How Deep is the Love and Mercy of God?Edit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: May. 15, 2017  Hits: 3,090   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-



How magnificent and awesome God you are? I cannot stop writing the words of gratitude and all the feelings of my heart to you since you are closer to me than a mother to her child.

Your faithfulness stays with me and keeps me in the house of the Lord forever. Therefore, I sing of your love and forgiveness all the days of my life. Words are helpless when it comes to praising you, O Lord!

They are not able to express the deepest feelings we have for you. We simply say Glory be to your name day and night since we don’t have anything else we can pay back for your kindness and generosity.

My soul leaps with joy when I hear your name praised in the midst of your congregation. I come to you every day with the spirit of thankfulness to magnify your holy name. I say to you, “Holy, Holy, O Lord Almighty!”

Worthy is the Lamb of God to be praised and to get all the glory He deserves, since He was slayed for the sin of the world. He was crucified for our transgressions.

Even though we were disobedient children of God and we were pushing back His love, but now we come to you Lord with all we have got since we truly understand that you are the Lord of our lives.

You are full of compassion for your children which you have redeemed through the blood of Jesus. Holy Spirit we worship you for standing with us during trouble and pain.

Thank you for becoming our confidence to see the face of the Almighty. Nothing comes close to him except by the virtue of Love you have cried over for each one of us to intercede and create peace with our father.

You have neither abandoned us nor condemned us for our sins. You rather keep trusting us to come back and convict us of our sins so that we can get rid of our crooked ways and make our ways straight with the Lord.

There is no limit for your compassion as we know it and you proved it repeatedly by pouring your grace and love in to our lives to sustain us from falling and from casting away from your presence.

Your grace and love have been the number one reason that we are not part of the condemned. You chose to love and it is by choice you saved us and not by chance. It is exceedingly far from our understanding how you choose to save us even if it is easy to understand a father love always protects and provides.

But we have no clue why you were even worried to save us since we were so stubborn and unloving in the beginning. We have no clue how much it cost to redeem us since we were not in your place when you died the death of a sinner.

That is why we play with your grace while we enjoy the benefits of our salvation. This shows how immature we are in terms of the growth we ought to reach in our faith. We know for sure that death is the biggest sacrifice one can pay for the benefits and safety of others.

Soldiers die for the freedom of their country trusting the freedom will come one day for many to enjoy. Moms die before they even see their babies during delivery believing that their babies will come safe and grow with one peace. These are greatest sacrifices built on faith on others.

Jesus Christ died believing that one day we all become children of God and live a peaceful life away from the curses that are about to come in the world. He saved us from condemnation of sin.

Therefore, we are free from what sin about to bring to humans that was manifested and seen on others who betrayed Jesus. It is also much better not to fall under the judgment of God after receiving the Lord as your savior and Lord since it is much worse than not knowing him in the first place.

Abusing the grace of God is a much worse sin than not knowing the Lord Jesus Christ. For if you don’t know the Lord now, you still have time to know him in the future. But after knowing everything that you should know about him and abusing it is something one must regret badly after he/she committed the sin against the Lord. 



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