God breaks us to FixEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 5, 2015  Hits: 4,000   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


God breaks us to Fix

Have you ever wonder why your life sometimes goes through tough times.

If you have, the reason could be God is like a gardener who always makes his garden looks beautiful by taking extra time and effort to make it nice and clean.

He even prunes some of its plants so that they can bear more fruits. Pruning is essential gardening skill that allows a healthy growth of plants.

The gardener has this special skill to protect and take a good care of his garden. Our father is also a good gardener and shepherd for his sheep.

Sometimes we fail to understand these things and we fall from his grace. 

So many times, he break us and smash us in to pieces and He then put some amount of the blood of Jesus and put His Spirit which is the Spirit of wisdom.

He wouldn’t ignore us and throw us in to our own selfish desires before he tries to fix us.

God does break sometimes to heal and take us to the point in life we are mature enough to be used for his glory.

When God breaks he doesn’t do it to make us useless but he does it to make us better for the job.

It is still better to have the rest of the body, even if one part of our body is rotten. This process will always continue until everything in us comes to full understanding of his will. 

When we put our eyes on you Lord and when we are faced with great issues don’t turn your face from us our Lord. 

Brothers and Sisters, please don’t let your fear come overtake you. But allow your faith to strength you and give you courage.


My savior please hurry to save me as my enemies are very near to me.

They have put a date and time to attack me and my family by surprise.

But only you can deliver me from their attack.

They may do what they want to do but I will continue to worship you O my Lord.

Exceedingly much far better than before, I will lift up your glorious name and praise you.

Since you are my portion and my God, the rock of my salvation.

You are my beginning and my end; my everything in deed.

If I become worried and anxious, my family will also get worried.

I don’t want also my enemies to take pleasure in my disbelief.

That is why I always worship you no matter what the circumstances are.

I decided to be happy and joyful all the time.

Not because of what I did or what they have done to me

But because of how wonderful and amazing you are for me all the days of my life

We celebrate the day of our salvation in which we come to know Jesus

We pray that day be written in the book of life with the precious blood of Jesus

Let no evil come near to our house to take our joy in Christ forever

No one shall separate us from the love in Christ and we shall not make the Spirit of God disappointed as he is the reason and evidence we will be in the same place with God where so ever is the place and time, if there is God in that place then there everything we want

Keep us strong and faithful O Lord and let the plan you have thought succeeds for us and nothing else does.

God knows that we are weak without him: 

Like a bird with no nest like a fish without water, like an eagle who has no one besides him, with so many enemies who are waiting for us to stumble and fall, needs to be strong from inside out, needs to know how to be a warrior, needs to hear from you, Lord, needs to forget his past, and stretch foreword to hold on what the future installs for us. 

All the rest we need to do is useless. Meaningless, that will be gone by the wind. All we have got in life and achieved is not something we deserve to have. We got it because it was simply a gift from God. So how much more gift do we want?  

They all were a token of appreciation. Like God wants to say to us good job, you faithful servant. In some circumstances we were rebellious. But we never escaped without getting the proper disciplinary punishment.


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