Mission to Win Souls for the LordEdit Blog

By   tewodros   Date Posted: Jun. 4, 2014  Hits: 4,993   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 2             A+ A-


All we need to do is to win souls for the Lord. The bible says he who wins souls is wise, but how much wise? We can start from the same way the devil uses his tricks. You see, we are more judgmental and we are more proud than the people of this world.

I don't know how much we know about this but Jesus was humiliating him self just to save us. Sometimes, it takes all we have to win souls. It needs life to give life. Somebody has to die for some one to live.

The grasshopper has to die for the birds to live. The small fish has to die for the bigger ones to live. In our case, in Christians, unless we fall and die like a single seed of wheat, we cannot be used to save lives.

Unless we are completely obedient, we cannot revenge sin. Sinners spent all their time with the things they like. But we are not even able to do our only task on earth at least once in a while.

What is wrong with us? How convenient is this for the devil? Does the truth makes us more meek or more stubborn and proud like we do now? We were supposed to be kind and compassionate looking onto our father in heaven and how merciful he is to us.

Sinners have more wisdom in getting what they want than us. I don't care if it is earthly or heavenly but they are winning anyways.

How long shall I abide with you? Who cares about your anger in sin?

Your job is to save what ever it takes not to try. How dare you tell me you are angry because you failed one time? cannot you see sinners, for the satisfaction of their sins they are vigilant and hard working. They have so and so wisdom that defeats your faith .

They trust on them selves but yet they are strong as the rich or the one with authority and can take your belongings from your hand. You of little faith, do you know how selfish you are? You are only focused to save your self. If I was focused to save only you, I might call you at last. You were supposed to be a sacrifice to other. You were called to bear responsibilities.

I don't care how wise they are but what is in you is more powerful than what is in the world. Trust that; believe that.

How good is it to trust on the Lord better than one knows by himself.

How dare they take the Lord s sheep from the Lord s house? The devil is so offensive but we are wick and so much defensive. The Lord doesn't really care what we say or do or think or how much we loose, but as long as we are on this mission, our job is to win souls and save lives for the Lord.

Lets us be careful not to come to the Lord house empty handed. He gave us coins of talents according to our nature and identity which is our soul and we need to bliss the Lord by bringing more souls to the kingdom of heaven.

You are not the judge, let s leave that to God. Let us do only our job on earth before we return back to our father. Sometimes it is easy to refer to scriptures and interpret them according to our level of understanding and not on the real meaning.

I know there are scriptures who told us to leave those who are resistant to the calling of the Lord making the shoe dust witnessing to them on the day of judgment.
I believe to do that is being of little faith.

Our lives and our everything should smell Jesus. We should be a remembrance of Jesus to them everyday. May be what we start now is a good beginning but not enough. We should listen to the spirit of the Lord all the time. We shouldn t listen to our flesh.

Most of all, don't give up! What ever it is? May be our problem is we don't know what we want to do. What we want is what the Lord gives us to do. With out it, we are dead. Besides we shouldn t see other option to get out of this mission. If we must die, we will die fighting! This is not just a hard mission. This is mission impossible!

The issue here is we are struggling constantly with the spirit of irresponsibility - one other common problem we all share. This is the spirit of I don't care that is more close to selfishness. How can we sit silently when people are taken to hell? We may think we are free from it. No. Our salvation doesn't come freely. We have spiritual obligations to tell others what we have received. Salvation is free in a sense that we have done nothing to deserve it but it has also its responsibilities. We don't need to go to monastery after we know Jesus and accepted him as our savior of our soul.

Jesus said: He who has a light does not put it under the bed. Rather he will put is up there so that every body can see it and make use of it

Matthew 5:15 -
Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.

He is talking about the Holy Spirit in side of us. We hide it all the time. we didn t prepare a way for people of this world to see it. Now that is what makes many lose their way to God s kingdom. Our carelessness bring death to others in this kingdom, we are all one flesh one blood. There is nothing a such as self in God's kingdom.

