prayerEdit Blog

By   Eskedar   Date Posted: Apr. 30, 2014  Hits: 4,749   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-

prayer is simply talking to God just as a person talks to his/her close friend. It does not have to be formal. i love this fact because I can share anything with God: God I am tired of such and such.. help me .God I need guidance, am struggling in this area etc. I got this right to talk to God through Jesus Christ. My faith through Jesus Christ gives me direct acess to God like it says in Ephesians.It is a wonderful previlege. And when prayer gets answered, it is even more exciting. there is a well known song" I am a freind of God, He calls me friend." it is pretty awesome when a human like me can be called a friend of The Most High God-God who is omnipresent omnipotent and much more.


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If you are willing to give your life to Christ who is faithful to lead you through the rest of your life, we encourage you to pray this prayer and get back to us for more spiritual encouragement. Read More +

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Previous Comments: 1

Posted By:  Teddy
Thursday, May 1, 2014
When we pray to God, amazing things happen. one of the most incredible things I have come to realize is when we pray things become more easier to do. They become less stressful to manage. It is a great privilege to be able to pray and leave our anxiety and worries to the lord.. isn't? May God bless you for sharing this blog with us.

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