Art is Deceptive but Faith is for RealEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 28, 2014  Hits: 4,859   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


I am so amazed by the art of living of this world. No one listens a speech without enthusiasm. All day long they think about pleasing themselves. You cannot get someone’s attention without art. They are going to hell and they never look back. They would rather die than listen.

They pay a lot of price to get the junks of this world. Devil tricked them with the sense of an art. They are dragging away to distraction with the idea of false freedom and faked pleasure. I saw many who can’t compromise with their happiness. They all are self-centered and for that purpose they live. They can’t think outside of their ego and they care not for others.

They are willing to reward someone who can affect their lives in a negative way. But God honestly and truly has invited every one, free of charge and with his two hands opened. All the time he is ready to take you back. But I say this with hopelessness that no one wants to returns from his own ways. No one wants to listen to the calm voice of the Lord and no one even cares that there is a savior for the lost. No one astonishingly believes that someone out there gives everything to save us.

There are times when people would rather pay their own money and spent their time with the evil than to turn back to Lord and repent their sins by hearing the calm voice of the Lord. Some start to talk against the word of God that comes to them. Some insult the servants of the Lord. Why because they feel like they are distracted from their own ways by God. When I see all of this I realize that punishment is for real.

In its due time God will punish everyone who is rebelling against his will for our lives. We only have a relatively small amount of time to turn from our evil ways and come back to our father who is always ready to love us in the same way he loved us before. His love for our lives never changes never ends.

His promises are not like human promises that will break. They are everlasting peace, joy and rest for our soul. We are created to form everlasting relationship with our father not to live in solitude.
And as of these selfish desires of ours, they will never get satisfied nor can we feel the joy and happiness from the garbage we desire to fill our selves except through our Lord Jesus Christ.

God’s wrath on the wicked is real. Let us not fake ourselves in to believing the wrong message from the devil. Let us be fruitful and productive by spending our valuable time doing the right thing our soul wanted to do through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Having done all of that, let’s come to him who gives grace to the humble and tell him, “My Lord I have done the work you have prepared for me before I was formed in my mother’s womb. I am so lucky to be an instrument of hope, faith and love. I am so delighted to be used by you for your glory. Let my days end worshiping your true nature with all my strength and might. In the name of Jesus”

The Spirt of the Lord is calling us to his presence every day. The Holy Spirt always telling us,
“Please don’t take any of that garbage from the world that is simply out there in the name of having fun and entertainment. Too much of that garbage can suffocate our soul and spirit and ultimately can permanently distract our fellowship with the Holy Ghost.”

May God bless you and give you grace to spend all your time worshiping his true glory forever, in Jesus name, Amen!

1 John 4:1
Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Jude 1:7
Just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding cities, which likewise indulged in sexual immorality and pursued unnatural desire, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.


e sent prophets to them, to bring them again to the Lord; and they testified against them: but they would not give ear


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