if we live in such a way that we can no longer think for ourselves. You see like the level of medical treatment you need depends on how sick you are. The same is true with consistent curse. Some of us don't want to go to this serous treatment.

So we will die with our sins and go to hell unless we do something about it. Some put everything they have got which is their earthly life to be delivered from it. The decision is ours but we better chose eternal life. It doesn't take much to give our selves for Christ. We were servants of the evil with out our will. He forced us or tricks us to do his evilest things.

Our father is full compassion and LOVE. Remember that our curse do not make God happy. They are the proofs of our separation from God. But they cannot be considered as a punishment which will make the compassionate God cruel to punish us like that. But they are only the consequences of our actions. There are always rules and if we pass the line between right and wrong, danger is inevitable. So please don't blame God for your curses.

That will only make our problems last longer. Always focus on the solution. Ask God what to do. Let s tell him that we want to be a servant if not a son of the living GOD. Here is the rule of thumb. We will need at least the same amount of time we spent doing the curse, to get out of it. But Let us not worry about that as long as we start it now, today.

Resistance is the gap between our lived life and our unlived life. Resistance is what keeps us from sitting down and do our soul calling. Resistance is the most powerful force on the planet. Resistance can make us do all manner of unwanted things with out even knowing it. You don't know what it is and what cause your problem.

It can take any form to deceive us. It emanate from inside not from out side. It gives us any reason not to do what we have to do. It knows us in every way and it can reason out and rationalize to keep us from following our dream. The only way to run from it is to use the guide of the Holy Spirit all the time. don't trust on your self or rely too much on your plan. Validate your way every minute and the Lord will tell what to do.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!



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