Temptation of SinEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Aug. 22, 2014  Hits: 4,895   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


The battle of sin takes a great place in a believer’s life. A struggle whether to please us or to please him who had lost everything for us to save us. At times when all we want to do is to sin, there is inner voice calling us to withdraw from taking action and give up into sin.

Temptation to sin is never easy to defeat. We will never calm down our desire to sin by ourselves unless someone intervene for us. Whether we cave in to sin or withdraw from it all requires a constant battle with sin with God by our side. If we develop a channel of communication with God through his Spirit, then winning our battle with sin is as easy as going to sleep or praying a simple prayer.

In this life where there is a good chance we could end up doing wicked things instead of doing the right thing. Education on the word of God plays a vital role in avoiding the bad things happening in our lives.

When God sacrificed his son on a cross, he intended we all could have a better life and better future that no spirit of darkness has no more power over us.

What has given us through Christ is something we can enjoy and safeguard ourselves from the temptation of sin. Before we were saved and found, sin has greater influence on us. We are dragged into all manner of wickedness and we found ourselves as an accomplice with devil’s schemes and plans to destroy and to kill. After we are saved, sin is powerless except the sin of personal will. There is a decree from God making sure that we are not tempted more than what we can bear.


No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. - 1 Corinthians 10:13

When a believer falls in to the traps of the devil, either he is doing sin willingly or he is taking God’s word lightly with him that will protect him against any instrument of the wicked.

Temptation also comes to us because there is something in us that should be cleaned out. It could be self confidence that is deactivating the grace of God in our lives. We are what we are by the grace of God and not by our long time experience or knowledge or strength. And if we are relying in our selves more than we can rely on the mercy of God for our lives, that is more dangerous than being unbeliever. 

The lesson that comes with temptation is able to rebuild us and make us a new person who is humble enough to surrender our lives to Christ and has compassion for others who are passing in similar situation.

At times we may also be led in to temptation for a reason. The Bible tells us that Job was tempted since God has put a bet on him that he will stand till the end. This kind of temptation is designed to shame the enemy and bring glory to God. It will also bring lots of blessings and joy to us since we were tempted but passed all of it with God by our side.

People one way or the other due to the nature of their heart’s desire fall in to different kinds of temptation. But most of them comes from the desire to be rich quickly without following the will of God for their lives. The love of money is the root of all evils and temptations. When we no more follow the will of the father and follow money after money, surely we will follow in to the traps of the devil.

One cannot follow money (the desire to be rich without limit) and the Lord (the desire to love him and serve him at all expenses) at the same time. One has to leave a way for the other. In this world, we have limited resource including time. Even though we have to work to earn a living which is completely biblical, we have to decide whom to follow.

If we have a zeal to serve Jesus with all we have, we will always have time to be with him and worship him. If we have a zeal to get rich with all we have, we won’t have time for the Lord and all we are thinking is how to earn more money. The love of money more than the love of God or the desire to be rich more than the desire to serve God is the root of all destructions.

Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. -1 Timothy 6:9

For all of the reasons we shall be tempted, we have to know that everything has a reason and it is all good for those who are called according to God’s will that everything will change for the benefit of God’s children.

In conclusion let’s always pray that we shall not led in to temptation that is beyond our capacity to pass it.


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