We are blessed or judged in relation to others not in relative to others.
So if there failure is not in our instincts, Let s think again. If they going to hell don't bother us too much, we are in a dead zone and we no longer belong to the mist of the living.

We need to find our own way out of it. Let us not fool ourselves. God said he will seek their blood from our hand. We are telling our selves that we have nothing to do with it. But still God is going to seek their blood from our hand. Now this is a great responsibility and with this mind and this flesh we have now, we cannot deal with. This hard heart of ours won t help any thing. Rather we need to be humble servant of the Lord and ask him to teach us all the lessons to take us there - to make us able to snatch the lost sheep of the Lord from the mouth of the wicked from the burning blaze of the hell.

One other problem we all experience is the spirit of selfishness. Do we ever imagine of ourselves being this and being that and getting this and getting that. It could be something of this world or some thing else. Being rich, drive beautiful cars, live in a fancy house, and dine in luxurious hotels and entertain in world famous places and so on and so on.

This thing never ends. It is as worthy as agarbage at the end but it can fill our heart as much we open our heart for it. This all is not going to make sense at the end for those who has to put their every thing to get more everything they desire to please themselves.

We should never put our hope and trust on the materials of this world. Believe me when the lord destroys this world with all its rubbish ness, the hope will be gone by the wind. We will never see them again. Someone may ask what is wrong with entertainment. Well I guess it is all about self. It has nothing everlasting, nothing glorious about it.

We go and entertain our selves, so what? What good does it make to this world? don't tell me we like it anyways. How would we like it when it is gone soon? People say also, we will be gone too, so we should enjoy life when we still can. Well that is true.

But the question is the place you will be going is determined by:
The quality of time we have in this short life. Who and with what we spent our time for. The kind of treasure we have accumulated and where we prefer to store our treasures.

Now, if our time is spent on rubbish things that will be gone by the wind, then that is not good. If our treasure is hidden in this unsecured world, it will be lost soon. Therefore the spirit of self is the spirit of destruction. When we always think of self, let us think in terms of service to other. We are not created for our selves.

For those of us who are saved by the lord and followed Christ Jesus and keep washing away our sins and transgressions by the blood of the lamb are like the medicine for this world because we carry the Spirit of God in our spirit. We are like an ointment that will be poured on people wounds and they get healed. We are the salt of this world. People have everything but they don't have the Spirit of God.

But those who donot allow the the Spirit of God to take actions in their lives, those who are waiting to be redemed by the lord, have no true joy and happiness. Their fate is hell and distraction. Their way is far from the truth. We all had once gone astray. We all have sinned and separated from God. God cannot be a father of sinners even if he LOVEs them like his own and he mercy and grace has come for all who believe in Christ Jesus.

God cannot be in agreement with sin. But he LOVES you, and me. He needs you; he doesn't want us to live with out him. So let's all run away from the spirit of selfishness and carelessness and come to God with all your heart. let's be humble servants of the lord, let us be understand the true meaning of Obedient Love and faithfulness to the lord as Christ showed us.

Therefore we shold constantly pray that may the lord help us in this regard. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit lead us to eternal blessing and joy, in Jesus Name, AMEN!


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Previous Comments: 2

Posted By:  Tan
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Brother Tedy, yes go on to win more souls for the Lord, for this pleases Him So many are lost without Jesus, about 66,000 die each day without knowing Him. I do carry out tract evanglization here in Singapore and my target groups are the foreign workers. Most of them accept the tracts gladly , unlike the locals who are immune to the Gospel. Yet I will continue to do the little and will trust the Lord to multiply more souls and will raise more labourers for the Great harvest of the Lord. Thanks for sharing Blessings always
Posted By:  Tedy
Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Blessed are those who listen to the lord and do it accordingly. God bless you Tan for your contribution to the kingdom of God to win souls.

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