freedom from guiltEdit Blog

By   Eskedar   Date Posted: May. 6, 2014  Hits: 4,424   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-


One of the greatest things about being born again is the previlege of not living in guilt. I used to feel guilty about every mistake I made before I accepted Jesus in my life. How bothersome it was and a great hindrance to my life. Oh how amazing it was ,I accepted Jesus and I was free from the burden of guilt. It was astouding because it proved to me that Jesus was atually real. He washed -and still washes my sins away and gives me a clear conscience.

Christiantity does not give one a liscence to sin. Jesus does not want us to sin, yet He forgives us when we do. The blood of Jesus is powerful and it works. There is the conviciton of the Holy Spirit that directs us to the right way. However, there is no burden of sin in Christ Jesus. That is the beauty of Christiantly.


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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Fasika
Tuesday, May 6, 2014
We used to feel the guilt and condemnation when we didn?t do things the right way we knew. The law was the ultimate power that governs our way of life. When we come to Jesus, he gave us the Spirit of peace and love, Holy Spirit. And we no longer get troubled by every line of command found in the law. Instead Holy Spirit advice us to walk in love and accomplish the will of God in our life favored with grace and accompanied by his mercy and love. What a great privilege is it when the Spirit of the lord become our councilor and his right hand is with us to strength us when we become week. It is by his amazing grace we are able to walk in love with out the condemnation of sin found in the law.

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