Faithfulness to the Lord Part 5Edit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Apr. 3, 2014  Hits: 4,901   Category:  Relationship to God   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Faithfulness doesn’t focus on the enemy we kill rather it is about to use and depend on God's name to kill a giant enemy. It is all about trust and LOVE and hope and faith. When it is in our capability, we find no help. But when it is more than we can bear, help has already come to us.

No disappointment, no anger is bigger than faithfulness. But in these last days, pleasure is its major enemy.

Jesus said,

I seek not my own pleasure but to do what my father tells me to do.

He also said in some other place,

If you believe in me, ask me and I will do it.

Jesus gives his desire for his father and whoever believes in him.

The desire of a man is to his parents when he was young, to serve his wife (when he has one) and his parents when he was adult and to his God when he was old enough and wise enough to serve the Holy one.

The quality how good we will serve our family depends totally how well we serve our parents.The quality how good we will serve our God depends totally how well we serve our parents and our family.

I believe faithfulness is not a gift like grace or LOVE. It is something to work on and to build. It is something to earn. It is something to bring to the king as a gift. It is something we work all day as a worker. We do work to live, don’t we?

When it is to our earthly matters, we get up at 4 am if we have to. We know we have to survive. We do anything to please our boss or manager or owner. We clean and we do anything. That is faithfulness to earthly things.

But the questions is do we do the same thing to the Lord? Do we care for his feelings? I know by faith that if our righteousness is not greater than some do, we are not going to enter the kingdom of God.It is the same as unless we do as good as some other workers; we won’t stay long as a worker. We will get fired!

Does faithfulness is greater than love? Yes.The love we know is selfish and caused us every kind of trouble.There is only one true LOVE that is from the Lord and it is faithful LOVE.

It is not good to disobey the Lord by pleasing men. Obedience leads to faithfulness. Pleasing men is our way of defining love. Therefore faithfulness is better than our selfish love.

Is faithfulness better than humility? Yes. The humility we know is false and caused us every kind of trouble. Time and money are servants of faithfulness. When you are faithful, time is your servant.

God is Faithful. No one on earth, above or below is like him. Even Angels are not clean in Gods eye. Only his son is pure and worth to be accepted to him. That’s why he made him a burning sacrifice for our sin.

We find grace and favor in the eyes of men andand God if love and faithfulness is found in us. love goes until the boundary of faith.
Faithfulness takes over from that to complete the journey.

We shouldnt get too much reward for something we can easily do.
Rather for something we believe God will help and he will be there for us even if we think it is beyond our qualifications. Isnt this what the Lord meant when he said in the book of Revelations,

"Do not be afraid of what you are about to suffer. I tell you, the devil will put some of you in prison to test you, and you will suffer persecution for ten days. Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life."

Knowing the truth doesn’t make us free. Rather w

at makes us free is to be faithful to the truth. That is to persist and to dedicate our selves to it. Perseverance is a character that will be developed after our faith is tested many times.

It is like a muscle in our spirit and it will come after many up and downs. But we will never see it if we are hesitant and our thoughts are running on every direction.

By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. What does we refused by faith?

We should all refuse to be abused by the devil. He used to do all manner of things on us. Now, we should use our faith to cast down his wickedness and break the strong hold.

By faith we need to say, No, I don’t want it! I don’t want anything that can be bought with sin. I don’t want anything that will latter cause me grief. I don’t want to displease my Lord. It was good to know it and do it before it is too late. As long as there is some time left, it is good to say no.

NO! What a powerful word. We should start to refuse and to say No to many things that Gods spirit doesn’t confirm in to our spirit. It is not arrogance to say no. It is faithfulness to the Lord. And sometimes we can even do that without even explaining why.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit all help us to be faithful to the Lord, in Jesus Name, AMEN


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