Our biggest weaknessEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 1, 2014  Hits: 4,540   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


How are we going to survive the wickedness of this world? How long should we fight it back? Sinners come and do their shameful things in front of everyone out of arrogance. They despise every one around them.

In the place we have our greatest weaknesses; the devil hit specifically targeting that point. And it hurt so badly, Lord. We don't know how long we are going to resist it. We don't want to fall on something that will eventually bring dishonor to your name.

When we are tempted with different things that we don't even know what to do or which side we should take or what choices we should made, we will all become worried and anxious.

But we believe you are always there for us. You have controlled everything regarding our relationship with others that we really don't understand.

We know for sure it is not wise to figure it out all by ourselves. May be it is all a matter of time before everything becomes apparent.

For us, it is good to fall on the mercy of the Lord rather than any one else.

We can push some things in life forward in life but we cannot totally avoid it. If we take for examples the fact that we all need to grow to be a faithful servant to the Lord. God has created in all of us what it takes to be a faithful servant of the Lord.

This may take some time according to the nature of our heart which takes some time to learn from the Lord, but we will eventually become fully matured to be a loyal citizen of heaven and a protector of Gods kingdom.

In my life I have come to understand that it is very important to marry the right woman/husband - a loving obedient wise woman who is exactly from God and a humble servant of the Lord who fears God and loves his wife.

If a little bit of faithfulness is found in us, the things that we need most will be given to us freely as a blessing from the Lord. Faithfulness is all we need to be like Abraham.

Do we remember how many years has Abraham waited for his son, Isaac? He exactly understood the will of God that even when he was asked to give his son back; he already knew what he should do.

He faithfully brings his son to be sacrificed. A son he waited for many decades. This is more than just loyalty, or fear of God, or love. This is faithful love.

This is like a woman should behave towards her husband. Therefore this is the principle for waiting to get an obedient wife that to be in faithful love with the Lord.

It is also another thing to have obedient children. What is the principle behind having obedient children? I believe it is to be obedient children to our parents.

In all of this we know that the love of God is true love and it surpasses any thing we could possible experience and feel. Brothers, I leave you with the word of God in Romans 8:37

"In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with these, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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