All we need to do is to win souls for the Lord. The bible says he who wins souls is wise, but how much wise? We can start from the same way the devil uses his tricks. You see, we are more judgmental and we are more proud than the people of this world.
I don't know how much we know about this but Jesus was humiliating him self just to save us. Sometimes, it takes all we have to win souls. It needs life to give life. Somebody has to die for some one to live.
The grasshopper has to die for the birds to live. The small fish has to die for the bigger ones to live. In our case, in Christians, unless we fall and die like a single seed of wheat, we cannot be used to save lives.
Unless we are completely obedient, we cannot revenge sin. Sinners spent all their time with the things they like. But we are not even able to do our only task on earth at least once in a while.
What is wrong with us? How convenient is this for the devil? Does the truth makes us more meek or more stubborn and proud like we do now? We were supposed to be kind and compassionate looking onto our father in heaven and how merciful he is to us.
Sinners have more wisdom in getting what they want than us. I don't care if it is earthly or heavenly but they are winning anyways.
How long shall I abide with you? Who cares about your anger in sin?
Your job is to save what ever it takes not to try. How dare you tell me you are angry because you failed one time? cannot you see sinners, for the satisfaction of their sins they are vigilant and hard working. They have so and so wisdom that defeats your faith .
They trust on them selves but yet they are strong as the rich or the one with authority and can take your belongings from your hand. You of little faith, do you know how selfish you are? You are only focused to save your self. If I was focused to save only you, I might call you at last. You were supposed to be a sacrifice to other. You were called to bear responsibilities.
I don't care how wise they are but what is in you is more powerful than what is in the world. Trust that; believe that.