Our Actions have ConsequencesEdit Blog

By   fasika   Date Posted: May. 30, 2014  Hits: 5,763   Category:  Minstry   Total Comment: 0             A+ A-


We cannot escape the tragedy that we brought into other people lives. We are still the victim of it one way or another. And it will finally locate us wherever we are and we will face the consequences of our actions.


This is whether we do good or bad. What we get is what we give. What we harvest is what we sow. What we do in secret, we will face it in public. The Lord will make sure we are rewarded or punished the little things we do in private.

We may think as a very elementary thing but yet the Lord will bring it to light. But wait, what is FORGIVENESS then, if I have to be punished and humiliated with the things I do wrong?

The Lord forgives us doesn't mean he will not take the appropriate measure to make sure that we wouldn't do the same thing again. His punishment will bring understanding to us. The real forgiveness lies on the fact that the Lord gives us another chance to be in likeness with his image.

He will allow us to perform in the same environment that we made a mistake before with the necessary guidance and help. Otherwise where is justice with out judgment? How can we get wisdom with out getting the right amount of discipline from our father?

We need to learn from our mistake. Ultimately we need to present our selves in front of the Almighty God for final judgment. There, there is no second chance. There, there is only either eternal destruction or eternal life.

So let us take a precaution on how we treat each opportunity of second chance. We don't want to see the blazing fires and the great anger of the almighty.

Even if the Lord is full of mercy and his kindness is with out measure, still we don't want to be the victims of his wrath. We don't want to found under the punishment of LOVE.

Punishment is real as LOVE is real. True LOVE demands true relationship. Therefore without establishing true relationship with God, we will fail out of his grace.

We will be the victims of LOVE and not the beneficiaries. In other words, if we obey and humble our selves under his feat, we will be saved. If we neglect his calling and follow our restless emotions, we will not find rest.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit fill us with these, in Jesus Name, AMEN!



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