Be Happy and Rejoice For The Kingdom Of God Is NearEdit Blog

By   Phoebe   Date Posted: May. 8, 2022  Hits: 1,148   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Friends and listeners of the Lord,

Let's celebrate that we have been welcomed by the Holy One and that when we are put in The "New Jerusalem" , we are and we will, live there forever more.

The God, God of Abraham, God of Isaac and The God of Jacob, is going to make the old Jerusalem a new and better place for us when we, the disciples of Jesus, are there. He will leave the gates there open and never let it become closed for the People Of God are welcomed. He will protect His People although there is nothing to be scared of. This is how He will turn old things to new things. Like our world.

Here is the moral of the whole lesson. Like the title, I may repeat it. "Be Happy And Rejoice For The Kingdom Of God Is Near."


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