A Song of Praise Edit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 19, 2015  Hits: 4,309   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


I praise you Lord for the good things you have done in my life.When they have gathered around us to consume our soul.When the enemy takes us by surprise and when our soul gets frustrated.When fear consumes us like a fire and we have nowhere to go.When they have declared death on our soul and we have no one to trust but you.

We came to you by faith that we know you are awesome God.We don’t turn our eyes to the left or to the right.We looked up on to you as our eyes always look onto you.You haven’t let us down or make us feel guilty.

Rather you gave us hope after hope that we gain strength and not lose our faith.The enemy come directly at us to distract us and make us complain.But we do not take any of his accusations to our heart.Instead, in the middle of our tribulation and sorrow, we shout on to you and me make our suffering known to you.

Our life was intended to be miserable by the enemy.While we come with prayer and humility of the heart before you, we learned patience and endurance.That is how we learn intimacy and higher form of convenient in Christ Jesus.

That you will never abandon your servant in the hands of the enemy.That you come to answer by fire for your children who call on to your name day and night.I would have fallen a big fall, if I had concentrated on my skills rather than my faith in you.

Since you have promised your servant the kind of protection you have granted him for looking onto you my Lord.Your name shall be exalted and worshiped throughout the generation to come.We give you all the glory and honor since you are almighty and fearsome God.

We give you praise for the wonderful things you have done in our lives.Since they have been obstacle for your children to stumble, they will see the judgment of the Lord that will come to them.For the Lord has speak and I heard it once, judgment is for the righteous.

The night we dreaded the most has passed and there is no more darkness fallen in to our lives.That is possible because you answered our prayers when our feet was about to stumble and fall.

If you hadn't remembered us and listened to our voices when we shout out to you, our enemies would have swallowed us alive with ease.

Praise God in Jesus Name!


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