LoveEdit Blog

By   Eskedar   Date Posted: Apr. 24, 2014  Hits: 5,158   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 3             A+ A-


I have read the New Testament three times and have been struck by by many themes. One of them stands out - love. Of all the things God requires from us, love is the most important one. He wants us Chrstians to love Him with all our mind,heart and soul; and to love our neighbors as ourselves. From my point of view, if we love Him we wll be passionate to please Him. That is what God wants, a heart after Him. My prayer is " God I want to please You desperately but I find myself short of the power to do so. Please give me Your grace and power to live Your way of life. Then'I look upon Jesus' and become reminded on Gospel of John:Chpater 1 verse 14," tsega ena ewneten temolto begna adere". Jesus came to enable me to live for God by living inside me through Holy Spirit. This rejoices my heart because Jesus is not judgmental yet compassionate. He is ready to give me grace when I need it

The other aspect is loving our neighbor as ourselves. Wow that is a tough one I think. It is easy to love ourselves(ofcourse there are people who hate themselves). Meaning, we want aquire the best of everything for ourselves. We work hard to get the best material things:cars, clothes, houses, financial security etc. We also take care of ourselves to be in good health. In short, it becomes all about"me , me, me '. Or it becomes aboutloving others who love us back. However, Jesus' commandment resonates in me' love thy neighbor as yourself', andI am challenged by that. "My neighbor" may not be as kind and loving as I want her/him to be. The individual may be rude , aloof and condesending. So it is not easy to love someone like that. TheNew Testamantconfirms that. To paraphrase, it says there is no wonder if you love people who love you. Love your enemies. In other words, love those who do do not love you. Nonetheless,I am happy to live in the age of the New Testament. I can always go to His throne and ask for grace" " Bedekamachin leraralin yemachin leke kahin Yelnim. Engedih mihreten endenkeben wode tsegaw zufan be' emnet nekreb.' Ebrawian 4:15.


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If you are willing to give your life to Christ who is faithful to lead you through the rest of your life, we encourage you to pray this prayer and get back to us for more spiritual encouragement. Read More +

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Previous Comments: 3

Posted By:  Ted
Thursday, April 24, 2014
Wow! Nice blog. May God bless you and give you more and more enlightenment of his word in Christ Jesus.
Posted By:  Fasik
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Wonderful reminder what a christian should act and behave. God bless you.
Posted By:  Tewodros
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Thanks all. May God bless you!!

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