God is the Strength of our SoulEdit Blog

By   fasika   Date Posted: Mar. 10, 2014  Hits: 4,958   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


This is the very moment of our lives to seek the face of God. We no longer control how things work around us. We are trying to figure out the direction of our lives. We feel so weak and afraid of the world. How are we going to continue like this?

The Lord has prepared a great journey ahead of us. There is a huge cup of destiny we should drink in front of us. But how are we going to get there living a life of unrighteousness. May be this is the path the Lord used to prepare us for a better purpse. But nothing in us like the way of life we are living.

It is disgraceful and sinful. The Lord doesn't want our lives to be like this too. It is sinful in a way that it neither does any harm nor brings any glory to God. No matter what it is, our soul hates doing it every time. We don't even know why we should do it. We are still trying to figure out the purpose of our journey.

Everything that has happened in our lives happened for a reason. We are on a journey that is way before its end. Still there is too much to accomplish and too much to fight the good fight of faith. But we cannot continue living like this. We cannot even tolerate the sinful nature of the world any more.

But still what can we do? Our flesh beat us every time we want to get up. We already took this as the Lord wants us to be. The sickness of our flesh and the weakness of our body is hunting us down till we surrender and give up. We still have to eat and still have to drink from the table of sinful congregation.

For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. Galatians 5:17

We want to flea away from immoral thoughts and the impurity of our heart. We tried to control the weakness of our flesh but we cannot do anything about it by ourselves. It looks like we have given on to it that we can no longer fight by our own wisdom and strength.

May be we have to find a way to live with it the rest of our lives. Serving sin with our own flesh and serving the Lord with our own spirit. May be we have to stop asking the wrong questions then. We need to give glory to God for all the things we face everyday. May be all we need to be is a person full of sympathy and love than do miracles and power.

Or may be there is another way we can live life without the sinful nature of our flesh. It is the blood of Jesus that will cleanse away the spirit of addiction. It is the Lord himself who give strength to withstand temptation. The bible strictly told us to pray diligently so that we shall not be tempted. There is a way we could remain faithful with out being tempted of the devil.

Temptation is inevitable but God gives grace for the humble. He hides his children under his wings against any danger. He will not allow anything to come between us and him. He is faithful to do his part as long as we are wakefully meditating his promises.

Finally let us all remember we are left to our weaknesses in to our own desire because we are in the anger of God. We make him very angry by being disobedient sons and daughter of the almighty.

Do you know how much grief we have cause our father by being unfaithful. Do you know also how much Jesus pleased the father by obeying him till death? Because he did, that he has established salvation for all man kind on the cross.

Because Abraham obeyed the Lord and was willing to sacrifice his son on the mountain, God loved him so much that he made an everlasting covenant with him to bless his generation and to make them as many as the sands of the see and the stars of the sky.

There is nothing pleases God other than to humbly obey all his commandments. The same principle applies to those who are disobedient. This is not to emphasize on Gods wrath and judgment rather than his everlasting mercy and kindness.

God s compassion is unbounded. His love is for generations. His anger is for a while. That is why when he punish us, we should not be hard hearted and turn our face from him. Rather we should learn how to respond to his love in time and praise him for all the wonders he has done in our lives. God is in deed the strength of our heart.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit give us wisdom and understanding to able to change through the love of God to live a fulfilled life free of addiction of any kind, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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