The Punishment of LoveEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Dec. 30, 2013  Hits: 5,836   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Love always seeks our attention. What if we neglect it?

That leads us to what we call: the punishment of love. What will it do is, it leaves us with that stupid thing we have in mind. That thing we can't take our eyes. That thing which blinds us not to see the truth. Love always needs us. Most of all it needs our time.

One of the most reasons why family scattered like a dust, it is just because the lack of attention to love. The only reason God abandoned us is the punishment of Love, even more than the fact that we are all sinners. In fact the sin of not giving enough attention to love is the most sin of all. So here is one thing we all must take into consideration

Negligence is the most terrible sin of all sins. Neglecting the calling from our Lord Jesus Christ The song of Solomon describes this as two lovers. Her lover is knocking and begging her to open the door for him

She, on the other hand, gives so many reasons not to.

What happened after that is almost a tragedy. Her lover left her and after he is gone, she started to find him. She never finds him rather some robbers found her and beat her. Since it was in the middle of the night

Now, Jesus always knocks, the door of our heart. He is always creating the opportunity to have a loving relationship with us. Exactly as the lovers story. And what if we neglect his calling?

What if we give reason after reason not to be with him? Not to kneel just five minus after a long day. Not to give our ways to him. Only then he is going to leave us to that thing we spent all of our time.

And by the time we like to talk to him, he is already gone.

We call him, we cry towards the city gates, but no answer. This is all because that little sun we call it negligence. Call it laziness if we want to. Because the reason the lady gave is nothing but laziness. There is nothing in this world more beautiful than him. He is our greatest gift from God. He is lovely, kind and gentle. Most of all, he already expressed how much he loves us by dying a sinful death.

Now we have some foolish response not to spend at least a few minutes with him. May be it is our busy job we have. May be that unbeliever boy friend or girl friend we have. May be we drink too much alcohol

May be we don't know what to do with our time.

All of these are not good enough to take away his love for us. His love is greater than any of these. Call him while there is still time. We don't live like this forever. There are boundaries in our lives. Our days are counted and known by God. When one sleeps and wakes up the next day, what a miracle it is! Just because we did it many times before doesn't mean it is the same for tomorrow.

We are here by his mercy. The sinner and righteous see the same sun rise and sun set every day. Sinners have only a few times before judgment

So let us use every opportunity to come closer to him. To identify with his voice and respond to it in time. To give an equivalent response to his love. May the grace and mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ lead us to his love. In Jesus name! Amen.


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