The Art of FishingEdit Blog

By   Tewodros   Date Posted: Jul. 23, 2014  Hits: 5,009   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


Art focuses on the presentation. Art is on the display. Art is love. Art is relationship based on feelings. Art is doing something crazy and madness for the sake of love and respect. Fishing people souls for Jesus takes an art. Please never underestimate the power of Art.

Never underestimate the power of presentation. Never underestimate the power of unselfishness and love. It doesn’t matter what you feel or have in side of you if you don’t find a way to show your love for others, it will not benefit any one.

What good does it make if someone says he has a great love for others but couldn’t find a way to reveal it in its due time.So what is an art of living a wonderful and amazing life with others while we live in this world.Well first we need to know what we have for one another.

If we already know what we have is the love of God, we need to find a way to show this love to others and that will take a skill set to do that.Jesus told as that no one would put a lump where no one can barely see

Matthew 5:15 -Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.

Even the children of this world know that nobody pay close attention to someone with little knowledge of presentation and that takes the knowledge of an art to do that.

The children of this world exactly know what to do and what to say when it comes to following or achieving their selfish desire. They have blinded the weak and deceived other people by misinterpreting the truth with their deceitfulness. People are taken away to the pit of destruction by the so called art which is completely useless if there is no truth in it.

The funny thing is as christian, we don’t know how to even explain what we believe most and have given our lives for others in a way that could attract the lost and drive them in to confession and repentance.

This is not the only problem we are facing due to the lack of knowledge of an art. We tend to fight more with our beloved ones rather than kindly treat them with love and a lot of respect. We tend to criticize and nag more which is a good recipe for destroying our relationships.

We know our problem and our problem is we just can’t see how much they love us or we love them unless we simply reveal it in a very beautiful manner.

Some people are so bitter in their mouth that they will break your heart with few words. I would say not all people who are bitter in their mouth are bitter in their heart and are generally bad people.That is because some people just don’t know how to say the right word at the right time. They may ruin the moment by saying the bad thing or choosing the wrong time.

True Art is wisdom and wisdom is an art. Art is love.The content of our faith plays an important role in who we are and how we should perceive the future. Science is all about the content and how it is made. Science is in the details. But art is in how to present the content in a more beautiful manner. So art is the gerneral picture.

Fishing soul for the Lord takes both a strong foundation of faith and also a little piece of art of wisdom to present what we know about Jesus in a loving and kind way.

The key to how to do what we supposed to do is all about doing it with love and respect. The word of God teaches us to teach the truth with love.

Ephesians 4:15: Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ.

May the Spirit of the Lord teach us how to reach to the level we speak nothing but the truth and with lots and lots of love and not with judgment and self-righteousness in the name of Jesus!



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