The Message of FreedomEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Dec. 28, 2013  Hits: 30,508   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


What do we refuse not to be called the son of the king of Egypt like Moses? Instead of enjoying the pleasure of sin, he preferred to suffer with God's people. He knew by faith that the pleasure he could get from the wines and the women in the palace were only for the moment. But he saw a nation who has a promise from the Lord. He saw an eternal joy and victory that is from the Lord.

Joseph by faith refused to sleep with his master's wife. Even if he was for a while a servant in his master's house, he didn't see himself as one. He was a free man because he knew where he came from and he knew where he was going.

He compared the little pleasure he could get with this woman to the eternal joy and reward. There are two kinds of people in this world

The one who will fight for their freedom and their rights and the ones who do not even care. Abraham even if he had no son to carry his name, he chose to believe in the promise of God. By faith he had taken what is his in the promise of God.

He believed to the last moment his faith was seriously tested and he did pass the test. Jacob fight for his right to be the first born even if the method he used to do that was wrong. As a human being we all make mistakes trying to do the right thing. But some like Esau; they have no feelings for their rights and freedom.

They would rather remain in bondage and slavery than fight for their freedom. How would they trade their freedom? With pleasure

There are also two kinds of people. One who has gained their freedom through Jesus Christ and want to deliver the same message to others. And others who stay in bondage and would like to remain there till the end.

In short, there are two kinds of people. One who say, "I care" and who don't. Those who say I care will stretch their hand and help a neighbor. Those who don't, don't. Envy is the characteristic of those individuals who don't care at all. But they envy those who show affection and love to others. They don't want to give but they envy those who did.

Is it because they don't have anything to give? No. After all generosity is an expression of the heart and not how much we have. Love is an expression of the heart. Money is an instrument for an expression of the heart. Money is an instrument for an expression of love. Freedom is only achieved through Jesus Christ.

There is no name given under the earth given to all human beings other than the Lord. We all once threw into bondage according to the anger of God because of our terrible sins. But now if we are able to hold on to it, freedom has come to us through the son of God.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. - Acts 4:12

He has paid the price that was tagged on us to be delivered. It was not a small price that sin has caused us. The punishment for sin is death and someone has to die for someone to live. Jesus Christ did it for you, for me and for everybody else who has faith in him.

The strong form of oppression is to hold us on to the devils feet. To be under a hook for so long that we cant even do one thing. Well age matters, but more than that the accumulation of Gods wisdom. With out it, you will not have the energy to resist temptation- Temptations that will lead to sin.

Sin that makes us stay in constant bondage and slavery of sin.No matter how much we like the pleasure we get out of sin, it is not worth it. It is not even more worth than to be a free man.Let alone the blessings that comes to us with obedience.

We are born as free children of God, therefore free individuals we should be. Should we fight for our freedom? Yes, we have to. What are we going to do without freedom?

What do we trade our relationship with…

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d dignity and the right to be the first born with? It can be money, pleasure or any of the tricks of the world. God almighty despises those who do that.


As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. - Romans 9:13

But he will honor those who honor themselves and him by resisting temptation and flee away from sin. People respect others who have respect for themselves and for others. If you don't have love and respect for yourself, you will not have respect for others. Where do we bring the respect and love for others if we don't have it for ourselves in the first place. It has to be with us first.

How do you teach the righteousness we don't have? But if you have it, it will overflow and the neighboring will get the benefit. Love and freedom go together. No one shows love if he is in some kind of bondage of sin. Blessings are for those who make themselves free of bondage. What is impossible for us is possible with God.

Let's open to God and tell him what is taking our lives away. Whether it is an addiction or external force. Whether it is sickness or poverty. We need to inherit the kingdom of God, even if it is by force. We need to pledge, request, ask, fight and obtain our freedom today

The day of salvation is today. It is not tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. The kingdom of God has come very near to us more than ever. And neither a slave nor a spiritually crippled person will get into it. Neither spiritually immoral, nor slaves. Only servants of the Most Holy God will be there. Freedom is not free. Freedom is obtained by paying the price tag on the slave. And the slave owes the price to the deliverer. Jesus Christ is the deliverer.

Jesus said in Isaiah:


The Spirit of God is with me. To preach the good news to the poor in spirit. To heal the sick. To restore sight to the blind and hearing to the deaf. So that the crippled and the lame will walk. And the unhappy will become happy one more time. To free the oppressed and release them from the bondage of sin.

How much we owe him, we know ourselves. We need to bless his name day and night with the bliss and gratitude he brought in to our lives. Don't take anything less than what you are. Don't compromise with your freedom to no one. The things one considers an abuse is a good thing for others.

That is why we need some general format about the elements of freedom.
In my opinion, these are some of the things we must consider:
If there is anything which makes us separated from the Lord.
If there is anything that will make us a miserable person.
If there is anything that controls our lives.
If there is anything, whether it is love, a false one, or humans or a wicked spirit.
If there is anything that makes us do what we don't want to do.
If there is anything that is not what we want from the beginning.
If there is anything that will make us stay in the wrong neighborhood.
If there is anything that takes our passion and pleasure of life by force.
The list is not exhaustively mentioned, but it will highlight on which major areas of our lives we should focus on.

Now I can't give you back the life you have missed. Neither can I do the same thing for me. I can't do anything of my own. But I will show you the person who can. His name is Jesus Christ. He is the son of God. His name is known on earth, above the earth and under the earth. Every authority, power and strength has given to him. If the son of man makes us free, we are free indeed. Not only will he free us from slavery and bondage, He will restore everything that is taken from us by force. Blessed be the name of the Lord for giving us a second chance to be with him. Glory be to God Almighty in Jesus name. AMEN…3




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