Holy Spirit is the source of lifeEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 21, 2014  Hits: 5,078   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Where ever there is the presence of the Holy Spirit, that is our safest place in terms of living a life up to the standard of the word of God. No matter where you are and no matter what you are doing, you can just call him and feel blessed. Holy Spirit will never leave you nor forsake you. He will strength you when you feel week and helpless. When you lay down in pain and agony, he will make you bear your pain. No one on earth will understand what you are going through in life than him. Not even you family not even you closest friend. He is you closest friend. He understands everything. He is on your side.

Most of the time, we will fall in trouble when we depend on what is the so called ‘human counselor’. Whether it is a close friend or not, no one may not give us the comfort and condolences as the Lord himself can give. In fact they can be a trouble when they turn their back on us one day and start gossiping on us.

On the contrary Holy Spirit is a wonderful counselor. He will never turn his back on you. He will never let you down under any circumstances. Where shall I find him? Where do I seek him? We will find him when we incline our heart to him. I don’t know how many times we have done that every day. Holy Spirit just speaks to our soul every day in various ways but we couldn’t listen his voice.

Isaiah 11:2

And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.

We spend most of our time on something that is no value compared to the life he can give us. We never have time to stop for a moment and talk to him in manner that we can talk and listen to a person. But when we do, we know he is so kind knowing every deep secret of our heart. But many who have already chosen the road to death wouldn’t want to do that because he will convict of their sins and they don’t want to confess their sins to him and become forgiven.

However, his convictions are not like anger full of judgment. His convictions bring life rather than death. When the devil convict you of your sins, he condemns you and you will regret to death. But when the Spirit of God convicts your sin, he does that so that you may come out of your miserable life and follow his voice in the light, the everlasting life of peace and love.

That’s how we know who is convicting us of sin. If it is Holy Spirit, he will lead us in to peace. More confession to him, we feel more relief and more peace in side. Less confession means, we are depriving our selves of this wonderful healer’s peace. When the prostitute lady cry out her inner most pain and trouble of her life at Jesus feet, she was forgiven. But how do we know if we are forgiven? It all depends on how much we ask for forgiveness. It all depends how much we forgive ourselves in the first place. It all depends how sincerely cry out to him with truth and hate for sin.

God is so much generous that we can possibly imagine forgiving our sins. So don’t say that your sin is bigger than God’s mercy and forgiveness. There is no sin that the blood of Jesus cannot cleanse if come to him knowing that is complete healer. He is a healer of a nation and the whole world. How come the almighty cannot forgive your sin. We have to come to him by faith and by faith we will receive our healing of sin. We have to take him as our last option not as an option.

I just wonder how the Holy Spirit is represented by a dove when he descended from heaven and testify that Jesus is the son of God. What a good representation of the Spirit of God to us. He is peace. At some point in his ministry, the Bible teaches us that Jesus feels this wonderful joy inside of him that is not related to any source from outside. I wonder if we could experience such a joy in our lives every day, how things could be different. The way we talk and love and see things will be completely different.

That is why we need him so badly. We need his voice daily. We need him more than anything in life. O the spirit of peace, please come to our heart and give us rest from our troubled life. I will make my heart straight with you. I will sanctify my soul and flesh with the blood of Jesus. Come heal my broken heart. Come feel me with simple joy that is not related to anything in life.  Because you are the source of joy that will never stop.

Holy Spirit is the third person in the trinity. He is the Spirit of God. He is the spirit that Jesus sent to us when he sits at the right hand side of his father to intercede for our faith in him. No devil can come between us and the Holy Spirit. He may tempt you to go away from him. He may tempt you to sin against him. But he is just jealous when we establish a covenant relationship with the Spirit of God. He just doesn’t know what we are talking about. He is really confused when we talk to God in secret through his spirit like a son talks to his father.

A Christian living without day to day experience of this peace and joy from the Holy Spirit is like a fish living with out water. We are just empty, dry and very clear target for the enemy. This shall dictate us how it is really important to live in the presence o f the Holy Ghost day by day to avoid temptations, sin and the troubles of the world and be led in to our eternal blessing and joy to our father through our Lord Christ Jesus. Amen!



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