Trusting God for his promisesEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Mar. 27, 2014  Hits: 4,961   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


It is always good to share an experience with somene we could trust as there is at least something we could learn from that with out repeting the same mistake. The things we shared with the person made us remember most of the good and bad times in our lives. Whether it is to discuss it or talked it through, we know that there is at least one person that we can freely share everything with.

Why we shouldn t trust a person and trust only God? Well the answer is we don't want to trust a person but the spirit of the Lord inside that person. Although there is still a 50% probability that there could be devil inside no matter how strong and kind that person looks like. So the answer to the question that can we trust a person totally depends what kind of trust wewant to put on that person. Still God is the ultimate faithful and you can always put your trust on him. don't trust person no matter how good they look because we are humans after all.

The only solution to our current problems can be solved by putting all your desires in to our purpose. This can never be much easier. The idea is use it or lose it - now or never.

No one is more than a person with dreams in their heart and always ready to do what is needed. This is the person who knows what to do at every moment of his life despite the controversies and difficulties. He has contingency plan if things go wrong.

I heard that people had what seems more important and I feel sorry that I don't get what they get. I want it because it is a good means of generating income which is exactly I need to do this days. Well, according to God it doesn't mean I am going to be successful if I do what they do. For the very thing it is sin to lie and as far as I am Christian and read the bible, I never heard something like lying is sometimes sin sometimes good.

I lied many times in life but I never consider it a truth not even a little bit. I lied because I have to and I repent to come to God s council again. This time I found out I cannot lie and I feel like I miss a big thing.

I need to try hard to make it back what I lost. For that I couldn't let my eyes go to sleep or my flesh to rest with out fulfilling my dreams first. Somehow I stuck somewhere just looping around the same, non purposeful, normal life over and over again.

Think always what you want to be in life. It could be your dreams, aspirations, family etc. Meditate the plans of your dreams. don't let any thing, anything to come between you and your dreams.

I know you might say that this is easy said than done but still what else can you do. Tell me, what good is to stumble away from your dreams in frustration. It is always better to find someone who advice you to keep going no matter what. That s what out father are doing all the time.

Our complain is, it always easy to say that but still we understand that only little lucky people get the opportunity to find somebody who is always there to say, KEEP ON GOING! Thank you Jesus! Let your will be done on to our lives. Be glorified father in everything we do. My wish is your will. 

We are willing to give up everything for you because we love you. Our family, our career, our belongings, and most of we ourselves. You are we and everything we have.

According to your word in Job, we cannot say we have or we are when it comes to you. Hurt is a joke compared to giving up our lives. We cannot get hurt if you let us know deep inside of us that you are still with us.

According to your word, anything that we give up for you will be given to us tens and hindered fold. Which means we are not going to die broke? We are not going to die empty with nothing to give.

While we are ready, please give us strength to bear the false accusation of the devil. He said so many things to us telling us that we are a loser because we listened to you not our friends.

I know father one day we will see that you are in deed our profit because you love us. Please teach us the right way to help others with out lying. I want your name to be glorified as much as we can.

Thanks God, and with you we can be anything we want. Just be there for us and that is it. Just the feeling that you are with us make us strong like an eagle. You put our soul in great stress to make it more strong and powerful to grow wise and considerate.

Let us ask you something father. What if you make things straight for us and our heart starts to turn away from your ways? Many go to destruction because of temporary success. Just a little bit of it make them to be arrogant or makes them feel that they don't need God any more.

... for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. - 2 Timothy 4:10

What a terrible thing that will be for any of us. People went to destruction in front of our eyes over and over again one after the other. They tend to love money more. That it is. That is the beginning of their destruction.

Father all our prayers which says we need to be rich real quick are wrong prayers in deed. We need you all the way up to there and please don't turn your face from us. We want you now and forever. We don't use you to get by the wind. We don't use you to make our stomach full.

Let our soul seek you all day and all night. We know you are the provider but we are not here for that, father. Test us and know it for your self if you wish Lord. Even we humans we don't tend to love one for the things he/she might do to us back.

We love you Lord and what else do we need. You and us are one and full. There is nothing needy between us. We are not fresh lovers. We don't simply produce words for each other. Our love is old enough to proof persistence. We don't live with out you. As long as there is a flesh around our bones, you name will remain sweet. In fact, as long as there is breath in our mouth, we will remain burning in love with you, father.

All this because you loved us first and you pored your grace on us through Christ Jesus. We are disobedient children running away from your presence but you keep us together once more again thorough your endless mercy and everlasting compassion.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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