Dick and Rick - Father and Son Love Story Edit Blog

By   fasika   Date Posted: Apr. 25, 2014  Hits: 6,187   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 3             A+ A-


A love story about a father and a son who have got a large media coverage at the time. The son was born with birth complications and is not able to walk or talk because of his disability. The doctor advised the parents to institutionalize him so that they may not worry about him the rest of their lives and just go on with their lives.

In the eyes of many the son was helpless. But the parents didn’t take it that way. For them he is the same value and importance as any of their children born without difficulty.

The story become more interesting when the son starts to dream to be a great runner the world has ever seen before. You may ask why or how he is going to do that with a paralyzed body. His dream is too big to even think about it let alone to attempt to do it for the son in his condition. But noting seems impossible for a father who wants nothing but the best for his son.

Dad thinks for himself that it is one thing for his son to be physically disable but another thing and much worse for his son to dream something that will never come to pass. A father so determined to fulfill the dreams of his son, decided to carry him in his back and run with him every step towards the finish line of the race. The father promised to his disabled son that he will be his feet that he will be running and he will be provide every bit of energy that the son will ever wanted to finish that race. He promised to strength him and carries him all the way to the end of the journey of faith and life.

The son accompanied by his father has to only enjoy while his father took him to every ditch and challenge of life that could make him fall apart and stay away from the journey of life. The father was focused to win the race which brings joy multiple folds than just to attend the race and they did it together.

They win the race of life together.

What a beautiful story that can change who we as children of God look up on to our father who is willing to pay any price just to get us closer to him. The story of the love of God that he has shown to the world through Jesus Christ is exceedingly much beautiful and beyond our capability just to imagine it fully and understand.

Our father when he sees us drifted away from him with the wave of life

When he watch us closer and knows that we wasted everything we had before; When he looks at us and he sees the color of our skin is faded away and the sparkling of our eyes is lost. When he find out for himself that we are too tired of life to live anymore and we are troubled with too much sorrow that we may even forget to eat.

Having seen all the above things and many more, he decided to die the death of a sinner and make us escape from the eternal destruction that he setup for his enemies. When the Lord of heavens and earth is our father and he loves us to death, we have to open up our heart and accept him in to the chambers of our heart and keep it there so that the thief shall not take it from us.

When we trust God to lead us through the challenges of life, he is faithful God and father to enable us finish the journey of life by faith.

I pray for this wonderful family who have a great value of faith, humanity and family. I pray that may the Lord keep you and strength and put you in his embrace and protect from the darts of the enemy. Good Job Dad!

God bless you for reading this blog. May his mercy and kindness shine up on us all the days of our lives!
May the Lord keep us with him forever interceding and protecting our faith so that we may live in the house of the Lord forever!


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Previous Comments: 3

Posted By:  Eskedar
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
what a great story, very touching. God bless you Fasika!
Posted By:  eskedar
Wednesday, April 30, 2014

there is a blessing in the Book of Numbers said at the end of most church services: May God shine his face upon you, give you peace ..I think it is called the Aaronic Blessing; may God bless you with that blessing
Posted By:  Fasika
Saturday, May 10, 2014
Amen! Thanks Eskedar. It is amazing we a have a father who is willing to look for us by going extra miles just to find us and keep us with him forever. You too shall be blessed with the lord's blessing

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