The Joy of GivingEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Dec. 31, 2020  Hits: 1,656   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 1             A+ A-


Friends, have you ever wondered what is the benefit of providing assistance for the needy, whether it is financial or emotional support? Whether it is genuine empathy or an actual help, whether it is a small gift or a hefty one. All these matter so much. It does not matter whether it is small or big. 

Many people pass through difficult times in their lives and we need to offer help as much as we can to help them elevate from their unfortunate circumstances. We may think when we help someone, we only are helping them, and we may not know that the benefit is mutual. There is a lot of joy in giving to the needy. we cannot feel it until we take the steps to do it in the first place.

In fact, there is a lot more joy in giving than there is in saving money and accumulate treasures to use it later for yourself. The joy comes from watching closely to the response of the person whom we have helped. Their facial expression, thankfulness and happiness are the factories of your happiness. It is not near to what you may feel when your saving account grows.

It also comes from the fact that when we give, we are lending money to our God who is the creator of all things.

Why, because the Bible says so. 

Proverbs 19:17 Kindness to the poor is a loan to the LORD

You see when you give instead of saving it for later, you are saying to the Lord that you trust his provision for bad days than your preparedness.

You are putting your confidence on him rather than your brain.

In other words, God is saying to you, you give them now and think as if you lend me a money.

I do not know about you, but I think this is serious business. When God is their collateral, there is no way you are going to lose you money. He is giving you a lifetime warranty that nothing is going to destroy you financially the rest of your life as he is going to pay back the goodness that you have showed to the needy.

It is interesting when we look giving from this angle that God borrows money from a peasant like you and me where the truth is we are in great debt of his mercy and kindness.

I never looked my kindness to others will make God in gratitude towards me as I always believe that I have never paid what he has done for me in Christ. Neither should you, BTW.

Jesus has laid his life to save us from hell and we will never pay that loan off.

But as a sign of gratitude, we should visit the poor and reach them at their pains and miseries and support them. This is considered as proper form of worship the Lord according to Jacob

Jacob 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

There is no way we say we love the Lord if do not even care about those who suffer in life. We should contribute to their lives and show them that we care, and we are here to help. We are all God children, brothers, and sisters in Chris, that God has born us in Christ. Let us not turn our backs to those who need our help while we can help.

Let us feel their pain and try to walk in their shoes and be compassionate as our father is compassionate and never fails to provide us with what ever it is to sustain us and have a productive life.

Therefore, in conclusion, giving to the needy has a lot more benefits that we may have believed so far. It is a certificate of warranty that the Lord will be with us when we are the one in need. It shows God is in full control of our lives and we trust in him. Giving creates joy and happiness that no money can provide.

So, let us do something good today by thinking about giving something to someone in need and go ahead and do it. God bless you!












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Posted By:  Tewodros
Thursday, December 31, 2020

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