The Desire for the Glory of GodEdit Blog

By   Fasika   Date Posted: Jul. 11, 2014  Hits: 5,266   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


How beautiful it is when we do all things for God's glory no matter what we do! The fear of him will always be in you. This is the next intimate relationship with God. You no more have feelings for the self. Instead you always try to realize what makes him happy and what makes him sad. You don’t seek your own expectations of what makes him happy. Instead you do only what he tells you to do. You don’t seek your own desires but instead you go after his. You don’t run after your wild dreams but you will follow him wherever he leads you.

You don’t hesitate to follow his laws instead you direct your path according to his will. You don’t try to make someone happy just to get attention. You make him happy first and all the rest latter. You don’t fear no one but the only one who should be respected all the time.

This is how you will glorify his name on your life. The name that have the full power on the earth and the heaven. His name is Jesus and it is sweetest than anything else. You start to live as a sacrifice to his pleasure not drawn too much to your own desires running away from slavery of the mind, the body and the soul which is only possible through the Lord Jesus Christ.

How good is it to worship God in the midst of his congregation? How blessed we shall be if we can really make him happy with our songs - a song that comes from truthful mouth. How blissful to be chosen by God for his own work. How blessed is the person whose tongue that really speaks the right thing at the time of need. How great his love? How wonderful is his mercy? He ought to be worshiped and glorified. Therefore we should go on and on praising him all the days and all nights of my remaining life.

After all life is too precious to play with and we should take all the effort to preserve it. Praying is sometimes the best we can do about it. Sometimes, when God requests something from us to do something or to just believe, it is because he has better plans. Moreover, when we are asked to do something we better do it because it is for our good he plans.

Sometimes God requests us to give what we love most just to express how much we love him. Like a father who gives something to his son and ask him back. We become too much focused and overwhelmed by the item, and we say we won’t let go. Hay! It is already God's gift to us and the thing is we better like it or not we should give it back and we know God is not a taker. He will give it back to us again. Let’s believe him and he is faithful to do what is best for us.

Focus is sometimes the key and determination and careful actions we should take make us wise and successful. I think the best thing to do before we really do the thing is to think the think first. Be reasonable in doing anything. Don’t do something because you just like it or because you find it easy. One thing should be clear here. You should do it because you know with all your heart it is the right thing to do.

Life can be tricky and tough sometimes. It can get ugly and meaningless. So the best choice is to stick to God’s plan as it is written to our hearts.

Please God feel us not just only with food and drink but with your Spirit so that we can speak advice and comfort to the poor. Our soul is poor and hungry to hear from you. We know you speak wisdom and discipline like no one else. All the days of our lives, we shall speak truth; yes that’s right, nothing but truth.

I leave you with the word of God. May God bless you and keep you in peace till next time…

1 John 2:4
He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.


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