FOCUS on Mental Health during the PandemicEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 20, 2020  Hits: 2,292   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Hello Friends,

Today I would like to discuss the issue of mental health as we are now passing through one of the longest pandemics in history. I would like to share my two cents about this issue. I am not by any means a mental health expert or physician. I am just sharing my knowledge I have gained through the past years from reading the bible and some of the articles on the net. 

From time to time we keep forgetting to give a good care to our mental health. We may be more sensitive and careful about the things that are in front of our eyes like studying or working or cleaning or eating.

But we may forget to invest into the sanity of brain. Although our mood and behavior change intermittently during a time like this one, we need to focus more on stabilizing our feelings and try to overcome some of those mood changes. 

One of the great concerns during the COVID-19 outbreak is we tend to stay inside a house more.

We don’t get the chance to cool off from a bad argument with someone by going outside as often as before.

People are fragile by nature. No exceptions. We all are. The problem is not only we are fragile, but most of us we don’t even know we are fragile.

The most important part of our body is our brain. We take care of our selves and others when we have a good healthy brain that can function well even during abnormal condition like the COVID-19 outbreak.

The more good thing we do to our brain, the bigger is the return of investment. In return we will lead a healthy lifestyle.

We don’t take a good care of our brain means we end up making bad decisions including doing more bad things that is hostile for our brain and become a stumbling block to others.

Knowing how to manage our feelings is never more important than the time we are now.

Feelings or in other words, neural impulses produced by our brain, CAN ULTIMATELY DRIVE US CRAZY if we don’t know how to be the boss of them.

We have more will power than what we think we can do to our brain. 

We can say SHHHH! to our feelings to shut them down like how a baby is calmed down by his mother.

Psalm 131:2
But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother; like a weaned child I am content.

Otherwise, if we entertain them too much, they might get out of control and we may lose it all.

Although not all feelings are dangerous by  nature, there are many circumstances during the day that we found ourselves in a tricky situation that the only way to be safe is by only de-escalating the situation by backing up a little bit and let the other person have his way. 

We are living in a fallen world. We don’t want to be fools and hurt our selves and our loved ones.

We must be vigilant in detecting what is about to happen in our lives and act very wisely.

The times are bad.

Pay careful attention, then, to how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is. - Ephesians 5:16

Never get out of your bed without saying your prayers. I believe God has the power to destroy all the plans of the wicked when you kneel down and pray consistently. 

It doesn’t mean He will not protect you if you don’t do that but when we pray we become aware of the situations that are about to happen that can be so tense and brutal if we were not prepared for it ahead of time in prayer. God reveals a secret of what is about to happen in our lives when we are intimate with him.

Abraham was so intimate with God that God said, 

The LORD said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do?” Genesis 18:17


Here are 10 suggestions on how to take a good care of our mental health


Eat healthy. 

This means eat only as much as you need and only when you need it. It is also important to eat healthy food. Our brain needs it and it is a good investment.

Take at least 2 hours walk 

outside with the whole family (if we are living with a family) as your schedule allows it. This one will definitely help your brain to relax a little bit from the stress

Get a good night sleep every day. 

This is very important as the brain regenerate and remove the dead nerve cells as we rest well.

Drink a lot of water during the day. 

Nighttime less water to avoid sleep interruptions. Water increases blood circulation in the brain, and it helps clear some of the fogginess

Exercise daily

That may release hormones that can stabilize the bad hormones.

Focus on your relationships

There are a lot of things that distract us from one of the most valuable things in life, family. Work hard to love and serve your family. Spend quality time.

Positive thinking

Surround yourself with books and people who are positive and love other people. Proverbs 13:20: Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm.

Daily dosage of Bible

The bible has a way challenging our thinking and changing our heart. It shapes our desires and makes it in align with God’s will. You will never regret the time you spend reading the bible.

Pray consistently

Never stop praying even for a day. Have a daily prayer time that you will have fellowship with God privately and with your family. Tell everything you want to say to God, and he will listen to you. He will not just listen, but he will change your sorrows to joy. He will carry your burdens and heal your brokenness. The joy that comes from the Holy Spirit is nothing like what you feel and experience from any where else.


Worship has this amazing power to lift your spirit from this world and have a taste of heaven since that is what we all do in heaven, worshiping God forever. I have heard the testimonies of many that worship has helped them deal with temptations of self-harm, suicide and depression.


Let us be safe and take a good care of our mental health during this Pandemic




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