The Woman I worked withEdit Blog

By   Eskedar   Date Posted: Apr. 27, 2014  Hits: 4,386   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-


I rememeber saying my previous colleague told me about a great Christian fellow whose Chrstian life shone among the non believers. I also worked with a Christian lady who had impressed me immensely.

Well from where shall I start? Firstly, she was deligent. Not only performed her tasks, but was also very willing to go out of her way to help others.

Secondly, she listened to the problems of others includung mine and strived to solve them- that is ofcouse -in her spare time. She prayed for me and took me toprayer centers.

Thridly, she was persecuted for Jesus from her family members-very hearbreaking. Yet, her faith was intact.

Fourthly, she read her Bible and spiritual booksduring some of her lunch breaks and when business was slow.Furthermore, sheused to tell me ' Eskedar, do you know that we are going to reign with Jesus for a thousand year? '(This was in reference to the second coming of Jesus and the Book of Revelations). As she spoke, I could read the joy and excitment form her face. She used to astonish me because I was not focused in the second coming of Jesus but on my day yo day Christian life in this world.

Fifthy, she was struggling with life's challenges and disappointments but remained a Christian.

Last but not least, she was fun to be around with and we had great laughs.

In summary, she was an examplary Christian to me.


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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Teddy
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Our forefathers who led us in to faith by following the footsteps of Jesus themselves enriched our faith by living a Godly life. They inspired us to accomplish the will of God. They have been led and inspired by their forefathers as the Holy Spirit their strength and source of wisdom. They plead us to follow their footsteps and to do the same for others. Paul described himself as a person who has lost everything for the sake of the gospel of Jesus and he motivated us to look like him as he looked to be like Jesus.

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